Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Week 9 Veto Ceremony Results

Big Brother Power of Veto

This week’s Big Brother 14 Power of Veto ceremony has been held and the results are in on the Live Feeds. The pressure was high this week and the decision made will obviously have a big impact on the upcoming special eviction episode this Wednesday. Read on to find out if the Veto was used and who are the latest nominations.

Shane wisely decided to use the Veto and avoid a potential Marcellas scenario. Smart move. Ian had warned Danielle before the ceremony that if that happened then she would be the one to go up on the block. Looks like Dan has dodged another bullet as Ian did exactly that at the Veto meeting today.

When the Live Feeds returned Jenn had Ian cornered in the Lounge room and she was not happy. Ian wasn’t terribly encouraging to her cause and isn’t voicing much support as she interrogates him on the choice he just made. Check it out on Flashback.

Big Brother Live Feed Flashback time:
September 10, 2012 @ 11:52 AM BBT on all Cams
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Right now Danielle and Jenn are on the block. One of them will be evicted during the surprise episode on Tuesday and aired on Wednesday night. If things go as planned it’ll be Jenn walking out the door.

Did Shane make the right choice? What about Ian? Who would you send to jury?



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    • Yep, Ian let himself become starstruck as a fan and not a player. Showing his age right there. After Jenn, Ian goes next if he can’t win POV. Just stupid. At least we won’t have to hear him swear every other word & talk about playing with his shriveled little dong anymore. His immature young age has really started showing the last couple weeks. Also, put on a shirt dude! Your boobs are barf worthy! Do a push up man.

      • I agree with you, Jackie! Seriously??? Someone’s gonna call another person “immature” and at the same time say words like “shriveled little dong” and “boobs are barf worthy”.. thats just too flippin funny!

  1. Dan is a mater manipulator! How does Ian not put him on the block! Unless jenn spills what she knows this game is in the bag for Dan

    • At this point I don’t think it is going to matter what Jenn says. These people are so delusional, S&I, that they probably wouldn’t even believe her. I’m sure they both think they should listen to Dan.

      • Yes. Dr. Will still goes down as the greatest player ever. Dan is great and now as smarmy as Dr. Will. But, if they ever went head to head – Dr. Will would win.

      • Dr will did not have to swear on his family and the bible to fool people he just straight up lied,and basically told you to your face he was lying.

      • Dr. Will did not tell you to your face he was lying; he just lied to you and probably swore a few times also and then laughed behind your back. Thought we were past this but once again what Dan swore on the bible to, no matter how CBS edited it, was only that what he told him about the QP was true and it was. Editing is a magic tool to make things appear as you (CBS) want them to but not as they did!!!!

      • I actually think Dan is better but it is definite that they are the best two. Dr. Will had some plain idiots in his season too; he just did not have idiots that thought they were more deserving. Also, Dr. Will did have a little help in Booger during his season whereas Dan has pretty much been on his own all season.

      • all she is doing now–monday -BBAD–is boo-hooing to all that–JENN -is mad at me she won;t even look at me –boo-hoo—-yep ya dumb-dum—if ya would go out side with the only other girl in the house an talk to her—but NO–NOT YOU– you rather run around an stare in the mirror making faces at yourself an wearing that skimpy nightgown—boy–what a shame you are for your family—Jenn is 100 times more a lady then you ever will

      • Nope. Dan will go down as the best. He manipulates second to none and unlike Will, wins comps. And his incredible ability will soon make him a double winner. He’s so great at this its really almost unfair to the others. Will was great, but Dan won being loyal, now he’s winning being evil. But either way, he’s always three steps ahead of everyone else. Will should take notes if he’s watching, from The Master.

    • Ian really thinks Dan is taking him to the final2, and he’s counting on it! Dumb move to believe that and when he finds out Dan wanted him gone before then…watch out. Hope Jenn tells Ian what a mistake he made by sending her home first and reveal to him Dan’s other Final 2 deals!

      • Oh wow, I hope she tell Ian exactly what the score is. They are all taking everything Dan says at face value. He needs to go.. I hope Shane wins the next HOH and blows Dan up.

      • Jenn should have told Ian about Dan before the Veto ceremony. But anyways, Jenn needs to convince Ian and Dan that Danielle is the bigger threat. Dan would have an easier time winning in final 2 with Jenn. But if Danielle goes, Shane will probably be furious at Dan. If Jenn goes, Dan still has all 3 remaining HGs under his fingertips.

      • Shane is so stupid, he’s not even playing for the money, he’s plaing 2 keep Danielle safe. Stupid, stupid ppl…….

      • Jenn just helped make dinner for everyone, even though she is on slop and can’t eat with them. Jenn then goes outside to do a workout, as soon as the doors shut, Dan mentioned how good the fries were she made, Shane then makes this cocky smirk and says “may as well take advantage of it while we can.” She is leaving during the fast forward tomorrow. This guy is an ass. I hate to say it, but I think he has a really good shot at wining it all. If Ian does not win POV, he will be leaving on Thursday. F3 is Liar Dan, crybaby and stalker, Danielle, and big dumbass, Shane. UGH!

      • O seen this too–an then Danelle goes cring –AGAIN– that Jenn don;t like me –boo-hoo—-well right –dumb girl –why don;t she go outside with Jenn after all they are the only 2 girls left—OH THAT;S RIGHT —DANELLE THINKS SHE IS THE –ONLY GIRL—pretty one that is —-BULL-COCKY—if she would go out with Jenn I’d think 1/4 better of her—-but nope she will stay in with the guys bouncing around in her see through nightie—UGH—VOTE HER OUT—

  2. If they were smart they would evict danielle since she is more of a threat than jenn, Jenn is easy to talk into doing what you want or getting in an alliance with her. Danielle is sneaky and is more of a challenge to beat in competitions. Although I do like how Jenn does try in every competition and POV comp. she is in.

    • they are not gonna evict their precious lil girl. oh pleeaassee she is a B#### in sheeps clothing!!!!

    • What show r u watching ?? Did u watch it from the beginning ? Danielle does EVERYTHING Dan tells her even if it makes her look like a complete ass. Ad far as comps, didn’t her and Jenn win one comp each, because didnt they all let Danielle win that comp on the ship because she promised Dan and Shane they would be safe so they both jumped off voluntarily. They handed her that win.

      • no Bbef danielle won that ship endurance on her own and you could say the same thing about ians hoh when shane gave him that one where they were on a rope remember that one it was the hoh after britney was evited

      • plus Bbef danielle also won a pov the same week she won hoh and has come close in a few other hoh comps losing once to ian and to dan both ones were where you write down your answer on a chalk board and who ever is closet with out going over so anyone who thinks danielle is a coat tail rider is wrong that would be jenn her vote win was win frank got dq

      • This is true! Ian and Brittany could have won that comp, but she promised them they would be safe too. She was definitly handed that comp

  3. Wow, Dan pulled it off! They just gave away 500g. So far this keeps staying interesting, imo. Just watching to see if anyone wises up. That said, ironically I am a Dan fan.

  4. Ian has squandered a huge opportunity. Call me any names you want, but I’m rooting for him nevertheless.

    • I would much rather see Ian win over Dan. So no name calling from me. And we are all entitled to our own opinions.

  5. Ian needs to wake up they should send dan home cause thats what he is gonna try to do this week plus he has already won

      • We all know the producers at Big Brother are going to make the POV competition easiest for Ian to win.

      • Actually, I think producers are working to get one coach with his player to the end. that being Dan and Danielle, just to try and keep to the theme.

      • If the next POV comp is physical I expect to see the three of them ganging up against Ian to prevent him from getting the POV,

      • well they should. fraks gone so they can’t fix him up. ian deserves it. but he’s gonna do it on his own.

