Tonight on Big Brother 14 we’re going to get another whirlwind episode featuring a double eviction. That means we’ll get an entire week’s events in one show. These are always intense and exciting just like the one during week 6 and Ian’s attempt on Frank.
Iāll be updating this post here with the double eviction, veto competition, and HoH results as they’re revealed on the show. Have your Live Feeds ready to go (Not signed up yet? Use the Free Trial!) because when the broadcast show is over the Live Feed will return and that’s where the real action will be. Last time the HoH competition results were revealed on the Live Feeds rather than the show so you’ll want to be able to watch.
Big Brother 14 Week 8 Live Eviction voting:
- Dan: evict Frank
- Danielle: evict Frank
- Jenn: evict Joe
- Shane: evict Frank
By a 3-1 vote, Frank has finally been evicted after 5 failed attempts. No tie-breaker this week. That’s too bad. I think it would have covered Dan’s betrayal and let Ian get the blood on his hands like he wanted. Dan’s goodbye message says he hopes for no bad feelings, but Frank tells Julie there are definitely hard feelings against Dan. This could have been Dan’s biggest mistake of the season.
Big Brother 14 Week 8.5 HoH Competition – ‘Make Your Case’:
- Round 1: Only Jenn gets it right.
- Round 2: Jenn, Dan, & Danielle get it right.
- Round 3: All but Jenn get it right.
- Round 4: Jenn, Dan, & Danielle get it right.
- Round 5: Jenn, Dan, & Danielle get it right.
- Round 6: Jenn, Dan, & Danielle get it right.
- Round 7: No one gets it right. Tie-breaker time.
- Tie-Breaker: Dan beats Danielle & Jenn.
Dan is the new, and brief, Head of Household. His noms are up next.
Big Brother 14 Week 8.5 Nominations:
- Joe
- Ian
Big Brother 14 Week 8.5 Veto Competition – ‘Swimming with Sharks’:
- It’s a very complicated maze puzzle. First to complete it wins…
- Ian wins the Power of Veto. He won’t go home tonight.
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Big Brother 14 Week 8.5 Veto Ceremony:
- Ian uses the Veto to save himself
- Dan renoms Danielle – remember they are still faking a fight
Big Brother 14 Week 8.5 Live Eviction voting:
- Shane: evict Joe
- Jenn: evict Joe
- That’s all it takes.
- Ian: evict Joe
By a vote of 3-0, Joe has been evicted from Big Brother.
The next HoH competition won’t be on tonight’s show. Instead it’ll be held soon in the house and we’ll be able to watch the results revealed only on the Live Feeds! Get your Big Brother Live Feed Free Trial rolling right now and be ready.
Once the eviction show is over the Live Feeds turn back on and we’ll either have a brand new HoH in the Big Brother house or the HGs will be preparing for that competition. Make sure you’re ready to watch the house react to who is in power. The nominations will be revealed on Friday night with the Veto competition on Saturday, so stay close by!
First? what does that mean??
I was the first to leave a comment. You’d have to sort the discussion by oldest. Never mind.
This is going to be a great episode. Rooting for Dan!
This is so exciting. too bad I won’t get to watch till later. Hoping for fireworks
I’m gonna miss Frank….at least he holds the record for most evictions survived by a male which is pretty amazing considering he has been the target all season long.
his social game sucked
I agree. He was too arrogant and he walked around with a self-entitled attitude, as if he deserved to be there more than everyone else. He was also a sore loser when he ddin’t get his way. I was glad to see him go.
Actually minus his competition threat he had the best social game in the house. Should have laid low
Sad to see Frank go. Dan is such an evil bastard. I respect him and his game play, but what does this guy need another half million for?
I don’t respect dan’s game play at all. that evil crap. poor Frank & Brit! Frank & Brit should have gone to final 2! one was a super competitor, the other had super social game.
Dan and Ian are dorks!
Dan and Ian are geeks
Next! I can’t for the HOH to see who wins and who gets
put on the block. My guess it is going to be Ian and Joe
on the block with Ian being evicted assuming he does not
win POV! If Ian wins POV, it may be Joe and Jenn with Joe
going to the jury house!
If Ian is evicted he’ll wet his pants.
That will be awesome! POV is next, if Ian does
not win it, I see Ian going bye bye!
lol @ Frank
Frank is a dumb cracker. Doesn’t he realize he lost the game because of his connection with the Boogyman. (Also, his “Jule is my homegirl” T-shirt is repulsive.)
uhh, Jennifer, Frank had no choice who he started the game with. I think his association with Mike did hurt him, in fact it has hurt all of the players (being identified with a ‘coach’). So if Frank’s Tee is repulsive then all of the flirting etc., that Dan does with her is also repulsive?????
Was anyone else emotional during Frank’s interview with Julie Chen? You could tell Julie really liked him, and felt bad for the way people turned on him.
His daddy has a job for him lined up already with the WWE
lol not everyone wants to be a wrestler. Is that what Frank said though?
No the Frank haters r being sarcastic
Yes. My boy is gone. You sure could tell Julie felt bad for him. Dan must go!!!!
Yes Frank really looked hurt. Dan’s good-bye message to him was B.S. Dan is one SOB and should have had a little more integrity in his message, he owed him at least that much.
Someone that swears on the bible and then goes back on his word doesn’t have any integrity.
Where have you been??? The bible posts are dead and buried!!!
He doesn’t owe him jack…
Julie has been doing this for sometime and no doubt couch as to what to ask and say keeping in mind the individual involved.
It was evident that production loved him as they helped him cheat the entire game. Once Frank admitted he cheated and someone put it on you tube I think at that point production knew Frank had to go as they had been outed. I do give credit to Frank for going with class and so wish he had not been aligned with that scum Boogie from the start.
Production will bring him back for BB15.
Somebody should tell porky danielle, that the makeup isn’t covering up that 3rd eye on her forehead.
Girl spends half her life in the mirror, calling frank a hairy beast you’re an ugly b**** not GTFO this house.
SUCH BS I can’t believe franks gone not happy at all I couldn care less who wins as long as its not dan
why would you want Dan to win again no matter how he plays the game? He won the money once so why would you give it to him again? I think if it is final two that he will have a difficult time winning over anyone because he already won once.
Because he can be the first two time champ! And honesty you really think any of the house guests left even deserve it? Ian is arguably but come on really the rest did nothing. And BB a competition not a charity case show.
Because someone who manages to get this close to the end, having won before, and without production leaning in on his behalf, deserves to win a second time.
Who cares if he already won once. That should not matter. He has played this game better than anyone has! He is so smart with his decisions. Dan is the best player in Big Brother history and if he makes it to the final 2 he better win even though he won once! #Team Dan all the way! :)
I agree. Go Dan right to the jury house.
My feelings exactly. I wouldn’t even care if it was Danielle who wins as long as it isn’t Dan
I feel the same. I’m rooting for Ian though now just because he’s a nice guy and at least he felt sorry for Frank. VOTE FRANK AMERICAS FAVORITE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now that Frank has been evicted CBS will favor Ian because of his handicap.
good for you.
I was annoyed but thn i remember that frank had HOH several times this season and used it to get out pretty lame people, he was too trusting of others and thats what lost him this game.
Lol, Frank should have outed Dan before he left.
he put his tail between his legs so fast and scurried out the door to jury….what a coward
Well, I’m not religious but the guy did swear on the bible. Won’t be surprised if America hates him after that. I really couldn’t care, I want Dan to pull off another win.
Once again no he didn’t and assume production fed that line to Frank. If you watch the live feeds or if you even watched the beginning tonight you see that all he swore on the bible for was what he told him about the quack pack. They shook on final two.
We’re not beating this dead horse again. Frank was right. It has been proven over and over and over again. Get a life
Enough with these BS accusations of production helping Frank. He has not benefitted at all in this game and they have done nothing for him. If youve been watching live feeds you know that both Ian and Dan were also told things by production, but No, everyone simply forgets that
@Georgia Thank you someone with some common sense.
I agree Frank won at a lot on his own. But you have to admit that the coaches reset was pretty outrageous and was completely unfair to Shane.
@disqus_cLgS5voMoq:disqus If you refuse to believe what has been shown over and over how about trying to listen with your ears to Dan’s Diary Room where he said he swore on his wife.
His wife yes; bible no.
