Big Brother 14: Week 7 Live Eviction and HoH Results

Britney and Danielle on Big Brother 14

Update: Julie has confirmed tonight’s HoH competition will be endurance!

Tonight on Big Brother 14 we’ll see the results of the next live eviction and what we expect is an endurance HoH competition as the HGs have been on lockdown since yesterday and can’t stop discussing this possibility.

I’ll be updating this post here with the live eviction and HoH results as it’s revealed on the show. Have your Live Feeds ready to go (Not signed up yet? Use the Free Trial!) because when the broadcast show is over the Live Feed will return and that’ll be the only place you can watch tonight’s endurance battle play out.

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Big Brother 14 Week 7 Live Eviction voting:

  • Dan: evict Britney
  • Jenn: evict Britney
  • Ian: evict Danielle
  • Shane: evict Britney
  • That’s it. Britney has been evicted.
  • Joe: evict Britney

Britney Haynes with Julie Chen on Big Brother 14

By a vote of 4-1, Britney has been evicted from Big Brother 14.

Big Brother 14 Week 8 HoH Competition – ‘Soak Up The Sun’:

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Big Brother 14 Week 8 endurance comp

Once the eviction show is over the Live Feeds turn back on and we’ll be able to watch the remaining HGs battle it out for the top power in an endurance competition! Make sure you’re ready to watch the house react to who is in power. The nominations will be revealed on Friday night with the Veto competition on Saturday, so stay close by!



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  1. To NY & NJ viewers. BB is pre-empted by football. You can watch it at 9PM on WLNY – the CBS sister station.

  2. Who will leave the BB house tonight Britney or Danielle who will it be you think

    • I dont like britney but i was hoping She would be ale to flip the script and manage to stay but I don’t think she did. I just like Britney more than Danielle is all. Joe and jenn should be the next 2 to go

  3. Wow. Ian is a little punk. Why is he so mad about this move that Frank made? He can’t control his emotions at all. Flipping him off multiple times behind his back as Frank walks away haha. Priceless.

    • I use to think Ian has ‘ Issues” but after that fight I see now he has been faking . It makes me upset that he would use a disability to try and further him in the game .

  4. Oh Brit you would have screwed anybody to get to the end, who are you trying to kid. Dan you are the best.

    • NOOO u got that wrong Daniell will “screw” anybody in the house literally & physically…

    • brittney had already planned to dump dan by making deal with frank to start week. so yeah she tried to strike first. just dan gave info that helped frank out more.

    • It wasn’t really that she trusted the wrong people, but she wasn’t thinking at all. She was so worried about herself going up on the block, she didn’t think to just get Dan and Danielle off. They had the votes to keep the Quack Pack in the house. Dan realized they weren’t going to take him off…he kind of trusted the wrong people. I love Ian and Britney but they totally would have been cool with letting Dan leave because he’s obviously huge competition so he had to cover his own ass.

      • Me Too..Punishment is suppose to be painful..Taking away their shower,would be no punishment,for most are dirty a$$ people anyway..Wished Frank would have been the first to fall..And had to cut that ratty hair off or Danielle fall first,and be shut in HNR and not permitt her to talk to anyone..

  5. The video of the Brigade was totally boring, a waste of time. Really boring episode so far…

  6. This seems rigged. Why did Ian have to go first with the second veto? the game wizards of production KNEW what was happening and are clearly shaping the game. Like the HOH comp with frank and the ball game. His holes were maybe smaller and the toip hole a quarter inch larger with smoother running pulleys it would increase his odds. With each try he got practice,. The others were just the opposite. Larger holes by a quarter inch, and jerky pulleys with only one chance going into it cold, inlike a well practiced Frank.It’s like a fixed carnival game. And Brit is going home. Also, if I hear that Dyke call her snowflake one more time I’m going to puke.

    • Stop watching then… And go away with those bigoted remarks. Jenn seems like a good person and calling her or anyone that kind of derogatory name isn’t welcome here.

    • Dan may be in trouble… Watching the live feeds right now- Only Ian & Shane are left in the endurance HOH Comp.