      • Or Ian has no common sense!!! That is all Ian needed to make that decision- common sense!!! Dan will not take Ian to the end with him. Dan wants take someone he know he will beat—Danielle. Simple!!! Dan needs to go!! Come on!!! Shane win HOH!!!!!!

      • Too bad rain man smarts don’t get you veryb far in the Big Brother House. He will get to experience all of the show including the jury house.

      • Ian did not put up Dan because he knows Dan would go ballistic, something like the last time he was up. I don’t think Ian can take much more stress.

    • Agreed, bye bye Ian if he does not win POV next week. I would have liked for him to win but looks like he is going home next week unless he wins the POV comp. He is now #2 Frank everyone is looking to get rid of him. I wish that Jenn would tell him that Dan was going to vote him out if he did not win the POV and encouraged everyone to do the same. Thought Ian is the smartest it turned out to be the most stupid one.

    • Really think Dan deserves to win, but too much anger in the jury and these “jury members” will not vote for the best player they will vote because their feelings got hurt because they were “in their minds” the best! Bahahaha!

    • Everyone is going to want Ian our. Danielle and Shane are going to stick together, and Jenn doesn’t like Ian. Let’s face it. He has no choice but to go along with Dan and pray for the best next week. Remember, HOH doesn’t matter next week (except to insure safety). Whoever wins POV will have the real power. That’s what Ian needs to go for.

    • I actually don’t think it was that dumb of a move. He’s in a pretty horrible position anyway you look at it. I’m not sure he would have been able to pull Danielle out of the mist and we have seen Danielle and Dan pretty much control Shane. If he had put Dan up and tried to make a big move Danielle probably would have told Dan and then any F2 deal with him is off.

      The whole house is against Ian whether he knows it or not so its lose/lose right now. In his eyes Danielle and Shane are clearly together and not taking him to final 2. In Dan there is a shot at a final 2 even if we know its a long shot. His best bet for that though is to get Dan to split the votes this week and send Danielle packing. I think ultimately Dan and Shane are loyal to Danielle so he needs to split that up. He might be able to talk Dan into keeping Jen since she’s weak at comps.
      Then it’s going to be all about the comps for him. He is going to have to win Veto next week pretty much no matter what, In this scenario Dan might decide Shane is the bigger threat because of the indurance part of the final HOH and target him. Then Ian has to win last HOH… or if Jenn (LOL) won the final HOH… (it could happen Jordan won the last one once) she possibly might take him. Plus he believes Dan might take him. However, I think he’s blinded by the QP and I fully expect Jenn to walk out the door.

    • Ian is doing what’s best for him. Shane and Danielle will protect each other and if Jenn is there she and Danielle will protect each other. If Ian would send out Dan, who would he have on his side. The problem is the newbies should have sent out the coaches long ago, before going after each other.

  6. If they were smart they would evict danielle since she is more of a threat than jenn, Jenn is easy to talk into doing what you want or getting in an alliance with her. Danielle is sneaky and is more of a challenge to beat in competitions. Although I do like how Jenn does try in every competition and POV comp. she is in, And it makes it A LOT more interesting when a floater makes it to the final 3.

      • I agree…the others have done FAR more than she has. Even Shane….maybe not strategy wise…they are pretty much equal in that department…but he does much better in comps.

      • Well, you know Dan told Ian “death before dishonor (or something like that”. Dan sure knows how to play mind games. Of course, Ian fell for that mess.

      • Ian fell for the invite into the “Renegades”. I think that’s what they called themselves. Why do they have to name everything? Group mentality i suppose. I’m surprised Ian didn’t want to call the Quack Pack…Mensa II. But then the others wouldn’t qualify as members.

  7. What are with these players not making big moves? Ian needed to put Dan up there and take him out! I’m shocked that their letting him get this far!

    • Just because Ian nominates Dan, it is not certain Dan would be voted out. After all the voting house guests would be Shane and Danielle. It would be a waste of a nomination. I really do not believe at this stage of the game either would vote Dan out before Jenn. Looks like Ian’s only hope will be to win the POV next week. You know he will be nominated and the main target. Please lord let it be a comp that involves brains and not luck!!!!

    • he wouldn’t be there if he wasn’t winning comps. he’s a good player. they’ve tried to get him out but haven’t been able to.

  8. I believe Ian just made what could be a $500k mistake and not backdooring Dan. Instead now we see Danielle vs. Jenn on the block. It looks like Jenn will be walking out the door by at least a 1-1 vote with Ian breaking the tie. Of course that depends upon Dan’s vote as I believe Shane will vote to keep Danielle.

    Just one thing, why is CBS still pulling this move on taped evictions in this Twitter and digital age? Terrible move on CBS’s part.

  9. Ian sealed his fate. Jenn would probably have hooked with him and they could have gotten the trio out. Dan wont win from the jury tho.

    • Dan won his jury7 0 and got votes from a man who called him Judas. I really don’t think you can ever count Dan out and if the jury votes on gameplay Dan hands down wins

    • When he does become aware of it, he will be like a deer in headlights. Wondering how the hell he stepped in its path and what he’s going to do to derail it.

  10. Well looks like Ian made the wrong choice but he still has the chance to get rid of Danielle and make a smart move.

  11. He for sure made the right choice – way to go Shane, you do have something between your ears!!!!! I was hoping you wouldn’t have used it though LOL

  12. The only way Danielle will leave is if Ian and Shane decide they want to send her home. If Dan is smart, he will keep Danielle and Jenn can’t be mad at him for doing so. Afterall, she (Jenn) is a part of their fake alliance.

  13. Well, Ian can kiss his a** goodbye next week since Dan’s mission was to send him packing this week, but then Ian did what Dan hadn’t wanted and that was to win HoH! Hope you like going home next week Ian since you didn’t do what any smart person would in this game and that is to backdoor Dan! You’d have gotten that wish if you talked Shane, Danielle and Jenn into voting him out. Now you don’t have a leg to stand on in doing so when you replaced Shane with Danielle who now all will vote Jenn to go home!

    • If Ian would of put Dan up, those two idiots voting would never have voted Dan out. Give Ian a break, he was being loyal. He is not privy to everything we know. Jenn could have blown up Dan, but she chose not to.

    • in the same respect – wouldn’t Shane, Danielle & Jen be just as stupid?….they ALL should’ve have seen this as a way to get him (the last coach) out!

      • That’s what his goal is to have Shane walk out that door right behind Jenn. If he wouldn’t of won the POV he would be going Tuesday.

  14. Shane has a tendency not to do what production says, it makes him that much better for it. way to go! Dan survives another week and continues to stun. Ian is playing with fire, but that just makes him more adorable. floaters are actually having to make moves this season, which is always good. either way someone who doesn’t deserve to be there, is going home this week. here’s looking at you Dani and Jenn. next week is going to be insane! I’m so there.

    • Adorable!? With that froggy voice and those flabby tits. Ian is far from adorable and the most disgusting physically looking person on TV. He also let Dan play him like a guitar. PATHETIC!

  15. Unreal. My name says it all. I want Dan to win and have been holding my breath for these results and I am now speechless that Ian did that. I wouldn’t have held it against Ian…in fact he would have gain more respect had he put Dan up. UN–BE–LIEVABLE!!
    That said, crazy stuff happens in that house so it’s not over just yet…close, but not yet.

  16. Fanboy just killed himself. Dan isn’t winning it, Who’s gonna vote for him in Jury? The 4 people in there right now won’t vote for him. Shane’s a punk saying it’s time for the floater to go home,newflash Zoolander, your little girlfriend and her coach up until a week ago were bigtime floaters. God that guy is so dumb it gives me a headache. So we have to watch Zoolander or Bunny Boiler get a check for 500k. As much as I’ve grown to dislike Ian, he’s the only one who’s played the game since the word go and he screwed himself out of 500k. He’s gonna feel stupid after this is over and he de-compresses

    • I know it pisses me off that the final two will probably end up with coattail riders from the Wack Pack alliance.

