I could probably save us all a little time and just say start watching the Big Brother 14 feeds at 7:50 AM BBT and don’t stop. Because the Live Feeds this season are active ALL the time. At least this week. And Tuesday was a busy day in the house. LOADS of drama, some likely to even make some headlines today. Read on to find out what we saw and heard yesterday on the Big Brother Live Feeds.
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Big Brother 14 Live Feed Highlights – Tuesday, July 17, 2012:
Important note: Real’s SuperPass is having a technical difficulty with the Live Feeds’ Flashback feature affecting time selection. It seems to be using your local time zone instead of BBT so adjust accordingly or set your computer’s time to PT.
7:50 AM BBT — Boogie and Willie are out back. Willie starts talking about how things aren’t right and something weird is going on. He’s slowly easing into the discussion of whether or not the coaches will enter the game and play for the $500,000. He’s very suspicious of the way Janelle is playing the game.
9:05 AM BBT — Britney and Willie fill Shane in on their thoughts that the coaches will  be entering the game.
9:21 AM BBT — Britney tells Boogie the last line of the Big Brother contract says they can “change anything at anytime.”
10:00 AM BBT — Britney scolds Willie for revealing to Boogie this theory about the coaches entering the game. Britney says she wishes she would never told him anything. Keep that in mind, Brit. Don’t let Willie be another Lane to you. Things are starting to fester in the house now.
10:50 AM BBT — Joe tells Janelle about Willie’s plan to revolt against the coaches.
10:55 AM BBT — A house meeting is called and things get intense. The newbs decide they want to play their own game and not the coaches.’ Talk goes to the possibility that the coaches will enter the game.
11:28 AM BBT — House meeting has ended.
11:37 AM BBT — Janelle tells Joe that her contract stated that she could ONLY compete for the $100,000 and not the grand prize. I don’t recall that being said before, so Janelle is trying to calm down everyone’s suspicions. Joe goes on to fill her in on the meeting. And he leaves nothing out. Joe is staying true to his coach. At the moment.
11:45 AM BBT — Janelle says Willie’s power is over and that the house holds the power now.
12:00 PM BBT — Britney is convinced that Janelle has jumped ship and is working with Dan. She blames the house being upside down on Janelle. Hmm. I think that blame might go to Willie and Boogie. And a lot of Joe. Maybe?
12:30 PM BBT — Joe continues to stir drama beautifully as he tells Frank that Willie wants the vote to be a tie so Willie can break it. Frank finally thinks he can’t trust Willie. At least for now.
12:56 PM BBT — Frank plans to target Willie and Shane next week. Frank seems to think he has HOH in the bag.
1:12 PM BBT — Britney and Dan talking about how the game was played too hard too fast. Dan thinks Willie sealed his fate with his aggressive gameplay.
3:48 PM BBT — Dan and Boogie talk about  how surprised they are this has all happened in week one. They call Willie the classic “overplayer.”
4:00 PM BBT — Janelle and Britney talking. Britney is crying and missing her husband. She says she wants to go home.
4:12 PM BBT — House on lockdown. HGs are outside and the feeds don’t cut out as soon as they should and we can see a man dressed as a robber in the storage room. Something is going on in preparation for the upcoming competition, surely.
6:27 PM BBT — Janelle reassures Britney she isn’t working with Dan and that she hates Boogie.
6:30 PM BBT — Willie told “HOH room is ready.” He goes there for something “special.”
6:52 PM BBT  — Willie comes out of HOH room with his bag… he goes to the diary room. HGs are confused as to why he has a packed bag.
6:55 PM BBT — Willie comes out of Diary Room but says he can’t say what’s going on. He heads to HOH room and no one else is allowed.
7:05 PM BBT — Willie tells Britney production gave him a computer and a camera for the HOH blog. Like everything else this season, it was all blown out of proportion. Of course there’s a chance it could be something else. Or maybe I’m just paranoid because they’re all paranoid. AAAAAAAAGH!
7:20 PM BBT — HGs playing with HOH camera. So that’s all this was. And if Willie tries to pretend it was anything else, we can be confident he’s full of crap.
