Big Brother 14: Week 6 Player Rankings


After last night’s amazing and crazy live double eviction episode of Big Brother 14, it’s time to calm down, take it all in and figure out who really played the best game last week. I think things are going to change drastically now that we’re entering Week 7, but the Week 6 rankings are easy as pie.

Best Players of the Week

1. Ian. He takes the top spot again this week and there is no one else who deserves this spot right now. Even though he had me worried most of the week that he was going to cave into his fanboy ways and play it safe, he continued to play all sides, masterminded Boogie’s demise and got everyone else to take the blame. Way. To. Go. Ian. Very impressed. Even Boogie took off his hat for Ian when he heard Ian’s amazing goodbye message.

2. Frank. Frank won the power of veto to get himself off the block once again. And he did a good job strong-arming everyone all week, trying to save Boogie. While I don’t agree with all of Frank’s thoughts and actions, he fought hard all week.

Worst Players of the Week

1. Boogie. I wasn’t going to give this spot to Boogie just because he went home because he fought hard to stay, even down to trying to scare Danielle into voting for him to stay just before the live show. What lands him in this spot is him playing for the $10,000 in the week’s HoH competition. He also got played hardcore by Ian and accused the wrong person all week.

2. Ashley. There’s really nothing to say about Ashley except she made all the wrong moves this entire time. And those moves walked her right out the door. She couldn’t even deliver a final plea. She didn’t ask anyone to save her. She just rambled.

Complete Rankings List

  • 1. Ian
  • 2. Frank
  • 3. Britney (for getting the target off her back and for her awesome farewell message to Boogie)
  • 4. Dan
  • 5. Shane
  • 6. Jenn (way to fight for yourself, Jenn. Welcome to BB!)
  • 7. Joe
  • 8. Danielle
  • 9. Ashley
  • 10. Boogie

For your viewing pleasure, the final moments of Ashley’s “save me” speech before Julie cuts her off and she dejectedly resigns herself to eviction.

video removed



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  1. Yay Ian, bye Booger! Please send Danielle out next! I don’t care if it’s a waste or not, just tired of seeing & hearing her.

  2. I love the farewell speech Brittney gave to Boogie ..I loved it ..ring ring funny Brit go girl kick there butts ..

    • For real!!! :) Highlight of the night for me….and Joe’s speechless speech had me lol’ing too!

    • It would have been goood if not for the fact that she scumbagged Janelle by voting her out, lied to her the whole week and now wants everyone to think they were always besties.

      • The same with the hypocrite Dan. When he voted to evict Boogie, he had the nerve to say for Janelle! Incredible when he was as much a mastermind like Boogie urging Danielle, Shane and Brittney to backdoor Janelle! And this guy is a class act? Give me a break.

  3. amazing how happy danielle was when ashley got voted out so she can be the “pretty skinny girl”  but gurl….time to be on the block and feel it (not like last time she knew she was staying)  she is going to suck up to frank so shane can stay…dan will be voted out which i really don’t care either way…hoped it would be shane so we can see her come up with more ways to try and be the “pretty gir”…danielle just is so pathetic waiting for her to turn on brittany, even though she is married and annoying. lets admit jenn is no competition….sad her game play is to be the center of attention for the boys.

  4. Has anyone noticed how much Honey Bo Bo(from TLC) and Frank look alike?  Must be related.

  5. Ian came to play and he’ll find that there a price to pay. It’s Time for him to get down on his knees and pray. Ian came to play to and paid his dues.
    Boogie had a dream but it cant be saved as he said goodbye to the good old days as Ian made sure he’s never coming back and he watch Boogie’s future fade!

      •  That depends on whether Dan or whomever else gets voted out this week as Ian could slip through the radar as Frank might survive for a week or two more,

    • Brittany needs to stop eating cheez its! everytime i see her in the HOH room she is always eating cheez its!

  6. ian was gonna win the game but took out ashley way too early britney is gonna win this game 

  7. Ian is not so smart. Smart would have been to put up Jen and Ashley. By putting up Frank Ian guaranteed he play for power of veto. Odds were stacked against Frank getting to play if not in the hot seat. Provided the Gods were not shining down on Frank he would have been back doored and out. Now he is HOH.

      • I agree. Don’t give Frank the chance to play for veto. I have noticed that Dan hasn’t been picked to play for any vetoes. He wasn’t picked this time either. Neither was Britney. Well, Frank is locked out of HOH so I guess that means he is getting Pandora’s Box and will get some secret power and win the game. So predictable. Expect the unexpected was their motto, but lately you can pretty much predict what will happen. This hasn’t been a very good season for me. Hope next year will be better.

