Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Week 2 Coaches Competition Results

Big Brother 14 mentors

The pressure was on in the Big Brother 14 house for the Coaches today as they went for their second competition with incredible stakes. The winning Coach had the choice to either grant immunity to one of their players or trade for another player. Read on to find out who came out on top this week among the Coaches.

Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Week 2 Coaches Competition Results:

  • Janelle won the Coaches Competition and gave Ashley immunity

There was no trading of players following the win. Janelle put Willie’s entire alliance on Slop & Have-Nots. Apparently Britney was out first after dropping something. Then Dan threw the competition. Again. Boogie thought he was going to win, but then showboated without realizing Janelle was right on his tail. Can’t wait to see how this all played out.

Willie is going nuts in the house right now! Turn on your Live Feeds and start watching this action! He is slamming things around the house before coming up to the HoH room and said he was going to get himself thrown out before it came time for Thursday’s eviction. Willie is going out with a bang! Flashback to 3:35PM BBT to watch it start up.

Side note, the Have-Nots are eating pork rinds and pudding this week. Have-Nots allegedly include: Willie, JoJo, Ian, & probably a 4th. Still waiting to get that more official.

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  1. Why the hell is Dan throwing Comps doesn’t seem like he wants his last member to win………….Sean

    • Dan knows Danielle is not in danger right now. If he throws the comp then it takes the spotlight off them. He knows the other teams will fight and explode at each other if one side has power over the other. It’s not a bad move on his part.

      • Matt what is your take on Willie?  Will BB keep him or let him have his way.
        Do you think Wille will pick some one to punch out for reall
        Willie seems to have all this pent up anger in him to deal with.
        With all that is happening to him now, it maybe what will set him off to do just that. “Punch someone out” and he will have to leave the game..

  2. Interesting, Dan probably did throw the competition again as some strategy (although he could have won, saved Danielle and himself for yet another week, but you know…) and yet Janelle wins and does no trade. I would say Janelle made a good move as her team isn’t on the chopping block right now, Britney and her team are because of Willie. Now, who will sit next to Willie in the nominations is the next key?
    Wow, this coaches twist is screwing with these houseguests in big ways. This should truly be a fun week.  

    • It seems to me that is a big mistake on Janelle’s part. She should
      have traded Joe and gotten Shane on her team. If any of her team
      members gets nominated, they would have the best chance to compete
      for POV and of course, the very important HOH! There is always a
      chance that someone from Janelle’s team could wind up as a
      nominee. If Willie wins POV then, the other guy nominated might
      end up leaving this week.There is always a chance for Frank to
      backdoor someone else if Willie gets off which is one more fly in
      the ointment.

      • I disagree, Frank looks to be nominating Willie and either Shane or Danielle for eviction. So if Willie (providing CBS didn’t pull him do to earlier today) does win POV, Shane will go home this week. I got that impression from what I’ve read and heard. That said, why would Janelle, one, want to draw attention to herself/team and two, why would she want a targeted player, that being Shane? It will be Shane or Willie going home this week unless something big happens.

    • Do you have live feeds? I was wondering who is going to be the
      nominees outside of Willie who should be one of them. I guess
      since, Mike Boogie did not win the coach’s competition then, it
      would make sense to nominate both Willie and Shane if that were
      the case. That would pretty much guarantee that one of the two
      best players of Brittney will go home this week.

      • While I don’t pay $30-40 for the live feed, I do watch Big Brother AfterDark on Showtime every night and that 3 hours plus Twitter, Big Brother Network, other BB fan sites and of course the Big Brother episodes on CBS is what I watch and read for my information. As for nominations, they are already posted and now Britney is screwed. I wonder what’s next…

  3. Ugggggg!!!!! These live feeds are not to LIVE!!! When it starts getting good…..they cut them!

    • If things really got violent then they have an obligation to cut away. Or if production has to come directly in contact w/ the HGs the feeds also have to stop. Hoping it comes back soon though.

  4. Ugh. I wish they’d hurry up & sort it all out. I want to know what happens. If Willie is going to act like a total asshat every time he things don’t go his way then he needs to go the heck home. What a dumbass.

    • Remember CBS reality competition BEFORE Russell came along?  Hard to remember, but it did once happen.

      Famewhoring, thy name is Hantz.

  5. Willie needs to calm down and remind all the players that Janielle and Britneys team all made the deal to put up boogie’s strongest player  so Boogie gets pissed and takes out her team and Janielle  will look bad, the minute veto wasn’t used she changed sides because her team was safe  make Janielle look like the problem  to Frank  before nominations

  6. willie really needs to cool it mayne.. He is letting this get the best of him..all he has to do is jus chill out and play for the pov and if he wins great..but if not he needs to go out in style..Im afraid he is going to do something stupid. Alot of supporters stuck their neck out for willie.

  7. I think its just F’d up to but someone on slop when they know they are also going on the block and most likely leaving and to keep Ian on is just wrong.Really starting to not like the way Janelle is playing this time.

    • Just saw that I put but when I should have used put.Sorry for the mistake lol ;))

  8. Hey Matt can they put a coach on the block and try to evict them how doe’s the rules apply to them??????…thx Sean

  9. Willie has to grow up and take it like a man. Damn, did Kera or Frank do that. This has no class what so ever.

    • He maybe trying to act like Russell from Big Brother 11 or just plain crazy. either or they need to get rid of him this week

  10. If Britney was smart she threw the comp so she’s not in Willie’s sights and someone else can be responsible for getting rid of him.  But then I’m giving her a lot of credit.

  11. I’m using the feeds for the first time and I don’t know how things are scheduled in the house.  I guess they don’t show the competitions themselves on the feeds, but do they show the nomination and veto meetings on the feeds?  If so, at what time do those happen?

