Big Brother 14: Week 8 HoH Endurance Competition Results

Big Brother 14 Week 8 endurance comp

Here we go! It’s time for a new Big Brother 14 Endurance HoH Competition! We just saw tonight’s eviction so it’s time to crown a new HoH.

So here’s the deal: if you want to watch this competition live as it happens then you have to have your Big Brother Feeds up and running. If you don’t have the feeds then this is exactly when you need to sign-up with the free trial and see how they work. You’ll be able to watch everything live and uncut as it happens!

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Big Brother 14 Week 8 HoH Endurance Comp Results:

  • 6:55 PM BBT – HGs are up on their platforms and getting started.
  • 6:57 PM BBT – Joe is down when BB came back from commercials.
  • 6:59 PM BBT – Jenn is struck by a giant, um, space penis? She’s knocked down.
  • 7:00 PM BBT – Waiting for the Live Feeds to return.
  • 7:09 PM BBT – Live Feeds are back. 4 HGs remain!
  • 7:10 PM BBT – Danielle is squatting on her platform. Rest are standing.
  • 7:15 PM BBT – 4 HGs remain. Good spirits all around.

Big Brother 14 week 8 hoh endurance comp

  • 7:20 PM BBT – Mostly quiet. Shane squatting now while Danielle stands.
  • 7:25 PM BBT – Joe asks who has 6 hours in them. Dan says he has 12.
  • 7:27 PM BBT – Danielle drops after she says she’s going to puke.

Big Brother 14 week 8 hoh endurance comp

  • 7:29 PM BBT – Dan drops out of the blue. It’s either Shane or Ian wins.
  • 7:35 PM BBT – Shane asking Ian to calculate the centrifugal force on them.
  • 7:40 PM BBT – Shane asks Ian how he’s doing. Ian says he’s just fine.
  • 7:42 PM BBT – Shane is grunting. Ian seems to be okay.
  • 7:45 PM BBT – Shane says his foot is on fire. Ian has no problems.
  • 7:50 PM BBT – Ian telling everyone he’s doing just fine. I believe him.
  • 7:55 PM BBT – Dropped HGs explaining why each fell.
  • 8:00 PM BBT – HGs calling that giant object a meteor. It’s back at them.
  • 8:05 PM BBT – If anything takes down Ian it could be the meteor.

Big Brother 14 week 8 hoh endurance comp

  • 8:10 PM BBT – Less grunting from Shane, but he’s back to squatting.
  • 8:15 PM BBT – Shane apologizes for bouncing the rigging as he shifts.
  • 8:20 PM BBT – Ian and Shane both holding on and chatting away.
  • 8:25 PM BBT – All is steady. Still seems like Ian’s comp to lose.
  • 8:30 PM BBT – Fallen HGs watch as Ian & Shane press on. Both steady.
  • 8:35 PM BBT – Shane is pushing back the meteor when he passes by it.
  • 8:40 PM BBT – Ian says he wants to win so he can have privacy for, ahem.
  • 8:45 PM BBT – Shane asks how Ian is doing. Both say they’re doing well.
  • 8:47 PM BBT – Shane asks downed HGs for some privacy. They go inside.
  • 8:48 PM BBT – Ian confirms Shane & Dani’s safety all week. Shane drops.
  • Grab your Live Feeds Free Trial right now to watch what happens next.

Big Brother 14 week 8 hoh endurance comp

Congrats to Ian. He’s the new Head of Household! He promised Shane safety from noms and renoms for him and Danielle this week.

Since Joe was the first to drop he gets a punishment. He’ll be doing 24 hours of “Hula Hoop Bootcamp.” We shall see what that means.

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After tonight’s competition is over you can watch as the new HoH plots his nominations for Friday’s reveal and then Saturday’s Power of Veto competition.



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  1. Joe and Jenn have already fallen and Joy will take the punishment since he was the first one to fall!!!!

  2. At the beginning of tonight’s program, when Julie showed a photo of Mike Boogie on eviction night, my bf said he looked like a shriveled up old woman.

