Expect the expected when it comes to Pandora’s Box on Big Brother 14. We’ve been waiting all week for Pandora to return after first spotting the “?” cube in the crane arcade game last Friday. Earlier today, a little after 1PM BBT the Feeds cut to Trivia after we heard HGs increasingly discuss Pandora’s Box and hearing construction in the backyard. Meanwhile Frank indicated he would take the risk and open the Box.
Now the Live Feeds are back (sign-up now and start watching!) and we are able to see what has happened in the house.
Big Brother Live Feed Flashback time:
August 24, 2012 @ 3:03 PM BBT on all Cams
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Turn on your Live Feeds right now and listen in and read on to find out the details!
Frank was trapped in the HoH room while the rest of the HGs scrambled downstairs to find quarters and play the game. Ian has won some sort of special Veto power in a competition involving coins and the arcade machine. It’s a golden ball from the machine. He won’t be able to play in Saturday’s Veto competition, but he is still eligible to be nominated. Right now, Frank is not going to nominate Ian.
Frank has told Britney and Ian that he still plans to nominate Dan and Danielle. Frank and Britney privately discussed that they’d tell Ian that if he uses “it” (whatever he won) to save Dan or Danielle that Britney would go up as a renom. Frank also told her he trusted her and Shane yet again. Shane, the guy who nom’d him twice so far, is once again trusted by Frank. Sheesh. Frank also asked Ian to confirm they’re working together again. Ian confirmed. Frank is a real sucker for punishment.
Frank won $3,000 as part of the competition. He had to pick an envelope and lucked out as several of the other options were under a thousand dollars.
I’ll keep updating here as we learn more, but turn on your Live Feeds right now to watch as the house reacts to today’s events.
Sounds like quarters were spread around the house and each HG had a turn at finding quarters and then going at the machine to retrieve the magic ball.
Dan says they’ve still got a chance now that Ian has the power. Dan is thrilled that he hadn’t yet ratted Ian out since he now may need Ian to help get him off the block.
Here are the scenarios they’re discussing and the critical element is for Ian to not be nominated. Currently it doesn’t seem like that’s the case. But if Frank wanted to take this power out of the loop then he’d nominate Ian and force him to use it to save himself.
If Shane or Britney wins the Veto then they can use it to get Dan or Danielle off the block, then they get Ian to do the same to the other person to get them both off. That would still leave either Shane or Britney vulnerable. But then they’d control the votes and send home either Joe and Jenn instead. They’ve got a shot, but it’s a narrow chance.
What do you hope to see happen in the game this weekend?
Good on Frank for wanting to use it, I really hope it helps his game.
lol Dan’s getting so screwed by Ian. Its almost like Ian owes him one haha.
So I can only assume Ian now has a Diamond Veto.
It is not a Diamond veto it’s a little gold ball…
that has veto on it.
can you explain what a diamond veto is?
It allows whoever has it to veto one of the nominations AND pick the replacement, right before the vote.
Goodbye, Dan.
Looks to me that the producers are just giving the game to big mouth Frank. Coupled with the questionable veto picks last week, Frank seems to be everywhere the TV cameras want him.
That’s exactly what BB is doing. They are making sure Frank wins this WHOLE thing. He must know someone in Production. I can’t stand him!!!
I, 2nd that!
And I 3rd that….
Haha !! I hope Frank wins!!!
I 4th that!!!
Frank just looks like a scum bag.ย Don’t like him, Don’t trust him and wish he was gone.ย I refuse to watch it on tv.ย Always look here when he is gone them I will watch.
I 5th that!
Go Frank !!!!
Except 4 Jill, all of you should be ashamed of yourselves. Mental illness or drug abuse might be present in the previous posters. Frank is the best to ever play this game. Don’t forget that. I’m getting straight jackets!
ย If that were true… why did Frank not get the Diamond veto…ย He gotย money… production obviousely loves Ian …maybe he is their friend..
Why?ย Because he does lie or backstab?ย ย Or maybe because he is just a nice guy from the start.ย How awful would that be a nice guy win!ย The only BAD thing Frank ever did was be on Boogie’s team– and that wasn’t his choice.
I do not think it is right for anyone in production to give their suggestions to players. Ayers should not talk to production except in need. It’s funny that everyone of these quick find the object games frank had won and others cannot find. I am really disappointed in this years game. Along with hiding which mentors hit the button. Why didn’t Julie tell boogie that the other three did it ???
how can anyone in their right mind believe that production is giving the game to frank.ย frank has won 3 hoh’s and 3 vetoes.ย when he hasn’t won he has been on the block.ย ย Frank is a strong andย fair stand up guy andย takes his blows and continues on.ย ย those of youย who are team dan or supportย any other playerย i am not targeting your alliance but your unfair attack on frank is ludicirious.ย frank can’t play the next 2 hoh’s.ย how is production favoring frank?
Big mouth Frank?? Really? I think you should stop typing, so you don’t sound any worse then you already do
ย He is a big mouth…never stops talking.
Andย the cookin man dont have a big mouth?
I don’t know now…Ian got the gold ball.ย This may turn into the “Ian Show”.
Year of the Nerd?
year of the autistic nerd
I’m offended by the autistic comment. Do u even know what autism is?
Ugh I am reading the live feeds and I seriously think that frank is going to fall for Britney, Shane and Ians lies and get screwed over.
