The Live Feeds are back with the latest MVP nomination ceremony and we have the spoilers for you. Once again this week America voted for the third nominee instead of voting for the player they wanted to make the nomination.
Read on for the MVP nomination spoilers.
Big Brother 15 Week 5 America’s MVP Nomination:
- Amanda was nominated by America’s Vote.
Lots of drama as soon as the Feeds returned at 12:26PM BBT. You’ll want to watch and see it all play out. McCrae is more pissed than Amanda. He’s venting in the SR with Andy. They don’t think it’s America, they think it’s Howard who is this week’s MVP.
Now Amanda is freaking out. She’s pacing all over the place and talking Coup D’Etat and trying to figure out MVP. Amanda is very, very worried and can’t sit still. You’ve got to watch along and see what happens next as Amanda flips out.
Sign-up now for the Live Feed and watch inside the BB15 house right now!
Playing in today’s comp will be Aaryn, Howard, Spencer, & Amanda. Candice & Jessie were drawn as the add-on players.
The Veto competition is coming up soon and we’ll share the results as soon as we have them. Watch along on the Live Feeds with us to see the house react.
What do you think of America’s MVP nomination?
Bwaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!! Thank you America!!!
Howard still goes
Howard needs to win POV and that will get Amanda pissed off. Come on Howard.
Let’s all pray for Howard to win! lol
Or Candice. I am 95% sure that Candice will save him, thus saving herself as well.
then Spencer would go…
Yes, that’s exactly what I want to happen too. Candice wins POV and saves herself and Howard. Then they become 2 votes to take out Amanda. Let the games begin!!
Those 2 votes are all they have. Spencer will go if Howard saves himself.
If Candice wins and takes Howie off the block that may mean Elissa goes home. I think the house is more bothered by Elissa than Amanda even though America seems to want Amanda out more. This would be a mistake for the alliance because they reduce their own numbers by 1 but this house has not always been the brightest.
Yeah, this house is not the brightest. By getting Amanda out the door and breaking her and McCrea would be priceless, and smart. So, “Demanda” staying would be a poor choice. I could deal with someone with a moral compass Elissa, and evict the dictator, now.
Why he’s the most boring person in the house.
Really?! the most boring person in the house?! You’re weird. So, you’re saying Judd, Jessie, and Andy add more entertainment value than Howard? Please. Howard is by far the most likable HG left.
I didn’t say he wasn’t likable did I? I said BORING. What the hell does he ever do? Let’s take a poll. Who on this site thinks Howard is boring???
Well you know my views on Howard (disappointed in him for other reasons)… ;)
And you can leave name calling to other posters out of the conversation!!!
No actually Jessie is. And shes def a floater as is Andy…wtf has he done or won
I’d rather Candice win POV and hopefully take Howard off the block (this means she can’t listen to Helen who would try to convince her to leave it the same). If Howard wins then there is a big possibility that Candice would go up in his place and I don’t want that to happen. I would really like to see Amanda leave just so I can see what game moves McCrae has for his self because so far everyone’s playing Helen and Amanda’s game. I also wouldn’t mind Jessie leaving because I pretty much always forget that she’s even in the house.
It will be Amanda who could be the one going home. She is the bigger threat! Serves her right too for coddling Aaryn! Call it karma!
as much as we dislike Amanda….her chances of leaving this week is almost next to nothing at this point…although, she can quite possibly dig her own grave so far to the point where Helen, Elissa, Judd, Andy and them decide they don’t wanna be associated with her…but that chance is really slim..
Don’t bet your paycheck on that. As I said before, Nick was not a target until he got on the block. You never know.
read the whole phrase…i said she could dig her own grave (with her bullying) to the point where Elissa, Helen, Judd, Andy decide that McManda are a problem…could happen…
But you finish with “chance is really slim.”
do you think the chances are very likely???
Not very likely, I’ll give you that, but not very slim either. You just need one of them to wake up one morning and decide that’s a good idea.
i guess if Helen decides if she wants to blindside Amanda and break up a pair, then it could happen…but, i can’t see any of the others that would willingly try to rock the boat and that the others would listen to beside her…so, to me…the chance of her going is slightly higher than slim…
Then everyone would be after the person that turned.
Amanda is a bigger threat with a bigger target on her back. Gina Marie and Spencer have votes this week too and Candice will vote to save Howard so, Amanda could get evicted and rightly so!
It is really slim. They’ve been in an alliance since week 1.
