Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Week 4 Veto Competition Results

Power of Veto

The Big Brother 14 drama continues today with the Veto competition. The Coaches twist has hit the house in a big way and played a surprising role in the nominations last night. Now that everyone is in the game the target list has jumped up which means even more lying, betrayal, and backroom whispering. Good times ahead on the Feeds!

I hope you’ve joined us on Facebook and Twitter and grabbed our apps for mini-updates through the day so you don’t miss all the fun.

Read on to find out who won the Veto and what that could mean for the game this week.

Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Week 4 Veto Competition Results:

  • Danielle won the Veto Competition.

Jump on the Live Feeds right now to watch the house react. You can check out the in-house uncensored cams with the Free Trial and then keep it for fifty cents a day. That’s a cheap price for a summer of Big Brother fun.

The players in this week’s PoV competition were Danielle as HoH with Frank and Wil as the nominees. Ian, Shane, and Jenn were selected the additional players. Dan was picked as host of the Power of Veto competiton.

It was another punishment/prize competition with, you guessed it, a unitard. Frank got stuck with the “Spiritard” while Ian has to be a dog for 24 hours. Ian has to eat out of a bowl and sleep in a big doghouse. It’s pretty cool. Too bad it’s only for 24 hours.

Additional prizes: Jenn won a trip and Shane won a “auto-play Veto” card so he will be the 7th person to compete. Wil won $5K.

The next Big Brother 14 Veto ceremony is expected to be held on Monday and we’ll know for sure if it’s used. Stay close by and we’ll share those spoilers.

What do you think of the PoV Comp results? Should it be used at the ceremony?

Jump on the Live Feeds and enjoy the drama. Watch it all now live & uncensored.

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    •  it was ian is in a dog kennel has to have collar on eat out of dog bowl and be walked around on a leash, but hes loving the attenion

      • It would have been hilarious if loudmouth Joe was in the dog collar. He’d drool all over the house.

    •  i hope she goes with her original plan to back door janelle i cant stand her and dan

    • I would imagine Danielle will keep her nominations the same unless Frank or Wil aren’t her real targets. Otherwise, Frank is going home. I just don’t see the house voting Wil out this week.

      • Danielle is good but she is painting a target on her back by showing how good she really is.

    • Yes but he won a Veto ticket that I believe he can use at a later date.  So maybe not a loss after all.

    • Shane MAY NOT have lost…it very well could have been part of his plan. All of the players picked , I am pretty sure they wanted Frank to go home.Shane may have thrown the comp. to take some of the heat off of hisself. Good playing anyway.

    • Possibly, but it was a trade-up comp and Shane got a good prize so he may have let Danielle take the Veto while he kept the prize. We’ll have to wait and see how it turns out.

  1. Love that Danielle is stepping up her game and winning comps!!! I am rooting for Danielle, Shane, and Brittany all  the way!!!!

    • me too, i will love too see them in the final 3 together, if they keep winning hoh, & pov. then they will win big brother, i have a huge feeling. they needa get frank in boogie out before its to late because there strong players in the house.

      •  lol that’s why you’d lose big brother. if you evict all the targets, then you become the target yourself, as they’ll be no “strong” players left for the other’s to evict. smartest thing dani could have done is kept frank (put up like joe and ashley instead), that way she’d have kept the target off her and shane’s back. also this would have kept her safe if say boogie, frank, ian or jenn won HOH next week. of course to late for that now, as if she uses the veto on frank, she’d make a huge target of herself. so franks leaving.

        also to add one more thing, people love to split up groups, if dani and shane get to close, one will surely go home in the next couple weeks, possibly even before jury.

    •  i was until they let dan run this hoh and talk them out of putting janelle up

    • I am surprised that Danielle has come out a contender. I know Dan says he picked her for a reason, but I don’t think so. LOL. I think this is a surprise to everyone including Dani/Dan that she can win like this. 