Yep. Setting himself up to be nom’d a THIRD time by Shane. Frank is just either too nice or too naive. I don’t get why he keeps doing this.
Maybe he feels like he has to since he really has nobody in the house really on his side :(
I don’t know either, but I really hopeย it’s just an act….surely he is smarter than that. Surely he knows better. Let’s just hope!
Frank is dumb and need to be evicted if he as much trusts anyone in the Big Brother House. He should have learned by now not to trust any of the Quack Pack! If he does, although, I like him, then, he deserves to be evicted! No excuse for trusting those who have betrayed you time and time again!
Matt I don’t get it either.ย Frank does all this hard work and they keep lying to him.ย He has no one to trust.ย Did you catch who their plan is that will end up going this week?
Yeah and I hope this time his nine lives ends…….. Time to go home Frank!!!!!!!!!
Even though hes always pulled tricks out the hat and does deserve to go further I just dont want hum to win. I love Danielle and like Shane..I would love for it to be Danielle and Ian at the end..Even Boogie tippedย the old hat off to him…
I HOPE SO!!! Frank needs to go. He thinks that he has played this wonderful up standing game and he had lied and tricked people just as much as everyone else in the game.
so brittney is playing with frank now—wow- talk about jumping ship
lol..looks like Ian swam over with her..lmao…
ย terrible hopefully they both drowned on the swim over
Britney is playing a much better game than the last time.
She is with the power, and no one’s first target. She might make it to F2 at this rate.
She will be used by Frank & Shame and they will dump her at the end. Just like her old season.
What Jillith said, Brits playing the same exact game she did last time. She finds some strong man whose coat tails she can cling on, and then buddies up to whomever is in hoh.
Brit wants an all girl alliance and the first chance she gets Frank WILL be put up. Dan is going this week and Frank next. Not sure when Ian and joe and Shane will go but I know that this is where there head is this week. At least that is what Britney says in BBAD!
ย Do you really think she is playing with Frank? I am not so sure. I just can’t believe that Frank is being scumbagged once again by these quackers..Ian will take Dan off..I fear that Frank’s HOH may not go as he has planned.
Frank’s biggest mistake is trusting Brit.ย She is not rolling with Frank and is still working with the Quack Pack.ย ย ย Her and Dan have worked out a plan where Dan will be safe.ย Dan went to the HOH room and told Frank he was not going to be mad when he put him up, but if he won the veto to not think he was coming after Frank next week.ย Dan then ran to Brit and said if this works it will be genius.ย Dan and Brit obviously have a plan, but I didn’t catch it.ย Poor Frank he can’t trust anyone in this game ever.ย Did anyone catch what their plan is as the live feeds keep going to trivia and it is hard to figure out just what their plan is.ย Anyone who has live feeds and has an idea what they have cooked up I would appreciate it.ย
Matt do you have any idea why they keep cutting the live feeds so much?
ย I expected it. She’s a power whore and runs to whoever has the HOH at the time.
How did frank get HOH Thurs. They lost me on the live feeds Frank is HOH and not Ian
Know this is NOTย true at all… Brit is her own person and a really good player.ย Can’t you seeย herย thinking in this game? ย
No she isn’t Brit is always out for brit. Just wait
Somebody got pissed at Ian because he won that little ” gold ball”….I think they told him he didn’t deserve it… but maybe I misunderstood what he said cause the conversation was not loud or clear..
joe said ian grabbed the ball out of his hand.
sorry, dan said BRITT grabbed the nall, NOT ian
I really hope Dan wins POV this week.
How nice, Frank wins 3 grand. I guess he can’t win enough… If someone doesn’t get him out next week, he’s sure to win the 1/2 mil.
Lets hope Frank does win the 1/2 mil! Frank is awesome
Frank does not deserve it….BB likesย him and he will win because of BB production!ย He cheated in front of BB production and they didn’t do anything about it!ย I think Ian deserves it.ย Go Ian!ย But I would like to see Ian, Shane and Frank final three!ย That would show who is really the best if BB doens’t give Frank any more help!!
why is Kris saying frank cheated, where’s the proof !!!!
Frank is stupid and does NOT deserve to win… he is lame and belongs right where boogie is… OUT OF THE HOUSE!!
ย Jenn has a 1,000 and some trip. Ian wins 3 thousand and boogie won 16,000. Him winning 3 grand is not that big of a deal.
They gotta share the money the final coach would have won if the game wasn’t reset.
Which he deserves!!
Best case scenario: Britney or Shane win the POV and then take Dani off, while Ian takes Dan off. That would make Frank nominate whichever QP member didn’t win veto with Joe.
You actually like that entire group? What a shame.
I don’t like the group if you are referring to the Quack Pack.
And I bet with that scenario….no one would cry rigged…or production helped.
I fully acknowledge that Production threw this “second veto” in to shake things up. But I also acknowledge all of Production’s other ways they have manipulated this game( Saving Frank from Eviction week 3 by cancelling the eviction, trying to convince Shane NOT to nominate Frank and Boogie, allowing Frank to cheat in the veto drawing and looking the other way). I think this second veto balances out, somewhat, all of the other things Production has done or has allowed to happen.ย They are at least now manipulating in the OTHER direction, and while I still don’t justify it, I personally think this balances out some of their other manipulation.
I had the screename first!
dani told Dan she has a final 2 deal with Shane.. bad move dani
We all know how smart she is.