Not true… Helen, Elissa, Jessie, Candice, and a few others were all talking about how Amanda needs to go, but didn’t know how to get her up and out, but all agreed that they need to get her out first chance… so Amanda is likely to be gone if she doesn’t win Veto.
I say strike while the iron is hot. Helen was so proud to send Jeremy packing, and Kaitlin was left to fend for herself. So, if the light turns o in Helen’s head, she is good at campaigning, and then walla Amanda will be packing. Then yeah, we can see McCrea play his game.
Not happening. They all talk but they know they need the numbers right now until a few more people are gone. Nobody is going to turn on their alliance right now if they’re smart. It’s all a numbers game.
Why she’s not going anywhere. Wasted vote. But it’s fun to watch the drama.
I just KNEW Howard would get blamed! I totally saw this coming. *sigh*
He gets blamed for everything haha. The crazy thing is the things he gets accused of he would never even think to do lol. Howard should be the least of their worries. He hasn’t done anything that shows he’s a strong player besides lift weights and guys with big upper bodies are usually always bad in endurance comps. Poor Howard though, he hasn’t even gotten the chance to be manipulative or a competition beast and he’s getting blamed for everything lol.
I just don’t get it either. Judd going through his stuff think oh Howard is the MVP, that was nuts. Now, the poor Howard get’s slammed again?
Oh hell yeah!!!! Even after the lame nominations of Spencer and Howard, we are going to have a good week after all with Amanda on the block. (I voted for both Elissa & Amanda) Of course I don’t think she will be evicted, but its really cool to see her so pissed off. It would be really cool if the house picked Howard to stay and evicted Amanda.
Now all we need is Howard to win the Veto and Aaryn to put up Elissa to really create some good drama in this game.
She won’t put Elissa up becasue Aaryn has a dent to Helen
She would if Helen wants to and Helen has been asked about and considering it because of Elissa’s attitude ans crap last week.
At which point, Aaryn would take the hit for betraying McManda and the others (cause Helen all ready said she’d act pissed if that happened) and would then be gone next week, as she can’t play in the comp Thurs as outgoing HOH…
…Oh, wait, that could actually work! Never mind!
Perfect world Candice needs to win veto, or she will be the replacement nom, and that also would be a lost vote to out the Queen, which is Mcramda !!!
I think if Howard wins she puts Candice up on the block. But even then I think Spencer goes.
I agree, I can see that happening.
What would work better imo is Amanda wins POV and Elissa goes up by America. Then they can all freak out over who’s MVP.
I actually voted for her this time around. I have been pissed about her machinations to control other people’s HOHs.
Woo hoo. Hopefully she loses Howard wins and the house turns.
Well if Candice wins veto and takes Howard off there goes their big plan. They would have to settle for Spencer.
I think in that case Elissa goes up and gets voted out.
Elissa might get it from both ends if she is America’s second choice.
No way she second choice. Only reason she was up last week were confused people voting for her to be mvp
I doubt it. She was the obvious choice since everyone voted for Aaryn. This week, knowing that Aaryn couldn’t be voted for, Elissa’s fans voted for Amanda. No one else has the voting power that Elissa does. With her fans out of the way, next up are the Elissa haters.
So true.
No way Elissa I’m telling you. Only way she went up was people thought they were picking MVP. That was even discussed on radio and TV talk shows. Now that America knows what voting for Elissa would be super safe, Gina Marie before her, McCrae probably before her, Helen maybe even
I’m not an Elissa lover or hater. Initially I disliked the fact that Elissa had a fan base automatically giving her votes. But since this freebie power has been ripped away from her and given to the public the last 2 weeks I’ve mellowed out somewhat. I do not believe that people were confused or mistaken about voting for Elissa last week. If Rachel’s fans want to tell themselves that in order to sleep better at night then that’s fine. It was just so many people voting for Aaryn. Now that people knew beforehand Aaryn was off limits this week we’ll have more of a free for all. Could Elissa take second place again? Absolutely. We have to let the numbers speak for themselves.
I totally agree with you.
Nope Elissa next. Give America a little credit. They knew exactly what they were voting for. She got MVP the first 3 weeks because she got good editing from CBS. Now that they are finally showing a little of what she is really like America voted for her.
Just because Elissa won MVP the first 3 weeks does not mean America loves her. In truth she only needed 6 and a half percent of the votes to win. 6 and a half percent. The other 92.5% divided by 15 people would be about 6.25%. Elissa ends up winning.