Yeah that DR though he basing it on the actual conversation that took place. Maybe he couldn’t remember if he just did it on information or not and just wanted to explain just in case. But his actual conversation he just did on information and was telling the truth.
What should he have done ?? He trusted those back stabbers too damn much. What would u have done ? Skipped out…..
he was heart my franki baby
No kidding…he could of said goodbye and good game everyone. At least thats what a mature person would of done. He got out played.
Julie was especially rough on him. Funny to see the CEO’s wife try to make a shell-shocked gameshow contestant cry. But he did pretty well. Should have outed Dan for sure. Although when Boogie warned him about Ian he failed to act on that.
you’re right. I didn’t even think of that.
So much for the game being fixed? amiright?!?!?!
Yeah, some fans have been saying it has been fixed
for Frank for the longest and this eviction puts an
end to that nonsense! Actually, you want to talk about
the production fixing it, two of the HOH competitions
were designed to favor Ian and Danielle and I am
referring to the Pirate Ship and Comet HOH where it
favors lighter individuals. If that is not stacking the
deck then, I don’t know what isn’t! However, the facts
do not lie!
well……it did not favor heavy weight Daniell…hmmm think about it…
Saying that the game is “fixed’ doesn’t mean that the HG BB wants to win will win. There is enough video that BB has not been able to hide that show BB tries to influence the HGs, most I have seen is related to DR and whether are not they disqualify HG during comps for cheating. It is openly known that BB applies the rules loosely or strictly as they see fit.
Given your logic about Pirate Ship, Danielle should have won comet but fell early. To win the comp you have to survive to play it.
The HG they would like to win is most likely based on public opinion and would change based on that.
What most don’t realize is the comps usually go in order of strength, endurance and knowledge. Knowledge always has to come last because it is based on what has happened in the game.
The comp themselves are not the manipulation,
fixed in Dan’s favor
Dan changed his ANSWER WOW
get glasses….he wrote 363 both times
Dan is the new HOH.
Dan will nominate Shane and Ian
There goes poor Ian….Dan the jerk!
Joe and Jenn going up. ;)
Did anyone else notice Dan change his answer form 583 to 363? He technically went over
He didn’t change his answer watch again he wrote 363 both times.
This is where Dan takes over…set himself up well so now he can play in the final 4 HOH comp
This is where you are wrong, he is no Frank and im not sorry to say that Dan is leaving the house next wednsday
I wonder if Ian’s going to cry when he gets evicted lol.. Dan is one ruthless son of a beep
Ian deserves it the way he turned on Frank and Boogie. What goes around comes around.
I just really want Dan to win again. After that funeral move he proved he was the biggest player this season. I was rooting for Frank from the start though.
To hell with Boogie. He deserved to be evicted. He shouldn’t have been on BB14 in the first place.
Lol he didnt want to be, he wanted the sure 100k but production had to screw the game up
No more BBAD for me, I can’t stand listening to Danielle!
Dan’s answer was 363 both times….Here we go again….dam…
I saw a 5 first. Are you sure? was 363..
dan should put up shane and ian LOL
Dan is playing hard, but I don’t think it was too smart for him to vote Frank out…he should’ve made it a tie because then he could have easily misted all the blame on Shane, Danielle, and Ian, creating an ideal F2 situation.
true, now Frank wont even vote for him lol
It would not of mattered if Dan had voted to keep Frank because Ian would of voted him out. Frank sealed his fate with Ian when he voted off Britney, and Dan had no choice but Danielle because I believe Ian wanted Joe to stay in the house because did you not hear him ask Dan why Joe and Dan said because he is coming after me.
I hate Dan’s game but wont feel sorry for Ian when he goes home. Him and Frank would have been a dynamic duo.
When the evicted players go to jury are they allowed to be with the other players and can they see past shows to see who really said what to bring their downfall?
Yes, No
Bye Ian :D
god willing
I certainly hope so. It’s his time to go.
Is Ian’s veto ticket no longer valid?
It’s a wrap. Dan is going to final 2
Was never a big frank fan, but he truly played an honest game. Felt real sorry for him, just look at his face, but gotta say, Him leaving was really the best move for everybody else
He played with his heart on his sleeve. It makes him very likeable when we are watching but it makes for lousy BB strategy.
Thanks for getting the results out so quickly. This is a really great website. By By Frank. I’ll miss watching you. Just know Frank that Dan has screwed up and he will not make it to the finals.
come on Ian! get that Veto!
I cant stand the hammock swinging one day longer
holy crap that kid is annoying, walking around like he won the special olympics
Well, this sucks…I have hated that stupid quack pack since day one…the only one of them who deserves to win is Dan.
That’s taking it to a new low. Not impressed.
Lose Ian, lose! Time to join Frank in the jury house.
You will be in excellent company with Frank, Brittney
and Ashley! LOL
i was surprised that idiot Danielle was ahead at one point!
NO way!!!!!!
Dan is a truthless pep,also he won the HOH.
Althoughhe he put ian and joe on the block , he might backdoor shane if ian/joe save form the block. ((SHOCKER!!!
I mean i dont like Dan -.-
Ian won POV.
Take that you crummy ass Dan!!!!!
Dammit! Ian you’re so lucky. You’ll get yours soon.
Let’s go Ian!!!!!!!
Ians a nice guy and deserves to win at least he has feelings and feels sad for Frank. Ian to win and Frank for americas vote and All Stars!
Agree with Ian but no for Frank which is sad but being aligned with Boogie did not do Frank any favors. It just made him look like a bully and when he laughed about Boogie sexually assaulting Dan’s wife that just did it for me. Liked Frank before that comment though. He did take getting booted out the door great though and so did Joe. They both at least left with class. I will give them both that.
Frank just has a different sense of humor, he doesnt mean most of the stuff he says, obviously he wouldn’t think that to be funny if it were true. Give the guy a break. Hes a great competitor and a cool guy. He should at least be on all stars for excitement if not for the love of his gameplay.
That is what I meant that it was a shame he got stuck with Boogie with a coach. Trying to be Boogie’s friend and act like that scumbag, Boogie, I think made Frank look bad to either. Frank should never of tried to act like Boogie which was his downfall.
What are you talking about, he only said bye to Jenn and ignored everybody else. boogie went out with class, frank went out as the punk that he is.
Frank was classless when he left – like a pouting baby. He also pouted through the interview with Julie and his sour response to the taped goodbyes. Glad he’s gone. Once he’s out of the jury house he can hang out with his perverted puppetmaster.
Did Ian know he was gonna be put up?
If Dan somehow talks Ian into thinking he was just a pawn then there is something seriously wrong with Ian
i sure hope my Ian is way smarter than that!! but we can’t put anything past that snake!!
He gets manipulated so easily. It seriously worries me.
I thought it was obvious he was just a pawn, which was why he didn’t get all pissy about it and why Dan stalled in the middle of the veto.
Dan stalled because he couldn’t do it.
Shane was stuck on the beginning stages. This is just a perfect example of why you guys shouldn’t make fun of Ian and his mental disability.
Shane is as dumb as they come. What a pathetic loser
I know, anything mental and he’s done.
IAN DOES NOT HAVE A MENTAL DISABILITY! He just has ADHD and most people that have ADHD have almost genius IQ’S.. LOVE IAN!!!
I think he has OCD more then ADHD.
NO Dan thought Ian had OCD when they talked about it the other night, and Ian told him no it was ADHD! GO IAN!
I know that. But Ian and that hammock has OCD all over it. He REPEATEDLY goes on it for hours. He also talks to himself, which is a sign of constantly worrying.
No, it helps relax him and lets him think because he does not take the meds for ADHA. If he had Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Ian could not live in that house. OCD is more what Howie Mandel has than what Ian has.
Didn’t know Howie has OCD. He’s a hilarious comedian though.
He has given us quiet a few notable quotes. I like the doe/buck analogy.
Howie totally freaked out one time on AGT when someone shook his hand.
Wow. I just youtubed him freaking out and found this one episode where someone was on a bike with fire and he was holding Howie’s head. Howie freaked out and was yelling Sharon.
OCD comes in different forms just like everything else. It can be as simple as having everything in alphabetical order to having to do everything multiple times. So it is very possible for Ian to have OCD.
The difference between OCD and ADHD is that OCD sufferers cannot be confined for long lengths of time away from the familiar…like you are in the BB house! ADHD sufferers can!
Only a doctor who has done extensive testing can make a definitive diagnosis regarding Ian. It is pure speculation for us to do so. It doesn’t matter anyway. I think he is great just the way he is.