  3. It’s 10:01pm and my live feeds aren’t back up yet. What gives? Why are they still down?

  4. This has been a great week in the BB Household. And Ian, who knew this kid had such moxie! I really hope that kid goes to the final 2.

    Jenn, on the otherhand; what a tool! She has this false sense of greatness about herself. She got lucky, winning the POV this week and she’s probably the biggest floater in this show. SHES HORRIBLE! She deserves to go home next week, well her and Joe.

      • Ian’s one of the best remaining in the house but is not as good as Dan, Frank, Boogie, and
        Janelle. He backstabbed Boogie and Frank way too early- if he had waited another two or three weeks, Ian would have a much better chance of winning it all. As it stands now he has no real allies and no trust.

      • no he really is a bitch..he almost cried when his mom of the house (britney) went home. we all know britney clings to the strong players because shes so bad at this game. Ian may have the knowledge of this game, but his backbone is weaker than a dead leaf.

      • can’t wait for Ian to put Dan and Frank on the block
        then Shane wins the veto and doesn’t use it
        and best if Frank is still there next week he can’t play and … drumroll … Shane wins and up goes Frank and Jenn or Danielle

      • I would prefer Frank go home over Dan. They’ve been after him all summer and how fitting Ian is the one who gets him out. Next week Shane can win and take out Dan.

        I just don’t think I can watch Frank and his “bravado” for that much longer…ugh.

      • Frank needs to go if Dan was a great player
        why hasn’t he won anything I want Frank to
        go first then Dan they are to people going
        home next Thursday maybe I will get my

    • Jenn thinks she did this great thing, this BIG move that was the most stupid move in bb history, great for Dan ,but she is a fool. She hasn’t done anything, people didn’t even know she even lived in the house. Now she thinks she is this great player which is halarious. Danielle is just as bad, I was routing for her until she talked bad about britney after she left. When her and brit were laughing because danielle said she was going to be the only “girl” left in the house. What a bitch. So know I am for Ian all the way, get revenge for brit! I even hate to say it but frank is probably the only person left with integrity and he seems like a nice guy.

  5. just when i thought jen and joe were emerging as better players than we thought they cant even make it for the end credits. adam from last season lasted longer in endurance comps. yea these two losers REALLY arent gonna win big brother

  6. First time I’ve ever seen a player drop from an HoH comp BEFORE the show went off! Looks like Jenn was knocked down but she was shaking before they even started so I knew she wouldn’t last. I think Dan has this one…

  7. Made my nite better watching JENNS big ass hit the ground…Well Daniell will have a new target .LOOK OUT JENN ur next…

    • Danielle is to heavy to hold on very long..She eats anything that don’t eat her first..Shane is tall,so that gives him a disadvantage…Don’t believe Dan wants HOH so no doubt it will be Ian..

  8. NO big surprise but Frank is lying about keeping Dan so now we all know he is a CHEATER and a LIAR!! Also, could not believe the crap Britney said to Dan!!! Seriously, Dan is not the JUDAS you are you cry baby!!! Love Dan and hope he wins it all and loved the comment Julie Chen said about the New York News calling Dan the best player in BB history. How right they were!!! Dan is the only one of these players that deserve to win the money!!

  9. I can see Ian or Frank going home this week, maybe both if DE goes well. If Dan/Danielle win this HoH, they’d put up Ian & Shane/Joe and if any of them get PoV; Frank would go up as replacement nominee and get backdoored. That’s just how I’m picturing it. I doubt Dan will stay true to Frank.

  10. Loved Jenns comment about using the veto. “It was my biggest play in the game.” Uh, it has been your ONLY play in the game. She’s already fallen in the comp. Will probably say she threw it. Good game play Jenn.

    • I hope he does. Drama would be through the roof. Would like to see if Dan would throw his new alliacne under the bus.

  11. My wish list is headed by Ian winning the HOH and getting rid of carrot man or the devil.

    • To add to my point above…I’d like him to win for no other reason than it would be great T.V.