Are you a math teacher? Lol
No. lol Just trying to explain to Joseph just how easy it was for Elissa to be MVP one week and on the block the next without it being a boo boo.
Nope she was second choice. America is sick of her. Everyone saw her true colors.
Its not opinion, its fact. Reported by many entertainment sites. Common knowledge. Elissa was on block because of large amount of people thinking the call/text was still to vote for house MVP.
The only people who have the actual numbers are BB, CBS, and their accounting. Even the phone company doesn’t know because they only received the text portion of the vote. With all the controversy CBS is not going to give those numbers to any entertainment site. So the best these entertainment sites can do is SPECULATE. And unless they have the actual number in front of them no entertainment site can claim it as fact.
Or just ask viewers, do a poll, just listen to what fans are saying…
Maybe Elissa won’t be the replacement if Aaryn holds to Helen’s deal. Aaryn can say she did do the deal but, you didn’t say anything about my replacement nom, so she could. interesting to see how it plays out.
Amanda with a numb look, walking back and forth in the storage room resembling a mental the feeds will be at least interesting to watch…thank you Big Ang !
Well, that is quite a reversal of fortune. I know everybody here was campaigning for that but I’m a little bit surprise. So who is she blaming for that ?
Can’t wait to see that.
The house is hilarious ! Everybody is standing up and whispering. Amanda and Jessie was gonna play chess, and Amanda stood up and said..” I can’t..I just can’t. I have to stand up and walk”..Howard, do you think he has Coup’ d’ tat’ too? hahaha ..she needs a tranquilizer.
They’re playing veto tonight ?
Maybe, but I’m not positive.
Yep. Been playing for about 90min now.
She needs to stop complaining. Most of the house except her has been on the block. She needs to learn to grow up and deal instead of crying about it.
Did you see her put her head in the fish tank? It was so funny. Lol
McCrae is beginning to rub me the wrong way as well, with his intimidation tactics/threats now that Am. is on the block. But, my dislike of Amanda might have a lot to do with it.
Yay…. my votes counted
My thoughts exactly! :-)
Happy dance! woop woop.
YEAH!YEAH! IT needs to go! McC’ regular could be going. COME ON HOWIE BABY! GET THE CREDENTIALS TO STAY!
LOVE IT!!!!! Thanks America. Now maybe other hgs will see the real her.
I’m so glad she’s up! An lets hope no one pulls it off the block lol
Can’t wait to watch BBAD tonight. It should be verrrrrry interesting. I can’t believe only Andy guessed last week that America is MVP, but now he seems to have talked himself out of that idea.
Who does he think it is ? There has to be lot of speculation.
He’s gone back and forth between people.
A bunch of hamster in a cage.
That’s because Andy is an idiot, he is so far up Amanda’s butt that he thinks America’s loves Amanda as much as he does………
If Amanda wants to control nominations, then she should have won HOH. Seriously sick of her. I hope Helen, Jessie, Judd, and Elissa come to their senses and vote her out. Candice or Howard for the pov!
Here’s what I don’t get about Amanda being America’s choice:
If you say you voted her because it would instigate drama and make the show more entertaining, I can understand that, because it does that very well.
If you say you voted her because you don’t like how she’s manipulating other people, congratulations: you just used a twist called the Big Brother MVP to nominate one of the few people actually trying to play the game well.
I don’t like the way she bashes people behind their backs. The things that she’s said have been incredibly derogatory and have been just as bad as what Aaryn, Spencer and GM have said.
Someone like that needs to go. Although, she has the votes to stay it’s funny to see her scared.
Don’t bet on that yet. Someone might turn the light and decide, Hey, here’s our chance. Nick was not a target until he got on the block.
The pawn always goes home. Always.
I hope she gets voted out she is trashy
They all do that.
Then why did you only decide to target Amanda this week? America was MVP last week but none of you idiots decided to put her up then! She has been bashing people the whole game, but only now you decide that she needs to go. I’m sorry for sounding pretentious but your reasoning honestly seems quite wrong.
That’s because Aaryn was the houseguest everyone was going after…. Do not call me an idiot as I split my votes between Aaryn and Amanda last week. I haven’t liked the way Amanda’s been the entire time but there’s only so many votes…
I nominated her because nobody else has a chance if the power couple still runs the house. Also I think people might have nominated either because the stripper outfit or she bashed Elissa.
You mean Elissa bashed her.
No. Amanda was keep bashing Elissa afterwards and said things worse.
No Amanda was only crying about what Elissa did. Watch the feeds it was all Elissa being a bitch.
