The Big Brother 14 drama continues today with the Veto competition. The stakes don’t get much higher than this especially when you’ve got half the house hoping for a chance to renom who they see as the biggest threat in the game. That will still be up to the same person who created this scenario in the first place with his nominations last night.
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Read on to find out who won and what that could mean for the game this week.
Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Week 3 Veto Competition Results:
- Shane won the Veto Competition.
Yep. Shane won the Veto. Again. He said he’s now the biggest target over Frank with his repeat wins. No kidding. This guy is a beast. Shane says Joe is out the door.
Jump on the Live Feeds right now to watch the house react. You can check out the in-house uncensored cams with the Free Trial and then keep it for fifty cents a day. That’s a cheap price for a summer of Big Brother fun.
The players in this week’s PoV competition were Shane as HoH with Ashley and Joe as the nominees. Frank, Danielle, and Wil were selected the additional players. Jenn was picked as host of the Power of Veto competiton.
The next Big Brother 14 Veto ceremony is expected to be held on Monday and we’ll know for sure if it’s used, but don’t expect it. Stay close by and we’ll share those spoilers.
What do you think of the PoV Comp results? Should it be used at the ceremony?
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Omg Shane is amazing. Has anyone else won three POVs in a row
Hmmmmm…..I don’t k know, but if anyone has, it’s Janelle…
James. BB6. He won 4 in that season. 5 really, but he won one for his teammate sarah. If you count that one he had 4 in a row.
more like his team mate Sarah won for him… He was on the block, and she took him off !
Maybe Shane will beat that record!
@ Guest: James was on the block yes. But the comp they played was one in which you could help or hinder the other houseguests. So he won it for her so that she could save him and not go up as his replacement.
janelle did in season 7
Shane just put himself into the best possible
position this week as being the HOH and now the POV holder. Now he can put whatever plan he has into action including backdooring Frank if he wants to or leaving the nominations the same. Of course Shane also does have one of the biggest targets on his back for next week since he can’t play for HOH.
That’s why he must use the POV on frank he may not get another chance
Do Shane have the votes to get Frank out? That should be 2-2 with Danielle being the swing vote, but I’m unsure where Danielle’s vote is right now…
If they dont get frank out this wk i think that be a mistake..why are they all scarred to touch this guy..i would have sent this bushy head mofo packing way back wk one.
Bit he can always win POV and if Britney wins coaches comp she can give him immunity. Also, if he doesn’t backdoor frank this week and frank wins HOH I am pretty sure he will leave Shane alone!!!!! I still think he needs to backdoor frank!!!!!!
janelle won coaches comp and saved wil
He is on a roll! Whoever he is an an alliance with needs to win next week or he’s gone!
Or he can just win POV again. He’s a beast
Not necessarily there are all kinds of ways he can be safe! If he doesn’t backdoor Frank and Frank wins HOH I am sure Shane will be left alone! He can win POV which he has done now three times in a row and if Britney wins coaches comp she can give him immunity!! Don’t count him out yet!!!!!!!
Time to find out if Shane is willing to get bloody or not. Will he rid himself of Frank via the backdoor or will he leave things alone and weaken team Janelle? I think both options are worthwhile, though getting Frank out of the house seems a bit more necessary. I don’t think Jenn or Ian are an HOH threat unless it happens to be mental, so this could be time for a move. It will require making deals with trustworthy people like Ian and Danielle. Many options to consider.
Shane is the Man ….he is relentless I’m so glad he’s kickin azz.
The repeat wins could work in his favor. Everyone else might get too intimidated to take him on. At the very least he will control how the noms play out this week.
YES!!!! Now get out one of those crying tryhards out.
Back door Frank ,then start picking off the rest of Boogie’s team .Shane can’t play HOH next week but he still has POV if he goes on the block. Hopefully Shanes not afraid to make a big move.
unlike other houseguests…
by far i am rooting for shane to win. so far so good
Me too. I liked him since day one
I liked Shane right away and I would like to see him win this game. He came to play and has proven he can win. I do not like Frank that much, but can see where Shane feels he might be the next strongest competitor to help him win comps. when Shane might not be able to. I have always liked Brit. and think she is smarter than people give her credit for. I find her very funny as well. I don’t trust Janelle and both Joe and Wil have said they will get Shane out even if they give him a deal. I know Janelle, Wil and Joe are after both Frank and Shane. I don’t necessarily trust Boogie, but I can see where he might think it an asset to have Frank working with Shane. It is very hard to win all the comps. and to have two strong players and maybe someone like Danielle, Ian, Frank and Shane working together it might work. Not seeing today’s comp., but knowing that Shane still won with Frank, Will, Joe, and Danielle all playing tells me just how strong Shane is. The fact that coaches may enter this game can throw all this off and I wish Shane knew this, but it is what it is.
