It was a busy Sunday in the Big Brother 14 house and on the Live Feeds. Talk mostly consisted of who’s going to be eliminated this week, Frank or Kara? There were a couple of fun breaks from game talk and there was also a Veto Ceremony. Read on to find out what we saw and heard yesterday on the Big Brother Live Feeds.
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Big Brother 14 Live Feed Highlights – Sunday, July 15, 2012:
Important note: Real’s SuperPass is having a technical difficulty with the Live Feeds’ Flashback feature affecting time selection. It seems to be using your local time zone instead of BBT so adjust accordingly or set your computer’s time to PT.
8:30 AM BBT – Boogie is up, talking to himself. He’s mad that the HGs are living like slobs. He plans to call them out on it.
9:45 AM BBT – All talk, all morning has been on the messy house and the ant infestation.
10:30 AM BBT – Boogie and Frank are talking game. They think everyone is still gunning for Kara to be evicted. They plan to stick with Dan and Danielle is Kara goes and Boogie will fight hard in coaches’ competition for the key to save Frank every week.
10:45 AM BBT – Joe says he thinks there’ll be a point where a coaches trade will occur. Danielle thinks teams will stay the same .
10:50 AM BBT – Dan and Shane talk game. Dan asks Shane to use the veto on Kara. He acts like he’d consider it if he were guaranteed safety. Shane realizes getting rid of Frank is getting rid of a threat.
11:08 AM BBT – America’s Player talk comes up once again. Kara says she thinks it would be Ian. Boogie doesn’t think there will be an America’s Player this season.
11:09 AM BBT – Joe tells Janelle about Jenn and Frank asking him to be in an alliance with them to get out Shane and Willie.
11:10 AM BBT – Feeds cut to trivia for Veto ceremony.
12: 15 PM BBT – Feeds return. Shane did not use the Veto. Frank or Kara will be evicted this week.
12:35 PM BBT – Janelle wants to tell both sides of nominees they’re safe then blindside them. Britney wants to make a deal with Dan to save Kara but Janelle says he’ll never keep up on his end of the deal. Janelle refuses to trust Dan.
12:52 PM BBT – Ian asks Ashley on a date for the evening. She accepts.
12:58 PM BBT – Boogie and Frank talking about an all-male alliance, a la “Brigade.” They want Shane in on it.
3:50 PM BBT – Shane doesn’t want Kara to go. Probably regrets not saving her. He says he’ll target Jenn and Ian if he gets the chance.
3:53 PM BBT – Janelle is pushing for “good TV.” She wants the votes to come up as a tie so Willie has to make the decision and evict Frank. Janelle wants to see Boogie’s shock. Willie isn’t feeling that idea.
4:35 PM BBT – Janelle and Jojo take a bath in the HOH bathroom.
5:20 PM BBT – Britney is talking to Willie. She’s paranoid that Janelle is teaming up with Dan because of Janelle’s push to evict Frank. So much flip-flopping. So much paranoia. Is it Thursday yet????
5:30 PM BBT – Team Britney and Team Janelle are in the HOH room discussing their alliance and their paranoia. Things get pretty intense. Britney’s emotions are high. They all say they have to stick together and target ONLY the other two teams and not turn on each other. This is worth a watch.
8:55 PM BBT – Willie tells Britney he’s sick of Janelle getting in the middle of their conversations. And speaking of such, Janelle enters the room. Britney says she’s tired of game talk so they all decide to take a break from the talk. That lasts all of two minutes as talk turns to how they think keeping Kara is a bad idea. Then it goes right back to Frank again. SO MUCH FLIP FLOPPING.
9:15 PM BBT – Ashley and Ian start their date. It gets pretty silly, might be worth a watch if you missed it. And are WAY bored. Ian actually takes the opportunity to talk game.
10:20 PM BBT – Ashley tells Janelle about the game talk Ian played during their “date.” Janelle is surprised. Janelle tells Ashley that Willie is still wanting to save Frank. Ashley is shocked.
10:28 PM BBT – Ian says Ashley would definitely be safe if he was HOH. So he must have a crush after their “date.”
10:48 PM BBT – Janelle tells Ian she thinks someone will come back into the game because they have an extra week. Ian doesn’t think so.
11:40 PM BBT – JoJo says she’ll go on a “date” next week with Ian to pump him for info. Ian might get lucky yet with this strategy.
11:48 PM BBT – Ian talking game to himself. He thinks Janelle and Ashely can be trusted. He also wants Joe around to the end. Could Ian be poised for a release from Team Boogie?
2:15 AM BBT – Willie and Ashley talk game the rest of the night. Everyone else has settled in for the night.
So this has been a week of major flip-flopping and the past 24 hours was one of the worst. Everyone is getting paranoid and it’s only the first week of the game. I blame that on the coaches’ twist. The game has gotten way aggressive way early.
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Only caught the end of the Ashley and Ian’s date with the ending hug. What exactly was that all about? And later didn’t Ashley change her clothes while he was in the room holding a “Teddy Bear” Is Ashley teasing him?
These people are so stupid, including the coaches(Janelle & Brit). Just listening to them talk and flip flop, you know why they didn’t win their seasons.
For those interested in the Showmance dept…..JoJo slept with Willie in his HOH bed….but told him not to touch her, lol….then later after Ashley fell out of her HN bed, she went upstairs and got into bed with Willie&JoJo….this is getting interesting, lol…..☺…..
Ian is a dork. He doesn’t get it, Ashley flirts and played him out… pretending ..she liked him.
Jojo is playing with the villain… and Britney is about to get played out on again by the guys and don’t know it yet.
When the twist is dissolve if Willie Hantz is not knock out before halfway he will rule the house with Jojo and Shane in turn win the game the nasty way. He is seeking reality revenge after his brother Russell of Survivor… ;) get it.
Janelle get on board with Boogie and Jenn, not Britney if you want to win.
Ian is a dork