Uh oh, Ian won this special power instead of Frank, why are the producers not throwing everything to Frank?
I think Ian SHOULD Take Dan off. Then Frank nominates Brit/Dani. Then if QP member wins veto, take off brit and force Frank to put up Jenn/joe
Yep, that’s the QP’s last hope it seems.
Yes exactly!……..you got it right!
ย I like how that sounds.
Maybe production was busy elsewhere and did not notice Ian winning…loll
frank had to stay in the hoh room. he got an envelope with money instead of playing.
forget the veterans, watching Frank and Ian play against/with each other has been very entertaining this season.ย
put brit and dan up, take the coaches out and let the newbie play
So this just gives the QP more of a shot to keep their alliance together, right? Ian with a veto and then someone could save Dan with a win in the regular veto. Frank’s HoH could be for nothing. Where’s the screams of “rigged”? Lol.
Its not rigged, they r giving the quack pack members a chance to save themselves just like they gave frank more than once. I’m not saying its rigged for him either it’s just the way they make the show/game interesting, n if ur sayin it’s rigged for frank then it’s rigged for Shane too because they both have the same chance at winning physical comps. I heard people sayin they put an extra clover in franks ballpit, well that’s bs if production was messing wit the game like that then somebody on the losing end would have found out and outed them. Think be4 u speak!
ย I always think before I speak. Congratulations on missing the point.
Frank is anything but a good player… geez!! The only way is is winning anything is because its either 1 rigged or 2 he cheats.. as in the veto player drawing.. should have been kicked out then.. if they allow that.. hell bring Willy back..
I don’t get why people hate frank soo much I mean he has been on the block more times then anyone and yet still manages to get himself off the block or save himself. Frank I think is the best player overall and is personally my favorite and not to mention is dad was a pro wrestler and I’m a big wrestling fan sooo
I’m a wrestling fan too. But after Frank and boogie admitted. To cheating I think he needs to go.
I’m not exactly a Frank fan but i do admire his persistance.ย ย I guess most people dislike his show of arrogance.ย ย Granted he has a right to be proud but to puff up like a rooster each and every time he wins does not sit well with most people.ย ย ย ย Confidence is like underwear…..it’s important that you have it but not necessaryย that youย show it off.
Haha…I’ve never heard that confidence quote. That’s awesome!
oh god I hope their narrow shot happens! Go Britney, Dan and Shane.ย
So tired of people saying this is rigged yet continue to watch and criticize every week over and over again….please get over it or just stop watching!!!
Frank deserves to get evicted at Shanes hands after this stupid move..trusting shane and britney again!! you have got to be kidding me frankย boogie is rolling his eyes at home
Stupid with a capital S if Frank trusts Shane again! Have you no brain cells left Frank? If so, just slash your own throat and be done with it!
Has anyone heard who will be going home as Brit is ย playing Frank like a fiddle and I wish he would stop listening to her.ย She is making it seem like no one is talking with Dan.ย Why are they so against Frank and have been since the start.ย Shane has won almost as many and yet they want to roll with him.ย
Jillith are you here?
ย I cannot believe Frank is that stupid..I have been watching the feeds and this dude needs to understand he can’t trust ANYONE left in that house, I don’t know why he keeps doing so..Ian is probably going to backstab him once again with this gold veto ball, Frank is way too trusting with these people, maybe he needs Boogie there with him..not doing too well on his own right now. C’mon, Frank;;Wake up!!!!
I’m back! Happy Friday….finally!
The problem with Ian is that when he is given any kind of authority in the house, he goes on this arrogance trip..if you noticed how heย handled that HOH last night and now with this veto gold ball..he puts on this major act like he is the worst person in the world, when all along he knows what he is going to do with it. Personally, I am growing tired of the little twerp.
ย Twerp is a great word for Ian…
Obviously, the Quack Pack supporters are quiet now about the rigged thing. So, production giving the Quack Pack a chance to save themselves is not rigged? And be careful with your answers because this is a loaded question.
I fully acknowledge that this is Production’s way of maipulating, and trying toย keep things interesting. They did the same thing last year when Porsche open the box, and the duo twist was unleashed, because they wanted Rachel and Jordan to have a chance to save themselves.
However, I also keep in mind that Production tried to convince Shane to not nominate Frank and Boogie, and that Frank got away with cheating in the veto drawing. Frankย has been saved by Production before. He was supposed to be gone week 3, but that Coaches twist saved him.ย ย Frank was given a second chance, and Shane had his HOH wasted. Now, Shane and his crew have a chance to keep their alliance fully intact. I’m not saying this twist is fair, and I will admit I think Production is at work here, but I will say that this manipulation kind of balances out the previous manipulation that Production has succeeded in.
I know huh? Gave it to them on a silver platter. Packrats are the biggest POS in that house. At least when he goes, he’s taking at least one of them with them.Frank’s played the most straight up game I’ve seen in a long time.
Maybe production paid off the whack pack to shut up about it for a while.
I am too.ย I wish Frank would realize he can’t trust Brit or Ian.ย They are playing him just like they played Boogie and him.ย Frank has been on the block so many times and gets himself out and these jerks who do nothing get by.ย Don’t even say it’s their game play.ย The only thing they have is the mole Ian.ย Imagine what they would have done without him.ย Absolutely nothing.
Ian had a lot of pressure thrown at him last night.