Shane all the way – no matter what!
“Shane says Joe is out the door.” Can you give approx time he said this. I can’t find it on the post-POV feeds. Who did he say it to?
Okay he needs to backdoor Frank. Get rid of the biggest threat. Frank needs to go. The problems is, both Janelle’s and Boogie’s players will come after him. Or maybe he can convince Ian and Jenn to target Janelle’s players.
Shane a fking Beast right now..Im starting to think Frank dont stand a Chance in comps with shane..Shane lov ya baby boy Keep doing what you killing the game rite now..wish willie was with yall with this sucess.
If I were Shane I would keep Frank. Number one, Frank would still be a physical target; get rid of him and it’s Shane by himself. Two, Frank would return the loyalty to Shane; and he too would want to keep Shane as a physical target. Get rid of physical targets, and you’re next. Keep them, be loyal to each other, and you might keep winning.
I don’t think that keeping Frank would be beneficial for Shane’s game.Just the contrary. Frank would turn on him in a minute..and knows that he wouldn’t stand a chance at the end..I’m sure Boogie wants to get rid of Shane as soon as possible…We’ll see how it all plays out IF the coaches enters the game. !!!!!!! GO SHANE ALL THE WAY !!!!!!! great game so far…You are one smart guy…no matter what Boogie says !!!!!!
well said. and so true.
Shane all the way!!!! At least he plays for himself with his own brain!!
Frank would return the loyalty to Shane
…and you know this how? Frank is being manipulated by Boogie who after becoming a player will want Shane out because of his ability to win. If he doesn’t put Frank up he’s looking for trouble.
They both need each other. Going after each other will only get both of them evicted. Anyone who saw Danielle Donato go after her alliance saw her and most of her alliance get evicted one by one! That is why happens when you got tit for tat and blinded by revenge. Alliances matter in this game and the Mike Boogie and Frank alliance with Shane and I heard Danielle with team
members Ian and Jenn would be a majority right there if they stay united!
Janelle’s team of Joe, Wil, Ashley can be taken out one by one and the remaining 5 can mix it up and back stab each other and one of them will win that $500,000. I am assuming the coaches are not let in back into the game! If the coaches are let into the game, the newbies should stay united and vote out the coaches one by one while, they have the numbers. That is the only way they can win that $500,000.
Loving it!!!!! Brit just giving it to Team Janelle. This is why I love Brit. She’s not afraid to speak her mind. Shane’s also doing a good job following Brit’s lead. Make people feel like a$$ and they become desperate. They will promise the world to Shane. Hopefully, Shane doesn’t go with their plan. I want Team Janelle to go down in flames.
Final 4: Shane, Danielle, Frank & Ian
I hope Ian see’s the light and realizes that scumbag Ashley is just using him.
Bratney is the same cry baby she was in her season. She trash talks everyone. All she did was trash talk Danielle in week one now she’s her BFF. Give me a break. I want either Janelle or Dan to win the coaches prize. Get out the scumbag Boogie and his sidekick Frank, then wipe out Bratney.
Backdoor Frank! ASAP!
does no one remember that the coaches can potentially come into the game. Shane needs to be alligned with Frank if they want to get the coaches out. I realize Shane doesn’t know this , but in the long run it might be better !
you have a point there..
did not think of that.
Yeah. too bad he doesn’t know this. But still. I dont see the coaches working together unless the players band together, then the coaches will have to band together too.
Money says if they do enter they will team up to atleast get out Frank and Shane
I think Share has a great shot at finals !! I hope he doesn’t get distracted by a female… I doubt he will tho.. I luv BB !!!
i think Danielle is way more into him than he is into her, i was hoping him and kara would have a showmance at first.. danielle is annoying
I think Danielle is sweet, and she is very attractive. Shane is smart though, he’s not showmancing but he’s keeping Danielle close.