Yeah true. He likes the way he was engineered and embraces it. I solute him.
I would think since Ian himself said it was ADHD that he would know, and most patients that have ADHD are intellectually gifted that it is ADHD. There is no denying that Ian is extremely intelligent, and I even remember his parents saying that he started reading at the age of two when they were interviewed.
ADHD sufferers are like that too, but Ian manages it well by rocking and talking to himself rather than go off on everyone constantly when he doesn’t get his way!
Ooops sorry, didn’t see your post before I posted!
you should re-watch the pass episodes.
That’s what Dan thought but Ian confirmed he has ADHD and refuses to take meds for it!
I thought he had like high functioning aspergers or something, way he repeats things
ADHD only becomes a “disability” when they can’t function without assistance. This does not apply to Ian.
Not so! ADHD becomes more of a “challenge” to others when they aren’t able to find ways of managing it in order to adapt to their surroundings. OCD sufferers would go bezerk if they were confined in a room with ADHD sufferers!
Heck yeah. Way to get the veto Ian!
I wonder if Ian knew he was going up against Joe… He seemed a little extra excited when he won, like he wasn’t sure he was staying.
Ian,doesn’t have anyone to team up with..Hope He gets the chance to put Dan & Danielle on the block together, that will sure take the wind outta Dan,s sails..GO IAN!!!..
Ian don’t be a wuss evict DAN
He can’t evict Dan. He’s hh
I know sry about that, wasn’t thinking. Mental
he can put up dan dan was hoh for about a hour now they are playing new hoh for coming week
Can you say “epic failure”?
HE DID IT…IAN pulled it off……
That veto was totally geared in the favor of Ian.
Right…That is why Joe was ahead of Ian and Dan…Sure it was made for Ian…keep dreaming…
Hey, so many of you claimed the game was fixed for Frank, so we should be allowed to have our own conspiracy theories, shouldn’t we? :-/
I thought so too. Production new Ian wouldn’t be able to play for HOH so they put in a POV that was geared towards Ian to do well at. That way in case he was nominated he would have a great chance at winning the POV.
Yeah Ian!!!!
good to both Frank and Joe leave tonight, was hoping for Frank and ian, but Ian can go home in a week
No it’s more than likely Jenn. She’s not a part of the quack quack whack pack. (eyes rolling)
I’d love to see Danielle get evicted before Jenn. Julie better have a huge box of tissues.
jenn going up or shane?
Julie saved Dan from MANIPULATING Ian. OMG Julie is the BEST!
That was just Julie getting orders to move the live show along.
I dunno, it just looked like Julie knew what Dan was up to. Dan was about to tell Ian not to use the veto. Then Ian would have been evicted. Dan even tried to stop everyone from going into the living room. That’s when Julie got mad and was like I’ll enter there
“Don’t make me come in there.” :-)
That was funny…who knew Julie had it in her.
Hope Dan backdoors Shane
Love it!! Dumbielle on the block by Dan’s hand!!! Hahahaha
she’s just a pawn…but she’ll prob cry over it! idiot
Her mouth is still probably hanging wide open like it did during Dan’s funeral.
It did and she was crying. It was ridiculous. She had to know she was nothing but a stupid pawn to keep their alliance safe. Did like her but not now. Guess you just cannot fix plain stupid
I will love it even more if she goes, but I’m sure Dan’s target is Joe.
It’s all good, looking in the mirror half her life the glass hids the tears.
it was fun while it lasted.
Haha, Dan is rocking the house right now. Love it
Dan will backdoor Shane/Jenn with a high possibility.-.-
Damn, the arrogant twit saved himself! Well, perfect time
to backdoor Shane. Go for it Dan! Don’t waste this
opportunity on evicting Joe or Jenn. The votes are going
to be: Ian, Danielle, Jenn if Shane is put up as replacement.
Dan just needs Danielle to vote out Shane, Jenn is not
going to care. Ian though might vote to evict Joe!
I think you jumped the gun
Yes. In my excitement I did. Better luck next time!
Dan nominated Danielle. HAHAHAHAHA. Here come the tears!
shes dead to him
Can everybody say a goodbye to Danielle……come on we can do it we can do it!
we can only wish and hope!
Well if Ian wins HOH, and put Danielle & Dan on the block..then if 1 one them win veto and takes them self off..put Shane up….Dan will go out the door..I believe Ian or Jenn will see to it
That was a big move if he do it. LOL
you realize (maybe not) that her going up was planned?
wow holy crap danielle
sadly she is not going anywhere
“Danielle, I just put you up because I knew you wouldn’t go home.” And she’ll forgive him… again.
she seems like the type whose husband will be able to cheat against her time and time again and make it her fault
no, the husband will take responsibility and then she will bring it back to herself and complain about what she did wrong
who cares
LOL… I thought Dan wasn’t gonna play with Danielle’s emotions again,now we have to listen to her complain about her hives and cry for another week.I can’t stand Danielle!!!!! I wanted her to go!
That is why he put her up. He knew that Shane would never ever vote against her and she has a final two deal with Jenn. Dan was a little worried that if Shane went up Ian would vote to keep Joe and so would Jenn, and if Jenn went up Shane would vote to keep Joe and so would Ian. He did the only thing he could to keep his alliance with Jenn and Danielle safe. Smart move on Dan’s part and do not know why in the heck Danielle was crying. She had to know she was 100% safe.Sick of Danielle’s crying!
Sharon, finally someone else gets it. Now that Joes gone he has alliances with everyone. Joe was the only one after him.
Because she cries about everything; were you actually surprised she started crying then?
Dan doesn’t care about Dumbielle. She told him to his face that she would go home for him. I’m sure he remembers that.
Well played by Dan. He is too good
No, she isn’t going anywhere
Don’t be too sure about that. The votes in the 2nd
eviction is Ian, Jenn and now Shane. What if Ian and
Jenn vote to evict Danielle? That would be some
crap. Dan should have put up Shane via backdoor
and gotten Danielle and Jenn to vote out Shane!
Then, there would be one less good player in the
Big Brother House. Dan is not going to be able to
play for the next HOH and if Ian wins, Dan might end
up on the block! Might be a big mistake of Dan if
this ends badly for Danielle!
Moot point
I’ve never been so disappointed to see someone go than I was to see Frank go…great player and honest, he deserved it :-(
ya, he is.
I like him, but he’s gone T_T
I was hoping he’d be able to stay. Thought he had Dumbielles vote after the bs he was feeding her last night.
No, differentperson
Ya, I had about 10 posts in a row from Tim & Kate. Even the one I responded to above said it was from them. I refreshed my page and everything changed. It’s a crazy glitch that makes me crazy like Dumbielle! :-)
Haha I lovethe nickname you gave her!
I totally agree!
Joe is evicted. Too bad its not Danielle.
I really hope danielle does.
Well, if you gotta go, go like Joe
Bye bye joe
Love that Julie asked Joe what was on his chin!
Have to say that he at least took it good.
So happy Frank left!!!!!!! Its about time. Lets go Dan! After getting out of that situation the other day, in my book, he is the best player to ever play the game!!!
Who’s the new HOH?
How in heck did Jenn get to be on the final five? Talk about floating…
she will win HOH in an hour or two, then nominate Shane and Ian
OH DAM..the whiney bitch is gonna take being put on the block personal….She will be crying on that for the next week….
does any one ever notice how she cries then looks in the mirror and poses at the same time, the she devil has talent.
How in heck did Jenn get to be one of the final five? Talk about floating…
how many times you gonna post this question?
The question will Ian be misted.
Well, that was a huge waste of evicting Joe! Dan probably
messed up with that replacement nominee. Now, the shoe
is on the other foot as Ian and Shane now look to take out
Dan. Dan should have put up Shane and gotten Jenn and
Danielle to vote out Shane. Now, Danielle might be inclined
to vote out Dan because he put her on the block. Looks
like the master shyster messed up big time right about
now! Dan watch your back now! You should have gone
and tried to get Shane out, now you could be next!
i agree
I hope you are right
I kind of hope that this is the case. I don’t want to see Dan streamroll everybody to the end. I want Ian to win HOH and send Dan packing.
I agree, hopefully Frank can forgive Ian and Frnk fans start rooting for Ian now.
Thank Boogie for this mistaken, even Dr Will saw Ian potential. His team could have gone all the way but he only had eyes for Frank.