      As for “The Stingray” saying you should keep targets/threats in the house to keep yourself, that’s a bad strategy. If you keep threats int he house they eventually win competitions and put you up. 

      Shane is already a target, and no matter what he does he will remain a target. Danielle is not really going to be a target because bigger players like Shane/coaches are around. Dani is sitting pretty and will likely be used as a pawn even after winning HOH/POV in the same weak. No one considers her a threat.

    • I like brittany but Danielle has got to go and the showmance between her and Shane is cute and all but she has got to go

    • Ian and Brittany jumped off in the hoh comp so who knows who would have won if it played out. Brit played it smart with that move.
      POV – I’m sure frank was the only person competing against Danielle. The rest of them chose to stay clear from the pov drama that is to follow.
      Frank – not sure why everyone is so afraid of him? He’s not that great st comps. Guess it must be bc of boogie. I see this guy brought back for season 15 or 16

  2. Sounds like Frank has to wear a unitard this week.  That will suck for him getting evicted into the studio audience wearing a unitard.

      • I think there has only been 1 person to survive the unitard curse…cant remember who it is either…I believe it was last season though.

      • i know jordan survive humilitard last year, but lydia was evicted in season 11 with it. Jen in season 8 survived tho

  3. Dano’s advice to Dani (Throw the competitions) is really paying off.
    Go D and D…
    Will Boogie ‘get’ to Dan and thereby force Danielle to use the Veto to save Frank?

    This could happen. Big mistake, but it could happen.

  4. Rigged for danielle….thts prob why thy called her to the diary room several times last night…. to give her hints on the pov. questions…thats my take..

  5. Footnote: Shane is not loosing Comps…he’s giving them away, and, the target on his back should be shrinking.

    •  Shane was targeted since day 1. He had dodged every bullet that was coming on his way. He’s still in the house and Frank is on his way.

  6. Sounds like Ian has to live in a dog kennel and be led around on a leash for a day.

  7. GOO Danielle!!! (and Shane, Britney, Dan)
    She should use the veto take off Wil and put up Boogie that way for sure the duo is split

    • It would be smart in that it takes away 1 vote for Will.  However, if the goal is to get Frank out, and you put up Boogie, I think the noobs will vote out Boogie instead of Frank.  Tough call.

    • Im going to stop watching if either Boogie or janelle leaves. This season’s cast are so boring and dull with Shane and Danielle as the dullest and dumbest players ever, I find them so irritating to watch! And all this nonsense of Frank being a threat??? to who? Shane is winning everything and now Danielle…what a dissappointing coincidence

  8. Well Danielle is in control. She can do whatever she wants. Let’s hope she does this her way or watch her let someone else control her HOH. We’ll see if there is a double eviction or fast forward planned for this week.

  9. Oh no,now we have to listened to Danielle say to Dan a thousand times a day,What should I do.Dont know if I can stand it on bbad,might have to skip it this week.

  10. dannelle may have won but she will let someone else tell her what to do if shes smart she will back door jannelle I cant stand her she thinks shes better than anyone else

  11. i knew someone that was in another reality show….and yea she said produrcers do hint things to the contestant they favor most.. so to me looks like bb14 favors danielle most..

    • Of course they give hints to contestants they like most, aka Danielle Donato, Jordan, Jeff, etc. But to think they like Dani to the point of giving her unfair advantage is ridiculous. They do like Frank enough because of the stupid Chilltown duplicate they are to sell.

  12. Dan is playing this game pretty well.  He is aligned with Shane (who wins alot of competitions), Danielle (who listens to anyone in their alliance) and Britney (who’s a great social player).  He has like no target on his back, well until someone realizes what he’s doing. 

    And, great job Danielle!  :]

    • I believe Dan will be the winner.  Plays quietly, the houseguests will never know till he wins it all!

  13. The way I see it, Wil, Frank, or Boogie will be going home. Let’s. See if they turn on each other this week. No matter which one goes, I see it as a good thing.