      • There is a danger to that like in the veto competition. If Frank got picked to play, he could have saved Ashley and himself and Joe or Jenn would have been evicted. Would not have been a bad scenario at all!

    • Ian could have put up just about anyone but Frank and been better off. By nominating Frank he showed his hand and left no escape route. Should have nominated anyone esle and talked to Frank quickly to work out a deal or else use him as a renom if he wanted. I think he should have put up Dan and then would have been able to work with Frank. They could go a long ways working together. Dan and company will put Ian up soon anyways.

      Easy for us to debate the next day. Ian had only a few minutes to decide what to do.

    • I agree.  Last night’s nominations were complete stupidity.  They should
      have nominated Jenn or Joe.  Then have everyone agree not to take Frank
      as houseguest choice.  Then use the veto to take down Jenn or Joe and put
      Frank up.  That way he would be gone.  For all these people to have played
      BB before or to be keeners on the game they sure do not have any sense.

      Danielle is off her stick.  That girl drives me nuts.  Dan should go home because he is a floater.  Was a one the time he won BB.  Throws comps see he can play the social game while other people bloody their hands.

    • You don’t think Ian really wanted to give Frank a chance to play for POV? That’s why he didn’t backdoor him…I really think he wanted Frank to stay.

  8. did Ian really mastermind anything? all he did was relate information and Brittany flipped a lid. she was the one to get Shane to do it. so I give very little credit to him for getting boogie out. now unless production edited most of his masterminding, we just saw him
    being a rat, that’s not bring a mastermind. we all knew he was voting against mike but that’s not masterminding either.

    • Agreed. Not sure why everyone feels Ian is responsible, sure Ian ratted them out, but Dan, Britney and the rest had equal responsibility in going forward with the plan.

    •  I agree.  I think because Ian is a “brain” that anything he does is interpreted as intelligent.  I don’t think he master-minded anything.  What he did happened to work because most of the house guests are paranoid.  I think Frank deserves to be the top player because he has had to fight to stay in the game every week.  What has Ian done to fight to stay in the game?  I really hope that it gets back to Frank that Ian was the cause of Boogie leaving and not Dan.  I don’t like Dan but why is he or anyone taking the fall for Ian?  Frank has won many more Q&A’s than Ian.  Ian may be book smart but he is nothing else.

      • I agree 100 percent.  I am rooting for Frank.  Ian is a sneaky little rat and Shane is a big coward.

  9. Although Ian masterminded a great move, he blew it by telling Boogie before he left the BBhouse.  His goodbye message said it all.  Therefore, I give him the number 2 spot and Frank number 1.  I have been trying to think of who also did this (pulling self off the block time after time, was it Brendon?)

  10. They got rid of two people that made it worth watching this season yesterday kinda sad wish they would have got rid of the other two people that were on the block

  11. I am so glad to see Boogie go,he is just a 42 year old punk, with many personal problems !

  12. I love Ian i didnt think he had it in him. And the message that Brittney and Ian left for Boogie was outstanding  2 thumbs up :):):)

  13. I agree Danielle has atleast won, but i loved Joe’s sign language speech last night!! Way too funny!! Im still ruteing for Frank!!

  14. Well it didn’t take long for Britney and Ian to throw Dan under the bus and train and semi….After Dan took the blame for Ian all week and this is how he pays him back. Someone other than Dan needs to tell Frank everything about Ian. Frank won’t believe Dan. Danielle, Joe, Shane need to start throwing Ian under the bus. Britney sure isn’t going to protect Dan. She will scumbag anyone. If Dan goes up I hope he wins POV and Britney goes up and to jury. 

  15. A lot of the HG’s are being nice to Frank. Promising all kinds of deal, nodding in agreement to Frank. Of course !!! Behind his back, majority of the HG’s are still plotting his eviction. I’m not sure who he could trust. EVEN IAN. He could be successful on eliminating one of the big player this week, but unless he keeps winning HOH’s and POV’s, he’s always in danger every week. One miss, he dies.

    • Franks has no viable option except to keep fighting and winning HOH and POV. True he could get eliminated and that is expected. He is outnumbered 7 to 1 and anyone of the other house guest in that situation will also lose!
      Still, trusting anyone and hoping they do not stab him in the back is a far more risky alternative. Better would be to pretend and agree to all plans hatched by the other house guests but, make sure the other allies of the Quack Pack knows what each one said about the other! Stirring the pot in this case makes more sense and maybe, even deflect the eviction target away from Frank if the Quack Pack knows someone in the alliance is out
      to get them! Who knows, any in fighting among Quack Pack members
      can end up saving Frank and prolonging his life in the Big Brother House
      and I am all for that! More drama, more entertainment, more twists. Why?
      That would be great in my books!