7:35 PM BBT — Bullie, I mean Willie, calls Shane, Ian, Jenn and Frank into the HOH room and makes sure everyone is voting to keep Frank. OMG Thursday please get here!
8:17 PM BBT — Wil is crying over something Frank said Willie said concerning Wil’s sexuality. The only thing anyone can report on is that Willie imitated Wil by using a high-pitched voice. That can be found at Flashback to 2:13PM BBT on Cam 4.
9:11 PM BBT — Kara tells Dan and Wil if she gets evicted and comes back everyone better be scared.
9:27 PM BBT — Dan tells Kara he’d rather Boogie win the coaching prize over Britney. Kara says “eww, don’t say that.” Kara doesn’t know Boogie was Dan’s all-time favorite player?
9:35 PM BBT — Wil and Britney talking about Willie mocking Wil.
9:45 PM BBT — Britney talks to Willie about Wil being upset. Willie says it was not a gay slur and that Frank has blown things out of proportion.
10:10 PM BBT — Since you’ll be hearing all about this all over the place, Willie says “I’ll knock a n—- out.” Using a racist term is probably not the best way to follow up a homophobia accusation, true or not.
10:26 PM BBT — Willie and Frank fight in the back yard. First major blowup of the season. Both are calling each other out on their lies to each other. The Hantz is in the house. Willie calls Frank a “shady mother—–” and a “piece of s—.” “I hope you go home this week,” Willie tells Frank. Boogie joins in on the fight asking Willie if he’s bossing everyone around and calls him a bully. This is a MUST-WATCH.
1:43 AM BBT — Flip-flopping continues. Joe tells Ashley they’re still keeping Frank because  Willie is the bigger target.
2:20 AM BBT — Wil and Janelle talking in the back yard. Janelle still thinks Frank should go. Seriously, if this week doesn’t end soon ….
So yeah. Tuesday was quite a busy day in the Big Brother house. If you were off the grid, there’s plenty of excitement to catch up on. Oh an one more thing: is it Thursday yet?
You can catch all of these Big Brother 14 events using Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored!
I love it, very nice condensing it all, the “Fight” was one way, Frank didn’t even stand up, to me it was Willie being his bullie self.
“Eat your f’in(sic) Froot Loops!” Â
Gotta be one of the best lines of the season.
Frank can’t be too agressive if he wants to stay in the house this week. He has to continue to be the nice guy to get the votes to stay and then tell everyone he is targeting Willie, which is what the house wants to hear. I hope Frank stay, sorry Kara. Honestly, I wish it were Jojo, Joe or Ian going home this week.
I am still trying to figure out why nobody has said joe needs to be out of tat house asap. I mean he hears it and the house knows it. The guy just can’t keep his mouth shut.Â
Wow really alot of drama because Willie mocked wil and yet wil changes his voice and always mocks Jodie I like Willie and hope he stays and Joe is a waste of space
I am getting so frustrated, Does anybody know how the flashbacks work or what time frame they are on.? i tried 10:25 it was what they said it was, i tried 3am it wasn’t what it says it is. Someone please explain. Thank you!
Try 8:25
@9c98d581fdf01ed309cf4629f8452123:disqus : I’m guessing you’re out of west coast time zone. Take note of the “Important Note” that we have near the top of the post:
“Important note: Real’s SuperPass is having a technical difficulty with the Live Feeds’ Flashback feature affecting time selection. It seems to be using your local time zone instead of BBT so adjust accordingly or set your computer’s time to PT.”
i’m in Canada so it’s a little difficult to figure out what time frame to look at.
Thanks for the help Bigallycat76 I will try that now!
@9c98d581fdf01ed309cf4629f8452123:disqus : Check the time difference between your current time and Pacific time. Right now it is 10:45AM PT out there. Take the difference between your current time and that time, then add it to any Flashback times to find events.
I got it!! it was 1:25am!! alright, now i can start paying more attention. That is when i’m not watching/listening to it at work. tsk tsk tsk to me!!
Willie is gone he can go back to is homtown and him and his brother can look for the idol in thier hometown, boy what a dumb famly. Willie just ike his brother comes out to strong in the first week and will be out in four weeks dumb a…