    • Definitely it is time for that Carrot to get to heck out of the house. SIck and tired of his lying and worse his continual CHEATING!!! CHEATING SHOULD NOT BE AWARDED!!! Send his ugly butt home!!!

      • Cheating? What show are you watching? More like competing. If Shane, Dan, and Frank leave the house would be full of psychos and floaters. Brit is lucky she left. Ian was about to turn her into a lampshade. The kid is unstable.

  12. Britney had no problem forming an alliance with Dan, and not letting Ian use the veto so she’d be safe….Dan beat her at her own game, suck it up Britney! I will miss the drama you add to the show though!

  13. This is Big Brother people!!! Why are you condemning people for telling lies and going behind the backs of others? No one has ever won by being honest and a goody-goody. That’s not what this show is about. DUH!!!

  14. Did people hear Shane’s reason for voting out Britt – she already had a chance to win – hint – he will vote out Dan for the same reason – if Ian or Shane win HOH Frank or Dan will be going home

  15. why the hell do people still like ian? I lost all respect for him this week especially if you watched the live feeds.

    • I don’t like Ian..but I think if he wins it will be chaotic and that makes for great T.V.

      • Ian is not real. Are you kidding me? He is sneaky as hell. If he was so real he would’ve told Mike and Frank he wasn’t with them.

      • If Ian didn’t do what he to frank and boogie then he wouldn’t have gotten as far as he did and it isn’t like they were playing so open they did there share of backstabbing and they even throw jen and ian under the bus when they had to

      • It depends on who’s left in the house at a specific time. You know how the house goes. The power floats each week depending on who wins. I sincerely believe he’ll take Danielle though. I don’t think Joe will make it that far.

      • You haven’t caught Shane in a lie cause he hasn’t done anything! He does whatever other people tell him to do

      • i’m sorry, i disagree..shane bothers me because when he was confronted by Boogie and Frank for the nominations, instead of standing up and being a man and saying i put u up because I wanted to, he started back tracking and trying to blame everyone else but himself! That’s why i don’t think Shane is real

      • I see what you’re saying. However, it really wasn’t his decision. Brittney was all in his ear telling him what to do. He was telling the truth lol.

      • Yes, it’s pretty evident. Even Brittney said that with his interview with Julie. The only people playing their own game is Frank, Dan, and Ian.

      • That’s why Frank, Dan, and Ian should put aside their egos and vendettas and agree on a final 3 alliance, they could evict all of the dead weight in the house. Then once it’s down to F3, may the best man win.

      • That’s very true but very unlikely. Frank is a goner, especially with the fact that Dan is willing to go against his deal with Frank. The man swore on his wife, kids, his life, and on the bible that his word was good. I swear he is going to hell.

      • Shame is too dumb to lie. See how he backpedaled when Frank & Boogie asked him why he put them up. He was so awkward, telling them everyone said to put them up and finally saying Britney influenced him (which she did). And he claims to have completed 4 years of pre-med? I don’t think so. Danielle is way smarter than Shame. Shame doesn’t deserve to win. Nor does the Nerd. I hope Frank wins. He deserves it!

      • Can’t stand Ian, but Hallie is telling the truth about Boogie and Frank throwing him under the bus when needed.

      • That’s completely false. Are you saying that if he had not backstabbed Boogie when Shane was HoH, and Boogie was still in the house, Shane would have nominated Ian and had him evicted? Or that Frank would have?

        Backstabbing Boogie and Frank so soon was the mistake that will cost Ian this game. He had to backstab them, but he pulled the trigger way too early. And do you think Dan, Shane, or Danielle, the alliance he defected to join, will take him to the final two? Of course not.

      • He backstabbed Boogie and that man kept him safe all those weeks and gave him three thousand dollars thanks to Frank cause Franks is the one who told him to give some of his money to Ian and Jenn, cause Boogie was going to give it to Frank. Ian is a little piss face.

      • Ah, this is Big Brother and it’s just a game and isn’t that how the game is played? *note the sarcasm here*

        Ian knew that Frank and Boogie were only really looking out for themselves. He took the chance when he could.