Shane really doesn’t have choice but to get rid of joe. He could go after frank but it would be stupid to have team janelle and boogie be mad at you. Right now janelles team is the only one angered by Shane. Don’t get get two different alliances mad at you
Exactly. Shane would be seen as a flipper. No one could actually trust him and Team Janelle could use it against him. Just like Brit is giving it to Team Janelle now. Unlike Joe who will say and do anything to stay, but will also run his mouth and throw you under the bus. His best bet is with Frank. Even though Shane is a BEAST. Frank is still the bigger threat because Shane has a good social game. He doesn’t upset anyone like Frank does with his cocky attitude.
Shane is a threat to the house. I like shane
I wonder how much Janelle’s wedding ring and ear rings cost? If you could pawn both for 10K, take it and run.
Does BB actually allow this? I know past seasons HGs offered some of their winnings to stay in the game.
Does it really matter. I am happy that Janelle is actuaclly not getting deracted by a dude this time.
give it time man. lol. i can see it happening.
Shane you are the BEST !!!!!! You know what you have to do now..go with your gut feelings…You are number one in my book . Don’t take the advice of ANYONE in the house…You’ll do better with your own strategy..LOVE THIS GAME !!!!
Shane is the king of POV you just can’t beat the guy……he has a good chance at winning if he keeps this up.
Dont worry. Production will make a crap shoot POV soon enough and the winner will be random luck.
I don’t know if he will win no matter how good you are if you don’t have people you can trust and no matter what janelle or boogies players say they will stab him in the back the moment they can.
Of course he can win. Haven’t you watched other seasons?
Pull off Ashley and put up that head-O-hair Frank (aka the ar$ehole)…. Booger would go ballistic and that moronic hat would not be able to hide his anger….
Shane is doing great. Getting rid of Joe first and keeping Frank (temporarily) is his best move for now. I still don’t trust Booger and Frank. But Janelle’s team are so angry with Frank, that they’ll do the dirty job of nominating him, if one of them wins HOH. It looks like Janelle and Booger team will go at each other while Dan stays on the backseat.
sooooo right! love to see dan,shane,brit and a pawn go to final 4……..janelle will be gone next week.
y Joe???? this is the perfect time to back door frank and get him out hes second biggest competitor and in the long run it might b harder to get him out ugh -__-
hes gonna need frank when the coaches jump in……love to see dickhead joe go !! whaddagh baby!
Joe is a complete moron….. He thinks that yelling out his answers in the diary room is going to make viewers love hime. What a knob…
are you guys for getting that the coaches are becoming players….
so final 4, janalle,boogie, ian, shane…. final 2 janalle and ian and ian will win as janalle will become a third time loser.
If Shane has control of enough votes AND wants to work with Frank he should pull of Ashley put up Frank THEN vote out Joe. If after talking to Frank and Bogie he thinks he could secretly work with them this would hide the fact that they are working together.
Also what is the current thinking about coaches entering the game, From reading some of the posts it seems more than half do not want them to enter. Is there any true knowledge of how the votes on CBS are adding up ?
Regardless of what “America votes”, I believe Julie Chen WILL be allowing the coaches the opportunity to join the game. It will be VERY interesting to ses which coaches, if any, decide to jump in & play. And how it will affect the “teams”. I have watched since S1 & this may be the best season ever! Idk abt u guys, but it’s usually boring until we get to the nitty gritty….this season popped off & never stopped!
I would bet that Boogie & Frank are chewing & crapping nails..especially Boogie (aka the greatest player in the history of BB). Neither are to be trusted and Shane should try and get Frank out to break the duo up. But he is in a” Damed if I do Damed if I don’t’ situation. Either way Boogie is gonna be after him first chance along with Janell…just have to wait and see what he decides..
In what world is Mike the greatest player in BB history? He rode coat tales to the end of his season. The first time he played he only made it like 3 weeks. So no, not the best player. Not even close.
In Mike Boogie’s world…Where else..???? lmmao
@ flyonthewall: I thought you were being serious and wondered just how long you had been crazy! lol
If Shane is smart enough to keep the noms as they are, then I must say I will have gone from not liking him to supporting him as the best physical and social player. He needs to take Frank, Ian and Ashley or Wil to the end. He will win hands down as the best player this season
shane has to stop winning. Im in canada, and i can see the target on his back from here. Once he loses, he is out.
Then he shouldnt stop winning right? You said, once he loses he’s out. He’s had target for a long time. I dont think losing decreases the target on his back.
lol guess i contradicted myself. I guess what i meant is he didnt really need to win that Veto, unless he is dead-set on backdooring someone, in which case he could have let a nom win.
lol Gellie, or he wants the nomination to stay.
there are better ways to go around that. He wants someone from Janelles team gone. There is only one veto. He didnt need that win.
