Big Brother 14: Veto Ceremony Set To Deliver Drama With Blindside Renom

Big Brother 14 - Silent Six form an alliance

Later today the Veto Ceremony will play out in Big Brother 14 and after a weekend of debates we’re about to see some serious drama come down. Now would be the time to sign-up for the Big Brother Live Feeds are start watching.

Over the weekend, starting late on Saturday, the idea of blindsiding Janelle grew wings and flew around the house. Beginning as just a suggestion from Boogie it was soon accepted and promoted by Britney in to a plan endorsed by her new alliance of Shane, Dan, and Danielle. Fast forward to mid-day Sunday and you’ll find that same group realizing they had become a tool of Boogie’s manipulation and the plan was called off.

Well, folks, the plan is back on.

Use the Flashback feature to watch Boogie revive his evict-Janelle plan to Dan at 10:10PM BBT (8/5). Boogie is pushing hard, but Dan continues to be resistant.

Jump forward fifteen minutes to see Janelle and Britney crash this meeting. Janelle and Boogie argue to the point that Boogie straight up, repeatedly tells her “I do not trust you.” Janelle wants to get the newbies out now. Boogie agrees and says to send Wil out on Thursday. Janelle declines and moves for Frank instead. Back to the impasse.

After Janelle and Britney leave Boogie returns to working on Dan. It’s a quick discussion and Dan agrees with Boogie to eliminate Janelle. Now Dan has to work Britney and the rest of his group to generate support.

Start at 11:05PM BBT to watch Janelle’s demise start to reform and solidify. Dan, Danielle, and Britney rehash the earlier argument between Boogie and Janelle. Soon Shane then Ian join the discussion and the 5-HG alliance holds a vote (11:20PM BBT). No one is against it. Janelle is done. She just doesn’t know it yet.

Flashback to 11:35PM BBT for a funny moment of Janelle wandering the house looking for people. “Where is everyone?” she asks. Oh, they’re all upstairs plotting your demise, Janelle. She heads up to the HoH room and knocks and knocks, but no one lets her in. Ouch.

Later another alliance is formed. Boogie, Frank, Dan, Danielle, Britney, and Shane come together as the “Silent 6” complete with a “shhh” signal and group huddle (Flashback to 11:57PM BBT). Ian is not part of this, but has been told it was going to happen.

There will be fireworks today after the Veto ceremony this afternoon. Danielle holds all the power as HoH & Veto winner. She will take Wil down and renom Janelle in his place. Janelle is the new target for eviction, but Thursday night is a long ways away and anything can happen. Do not expect Janelle to go quietly in to the night.

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    • If this goes down, Boogie wins the whole thing. Guaranteed.No ifs, ands or buts.Apparently none of these losers has ever seen either of Boogie’s previous seasons? Janelle is the ONLY player or former coach Boogie can’t manipulate. Why? Because she HAS been manipulated by him before and is fully aware of what he is doing. If they do this, they all  deserve to watch Mike Boogie win a 2nd $500,000. Especially Britney, after her whole deal 2 weeks ago was all about not letting Boogie get away with his usual crap, And now she is playingright into his game.She has been manipulated big. Twit.

      •  your right boogie going to win, i;m livid they didnt even give janey a chance to save herself and i didnt think dani was allowed to tell wil he was coming off and who she putting up guess im wrong again if janey go home im done with this season, dont care about watching rest

      • @7ab06bed13916bcc2c3ba5fa8cb151cd:disqus If you’re playing a smart game, you don’t allow strong, proven competitors a chance to save themselves. This is a game, and Janelle from two previous seasons has built a reputation of being able to compete and win competitions. You’re done if your favourite player goes home? That’s not sour grapes or anything is it…

      • you mean they didnt see s2 where he got kicked out 4th? oh man they missed some great big brother master game!

      • he may have gone early once, but he then won,andnow has got his top ally off the danger zone and backdoored his biggest competitor using danielle’s hoh.

        its incredible

        ian will be boogie downfall, he just doesnt see it

      • I disagree. Without a dougt Mike is not to be taken lightly, however I think the newbies are not as dumb as you think. Well a few are, (haha) We will just have to wait and see!

    • No because the best thing is for Dan and Boogie to make it to the end.  Nobody will vote for someone who has already won so if they are up against themselves they will have a 50/50 chance of winning the whole thing.

    • come on now, if Boogie leaves the game will be boring with Dan holding Danielle’s leash

  1. Shane, Brittany, Dan, and Danielle’s alliance should make it more interesting. They should say they are putting up Janelle, but blindside Boogie. 

    • Yeah, but, they better make sure that Boogie goes home and not Frank because if Boogie stays in the house, you know he will go after the three other coaches because he will know right of the bat that Brittney and Dan betrayed him! And if Boogie wins HOH the next week, he can evict one of the backstabbers by nominating them and put one other backstabber if one gets off! And considering how much Frank has been maligned by the coaches and hated by the other newbies, there is a good chance that Frank will be the one sent home!