Well, she has been insulting Elissa all week.
And Elissa has been insulting everyone.
I 100% agree with latifah! and for me the way Amanda goes about manipulating is waaay too aggressive. Now don’t get me wrong, I think the people who are smart and are able to manipulate are great bb players but they need to be smart about the way they manipulate people. Dan Ghessling is my favourite bb player of all time and he was definitely a manipulator but he was never aggressive about it and was really smart with the way he manipulated people. On top of the aggressive manipulation, I also think the reason she was nominated was because she has said racist and derogatory remarks. Remarks like that do not sit well with many people. You can be the best player Big Brother has ever had, but if you make remarks like that chances are a lot of viewers are not going to like you.
She does play the game well but also does a lot of bullying. Just today she was yelling at Jessie when Jessie said if it’s a luxury comp she might take some prizes. Amanda was flipping out telling Andy if she takes prizes she’ going up. Even Andy and McCrae told her to quit bullying Jessie.
Candice needs to win so she can save Howard. If Howard wins, Candice can go up and i don’t want her to leave.
I think they would vote Spencer unless Helen uses this to get Amanda. She did mention it once before.
Anybody think Elissa is still MVP ?
I don’t care what anyone says. I love Amanda.
I like Amanda too but I get what people are saying about her. She takes over every HOH room and seems to have a domineering personality. But then again, she is playing the game to me and playing it better than most so why fault her for that?
Exactly. She can be very dominating but she is playing the game 100%! This makes me mad… Come on America
Very true. When the camera is in the HOH room, Amanda either walks in or she is already in the bed eating something. Mangos! Also if camera is showing two people talking, here comes Andy. Ugh!
Thanks you. Andy is such a floater. He has not game of his own he just goes with the flow. He stays out of the line of fire and then criticizes the behavior of the people who are in the line of fire.
FINALLY!!! I hope the cast is smart and vote the bigger threat out, McManda. There alliance has no chance with those two running the house.
So far 3 showmances were broken.
Yeah. Hopefully the fourth will be McCrae and Amanda.
It might help the game. I haven’t made my mind yet.
Sorry only 2 showmances were broken, GinaMarie’s showmance with Nick was all in her head. Nick was not into GinaMarie at all. The only reason Nick started hanging out with GinaMarie more was to get away from Jessie’s desperate ass.
Ok, your right on that.
Also, America is the only contestant to make a big move in the house.
I think Elissa putting up David and Nick were big moves at the time.
What’s McCrea doing ? Does he have a dum look or is he mad ?
He’s mad!
Just my opinion, but I think if Helen, Andy and Judd don’t take Amanda out this week there’s a very good chance Amanda and Mcrae will be final 2.
Might be right. But not because of McCrea. Amanda is wearing the pants. McCrea is just there for the ride.
I cant understand why aaryn is still there with her racist self
Because Helen is stupid.
Get over it.
You are all wrong Elissa , is not Rachel and she has proven that she is a respectable lady & not trashy like Amanda is, that matrix stunt she pulled on Mcrees birthday was cheap & discusting and Eilissa said she wouldn’t let anyone see her that way. I love Eilissa & most of America does too or she wouldn’t have been nominatied 3 x MVP! Wake up & smell the trash!
I agree with you, Elissa is not Rachel. Rachel was over the top and kind of annoying, but she grew on people. Elissa look to me like an anxious person, but she is not outrageous. But I think she will make jury, but not final 2.
Maybe Elissa forgave Aryan 1 or 2 times for what Aryan said. But after that Elissa couldn’t forgive anymore. On Rachel’s twitter she was asked why her sister was acting like she was . Rachel said because Elissa is very passionate about Aryan being voted out and no one was supporting her.
I agree with you!
True but Elissa is not perfect either. She is a devout Christian, and while I respect that, Christians are not supposed to judge. They let God judge. Elissa has not turned the other cheek when it comes to Aaryn and she is judging her very harshly. I completely understand why and I think Aaryn is a despicable person from what we have seen At the same time, Elissa’s treatment of Aaryn is not very Christian-like. She doesn’t have to like Aaryn, but it makes no sense to treat her the way she is.
But I won’t judge her too harshly. I am not in the house confined together with all of those other people and I do not know what is it like to be a constant target in this game.
That edit that Elissa got the other night after McCrae’s birthday party was a good edit. She was extraordinarily malicious all that day.