So take that pressure and his pure excitement of finally winning HOH and of course he’s gonna come off looking “arrogant” as you put it.
To me the kid’s playing a good game and I hope he goes farther than the rest of the dumb QP.
Great commentary as usual Jill. The realest person on this site.
If Ian does have the power to save Dan and he doesn’t use it then I hope Dan wins POV saves himself then wins the next HOH and puts up Ian right beside Frank.
Then Frank saves himself with regular POV and Ian uses his power. LOL.
ย lol, thats exactly whats gonna happen.
Power maybe only good for this week…Then how do they save themselves???
Come on Ian, since you are the ultimate “Double Crosser” keep playing the part. Use it to Dan.
most rigged game
You have anything else to bring to the table?
Cmon people ย this show is so badly rigged ย its more fake than wrestling
Looks like Britt is getting ready to scumbag Dan and trying to justify it in her head. She said Dan dogged her and Daneille from using the machine and it’s obvious that Dan is only playing for Dan. Ain’t that about a blip?I hope Frank somehow can get Shane on the block and then you’ll see Britt expose herself when the possibility of her meatshield can get sent from the house.
No Gene she isn/t doing that she is acting that way to Frank, but is actually working with Dan and trying to influence Frank to put up people that would force Frank to eliminate either Joe or Jenn.ย Dan telling Frank he won’t seek revenge against Frank and Boogie would want them to work together.ย He had a talk with Boogie before he left and had tears in his eyes.ย How Boogie and him were such good friends.ย Yes, Father Dan the guy who doesn’t lie is lying through his teeth.
I totally agree. Twitney is gonna use Frank this week and next week it’ll whoever has the power. She just floats wherever the power is.
She’s playing both sides Jacee, pure and simple.
Britney has to go. I can’t take it anymore.
People it doesn’t matter if you like Frank or hate him or how good a player he is. He has won to many times so everyone wants him off. He got out of it so far; but the odds will catch up with him and before theย last three he will be gone. the only thing that will happen while he is there is the floaters Joe and Jenn will get closer. “Deserve to win” is to preachy; so I will say those that have played in a way they should win is Frank (By strength of competition), Ian (By setting up an alliance not involving his coach and Frank after the reset), Dan (By being nice and his continuous throwing of comps), and Shane (Also by strength of competition). I am sorry but Britney was terrible as a coach for she totally was bad at how she handled Willie. She was the one to mention the key holes next to the coaches pictures. Everything she said or did not say to Willie was horribly handled. Shane saved her and she adds nothing but a vote and should go. GO IAN, FRANK, DAN, AND SHANE!!!
He had no choice but to keep winning. They should’ve left him alone for a couple of weeks and gotten rid of Jenn and Joe. It’s gonna be great when they scumbag Shane. Guarentee the final two should be scared cuz I get the feeling that Frank will influence that jury house bigtime. They are all gonna realize that at the end of the day, he played the cleanest game out of all of them and that’s gonna carry some serious clout.
OMG if anon has last nights show on DVR ย go back and rematch the veto competition Ian got his first clover really fast ย than Frank ย then Ian go back in his box and all he does is play with the balls on the surface he doesn’t look for a second clover ย he’s faking it..He nominated Frank and they wanted him out ย he never tried to fish out his second clover ย ian is a bad actor ย which means they wanted Frank to win totally fake show
my bad ย auto typing ย i said if ย anyone has last nights show on DVR ย go back and rewatch ย not ย anon ย or rematchย
It has grown progressively clearer that Frank is BB production’s ‘pet’ househuest. CHEATING IS THE WORD USED WHEN A PLAYER IS GIVEN ANY UNFAIR ADVANTAGE OVER OTHER PLAYERS IN ORDER TO ASSIST THEM TO WIN. Insults the intelligence of the fans to manipulate results in order to meet predetermined outcome. Funny, I teach my children not to cheat in order to teach them to become people of integrity and honor. Have we forgotten the motto it’s not whether you wn or lose, it’s how you play the game.
ย Ace, My guess is the Production can alter or manipulates the outcome to their liking not solely based on a particular player they want to win, but based on an outcome that would boost their rating on a particular episode. Ratings go up and down. Last night’s episode drew the highest. Ian and Frank, they’re good TV. But look at what just happened today. Frank’s luck could be f—-d up again.
i agree.ย I am team Frank.ย 3 hoh”s 3 veoteos and when no win he was on the block.ย he is the strongest player and the most cordial in the house.ย i can’t believe he can’t play the next 2 hoh’s.ย Ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This show is not rigged, only because it’s going my way. Tomorrow, it may be rigged again. Who knows, what I would say?
LOL ย funny ย well Ian wasn’t ย bring to find his clover ย he was just playing with the balls not he surface ย the tape doesn’t lie
ย That, I believed I think he stopped looking for the clover after the first one.
Ian didn’t want to stick his neck out because now realizes when frank goes, he’s no loger usefull to the packrats and he will go right behind Frank.
ย Now that he has special power….again. Who knows what Rainman’s gonna do. The kid love’s the camera.
ย Huh?
So, he deliberately lost and that is part of his plan. Whatever it is anyway!
Cyrilย Axel…….I am sure if the power Ian has now gave him the option to send someone home or bring someone who is evicted from the house back into the house, he will choose to bring someone back into the house. And that would be….drum roll please……Ashley…….Oh baby I did not really mean to evict you and I so miss you! LOL
He’d bring back Kara to win a America’s vote.