        It’s no different than what Boogie or the others did with Janelle.

        He didn’t ask Boogie to give him the money nor did he ask Frank to tell Boogie to give it to him. This point of this game is to win 500,000 not 3,000.

        To all those who don’t like the way he’s being think about how your precious Frank and Boogie had played. Think about the backstabbing Dan did. Dan did the same thing to Britney. No one is clean in this game.

      • yeah, that makes alot of sense… rat yourself out. clearly Ian is smarter than you! Ian was loyal to the QP. Dan and Dani, on the other hand, flipped on Britney in a heartbeat… as did Shane.

        either Ian or Frank deserve to win this game. i’d rater see Joe win than Dan (abused Dani then pretended like it was all part of some master plan), Dani (a sociopath who was dumb enough to let dan abuse her then forgave him), or Shane (who seems barely aware of what’s going on at all times).

        Team Ian!!!

      • Don’t you understand what means by self-defense? Dan didn’t rat the quack pack out until he became a would-be disposable number! And how is Shane even disloyal, he reminded Brit Dan was still on the block when Brit wanted to make a deal with Frank! Brit was just a bold-face liar!

      • Ian flipped on Boogie and Frank in a heartbeat. Now, I don’t hold backstabbing against a BB player, it’s a desirable trait. But Ian’s not loyal.

        When you say Dan “pretended” his actions were part of his plan, are you trying to claim that Dan’s actions weren’t part of his gameplay, and he was just trying to emotionally abuse Danielle for some sadistic reason? That’s ridiculous. Also, lets not forget it was Dan who took the heat for Ian’s actions for two weeks. Ian might not be here otherwise.

    • I know.. Can’t stand him. I’m watching the HOH Competition now and Ian says – he wants the HOH Room because he “hasn’t jacked it in 55 days”.

    • Oh I hate Ian! If u saw him on live feeds the other night when he was drunk you’d agree. Garbage. I wanted to post my disdain cuz I know he’ll read everything when he gets out. The show is doing a horrible job of showing his true character. He’s not a cute nerd, he’s a condescending smarmy brat.

    • Ian is a punk, the only reason he yelled at Frank is because he knows security would come out before Frank got a chance to B-Slap him to the ground.

    • Why are you so stuck up Frank’s butt? Frank’s actions last Thursday after the double eviction were ridiculous… screaming and yelling for no reason. Don’t try and make Frank out to be a saint … it’s stupid.

  16. oh okay frank great alliance its only shane and ian left… huh there goes his “great social game.”

    • I am surprised shane didn’t drop becuase shane and danielle wanted ian to do there dirty work and get frank out

  17. Shane you coward. You are in a showmance with a freak. Shoulda kept your friend. GO IAN pull it off little man and get the orange bully and Judas

  18. It figures Joe is the first one down…whoever wins needs to put Joe and Jen up. They haven’t done crap. All Joe does is go to whoever has HOH. And I hope Joe’s punishment is a good one.

  19. going into tonights episode i thought wow the seven players left are all such great gamers. how exciting and the endurance comp is going to be over in 15 minutes… wowwwwwwwwwwwww

  20. Shane’s gettin kinda cocky up there & keeps squatting and moving his hands. I think he’s hurting & trying to distract Ian with scientific questions.

    • That would a risky move because Dan cannot trust Shane and Ian. More than likely, Dan and Frank are going to be nominated by Shane or Ian!

      • Ian wants to work with Dan…he more than likely would put Frank up since he hates him for evicting Britney. And if Shane wins Daniele and Dan can talk that fool into doing anything. Shane already said he wanted to work with Dan again and he can’t make a move without someone telling him what to do.

  21. i would have no problem with joe but each time he goes into a comp he has such delusions of grandeur of winning and making a big power move. joe like have you even gone into a competition without being the first one out?

      • Enlighten me. Because I would love to see something that I currently don’t see and I hope I’m wrong. If Shane wins only hope is Danielle asks him not to put Dan in danger.