Prince my friend, I’m not sure how to put this, but it seems you might have an erroneous understanding of the Christian faith… Yes followers of Jesus are taught not to judge, but the main teaching of the faith is that everyone (both believer and non-believer) is a fallen creation and therefore will fall short in every human effort. Only through our failures and God’s grace do believers come to understand the need for a God… But then again, that could just be my personal understanding. Howard also (being a believer) has fallen really short in my eyes, but that doesn’t negate his faith in my view, it only proves his need for faith.
Are we in church here?
Sorry, occupational hazzard to teach different faiths to those who may have a misinformation… back to the game! :)
I agree with you that she hasn’t turned the other cheek, for Aaryn but she has calmed down a lot more about her over the weekend according to BB After Dark. I also agree that being confined in that nasty house must be quite a cultural shock for most Christian people. So I’ll just say I love her & find her very beaiutiful!
I loved Rachel, and I only like Elissa because of that fact.
Yeah, I said it…
I have said the same thing and will continue saying it. Maybe Rachel told her to go in and make people hate her. Remember Rachel had Brenden then Jordan Allissa has no one for support. That is a big thing in there. I would love to see Helen Elissa Howard and Candace for finally 4 then Elissa and Helen final 2. Between those two I don’t care
I think Elissa is a kinder prettier version of Rachel
Prettier? Lies. Elissa looks like a botched plastic surgery job.
You are right. Elissa is not Rachel. Rachel was great at competitions but had a horrid social game. Elissa is just terrible.
I think maybe you might be reading only blogs that agree with your views BIG RED! Elissa is so much more beautiful than all the other girls on the BB this year it sounds to me someone might be a little jealous of “Pretty People”
Rachel Reilly had one of the worst social games ever. She burned every bridge she constructed and she was insufferable. Elissa is just plain annoying. Her social game is worse if that’s possible, she’s even managed to turn Helen against her.
Wow what show are you watching? Elissa was such a bitch to Amanda that night when everyone was just having a good time and joking around. And by the way it was Candice that suggested Amanda dress up for McCrae’s birthday. Everyone was having fun until that psycho ruined it. you really need to watch the feeds.
Not just on the feeds, that segment actually made the show also…
Oh I know but they cut a lot of it out due to editing for tv time.
I’m not even rooting for Amanda but I felt bad for her because that was really unnecessary what Elissa was saying. She didn’t even look bad in that bathing suit and one piece bathing suits are still in style.
Hey Lavendergirl(BAWH HAHA) I do watch all the feeds & BB after dark every nite & I think that Amanda is trashy, & is such a smart ass that America voted her to be nominated 3rd because they too feel the same way. What show are you Watching? TRASH CITY????
Oh and Elissa was referring to Amanda’s one piece bathing suit when she said she wouldn’t let anyone see her like that. She only wears a bikini and would dress a lot sexier for her husband. That’s what she was talking about.
Amanda is still trashy & it makes me sick to see her hanging all over McCrea all the time and planning a wedding with someone she has known for 5weeks. Gross what a PIG!
I can’t wait for Amanda to find out McC really is a pizza delivery guy! Even her mother said she’s hoping he’s a ceo. Ha that will be so good.
I think Amanda’s mother was jesting. She saw the first show just like us. She knows he deliver pizza.
Okay, so now does everyone understand why Elissa was acting like a lunatic? This is what being in the Big Brother house does to you. Confinement, paranoia, slop, etc., all conspire to turn people into crazy whackos. I am not excusing it but they all do it. GM was screaming at everyone in the house when Nick was evicted – calling them Cock-a-roaches! Then she criticized Elissa for telling to back off after Elissa was put on the block unexpectedly by America.
This group of guest seems to understand Big Brother less than any group I can remember. They seem surprised when people go on the block and more surprised when people go home. Do anyone of them realize that all but two of them will be evicted eventually and it should be no surprise to anyone?
This should be good!!!! It’s about time we have a mixup for nominations!
I hope she goes…McCrea won’t know what to do, what to say, where to sit, when to stand, when to do anything since she is his puppet master…LOL
Now Amanda is bullying Jessie about winning veto and taking Amanda off.
She’s telling Jessie not to take any prizes or luxuries.
Girl needs to play her own game, instead of trying to get others to play for her.
I think Jessie should make sure she doesn’t get even close to winning the veto.
Or she should take all the luxuries she can. Mccrae threw a veto by taking $5000.
What’s good for Mccrae is good for Jesse.
Shouldn’t have luxury in the veto 2 weeks in a row. I don’t think it’s going to be one of those.