Before Boogie was evicted he and Frank exchanged underpants. Frank has been wearing pink thongs for the past month.
Boogie’s mistake was thinking that he only needed one guy to run the house. That hasn’t been true for a long time. Had it been a trio, Boogie and Frank both are likely still in the house and we are all looking to see who is left for them to evict before the final night. Things that could have been.
I already am. C’mon Ian
Ian is a baby and a puke when did they start putting 12 year olds on the show who just now decided to start playing
Ian has been playing strong since the coaches came into the game. And he was the first to realize that the coach were not coaches anymore and were only protecting themselves, he was a “free agent” and no longer obliged to be on Boogie team since Boogie destroyed his own strategy when he show the whole house he was in a final two with Frank. Boogie was playing an in your face game making them a target. Ian would have been out if he stuck with them. The only reason he never sat next to Frank on the nominations was he adjusted his strategy. Had he not, he would have been evicted the next time Frank got a POV.
Dani will never for out Shane
Danielle also has a Final 2 deal with Dan so,
if Dan asked her, Shane could have been
I wouldn’t be too sure about that!
This was all planned ahead of time. Don’t worry Dan knows what he’s doing. I’m sure he told Ian I’m putting you up to hide are final 2 deal and told Danielle he put her up because everyone would vote Joe out but if he would of put up Jenn he was worried that Ian for sure and possibly Shane would vote Jenn out. Joe was the only one that was after Dan. Dan has everyone else covered. Best player in BB history!!!
blah blah blah
Maybe you should take English 101.
maybe so
MAYbe so
Don’t be too sure. There are 5 players left.
Dan, Danielle, Shane, Ian and Jenn. Dan cannot
play for HOH next so, one of the 4 will be the
new HOH. Now, what are the chances that Dan
would not be put on the block? I think that Dan
will wind up on the block with Jenn and get
evicted if Dan does not win POV! I know all the
newbies are dummies however, even a broken
clock is right twice a day and even a crazy
chicken can find a loose corn kernel on the
ground from time to time so, watch for Dan to
be targeted next!
So out of those players who will put Dan up? Jenn will put up Ian and Shane because of her alliance with Dan and Danielle. Ian will put up Jenn and anyone but Dan because of his final 2 deal with Dan. Danielle will put up Ian and anyone but Dan because they have a final 2 deal (I believe the only real deal in the house). And Shane will put up Jenn and Ian because he wants Ian gone. I’d say Dan has all his bases covered.
Anyone can put Dan up. There are only so
many players left. Five to be exact and you
want the strongest players out obviously!
Alliances don’t mean squat in the Big
Brother House and Dan is ready to betray
whoever if it suits him! Now, the newbies are
dumb as hell but, even a broken clock is
right twice a day! So, one inclination to
nominate Dan on the block is all it takes
and voting him out if he does not win Veto
is even easier! That is why Dan not going
after Shane when he had a very good
chance of evicting Shane was a huge
mistake! Now, Dan, Shane, Danielle all
going after Dan and Jenn could also go
for it as she has nothing to lose!
That is not entirely true. Aliiances do mean something, just not very much this season. Typically in most of the recent seasons, alliances remained tight and protected members until they no longer could or needed to, and then the knives came out. this season is very different in that not a single alliance of greater than 2 has remained loyal for more than a week. You have two schemers and three floaters left, so it comes down on if the floaters can avoid the dangers for the next 2 weeks while the schemers plot. Dan appears to have the advantage, but Ian has shown the ability to predict what vets will do and to out maneuver them. Ought to be interesting to see who kisses who’s butt with Ian in control again for another week.
I believe Ian will put Dan up since Dan put him up! Keep an eye on that one! I have a feeling the HoH comp will be physical and Shane will win it, put Jenn and Dan up and hopefully win POV too and replace Jenn with Ian, with the target on Dan to go home! The final 4 going into the finale will be Shane, Danielle, Ian and Jenn for the jury to vote on!
Not according to the live feeds. Ian loves Dan and wants to go to the final 2 with him. Dan just told Ian that he took being nominated better then Memphis did. It was all planned. And Shane will do whatever Dan and Danielle want. He wants Ian out because that’s what Dan and Danielle want. Shane can’t think for himself. Final 2 will be Dan and Danielle!
But Ian sure was shaking after winning POV so he could take himself off, which is what Dan was hoping for….I still think Ian will change his mind once he gets a hold of the power of HoH again, which he can compete for since Dan won the latest one!
Well I guess we will see since Ian just won HOH
stop giving Ian so much credit he isn’t smart enough to put up Dan and neither will Shane
Don’t give Dan so much credit either. Ian has only gone up on the block once during the whole season with the hope of winning POV to get himself off of it. Dan’s been on the block once, but not by Ian’s hand! Ian’s done well at playing on many sides, fooling one of the biggest players in BB history! Dan’s already won in BB…he should allow someone else have the chance he did!
i agree go team Dan
NO NO..Best I have gathered IAN was supposed to be evicted….Daniell is not only pissed that she was unexpectedly put on the block she is also pissed that IAN did not get evicted..
Obviously you have missed the fact that Dan is flopping all over the house like a chicken with it’s head chopped off. going to whoever has the power, he has finally misted himself. You don’t put up a player when you know that the majority want him out because he is a better player.
I am sure Dan is thinking this through, however, if the HG start comparing stories, Dan will unravel very fast. Ian does not forget and I am sure he realized he was Dan’s target and I hope at some point Jenn realizes how untrustworthy he is.
I totally agree with you, he’s manipulating Danielle to by puting her up, the only reason why he did that is because Danielle will do anything and everything dan tells her to do.
I was thinking the same thing but then again I think it was actually really smart Joe was the only one really gunning for Dan and has a general sense of what he was doing. I think Dan just played it safe To get rid of him and he built trust with Shane. And at least with anyone he has a better chance of convincing them if there hoh compared to Joe. I think everyone wants Ian out before Dan be the biggest threat to win game so hopefully Ian doesn’t win hoh.
Danielle knows what’s up, and that there was no way, with Ian and Shane voting, that she would be going home, so why would she get angry over it?
Cuz it’s all about her and the attention she requires!!!
I think everything about Dan will unfold, becuase Ian is HoH
I was really surprised that Dan had nominated Danielle even if Joe was really the target, why not have put up Jenn instead, I don’t think she has any positive feelings about him after he broke his word to her ally Frank and evicted him.
There really is nobody in this house anymore that deserves to win.. this game is not about the best player winning anymore it’s about being liked and lying your way to the top.. Frank deserved to win this game..
I do agree…Frank was no floater so I’m not happy he’s gone…I really hope they bring him back in an all-stars season or something.
However, as shady as he is, Dan deserves to win this game, and he is the only one left who does…my new favorite is Jenn bc I hate the quackpack…I do not want Ian or Danielle to win at all.
Dan will work his way out of this one. Pretty sure Ian is clueless even after Dan asked him not to use POV
I was too busy typing and not listening…..when is the next hoh comp
How in heck did Jenn end up in the final five? Talk about floating…
What a bunch of idiots, somebody has to make a move, they can’t all win this game!
Dan really should have put up Shane.
That was a huge mistake on Dan’s part. Shane could
end up winning HOH and putting Dan on the block.
Wrong they have an alliance. Shane is too dumb to think for himself.
I have been an Ian fan since day 1 – but I finally believe production rigs the results – really? someone with a math mind is about to go home and they give him a visual math puzzle for POV – I am very very happy he won – but it is no clear to me production plays who stays and who goes
Production didn’t know Dan would win and put up Ian. Also, Joe was in first at one point.
Ian was going to be put up anyone of those 5
I don’t know if production had anything to do with it. Since Ian couldn’t play in the hoh comp, there was a chance of him going home. So, the production theory could actually be true.
Thank you Lee Armie – it was obvious ian was going up – but trust me I am very happy with the result – I hope he wins HOH and puts up Dan and Jenn
Production didn’t know that Dan would win but they did know Ian couldn’t play in the HOH so just in case he was nominated they wanted to give him a chance to win POV. And Joe was only ahead because he just kept going instead of trying to figure out the puzzle. That’s why he had to go back half way. Ian would stop and figure it out and that’s why he won.
The Pirate Ship HOH and Comet HOH were geared
to favor smaller and lighter players like Danielle and
Ian and yet, all the talk is production is rigging it to
favor Frank! Please, enough of the BS, looks more
like Ian is the favorite kid based on what has happened
so far!