        Who else would Ian and Shane go for? I can believe Frank is their target, but if he wins Veto they’ll settle for Dan

      • For sure Ian would put Frank and maybe Dan up. But I’m not so sure where Shane’s loyalty lies. Honestly…that guy has no game.

      • Shane will do anything Daniele and Dan tell him to do…he doesn’t have a brain and already said he wants to work with Dan. As far as Ian he really wants to work with Dan again and he would put up Frank and Jenn (who he hates) and if one of them win POV he will put Joe up.

      • When/where did you hear that Shane wanted to work with Dan? Same question for when Ian said he wanted to work with Dan? If it was on the live feeds, when? Before today’s show?

        I’ve heard Ian say he wants to string Joe along further because he seems loyal, and “Joe is starting to grow on me” came out of Ian’s mouth.

      • It was yesterday…Ian was asking Shane if they could get Dan to work with them again. He said he really wants to get the quack pack back together. And Shane was talking to Daniele asking her if she could forgive Dan (he doesn’t know she is acting) so they could work together. Hopefully what they are saying is true. I want Dan to go all the way. JMO

  22. If you put $5 in Vegas on Joe and Jenn being the first two out of the competition, you would’ve been paid out $5.50.

  23. i like frank. without boogie hes actually pretty nice and likeable id much rather see shane go just because hes so bad at thus game. Danielle over Britney? seriously shane? i guess the logic in that move was danielle prob had a knife under her eviction seat should she end up getting evicted to use on dan and shane.

    • Smart move would be to get either Dan or Frank out, people don’t really stand a chance of winning against them in the end and Frank is good enough at the competitions he could win them to the end.

  24. Who ever wins HOH should keep Dan and frank off the block so they could back door one of them

  25. Dan jumped offf because he knows that Dani will not let Shane put him up Plus Ian is all alone now without Brit and Dan can mist Ian and convince him to do whatever Dan wants.

  26. the most entertaining thing would be to have frank and shane against each other on the block. itd be a battle to see who really is the comp king or maybe just a battle to see which needs to go more: franks hair or shanes tank top!

  27. Shane is not very smart if he drops he is safe Ian will go after frank and jenn and then he can play next week

  28. The fact they’re not making any deals is starting to give me hope they have different targets in mind, and that maybe even Shane wants to nominate Ian. Wishful thinking, but I’m going for it anyway.

  29. I guarantee you Danielle will have some excuse for why she didn’t win this. She’s been running her mouth saying “I’ve been waiting weeks for this comp” and acting like she is such a great player and so tough and discussing who her targets are. Now that she didn’t win (because she’s awful) it will be “this wasn’t an endurance comp” or “this was the hardest endurance comp BB ever did!” in that high mouse voice…

      • I will hate on her all I want Sandy. She is a sociopath and if Shane has any brain cells under that hair the first thing he will do when he gets out of that house is file a restraining order.

      • right on. Dani is psycho stalker material. she’s also a horrible person. she had the nerve to get angry at Britney for campaigning to stay, meanwhile she’s lying to everyone in the house about her and Dan… playing up how “hurt” she is and how she’s just some innocent victim. she reminds me of Jen from season 6…. an evil b*tch.

      • fatdani you dont get it do you danielle is playing the game dan backstabs and no one says anything so the second danielle does people want to get all over her outside of the game these people are friends its all a game for 500 ,000 .000 dollars i have a friend i have know for years i would backstab him for 500,000.00 dollars too if it was a game

      • @Rachel – I’m pretty sure you don’t know the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath. Dani may be a little psycho, but she cries about everything. That is exactly the opposite behavior you would get from a sociopath. All this to say: you’re an idiot.

      • @rachel exactly! Danielle thinks she is the most real person there, and she is pretending she is. But she sooooo fake. Why would Shane let her stay? Ugh Shane is an idiot who doesnt know how to play the game at all.

