Big Brother 14 Live Feeds: Week 3 Friday Highlights

Big Brother 14 Live Feeds

It was another crazy day of drama on the Big Brother 14 Feeds. We had major butt kissing, the Coaches Comp, rapid fire campaigning and pleading, nominations, and some frantic fallout from Shane’s surprising decisions. Read on to find out what we saw and heard yesterday on the Big Brother Live Feeds.

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Big Brother 14 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, July 27, 2012:

8:50 AM BBT — In a bid to curry favor Chef Joe prepares breakfast in bed and takes it to Shane. Joe says this is his “ass kiss” moment with the new HoH.

11:50 AM BBT — Janelle and Wil in the Lounge room talking game. Janelle is trying to determine which member of her flock should be sent to slaughter. She definitely doesn’t want it to be Wil and certainly seems close to Ashley. Sorry, Joe.

12:20 PM BBT — Shane and Frank discuss nominations and options. Shane lets Frank know Joe is suggesting Frank as the target. Britney joins the conversation and warns Frank they may end up nominating him depending on the Coaches Comp.

4:40 PM BBT — Live Feeds leak and show Dan and Janelle in full gear for the Coaches Comp.

5:30 PM BBT — Feeds are back and we discover Janelle has won the competition and given Wil immunity. He can’t be nominated this week. Janelle had the option to trade a player but didn’t take it. Joe and Ian were selected as the Have-Nots this week. Ian wants the record.

5:45 PM BBT — After Boogie talks with Shane he reports back to his team that he expects Frank and Joe to be nominated to keep things balanced with one nominee from each team.

5:50 PM BBT — Janelle and Joe pleading their case to Shane and Britney. Everyone trying to keep the last word before the nomination ceremony. It’s a parade of pleas.

6:00 PM BBT — Frank has his turn and is adamant that he does not want to go up on the block as a nominee even as a pawn.

8:40 PM BBT — Live Feeds return from the Nomination Ceremony. Joe and Ashley are on the block.

8:50 PM BBT — Danielle is upset after coordinating the plan with Shane to target Frank and he completely abandoned it. Danielle wanted to be the swing vote to negotiate safety for next week.

9:00 PM BBT — Britney pulls Shane up to the HoH room to discuss his noms. Britney sounds shocked. Shane suggests he was rushed and didn’t have time to think. I think Shane is lying to everyone in the game, including Britney. Britney comes around and is okay with his decisions.

10:35 PM BBT — Janelle, Wil, and Ashley talking smack in the Lounge room. They’re not happy at all with Team Boogie and Team Britney. Janelle wishes should could nominate Frank and Shane.

10:50 PM BBT — Danielle is shamelessly flirting with Shane. She seems desperate. He seems disinterested.

11:30 PM BBT — Shane lets Dan know that Frank is interested in working with Danielle. Britney says she can’t trust Janelle and her team after this since they’ll want revenge.

12:45 AM BBT — More of Danielle clinging to Shane like he’s a life raft. Shane does his “Shana” voice, his gay alter ego. Danielle asks him to rub her back as she lays on him. Shane tries to dodge the request by saying he can’t reach her back. Ugh. Quick, let’s check the other cams.

1:35 AM BBT — Shane, Britney, and Danielle briefly discuss putting Frank up at the Veto ceremony as renom. They’ll wait to see how things go at the Veto comp.

2:05 AM BBT — Janelle and Wil want to win the Veto so they can force an opportunity to renom Frank.

Shane is putting a lot of trust in Frank with his decision to avoid nominating him. I doubt he’ll come around on the renom idea, but he’s surprised me once already as HoH so maybe he’ll do it again. We’ll know more about what could happen after the Veto competition is finished on Saturday.

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  1. I am quickly starting to become disinterested with the choice of houseguest this season. Barely any of them have watched the show before (JoJo, Shane, Jenn, Ashley) and that really annoys me. I hate Shane’s attitude and found his complaining after winning POV and HOH he still complains, he needs to get over himself. I like him as a player but can’t stand to hear him talk. I think Danielle is becoming a better social player and I hope he finds her husband in the house

  2. I have watched BB since season 1. I am sad to say it but I wish WIllie was back. At least he was intresting. These people are so boring. Maybe its because they keep bringing in past guest, and everyone knows there game play. I think we need a choice to choose our own cast for next year. With no return players

    • You need to get used to past players coming back. From what I
      understand, they are needed to bring back repeat viewers. I guess the
      ratings were slipping and they need to keep a loyal viewing audience.  I
      know of a few people from work, if they don’t connect with a player in
      the first two weeks, they don’t watch the rest of the season. So for the sake of BB staying around a few more years…. I’m glad they bring people back. 

      • I read where so many don’t like returning playerss and I am one of them.  Don’t they know they will lose people like myself who actually do not like that?  I was disappointed last year and now I have this year yet again.  Different name, but essentially the same thing.  I can only speak for myself, but this will be it for me if they continue with that concept. I am thinking I am wasting my money for the live feeds.  If enough feel that way it may send them a message.  Just my two cents and how I feel.

  3. I don’t even care who is going home this week. I wanna see if they will bring the coaches into the game.

    • I hope the coaches do not enter the game.  They have had their chance to win.  I am also sick of seeing past players come back.  We need interesting players in the house but new ones.  BB needs to get better Interviews and select better players.  Stop letting people like Porsha from last season in.  She was So boring….and her sweat outfits.  I think just because she knew Janelle should not have been allowed.  I also hope CBS is done with the Hantz family enough is enough with them.