ย Ashley for sure.
while i think frank is a hypocritical tool who thinks everyone loves him when he really sucks and is an asshole… he is a good competitor plus if production was rigging it for him wouldnt they have given him the power ian got rather than just giving him cash. they now gave the other side of the house the power to get rid of a floater and destroy franks hoh so he has even less of a chance to stay. no ones crying rigging now becuase everyone loves the QP but i honestly think the twists are just to keep the game interesting bc now frank has an even thoguher game. i think these rigging accusations are coming from the fact that frank has an undeniably hideous personality not that the game is rigged. production might be fond of him and want to see him succeed which is beyond me because he is an asshole but the bottom line is frank is here because of skill and boogie not because of favoritism
If they really wanted to rig it in favor of Frank they would have given Frank a Special Power of Veto to override the HOH’s nominations like from one season before. See, next week Frank cannot play for HOH and chances are will be on the block or backdoored, so why did production not give Frank that Special Power of Veto to keep him safe? Instead, Ian who nominated Frank has that special power. People say it is rigged if it goes against their favorites but, when their favorites get the special treatment, it is fair! That is
sheer hypocrisy for those that keep saying the game is rigged!
this show is not rigged I think frank is gonna nominate Joe and Dan.. then ian, Shane. Britt and dani vote to keep Dan and then frank is duped again…. and becomes the biggest idiot to play the game.
ย got to love your prediction.
if frank does nominate Joe and Dan frank is putting Dan up as the target not knowing that he is really the pawn to get Joe out
Everyone needs to realize that Frank is probably making ammends because everyoneย who now goes out, is in the jury. So why piss off Ian, Shane, Britney……..etcย ย when you may need their vote later. He is playing his game now. I do not like him and think he was saved by production. But atleast make it appear now that he is on “good” terms with everyone.
i would say he will nominate Dan and Ian to make Ian waste his power on himself. then renom Shane or Danielle
ย He doesn’t trust Ian, but I think his target is still Dan. You could be right on your assumption…
That would be a smart play.
Jillith I have been looking for you.ย I am worried about Frank.ย Why is he trusting Brit?ย She is still running back to Dan.ย Frank can’t trust any of these guys because they are planning on doing the same thing they have been doing this whole game.ย Please Frank nominate Dan and Ian.
Hey Jacee!
I don’t have live feeds to see what’s been happening, I gotta rely on the internet until BBAD comes on & we know how “true” those stories are.
I really think that Frank knows what is going on. Geez according to half the people on here production saves his butt so they must be telling him what’s going on too. Right?
I don’t know if he would really trust Twitney. I think if anything he would hear her sob story and go along with it to make her think she is safe. I think Dan is Franks main target this week. It’s time he goes home to Chelsea. :-)
Does dan ever sit up or stand when he’s talking to the other houseguest or does he always lounge around? Just wondering.
ย I think that Dan’s lounging posture has a lot to do with his “laid-back” game play.
Good point but at the same time well to me anyways it’s looks like I’m honestly disinterested in this conversation because in my mind I’ve got this game in the bag. And all I’ve got to do is lay back and let other people do my dirty work, so when it’s time to cut them in the throat I will do so.
Dan is suffering from a severe form of clinical depression according to sources.
yess, now ian has some power. if i was ian i wudnt use it. if the qp makes it to final 5 then hes screwed,he needs to turn on them now.And stay with frank for the mean time.
Yep, he needs to go Fistful of Dollars up in that house.
It was smart for ian to stop looking, because frank can get him further. Frank is not targeting Ian right now and Frank is also a big target. So ian shud let frank and the rest of the qp go at it. then Ian will be the one thats victorious. ย
I love the drama BB brings to my summer but cheating and production handing Frank comps is getting old. I’d rather have Jenn or Joe win at this point. Used to like Ian but now the most entertainment I’m going to get from him is the montage of him and Ashley spending a week alone in the jury house.
Can I please have what you are drinking? Really? What has Jennifer & Joe done to win this game? Must be that Purplesaurus Rex from back in the day. Mindless posters tonight :smh:
ย Im getting tired of ppl constantly talking bout production and frank cheating. Can we all just give our opinions on the players strategies,powers,etc. Oh and spoilers too
How can there be legitimate game play when it is so obviously rigged? It spoils the spoilers when cheating or setting one player up to win is involved.
i agree with you, but complaining wont help it none. if you wanna complain, complain to cbs.
We have had nothing but Trivia on Live Feeds for a long time so there are no spoilers to give.ย Whatever they are doing they don;t want us to know.
oh, well my point was, we shouldnt waist time writing about production, because last time i checked production wasnt competing for 500k
Probably nominations?
Go Frank ! Be smart ! Play smart and you will win the WHOLE thing. Frank and Shane are the only two who deserve it
ย wrong other ppl deserves to win.(Ian and Brit)
ย ……….yawn…….
yawn? Why the yawn, Ian and Brit are the best players right now.
Twitney puts me to sleep. I want to see Ian & Frank in final 2.
Brit deserves nothing.ย She is the worst this season.ย Just uses people.
Uhhh that’s how you play the game,your suppose to manipulate other, that’s how you win
Frank all the way baby!!!!
I can’t wait until production can talk & tell their side of this alleged rigging.