      • Haha you’re too cute MarkMC! You should really look in to taking a class or something. Higher education just isn’t valued like it used to be I suppose. When I say that Danielle is a sociopath, I am referring to the fact that she is incredibly narcissistic, has an unrealistic view of her life, has very shallow and falsified emotions, and is a pathological liar. Are you by any chance related to Shane? Because he isn’t too bright and falls for Danielle’s crying act too. Anyway, thanks for the giggles Markie. You’re adorable :)

      • @rachel – a sociopath is someone who generally shows a lack of emotion, inability to adapt to their surroundings,and feels not guilt or remorse for their actions. None of these things describe Dani or her actions at all. Just admit that you meant psychopath, and we can agree. Otherwise, you should know to whom you are being condescending before you do so. If you need a definition, I can link you a dozen.

      • If her feelings were real she would be a psychopath. They are fake and she is a sociopath. I will not agree with someone who is clearly wrong. I’m sorry you are so gullible and believe her. You should know to whom you are speaking before you call them an idiot.

      • don’t understand why danielle likes him anyway. he’s so gay. when they were talking about BJs, shane inadvertently said “..when this guy, i mean girl, went down on him…”. sure shane, freudian slip? he must have puked after danielle was “forced” to kiss him on the spin the bottle game.

    • she would pull the
      “this wasn’t an endurance comp” or “this was the hardest endurance comp BB ever did!” even though they’ve done it before!!

      • Ian is going to win this game. he is so much smarter than anyone involved, and almost as physical. however, i’m pulling for the dumb jock shane to win. team shane

    • That’s a bit harsh @Rachel. It came down to Danielle, Ian and Shane, then Danielle dropped.
      It should be an interesting week though. Ian has told Shane that He and Danielle are safe from nom’s and renom’s.
      It all depends if Ian goes by emotion or strategy. IF he really wants Frank to leave, the “back door” is the only way, and he knows it!
      So far, he’s saying it’ll be Frank and Joe… Makes me unsure of if it’s Frank or Dan he’s after..IMHO
      Joe is sort of a waste, but he’s slid through this far.. It might not be so bad if Joe goes if Plan A doesn’t work. Whichever his Plan A is…

  30. Dan mysteriously dropped? Anybody else smell a massive double cross? Shane is gonna throw it to Ian, and Frank is going up. Looks like Frank better prep for POV…again.

    • If there is a double cross, it would be a very risky thing to do! There are just 7 house guests left so, each vote counts and more so, the alliances as you cannot play for HOH each week. Sure, you can take someone and evict that person this week but, next week, it could be you that gets evicted! We will not know until the nominations come out then, we might see who is playing who and who is being real to their alliance!

      • Regardless, you know that Frank is going up. It doesn’t matter which of these two wins HOH, Frank will be the target. Shane isn’t smart enough to try anything else, and Ian wants revenge.

    • Not sure why Shane not throwing it to Ian. So that he can compete in next week HOH comp which maybe physical. I think veto will be ?s

  31. Looks like Ian is going to win. I liked him until he lost all his minds this week. How dare he be pissed to get blindsided AFTER he did the exact same thing to Frank. This week will be interesting if Ian wins HOH.

      • Dan did not thrown any fits as a matter of fact he pretty much took it with class and then just came up with a great diabolical plan to get off the block

  32. Im a Frank fan so of course I don’t want Ian to win. But it will be entertaining this week if he does….. DRAMA!

  33. I would hate to be in an alliance wit Dan. The man throws every competition. He is so selfish.

    • He’s the scrawniest little twerp I’ve ever seen in my life. Makes Ian look like a man. lol

      • lol him and Ian do look like they have the same body. However, Dan is a FOOTBALL COACH. You would expect more from him. He just doesn’t want dirt on his hands which is smart.

    • Dan is a better strategist than he is at winning comps. He throws comps to keep himself off the block and plays a good social game to do that too. Now he threw the HoH comp to those who will keep him safe and get rid of the one he really wants gone…Frank. He knows Frank wouldn’t be able to win HoH and is wanting to help the one who does win get rid of Frank now that Britney’s gone. He only formed an alliance with Frank to go to the final 2 to get himself off the block and now will help others to vote Frank off before the final 2 so that doesn’t happen! And Frank ate it up! The next people he needs to get rid of are Jenn and Joe so he, Shane, Danielle and Ian will be left of whom he wants any of them to get to the the final 2! Mark my words! Dan really has played well because he’s built great friendships with those in the QP and doesn’t want to lose that connection since they’ve played the social part of the game better than Frank ever has!