Production is trying to edit it to make Frank look like the innocent except he admits on live feeds that he cheated and then production knew they were screwed because someone put it on You Tube and so he had to go, and agree rigging competitions for the little contestants, but have to say glad Ian won. He is a cutie!
Gah stop with the cheating crap…it gets old. How’d he cheat? He held onto his HG choice chip because they had to re shoot the scene because of the camera angle. But, it doesn’t matter, the haters of Frank will never believe anything differently. I’ve met the guy, and he sincerely seems like a nice guy. Marion is a small town and he’s a typical small town Arkansas good ole country boy. He did well for himself for being on the block 6/8 weeks.
Actually sort of like him just sad he got stuck with Boogie, but like it or not he admitted to cheating and the video was on You Tube and he got caught giving Brittney the answer. He probably is a nice guy in real life but beileve being aligned with Boogie and following that scumbags advice and not listenting to his brain is what cost Frank in the end.
That may be true but he was called out for cheating when he trying to give Brit an answer during a POV.
If it was geared towards lighter players why did Shame stay on til the end with Ian? And if you haven’t noticed they always have a comp like that each season, and one similar to the pirate ship too. Just sayin’.
In what universe is Danielle small?
Of course they do and they edit the feeds to make it appear however they want also. Love Ian!
Frank has no class whatsoever. His sense of entitlement is disgusting. I’m so glad he’s gone. I like Joe-he’s a nice guy. I’m pretty sure Ian will get the most votes if he gets to F2. Dan has made too many enemies but played a great game.
I think Dan could have won the veto, but he was too busy looking and worrying about Ian.
I think Dan was looking to see if Ian was close to winning and Joe wasn’t and since Joe was not going to win Dan just stopped trying. The idea was always to get Joe out because Dan knew Joe was coming after him.
Don’t tell me Ian and Shane are less of a threat
to Dan than, Joe? That is a hoot! Dan made a
huge mistake on the renomination when he
put up Danielle. He should have tried to get
Shane out with Danielle and Jenn voting to evict
Shane. Next week, Dan cannot play for HOH and
Shane and Ian might just go after him and
Joe told everyone he was after Dan and that’s why he’s gone. If by some dumb luck Joe won HOH Dan would of been nominated. Now Dan has an alliance with everyone left in the house. He has the Quack Pack who will put Jenn up, he has a final 3 with Danielle and Jenn, a final 2 with Ian and a final 2 with Danielle.
Ian is the only that is really fighting to stay in and I sure he know they are against him regardless of how he may play the remainder of the game. Call Ian Frank 2.0
Yet another exciting double eviction! What a night! I’m so glad that Ian won the POV and was able to avoid eviction. I hope he can win HOH again and shake up the house!
Don’t think Ian was ever the target so he really did not have to worry. Joe was always the target.
Actually, Dan talked to Danielle about getting rid of Ian on BBAD. He knows Ian is a strong mental competitor, and Dan and Danielle talked about taking him out before the final 4. If Dan wasn’t targeting Ian, why didn’t het put Jenn and Joe up instead of Ian and Joe? He is in an alliance with Ian, after all.
He didn’t want Jenn to go either. He has an alliance with her and Danielle. Hell he has an alliance with everyone except Joe and that’s why Joe is gone. Best player ever…GO DAN!!!
Ian won’t shake up anything unless Dan (his man) tells him too. Pathetic….
Sad day for all the Frankensteins out there. Now all we can do is is make sure he wins America’s favorite HG.
Yup. If I didn’t live in Canada I would vote for him.
Rooting for Ian! Danielle, Shane and Jen are all floaters. At least Ian and Dan are playing the game!
way to be Ian! All the way buddy! All the way!
Dan screwed up with the replacement noms though IMO. I realize he was under pressure and had to make his choice on a dime, but it was waste if time getting out Joe. He should have put up Shane and got him out. Now Dani is going to moan and groan forever about how Dan put her up, even though she really wasn’t in danger.
tonight was predictable, although Ian came close to going home. Ian needs to wake up and realize he has become the new target and get them before he’s got! Now that Frank is gone, I am rooting for Ian.
Do believe that if Frank had not been aligned with Boogie so early in the beginning I would of really liked him. He seemed to be nice when talking to Julie except when he lied about how he played an honest game. LOL was he serious, but besides that he seemed like he could of been a nice guy. Too bad he got stuck with Boogie as a coach.
Dan is playing BB the way its meant to be played. You can’t hate on someone who is playing the game the RIGHT way,
exactly. go dano!
Sure I can.
I can’t believe the hypocrisy of Dan, he grabs Ian by the neck and give’s him the evil eye for a minor slip when he did the same thing as shown on tv tonight.
Have no respect for this bully.
Oh please he did not.
The event I speak of occurred yesterday on the after dark feeds. Ian had just recounted his slip with Shane and Danielle who were evidently present when he made a slip that may have been taken as a sign to Frank that he was going home. Dan walks in and he repeats the events to Dan who makes a move toward Ian, Ian moves back Dan reaches around behind his neck to prevent him from retreating.
Ian would not have moved back if he really felt safe. Player should not be allowed to make these types of moves against others in the house. Makes me wonder if Dan is loosing it. Could have come close to an removal from the house.
I applaud Ian’s calmness. other HG would have gone on the defensive. Shameful because I don’t think Dan would have tried pulling this on anyone else.
I saw that and thought the same thing, the look in Dan’s eyes pretty much tells me he has a terrible temper. Can’t stand him.
Is it because he won the veto?
if these idiots dont target dan next week then they are truly idiots. best opportunity to get dan out next week if he doesnt win veto. and i am SUPER surprised that jenn is still in the house rather than joe. i guess she is playing a better social game than others have given her credit for. oh and shane+joe are so dumb LOL
What is JENNS problem??/ She is still in the game ain’t she??? suck it up…move on…
Why is she mad?
AWWW Frank sorry dude I won’t miss you because I’m done watching this Fake Ass Show take care and don’t vote IAN!
why do you think it’s fake?
I think we all need to remember that this is a cutthroat game and there WILL be lying and backstabbing. It’s part of the game. If you can’t take it, then maybe this isn’t the show for you. Dan did what he had to do to further his game. Was it honorable? Maybe not. But nobody is perfect, so nobody should judge him for it.
I don’t think any of the winners of BB have ever been what you call honorable. Remember Evil Dick, Dr. Will or even Rachel and what about the one winner that is now in prison. Only honorable winner I guess would be Jordan!
I judge him for being a bully
The event I speak of occurred yesterday on the after dark feeds. Ian had just recounted his slip with Shane and Danielle who were evidently present when he made a slip that may have been taken as a sign to Frank that he was going home. Dan walks in and he repeats the events to Dan who makes a move toward Ian, Ian moves back Dan reaches around behind his neck to prevent him from retreating.Ian would not have moved back if he really felt safe. Player should not be allowed to make these types of moves against others in the house. Makes me wonder if Dan is loosing it. Could have come close to an removal from the house.I applaud Ian’s calmness. other HG would have gone on the defensive. Shameful because I don’t think Dan would have tried pulling this on anyone else.
I agree with Margie. Jenn at least plays a under-the-radar social game and she is not completely useless in challenges that she wants to win in
Worst season ever!
Yet here you are…
okay how many lynn’s are there?
Lynn, Jenn does not have a chance at winning and she is in an alliance with Dan and Dani, that is why she is still there…….It has nothing to do with her skills, so just get over it.
That’s not even an alliance lol.
jenn isnt completely useless in challenges u know. i for a fact respect jenns game more than danielles/shanes game who only know how to ride dans coattails
what’s up with pouty face? she must be figuring out that dano is not her night in shining armor…oh well……..
I think it has alot to do with the huge zit between her eyebrows
thanks, i needed a chuckle……..
That thing is a monster!
Frank and Ashley can have hot sex in the Jury house, while Britney watches with Joe
lol I know
Joe will commentate by yelling the move by move at Britney
Dan got greedy after taking Frank out and tried to take Ian out, too. Putting up Danielle is not a big deal because it assured Joe’s exit. Danielle will get that. Dan’ s pro lem will be with Ian, once Ian stops shaking.
I doubt it, Ian thinks like a kid. I bet you Danielle will start to turn on Dan before Ian.