  14. Good job Daniele…leave nominations the same send Frank packing and then next week Boogie will go hard after Shane. Love it!

    • Or…Boogie will go after Dan; cause such a fuss in the house he Boogie frightens the noobs and they send Boogie home.

  15. shane is the one that is a big threat look at all the competitions he has won i don’t understand why thay want frank out  he is the only one that has been honest and has done what he said he was gong to do shane has lied and  everything

  16. if anything backdoor JANELLE every1 seems to forget about her in this game and want boogie out..ive always said dan was the silent genius lol which is true so he should tell dani to get RID of janelle and take FRANK off

  17. Boogie is screwed, he has nobody reliable on his side. Frank is going home this week and Boogie is going home next week. I don’t have the live feeds so I want to ask if there is any hint of the coaches teaming up?

    • Janelle wanted a coaches alliance but Dan and Brit are in an alliance with Danielle, Shane, and Ian.  I don’t see Janelle and Booglie lasting too terribly long.  Dan is smart and will probably work the alliance so that they pick off a noob then Boogie, then another noob then Janelle.  Just to keep the noobs from having superior numbers.

      • Dan doesn’t want Ian in the alliance. Doesn’t trust him. He wants the coaches to stick together. And that’s because a coach does not have a chance in winning against a newbie.

    •  Coaches are teaming up..Boogie will probably come in now that Frank is leaving on Thursday, he will have no one but the coaches.

      • That might be their (Dan and Brits) end game with this week. To force boogie to their side

  18. My sister just ‘called’ me on using an incorrect verb (loosing in stead of losing). Well, I entered what I meant; Shane is loosing ( to free from restraint, to make loose). If Shane continues to relax, Shane will continue to lose. Perhaps Shane is throwing the comps. Could be so.

    My concern is Danielle. Will Boogie play the guilt card and convince Dan to save Frank through Danielle?

  19. Now I’m bored.  It seems to me people are throwing comps so that they do not have to make decisions – bad sportsmanship all around.  BB needs to change the rule so the HOH cannot play in the Veto Comp – this will force people to play

  20. Frank has to wear a Spirit unitard. A cash prize was won. Ian
    has to eat and drink out of dog dish, Jenn won a trip, Shane won a veto
    ticket that guarantees he can play in the next PoV competition, even if he’s
    not nominated..

  21. Why can’t these stupid feeds stay on for longer than 10 minutes at a time…seems like they are always down more than they are on..from what I did see, I think Ashley is finally starting to see the light with Janelle..her and Wil just formed an alliance..does Frank have to wear the unitard this week, I really don’t want to see that at all! I guess Boogie will have no choice but to join the coaches alliance now, since Frank is leaving on Thursday. I really want Danielle to backdoor Janelle, but that won’t happen right now..maybe later on.

  22. Am I the only one that would have gotten a coach.out this week? Jannell and Boogie need to go…SOON. Danille would not put up the other two, but it is surprising to me that no one seems too concerned about the players that have been through this before.

    • The coaches need to go or the newbies will lose. They should get rid of all the coaches and then Shane and then Frank. Joe is annoying and Wil is a useless whiner, but Shane and Frank should go first. Ian knows the game, he needs to step up and be the hero telling the newbies what needs to be done and helping them get rid of the coaches. Time is getting late to do it!

  23. i don’t see how anyone can say brit is good  at this game all she does is go around letting anyone with power tell her what to do. she was used and booted in her season and it will happen while she sits picking her lips

  24. I am in no way being mean or ugly by asking..”Has anybody figured out what IAN’s medical issues are??”  His current actions (live feeds) tend to make me believe that he is autistic…but it could be  any # of medical terms. Whatever his problems are they are becoming more noticable as the show progresses..He could be a person that does not deal well with stressful situations and this week he has been reprimanded by Boogie and came in 3rd for HOH and then he is trying to find his true place in the house (alliance) which is alot to deal with. I have experience with the handicapped so I am seeing that IAN has a medical problem but I am not sure what it might be. I am just making general conversation and am in no way being disrespectful of IAN’s possible disability.