    • No, they only show the downtime in the house – the only competitions they show are usually the endurance HOH Competitions that start on the live shows and continue until they stop where the views will find out the winner in the next episode. Other than that you really just hear about nominations, veto winners, and such just from the downtime.

  12. Janelle is a beast! She rarely loses, it’s hard to hate someone who gives there all at every competition! With that being said what the hell is wrong with Willie!!

    • If anyone is surprised that Janelle won, they haven’t been paying attention. Boogie’s ego is huge, he was talking about he played with the best player in BB history. Got news for him, the best BB player in the histroy of the game is in the house currently. Hint: It aint Boogie.

  13. Dont you wish you could tell the players things? Im always thinking ahhhh no say this or do that or Willie shut up. Anyone know if Russel or any of his brothers are tweeting about his game playing? I hope he doesnt do anything stupid put your energy into the pov an WIN it!

  14. Can big brother come up with anything besides bringing back older players.
    This show gets more boring every year with the same old antics. It’s like it is run by a bunch of frickin 20 year olds. I like glass house better. Go ahead and ban me. I won’t be back anyway. Good riddens!

    • I’m pretty sure a twenty year old would know it’s good RIDDANCE, not “riddens”.

    • yea i totally agree with you..if people keep coming back from past seasons and if they evict someone and then that person has a chance of comming back..then im starting to think that maybe BB best days are behide them.

  15. So Janelle won, good for her. GO JANELLE!
    But who did she keep safe? Since she didn’t trade she got to keep a member of her team safe for the week right?

    • Plastic suregry or not, I like her nose; it reminds of the golden era of Hollywood actresses Myrna Loy’s and Greer Garson’s.

      With that said, unless that’s what she was specifically going for (and IF she’s had plastic surgery at all), then yes, I agree; not a good nose job.

    • After frank won hoh did Willie pull a Rachel and go hide behind some trees and bushes in the corner? If so then its priceless!Boogie might have celebrated franks win a little too much. Just like he did when he won the coaches challenge.Will frank back door Willie? Or give him a fighting chance and let him play for veto?

    •  I think Willie is going, unless PoV is used on him. He played too hard too early. I like Jojo & Danielle of all the chicks.

    • This is Willie’s version of crying…Rachel got over emotional when things didn’t go her way, Willie gets pissed off when things don’t go his way.
      Personally I think production is trying to save this issue, and talk Willie into calming down. Without Willie things are going to get boring…

  16. Man I cant believe brit team jus demantle right in front of her eyes so this point i would jus hit the button…I dont think shane is going to be loyal to brit anylonger..and jojo she jus like a lost puppy in the woods. Team jan is so uhgggg  i can not stand her or wil or joe..frank is pretty cool..boogie looks like the troll he is and what the hell was the point to have ian on bb. I mean really the kid is weird, no type of social skills..he is just on here to have an awsome vacation..and brag to people he been on droped the ball with that one.. total waste of space.

  17. I have a feeling the first coach that gets all their players out of the game will be able to come back in the house as a player.

  18. Feeds are still out.  It’s been hours.  Obviously something happened with our buddy Willie.  If he punched out Joe ( :)  ) then BB house would be down 2 people.  Come on back Kara !!!!

  19. What time did all this start going down? I wanna watch on Flashback. I really hope Willie didn’t hit anyone…I am 100% Team Willie…Frank is disgusting.

  20. Watch the feeds starting at 3:40 pacific time.  It lasts for about 5 min.  Willie is fed up with being targeted and decides to ‘go out’ on his own terms.  He storms up to the HOH and tells everyone up there that he hates that they are punishing Shane and JOJO… then says he is going to get himself kicked out of the house.  Then you see him try to get into the DR… then the feeds stop.  Oh… Britney tells him to not take out his teammates.  She’s had it with him.  That was 4+ hours ago.

    • I think Willie left , Boogie just said “Let’s enjoy this moment, we’re knocking out two m******f**** in one day … Pretty sure Willie’s gone and not 100% sure but Shane and Jojo are noms

  21. someone pls tell me whats going willie gone..was there a fight…did they hold frank down and shave his hair..?

    • Willie is gone, Brit is upset and feels like he screwed her team, Shane said after this week their team will be down to one person, Frank is pretty pissed as well, Brit is upset with Janelle , claims she begged her not to make them Have nots … It’s a Game Britney -_- , this has been the craziest start of BB !

  22. Willie is gone, still no word how he left, but he is gone now. shane and Jojo are nominated.

  23. Does anyone else think Janelle is ugly? I used to think she was pretty but if you look close her nose is so big and the way she draws on her eyebrows makes her look like she grumpy. Dan is an idiot. He has one player left. Why not try to save her? If Shane or JoJo win Veto, guess who is going up? 

  24. Janelle threw Brittney under the BUS big time..Janelle the one that wanted the girl alliance and was talking sh^t about Boogie and Dan now she’s they’re best friend

  25. I do NOT like when BigBrother has to put veterans in the game. let the game go on without veterans they had their chance now let the newbies have their chance. I doubt I will continue to watch.

  26. I’m glad Willie took hisself off the show he had starting taking things for granted like this was already the final six or somthing

  27. Willie Hantzwillie hantz arrestedBig Brother
    Willie Hantz, who was just kicked off “Big Brother,” was arrested at 2:07 a.m. Thursday morning in Layfayette Parish, Louisiana for OWI (operating vehicle while intoxicated).

3 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Breaking News: Big Brother 14 HG Willie Hantz Is Gone | Big Brother 14
  2. Big Brother 14: Spoiler Willie Hantz Out of The BB House « All Things Fine Things
  3. Big Brother 14 Episode 5: Week 2 Nomination Show Tonight | Big Brother 14

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