    • Yea but that wont happen because Dan wants Boogie to stay and has the stupid assumption that they will go to the end together..Dan is in love with Boogie and Boogie is in love with Frank. (soap opera drama).

      • Lol, I think Dan wants Boogie to stay in the house b.c the houseguest will target Boogie and not Dan…

        But I don’t want Janelle to go this week =(

      • Dan wants all the coaches to stay in the house. And for good reason. HE figures that a coach won’t win sitting next to a new person b/c the newbies dont want a coach to win. He wants all the coaches in jury, because he figures that coaches will vote coaches for the win. thats three votes for him off the bat if brit boogie and jani make jury and he makes final 2. then he just needs one more.

      • never, he’ll become like the Boo Radley of the cbs set…… perpetually trapped? Do you think about your words before you type them? 

      • how is this so? there are 11 more people in the house after janelle he isnt invincible haha if they could kick out dr. will they can kick out his sidekick

    • If they put up Janelle, which I like, Boogie will not even be on the block so how do they blindside him.  Are all of the people hitting like even know who is on the block?

      • They mean they would say that they are putting up Janelle, but blindside Boogie and put him up instead and he would go home.

  2. Talk about conniving, talk behind your back, sharing lies, lies, lies. I don’t know what these idiots are thinking…..Boogie will work w/Dumielle, Shane and Bratney?? really?? He wants Frank to roll w/dummies, he will tell you anything. Stupid, stupid move. I hate that they say Janelle cannot be trusted, when in reality, none of them can. Dumielle is jealous and has to have all the attention….Shane is being affectionate to Dumielle as she is now HOH….Bratney cries false tears to Dumielle, to look like she has a soul…..Boogie will throw you all under the bus….a leopard doesn’t change his spots. I hope Wil and Ashley and Jen wake up and get in gear and get the rest of these shady coaches out. And also Dumielle and her fake showmance, Shane. Sad, the only one who doesn’t know it’s fake is Dumielle.

    • I completely agree with you. They are stupid – Boogie and Frank have been laughing behind their backs. If this goes down Thursday, I look forward to all of them getting picked off (one by one) by the evil, twisted brain that Boogie possesses! I am going to laugh my butt off! Danielle is so very jealous and I can’t stand her. Brittney is two faced as well – they know Janelle is a better competitor than them any day! As for Shane…he’s an idiot – just a week ago, they were gunning for him. Dan is a manipulator too and only wants to get to the end which ever means necessary.

      • Again. If these morons flip the script and backdoor Janelle, they are handing the game to Mike Boogie. I do agree with Boogie when he said ” Do they not know who I am?” The newbies and Britney are idiots. Britney should know better. Boogie knows Janelle is the only one in that house he can’t sway. Dan is just arrogant, thinks he can outplay Boogie. Wrong. Clown.

      • “they” are stupid? are you referring to those actually playing the game. “they” who don’t have access to discussion boards, live feeds, web sites. Perhaps commenting on “they” being stupid with out the advantages you have, as a viewer and active participant in big brother boards, is stupid. No? 

      • @743db0ca4fbab58511cbbd54f4c9066a:disqus It’s not about Dan being sure he can outplay Mike, but the challenge of it is what drives him. If Dan can win this game by out-competing Mike, it’ll be the greatest reward for him ever. Sure, one million total in prize money is tempting for Dan, but he’s won the game once, got half a million, so I believe this time it’s about the ‘best way to win’ for him. Mike is his favourite player for a reason, he knows what game he plays, and he wants to TRY to beat him at his own game. I don’t believe he absolutely thinks he will, I don’t think he’s quite that arrogant.

      • I have been telling my daughter that Mike Boogie is a genius at this game. I watched him so many times almost out the door and he manipulates the people to letting not only him stay but his partners. His speech to get a new alliance on last night’s feed on Showtime was unbelievable.

    • I don’t know what’s worse. Complaining about lying and manipulating in a game designed for it like Big Brother, or having 18 people agree with you by clicking the ‘Like’ button.

  3. I Want Janelle Boogie and Frank to go. They are strong players. If they do not get rid of Frank soon. I’ll bet Frank will win BB14.

  4. hopefully boogies plans goes into motion and shane leaves next so weak players are left in lol

  5. This is insane! I feel bad for Janelle but this blindside is too good to hate on. I half expected them to target Boogie lol.

  6. Simply put, Mike is an excellent speaker. He’s never a deer in the headlights like Janelle was last night when Mike put her on the spot, he articulates everything clearly and explains every little detail, makes sense of it, and makes it easy for others to make sense of it as well. The way he talks is the reason this deal was confirmed last night. Call it manipulation if you want, I call it great gameplay. I actually do think he wants to stick by these six players for at least a few weeks, but whether he truly means all the way until final six is left to be seen. If he or Frank are HOH I think he’d consider it a waste of a week to evict someone like Ashley or Jenn (which he eluded to) and might get tempted to blindside one of the stronger players of the Silent 6, but while somehow getting the blood on someone else’s hands.