  34. It’s funny, during the week every one was saying that they cannot let Ian win HOH & now here he is most likely about to win it.

  35. Jenn is the one I can not stand she needs to wear a one piece swimsuit she looks horrible in a bikini

  36. Ian is power hungry and it will be the end of his game… He wants frank out to bad for the same thing he did to boogie

    • i think there will be drama if shane wins too, like will he go with ian because he didn’t want brit gone either or will he go with frank’s group?

    • I don’t think Shane likes Ian. If they were in an alliance it would have been Danielle who went home instead of Brit.

      • Maybe, I just thought I read on the comments from people who had the live feed that Shane didn’t like him. I don’t have the live feed myself so I’m stuck with whatever CBS decides to show me.

    • I think it’s at least partly because Shane wants to pad his stats. He’s shown he wants to win a bunch of competitions. I think he wants the record, and probably realizes he’s weak on the side of mental gameplay, so if he goes to the end he can say “Yeah but look how much I won” to the jurors. Not a bad play if he feels that’s all he has.

    • Do not think Shane trusts Ian and he would be utterly stupid to trust Ian the rat. Ian had already betrayed Boogie, Frank, Ashley and Dan. Ian is just as dangerous and an
      arrogant twit.

  37. Wouldn’t surprise me if Ian wins. It’s no fun if the same people keep winning over and over. Plus, now it would be the other side of the house in power.

  38. even if ian wins hes screwed for the double eviction i have a feeling that frank and joe or jenn nominated and dan wins pov. frank may stay due to his final 2 deal and shane may go home. but that leveas dana nd danielle for double eviction hoh ian is a mental person and owuld be good at the second hoh. my feeling is shane leaves this week and ian on thursday. my bet

  39. If Ian wins I hope he is smart enough to take down Frank first not Dan – remember Frank cannot play HOH next week – if Dan is gone it leave Shane, Ian and Dani as the only possible new HOH winners – they can then take out Dan

    • sorry – mistake Ian would not play – so only shane or Dani could win HOH – I guess in a miracle Joe or Jenn could win

  40. Wouldn’t this competition be kind of painful for a guy? Shane doesn’t look like he’s managing too well…with the rope…

  41. Joe’s punishment is The person he just help to evict from the house will be back….lmao

  42. shane will win hoh and declare hes going to put up frank and dan. there is no way he is going to back down from these plans. he needs them both out. dan will come up and ask not to be nominated and shane will just nod his head and allow dan to get off. the two times shane was hoh it was brit that had to convince shane to make the big moves and not be safe by going after floaters. shane has no game without britney… what a shame he kep to keep crazy danielle

  43. Joe had already fallen off when we came back from commercial, so didn’t hear what it was.

  44. Jen floated…Dan is a player, Shane isn’t loyal, Joe’s a floater, Frank was Boogies dog, but is learning now…….Danielle is a liar worked the game to get Jojo out to become Shaness stalker, Ian worked the game the best…staying true to himself to the game and knowing it’s a game.

  45. I don’t get why everyone is hating on Ian. Sure, he backstabbed people. Sure, he’s not exactly the best social player. He made a move, and he made a BIG one. But he did it to survive, and look at him now, he’s ready to win. You may not like him, but is is a dang good player.

  46. This comp seems to be tailored for the small guy/girl… as in Brit and Ian would have had this, less weight. Shane is struggling i’m pretty sure Ian will tell Shane your safe you can drop pretty soon Shane will accept right away.

    I guess for team Dan Ian is better ( Shane would be manipulated the whole week by the whole has and we and he would have NO idea what he was doing )
    Ian will be so mad at Frank he might even put up Frank and Jenn like he said lol.

