Our first day of Big Brother 14 and we’re already rocking the spoilers for you thanks to what we’ve discovered on the Live Feeds. The Feeds are on and we’re able to listen in and see who has been nominated and who is going to compete for the Veto on Friday.
I must say I’m a little surprised by these nominations, but we’ll have to wait to find out what led up to these selections. Well, actually I guess I’m not surprised. Willie told me he wants to keep trouble makers in the house to keep the attention off him. The noms are two of the friendliest people in the house so those would be his natural targets.
Big Brother 14 Week 1 Nominations:
- Frank
- Kara
Janelle, Wil, JoJo, and Ashley are discussing the situation in the Have-Not room right now. Their worst case scenario is for Frank to win the Veto on Friday and then Kara will be in more danger, but that depends on a replacement nom.
So far we know the Veto players will be Shane, Willie, Wil, Frank, Kara, & Danielle. I’m not sure who will be the 6th player, but I’ll update as soon as we hear it. JoJo will be the Veto competition host and is looking forward to getting dressed up.
The Power of Veto competition will be probably be held very soon, likely on Friday, so stay close and keep checking in for those spoilers. Join us on Facebook, Twitter, and get our free email updates to find out as soon as the Veto results are in.
happy to see Dan back he is my favorite BB winner but i don’t know who Frank or Kara is so i guess ima have to rewatch the episode again but i wish BB was racially diverse & would stop with bringing back past guests i don’t know what Britney is doing there she was a rude diva bitch
yeah the live feeds werent on for even half an hour last night before we heard britney state that one of the male houseguests had an STD. I didn’t need a reminder of why i hated britney but i got one anyways and it was a pretty strong reminder.
Jenell started that conversation…and Jenell is just as catty and self centered as Britney….That was made evident on the show last nite…should make for good drama later on if both stay in the house..
Daniele is the 6th veto player ;-).
Ah, great. Thanks! I heard them say something about “her” in reference to the 6th person but I wasn’t sure which “her” that was.
And LOL @ them talking about Mike’s Penis Warts… wtf? Haha. They act like they can get that by touching his sheets… hahaha. I feel really bad for Ian being on his team since it appears the other players don’t like Boogie.
I’m a bit confused… Mike was upstairs talking to Willie about backdooring Joe. But now when he is talking to Frank he says he will push for Daniele to be backdoored. Ummm, Mike pretty much is lying to his own protigee. Mike was the one that suggested putting up Joe. Then he goes downstairs and is like “I have a feeling Willie wants to put up Joe, but I’ll push for Daniele” etc., etc. … Errr, wtf? >_>
how do u watch past feeds for this season i don’t see the flashback feature.
i think someone mentioned that they will have Flashback soon but its not up yet
That’s correct. Flashback should be available soon though.
Britney is not at all in the league of Boogie/ Dan/ Janelle. A Brigade member would have been a better choice than her.
They did say best and most popular houseguests. Brit won America’s favorite player that season and was diary room gold for the producers.
Brit won favorite player because last season was the worst season since season 1. There was knowone to pick from…they were all boring.
No. They said LEGENDARY players and imho Rachel wouldve been a better choice than her
Would have preferred Dr. Will Kirby, the master manipulator. He is
probably one of the best if not the best player to have played Big
Brother. He teamed up with Mike Boogie in one of the seasons.
Kara and Frank? Even Janelle is with them. I wonder what’s going on with their heads! I am so excited to find out why they chose these people!
I swear I heard that the Veto competition was gonna be tomorrow
Yep, it’ll be on Friday. I typed the “it’ll be soon” part before I updated it to indicate Friday and forgot to remove the other part. That’s what happens when I do exhausted-posts. It’s fixed now though.
do we know if a mentor can win pov or HOH for themselves?
Yeah…and what happens to a coach if all of his/her team members are evicted??
The coach is eliminated from the competition.