She should throw it to Spencer or Howard.
Yes, but she can’t make it too obvious
I think she doesn’t have to try to do that!
I agree, I think that is what is so annoying about her, all of my 10 votes went to her. She never wins anything but tries to make all the decisions. The worst part about it is that these houseguests let her. She needs to win and do things herself. Her gameplay is working so far though so the joke might be on us lol. I hope Howard or Candice win the POV though, then she would be stuck on the block and the drama will be even better,, McCrae is going crazy lol.
It really is ridiculous how all of them let her control their actions. All my votes went to her as well.
She should win her own HOH too, as opposed to borrowing someone else HOH room.
But why win anything when you can just lose and bully people into doing what you want.
That is why she dumped her rich doctor boyfriend for the pizza boy. She would have never hooked up with McCrae if he didn’t win that HOH.
I think you’re right Andrew.
You nests in everyone’s HOH room.
This is what Jeremy did to the Moving Company and they turned on him. Jessie will wind up voting Amanda out for this.
But again, they criticize the people who have been targets for bad behavior until they get on the block. Then they flip out like the people they criticized! Elissa was up 3 times in 4 weeks and they all slammed her for acting out with Aaryn!
I remember Amanda trying to convince Elissa to put up Howard telling her not to worry the alliance had her back. But obviously Amanda is not trusting her own alliance either or she wouldn’t be pacing the floors. I like Amanda, but maybe they all need to experience being on the block once or twice. Can Andy and McCrae be next?
WHAT HAPPENED TO AMANDA???…a few weeks ago, she was telling Aaryn off about her racism and her hate of other houseguests…now, she is the one hating on other houseguests like Candice…she accuses other people like Howard and Spencer of making deals with all everyone and being fishy, but last time i checked which was not too long ago, she is the one running around making deals with everyone and spreading a whole bunch of lies all around the house…that is the only thing she does…ALL DAY LONG!!…what a hyprocrite…it might not happen this week….but she is setting herself up to be caught big time….and i really really hate what Amanda has become over the past 2 days…
I agree. I feel that way about Helen and Andy too. Helen and Andy even told Candice “don’t worry we will just vote them out” but picked Kaitlin, Candice and Howard just had to go to with the majority.
i’m not too bothered by those two…i actually like them, they are playing the game…it was a lie, you have to lie…they are not nearly as bad as what Amanda has become…yes…they lie a lot, but the things Amanda has said about others are not “PLAYING THE GAME”…it’s just hate….Helen and Andy might tell lies and say people are stupid here and there, but Amanda has things like “i hate her” or “i wanna punch her in the face”…they are now
Amanda was saying all that. I haven’t been paying that much attention to the feeds this week. That is surprising because like you said she was so against Aaryn and the things that she was saying, I know she is playing the game but wow. I voted for her but I do find her entertaining. This week is going to be interesting.
Wish you would have see the live feeds this week with Amanda and Aaryn to peas in a pods, bashing Candice, yet again.
ano nd don’t forget she wants to eat Candice because she thinks she is fat. The nappy hair, and greasy hair said about Candice too. Now, she is dictating no luxury comps for you, Jessie. Or that’s it.
Dont get mad Amanda, she playing to win
Love it!!
The fact that Amanda and McCrea thought that they controlled everything makes this even funnier. Great job America!
I voted for Helen and her treacherous behind. I don’t like the fact she straight stabbed Elisa in the back right after Arryn won HOH.
If you haven;t figured out that Helen is only protecting one person, and that is Helen, they you haven’t been watching. She was keeping Elissa around for the MVP. Now that Elissa has not been getting the MVP she is ready to cast her off.
Yeah. I don’t see them swapping back to the original rules – where America votes for the MVP not the nominee — until Elissa leaves. Otherwise it’d just go to her every week.
Ok, If either Howard or Candice somehow don’t win the veto, I will seriously not watch the rest of this season. I really can’t stand anyone in that house. everyone is so unlikable
YES!!!! THANK YOU AMERICA! !! Now Howard needs to win POV
Amanda needs to win POV…lets go Amanda
Ew. no, just no. How could you root for amanda?. she is unlikable and disgusting. Howard or Candice for POV!!!!
Agreed. Amanda is a sloth, don’t think she will get it. If McCrea gets it and gives it to her then I say off with his head, and he goes on the block and home.
Nah, don’t think she will.
YES!!!!!!! Go America!
Dammmm and yall thought it was gonna be a boring snooze fest weekend…..lmmao…..Let the games actually being..
