Tonight on Big Brother 14 we’ll see the results of the next live eviction and what we expect is an endurance HoH competition after the sneak peek CBS sent out earlier.
I’ll be updating this post here with the live eviction and HoH results as it’s revealed on the show. Have your Live Feeds ready to go (Not signed up yet? Use the Free Trial!) because when the broadcast show is over the Live Feed will return and that’ll be the only place you can watch the endurance battle play out.
Big Brother 14 Week 5 Live Eviction voting:
- Ashley: evict Joe
- Boogie: evict Wil
- Danielle: evict Wil
- Jenn: evict Joe
- Dan: evict Wil
- Britney: evict Wil
- Shane: evict Wil
- Ian: evict Wil
That’s it. Wil has been evicted.
By a vote of 6-2, Wil has been evicted from Big Brother 14.
Big Brother 14 Week 6 HoH Competition – ‘Swamped’:
- The HGs will race across a track and try to be the first to fill their water bowl. The first to get their cork out of the bowl wins HoH.
- HGs also have the temptation to fill “safety” or “$10K” buckets to win that instead.
- We’ve got live updates on the comp here
Watch the rest of this HoH competition only on the Live Feeds!
Once the eviction show is over the Live Feeds turn back on and we’ll either have a brand new HoH in the Big Brother house or the endurance competition will rage on! Make sure you’re ready to watch the house react to who is in power. The nominations will be revealed on Friday night with the Veto competition on Saturday, so stay close by!
Ashley, Britney, Danielle, Jenn, and Shane vote to evict Joe, Dan, Ian, and Mike Boogie vote to evict Wil, and by a vote of 5-3, Joe is evicted from the Big Brother house and I think this is going to happen
Julie says “by a vote of 5-3, Joe you are evicted from the Big Brother house”
Is this real? I can only hope? Get rid of Joe!! He’s like that moldy old gross thing you find in the back of your fridge that you forgot about.
No it’s not real. There have not been any votes yet. Plus, it’s going to be Wil who gets evicted.
I Hope!!!!
Jenn hasn’t even been mentioned or seen this episode lmao!!!!
Any chance she could have left the house already earlier in the day?? BB twist?
Maybe she went shopping to buy some clothes!
This comp definitely looks like it was made for Shane to win. I hope not…I’m sick of his game play. I do think Ash is gonna hurt her back again on this one. It’s not gonna be pretty.
is there a charge to cancel the live feed after a month?
Joe needs to go home to his wife and four kids
Joe is walking out the door tonight and going home to his wife and four kids
did joe walk out the door
Ashley evict joe
Boogie evict wil
Danielle evict wil
Jenn evict joe
Dan evict wil
Britney evict wil
Shane evict wil
Wil is evicted
Ian evict wil
This was one of the strangest shows of all time. Way too many segments and chit-chatting.
Will always takes it like a champ. *badum tss*
noooooooooooooooo :(
Yea, I was hoping Will stayed in the house longer,but he did,nt know how to be a ass kisser,like the rest of the house.
No! I want Wil to stay!
too bad, the house doesnt want him inda house no more
Will you will be missed. You a great person. Dont forget that
Boogie will win this HOH and backdoor Danny Boy if given the chance with Britney as the target
Boogie will not win. When there’s money Boogie always goes for the money. He’s remaining true to form in this comp.
I appreciate those that help keep these spoilers up to date! I am in an area where they are airing football…and I am dying not being able to see eviction night!!
score please?
At half time:
Cleveland 16
Green Bay 7
30 – 7 Cleveland
I Love that Boogie is going for the 10k instead of HOH
Boogie has ran the HOH the past 2 weeks without even winning it. He knows he can do it again so of course he’s going for the cash.
Boogie is filling the $10K jug, Ashley and Joe are filling the Safety jug!!
wise move, by joe and ashley, the silent 6 is disintegrating
i missed it…which 4 are going for hoh and which 4 are going for safety????
I want my boy Ian to win HoH and boot Ashley’s ass out the door. So wrong what she did.
what she do
Shows once agaln what kind of ass Boogie is only one going for the money.
I wish, big brother,could bring back a past strong houseguest to challenge,Boogie,s eagle.
I’m sad that Wil is gone, I hope he gets voted back in the house if there’s a twist to vote an evicted houseguest back in the game, I wish Joe was gone instead of him
I didn’t want Wil to go either, but the house is already too full–there isn’t going to be a chance for anyone to come back in.
It’s unlikely. They are going to have to do 2 double evictions in order to be down to the right amount of players for the finale…. If my math is right, that is.
I hate that it takes them so long to get the live feed up when there’s an endurance comp.
can multiple people win the safety or first to fill wins
1st only. And only if they fill before HOH is filled.
Double eviction next Thursday
I think Ashley and Joe are on the block this week with Ashley being the pawn and Joe being the target
Does anyone know how Ian is doing in the comp?
Ouch! Ian had a massive wipe out.
Hard to tell, but so far looks like Shane is in the lead.
I really don’t want to watch another week of Shane as HOH. Been there, done that, boring!
I think Ian or Shane is going to win hoh tonight and put up Ashley and Joe and get loudmouth Joe out of the house right before the jury
Go Ian !!
I think britney will when hope fully shane will win pov
I predict Shane will win HOH again. He has it in him to put up Boogie or Frank as he knows they can’t be trusted.
It looks like Shane is going to win hoh and he’s going to put up Ashley and Joe and send loudmouth Joe out the door right before jury because I would hate to see him in the jury house
I haven’t seen Brit’s jug, but sounds like she’s right there with Shane.
Brit & Dan going for safety and not HOH.
Sorry to see you go Will Great style !
It looks like Shane, Danielle and Ian are going for HOH. Boogie for $10k. And the rest safety.
Whats going on???
Looks like Brit is going to win the safety.
Brit just won the safety from nomination.
Does this mean no one wins the $10,000 (boogie)
did Brit win ? wow love it.
is shane ahead in the hoh
Shane leads HOH, Danielle 2nd, Ian3rd
Players need to vote Boogie out! He bugs me bad
Frank should be really mad at Boogie. He can’t play this week and Boogie goes for the $10,000? What a great alliance member! And what the heck was Joe talking about during the eviction process? He looked like an idiot giving a speech that didn’t make any sense.
What Boogie did was some bull shit,I hope he goes home this week!!!!
frank is stupid I hope he goes home next, why can’t he think for himself, trying to please boogie he’s stupid I just hope they vote him out.
That’s only because he thought he was save since Shane won and Shane(his dumbass) should stay loalty.
Will sure is a pretty man! He reminds me of Scott Thompson from Kids in the Hall!
Get rid of Jenn and Joe and bring back Ashley and Wil
Ashley and Wil deserve to be in the hose more than Jenn and Joe
Ashley and Wil deserve to be in the house more than Jenn and Joe
bring Cassi, Dom, Ashley, and Wil back on All Stars 2