      • Face it folks, Dan’s not winning it. Frank won’t vote for him, Ashley will vote with Frank, Joe won’t vote for him because he’s already won, Jenn won’t vote for Dan because she realized that Dan dirtbagged her by getting rid of her ally. Britt won’t because Dan threw her under the bus, but she might if Dani’s final two. If Shane if F2 he wins, he gave a great sob story and he’s won more comps and that’s the excuse they’re gonna roll with. Fact is Ian got Boogie out too early.

    • Don’t count Dan outas a winner. I recall Evil Dick’s season and how everyone hated him, and he won. Expected the unexpected in this game.

  17. Shane made the RIGHT choice and Ian the dumass made the WRONG choice. IF I were Jenn, I would’ve gone to Ian and told em all about Dan’s plan to gettem out of the house…

    • Jenn has no clue about the mechanics of the game. C’mon AG put people on the show that love and respect the game, not people mugging for the camera or needing a career boost.

  18. I kinda don’t want to see dan win. He is a great manipulator but he sells his wife, grandfather, and even the bible out. A guy like that should not win.

    • God people are still with that…… seriously, get over it.

      Im not a religious person and even I know that he is going to have to answer to the big man up there for what he did.

  19. Shane made the right choice even though it would be nice to see him gone. Ian, the idiot, made a horrible choice. Ian can’t play in the next HOH so whoever wins HOH will be putting him up. His only option is winning veto. And Dan would much rather take Jenn to the final two than Dani because he’ll probably lose against Dani but not against Jenn. Dan is smart, he’ll think of a way to get Dani out.

  20. Ian the puppet strikes again. Dan is doing a great job being HOH this week. I thought Ian was supposed to be smart.

  21. +Flag as inappropriate
    okay danielle is acting like ,,,,yet another character she is,,,a actress….poor me on the block…she knows she is safe and is going to run with the camera time for all its worth…pathetic…

  22. Let’s say Ian put up Dan as Shane’s replacement. Do you really think that Shane and Dani would have evicted him? I don’t think so. Ian could have told Shane and Dani whatever and neither would have believed it, since they know that Dan actually wants Ian out.

    • At one time Dan wants Shane out too, Dan’s not as strong as Shane is what he told Dani, but Dani has the brains to remenber stuff.So I hope they vote Dani out. Jenn please open your mouth & tell Ian that Dan wanted to take her to the F2. PLEASE TELL!

    • Completely agree. I think if Ian had tried to backdoor Dan it would have blown up in his face. Shane would have told Danielle and Danielle would have swayed him back to Dan. She knows she has a good shot to go to F2 with either Dan or Shane.

  23. i’m not a big jen fan…but really….this was a dumb move….we get a double whammy for couple days… danielle whining and dan smiling.

  24. Ian has basically shot himself in the foot with this move, but you could basically see that happening from a mile away. Dan fooled him with the Renegades invitation and Ian thought nothing of it. Jenn’s going home this week no matter what and Ian will leave the next week with three people gunning for him.
    Then you have Shane who has no brains and had Brittany in his ear everytime he was HOH and Danielle, who’s only big move in the game was getting Janelle out, against Dan. He’ll use the same gameplan he used in season 10 for the final 3 HOH competition.
    He’ll get the votes in jury, because even though the people in the house may hate him, the same could have been said for season 10’s jury and while it was a toss up, with a 4-3 vote, Dan will win this time hands down, if he brings Danielle or Shane to the final two.
    Might as well write Dan’s check now.

  25. its started already…now danielle has a mass on her breast thats needs to be removed…agggggggggg it started already!

      • yeppers…no kidding…lets see what she pulls out of her butt next! but wait…its not malignant she says..just scar tissue…

      • She has asthma, she has a kidney problem, she can’t drink brown liquids, she has a mass on her breast, she has three degrees, she is a nurse (not just any nurse…a charge nurse), she’s a gymnast, she’s a jeweler, she has two moms…..feel free to add

      • What cracks me up is how she says she can’t have dark liquids but I seem to recall her downing a bottle of red wine. I’d say that’s pretty dark.

    • stupid pig, with the women with breast cancer , she is a big insult to she will tell hg she has cancer.

    • Now that is darn sad. I believe she has implants, doesn’t she. Maybe that’s the mass that she is talking about. That girl is clueless.

      • its all about her…doesn’t matter about anyone else as long as she looks like the “sweet one”. if she only knew she looks like a crazy be-atch!

  26. I really don’t think you can call the hgs stupid this year. It’s harder being on te show than us who knows what’s all going to sit here and say it s stupid. And it’s actually really hard not to believe Dan simply because of his reputation of being honest to the end with a person. Do you blame them for believing he would take them I the end? It’s pretty hard not to because he has done it! Most ppl usually play the same way the second time and it shows how amazing Dan is he can change his game style from honest to backstabbing. He deserves this season.

    • I agree. It’s easy for us to say a houseguest is being stupid because we know what everyone is planning. However, when you don’t know the full story its a lot harder. Even Frank deciding to use the veto and ally with Dan was smart if Dan had held up his end. Frank was all alone in the house and just found out everyone was lying to him. Then Dan comes in and blows up all their lies. Dan was brilliant there and then I think he was brilliant to ask Ian to be a Renegade. When he first called him that I was like what?! you want Ian in the final 2?! what are you thinking Dan? Dan was super smart to change up his moves this year.

  27. I think they should vote Danielle out break up her
    and Shane. Then Shane might start fighting for him self. He could win the next HOH and put up Dan and Jenn. Even if Ion gos on the block. He could win POV.

  28. It’s easy to criticized Ian when we see the whole picture. Know all the conversations that took place and who have deals with who. If he have to info that we have, Dan would of been on the block long time ago.

    • Uh… shouldn’t Ian have been wondering why Dan went off the block and Britney was put up instead and Britney also called him a Judas and said not to trust him. That should a been a huge clue and lets not forget that Dan put Ian on the block if I was Ian I would have realized Dan was trying to get rid of me.

      • Ian is definitely lacking common sense. These HG’s are surely some of the dumbest! The only one that has finally made one good move is Shane. Jenn should have piped up before the veto ceremony but she just continues to lie low, committing suicide. If she would have told frank that they were planning to vote him out while he could still make a difference she might not be on her way out the door! She knew that Dan swore to frank not to backstab him and then watched him smile and do it! She has no reason to be surprised when they send her packing now!

      • Your right! There have been so many opportunities to call Dan out. I still think Ian is afraid of Dan not to mention as you said the lack of common sense. They will all be kicking themselves when it all comes out what Dan has been doing. He stabbed Frank in the back and Ian will be next. And they will be handing him a big fat check. Sucks!!

    • You are so right-on! They do not know anything at all – they really have put all their trust in Dan & that’s their downfall – except for Danielle, his female puppet! What a shame – and this game needs some overhauling next year — no coaches, no threats from anyone to anyone (Dan twice now has threatened to rip Ian’s face off if he doesn’t do this, that or the other! horrific!) … & get some players in there that can actually think for themselves. Oh, sorry I got carried away on this ‘reply’ … thanks!

      • Ian threatened the same thing to Dan. That is not a threat as it is always being said in BB, no threat was ever intended by either.

      • If someone threaten to rip my face off like Dan said to Ian, I wouldn’t stand for it. Dan is 28 yrs. old picking on a 21 yr old. Ian is probably scared. I missed the part where they both said they didn’t mean it ?? I know things get said in the heat of the moment, but Dan’s actions r going a bit too far even if it is a game. He’s a teacher for goodness sakes, he should be able to handle the pressure. Don”t know how I’d feel if he did that to me or my child.