      • Exactly, that conversation was a complete game breaker. I can’t believe the first night I watch the feeds I get to witness something huge. I usually have bad luck if any luck at all.

    •  Great post MJ!

      I completely agree. Janelle was outclassed and exposed hard last night LOL!! These BBAD episodes have been amazing lately. Boogie is doing work.

      • Thanks Gator15!

        And yes, she was completely exposed, it was awesome to watch. I might’ve yelled out “YEAH!” if it wasn’t late and people were asleep in my home. It’s exactly what I would’ve done, right after Janelle flat out says “Lets’s eliminate our guys, I want to work with you” Mike turns around and says “Alright, then let’s evict Wil and I’ll work with you.” Brilliant. Right now love him or hate him, Mike is playing the best game. He’s saving his buddy while eliminating an enemy and just formed a powerful alliance that has won a combined 8 competitions this season, compared to the rest of the house who’s won a collective 2, both being Janelle’s coach competition wins.

    •  Well put. I loved what Boogie did. Everyone hates Boogie. Well Janelle is worse than he is. I want Janelle gone. Never liked her.

      • Couldn’t agree with you more, everyone hates him, I don’t, and I absolutely love what’s transpiring in the house right now and I hope it all goes to plan. Absolute best case scenario for this week for me. People talk about Mike’s arrogance, well at least he’s won the game. Where does Janelle’s arrogance stem from? All of her competition wins in the past didn’t equate to a win, that’s why she was happy and thanked America for a third chance and I would love nothing more than to see it end prematurely this Thursday.

      • Boogie lied and manipulated everyone in Allstars except for Will….he even showmanced Erica while knowing he didn’t care at all for her….he is the lowest of lows……disgusting……and I don’t want him to win another $500,000 because he’s great at deceit. I respect Janelle……while Boogie jumped off the board at last comp less than 30 min after comp started….the tall, heaviest girl, Janelle was still hanging on 2 1/2hrs later…..and she just had a baby a few months back. Just because Boogie speaks well, doesn’t mean you can trust anything he says.

      • @52fa65aa0c7394ea9dfb1fea7e6edba0:disqus Every player in the Walk the Plank HOH competition went over the 1 hour mark…so I’m not sure where you got that from. Mike dropped at 1 hour, 10 minutes, with Jenn following (she probably wanted to drop but didn’t want to be the first one). Mike didn’t want to enter the game, he didn’t push the reset button, are you surprised he didn’t have the motivation to win that HOH? I’m not making excuses for him, but he wasn’t absolutely trying to win it, and another reason for that was trying to make the house think he’s not as big of a threat as they think he is. You don’t want him to win because he lied and manipulated. Are you new to this game? That’s a huge part of it, and you’re kidding yourself if you think Janelle isn’t lying and manipulating, yet you respect her. Maybe you missed her fake tears to Wil, among all of the other drama she’s created.

      • I agree. I don’t understand why everyone hates Boogie but loves Janelle.  They are cut from the same cloth! And have we forgotten lying, deception, and manipulation is part of the Big Brother Game! It’s ironically funny how everyone views Frank has the “biggest threat” when he’s been nothing but honest in the game and only won 1 comp.

      • Boogie is the worst….he would do anything to win….remember Erica from Allstars. He is a lowlife and has no class. Janelle is a real threat, and Boogie doensn’t try to weave Janelle as the drama in the house for no reason. She is not on board w/his gameplay….she knows well how he manipulates. Insecure Dumielle can’t handle a stronger female in the game than herself. Every convo she starts, it’s about herself….and I’m sick of her making her stupid faces as she looks at her reflection while sitting at the kitchen counter. What a self-centered, insecure woman. Hope Boogie sends her packing and then she can long for the days of Janelle. Bratney loves to stir the insecurity pot of others…she is a constant feature in the HOH….like a planted pot. Hate the stupid silent six….can’t wait till it starts to implode.

      • MJ….no, I’m new to the game…..I saw all the silent six up in the HOH, talking how Janelle lies, etc…..helllooooo, they all lie and manipulate….you would agree w/that, right. I don’t like Boogie’s arrogance….how dare they try to blindside him and have his Frank go out w/out knowing. In Allstars, he backstabbed and lied and sent people home by “surprise!!” (Howie being one) Janelle fell for the charms of Will….but Boogie flat out used Erika and called her a “ho”…..when he had sex and used someone….he is the ho. Not a fan of his tatics. He was coach to Jen and Ian as well, but he kinda did nothing for them….it was all about Frank….Boogie has insecurities that come through, he doesn’t respect women and and is more of a bromance guy. He has no problem using a girl, who he has no intention of dating. A user and a loser….whether he wins BB again or not.