I do not like how the show was advertised as being the largest cast ever and they get to 16 total players by bringing in 4 former HGs who are not actually players if you really think about it. So in reality, with those 4 players being mentors, there are really only 12 players.
Then, on night one they evict one of the players to bring the total number of HGs to 11 immediately. I do not care if the person evicted was black, white, gay, etc., the evicted HG should have been left in the house for at least one week right off the bat. Even if that person is being sequestered, their return (if that is to happen) would likely depend on viewer’s votes. How will anyone vote for the first evicted HG if the viewers don’t know anything about that HG?
The only interesting move I saw last night was when Britney made Willie HOH last night. Actually smart if you think about it because Willie would have likely been put up for eviction right off the bat it sounded like from all the discussions about him that production chose to reveal. I suspect he will be high on the list for ouster next week after being HOH for week #1. Usually the first HOH upsets somebody, regardless of who they are, and that person gets nominated fairly quickly after week 1.
umm if you look at the past the HoH for the last two seasons won BB so it isn’t a death sentence to be HoH week one.
I said “usually…”
From what I saw on BBAD last night, Willie doesn’t seem to be turning to his mentor, Brittany, for coaching or help; he seems to be going rogue already. After watching Brittany in her season, Willie should watch his back, because she could turn on him for not being more dependent on her or more grateful. IMHO
Why would Brittany turn on Willie? She needs him if she wants to win the 100k
I am sorry but I would rather have seen Rachel back then Britney
Oh you bite your tongue. ;)
Lol I am sorry I love Rachel she make big brother worth watching.
no more Rachel…I will quit watching if she comes back.
I will sooo done with BB if they bring that horrible of a person back to the show. I cannot stand her. So freakin annoying!!
Don’t bring that skank back. It should be Enzo!
I like Dan & am sorry to see him loose the first player. However, that being said, not sure he chose wisely for his team.
I’d agree that he didn’t choose very well. Kinda surprised by those choices.
The new DR is so unpleasant to look at. I’m not saying the last DR was stylish but at least it wasn’t UGLY
I hope Willie doesnt listen to Britney and get rid of Frank because if he does he will be the biggest target left in the house. If he keeps Frank then the target will be on both. Can’t stand Dan and his team already.
Off topic..it was so good to see Russell again last night..luv that guy.
First nsfw; look for Janelle camera 1, around 5am bbt. Don’t have exact time. Night camera; she was lying on her back and had a nip slip when she rolled over to her right side before pulling covers up.
Glorious! Thanks for the heads up. When the Flashback starts running we’ll capture that and put it up on nsfw.bigbrothernetwork.com
You’ll also want camera 2 around 7:30 with Ashley.
A nip slip? Tune in for a nip slip….. what are you 12?
Also , Matthew , there is a competition the coaches are able to play that allow them to keep one of their players safe… Boogie won and chose to keep Ian safe.
… And Janelle and Britney were talking and it seems that the coaches will have a chance to get back in the game and play. Really BB, Again ?
Awesome. Thanks, Robby. I heard Boogie had won the Vet comp, but didn’t know what happened as a result
He got to give immunity to one of his team. He choose Ian. Jamelle and Britney think it’s a huge mistake because it lets them take out Frank, his best guy. I think maybe he gambled that Frank could win pov thus protecting both his peeps.
I love to watch Big Brother but this was the most disappointing one of all. The only African American person on there not only did she get picked last she got sent home first. I know I speak for a lot of us that there need to be more African American picks because others aren’t the only ones to support that show. Maybe OWN Network should create a similar show. Its just so one sided.
I’m sorry you can only see skin color when you watch Big Brother.
Jodi was my favorite from when I did the interviews, but she was also the oldest and did not do well in the first competition. Her elimination was the result of her team coming in last and her performance did not help in Dan’s decision making.
Joe was the 2nd oldest and he was picked 2nd to last. Jodi was the oldest and she was picked last. I don’t hear anyone complaining that Joe was second to last because he’s a white guy.