Shane has had a target on his back since week 1. But playing the game like he has…winning 3 vetos in a row , there’s no one that has the smarts to stop him…not even Boogie. Shane has to remain calm and don’t let the other H.G. get to him.I just wish Shane could play again for H.O.H. But since he can’t , hopefully veto number 4 is on his side.Let’s hope !!!!!! Still think that with the coaches coming into the game we will see much more drama from all the H.G. Lets hope that Shane stays on track….
Shane is dominating the competitions and depending on if he teams up with Boogie and his”oddities” then he’ll be put on the block. I’m not even sure he needed to win this time as if two of his picks are saved then he could of backdoored Frank or some other threat.
Shane may be dominating now, but with the coaches coming in, he’s gonna have to get ready to win every possible competition. He’s gonna be public enemy number one.
Get rid of Joe, It’s the safest move right now. When the coaches come back, it’s really gonna shake the game up. No point in having Boogie as your enemy right now. Britt’s screwed when this happens, it gonna come down to 2 alliances in the house, Boogie and Janelle, choose wise newbies.
unless all the newbies learn from the mistakes of last year and ban together for 4 weeks and evict the vets before turning on each other.
Shane and Danielle are the only one’s playing the game without total control of their coach. Janelle’s team follow her lead on a leash and she definitely coaches. My only complaint this year is the whole coach thing. To me, they are basically the one’s playing the game and now will probably go in as players. I hope that’s next week if they are going in.
And I hope that Janelle and Boogie are the first two evicted
Could not agree more!
I hope Britney is evicted.
If the coaches come in Shane and Frank need to team up and organize the newbies to take them all out – one by one.
Shane getting rid of frank is not going to benefit him who’s is he supposed to roll with Jannelle team lol they will dump him a flash case in point week 2,he has to trust frank and hope that bogies alliance has his back
big brother is not about winning competitions; its about outsmarting other players…. winning all the competitions is not a great strategy because people will target you. shane will go home soon
Winning competitions and strategizing are equally important in the game. You need both. I think you’re full of it.
I’d love to see the house get rid of Joe. If for no other reason, the man incited violence.
So agreed! And he gets on my last nerve errr
I agree with you on that. He is part of the reason that Willie was sent packing.BYE, BYE, Joe !!!!!!!!!!
Well Shane by far has and is my favorite player Team Shane!!! He pulls his own weight! And I am unsure if he should get rid (Backdoor) Frank, or trust he will work with him and can use him to his advantage next week. But if the coaches come in play all changes. They may just come in to stir some BB drama bc hasn’t been way interesting this season. Everyone in getting sick of returning players …. But would like to see how it would play out… All I have to say Well done Shane!
You’re right. Even though I like the past hg, it’s unfair to the new ones. Keep them as ALL STARS!
I think Shane needs to keep Frank and stick together. Between the two of them they will be unstoppable. When the final two standing are Shane and Frank, Shane will win hands down. The two of them together will rule the house.
Wrong…. on Shane needing Frank..don’t you think that Frank (if he would make it to the end ) would want one of the women beside him in the finals ? He knows that Shane would win in a heart beat.
Good point. I do think the two of them together would be unbeatable. Two strong guys. But I can see what you are saying about wanting one of the girls at the end.
BBAD was crazy last night! Wil was drunk, Ashley was feeling no pain, food fight, spin the bottle, Boogie kissing (with tongue) Ashley, Frank kissing Jenn, Frank kissing Ashley, Ian running around the house with a cowboy hat hiding his front, but exposing his hairy buttcrack (YUCK, I had nightmares, awful) Shane giving Danielle a very awkward kiss, kinda weird, Ashley trying to give Ian a kiss, but he had no clue on what the heck to do, poor guy, some were doing numerous shots, sucking liquor off of the table..I hope there is no comp today, because a few of the, will be in a lot of agony, I believe!! At least it was entertaining, feeds and BBAD have been pretty boring lately.
shane need to go. Biggest threat to the house
Bad thing for Shane is now everyone will be trying to get him out of the house. He is a really strong playing. Bye Bye Shane…..
Even though I love Big Brother this season seems to be to predictable!
I think Shane should keep Frank in just in case the coaches go into the competition. Frank and Shane could keep Janelle, Boogie , Dan and Brit on the run. otherwise they will run away with the game.