Dan and Danielle talked about getting rid of Ian, because he is a strong mental compeititor. They talked about not taking him to the final 4 because he would be too dangerous. Dan isn’t loyal to the quack pack. He’s just doing what he can to win.
You can tell Frank goes to church every Sunday when he says the man put his hand on the BIBLE LOL
If Frank was smart he would have thrown Dan under the bus because he’s a snake and he doesn’t care about it. Frank deserved to stay because he was a target just for being a good player. Most of the other house guests just floated on buy with untrustworthy alliances and stabs in the back.
He simply wasn’t thinking. He was EMBARASSED and felt like a LOSER. I would have reacted the same way.
tbh i think dan fked up trying to win this HOH and putting ian up. if ian isnt retarded, he would know that he is public enemy #1. howevr i do think ian is a stupid retard and will continue to kiss dans ass
You can’t even form a sentence or spell and you are calling Ian a retard? Really? Clearly, there is a direct correlation between your name and your intelligence level.
Dan made a huge mistake voting to evict Frank. Should have let Ian break the tie. Maybe he thought Ian and Frank were working together? Or, how would he explain voting to evict Joe to the rest of the QP. Why didn’t Frank rat out Dan before he left? Too shocked? I hope Jenn rats Dan out. Dan will never win now. Frank will tell everyone in the jury what he did. Here’s hoping. GO IAN. Get out Dan next week.
Frank is clearly the winner of this game. Certainly Big Brother will ask
Frank back ā perhaps for a new All Star Season. Way to go Frank!!
Dan doesnāt hold a candle to Frankās game.
I have lost total respect for Dan, the bible toter swearing allegiance
to Frank on his wedding ring, Chelsea his wife and the cross necklace
his grandfather gave him ā shaking Frank’s hand only to betray the value
and meaning of trust. Hereās a scripture for you Dan Gheesling Mark 8:36
ā For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and
lose his own soul? ā I hope you lose the game, the respect of your wife
and learn something about the value of trust. As Far as Dan Gheesling
teaching teenagers in a Catholic School ā Wow, what a great example to
them, and the viewing audience who may not even read their bible to see
how flippant and easy it is to blow off sanctity and trust for a bit a
cash. Nice Dan ā how are you going to justify and make excuses for
frank was not that good of a player. shane won just as many comps as frank and he wasnt on the block every week. maybe that shows that frank was horrible at social game and never made any real attempt to make alliances outside of boogie. hes not a great player. hes someone whos good at comps everything else sucked
Shane was only good at physical challenges, not mental or endurance comps because he’s not very bright. Frank on the other hand was good at the other ones too.
Why do U think F-word didn’t tell the house about Dan’s lies and their “alliance”? ….. would have killed ALL credibility that he had with anyone.
jenn is an underestimated player i think and she will do anything to keep herself safe. i think she might be the 1 to rat Dan out
Especially after tonight. I see Jenn being the one who will rip Dan a new one before the season is over.
I think it might be Ian that catches on to Dan. I would be suspicious if the person who promised me final two nominated me for eviction. Maybe Ian will go toe-to-toe with Dan like he did with Frank.
It’d be funnier and completely unexpected to see Ian and Jenn team up and go after Dan.
Dan didn’t nominate Jenn…I think Jenn is on Dans side. He used the POV on her also.
I didn’t say that he did nominate her. I think Jenn will figure out what Dan is really about and call him out for it. She’s a smart girl and I don’t think she’s gonna take much more crap from him. She’s gonna realize he’s playing everyone in different ways. That’s just MY opinion.
Jenn smart??? Just my opinion.
Ian doesn’t know what to think. I’m not sure if Ian actually knows that he was the target. Dan was a little rude when he told Ian to get in here I want to talk to you then proceeded to tell Ian what he was going to do and I think he told Ian what to do, as well……..Ian voted Joe out, just like Dan told him to do……what the hell is wrong with those idiots.
They are all misted out by the new messiah- DAN
He also acted like a dictator the way he was running around throwing out commands at them.
that’s why Dan is called the mastermind…
Dan is very smart and when you are working with idiots, you will look not only appear to be smart, you will appear to be a genius.
Exactly…it’s like when a top 10 college football team gives a beating to a lowly school….they look like they’re big and bad…
So if he wins are you saying he won over idiots only? If he was that good he needs to be on All Stars not on a season where most players never saw the game or if they did it was just before they came into the house.
I most certainly am not saying that all of the hgs are idiots. I am saying that the hgs that are currently in the house are brain dead.
no just a bully
I actually thought Dan was going to tell Ian to leave it as is.
How is it rude to try and talk to your alliance about what everyone wants to do especially when you only have ates???
In my opinion, Dan’s tone was harsh……Ian, get in here, I want to talk to you. Ian should have said, go talk to someone else cause I’m done with you. I’m no Ian fan and I used to be a Dan lover, but Dan’s arrogance is a little too much for me right now. If he humbles himself a bit, I’m back on board.
Really you don’t know what you are talking about Ian has long wanted to get Joe out, he also wants Jenn out. They have been his targets for a long time. The only reason Ian did not get Frank the first time he put him up was because Dan is not as good at this game as people might suggest. If Dan were smart he would not be bullying Ian, and Ian would have blindside Frank.
Not sure what you are even ranting about. I know Ian wanted Joe out. However, if Dan wanted Joe to stay, Dan would have told Ian to vote Danielle out and Ian would have done it. I’m sure you missed the point, but my point was that Ian and the rest are doing exactly what Dan tells them to do.
If Frank was smart he would have thrown Dan under the bus because he’s a snake and he doesn’t care about it. Frank deserved to stay because he was a target just for being a good player. Most of the other house guests just floated on buy with untrustworthy alliances and stabs in the back.
did u see the she devil posing her pretty dress in the kitchen for about 10 min. slut bag needs to go.
It was rather gross.
There is nobody left that I want to win…Big Brother is full of crap for how they fix the competitions and Ian is a creep. I am sorry but anyone who wants to win hoh so they can jack off (and would say that when they know everyone in America is watching) is a loser!
At least he tried hiding it when he did unlike Joe.
60 days is too long to go without an orgasm
I wouldn’t risk getting all “pimplely” either. The camera shows everything. You see what Dani is going through, don’t you.
lmao. Was he making noises?
I don’t think Ian even wanted to do the self pleasuring thing. I think Ian was just trying to fit in since Shane and Joe said that their hand was once their lover.
Here we go, the “fix the competitions” comments in full bloom…yet, again.
Wow, Ian was really caught on camera doing that?
No. Joe was and all the HG’s knew whenever he did it. Bet his wife was proud of those moments.
I’m hoping Dan doesn’t make it to the final three. I liked him till he broke a swear on the bible. I don’t care how great people think he is at this game, you just don’t do that. Lost all respect for him.
Do the evicted players get to see each other once they join the jury? And do they get to watch past shows to see who played who and who lied?
They see each other and discuss what happened to them. They only get a DVD that shows comps, nothing else. We should see how the jury house on Sunday.
Very interesting. It would amaze them to know the real truth. Thank you for responding.
Ian managed to save himself but is completely oblivious to what Dan was going to do to him. I dont see him wising up anytime soon and his demise is still imminent. Rest of the season will be awfully boring
When does the next hoh comp start?
I am assuming BB is holding HOH until after the President’s acceptance speech – on this fixing issue – I assume there are three types comps – those with muscles – (shane and Frank)- those who are small (most ladies and Ian) and those with brains 9 Ian) – the only question is, does production chose which comp they want based on who they want to win?
Dan is smart too! I think he is smarter than Ian
I am not sure anyone in that house is smarter than my lil Ian, but Dan and Ian at least make it interesting.
Umm, what acceptance speech?
The one he’s giving from the BB house!
I really wanted Janelle to win first, after she was evicted I was rooting for Britney. They always made it so close to the end and lost. But now I am rooting for Dan. YES he swore on the bible and backstabbed Frank. YES he is willing to throw anyone under the bus. But that is what makes him a great player and that is what this game is all about… if he makes it to final 2 he deserves to win.
I am assuming the next HOH will be an endurance comp
When is the HOH comp
Dan taking Danielle to the final 2 is his best bet — he could justify all of his actions by saying that he got his player to the end and majority of the jury wouldn’t vote for Danielle to win (just like no one voted for Natalie in Season 11).