  7. A shout out to season 10 jerry. Good health to you and your wife. Hope Dan didn’t give you angina.

  8. What was the point of giving these 4 “coaches” a chance to play.
    The past 3 weeks one of them has been evicted.

      • Well it would have to be a newbie than Dan for it to happen. It went C. Janelle, N. Will, C. Boogie, N. Ashley, C. Britney, N. ?, C. Dan

  9. I like Brit but she looked like a Barbie doll in that pink dress. … Julie asked her the dumbiest questions.

  10. Arghhhhh! I hate Danielle! She didn’t even dress up for eviction because she was so sure she was safe. Her squeaky voice in Brit’s goodbye message was like nails on a chalk board. I cannot wait until she waddles those thunder thighs through that front door. Sigh… Maybe next week :(

  11. In Big Brother Diary Room…
    Ringggg!! Ringgg!
    Frank: Hi! Boogie, Brittney is not here. Where is she at?
    Frank: She went to join Ashley in the Jury House. She said
    they had a lot to catch up on.
    Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!

  12. Sorry Brittney,that you were voted out,by blind players..Shane will find out soon enough that Danielle, has been lying to him all along..She is using Shane as to make a play for Dan..She doesn’t have any respect for Dan,s wife..I hope Shane & Ian are final 2..

  13. Will Joe or Jenn ever REALLY go far (not even close to winning) ANY endurance competition? I don’t think so.

  14. Wow, another double eviction next week…
    Brigade reappearing, Matt’s Halloween Outfit as Brit, Britney using Jerry’s line and the fights made this one of the best episode ever in BB.

    Oh and Brit’s dress was cute.

  15. Aww..bye,bye Brit ! So glad 2 see u go. Your so full of baloney ! In the DR room, you said u hate Dan. That’s a strong word from a gal who pretends to have some class. You said ur statement to Dan was suppose to be a joke, “You will always be Judeus to me” you meant each and every word of it. Admit it, u got SCHOOLED….once again…You always have a zing for someone who wrongs you. When Julie commented about Shane’s pink shirt u had to say it was a girl’s shirt. I guess that was for Shane voting u out Coach. Anyway, atleast Dan’s good-bye message to you showed some class, unlike yours to Boogie. You can’t stand when people come out looking MUCH better than you. Your an attention seeker and BB house didn’t need u anymore.

  16. Personally, I think britney is really bitter about being outplayed. Of course Dan’s going to think about himself—no one’s going to play for others.

    • A heart of stone. She tried to plunge the knife into Dan like she did Janelle. Only it backfired on her. While he was sitting in solitary, she was upstairs cementing a deal with Frank. And she has the nerve to call Dan Judas!….Guess that makes her a Judette.

  17. I have been waiting for this day all summer. Britney… cannot even begin to describe my hatred for her. From her incessant whining when things don’t go her way to when she makes a big deal out of nothing, I am SO happy she’s been ousted.

  18. Get ready for the Ian Power Trip this week, he just won HOH..don’t think I will be watching much of the feeds this week, his behavior when you give him an ounce of power is disgusting.

    • He can be on a power trip all he wants. They will target him next. It is double eviction week and he cannot play for the next HOH so, he is in the same boat as Frank! The sheer irony of it all! And Ian can only evict one, either Dan or Frank or maybe, he will not think it clearly and both Dan and Frank escape and a newbie floater like Jenn or Joe
      goes home. In which case, Ian’s HOH would have been
      wasted and it will be time to send the arrogant twit to the
      jury house next!

      • or Ian can just get Dan danielle Shane and joe back on his side, and get rid of frank once and for all, since frank can’t be in the veto comp cause of the
        last competition

  19. I know Ian won but since there was a good chance that Shane might win why then didn’t Shane and Joe vote to evict Danielle? They don’t have one brain between them.

  20. will someone please tell Danielle to chew with her mouth closed and, whats with her always looking at herself in the windows and mirrors? Fatal attraction

  21. Do you think Ian will get his favorite sippy cup from home, or a letter from the institution?

  22. I’m really glad the newbies played their own game and didn’t ride the coaches’ coat tails this season. I hate when they bring old players back, they had their chance…with that being said I def hope Dan wins after a play like that! :-)

  23. REALLY NEW YORK? Dan Greatest player ever? DR.WILL!! This is a classic example of why other countrys call us stupid Americans because of bad judgement calls like this anti new york

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