  7. I loved hearing the hg’s reaction to the coaches entering the game!! pissed seems about right.. boogie is once again puppeting his “silent 6” right into what he wants..i have a inkling that a “coach” just might be left in the final 2..if not both final 2…jeez newbies i thought you had that part figured out!!

  8. Lol, The cast this season is sooo dumb and until last night I had much respect for Dan but he is letting Boogie play him like a B**** and if Janelle gets put up Boogie truly deserves to win.

    • Me too!! I thought he would see through the bull and be stronger against Boogie. Dan even brought up the fact they it took Boogie only a few mins to change their minds – that’s a shame. Janelle was not lying…Boogie and Frank were upset when Danielle won and Boogie has been mistreating Jennifer and Ian. How could you trust anyone like that??!! They will get it too late!

    •  Boggie might be tempted to form the noisy 7 with janelle’s player next week if the hoh goes their way and put Dan and Britney on the block to finally backdoor shane.

  9. WOW! This season has been great so far. I love unexpected plans and players getting their hands dirty. The “Silent 6” could be a great alliance. Specially if they stay true to their name. I know most of that alliance doesn’t trust or like Boogie, but it’s smart of them to keep him close until final 6. 

    I’m not rooting for Janelle but I don’t hate her. I think she plays the game well, her only downside is the coaches are all paranoid about each other when it comes to each one’s capability. For example, the Silent 6 alliance was hesitate to form because they don’t want to be manipulated by Boogie. Britney also calls out some of Janelle’s actions pretty well. Anyways, Janelle will be so pissed if she’s up. It would be an EXTREMELY huge move in BB to backdoor a three-time player like that. I will be very impressed if Danielle has the balls to do it.

    • Impressed. Huh? Danielle might as well write Mike Boogie the $500,000 check herself if she does this. It doesn’t take balls to be duped into doing Boggie’s bidding.

      • I agree about Boogie, but putting Janelle up (a huge all star) and blindsiding her takes balls. Even though the alliance is saying that she’s guaranteed to be voted out, there’s still a possibility of Janelle getting out of this. If she does survive eviction, she’s going after everyone. Danielle has the blood on her hands too.

    • I completely agree. This move alone would give me so much more respect for Danielle. The question now? Does she have the balls to do it! :P.

      • If she does, she should clean them daily. Scrotal hygiene is of utmost importance.

    • Britney is the big manipulator….if anyone needs called out, she does. Does anyone believe she sees Danielle as her bestie?? All game. She should write a book 101ways to use the word vagina in a sentence……she is crude and the biggest liar of the bunch. Hope she goes in a double eviction w/her bestie, Dumielle.

  10. If things go as planned for now with Janelle being the replacement nominee for Wil, there is still a good chance Frank could go home. Janelle will play every card she has to save herself. I am not a fan of Boogie but I will give him credit for being a great manipulator and actually making Dan, Britney, Danielle, & Shane believe they are final 6 with Frank/Boogie. Boogie is only working with Frank & if they believe other wise they are really crazy. He came up with this deal to save Frank this week. I hope Dan realises this before it is to late. This will without a doubt be an eventful week in the BB house.

    • I agree Frank can go still bein danger.  Won’t it be funny to watch someone other than the “Silent 6” get HOH and Booger run to the power of the house.  Dan will be gone.

  11. If Boogie was a Humble person I would be happy for him even though I don’t like him he is everything but humble now we have to listen to how great he is and his ego is just to much can’t stand big ego maniac people  they are actually poor sports and he showed his true colors when he got played he just couldn’t handle the tables turned on him for once buuuuut it will be a deadly alliance so whatever

    • I don’t this is a bad idea, but I think BB should take a break from twists for a week or two and let the players play the game. 

  12. the only REAL alliance in the house is frank and boogie.hate to say it but all the others call themselves in an alliance but jump back and forth. kinda like janelle is accused of. let them do their thing but they better look out when either frank or boogie win hoh. telling you…boogie can’t be trusted.

  13. These “Newbies” are about to do something that 7 different all-stars couldn’t do on the first try…evict Janelle…however next to Frank she does have a chance

    • Newbies?? If it happens, it’s because of Dan, Britney …and Boogie for his winning lying ways. I want to see Janelle stay….they are scared of her and want her gone, not that she has caused the most drama…..please, bunch of liars.

  14. It’s ok….Now it’s a different ball game.Eventually the coaches will turn  against each other. That should be interesting to watch. We’ll see how far Booger can go.

  15. I can’t wait to see the smug looks wiped off Janelle, Will, Joe and Ashley’s face when she gets put on the block today. Bye bye Janelle!

    • What about Boogie and Bratney’s smug faces?? Boogie is a creep and doesn’t deserve another $500,000.