Did Jenn and Dani make some pact after Frank left? Maybe it was after Joe left…they went off together to chat. The camera is on Dani, every time the guys mention Jenn. Makes me wonder what they have going on.
I might be wrong and I normally am, but I think Dani is going to align herself with Shane and Jenn.
you could be right on that one. she gets surprised and upset every time dan messes with her. it seems that ian will continue to align with dan, unclear about shane.
How can you tell she’s surprised? :-)
ian is so dumb blindly trusting dan with all his heart even though he was nommed by him and couldve gone because of that. if ian wants to win he gotta get Dan out but unfortunately he is a pussy and will continue to kiss dans ass.
They have talked about an all girl’s alliance before and Janelle told them no one has won the big prize when taking a male to the end.
Hey Jacee,
I’ve been lookin for ya. Are you ok?
@disqus_vu4BuOXHrw:disqus Just wanted to stop by and make my last post. I did send some messages and hope you see this one. I am done with BB after watching since S1. I cancelled my feeds, stopped recording the shows and could care less who wins. I was holding out for Frank and when he was let go that was enough for me. Dan disgusts me in so many ways. The people left I can’t stand watching. My main reason is that I never liked the coaches part when they let them enter the game. They have all played before and had their chances before. I would rather see any of these reality shows return to the way they use to be when all new players are brought into the game. I know they have a lot of people who would want to play this game. Let returning players be for All Stars and then they are on an even field.
It was really nice chatting with you during the season and hope you enjoy the rest of it. I just wanted to send my last post to you. Take care.
Hey Jacee didn’t you say you were done with BB?
@lavendargirl:disqus Yep after tonight’s show, stopped my dvr from recording, cancelled feeds, not watching and could care less who wins HOH and you are my last post excepto to say goodbye to my good friend. Hope you enjoy.
Frank is gone, now get rid of Jenn and then i don’t care who wins……Frank has been clueless the entire season, repeatedly trusting the same peoplle who where trying to get rid of him. Best game play has been Dan, with Ian a close second…..but if Ian survives to the end he will win …..
robert, jenn isnt as useless as u think she is. shane/danielle are WAY more useless than her. u gotta remember that jenn survived this long without the help of her coach (boogie only cared for frank). jenn has played a great UTR floating game and she isn’t totally worthless in mental competitions.she just isn’t a physical competitor
I agree with Mathew (the writer here), this could have definately been Dan’s biggest mistake of the season. He’ll have a tough time getting jury votes, if he makes final 2. Too bad, as I’d like to see him take it all. Even if he threw Frank his vote tonight, Frank still would have gone home. He could have told the others it was a return favour from last week. This could definately be his downfall…I see Danielle jumping ship now that Dan “put her up”, although clearly he knew she was safe.
ok B.B bring back frank for all stars please.Dont forget to vote for Frank as Americas vote please
Can we talk we talk about the Bible ? This is really boring.
Sure, swearing on the bible will eventually get you in a world of trouble.
Ya!! Please!! I need more!! Call me and we’ll talk!! Hey I have a better idea, let’s all hold hands and go to church Sunday morning!!
Thank you Jillith…Bless your heart.
Amen Friend! I’ll be praying for you so that you are not bored by the other conversations here.
Disappointed? So, who are we rooting for now? Let’s go Ian.
I would really love to see Ian win this. I feel that if he’s in the F2 he’ll get all the votes. Shane isn’t worth a jury vote, Dumbielle might pull off one from Joe, Jenn might get one from Ashley or Frank, Dan already had his funeral so I think jury will have his grave ready, so that leaves Ian to take most of the jury votes and win 500K so he can buy a new mountain bike. :-)
That’s the thing. I think the HG’s knows that Ian is going to garner more jury votes than any one of them. The kid’s got some good argument to the jury. Even against Dan. I hope he survives this week, because they’re all gunning for him.
Ian has to survive!! I don’t think Dan would try to take Dumbielle to F2. He could win over her, but I think he wants to be really mean to her by evicting Shame then ignoring her once Shame’s gone and saying that she’s on her own.
we can have a tent revival
Amen to that! Will you be joining us for church Sunday morning?
front row center….a bible in one hand and a BB rule book in the other!
Ok good, because I just realized I forgot to tell you to bring your bible. Cyril’s gonna be reading a passage for us all.
I hope he reads the one about how angels get their wings….oh wait…that’s “Its A Wonderful Life”
Haha! Hey we can all grab some whiskey and wine and watch that after church, you in?
Bourbon and branch for me….none of that sissy wine stuff.
But I know how to make it from water.
LOL…can you walk on it too?
Of course, Dumbielle taught me how to do that.
I should have known. Her wooden leg doesn’t slow her down. She’s a peach….no i mean she’s the pits.
Haha, you got that right. With that wooden leg it’s all about floating.
With that empty HEAD it’s all about floating, it’s the leg that keeps her from bobbing up and down.
Haha, I wonder if she can kick herself in the head with it? You know, I really think we should invite her to church with us.
She would start talking in tongues and having visions….yeah!…could be fun
Oh Ya!! I didn’t even think of that!! In that case we better have your bourbon and my whiskey ready before we go!
We’ll take it with us. It will be a byob service. Better bring some ear plugs….i’m sure Danielle is a gospel singer too….learned it from Whitney Houston.
Bahaha, I just got this image of her dressed up in a shiny glittery dress attempting to sing like Houston! Good one
I’ll lead the opening prayer. I know how how to speak in tongue. I’m with the Batman’s Witnesses.
I can’t wait! Might be a little drunk, but it’ll still be fun! :-)
They have a big problem now – who is going to cook for them since they just let go of the cook.
The food might have been good, but it was contaminated.
with body fluids.
Dani, she said the other night she went to cooking school lol, after all she can do everything. But of course she needs a mirror in front of the stove.
So now she is 23, has three degrees, but is still in nursing school and went to cooking school, as well…..right
Wow. She is so amazing. What’s next she’s a lawyer and fought in WW2?
and has a wooden leg and a glass eye
Hahaha! Is the glass eye the 3rd one that suddenly appeared in the last couple days?
That’s the one that’s real
yep,lol lets not forget the beauty contests, and the piercings she had lol
she is a jackass of all trades
Good one Shelly!
and had a dog that could hunt lions…
and the mother who was an Olympic swimmer
I have an idea, put them all on slop and they won’t have to worry about it! :-)
Danielle would triple her whining if she was on slop….not sure i could take it.
Does anyone know if the hog started yet?
Jenn is the only one that was true and kept her word to Frank I was team Frank now I am team Jenn. Come on girl go go go
I know! I hated Frank at the beginning and then started to like him after he pulled Dan off the block. Now I feel so bad for him. I’d have been PO’d too!
But like Frank said he was screwed either way everyone was coming after him at least he had a chance with Dan.
Did the new hoh start yet???
Did anyone else find Dan and Joe’s night conversation to be hilarious? Joe wasn’t even smart enough to play it off.
Yeah!!! Hahahah I laughed my ass off I ve never seen that happened before.
It’s funny because Joe is known to be the snitch in the house. I always thought he wasn’t that bad until I saw that,
Dan was like Dan? I am Dan, then Joe was like hey what’s sup? I truly was dying in laughter.
OMG, a chance to get Danielle out and they blew it. Another week of whining ahead…
…and pimple popping…
and boob showing….and jobs having
and mirror looking
crap, at first i thought the heavens was gonna open up.
but tonight it will be her legs. oops joe’s not here
good one! ha, ha, ha!!! stupid Danielle!
Ian has played a bit sloppily and childish. But he still has victories to his name, and comes off as a genuinely decent person. I’m on the Ian Boat, all the way!
i agree, love ian
Again GO IAN!
Dan may have gotten Frank evicted from the house, but he doesn’t really deserve as much credit as we bestow on him. Now that Frank is in the jury house, where he’ll be able and will tell all, Dan’s reputation as a Big Brother player among other house guests is irreparably destroyed. If Dan receives and accepts an invitation to an All-Stars season, he’d be swiftly evicted. His reputation from here on out is that of an All-Star Snake. He’ll never recover, and regardless of whether he wins this season (I don’t care), he doesn’t seem to get it.
I agree with you. I think Dan should be banned once this season is over due to character issues.