I’m glad Amanda is on the block. Maybe now they can spend some of their time strategizing and not waste two or three straight hours criticizing Candice. BBAD last night was ridiculous. Gina Marie said that she can’t stand the sound of Candice’s voice, which I must say it is a little hard on the ears. However, I guess she has never heard herself talk and how about Judd’s voice. Gina Marie, with her trashy butt, needs to drop back into school. And, of course, Amanda was there to egg her on. I have never seen such a ignorant group of people.
Seems like you’re making fun of people for making fun of people… Pot calling the kettle black.
No, I am not a pot calling the kettle black. My point is why SINGLE Candice out, when there are others who have irritating voices, as well. The true pot/kettle situation is Gina Marie criticizing Candice for the sound of her voice, when Gina Marie’s voice is just as irritating.
If Amanda and McCrae stay for a few more weeks production could script a real wedding and they woud marry in the house. McCreepy would wear white lace ribbons in his hair and around his wrists and Amanda would look hot in a tux. The ratings would go through the roof.
Then he will need to find a pizza delivery job in Boca Raton.
Well she is a preying mantis.
I am so happy that AManda got the MVP vote let her sweet for a while! LOving it
Leave ELissa alone Rachael & her are & act the same way I loved rachel & I love her sister
Amanda is a bitch!
Arryn acting much nicer I hope she stay this way
& GM is a nutjob!
Rachel is 10x the player Elissa could ever hope to be. And Rachel’s social game was so awful. Her only good aspect was competitions.
Elissa’s social game is worse!
Does anyone know when the veto competition is taking place?? WHat time? When will we know who won?
Don’t know exactly what time, but it should be tonight. Afternoon in the west.
It’s too bad – I voted for Helen. I think it will be super boring if she gets her way and the rest of the summer is all sunshine and rainbows and kittens – no backstabbing, no playing the game. Seems ridiculous.
My dream…Howard wins POV and Amanda goes home. It’s time for Howard to prove he can win comps!
I hope Candice wins HOH, so she can take Howard off the block and have safety, as well.
You mean Veto.
Yes, that’s exactly what I meant, hahaha!
Yes…that’s right and we would need her vote to get Amanda out.
Cost me $10.00 to vote for Amanda. Thought it would be the only votes she would get… Very surprised how wrong I was :)
Depending on the outcome of the Veto Comp. there’s a window of opportunity for Howard to turn this around. It’s been done before. I really wanna see him strategizing like any good player would do, if their back is against the wall……he’s sleeping right now, so that’s a good sign.
Who won Veto?
Hasn’t even been played yet.
As much as people criticize Amanda’s behavior re: manipulation and not winning anything herself, this has been a proven strategy in the past. I could be incorrect with my BB history but Evil Dr. Will didn’t win a single HoH. Manipulating the puppets works folks.
One of the biggest facets of Big Brother is to manipulate. This should not be controversial. She may be too cocky/entitled at times but she’s playing the manipulation card just as well as Helen. The only difference is Amanda persuades and Helen offers safety in numbers.
Initially, I liked that she was playing the game without winning competitions. However, now she is no longer being manipulative but simply aggressive. She’s basically been trying to get Howard out because he has big muscles so she’s not even thinking like she’s bright. I don’t want Howard to go this week simply because the house is picking on him but honestly, I wouldn’t even consider him a threat. He hasn’t been smart strategically and though he claims to “throw” some competition I just believe he has really just been bad at most of them. But back to what I was saying, Amanda isn’t manipulative, she’s aggressive. I don’t remember Dr. Will walking around telling someone they will go home if they don’t do something he wants. Dr. Will would have planted the seeds in everyone’s ears and then let it grow from there. He didn’t bang people over the head with who he thought should go home.
Also, I don’t think any other player made it a game about personal attacks, either. I don’t mind the manipulation, the lying, or the swearing on the bible (The swearing on the bible thing has been seen before. So, if you know that I’m selling you swamp land and you still want to buy, then that’s your problem). What I don’t like is when things are not going Amanda’s way, she attacks people on a personal level. I consider this behavior to be very immature and childish.
Dr. Will was one of the nastiest players in BB history yet he won BB2.