  16. Frank has one inherent characteristic; likability. (Unless he has been ‘throwing’ competitions)  Why is the House so afraid of him. Yes, his bond with Boogie is formidable but why not use it to reach the ‘half-way’ mark in the game (Jury)?
    Dan, I really want you to go far in this game, however, you have made consequential errs; alienating Boogie when you ‘knew’ coaches would enter the house as players and more recently endorsing an alliance with Janelle.

    What were you thinking?

    Danielle, if you don’t use the veto on Frank to nominate Janelle, the Super Six alliance will vanish before your eyes. Boogie will not trust you; Frank is his pard’, his buddy. Boogie will not forget…ever, even if Janelle leaves the house. Danielle, prove to Boogie you believe in the Super Six and do it profoundly.

    • Boogie said last night to go ahead and take Wil off. Thus having Dani save face with him and the deal she made him. Boogie said as long as the votes were there to send Janelle packing he didn’t care if Frank stayed on the block.

      • Thanks, Nick, for the Boogie info. I feel more comfortable now.

        Not being able to afford ‘live feed’ is the pits.

    • Boogie won’t trust Dumielle?? So what, he’s the biggest liar……you can’t trust Boogie other than his boy Frank…..Boogie won’t stay aligned w/Dumielle ….as soon as he and Frank can get rid of her and Shane, they will

  17. Well all I can say and im sure a lot of people will agree….but……


    I had never seen such a slow and boring season. Now that its a free for all again there should be some good action and backstabbing going on.

  18. Whether you like Boogie or you hate him, you have to admit, his idea is genius.  Now if he can only manage to pull it off.

    • I disagree.  I think with Janelle gone, Booger becomes the biggest target.  People won’t target Frank as much, because he is a newb and he isn’t that great at comps.  Booger is just thinking that Frank is Dr. Will and Frank is NO Dr. Will.

      • I don’t know about that. With Boogie’s guidence Frank could shape up to be a decent player. Will wasn’t great at this game because he went in and just flattened all the other houseguests in comps. He didn’t win a single thing in the two seasons he played. He was good at this game because even though people wanted him out week after week, both seasons, he somehow survived eviction and went on to win once and place 4th the second time. All the while telling people exactly what he was going to do.

        Frank has been playing much the same type of game. Telling HG what he is doing and surviving eviction week after week even tho he is on the block and should be leaving.

    •  LOL!!! Boogie is freaking amazing! I can’t wait to watch his DR sessions to see what’s really going on his head. People can hate on Boogie, but man, he’s the only guy in the house who could’ve pulled off a move like this. They KNOW how Boogie plays this game and they’re still giving him a lifeline. Absolutely amazing.

      • Dan pulled it off…..if Dan didn’t want it, it wouldn’t be happening……sorry if I don’t get excited about Boogie…..he’s a say anything player….but won’t do the hard stuff to win for your alliance, as shown in walk the plank. When Frank fell, he left Ian w/no support. He is not a nice guy. Can’t see giving him another $500,000.

  19. u know if janelle goes home their plan 2 bring back the coaches will kinda backfire because one of the coaches will already be gone and they want the coaches 2 stay in because they think it will help the ratings u know if cbs just brought back either kara or jojo they wouldn’t have lost 1 coach right away so bad twist cbs and also janelle will go home this week

    • and also u know what i don’t even think they looked at the votes america did it is so obvious they rigg this show

      •  Losing Janie isnt going to do much. Many people, even the houseguests are disappointed in the game that she is playing. I get it, lying is going to happen. But there is a difference between “yeah im on your side” and “well he said to me that she said this about you and your ally members” which is totally fabricated. That stuff catches up to you.

        Regardless, CBS didnt invite the 4 coaches back so that its the 4 coaches in the final 4. Coaches are going to be gone along the way. So what that Janie is gone in the first week of the reset. That doesnt mean the plan backfired. Boogie is the one who stirred the pot and got this idea going forward. Its going to be a huge game, and Thursday night eviction will probably be the highest ratings of the season.

      • @e3e09ce377dba245d2fe81367bf56e8c:disqus Well said Jordan. There are three ‘coaches’ in the Silent 6, so Janelle leaving this week won’t throw a dart into plans or have the reset idea backfire. There’s still a good chance 2-3 of them are in the final 6, final 4, etc.

    • And the more coaches in jury over newbies helps if a coach is in the F2……but not all coaches will do that, it depends on the coach in F2.

  20. Don’t worry. Production will combat this somehow. My prediction? Viewers will get the chance to “vote” Janelle back in. Just like BREENNNAAAN.

      • They’ve already touched on returning players this season, last week with coaches entering vs. not entering and players return, so I would hope they have the integrity (hope is waning though) to not do it again this season. What I can see more, is Janelle returning via Pandora’s Box, where of course the HOH takes the bribe and the punishment is her not-just-24-hour return, but a return to the game.