I know. Everyone that is against Frank is going to say that
ย I LOVE Frank!!! I want him to take all those idiots out and win himself half a million!!! Preesh!
I was being sarcastic about the damn production comment. I thought maybe people would drop it if they thought their might be a chance they’d tell all.
Me too Jillith!ย Frank for the win and Ian for $50,000 or even the other way around.ย The rest deserve nothing.
You will be waiting for a while…like maybe eternity.
Hope springs eternal…lol
Your’re watching CBS not CNN!
Frank can’t trust Britney, she needs to go. I want him to work with dan and shane.
Frank needs to win this entire season – everyone has been dissing him the entire time.ย Ian is just going from side to side and hiding behind everyone.ย As an aside –ย Shane and Danielle need to both go!!!ย ย Danielle is a whiner and a floater!ย
If you have something to say about production, tell cbs that. I like to read comments about the players, not about production, so keep it to your self or go and tell cbs.
Best case, Britney will win the POV and uses it (then Frank will have to put up maybe Joe or Jenn), worst case, Frank wins and Dan might be evicted depending upon whether or Britney and Shane want him gone. But I wonder what Ian won exactly and does he has to use it this week?
it’s a veto. he can veto anyone shane puts up. he probably won’t use iit because frank said he would put up britt if he does.
That was smart on Frank’s part. But that’s also putting a lot of faith in people that absolutely don’t deserve it.
Can someone tell me what the HGs are talking about when they say they were in “skid row”? Is it a room in the house?
ย The have-not room
Ah thank you!
Am I the only one hype about Ian getting this special power? I bet Dan will be begging for Ian to use it on him, yeah I bet your happy you didnt rat out Ian now
Go Ian!!!
I wanna be Ian’s girl. I’ll treat him better than Ashley did.
Keep your expectations low
I really wish they would get rid of Dan…what has he done? all he does is lay around whining, throwing the comps…..what a boring guy.
That is Dan manipulating everyone until it is time for him to collect that
$500,000 check. Hey, this is hard work when the other members of the Quack Pack do not stick to the script and decide they are going to evict
someone just on their whim. Then, Dan has to do some more manipulation of the Quack Pack to make sure all the ducks are lined up! Ah, it is a dirty job but, Shane, Brittney, Danielle and Ian most especially have to do it
because I said so! Erhm……Keeps me nice and cozy reading my book.
Have you guys already evicted Frank? My, it is hard to find good help
these days. I need a couple more Ians to to my bidding. And stop
complaining……I am working here. Can you not see a genius at work?
Ah, what a hard life this is, giving others direction while, I collect that
$500,000 check but, someone has to do it!
That is Joe’s speciality. Playing with balls.
And some how he always gets caught.
I think it helped Ian when he got the letter from his mom. At least we hope so here on our support for Frank.All you Frank haters should look at the guy and see he is a decent sort.. and that is not saying you all are when all you do is betray him and he keeps trying toย do what is best for his game.I just cannot stand that Danniele or DanHis wife should take a hard look at him and Dannile.She is a fruitcake nut! and he is a snake in the grass! I hope Ian does right by Frank and help get Dan or his Mistress out,.. Thel
I hope the “JURY HOUSE” proves I am right by what I said above..
I was so happy to see that Ian got a letter from his mom and his dad’s approval for being on the show. I think it’s only gonna make him a stronger player from here on out.
Great post Thelma and I hope that letter helped him as well.ย Ian was smart enough to get out Mike Boogie.ย I hope that he realizes that the only one who has had his back was Frank.ย He has always protected him and thinks of him as a little brother.ย All the others have just used him to give them information.ย If not for Ian they would be no place.ย The only problem is Ian really loves Brit and she has been a mother figure to him.ย He even said that.ย Frank doesn’t know that Ian is the mole, but has been angry with the others for saying the things they did against Ian and putting all the pressure on him.ย Dan is worried now because he shouted out to Ian I am going to expose your rotten a##.ย Yes, Father Dan said that and now is worried that Joe or Jenn may have heard.ย Just hope Ian realizes that Dan has already said Ian is going next.ย Your description fits everyone else perfectly.
Are you watching the same show??? It’s on CBS. Frank was going after Dan first and Dan had nothing to do with Boogie going home. And talk about snake in the grass have you been watching Ian playing both sides to save his own ass. Dan takes the fall for Ian all week and look where it got Dan…on the block. And what does the “snake in the grass” Ian do??? He throws Dan under the bus. I also liked Frank in the beginning but Boogie rubbed off on him and now he is so arrogant and all he does is trash talk everyone. Franks gotta go!!!
Before anyone else goes, I hope it is Jenn, then Joe
How can all you people say you don’t trust Frank when he has been the most honest person yet this season?! I don’t get it. The fact that he can go up so many times and get off shows how good of a player he is. Yes I agree that BB has helped him but not everytime
It shows he’s a good COMP player….his social game sucks!ย ย So you might say he’s good at 1/2 the game.ย ย ย As for not putting up Dan…as we all know, Boogie talked him out of it.ย ย If you have to be talked OUT of breaking your word…your integrity is already compromised.
I hope frank can make the right choice for HIMSELF (trust no1)
But maybe Frank should keep his enemy – Dan – a little closer, like secret alliance closer.ย They need each other to “final two.”