I disagree. Reality TV isn’t exactly a temple of virtue. The only grounds for banning a player is if they physically assault someone. But on Dan’s moral conduct… if he makes it to final two, his odds of winning to me are 50/50. The jury may abhor his actions and reward guest x, but Big Brother has a record of having some of the dumbest reality TV contestants, so they may instead reward his behavior, i.e. make an Evil Dick out of him.
Evil Dick’s season is the only season that I missed. Was he as bad as Dan this season? I just can’t get over him swearing on the bible. That truly disturbs me.
You should watch it. It will leave you speechless
Evil Dick was just that, a dick. he isn’t as strategic as Dan, but equally vile and shameless as Booger and Dr. Will, otherwise in a game of wits? his strategy involved kissing his daughters rear end for most of that season with trying to make up for being a dick of a father too, he bullied everyone and gossiped like an old woman, his daughter Daniele is also a piece of work. not a compliment by any means.
thanks, that was nicely summed up.
Dan made this season. Like look at the comments everything about him good or bad he s made the show way more popular. And the jury is always up in the air some ppl hold grudges like survivor and some give it up to the ppl that got them out. You just never know with jury.
jenn win HOH..
What time is it starting?
They are playing now. Nothing but trivia on live feeds & a note saying they are playing.
if jenn wins hoh then pigs can fly
Dumbielle doesn’t have wings.
The biggest messup of the season…..Daniell wins HOH puts Dan (she has to make it look good ) as a pawn against Jenn… Shane or Ian win veto and do not use it…. Dan goes to jury cause Shane and Ian vote him out….That would be so dam funny….
unlikely because everyone wants ian out
Their biggest chance of getting out Dan is this coming
week. If Danielle, Shane, Ian and Jenn still cannot figure
out why they need to get out Dan then, they may as well
hand the $500,000 check to Dan now! Dan can still
survive if he wins POV but, they have to take their
shot now. Dan wasted his HOH on evicting Joe! He
should have put up Shane as replacement and gotten
Danielle and Jenn to evict Shane! Then, he would have
had to worry only about Ian! Now, he has to deal with
Ian, Shane and Danielle all possibly out to evict him.
Jenn could care less and will go along as long as she
is not the target!
I think it was snare of Dan Joe the only person gunning for him. And if anyone else wins hoh he at least has a way better chance than if Joe wins.
If Dan wasn’t playing Danielle’s game for her, she wouldn’t have any game play at all……..poor STUPID-STUPID Danielle. Now she should really have a valid reason to CRY more tears, it was only because Dan and Boogie made the game play decisions for her to make her look good! She got on the wrong reality show by mistake for sure!
She should have auditioned for the show “Pretty Little Liars”. She would give a truly authentic performance.
Could you imagine her on a reality dating show? I heard that’s what she originally tried out for. Holy crap she’s a mess in the BB house with her Shame nomance, imagine what a mess she’d be on a dating show!
What a poor excuse of a woman! I don’t want anyone taking her to F2, she doesn’t deserve anything.
It appears the HOH comp is going on now.
yesterday danielle said she left frank a really good goodbye message. guess nobody will know if thats true
How the hell is Jenn still there? The furniture in the house has done more then Jenn has this season.
I agree but who knows she might be next.
anybody know whats happening with hoh?
It’s still going on. Before the feeds went to trivia all the HG’s were dressed for a physical comp. Now that’s just what I observed and I could be wrong.
HOH is going on presently… and Dan i’m sure is happy because this is an HOH he doesn’t want to play as someone will get his hands dirty.
Ian Wins: Jenn and Shane up. Dani Replacement Jenn goes. QP 4 ever Ian your dumb you need to backstab if you want to be an evil player.
Dani Wins: Ian and…Shane?Jenn? Replacement?
Jenn Wins: Ian and Shane up. Replacement Dan(unless *mist*). Dani has to choose between Shane and Dan(*mist*).
Shane Wins: Who the hell knows but fat chance of it happening anyway that guy is dumb dumb dumb. (*m8st* so Jenn and Ian)
All these scenarios are currently on the last things i’ve seen, but Dan’s *mist* can improve any number of scenarios further to his advantage.
Can’t wait to see the next POV, some hard choices might have to be made.
Wonder rand what time zone are you in? The show is over I am watching dvr.
im talking about the next HOH that is going on presently.
kinda agree this will probably relate to the next article :)
Ok one of those HOH that goes on till we see it on Sun.
Dan could wind up on the chopping block. Although,
the ewbies have been dummies all season, even a
broken clock is right twice a day! All it takes is a little spark to jog the brain cells that, there are only 5
players left and Dan is a very good player. Why not nominate and get him out while, we can? Dan also
wasted his HOH in getting rid of Joe instead of putting
up Shane as replacement nominee and having Danielle and Jenn evict him! And Dan cannot play for HOH this week which is a huge plus in nominating Dan! Alliances
mean nothing in the Big Brother House with all the lies,
backstabbing and betrayal going on. It may not seem
likely but, Dan could be at great risk of being evicted
this week!
i agree there is always risk… and Dan wanted Ian out, missed, then wanted Shane out but didnt have enough time to be sure Danielle would vote his way ( Ian wasn’t ) so he folded to joe, which is still great for him as Joe would 100% put up Dan, not the others.
I’m seing the best scenarios for Dan because i’m a bit biased ofc ( Team Dan ), but then again, the houseguests are dumb and Dan has had to to convince them of wayyyy harder stuff that what he will this week.
I hope they bring Frank back another year, he was fun and entertaining to watch. Not to mention a breath of fresh air with his honesty, integrity and morals even if it is a game. What a decent, respectable guy. He never had to swear on a bible or embarrass himself to stay in the game. Good Job Frank! We’ll miss watching you!
I think they’ll bring him back next year. He deserves it.
Oh He’s coming back. Julie’s got mad respect for that kid.
Dan should of chosen Jenn and Joe for eviction, without him charring the bridge with Danielle, he also could of voted to keep Frank with Ian being the tie-breaker, which he was more than willing to do. covering his basis with Frank going into jury. him nominating Ian was a slight surprise, although considering he directed Ian to act pissed during the Veto ceremony, helped to keep up appearances. I really wanted Danielle gone, but she was simply a pawn. Joe shouldn’t of revealed his plan to put up Dan to Shane, which turned out to be Dan. since it was in the dark, just wow, Joe was simply no threat, only the true floater left in the house. Dan certainly could of handled that better, considering how well he has been playing lately.
I think Dan was right to put up Danielle in a game sense because 1) she’s a surefire way to guarantee Joe leave and
2) Danielle is wrapped around his finger-they’ve already made up!
Does anyone know the date of the final episode? Thanks.
sept.15 i believe
Dan is such a hypocritical “Christian”. I believe in God but I don’t classify myself as a Christian because I don’t follow everything in the Bible. Evel Dick is right, all these people walk around with the Bible in their hand but don’t follow it. You guys say it’s only a game but I would have no problem with him if he lied and didn’t swear on the Bible or carried it around. Just shows his true colors.
Frank’s gone, Frank’s gone. Thank you lord Frank is GONE. It’s the best day of the season!!
Dan is on top of this house. He is a very social player. He asks questions of players about their outside life. Very few do or did.
HOH is over. Who won? Does anyone know?
IAN possibly…on BBAD Shane is pissed…
Maybe. I think I saw a chain around his neck. :-)
IAN evidently got it…Shane just counted his (Ians )wins
Yay! The CBS show just came on here, I missed the 1st half hour on videobrother earlier so I’m trying to catch up on that and watch the live feeds at the same time.
yall gotta love this one…..Somebody on Wilie Hantz’s TWITTER page just called Daniell the “bunny boiler”…lmao….hence her “fatal attraction” for Shane….lmmao..
Putting up Danielle was not the dumb move, putting up Ian was. Ian is the only player left who deserves the money other then Dan, also he could win the next HOH and target Dan. Unless Dan fools him again.
lord all help us another week of danielle! geez…and now she is “offended” she got nominated. moah? queen bee nominated? its going to be a looooong week. its going to be hard to watch the twisted sister oogle all week at herself yet again. and now we got to throw in more whining! but hey at least we will learn more about her this week…i wonder what degree she will have earned this week. i hate silver spooners!
I think Ian won HOH, he’s got a chain around his neck.
yes he did, that kid is unstoppable. Endurance or mental, lol
Ianmania! :-) He’s gonna win it all!
The love team could be nominated. Shame and Dumbielle
IAN is HOH….
hope ian puts up danielle this week so she can put on the preformance of a lifetime…