        It would be unfortunate if that happened, but I don’t think production is above a whole lot.

      • I would love to see that…..all the backstabbers, like Bratney and Dumielle would have to change their little girl panties.

      •  MJ, I understand. The Production can be creative on ways for her to return, but you don’t want to appear as if you’re catering to a group of people/fans either. Integrity of the show should always be maintained.

    • I bet you are right and we will be right back where we started from.  Even if Janelle doesn’t have a big fan base she will be brought back.  I think this could all be for drama purposes. 

    • Brendon got voted back in last season because there were two types of people when Brendon and Rachel are involved. Those who love and those who hate them. When the voting was going on for a HG to enter the house again last year you had the love group all voting him back in, and the hate group splitting their vote between Cassi and Dom. Of course he won, the other group of people had to split into two groups. And then there were people like me that were hoping Rachel was going to get evicted and I wanted to see them have to face each other in a comp to get back in. :D

    • And at this point we are already facing somewhere on the level of 3 double evictions for the season to finish at the same point as always. So I doubt that they will bring her back. HOWEVER I think it would be interesting to leave everyone in the house this season, not have a jury house, and just do like last year with the golden keys. Those that have been evited dont leave, but they don’t play either, they just hang out and watch the rest of the time.

  21. The only thing I’m still weary about is when Danielle goes to Wil to supposedly offer to take him down in return for his vote. Wil has been adept at seeing through people, like Janelle’s fake tears and Dan’s competition throwing, and now he’ll be told he needs to promise a vote to ensure safety when he was already promised safety at the HOH competition? I have a feeling he’ll think ‘I thought I already made this deal’.

    Luckily they don’t seem to need Wil’s vote anyway, but I hope he doesn’t somehow find out the six are working together. I hope Danielle doesn’t approach it as a threat, and more just a casual ‘If I take you off the block will you vote my way?’

  22. Mike Boogie is about to do it again. Love him or hate him, you can’t deny his greatness. Even if he gets evicted next week, his game play is amazing. He’s either fully behind this plan, or a GREAT liar. I honestly can’t tell if he’s just feeding Danielle, Dan, Shane, Brittney BS so he and Frank can stay. Well done Boogie.

    On a side note, I absolutely LOVE how Dan is playing both sides of this “Silent 6” alliance. When Boogie and Frank aren’t around, he’s talking to Shane and Britteny about when the time comes, they need to get rid of Boogie. When Shane and Brittney aren’t around, he’s talking to Boogie about when Shane and Brittney need to go. As long as his alliance is in power, Dan is sitting pretty.

    • Gator15, I agree. But I honestly don’t think Boogie will win this season. And I think he knows it too. He just don’t seem to have the hunger to win like he has in the past. He was the only Coach not push the reset button because I really think he just want to chill  this summer and manipulate the house just enough to win 100K, but not become an actual player and have to be balls to the wall. All of his DR sessions proves he is not too happy about being a player and there’s no reason to lie to (us) America. Even when he was introducing the whole “silent 6” idea he kept saying that he don’t mind at all going to the jury house as long as he can vote for someone who actually played the game and not give 500K to a floater.

    • its closed off. I’m sure that they are redoing it in gold to use as Pandora’s Box later in the season.

    • Don’t count her out yet. Right now they may be all for putting her up, but the way this season is going, by Thursday Frank could be right back to walking out that door.

      If they put Jani on the block you know she will sweet talk her way right out of going home. She will pick just the people she needs votes from and convince them that Boogie is playing them (which he kinda is) and that they need her in the house to get rid of him AND they need to cut Frank away from him right now to weaken him.

      Don’t count her out until she is sitting next to Julie. This girl is good, and may just pull off an upset.

      • I agree with that last part for sure. I never get ahead of myself in this game. Janelle is my number one most disliked right now, so this whole plan feels too good to be true, even though I watched it all transpire last night. I won’t be cheering until like you said, Janelle is sitting next to Julie. I don’t trust production anymore than Mike trusts Janelle.

    •  That only works with Dr. Will and Boogie. But when Frank and Boogie did that in DR, it was so forced that it’s not funny. They really look stupid.

  23. honestly why is boogie getting such a bad rap… he isn’t doing anything but playing the game… and shame on the other houseguests for keeping him… He is going to win HOH and then BOOM!!!!  shiat will hit the fan

  24. Dan turning on Janelle THAT quick makes me suspicious of the plan. It just doesn’t sound like something Dan would do. Also, they are taking Wil down, which could be a vote for Janelle to stay. Say Ashley, Joe, Wil, Jenn(she could easily be convinced), Brit(as much crap as she talks about Janelle, they are still friends), and Dan(him flipping to this decision so fast makes me very suspect of the intent) all vote to keep Jani. Actually, they would need at least 5 of these 6. Dan could be setting up for a Frank blindside. Think about it, Boogie would be so sure his guy is staying against Jani, then BAM! Out the door……

    • It would be last weeks blidside all over again, but this time eviction wouldn’t be canceled.