Not just African Americans, but there are dozens of nationalities on this earth…open the doors to them. They must be applying to the show.
Only “dozens”?
I totally agree. I don’t know why more blacks weren’t chosen this season. There was two chosen last season. Oprah take notes…..OWN Network.
Totally agree with you on that one Matthew. Dan did not choose well anyways. He should have choosen one of the guys.
I really would have preferred Rachel as to Brit. (sorry Matthew, lol) She is just plain mean and the way she makes fun of pp just show me that she is a horrible person. She did win Americas favorite but that was because pp felt sorry for her because of the Brigade and all her crying. She made her bed by choosing Willie, he will just stab her in the back and I say well deserved.
He would be a fool to stab her in the back. Either they both win or they both lose isnt that the game the,re playing this year. If yone of your picks win the half mil, you win a hundred thou?
Has anyone been able to get the feed on their Android device? If so, how???
Yes. I was watching this morning on my Galaxy Tab. Just navigate your browser to the same SuperPass login page you’d use on your computer. Log in. Start watching. Easy peasy.
“she is so mean” uh hello? you want a house full of nice nice?? I want DRAMA! You shouldn’t create favs based on whether or not you think you like them.
Perhaps this is the incorrect forum for this question — and my apologies if it’s already been addressed; what happens if ALL the protoge’s from a mentor’s team have been evicted? Does the mentor then get evicted, as well, when his or her last protoge leaves?
That’s what we think. You never can tell w/BB, though.
I just love all this information ahead of time…..So cool!!!!
I am not loving this season so far. I feel extremely disappointed that I waited a whole year for this. There are only 11 players in the game and not many good ones from what I have seen so far (its early i know). I think this coach twist is stupid, why bring back the greats (excluding Britney, she is definately not legendary) and not have them play. Janelle should have turned this season down and came back when she could really play. There is no point in having the most winningest player in BB history come back to sit on the sidelines and coach goofballs. They better fix this and figure out a way get the coachs in the game and give the winner 600k whether its a vet or newbe. I wanna start a campaign to get Janelle in the game.
It seems that when its all newbies they run around like chickens without heads, bringing back those who know, seems like it would be helpful to them more later than now. Alot of past players say its hell in there after afew weeks and its a spirit breaker. Having Teachers (per say) will keep their heads above water as the game winds down.And having a chef that can make slop into a goumet meal was an awsome idea.
I’m disappointed with this season so far, also. The coaches coming in messed the whole game up. After, Willie was turned on by his coach- Brittany. She was not a good coach. She should have focused on the fact she still had three players and coach them to fight to stay into the game. She was selfish and dumb. If, she had encouraged all of her players and not turn them against one of her players. T*E*A*M
Kara Monaco I believe is a Playboy playmate. Don’t remember the
exact year though. Would hate it if she left this early in the game.
Don’t remember who Frank is. Is he the bartender? And if Kara is
evicted, that would leave Dan with one player, Danielle to mentor?
Just a thought. They should not have eliminated anyone until these
nominations. Also, the competitions should be individual for the HOH
and this week should have been run like before even with the mentors.
It seems they cut way too soon this season when it is just starting!
i love bb could hardly wait for the return. we rrally celebrated its return. the show was spoiled becaused they are on teams not of thier choosing. after the first game they got rid of the only black person on the show. it was very clear she gave 110 percent in trying. much more than the rest. they should hav a show with only newbies
For the sake of entertainment, why do they always want to evict the hottest woman. At least Kara looks good, not disgusting like that tattooed lesbo, who is so unappealing and ghetto.
That statement was wrong on so many levels, dude.
Willie’s face was in trouble as soon as he entered the house. “Guilty by association” was his fate. It is all Brittany’s fault for making him HOH. The first HOH position is nothing but trouble. He was already being judged for being related to Russell. Getting the HOH position made him a even bigger target. CBS producers knows this wasn’t fair. He acted the way he was being treated by his cast members “badly” Willie being expelled was not fair. He was “bullied”!