    • That’s exactly what I was saying. It seems like any time Ian NEEDS to win, there’s some weird competition that is in his favor.

  47. @ Matt Boyer….. Just wondering why Ashley’s photo in The State of the Houseguests (above) isn’t grey.

  48. whoever wins Ian or Shane they should target Dan not Frank cause frank still can’t play in next HoH on double eviction night. Either way my man Frank getting the POV.

  49. who will ian nominate, my guess frank and jenn, or frank and joe, he wont nominate dan. if dan wins pov he’ll take frank dwn due to final 2 and my bet is shane or jenn or joe who ever else will be nomiated

    • I think he will put up jen and frank but i don’t think he will use the pov if he wins it because he won’t take the chance he will put up danielle. Even though he has a f2 deal with frank he isn’t going to honor it the only person dan is honest with is danielle

      • but he did say his word is till the end. i have a strong feeling he’ll win pov and save frank

  50. There’s no way Shane wants to lose to a scrawny little kid. I’m not saying it’s his only motivation, but I would bet it’s on his mind.

  51. Ian will backdoor frank or Dan. Hope Dan goes first. FRANK cant play next week for HOH either can Ian. He still has power ball so frank can go home right afer Judas…..Dan

  52. Personally, I feel that Joe and Jenn should be nominated.
    Also Ian please wear a shirt, your flabby tits make me want to puke. Don’t nominate Frank, he is just going to win POV.

    • I’m pretty sure that Ian knows better than to nominate Frank. He wanted to put up Shane and Joe I believe double eviction night because he had a feeling Frank would win veto and pull himself off. He won’t make that mistake again. He’ll just have to hope he doesn’t get picked to play.

  53. Frank is going to have to be back doored. He is too good at winning competitions. Ian knew that but listened to Britt and Shane last week. I am pulling for Ian…the under dog this year.

    • this is the last “true backdoor” week, because after that they all play veto all the time..and even then only 1 person sits out so Frank has a big chance of playing.

  54. It seems like Ian & Shane should be making a deal about now just so this can be over with. It’s been going on over an hour and a half

  55. Ian is such a snake, I can’t stand that wimpy bitch. Hes lucky he only ways 95lbs he would have fallen off by now…

    • Isn’t it double eviction week? If so, there is going to be another HOH after this one and another eviction. Ian cannot play for HOH like Frank for the very next HOH!
      Perfect time to send Ian packing!

      • Frank cant play either. he gave up that option in the veto comp remember. so he is vulnerable too

    • Yeah, he’s the absolute most disgusting human being that’s ever been on BB. I’m constantly shocked by the fact that anyone likes him. He’s slime.

    • Dan & Frank nominated? Then Frank will easily win POV. Maybe Dan & Joe? Or Jenn for F’ing over Britt?

  56. Please ian remember Frank cannot do HOH next week – this is the week you nail Dan – it will make Brits day to see him walk into the Jury House

    • Frank can’t play so they need to get him out why they can and since he has been gunning for him since brit went up i don’t see him putting dan up. Also Ian is intent on getting the quack pack to the end which means he will target jen and frank

  57. Nikki your an ass….you cant see a real good logical player if you tripped over one….maybe help Dani shes your type.

    • Well that was rude. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, if you don’t like it then get off the site!

      • Also, your name is Ian sux, I’m pretty sure I stated that I don’t like Ian, so I don’t know what you’re going off about.

  58. umm…they better get a medic out there for Shane. He’s shaking and dizzy…that can’t be good.

      • Dan’s a snake because I say he is and all of TeamBrit say he is too! Ian was at the bottom of boogers alliance, we all know it.

  59. Shane, you Dolt. Part of me wants to turn off my television for the next 6 days and nights. The other part of me wants to see a Dustin rerun, <<<< remember what a great HG he was, before he won HOH and delared himself th ruler of CBS and the world? What a spiral!! And.. yes…there are only 2 parts of me.

  60. Could of told you 2hrs ago when they showed the HOH comp who would win. It was made for someone small (Ian or Britney if she stayed).