Whatever point you have attempted to try to make has gone right over my head. I said Will was MANIPULATIVE and not AGGRESSIVE. He was cunning and not a “vote my way or you’re going to bite the dust” kind of player. Your comment on him being one of the nastiest players in BB history is so irrelevant since I wasn’t comparing Amanda and Will’s nastiness. I mean unless “aggressive” and “nasty” somehow now mean the same thing.
i dont get why amanda is freaking out. Spencer or Howard will leave this week… doesnt matter what the mvp nom is…
If Howard, Spencer and Amanda r left after Veto ceremony, who do you think would be voted out
If the nominations stay the same… I say Howard will go. His size alone is still consider a huge threat compared to the rest of the house.
Not mention Amanda has at least three solids votes. Helen Andy and McCrae.
Helen has said time after time she is trying to get all the men out of the game.
not amanda. she needs to settle down. she has the numbers.
Hilarious! It is really cool watching the very one who is the foremost instigator, bossy and self proclaaimed leader and nomination decider get slammed by America!! Well done everyone, this made my day watching Amanda scramble, cry and whine ‘why me!?’ Hahahahahaha!!
Mawhawhaw Amanda, America pulled your covers. Woo hoo Happy Dance!! Just like you did against Howard. America is doing a BIG GIANT HAPPY DANCE. Woop woop, since we can’t get Aaryn out this week, you Are just as vile toward Howard, and especially to Candice. Justice served, and America championed no more mean, ugly, racist bs.
Amanda is seriously pissing me off with her anger and bullying of Jessie. Now she says that because Jessie would even think about taking luxuries, she’s done with her.
Amanda is such a douche bag.
Well, Jessie needs to remind her that her Pizza Boy took a cash prize.
Fine let her tell Jessie that. Hopefully, Jessie talks to Helen and Elissa. That needs to be exposed. She should never scare a girl into not taking luxuries. That is vile, cruel, and evil.
Love it she just thinks she got ur in the bag
Shall America keep the power or give it back to a house guest? Let’s keep it!!! Floaters are still getting by! We need to light up the floaters next!!!
I am ready for it to go back down to two nominations… I will be suprise if they keep the three nomination all season
3 Noms give a chance for a tie so the HoH can be the tiebreaker. Instead of every other week a tiebreaker, the HoH can be the tie-breaking vote every week.
Sorry, but as I speak French… I can’t help it…… *coup d’état…. Sorry :P
Everyone doesn’t like her because she is getting everything she wants!? That’s called playing the game well…. I swear, America is gonna let Andy win this game -_-
Amanda is one of the best Big Brother players. So she has a big mouth. Big deal. At least she doesn’t lie every 5 minutes like Helen.
One of the best big brother players? You must just be talking about this season right? Or perhaps you can add in the seasons where Hayden and Jordan one but calling her one of the best right now is a joke.
MVP is a failed attempt at innovation. All it has succeeded in doing is make the game predictable and boring. I can’t wait until Andy, Jesse, Elissa, Helen and Mcranda are left… boy will that be fun to watch….
Gellie, how right you are. The MVP is one of the worst innovations in BB history. One of its worst features is that it takes away most of the power of the HOH nominations.
It was a plan to keep Elissa safe, and now its a plan to get Aaryn out….
Production needs to stop screwing with the game!!
I agree with all of you (in the response line). I just don’t get why people are so pissed at Amanda. #entertainment?
VERY Happy! Didn’t waste my money this time!
Money? You know you can vote for free online, right?
It was the faster and easier way for me at the time! Happy with the result!
Okie dokie :)
On the live feeds this woman is disgusting, all she talks about with McCrae is sex, He looks embarrassed every time she talks about it too. I hope she gets evicted this week, McCrae is like Amanda’s bitch right now.
I like amanda I hope howard or spencer go home not amanda she is funny and amuses me and my husband and she plays the game well and she is always on her toes….ellisa needs to go next dont like mean girls that say mean things about others
Um, Amanda has said way worse things about the other house guests, mainly Candice, than Elissa has ever said…
This is backlash from majority of viewers who want Aaryn out!
Amanda and Helen in their sheer arrogance refuse to see Aaryn as the bigger threat and their coddling of her bestows
huge advantages of safety to her. If the majority of viewers fail to get Aaryn evicted because of these coddlers—-they will be the ones evicted! Once, Amanda and Helen are evicted, maybe, Aaryn can be sent home!
Bout time I can’t stand Amanda, Howard didn’t do anything to her. I think she’s a racist.
Candice needs to quit boo hooing man up and win veto if she’s so damn defeated shell never win.. For real get over it your bed was flipped big flip lol
Are ya stoked about the happenings in the house?! Ha!
I hope Amanda gets a Really unexpected journey right out the front door this week! LOL!