Big Brother 14: Week 2 Power of Veto Options

Big Brother 14 - Frank and Danielle

Later today on Big Brother 14 the Power of Veto ceremony will be held and Frank will be faced with a few options on what to do next. We’ve been expecting one obvious decision, but now it looks like there could be a new plan. Frank just doesn’t know it yet. Read on to find out what’s going on as we head toward today’s Veto meeting.

Shortly after Frank was crowned as this week’s HoH we knew his plan was to nominate Willie and Shane. That plan was quickly demolished and in its place arose the targets of Shane and JoJo. Well you can toss that plan in the trash too now that Shane has secured his safety with a second straight Veto win. The new idea was set to follow Frank’s backup plan: nominate Danielle in Shane’s place and send Dan and Danielle packing from Big Brother.

Flashback to Saturday at 9PM BBT to hear Frank break the news to Danielle. Danielle understands she’s being targeted for her association with Dan, but Frank insists it’s more than that. I doubt it. If Danielle goes up on the block and heads home then Frank may have wasted his week as HoH. That might not happen though.

Late last night, Flashback to 1:37AM BBT, Shane revealed his latest plan to JoJo. He trusts Frank won’t expose their discussions and plans to suggest Wil as the replacement nominee instead of Danielle. Shane believes they have the votes and can knock out one of Janelle’s players. We’ve yet to really see Wil compete, but he does have an excellent social game and could become more of a threat in later rounds.

Would Frank seriously consider that alternative plan? I don’t see it being out of the realm of possibilities, but it’d risk angering Janelle against Boogie as they’re just starting to get along. Plus there’s another storm brewing that might make the replacement nominee moot. Boogie and Frank have begun to discuss eliminating JoJo and keeping Danielle, or whoever the replacement nominee might be.

What do you think Frank should do at today’s Power of Veto ceremony?

The only thing we know for sure is this plan is likely to change again and again between now and Thursday night. The Veto ceremony will be held Monday afternoon and we’ll have those results for you as soon as they hit. In the meantime, enjoy your Live Feeds and watch what these HGs are getting up to today.

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    • My thoughts too. He is beginning to look like a reject from the Little Rascals.

    • Those glasses, the hat and he’s aged. Looks like one of the old guys you see stumbling around at a gated retirement community !

  1. They may be wrong to assume that sending Danielle home means Dan also goes. Julie could simply say, “Now that Dan has no players left to coach, he now becomes a player.”

    • I was wondering about that. The numbers were off b4 Willy departed.  I think they might evict the dethroned coaches and then bring back the first 2 dethroned.  If they just slip them into a players slot, the coaches will be trying to get their own players evicted.

    • That sounds good forr dan because he can compete for the 500,000 dollar prize instead of the 100,000. So why don’t the coaches then try to evict their players? i dont see this happening

  2. Get rid of Wil ….that would stir things up….but would love to see what happens when Dan is out of Clients……Sean

  3. I think he should nominate Wil in Shane’s place. Wil and Joe are already plotting Frank’s eviction, and eliminating Wil will give Frank an ally in Jojo, and secure his standing with Danielle. Sure, he’ll piss off Janelle, but Jojo would allign with Frank, Danielle would allign with Frank, and it would be everybody against Joe and Ashley. Frank has the opportunity to weaken AND outnumber Janelle’s team. He may not get this chance again.

  4. Does anyone think Kara will come back? Or that Dan will become a player If Danielle gets nominated and goes home?

    •  Why would you want her to come back? She didn’t do anything, she didn’t fight & is just eye candy.

    • on another blog i read that she is sequestered. looks like chances are good that she will be back.

  5. I think nominating Wil will be great too but Boogie won’t like it.  He wants to be good with Janelle upto the HOH comp so if anyone from Janelle’s team wins HOH, their target will be Shane and Boogie showed Janelle they were loyal.  It’s a big risk.  I think Dan and Danielle are in a wonderful place right now.  Both Janelle’s team and Boogie’s team are secretly trying to keep Danielle (and thinking the other wants her out)…Dan is sittng so pretty.  I also have a good feeling Shane can do some damage if he wins HOH….put 1 up from both of those teams or cut a deal with 1 of them and cripple the other.  The strategies are all over the place and I think its fab!! :)

    • So agree with you…. Shane will def do some damage… And def in need of some drama and or some new action in the house. Enjoyed reading your post, Alexa

  6. They need to stop bringing back people from the past hopefully next year they won’t do that I am a fan of bb

  7. I fully agree that “If Danielle goes up on the block and heads home then Frank may have wasted his week as HoH. That might not happen though.” It truly would be a waste of a week.

    But I think Frank should nominate Wil and evict either JoJo or Wil. And who cares what Janelle thinks of Boogie, this is about Franks game, not Boogies game.

    • As for the coaches aspect, it only matters for the pressure Boogie could have put on Frank to try and keep him from doing it. Yes, it’s Frank’s decision to make, but if Boogie doesn’t want it to happen then he may try to find a way to push him towards decisions he wants. Ultimately, yes, it is up to Frank though.

    • Rigth is is franks game but Boogie is telling hin what to do…they need to get rid of Boogie ..not only is we ugly as sin he is irratating as heck and he’s a know it all …the only reason he won All-Stars was because Dr. Will gave it to him…

      • The final three in All-Stars were Janelle, Mike and Erica, so Mike had to go through Janelle in the final HOH competition without Will there to help him at all. So I don’t think at all that Will gave it to him, nor was he “the only reason” Mike won.

        He’s arrogant so he’s easy to dislike, I get it, but you can’t take away from his game or discredit his All-Stars win.

  8. Why do these people keep getting rid of the non threating people??? They should have gotten rid of Frank when the had the chance!!

    • because they all had this hard on for willie…so they played themsleves..dumb asses

  9. Why keep Danielle she comes with Dan which makes her a threat Frank is already with Shane why not bring in Jojo as well since she is the strongest girl left he is the only active player on his team since Jen and Ian can’t do anything Frank will be taken down unless he realigns with Jojo and Shane!

    • no way !!Jojo is a floater and doesn’t do anything (there are a lot of floaters this season) She was following that idiot Willie now she is kissing up to frank…

  10. For Frank’s game… he should put Danielle on the block.  She is an island and it won’t upset any one group.  Danielle….party of 1!!

  11. I do not like Frank.   He had me rooting for Willy when he pulled that gay slur crap.  Unless we didn’t see all of it,  Willie did not commit any type of gay slur or mockery.  I often change the pitch of my voice when quoting someone.  I am not mocking…. just something ppl do.
    I know that Joe grabbed the gay slur ball and ran with it, for all he was worth.
    Willie most certainly got the short and shitty end of that stick.  He was put in a position to do full time damage control.
    What he did was awful.  His family already has such a bad reputation.  Russel lied and bullied his way to a final goodbye that left him in tears.  Brandon cried and thought that women were the devil, from day 1.  Now,Willie the headbutter.

  12. Is it just me or am i the only person that think dan was totally useless this year? i mean he acts like he does even want to be there.

    • It is his stragey to always throw competions and the lay low. So that way he can coast till the end and now this year to have his player coast to the end and not be a threat. Lame if you ask me. This season is starting to get boring where are all the plotting and scheming people!!

      • Week 1 Coach’s competition I was fine with Dan throwing, but this past one did he really not think this was a bad one to throw? He could’ve immunized his only remaining player and ensured he stays in the game this week, yet he threw this one too…

  13. Its so funny watching. Frank Ashley and will talking. They are talking the same smack that Willie was last week. But it’s ok now because it’s them?

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