  29. Lmfaoo bye jenn you played an ok game but it wasn’t good enough sorry but I’m no longer rooting for any1 else..yeah like people are saying sign the check over to dan smh

  30. OH Ian you just lost this game! . No need for secrets and alliances anymore when it’s down to the 4 of them I bet Dan gives Jenn a vote to stay and lets IAN be the decider that way Jenn could be a jury vote for Dan…….

    • How though? Either way regardless of what he does he has to win all the comps to stay in the game. No one wants to be against him in the end.

  31. So, this game is dumb if it goes like this:
    Final 5: Jenn evicted
    Final 4: Ian evicted
    Final 3: Shane evicted
    Final 2: Dan vs Danielle, not the wisest choice for Dan for final 2, but Dan could still convince jury for the 500k.

    America’s Choice? (at least it’s my wish) scenario:
    Final 5: Danielle evicted
    Final 4: Shane evicted
    Final 3: Jenn evicted
    Final 2: Dan vs. Ian, Ian should win the 500k.

    Best scenario for Dan:
    Final 5: Danielle evicted
    Final 4: Ian evicted
    Final 3: Shane evicted
    Final 2: Dan vs Jenn, Dan should have the 500k easily.

  32. I don’t buy the argument that since Dan has already won this game that he shouldn’t be voted for again. I would think that it would be harder to win a second time. That fact that he is still there is amazing. He’s good. He deserves it more than anyone left. I think Ian is the only other one who would deserve it. I think Ian would beat Dan in the finals even though Dan would deserve it more. The other three are trying to hold on for the $50k, which I don’t think any of them even deserve that. I’m hoping for an Ian/Dan final 2, but I don’t think that will happen..

    • Totally agree!!! If the jury votes for Dan not to win just because he has won before would be a total disgrace to the game.

      • I know we get to vote for Americas Player but i think we should get at least ONE vote for the winner. Afterall, we have seen EVERYTHING that goes on. And are probably more informed as to who had the best game. Not sure what they would do in the event of a tie though.

      • I like that idea. That happened when Chima self evicted in her season. America got to vote for the winner.

      • This jury except for Britney who is apparently the only one that has any brains will vote out of anger because they all thought they were more entitled.

    • I would love to see Dan/Ian on F2. While Dan is a good speaker, Ian has a convincing argument why he deserves to win the 500K. I think it’s 50/50. No one deserves to be in F2 but those two. Any of the other HG’s will be so uninspiring if they win.

    • It may happen. Ian can’t play for HOH so if Dan or Danielle win HOH then Ian will go up with either Shane or Dan. Dan already told Danielle if she’s HOH it doesn’t matter if he goes up it’s whoever wins the POV that controls everything. Then if Ian wins the POV (which is very likely) he will send Shane home. Final 3 Dan, Danielle and Ian. Then Ian has a very good chance at winning part 1 (endurance) and part 3 of HOH and would take Dan. But so much can happen. Just my ideas.

    • And Sandy did win Survivor twice. It is possible to come onto these CBS shows and win them twice. Maybe Dan can win Big Brother twice as well.

  33. Didn’t Dani tell Shane on the BBAD that Dan wanted to put him up when Ian won POV but she talked him out of it.

  34. Ian believes in his “Renegade” alliance with Dan for F2. Which might not be a bad idea cuz even Dan has said he can’t beat Ian in the end. But Ian needs to be careful about pi**ing off the remaining HG’s if he expects their jury votes ! Hope the kid is prepared towin the next veto or else Dan will drop-kick him out the door next !

  35. Did Jenn expect Ian to put Dan up? I’m not certain I understand why she’s upset at Daneille going up…there are only two people to choose from. Unless (and I haven’t watched the feeds) Jenn thinks it’s Dan’s plan to vote out Danielle given all the switcheroo’s that happened in the double eviction.

  36. Ian is a dumbass should of put up Dan perfect way to back door him.. well hopefully they vote to get Jen out at least byebye to all floaters..

    • Ian done as soon as he looses though regardless. And Dan probably woulda stayed regardless with the votes.

  37. I think Dan best move is to get Shane out next because if Ian or Dani win final hoh they would take Dan. With Shane I think they may take each other. I know it’s a risk to take Ian that far but it’s better to be in the finals than not to be.

    • So smart! Never thought if that. If Dan is such a mastermind, he will figure out that Shane is the only one he doesn’t have a final two deal with. Fingers crossed.

    • My thoughts exactly. The POV is what is going to be so important. As long as Shane doesn’t win HOH or POV he will go next.

    • I think Dan knows that 2. After the double eviction he seemed pretty pissed at himself for letting Danielle talk him out of it. The fact that she talked Dan out of it should be a big red flag to Dan.

  38. I think he made the best choice he could. There is no way Danielle and Shane would vote Dan out, and anyways, Ian believes him and Dan have a final 2 deal, he can’t see the dairy rooms we see so doesn’t know what dans true intentions were, all he has is his word, and Dan did take Memphis to the end last time he played so it’s not too crazy to believe that he’d to it again.

    • Only Dan has 3 choices this time: Ian, Shane or
      Danielle? I think Danielle is the overwhelming choice.
      Would be surprised if given the choice Dan takes
      Ian or Shane to Final 2 except, if Danielle gets evicted
      next! If not, Danielle is the huge favorite for Dan to take
      to Final 2!

  39. This show SUCKS! Between production and vets being on the show the last two years, I can not wait to the Survior starts and this BB BULLSHIT is gone with BB14 SHOULD BE THE FINAL BB EVER.

    • Still can’t imagine summer without BB. I think they should have an all new cast and better casting next season, but I always watch.

    • Like Survivor never brings back vets ? And challenges aren’t geared to certain players strengths ? Just for the record , I luv them both!

      • I like survivor too but yes they also bring vets back, which is a real bummer. That Rob has been on twice already, along with some others appearing in All Stars. In fact, this season 3 ppl that left for injury reasons are coming back. I think it ruins the game personally, but I will still watch as I do BB. Reality T.V. , gotta luv it !! lol

  40. What if Jenn is evicted this week, Ian evicted next week, then Shane wins the final HOH and takes Danielle with him? It’s not a big thing, I’m just saying what if.

  41. Live feeds… Danielle just admitted to getting breast implants at age 20 aand says she was receiving radiation-type treatments prior to coming on the show due to a mass which has attached itself to the implant. Not judging just passing along….

    • P.S. She says ‘Thank God’ for the implants because the tumor attached to that as opposed to her tissue which is the oooonly reason she’s able to be on the show. Claims she’d be in full-blown chemotherapy right now otherwise.

      • I thought the mass was not cancerous. Why would a doctor use radiation or chemo on a mass that’s not cancerous. I think they would just remove the implant and the mass… goes on after that. What a crock!

      • LMAO @ LeeArmie! Right, & having both a mother & aunt who are breast cancer survivors it was, of course, suspect. Dan did ask her if it was cancerous & she says no but they still used radiation/chemo’ to soften it.

      • She did say that she didn’t mention it sooner to avoid the opinion that it was a sympathy vote…. ; )

      • I remember when everyone was so down on Matt for doing that. Matt’s move is nothing compared to Dan’s more evil moves. Just saying…

  42. I hope Dan votes to evict Danielle to send it into a tie breaker. 1. Because we haven’t had a tie breaker yet this whole season, and 2. So if Ian chooses to evict Danielle, she’ll come off the block soo upset that one of her boys voted against her! I can only wish…

  43. danielle now saying she has implants?? omg! i cannot go on any further…oh my there is no low…nothing against implants is there anything this chick hasn’t done?