    • Oh yes, a high-functioning autism is often labeled as geek or nerd. But I do noticed his body language, gestures and postures are a bit strange sometimes. I wonder if he doesn’t handle anxiety well?

    • I have had the same thoughts about his behaviors and want him to go far in the game.   His rocking back and forth, pacing, and ability to remember everything about all the BB episodes remind me a lot of my son who is on the spectrum, high functioning.  I am pro-Ian and want him to go far.  I can see in his actions how genuine he is and truly believe it means more than we can ever imagine to him to make it from one week to the next. He is working very very hard …. GO IAN!! 

    • My nephew has Asperger’s….Ian’s symptoms are very similar to my nephew’s so he may have that…but don’t know for sure.  He is doing well though.  I hope Ian makes it far. :)

    • My son is high fiction autism. He has a lot of the same traits as Ian. Very smart and silly at the same time. I know Ian will not win this but I think this is great that Ian gets to experience his dream. As my son would love to experience animate. I love Ian.

  25. Britney..NO WAY !!!!   I take it you don’t have B.B.A.D.  I’m sure if you did, you’d want her gone also.

  26. Boogie has such poor sportsman. In B.B.A.D. just a few days ago, he and Frank thought all was going their way, dancing and laughting around. Now that the coaches are playing the game, and he knows that Frank is going home, he is moping around and not talking to anyone except Frank. He knows with Frank gone, he MAY be the next to go. He told Dan in the storage room that he hates the F*^#/%# game !!!! As long as he had things going HIS way, it was fine. He knows that most of the H.G.are not with him. At least Dan was the only one that owned up too  pushing the button to have the coaches enter the game.

  27. ha, what showmance…in her dreams…she wishes….shane either has a gf or a bf but he doesnt like danielle more then a friend…if he is straight then he prob wants to hook up with kara…


  29. wtf danielle will be bragging allll night on bbad shes the best at hoh and vetos… wow.

  30. This season just sucks. I’m not a big fan of any of the new HGs and the only coach I like is Dan & he sucks this season cause he keeps throwing comps… I really don’t want anyone to win & I can’t believe Danielle is actually winning comps now

    • Dan threw competitions in season 10 too. This is nothing new for him. He won when he had to. When he admitted he wouldn’t be throwing the last coaches competition, he did well, he went to the final round and lost via lack of tongue action…because Big Brother seems to think that was a funny or clever way of ending a competition…

  31. this is going to be good , I think its great that the coaches are in , these BB boys and girls have got to play now and cant sit back and rely on the team to pull them out.  There is alot of sleepers in the house that are starting to wake up and I think this next eviction will wake them up even more. Dany needs to keep the noms the same and see which one has the pulll to keep them in. It is a new game and too soon for her to backdoor anyone. remember we are at week one again as far as the game.

    • Regardless if they are “back at week one,” there are still only 6 more weeks left so it’s really not “too early” for anything.

  32. I hate Danielle! I hope Janelle wins hoh next and puts up Danielle and Shane! Hopefuly she uses the veto and backdoors boogie… that way Frank gets another chance!

    •  Shane and Danielle’s snobby and stuck up attitudes are getting ridiculous, they both need to go soon..Frank has the worst unitard in BB history, hideous..

  33. I think its funny when people assume that a player has no game, or no strategy, just because heir strategy isnt obvious to them! Ie: frank mentioned that Ian isnt playing the game..he couldnt be MORE wrong, taking punishments IS IANS STRATEGY ….and, it appears to be working! GO IAN!

    •  No, Ian has some kind of a soft alliance with Dan and Danielle. I was surprised with their discussions in the HOH room. So Ian is doing better than a lot of the HG’s

  34. Would love to see Boogie &Frank in the butcher block with Frank going home. O think Boogie would then join the game. Let him go home if he doesn’t want to play.