      •  I think the QP will fold. Everyone wants to stay, obviously…so to do that, they’ll start ratting on each other and will continue kissing up to Frank. Works every time when it comes down to fewer in the house and the desire to get ahead or at lease stay in the game.

  16. I wish dairy queen would send Chef Gordon Ramsey in the house so he could tell chef joe crap what he thinks of his cooking now that would make some great entertainment lol

    • Chef Ramsey might just hit Joe on the head with a pan to knock some sense in him to wash his hands!

      • Speaking of “gag” – Does anyone know what was in Ian’s water bottle that was so gross?  I’m almost afraid to ask but please be gentle.  I know that boy almost tossed his cookies over it.  Yeesh!

  17. Was it just me, or did Ashley seem like she was drunk when she gave her eviction speech?

  18. Dear Ian,

       Guys like you keep their shirts on for a reason.  No Bueno Ian. No Bueno.


  19. We who watch this program, are so brain-washed that we actually believe this is REAL!
    We all know that it’s NOT!
    This is the SHANE AND FRANK SHOW, and their cast of extras.
    The whole program, seriously, is written by BB, directed by BB, and sworn to secrecy by BB

  20. This whole game seems to be designed for FRANK to win.  They let him cheat on that past veto comp w/boogie.  Now he is going to get “Pandora’s Box” If it’s the Golden power of Veto, then I”M DONE WATCHING!!!!!!!!!!!   Yes, he has played hard.  That does NOT give him the right to treat people the way he does.  It makes him look ugly and I don’t know why CBS let’s him get away w/it.

  21. Ian shouldn’t have said anything to Boogie as he was leaving the house because he informed Frank who will be after him.  Ian should have only made his statement to Boogie in the diary room and kept everything to himself until the finale. 

  22. Ian shouldn’t have said anything to Boogie as he was leaving the house because he informed Frank who will be after him.  Ian should have only made his statement to Boogie in the diary room and kept everything to himself until the finale.

    • No boogie and frank both new Ian was on the other side when Julie said the vote count when they heard only one vote for boogie to stay they knew

      • No Boogie had two votes, Frank and Ashley :) I would have thought he would have thought it was Ian not ashley :)

  23. Wait did anyone see during all of last night’s episode whenever Julie was talking there was a woman with 3xs the size of Frank’s in the background? Loling at that

  24. Ian needs to put on a damn shirt. He has the weirdest looking nipples and needs to get plastic surgery to fix them things if he wins. What a freak!

    • ian is socially challenged and to bust on him for his nipples is a sad refect o n you!

      • For being all “socially challenged” he sure is good at stabbing people in the back, being arrogant, and talking trash. He shouldn’t go on a reality show if he can’t deal with it. Ian is scum and is the absolutely worst type of person because he’s a complete asshole that hides behind his being a dork so people like you feel sorry for him and don’t put him up to the same standards you hold the others up to. 

  25. They weren’t doing Ian any good by posting this pic….He looks like he’s missing a chromosome…

  26. Poor Ian.  I feel bad for him.  His is trying to be a player and he did make a big move by ratting out Frank and Boogie, but he might need a reality check.  I would think that if he ends up in the jury house alone with Ashley he might get his feelings hurt.  Nothing against Ashley, but I really don’t think she really fancied Ian.  It seemed to be a Fauxmance and not a real showmance.  We’ll find out if Ian goes next and is alone with Ashley.  I hope I’m wrong, but I hope Ian has a realistic expectation. 

  27. Why all the hate on Danielle? I think she has been nice the whole time. I’d be happy if she, Dan, Brittany, or Ian win.

  28.  think Frank is doin an awsome job tryin to stay in the house as for Ian he is playin the game for the rest of them thier just being layed by Britney & Danielle one of them need to go sorry to say then you got floaters joe & jenn what a waste anyway I hope Frank, or Ian win the money no one else really deserves it Shane was only a puppet & Dan really hasn,t done much at all except throw all comps!!!

  29. Maybe before noms Joe will grow a set of ba*** & tell Frank it was all Ian only problem Ian won golden veto through pandora,s box!!!! So maybe he,ll get rid of Britt instead since Dan really wasn,t the one who really got boogie out maybe Jenn will tell the truth too!!Who Knows anything is possible

  30. so this weeks hoh franks power is basically useless since he open pandoras box.. ian holds all the power winning the golden nugget of veto he can take anyone off block that frank nominates an Ian decides the replacement so guess he will save dan an replace him with Joe an the quack pack will vote to evict joe

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