  4. I am finding this season not so interesting used to be glued to live feeds and BB after dark but am kinda dissapointed being a huge BB fan. Who is your favorite player? And Least favorite? And do you think the coaches should be able to play? Just want to see what others are thinking thx Lexi

    • The person that im rooting for right now is shane i feel they were serverly mistreated jus because of willie and no one respects britney and i think that is least fave person in the house is first he was a cool person in the begining but janelle seem to have rubbed off on himm..all he does is complain and talk about people behind their backs. No i do not believe the coaches should play, because its just stupid and everybody already figured out that was maybe what big brother was going to do. I think this may be my last season of watching big brother..they keep recycleing old players and the newbies that they have dont want to play,,just be sheep and told what to do.

      • I echo everything you said and I am rooting for Shane as well.  This season with the coaches twist has already ruined the season because I am tired of seeing players that have already had their chance.  Why doesn’t CBS just write a check out to them?  I heard Janelle say last night that if the coaches enter the game she would pick off Frank, Shane and Boggie.  I don’t see any added value to the coaches entering as they are already running the show and Boggie and Dan have won their money previously.  I want new people to get their chance.  I find it hard to believe that with all the people wanting to play BB they could not give us all brand new players.  That is what I enjoy watching and it looks like BB will not give that to us again.  I use to be glued to my live feeds and BBAD and this season I am losing interest.  They took a good game that I loved watching and have ruined it.  I know this game is rigged by Production and think of last year where they let Brendon enter the game yet again and then when Rachel and Jordan looked to be out we had that Pandora’s box.  I have voted to not let the coaches back, but have a very strong feeling that it doesn’t matter as they will do what they want.  I know some think it will make the game more interesting, but I don’t see it. 

      • Newbies in the last two seasons have been starstruck by past players coming back. Thats the only reason that they are “sheep”. Also, why do people think that because you arent winning comps means you arent playing the game? You dont have to win comps to win. See: Will Kirby. There is NO reason to paint a target on your back if you dont have to. These people are in this house to win money, not entertain us. 

      • and just to add if you want to watch a show thats not about entertaining the viewers..then go check out Glass house..thats perfect for your taste

  5. there’s not a person that’s played bb that hasm
    n’t lied or kissed up unless it was daniele denato and i’m not sure she hasn’t. she seems to do her thing without caring about other peoples opinion. loved her. hopefully the coaches will become players next week then we can really see some conniving and back stabbing. i really want janelle tl kick boogers butt.

  6. It was Janelle’s  team who betrayed Shane. They evicted JoJo, and now with Shane as HoH, they have to pay the price. Shoulda stuck wit Shane and JoJo.

  7. Vote NO on the coaches entering the game.  It will be the Janelle and Boogie Show Again!!

    • Probably no need to vote.. CBS will do what they want anyway and just say that we chose.  Almost positive the coaches will come in.

  8. Like it or not folks, the coaches are coming back and Boogie has been preparing for it since day one. I think Dan knew and has been laying low. The more I think of it, he really didn’t give a rip[ about his team. Britts let the coaching thing go to her head so she’s in trouble and Janelle is devious enough to survive, but she burned a few people so far. I hope Ian takes it, he’s the coolest one in that house and has proven to be a soldier and loyal. But I think the white Bernie Mac is going home this week. If Shane backdoors Frank, He’s toast. He can’t win all the time.

    •  I have to agree. Boogey definitely knew that the coaches would come in.  Hell, I think most of the fans knew that would happen. Except of course Britney and Janelle. 

      I too think Ian will win. He’s just too smart for them. Dude is planning the whole time. However, his only kryptonite is Ashley.

    • The coaches knew. Several weeks ago Brit and Janelle were discussing it in the HOH room on BBAD. They said the coaches were coming into the game after week 3. Janelle said they were calling it “half-time”, whatever that means.

  9. Have to agree with so many others, that am extremely disappointed in this season. Who is responsible for this wack? The producers? Multiple decisions that put this show way off base? And who is picking these HG’s? Last four years have been downward spiral, except for Rachel bringing her game play up so much that she won. Now that is what game supposed be about. As unpopular as she was, Rachel completely brought me around from hating her, to admiring her. My personal opinion is BB executives decision making ruining this game. I was embarrassed for HG’s at party time last night. Pretty freaking embarrassing to be acting like a bunch of twenty year old college partyers. There were too many awkward moments to count. Also too many times the “acting” is pretty bad. These people are only concerned with their paychecks and egos. Let me predict the “three amigos” will end up just like Brit’s season, with the guys voting Danielle out at the end. Sorry BB, don’t think this season is worth my valuable time to watch.

    • Britney was never part of the alliance that you’re referring to. Did you even watch that season? Your analogy doesn’t work at all.

      Also, I don’t understand how anyone can say that Rachel has good gameplay. You realize that winning a few competitions and then getting evicted early in the game is not good gameplay, right?

  10. The show is junk, its was once the best show on the tube. Why do they keep bringing back the same old players, the ones who have never played the game doesn’t have a chance. at least give the ones who have not been on the show before a chance to win something besides a seat home.  Stop bringing back the old ones.

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