    • Mike is Dan’s favourite player from seasons past, Dan wants to work with him. He was just iffy about it because he’s smart and he knows what kind of game Mike has been known to play. On the feeds last night he repeated 3-4 times to Frank and Mike ‘You better not screw me over’ and asked Mike for collateral. Dan isn’t flipping his vote against Frank this week, we’ll see about later on in the game.

  25. Boogie’s a jerk, but since he was the only one that did a good job as a coach and didn’t push the reset button, I’m cheering for him.  He’s the kind of winner that this dumb season deserves.

  26. every week I’m on my toes waiting for frank to leave, yet he makes it out again and again. blinds boogie next week or the week after, but soon after!!!

  27. I think Dan has figured out Boogie is not going to change his mind about Frank so Dan is putting up Janelle to console Boogie until Thursday when Frank will go out the door.  Dan will get Boogie to do what he wants then.  I think Dan is the one to watch, he knows how to handle them all and play them all.  He won’t tell Danelle what to do but he keeps talking untill she does exactly what he wants her to do. 

  28. It is far from over, I don’t hear the fat lady singing. don’t underestimate Jannelle she will have two days and half to sway them to vote frank out. And then it will be her team against Boogies. LOL that will be so funny to watch LOL.

    • Two and a half days for Janelle as well as production to sway the voters. So I hope experienced players like Dan and Mike remind the other four in the Silent 6 not to budge, no matter what production tells them. They can sway, but they can’t force.

      • I really do not care; who is the script master. I watch the show for entertainment and so far I am loving it. I am team F/B but I won’t lose sleep over him going home. A big fan of BB and love how they do it.

      • @e785bfe94e73bf2bc5e138305baa04e4:disqus I wasn’t saying what I said in a tone of being fed up with productions influences. I’ve come to expect it, so it’s the norm for me now. I was just discussing the very real possibility that production will try to persuade voters to keep Janelle, but that they can’t flat out force any decisions, so I hope Dan and Mike tell the rest not to listen to them. You’re right, this is a TV show, it’s about entertainment and ratings first and foremost, not fairness or even integrity. Ratings drive the bottom line, I’ve known that for a long time.

  29. Wow, how did this house go from either Frank or even Mike Boogie as the target to let’s get out Janelle? I have been a firm believer that voting out Frank or Mike Boogie would be a successful week this week. But now seeing the way the veterans are playing, Danielle would be better to put up a veteran and evict him/her if they have the votes. If this alliance can work this week, then getting Janelle out would be an accomplishment for sure, but I wonder if this will stay together for Thursday night eviction.

  30. They seriously need to get Boogie out…his ego is taking up too much room.  Hey Boogie…once you’re out of the house and reading this…you won the All Stars because Dr. Will helped you!  You idiot!

    • Everybody needs help to win this game. Mike helped Will progress that season too. Hate someone all you want, but give credit where it’s due. I feel like a broken record with this. I highly dislike Janelle but I don’t discredit her past competition success.

  31. I Forgot to mention, I am team frank/Boogie. just Love frank smile, he is an idiot but still love him. I don’t hate no one in th game.

  32. Can anybody read Dan’s game plan as far as who he wants to take in the end? I know he wants to take somebody he knows he can beat with the number of jury votes.

  33. Janelle will have the last laugh Boogie will screw them so hard that they wont see it coming.

    • I would only take this get Janelle out this week as a one-time deal and if Danielle puts up Janelle (vs Frank), then Mike Boogie has to vote to evict Janelle, otherwise Boogie’s alliance member Frank is going to be evicted.

    • Janelle may be able to get the newbies to vote frank out, it is not over yet. If she can sway the newbies the can have the votes for her to stay. It was stupid move to put her against frank, she can open the newbies eyes to what is really going on.

      • If they removed Frank from the block instead, then the whole house knows or at least gains a good idea that they’re all working together. Plus this way Danielle technically gets to keep her promise to Wil about keeping him safe.

  34. It’s unfortunate that comments are made about being done with the game if Janelle goes home. That might fly if this was a case of compromising integrity, like if Janelle was able to return in a few weeks even though this season has already touched on returning players, and should be done with them, after the coaches entering the game vs. not entering and evicted players return. That would be a clear indication of production solely trying to save a popular face and then I could understand being fed up with the game, and trust me I would say the same if it was in favour of one of my favourites, because integrity is integrity, it has no exceptions. What’s happening here with the Silent Six vs. Janelle (sounds like a bad comic book) is completely within the regular parameters of the game of Big Brother. Back-dooring has been around for a long time. With a player like Janelle, who’s proven in past seasons to be a threat as a competitor, you don’t afford her the chance to breathe, let alone save herself from eviction, if you really want to win the game. Last season Jeff was my favourite, and I was bummed that he was evicted, and sure I wanted to kick Shelly in the face, but I didn’t sit there saying I was done with the game just because my favourite player left.