    • Boogie is playing the game. For one thing, he wants the others especially the newbies that he cannot win competitions and he does not want the newbies to think he is aligning with the coaches. That is part of the art of
      manipulation. If you can make them believe in what you are doing, you have

  35. Janelle constantly makes stuff up or twists others words. They keep falling for it. She’s a bitch. I hate her.

    • I don’t like Janelle anymore than you do, but in this game lying, making things up, twisting words…it’s all pretty much part of it.

  36. Omg this is what I wanted. The power of six, danalla, britt, shane, Dan, boggie, Frank. These are the strongest players and should go to the final six.

      • Is that what’s being discussed on the feeds? A six-player alliance featuring those six, Dan, Danielle, Britney, Shane, Mike and Frank? I sincerely hope so, I like all six of them (iffy on Brit but I dislike others far more).

  37. I just realized there’s only 3 players out of 12 I distinctly dislike and don’t want to see win; Joe, Jenn and Janelle, and only Janelle is an actual threat to win it. I’m not in a bad spot as a fan.

    Too bad this week most likely Frank or Mike will be gone, which would bring it down to 3 of 11 players. I don’t dislike Wil, but I’m hoping there’s some way he can be evicted instead of Frank or Mike.

    • Might be Janelle if Danielle doesn’t listen to Dan or Dan finally agrees with her…Danielle needs to grow some “cahoonas” and do what she wants and not what Dan wants…

      • Dan’s one of my faves but I agree that this time I hope he’s not listened to. Easy to think I’m the one speaking personally and not strategically now lol, because I admittedly don’t like Janelle, but unbiasedly I really think it’s a good move to backdoor her right now. As Mike mentioned, the opportunity may not come again.

    • I’m all on board with the Avengers—if it means getting that lying, backstabbing, big titted bitch Janelle OUT of there.  GO AVENGERS!!!!

      • Seriously? They’re talking about a six-player alliance? I need confirmation! Who are the players in this? I totally hope this is all true…

      • Shane, Brit, Danielle, Dan, Boogie, Frank….They also have Ian in their back pocket too but he doesn’t know about this alliance.

  38. Avengers? Dan says you are putting a lot of faith in a man (Booger)that has stabbed a lot of people in the back. Dan isn’t down with back dooring Janelle.

    • I’m not saying Dan should trust Mike completely, but he needs to get down with backdooring Janelle this week. What’s his hold-up about it?

      • The last thing the veterans want is to take each other out. Newbies still have the numbers and if they wise up can easily take out the coaches if the coaches start going after each other! Boogie is being demonized by the other coaches and there is a method to the madness. Yet, Dan talks to him to get him into a 4 coach alliance? The other coaches are using Boogie to distract the newbies while, the manipulate the newbies into fighting and going after each other. Even letting Danielle win HOH this week is not accident. Now, that Danielle is HOH and has put up two newbies on the block, she has angered two newbies. And even if Frank goes home, Wil will be pissed at Danielle and the other newbies will see Danielle as not trustworthy. Shane is the biggest threat to the coaches and the only reason he was not targeted is the coaches know he has Danielle in his pocket. Next week could be different though. The coaches need the other coaches to go far in this game. Going after each other like Danielle Donato is a very
        stupid move! We already saw what happened to Danielle Donato last season. I think this bunch of veterans are smarter than Danielle Donato and will not go after each other until the herd of newbies has been thinned and weakened. They want both Frank and Shane out then, they can pick the rest of the newbies one by one and getting closer to that $500,000.

      •  ..Dan possibly has another side alliance with Janelle? The plan to backdoor her will never happen because of Dan.

      • There was already a consensus to vote Frank out of the house for almost a week, If Boogie can turn this vote around to his liking in just a few hours, then he’s really a damn good player. Dan wants to sever Boogies relationship with Frank first. I do too.

  39. This season is a wash, possibly the worst ever.  Who cares, as long as Danielle/ Shane stay in control.  They’re both lackluster and icky.  I think I’m done.