We all realize that Frank, knowing he is without any trustworthy allies, could have declined Pandora’s Box. Anyone who knows the game would realize that he was taking a very big risk as PB almost always bestows a soecial power to someone that is NOT HOH. Can we all share a collective “Duh”???
Very true, but have you ever seen anyone not open it?
Have you ever seen an HOH in the position of “goose eggs” for an alliance? If ever there was a time to say no to PB, this would have been it.
BTW, I agree, that if Frank had not hung his entire game on his Boogie-mance, he might well be in an entirely different position right now. When you put all your eggs in one basket….you might be looking at goose eggs. I also agree that he and Boogs were unnecessarily disparaging of the other HG’s this past week (on a very personal level), and, along with the questionable moral plays, have lost my support. Maybe Frank can redeem himself a bit, like Boogie did, when he leaves…Mike showed a little class outside the house with Julie.
When Brendan opened it all they got was Rachel to torment the house, or did somebody get actually get something else?
last year did bb do a yellow veto?
frank is NOT the best player hands down. why is dr will considered the best player ever?? because he knew winning competitions came second to being a great strategist and a social game. Frank has not made a single move yet that resembles any social game. he has no allies in the house never made any effort to make allies even when boogie was there and then doesnt understand why he gets nominated. i dont care about rigging or that bs. frank wouldnt be here unless it was for boogie being able to convince danielle to backdoor janelle without boogie frank woulda been gone. frank sucks and he is a hypocrite for yelling at shane for being dans puppet when he was doing exactly what boogie wanted him to. guys a tool and a loser and i hope he sees all the anti-frank comments so he can see how delusional he truly is. for all the people saying shane and frank are the only two who deserve to win. well shane i dont even think knows what big brother is. he also has not made a single decision on his own yet and is afraid of others getting mad. one last complaint. floaters are just as deserving as people who win comps… they are floaters becuase they are good at avoiding drama. jenn is a strong player in a way ebcause for five weeks she was not once mentioned ever when it came to nominations. maybe thats weak to some but hey it worked for her. on a final note frank is admittedly loyal and not one to lie and if he trusts you youre golden… ill give him that and legitimate comp wins but other than that he is really nothing special
Frank should align with the fish. Screw everyone else in the house.
why not just put up Ian so he has to use the golden ball on himself and not dan…sheesh frank is stupider than i thought
if frank opened pandoras box is there more to it than winning money?
could he lose his power?
Honestly everyone is saying how if Frank leaves the show would be boring. I think it’s already boring with him winning POV over and over again. It would be funny as hell to see what Jenn or Joe would do if they won A CHALLENGE seriously doesn’t have to be a certain one either. But I have to say they had a good opportunity to evict Frank in week 1 and in week 4, but they blew it.
it does appear that the BB season has been orchestrated for as much publicity as possible for Frank.ย Perhaps he does know someone in production.ย ย Seems pretty shady but the longer it goes on – the more likely it appears that the entire show is rigged for Frank to win and to get as much camera time as possible.ย
Frank HAS lied this season, that is part of the game. I do wish production would try to control the language during After Dark.ย I am so tired of all Frank’s sentences starting with f***ing motherf***er.ย Enough already, and now Ian has started saying it too.
ย I sure do agree with that.ย I am a Nana too, and if I heard my grandson using the language that Frank does, I would turn off the TV, and tell him to smarten up with the bad language.
Your’re watching CBS not CBN!
lets just assume for aguements sake production has not been saving franks ass. without boogie frank would not be here period. frank is an impossible reader of people (trusting shane again and again and britney who well i mean is britney ever trustworthy) frank does not ahve the ability to make allies… he did not once think when boogie was there about his game should and when boogie inevitably got evicted and believes he deserves to win because he has fought so much to stay here…. eh.. is he a good competitor? yeah but the dya he does not win pov when not hoh is the day he is out the door. and what bothers me the most about frank is that he thinks is beloved by america. for those who do not watch the live feeds frank is a horrible human being… cbs makes him look like just a nice upstanding guy he is anything but he is not. the comments he has made with boogie over the last couple weeks and his delusions of grandeur about being the most popular houseguest ever and him and boogie getting spin off series is sickening he needs to be smacked in the face for being such a bully. frank is a vile human being and that has nothing to do with proudction. it has to do with sucky gameplay that his poor sportsmanship and refusal to realize his social game sucks and his bullying tactis are all a part of.
I LOVE THIS…you basically summed up everything. He is a bully, and he should go. I just don’t approve of bullying.
its a game not a school playground, they are abunch of adults fending for themselves, its not a bullying situation.. :S
To the Frank haters, you must not watch the show close, cause he is the ONLY one sticking to his words. When he was the HOH he had the chance to put up one of the silent six, did he no, but he wanted too, but boggie talked him out of it and he realized it wasn’t time to get rid of the six. GO FRANK, he is the only one fighting to stay in the house. He deserves to win
I am so sick of this recycled crap. ย Can’t the producers come up with anything better? ย God.
Twists, turns, production interference….ย ย my biggest beef about BB is that there really are no rules to this game, the man behind the curtain continually invents new things daily to shape and influence all aspects of the “game”…ย ย ย what does this teach kids who watch about life,ย ย lie, cheat, manipulate, whine, cry, fight…ย can you imagine a real game, like major league football or baseball where the ref or umpire, on a whim, decides to invent or ignore a rule?ย ย ย ย
Your’re watching CBS not PBS
i dindt see boogie with farnk ,, is he gone now?
retardo, where have you been :S
I want Frank out so badly! I hate him
jealous he is a beast and your a whiner?ย
I want Frank to win so badly! I love him
Ian had a short lived HOH didn’t get to go upstairs and then the POV which Frank won and then they did the other HOH that will be shown on Sunday and now Frank is HOH and get a week in the room.