  44. i’m not giving up on ian yet. dan knows that if shane wins pov he will take dani to F2. he did ask dani the other morning who she wants to be F3 trivia kept coming on but he did ask dani if she would choose ian over him.

    • he asked Dani if Shane would take him over Ian. Dani will take Dan over Ian any day.

      Her best scenario is Shane Dan Dani F3, and she just get throws the HOH and gets dragged by either Dan or Shane.

      • hahahaha! I respect Shane for not wanting to hurt Danielle’s feeling. However, he needs to tell her the truth and stop giving her hints. Maybe he hasn’t realized that she lives in her own world yet.

  45. Most exciting week ever not! So much for all the hoopla.
    Jenn gets sent home and now the Quack Pack 4 is set
    to eat one of its own! Only Dan, Danielle or Shane can
    win HOH as Ian is not playing! Looks very likely unless Ian
    wins POV that, he is going to the jury house! Dan must
    be smiling from ear to ear! $500,000 big ones coming
    my way, whoopee!!! Final 3 house guests all play for
    HOH so that, winning the HOH takes more importance!

    • Honestly, I’m at the point where I don’t care who wins……as long as it not Dani, of course.

      • Lol…i have to agree. I’m just waiting for it to play itself out. I’d like to see at least one more surprise but i’m not sure that’s possible. May the best gamesman win. You notice i left out woman :)

      • Dan will win even against Shane or Ian. He
        completely manipulated everyone into not
        putting him up! He had complete control over
        Ian it is not even funny! If Dan is in the Final 2,
        he will win that $500,000, just wait and see!

      • Shane’s a toss-up.But he’s to dumb to say I carried most of you guys for the first part by winning and getting the blood on my hands, that would carry bigtime. Ian, no way he loses bigtime. Ian can say he’s played the game since day 1, I had a hand in getting rid of a past Champ and the biggest threat in the house. With Dani, he doesn’t even have to show up.

  46. bb please stop casting these fools! no more people never seeeing this show before and having no idea how to play (shane danille) no more superfans (ian) no more people you know arent going tobring anything to the show (jenn) and PLEASE stop bringing back returning players. yes dan is a great player. i want to see newbies be great players not have a season yet again ruled by vets. thought you would have learned after bb13 put please learn your lesson this time. No more !

  47. There goes Ian game he should have got dan out while he could stupid move Ian. You be going home next.

  48. Assuming Jenn goes home next, then Dan has pretty much assured himself a spot in the final 3 now even if he doesn’t win the next HOH or veto. There are only 3 possible HOH winners next since Ian is not eligible…

    Dan wins HOH: He’s in Final 3 no matter what.

    Shane wins HOH: Danielle would vote out Ian over Dan, Ian would vote out Danielle over Dan

    Danielle wins HOH: Shane would vote out Ian over Dan. Ian would vote out Shane over Dan.

  49. This is completely off topic but I want to know what everyone else thinks….if you watched BBAD last night – tell me why Dan did not get into trouble for not listening to production yell at him 5x, to stop using the broom to get a ball down from the lights??? (he could have broken something or had something fall and hurt someone else) At the very least he should have gotten a penalty. I think if it had been a player like Jenn (someone not as popular), they would have paid some sort of consequence. Dan was acting immature and very disrespectful because he knew that production would not do anything to possibly jeopardize his game. He had just left the DR with a smirk on his face, knowing what he was about to do and shouldn’t. Honestly, I AM for Dan & Ian in the F2 – so this is not me complaining about him…it was just wrong. Everyone needs to respect the rules. What do you think?

    • Not sure but maybe because there are so few of them left that they didn’t want to jeopardize another one leaving because of rule breaking. Or possibly because it didn’t have anything to do with actual gameplay. But yes, i agree, he should have stopped.

  50. Ian is smart, just too trust worthy. Someone in the house needs to tell him what Dan is doing. If Ian goes out & Dan wins because of these people that are too afraid of Dan to tell Ian, then they are as dumb as Ian. I hope anyone but Dan wins at this point. Preferably Ian.

  51. on jokers jenn tried to tell Ian he wouldn’t listen,she tried to talk to shane and he wouldn’t. But poor Dani was tellin Dan she had brest implants and now has a mass in her brest had chemo before she came in B.B. house and has to have radiation after she leaves B.B. also her father beats her and her father was an ex marine and they are all afraid of him.She told Ian that she has no money for her bills and cant get her job back til january lol, she needed to be there.If she is a real nurse she could get another job.Then she told Dan she modled some time her last gig was Harley Davidson, must of looked like a hog on a hog lol

    • didn’t she tell Joe that night in the kitchen she does NOT have breast implants?…and he made some comment like they look to good to be real.?

  52. i think shane did do the right thing but using it but ian is suppose to be smart does he not see what dan is doing. ian should have put dan up and got him up not danielle.. dan would rather be next jenn so he can win so he thinks i think danielle might go but i guess we will see

  53. I’d love to see Dan be the first in history to win this twice!!! But who on the jury will actually vote for him if he makes F2? He has told everyone they are going to F2 together, when he screws Ian to, I think he will also lose the game. That said I hate Ian, but he is the last in a long line of F2 deals….and Ian just saved Dan by not putting him up!

    • You can never count Dan out simply because he is an absolute beast at this game! You can never count that guy out he hasn’t even had a vote casted against him in two seasons. He won his jury 7 0 while he played Russian Rullet with ppl and that pissed a lot of ppl off and he convinced a man named Jerry who called Dan Judas to vote for him.

    • I think if Dan ends up not winning hoh next week (but I hope he does) and he ends up winning veto and then would be the only vote to evict. I think if Shane was on the block against Ian (assuming Dani hoh) he would keep Ian because both would take him to the finals. It’s risky to end up in finals against Ian but I think it’s better to be there than not to and idk if Dani would take Shane over Dan and I think Shae wouldn’t take Dan either.

  54. They should’ve gotten Dan out while they could. None, except maybe Ian, can beat him in the final two. If I was Ian I wouldn’t want to risk going up against Dan.

  55. I agree, this was probably the last chance they had to get Dan out. Ian may have just written out Dan’s check himself. He may be the “book” smartest guy in the room, but Dan’s got the most game smarts.

  56. why is everyone giving Dan the win…the only folks voting are the jury and beyond Ashley will anyone vote for Dan over Ian? I think Dan can beat Danielle but he’d lose to Shane or Ian. I agree that Ian’s got to win POV to have any chance. Poor Shane, he thinks Danielle will support him over Dan but she knows she’d never beat Shane in a jury vote.

    • You have no clue obviously. Big Brother is about who
      played the best game overall. Most house guests do not
      take things personally when they cast their votes for
      the winner. True, that there may be one or two who may
      take it personally but, for the most part, most house guest
      want the best player to win that $500,000 and not just a
      floater who does not deserve it!

      • Exactly…some ppl just don’t get how the votes go. Every hg said, they will vote for the best player, regardless of any backstabbing or lies that were told to them.

      • Dan got his 7-0 vote in his season because they were mad at Memphis and took it out on him in the vote. Michelle said it to Evel Dick on his show.She said his gameplay wasn’t that great. Jordan won her season because Natalie pissed everyone off bigtime and Jordan was a bigtime floater. Jun won her season because Allison pissed off people a little more than Jun did and they were both floaters.Believe me I could keep going but I’ll leave it there

  57. Ian just screwed himself right out of winning. He should have put up Dan. Shane and Danielle would have voted him out and maybe Jenn would have too. He let Dan tell him what to do for the last time and sealed his own fate. Too bad. Thought he was smarter than that.