  35. To me production must have been behind this. Especially since Boogie was saying he wanted to go home. I think production has a way of keeping Frank and Janelle safe. Wether it’s Thursday or bring her back some how. It is just too early for Janelle to be gone.

    • If Janelle leaves this Thursday and magically finds her way back, the game will take an even larger hit in the integrity department than it has in all of the past seasons, even moreso than their aiding Rachel last season, among other examples.

  36. what I really would love to see is that Janelle sway the 5 newbies and stay; and my lovely Frankie goes home. just t see the drama i motion. But will love to see Boogie win some power and bring him back later.

    Team F/B but love the drama LOL

  37. I’m happy Janelle was renom’d, but they could’v’e taken Frank off the block, so the newbies wouldn’t be as suspicious.

    I’m just hoping Janelle doesn’t blow up and sway the newbies.

    • They’d be even more suspicious if Frank was taken off the block. That would indicate who’s working together, and Dan was adamant it stays as much of a secret as it can, for as long as it can. Danielle pretty much targeted Frank this week, so to suddenly take him off the block is a big eyebrow raiser.

  38. Everyone is complementing Boogie…but this is DAN’S move! Boogie did some great convincing and Janelle BLEW IT when she was talking to the coaches, but this was Dan’s decision. He is playing the silent 6 from in a group. He talks to Shane/Brit/Dani about when to sac Boogie/Frank and he talks to Boogie/Frank about when to sac off Shane/Brit. Dan/Boogie want to be final 2

  39. This only goes to show you how stupid everyone in the house is. Boogie and Frank will stab them all in the back. I hope the pull another twist and bring Janelle back into the game. To think that Dan is that stupid to fall forBoogie’s lies. Has anyone listened to idiot Danielle? Does she know how to think on her own?

  40. They’re idiots for trusting Boogie, hes probably the biggest liar in BB history. Watch as they all crumble into pieces when Boogie is still in game. They need to evict him soon or they’re all f*cked.

  41. Something doesn’t smell right.  Last week before the coaches were even given the option I heard Frank say to Boogie “I would love to get Janelle out next week.” She had three players left at that time and was still a coach. Is Frank stupid or a psychic?

  42. Janelle would not even be in this situation had she sacrificed say will or joe…let them go home like boogie said…atleast she would not get evicted and she could still go for the win…what a dumb chick….

  43. Boogie was the first to jump off the plank, however long it was….Janelle stayed up and was 4th from the last one up there, the bigger woman and only woman who had a baby only months ago…she tries hard, Boogie doesn’t….always relied on Will in other two seasons. He’s just not a nice guy, and if his arrogance is ok w/you, then Janelle’s should be fine w/you. She is relying on herself, as she is always a target…Boogie has someone that truly has his back. Janelle doesn’t, as all the girls are afraid of her. It’s hard to be a strong female competitor as Janelle or Rachel Riley….you are a target the whole game, so for Janelle to make it to 3rd twice, says alot for her.  Boogie has had others willing play ball w/him. He doesn’t have the uphill battle of Janelle or a Rachel.  That’s why they rock in my opinion.

  44. Janelle go home with your dignity and head held high to your baby & husband & leave that sniveling bunch of jackals to work it out.

    • I don’t know about going with dignity, but I hope she goes home.I think they will all go home before the rest of the house. They wont be able to win the challenges. I want a newbie whoever wins. Let’s give to it to those they deserve not reruns.

  45. Danielle is gonna have to stop playing on a personal level. Shane wont remember her name when the game is over. Boogie is well played. He knows what a great competitor Janelle is , so he sets up Britney just in case it backfires, hes in the clear. Its is best to go after Janelle while they have the chance, but Boogie needs to be next. Thats if for some reason Janelle doesnt go, she will go after Britney.  

  46. Looks like Janelle is terminal.I think it’d be a lot more interesting if the plan changed to a Frank eviction.Still early tho & the plan could still change.Both plans work 4 me.Just be a lot more AWE & SHOCK value if Frank went bye-bye!

  47. And to think that Boogie was behind all of this…Boogie’s steamroller is now in full motion.

  48. The two least trustworthy players are Janelle and Boogie.  Regardless of what they say, they cannot be trusted by anyone.  Dan is hard to read but, understand all, Dan is out for Dan and no one else.  I hope Danielle wakes up to this fact before he gets her out of the house.  Joe puts some fear in me because he is just a more layed back version of Willie.  Joe will explode at some point.  You can see it in his eyes, so look out.  Ian is probably the sneakiest player but let’s see how that goes.  Poor Ashley appears to be medicated most of the time.  Hope she is actually ok.

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