@Mmmm:twitterย Your comment was the best out of all that I have read today. I don’t care about “riggings by production” or which player has won the most competitions. If winning the most comps was really important then people like Jordan and Dr. Will would not have won their seasons. Not Jordan (sorry I was not a fan) but Dr. Will caused me to love BB because I loved to watch him lie, scheme, and talk his way to the win. BB lately has lost some of that andย now fans hate the people who lie and scheme but love the boring I’ll just win as many comps as possible players. And what is wrong with being a floater? To me floaters are the ultimate strategists, it is hard to be in a house and not aligns yourself with someone and avoid being targeted as an easy out.
ย Frank and Shane really could have made the ultimate duo but they allowed the coaches twist to mess up their social games. Honestly Britt, Dan,and Ianย have the best social games but since I really didn’t want any coach to winย once they came into the game I say GO IAN!!!
I love Ian because he was willing to turn against his coach and “friend” Frank while still avoiding retribution once Frank won HOH. I hope Ian goes far because I think he could be the next Dr. Will.
As far as who deserves to win they all do because they have managed to get this far so they have outplayed everyone else so far….with that unbiased assessment I am going for Ian to win it allย and Shane to get the 50,000 with Frank in third!!
Holding out on maybe Frank, Ian, and Shane working together andย making it to the final 3 (I WOULD LOVE THAT!!!!!!)…..keeping my fingers crossed for these 3!!!!!!
im so surprised Joe and jenn are not freakin out tht they may be nominated… they are so dumb. they should be on Franks side because the quackpack will cut them off when they want
Thanks for warning me about paying $14.99 a month on this live feed stuff! Glad I get a free trial! Just when the convo gets good…we get fish! >:/
Frank is going to get stabed in the back by Ian and Shane.
If the game was rigged boogie still be in the game. ย I see the game as rigged against frank, its bad enough that they have some kind of bullshit magic veto being given to Ian, and ruining his hoh. ย Might as well just give the game to Shane.
I dont think it ruins his HOH, now that Jen won veto, it will either be Danielle, Dan, Brittany or Shane going home.
i agree and I’m not happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ย i’m team Frank all the way.ย ย fierce competitor and great social game with a nice disposition….ย what an uphill battle.ย not happy with production this year at all………………..
All those people who talked about the game being rigged for Frank. Still think so now that Ian got handed a special veto and now basically controls this HOH???
For the first time watching every BBH show, I can’t believe the quote “odds” of Frank consistantly winning either Veto or HOH. I do believe in luck but not this luck….as for Ian, I can’t believe Frank is still trustworthy of my newly dislike of Ian for putting dan in harms way esp. since bookie told Frank not to trust Ian. duhhhhhh. I know its a game however; I am really starting to believe when they each go to the dr, they get instructed how they must playout BB’s plans. If Frank wins again…thats it!!!!!! no more BB and that makes me so sad.
ย what if shane wins again?
Do I have to remind everyone Frank cheated on veto compition. He is not the greatest BB plaler.CBSย wants hm to win and has rigged all compitions. Frank was told not to win first HOH Thursday and win the 2 one.. Since CBS has rigged all compitions this year for Frank to win it all. They have cover up Franks cheating. SAD isn’t it !
I still dont know how he cheated. I think all you people who keep saying that is rigged are out to lunch! how do you know ?!?!?!?!?
come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ย i’m team FRANK to the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn’t like the autistic nerd comment. Autism is nothing to joke about. Anyone who has an autistic child would be disgusted by that comment. Lets keep the comments about the game.
I don’t get why they don’t just vote Danielle out if her and Dan end up on the block by Thursday…the “quack pack” controls the vote anyway. I’d much rather have Dan instead of Danielle.
go Frank go!!!! I hope he wins the veto!
Sounds like production got a little worried about controlling game for frank. He may not play for hoh but watch them provide the veto wins for him to stay in game. Lol
i heard frank can’t play for hoh for 2 weeks!!!ย do not like this scenario since i am team frank.ย however, i just din’t like this at all for any of the players.ย anyone with this punishment might as well leave.ย no player at this point in the game deserves such a manipulative twist from production.ย what happened to game play?ย very disappointed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please someone who cares about Danielle…..tell her to quit making every conversation about herself.ย She may be kept as a pawn for the finals as I don’t believe she will be a juryย choice to win the competition.ย ย She simply appears to needย constant validation or believes no one is more interesting than she.ย Such a shame for so young a person.ย ย ย
so true…….. very insecure, needs constant attention and validation.ย now she is flirting with jen.ย can’t get enough….. with kindness i say she needs theraphy.ย she has so much cargo.ย information came out on showtime that was shocking… won’t repeat… but omg!ย
I guess I have not been watching the same show. Frank is playing an honest and upstanding game? He has lied to everyone, bad mouths every single player when he is not HOH, and smiles big for the cameras. I am also tired of hearing this is his dream to win Big Brother, did the other players just want the experience? It is time for Frank to go. I hope Ian wins.