    • Getting Boogie out went to his head, and he’s too stupid to wonder how Britt got backdoored. But it’s still an uphill battle with the jury. frank isn’t voting for him, Jenn won’t vote for him, Ash will vote with Frank, Joe won’t do it because he’s already won and he’s stated that many times that’s 4 votes right there., Britt more than likely won’t do it if it’s Shane and for sure son’t vote if it’s Ian. Remember guys, this cast of newbies were people that really didn’t follow the game, go look at how they got on the show. Dan even said the other night he’s screwed when it comes to the jury. If he takes Dani, it’s a slam dunk and that’s his only chance.

  58. I have to agree with everyone else. Ian is not being very smart when it comes to Dan. Dan should of been put up on the block and sent packing, if he had done that he would be getting that “BIG” check…

  59. Shane did the right thing for his game!! At this point, I wouldn’t want trust nobody!! Shane would have been a fool to not use POV on himself. Ian messed up not putting Dan up!! Dan is probably going to win HOH and put Ian and Shane up!! Jenn is going home this week!! Her floating days are over!!!

  60. From a good exciting show to a boring end. Just like when Rachel won. The producers should have meddled more. I guess it just sits wrong in my stomach if a “coach” wins. Sad. He should have been the replacement nominee.

  61. The worst part is that they don’t have enough respect to tell Jenn she’s going. All they have to do is come clean, say they were an alliance, nothing personal it’s just a game. These guys are cowards to the biggest degree and love toying with her even though she’s done nothing to them to deserve it. That’s what gonna hurt these guys with the jury, not the lying so much, but the lack of respect and then crawling back under thier rocks. Why lie at this point? At least the brigade came clean with Britt.

    • And one more thing, if these guys had the guts or the brains, the one thing that would deny Dan is saying”Look I didn’t have a 3 week pass at the beginning of this game” No newbie would vote for him after hearing that.

      • I’m not sure that’s revelant. Dan actually lost his first player night one so he really only had a 2 week pass. The house guests predicted that the coaches were going to come into the game right away. Out of all the coaches he was most vunerable in the beginning. They could have easily picked off Danielle and Kara if they were afraid of Dan coming into the came .

      • It is relavant because the coaches thing was a complete sham.they knew they were coming in since the beginning. Britt let that out of the bag. So that gave them 3 weeks to get info and see what formed with no worry about going up on the block.

    • Ian did ask Dan if they should just tell her – but of course Dan talked him out of it. IMO b/c he wants it to be a tie vote and have Ian evict her, so she will think he held up to his promise and give him a vote for the $5000,000

      • That may be part of why Dan said that, but I’d say the bigger reason is he doesn’t want Jenn feeling that she’s definitely going home. If she does, she would have to shake things up to have a shot, and that means spilling the beans on all the lies Dan has been spinning.

      • IMO that was a great move on Dan’s part. I think that’s what he should have done with Frank too. He would have been gauranteed Franks vote.

  62. Ian is so dumb i thought he was smart and knew how talented of a player and threat Dan is and i wished he would have put Dan up and send him packing

  63. Ian is too concerned about creating his “legendary” status. He wants the QP intact to the end to be able to say he created it and pulled it off, even if it hurts his game at the end by keeping Dan. He could easily have aligned with Boogie early on, but again, the legendary status would only come by taking out a huge player. So he would never have teamed up with Boogie, period. Ian also thinks that by quoting players past and present, he becomes a comedy legend. Far from it, but he’s trying, From the line parroting past seasons when Boogie left, to even quoting Frank with his joker line this season. Ian’s trying to hard to be an all-star, when in my opinion, it sort of fell in his lap that he’s still here..

  64. Ians inner fanboy is gonna be his downfall in this game because he believes he is in a renegades 2.0 alliance. Hope he wins veto. Would love to see him Dan and Shane in the final 3

  65. Ian is not as smart as I thought! Everybody is Dan’s bith in there! At this point let Jenn take the whole thing for everybody being so stupid!

  66. I would LOVE to see Jenn stay and watch Danielle leave….could you imagine that interview with Julie Chen??!!!

  67. I keep reading every thread about how dumb Ian is for not getting rid of Dan. If Ian gets rid of Dan it is pretty much Shane Danielle and Jenn vs him. That is why he isn’t getting rid of him. Not too hard to figure out.

    • That is the least of his worries. Dan will evict Ian the
      first chance he gets! Dan already tried and if Ian did
      not win that POV, he would have been evicted already! Being HOH and wasting his nomination on evicting Jenn who is no threat to him or the others is just pure nonsense! Ian cannot play for HOH this coming week so, his head is probably first in line in the chopping block! Dan, Shane or Danielle will be the HOH. If Ian does not win POV then, he will get evicted and will not even make it to Final 3!

      • I think Dan wants Shane out first as he is alligned with Danielle. Dan didn’t try to get Ian out , he had no vote if Ian went home are not. Someone had to go up and they are trying to hide they were working together. For all you know Dan and Ian decided that before if there was a double eviction.

      • Did you not watch the show? Dan clearly stated in his DR sesson that Ian was the target and if he had not won POV, he would be gone.

      • Dan wants Ian out because he KNOWS that Ian is the only one who will for sure beat him in F2.

      • Dan is no dummy. Of the house guests
        left, he can take Shane and Danielle to
        Final 3. The last thing he wants is to have
        Ian who played a somewhat good game with him to Final 2. Dan has already tried to evict Ian when he put him on the block. Only reason
        Ian is still here is he got POV. If not, Ian
        would be in the jury house!

      • The next HoH means nothing except securing F3. The veto is what to really play for and win. POV holder will be the deciding factor in who goes.

      • He is playing against three people who
        all want to make it to Final 3 because if you
        get evicted, you are done! True, POV is
        very important but, he is playing against
        3 very motivated people who want him out!

      • Exactly, Richie.
        Ian had a chance to put up Dan & Shane, he would have got one out by using Jenn’t vote.
        But he thinks that Dan is going to actually take him to the final two and Ian along with his ego thinks that he can beat one of the best players ever if he did get to the final two which he would have a good chance but he is going to have a very hard time getting there.
        Unless he does win the veto all that ego is going to get him is a spot on the jury.

  68. I will never forget the BB season with Evil Dick and how upset I got when he went off on everyone and I felt so dirty for watching LOL. I have watched every season and this is the first where I just wish it would end already. I just hope they do try all new people next year, this is just sad and boring. I ended up really liking Evil Dick at the end or at least respecting, and with Dan it just isn’t there. I find him to be just…..sad..I can’t even find the word. If it means he is never on BB again, I hope he wins.

  69. he should of put dan up. Dan is playing everyone and is going to win again. If they were smart they would get rid of someone who has already played and won. They don’t need him anymore

  70. MY perfect scenario for next HoH. Shane wins it. He will nominate Ian and whoever. IAN WINS VETO! He will be the sole deciding factor on who goes.. IAN EVICTS DAN!!

  71. I know someone has posted once before but i’ll repost.Danielle has a restraining order against the reflection in the mirror…She is obsessed with the person in the mirror…

    • I thought last year they played something recorded earlier or maybe that was the live feeds the following day.

  72. if ian put dan up do you think shane would vote him out? we know that dani is glued to his hip,(wish she would go) so why is he stupid to not put him up?

    • For one thing, Ian is stupid to have put Jenn on the
      block. If it was Shane and Dan, Shane gets off via
      the veto but, Danielle would be on the block with
      Dan. Shane votes to evict Dan to save Danielle,
      Jenn votes to evict Dan. Dan is evicted to the jury
      house. Now, how difficult was that? The only reason
      it is harder is because Ian moved to evict Jenn and
      waste his HOH for nothing! Next week, Ian cannot
      play for HOH and will be on the block. Dan, Danielle
      and Shane will all be out to evict Ian! That guarantees
      all three make it to Final 3!