    • ‘Possibly the worst ever’ : Heard that last year, and the year before…
      ‘Lackluster and icky’ : lackluster? They’ve won a combined 5 competitions, so lackluster doesn’t exactly work here.
      ‘I think I’m done’ : Hear this every year. Don’t watch then.

      • I get so sick of these wishy washy fans saying year after year ‘worst ever’.  Don’t watch!!  The rest of us love it.  I’m loving this year. 

    •  I would love to see Janelle get backdoored this week, but I don’t think it will ever happen with Dan in Danielle’s ear all the time…he is playing  his game through her..kinda sad..the plan that Boogie presented them last night on BBAD was perfect to get liar Janelle out of the house..but, I think Dan may have a side alliance with Janelle and he will end up telling her the plan and it will fall through..that is a shame, because it would have been so much fun to watch her squirm until Thursday!!

  40. OMG  is Janelle gets backdoored  she is gonna flip out worse than  willie..she is the biggest flip flop  in the house..Goes to where the power is…if she goes up..Its gonna be fun watching her cry and beg  during showtime after dark  before the eviction on thursday

  41. Danielle and Bratney are WORST players ever!  Bratney should never have been brought back, the Brigade played her like a Strattavarius.  Chilltown made a fool of Janelle in All Stars, but she did play great in her first season.  Shane will not make it to the end, he doesn’t understand the game and is to busy flip floppying. Dan will take him out real soon.  I hope Frank stays, he is the best newby by far.  Not sure how Ashley and Jenn made it into the game, they are CLUELESS to say the least.

    • How do you see Frank as the best player in the house ? Just what has he done to be that ? He is riding Boogie’s coat tails all the way. Of course he was making show time with Willie. Does any of that make a good player ??? Not in my book…..I said before, I hope that Dan and Shane are the final two.

    • There is not a good player in the house – the only thing which will change my mind on this one is if Ian turns out to be a Keyser Soze.  Frank has lost two Veto comps he needed to save his own butt.  He aligned with Boogie – Frank who I thought could be a contender has turned out to be a complete failure – this season is a wash.  Unless they remove HOH from playing the Veto comp this season will see no one but HOH or players on the block winning the veto comp – this game has lost all sportsmanship – time to send them all home – just cancell the season 

  42. Backdoor Janelle, eliminate Bogie next week and pray for a double eviction and kick Frank out too

  43. After last night it looks like there might be a deal in the making between
    Frank and Boogie in exchange for Janelle. If they all come together they
    will get Janelle out, who seems be the biggest threat right now. They are
    working with Ian, too. Even if it keeps Danielle, Shane, Brittney, and
    Dan safe for one week, they can work on getting Frank or Boogie out next.
    It gives them more players in the next HOH comp. Frank and Boogie do not
    know about the deal with Ian. Dan , of course, tried to keep them leaving
    Frank on the block. But it looked like they would take Frank off and put Janelle
    up. That keeps Wil from being able to vote for Janelle. Will see if it hold until
    the Veto ceremony.

    • I think this is the best move for Danielle and Shane….Dan doesn’t like it b/c she wants Janelle here but is not telling Danielle…A secret alliance with her…Only if she knew.

  44. I would love to see someone  backdoored this week, it might start to make the show interesting.

  45. The house needs to get rid of Ashley and Jenn ASAP. They are so STUPID and add zero to the game.  I think Ashley is mentally challenged. I would love to see Janelle put the moves on Shane, if she did that Danielle would go all Willie on her.  That would spice things up in the house.

  46. love the spoilers, and i love Matt doing them, he makes it interesting, will be cool to see who gets eliminated this week!!!.. thx matt, u make it fun to watch..

  47. this dumb bimbo can not think for herself. It’s so stupid that Shane is pulling all the strings once again. Also, shes hideous without makeup but looks fake with makeup. I’m gonna laugh when Shane screws her over in the end and she crys like a little girl.

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