Big Brother 14 Live Feeds: Week 7 Monday Highlights

The Big Brother 14 house continues to be turned upside down by Dan this week. Monday on the Live Feeds, we got to see Dan’s plan play out when Jenn used the veto and Frank put up Britney as the replacement nominee. We’ll continue updating you on the Live Feeds throughout the week to see if Dan’s plan goes off without a hitch. Read on to find out what we saw and heard yesterday on the Big Brother Live Feeds.

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Big Brother 14 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, August 27, 2012:

7:33 AM BBT — Dan is up and talking to the cameras. He’s giving a rundown of his master plan and how he set it into motion the day before.

10:02 AM BBT — Frank and Dan are talking about how to handle  the reasoning behind removing Dan from the block and putting up Britney.

10:33 AM BBT — Danielle starts the day off thinking she has shingles. Every day it’s something new for this girl.

10:50 AM BBT — Joe and Jenn talking about Pizza. Yes, these two will be among the Top 7.

11:30 AM BBT — Live Feeds cut. Veto ceremony time.

12:35 PM BBT — Feeds return. Dan is off the block and Britney is up. Ian and Frank are yelling at each other in the HoH room and Britney and Danielle are still sitting in the nomination chairs, both visibly upset (one for good reason, the other not so much).

12:37 PM BBTIan and Frank’s yelling match ends when Frank tells him to get the “f***” out and Ian calls him a “f***head.”

12:44 PM BBT — Britney and Frank talking in HoH room. Britney tells Frank she appreciates his game and said she understands. She said she had a feeling this was going to happen.

1:32 PM BBT — Joe promises his vote to Britney. For now anyway.

1:42 PM BBT — Ian and Frank agree to be civil with one another.

1:58 PM BBT — Dan asks Danielle if she thinks Britney is going to go out quietly and  Danielle says yes.

2:43 PM BBT — Frank and Ian are now making light of their fight earlier, mostly because Ian started drinking after the veto ceremony and is kind of tipsy now.

3:18 PM BBT — Britney said she knew something was up when production said Ian’s veto had to be dealt with before Jenn’s. Feeds cut. Interesting.

3:25 PM BBT — Britney, Shane and Danielle talking about why Dan did what he did and of course they’ve got it all wrong, and of course Danielle knows this.

3:51 PM BBT — Shane tells Britney Joe said he was voting how Frank wanted him to vote. Which isn’t what Joe told her earlier.

4:04 PM BBT — Britney is being hilarious and imitating Dan.

4:35 PM BBT — Britney now in the kitchen with Dan letting him have it in her own style, by reminding him how helpful she’s been to him, but doing so in a snarky tone.

5:43 PM BBT — Ian basically tells Danielle he’s voting to evict her this week. She sure loved that.

6:07 PM BBTDan and Britney having a mostly serious talk. By mostly, I mean Britney is being honest and apologizing and Dan has to keep avoiding the truth though for his plan to work.

6:35 PM BBT — Britney asks Shane and Joe to let her know if they’re voting her out so she can wear a nice dress for eviction. Joe actually seems pretty mad at Dan over all this.

7:38 PM BBT — Ian and Joe talking about keeping Britney. Ian is of course voting to keep her. Joe said he wants to keep her but they need to talk to Shane about it.

8:58 PM BBT — Joe telling Shane he wants to keep Britney. But then quickly says or if we keep Danielle…  who knows how this jokers will vote.

9:11 PM BBT — Danielle is making Britney console her even though Danielle knows she’s safe. A new low for Danielle.

10:07 PM BBT — Danielle continues getting off on her double agent status and tells Frank things Ian said earlier.

10:15 PM BBT — Danielle still whining to Dan about what he said to her yesterday during his big move. Even though he’s already explained it a thousand times.

12:39 AM BBT — Britney tells Shane and Joe she isn’t convinced Danielle and Dan are really on the outs.

So even though it sounds like Joe is still on the fence, Shane is probably going to keep Danielle (for who knows what reason), so Britney will likely become the second jury member.

Here’s to hoping that Danielle let’s Britney go in peace and stops making everything all about her.Yeah right. Like that will EVER happen.

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