      • Ian blew it big time. Why was he so desperate to get Jenn out? She isn’t very good in comps and really didn’ t play the game much up until now. At this point I would rather see anybody win than Danielle, she hid behind the guys and frankly I would rather dig my eyeballs out with a spoon than have to listen or watch her for another 2 minutes!

  73. What a dumb ass Ian, and you are suppose to be brilliant and know the show better than anyone, Dan played you fool.

  74. Ian, sometimes you’re as dumb as that pageant girl that said “personally, I believe that US americans don’t have maps….” Why didn’t you backdoor Dan? WHY?

  75. Everyone is acting like their on vacation right now except for Dan. Dan is always talking game 24/7. Everyone else is just eating, flirting, working out, and talking about Pokemon cards.

    Ian not trying to back door Dan is a perfect example. It seems like Ian is afraid to turn on Dan for some reason. Like Dan literally told him if he does, his face would get ripped off. Ian has the best knowledge out of everyone in big brother history. He recites people’s quotes and everything, but once he finally gets on the show he doesn’t even play his own game. What’s sup with that, are people forgetting Dan won before?

    • Dan said that because I believe Ian said that to him when Britney got evicted and it just covered his alliance with him more. Also, you have to admit it would be hard not to believe that Dan would take you to the end because he did stay loyal in his season. Dan is usin his reputation to his advantage and that’s not usually the case with returning hgs usually works against them. And also, it’s do easy for us to say how can they trust Dan when we know what’s really going on. Dan is just a beast at this game.

  76. I cannot for the life of me figure out why Jenn does not rat out Dan…She was lead to believe that she had a final 3 deal with Dan & Daniell….Can she not get that this is impossible now??? Does she not realize that Daniell is likely to stay and she gets voted out??? Does she believe that she has a 1/2% chance of not getting evicted?? Why does she just not tell Ian the truth about Dan’s plans to get him and Shane out instead of bitching him out for putting her on the block…Dam her brain cells must be really damaged caused she has listened to loud music for so many years….Pathetic is the word I use to describe her…totally pathetic..

    • Yes! What in the hell does she have to lose at this point by not telling Ian the truth? When stuff like this happens in the Big Bros house you just kind of think, duhhh, you deserve to get bounced out of the house you nitwit.

      • JENN has nothing to lose but a chance at $ 500,000 if she don’t speak up….If Jenn talks Daniell is out the door cause Shane will no longer feel the need to keep her..

    • It will only work if Ian believe in her words, but if it isn’t then Jenn will be doomed. In any case, she can be in F2 and will win the second prize if she doesn’t pull a fatal move, the best scenario and good enough for her though. I think she might spill the beans if there is a threat when the new nomination sets in.

      • If IAN don’t believe her all she’s gotta do is call a house meeting but she’s too dumb to do that..Get everybodyin the same room then let em say it ain’t soo…Jenn is street smart and in her line of work she has surely met many “cons” sooo she has gotta see or has realized that Dan has been playing her and everybody else…stupid …sooo stupid..

    • Jenn thinks she has a final 2 deal with Dan. So she’s not going to rat Dan out when she thinks she has his vote.

    • They are all just complete idiots except for Dan right now. He is absolutely running this house and has been for several weeks. It’s like none of them can think for themselves. He deserves to win for that I guess, but it just blows my mind that no one is playing this game right now. I see now why he wanted Brit out, because she had a brain & could use it to figure out his lies.

  77. dan was my favorite player to win, but im a christian and after seen how he swore on the most sacred thing in the world (bible) my mind changed

    • I just don’t understand how this was allowed to even start on BB. Bringing “any” book from the outside should never be allowed. Especially a religious or spiritual book is just an unfair advantage imo because the player can always then say “it is just a game”. Well, then you should not have been allowed to bring it in the house! I don’t know if it was allowed in an effort to tear down religion…but it’s not funny and cheap. But most of all it is not a logical rule.

      • If they weren’t allowed to bring religious texts, you’d call it persecution. But since they are, it’s somehow a conspiracy to discredit Christianity.

        There’s just no pleasing some people.

      • No.. they should not be allowed to bring anything…period. There is no logic to this exception to the rules.

      • Nobody brought it with them. It was already there. You know like when you check into to a hotel and usually in one of the drawers or on the nightstand there is that book. I know I sure didn’t pull it out of my luggage and put it there.

  78. Has anyone else realized that Danielle has just won 50,000 dollars? Ian can’t play HOH for final 4, so he’s gone unless he wins POV. If he does, either Dan or Shane is gone (because the other will be HOH, Dani will throw it being safe on all sides) That leaves either Dani in final 3 with Ian and one of the boys or more than likely, both boys. Any of the three will take her to final 2 because they can beat her.

    • Just read that Danielle said that she did a bikini calendar shoot (nothing nude though) and has ADHD (she takes Adderall for it). She claimed that she was going to go to the diary room to request the adderall so she can remember her mic. She said the Adderall helps her to concentrate and focus. She also said that her relationship with her dad is garbage and that he is an alcoholic and has anger problems. Dan told her that it was not a good idea to discuss that on camera. Danielle said she talks about it all the time on the feeds. What a loser……let’s just hope she leaves on tomorrow. These stories are getting wilder and wilder.

  79. Ian is playing the game wise, think about it. If Ian sends Dan home then its the “showmance” and Jen against him. If Shane or Danielle win HOH then Ian and Jen will go up for eviction. My only hope is that Danielle goes home this week to break the pair up!

    • Why is Ian playing smart? If he got out Dan this week
      which was very likely if he nominated Shane and Dan
      instead of Jenn and Shane, with Shane winning the
      veto, Jenn would have vote to evict Dan and Ian could break the tie and send Dan to the jury. How is it a smart move to not being able to play for HOH and play veto against Dan, Danielle and Shane or Danielle, Shane, Jenn? Which would have been a better deal for Ian?
      Also, Ian could have gotten a Final 2 deal with Jenn
      which means Ian would have a better shot at making
      Final 3. Now, Ian would be the target of Shane, Dan
      and Danielle who all want him out because they want
      to be in a Final 3! Jenn also would have been loyal
      to Ian knowing full well that Dan cannot be trusted!

  80. There are only 2 votes, correct? Shane will vote for Danielle to stay & Dan will vote for Jenn to stay. Ian will have to break the tie. No blood on Dan’s hands, as usual. Dan will whisper in Jenn’s ear that he did all he could as he promised, thus hoping to guarantee her vote for him at the end. BUT…what if Ian finally figures out that Shane & Danielle should be broken up & he chooses Danielle to be evicted. Maybe Jenn should get to work & hope she can convince Ian to have a secret alliance with her. It’s worth a try. I just can’t believe they are all so stupid to believe Dan.

    • That is a possibility but not likely..Dan would be way to afraid that Ian would go off the plan and oust Daniell…If Ian gets Daniell out he kills her alliance with all 3 cause she has final 2 deals with Dan Shane and Jenn…

  81. Does anyone know if the feeds will be down tomorrow? Being the eviction episode is going to be taped for Wednesdays show if I remember correctly last time this happened the feeds showed other episodes and BBAD was taped from earlier during the day.

  82. It’s most definitely Jenn’s time to go! So sick of her. Although if Dani left I would be equally pleased. I think it’s funny that Jenn is so pissed off at Ian. For what? For putting up Dani on the block? Ummmm, there aren’t many choices now on who to put up. Besides, it’s not as if Jenn has been much of a player in the BB house. She’s been on snooze for most of the game. She talks about her “big move” in saving Dan so Britney would go on the block, but she only did this so called big move because Dan influenced her to do so. Don’t like her, just my opinion. Glad that Shane saved himself. Like I said, if Dani left that’d be okay with me too.

  83. I wish Kara would’ve stayed over Danielle…. Any who I really hope if Jenn leaves Shane and Ian form some kind of F2 alliance and try to get Dan out.

  84. Will the live feeds return Tuesday once the eviction is over? Or will we have to wait for live feeds again until after the live show Thursday?

  85. Dan tried to talk Shane into not using the pov, and that he would be safe………WOW… he is so very low. Dan’s family should be ashamed of him. That man is an abomination to Big Brother. If they think this is just a game, then they are as sick as Dan.

    • How do you even watch big brother? How is that even low and it is a game! Go watch something else seriously like what you want ppl to take turn getting hoh and flip for who gets voted out yeah that’s way better than watching Dan own everyone at this game.

  86. Dani said she would voted out Shane if she got to before the OTEV. I hope if Dani is the replacement, Dani will be voted out. That will give Shane a better chance to win this game. Shane and Ian are too blind to see who Dan is, Dani is his hitman-cover-prawn.

  87. dan was just looking at his hos pic and saying he has to get rid of shane. said he can’t mess around anymore, dudes gotta go. so if he wins hoh he will put up shane and ian with shane being the main target.

  88. it’s sad that Dani is going to win,the only comp she could win without help is to eat more than anyone else.mary

  89. It looks like Danielle was depressed after there outside trip. Is it possible they got a chilly reception? anyone at the event?

  90. I think Ian is counting on winning POV – he then wins HOH and can honestly say to teh jury he remained loyal to the QP – the pro boogie people other than frank are all gone – he just needs to provce to teh QP he remained loyal

    • That remains to be seen if he is going to win the POV on the next eviction, He cannot play HOH so it is his only hope not to be back door by Dan. Dan knows that he has ho hope of winning against Ian in F2 so he will try his best to win that HOH. As you guys can see, Dan is a lot smarter than Ian. Ian should have not betrayed Frank and Boogie and if he does not win POV he is done. Sorry Ian, would have liked to see that you win the grand prize however because of your stupidity, you will probably not win anything now. You should have back door snaky sneaky Dan.

  91. Well, Ian just lost himself the game. By not putting Dan up, he virtually assured himself of being sent home next week.

      • Dani maybe. But Shane is not so stupid to see that Dan is the bigger threat to his winning a milion dollars.

      • Which is why his nominations were screwed up to Begin with. His fate was sealed when he nominated Shane and Jenn. Instead of working to get rid of the non-issue Jenn, he should have worked to split Dan and Danielle up.

  92. These guys are scumbags. They know Jenn is leaving, but that lead her on like she has a chance of staying and when she leaves, they do thier little quack quack crap.Good going guys, you just pissed off another jury vote. This is gonna be an ugly finale because of the crap like this.

  93. Wait a minute. Dan and Danielle are talking about not letting others know that they are working together. Since when has that been a secret? And Danielle is complaining about how hard she’s had it the entire game. Umm…ok.

    • Dan thought he pulled one over everyone with his “funeral” but just because he has not been called out doesn’t mean it is a secret. Dan let that out to Ian when he said ‘he would rip his face off” or something to that effect, if Danielle went up. Well, Dan it happened anyway.

      Dan’s game is a F2 with everyone so if any of them work out, he can say that was the real one.

    • Remember Dan’s funeral speech, and how he told Danielle she was dead to him? Everyone thinks they stopped working together since that happened. Dan felt it was a good move, and they agreed to make the house think they aren’t playing together anymore.

    • @172c8c8cd891965ff7d113e836398469:disqus & @disqus_1lwbiFb4TE:disqus I remember the speech and Dan’s strategy, but here’s what is puzzling to me. Are they trying to keep the relationship from Ian? Dan has a final three deal with him, Danielle and Jenn. He also has a final three deal with him, Danielle and Shane. AND he has a quack pack deal with him, Danielle, Shane, and Ian. So…all parties in the house, know that Dan is working with Danielle in some way. So, why would it be surprising that they are talking to each other? Honestly, it would be odd if they weren’t because who holds a grudge for that long in the BB house – openly?

  94. What a dumb ass for putting up Dani. Does he really think he is going to beat Dan? Now that he can’t play in HOH, I hope the other 3 standing come after this sorry ass geek.

  95. I have to laugh at Shane and Danielle….they were just talking about how they should take Dan to the final 2 because no one would vote for him to win. I hope they keep thinking like this, because there is NO WAY the jury would vote for either of them to win over Dan.

  96. Are the hg’s so dumb that they haven’t thought to take the backing off the hoh pics and see if there are any secret messages? And before anyone brings up “production”, “production” is not allowed in this conversation ‘cuz I’m sick of hearin’ it. Just sayin’.

    • You never liked Dumbelle huh?? Im so sick of her..Everything has to be about her..ME ME ME..She knows it all What a joke

      • Haha, not only does she KNOW IT ALL, she’s done it all, been through it all, or medically had it all!

    • Agreed butcrackpack and I thought he is the smartest one turned out to be the most stupid house guest. He did not see what Dan had done on his funeral acting and still believed him. What a puppet. If Dan wins HOH and he does not win the POV he is gone and like he said he will die for the quacks well his wished is about to come true. I really would have liked for him to win knowing that he stated it will be a better life for his family. Sorry Ian if you go to the jury house and see Frank then you will realize that Karma is a bitch.

  97. The only way any of these idiots get asked to come back on big brother is if everybody else say’s no!

  98. Where can I see these casting alternatives that Ian and Danielle were talking about on BBAD? They got me interested in who could’ve been in the house now.

  99. Now, I do like Shane, and I hope that IF he wins HOH next that he smartens up about Dan (even though hands down I think Dan should win the $500,000). I would hope since Dani told him that originally Shane was going to go up against Joe during double eviction, but instead she went up and “saved him”. She did omit the fact that he wasn’t just “going up as a pawn”, because she knows if Shane had gone up on the block that he would’ve left instead of Joe. If she “really likes Shane” why wouldn’t she warn him? I guess she feels torn between her loyalty to Dan and Shane. Just another reason to feel so sad for her. Poor poor Dani. Ugh, give her a tissue. Lol

    • I think she wants to keep her options open. She told Shane that she just saved him from being Dan’s “pawn” so Shane feels indepted to her. However, by not outing Dan about wanting him out this week she can still convince Shane to keep Dan next week for F3 if he wins HOH. That puts her in the best position if Ian leaves. She’s got Dan and Shane saying they will take her to final 2. She’s not my favorite person but I do think she is playing the game better than people give her credit for.
      I could be wrong but I think if it came down to getting rid of Shane or Dan she’s going to keep Dan. She gets jealous that Shane doesn’t give her enough attention and is worried he’s just using her. This is an easy insecurity for Dan to exploit. Plus I think Dan has done a lot to protect her and guide her. We never see Dan in the diary room saying he needs to get Danielle out. I think that that’s where his true alligance is. Shane should put in some time giving Danielle attention to make this choice harder for her. We will have to see what happens.

  100. Ian should take Dan to final two, it will be a definite win for him. No one will award a player a second win.
    I am pretty sure Ian is aware of this..

  101. I agreed with you on the Ian thought because I thought he was a smart player but I guees we were all wrong about him Ian opening your eyes my dear Dan is a snake in the grass and I hate him

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  1. Big Brother 14 Danielle Took Shane’s Place On Eviction Chopping Block Today | Hollywood Hills
  2. Big Brother 14 Live Feeds: Week 9 Monday Highlights | Big Brother 14
  3. Big Brother 14 Episode 27: Week 9 Veto Plus Surprise Eviction Episode Tonight | Big Brother 14

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