On Wednesday night, the super fan beat the former winner and took home the Big Brother 14 prize. Yes, Ian Terry was crowned the winner of Big Brother, taking home the $500,000. Dan Gheesling walks away with the $50,000 second-place prize.
Earlier in the night, we got to see the end of the first round of the final Head of Household. We saw that Dan asked both Ian and Danielle to throw it (separately of course) and they both obliged. Dan won the first round and moved on to the final round.
In the second round, it was Ian vs. Danielle. And in case Danielle couldn’t pull off the win, Dan had to come up with a plan. He had to keep Ian thinking they’re Final 2 deal is solid while having Danielle to ruffle his feathers. They basically need Ian to throw the final HoH so Dan can win and take Danielle to the Final 2 instead of Ian.
During the second part, that scenario plays out and Ian wins by completing the challenge in 6:04. Danielle finished in 7:31. So it’s Ian vs. Dan. Will Ian throw it? Will Dan take Danielle if he win? Or has he switched to his Renegades alliance with Ian? At this point, we’re all asking these questions.
It sounds like he’s still leaning toward Danielle and their little plan goes into action. Danielle lays into Ian. Dan plays dumb. Ian isn’t buying it. He’s not going to throw it. So Dan has to win it if he wants a Final 2 with Danielle.
Up next we get the usual nighttime, campfire jury debate. The six jurors welcome Shane to the jury and they go back and forth on who deserves to win. It sounds like Danielle isn’t getting many votes, but Dan and Ian are seemingly neck and neck with the jurors.
The final round of the Head of Household starts and it becomes clear that neither Ian or Dan are going to throw the HoH. In the end, it was Ian that that seemed to know the jury members better than Dan and he won with five points to Dan’s two.
So now it’s up to Ian to decide who is going to sit next to him for the jury’s vote. Ian honors his word, which was rare this season, and chooses to evict Danielle.
The Jury is introduced next and Ashley, Britney, Frank, Joe, Jenn and Shane are joined by Danielle, and from the looks on the other jury members’ faces, they’re pretty happy that Danielle finished no higher than third place. The jury then goes into their questions and it becomes clear right away that they’re not going to easily reward any gameplay they’ve considered dirty. Ian comes out looking like an angel to Dan after the jury is through. But will that matter to the jury? Will Dan’s ruthless gameplay beat out Ian’s loyalty to the Quack Pack?
By a vote of 6-1, Ian takes the grand prize. Frank is announced as America’s Choice and walks away with the $25,000.
Are you happy with the outcome? Who did you want to win Big Brother 14?
Thanks for watching Big Brother 14 and reading us! See you next season with Big Brother 15!
Is there a way to watch the backyard interviews from last night?
Yep. If you’ve still got your SuperPass account just log in and check the Archives section. They were great interviews and provided a lot of insight.
Thanks for your reply. I am logged into my superpass account now. When you say the archives section are you referring to the flashback feature? Or is there another link on the page I am not seeing?
I tried flashback but couldn’t find the interviews there for whatever reason.
SuperPass might still be working to archive them. Until they’re up there you can watch Jeff’s interviews:
Ok I will try to check flashback later today. Should be around 7pm right? Thanks again. I am heading over to YouTube now.
youtube Britney Haynes mc snowflake for her superpass interview.
Is there a way to go back in time so the BEST player can win . . . that would be DAN.
I think a lot of the jury was on the fence but that final speech from Ian won him 500k. Both men played wonderful games. I never understood all the hate for Ian. He is what we all are, a fan of the game. Those of us who religiously watch the live feeds and scrutinize every move every player make, those of us who wonder what slop would be like, that is who Ian is. Even if he didn’t win, you have to respect that “one of us” made it. And the fact that he won against arguably one of the greatest players ever makes it even better. Congratulations, Ian. You weren’t my first pick, but you were a wonderful competitor to watch play.
I agree completely. Going into the final 2, I was hoping Dan would pull it out since I felt he played the better game, but that speech Ian made did change my mind. The part about Dan having 3 lives swayed me. It’s easy to forget that Dan was a coach for the beginning of the game and didn’t have to face ejection week to week like Ian did. The kid had to scramble from the start especially given his social awkwardness/issues he started with.
Thanks BB for another great summer !
no I am not happy with the vote….everyone knows that Dan played the best game out of all of them..Janelle was right, he is the best Big Brother player…without a doubt
But not good enough to win.
Is there a way to watch the backyard interviews from last night?
Yes, go to Jokers website. They have them posted there.
Matt answered my question above. The only backyard interviews I couldn’t find on YouTube (CBS) were wils boogies and jenns
I woke up still mad… and Ian lied in his quetions… he didnt come up with the quack pack! But HEY thats the game i guess!
But Ian doesn’t know he didn’t come up w/ the Quack Pack. Well, he did come up with the name, but the other members are who actually formed it and brought him in. He just didn’t realize that yet because he hadn’t been outside the house yet.
@gtprods:disqus Okay i will him that! I remeber brittney throwing names out there, and Ian said he like Quack Pack. Tell me this… Do you feel that Ian was the one that deserved to win this game? In your honest opinion, do you feel that he out played dan? And if so why?
I think Dan should have won. Ian played a good game, but Dan played a more entertaining one for me.
I agree!
Not to quibble but wasn’t Britney the one who first threw out the name “quack pack”. If I remember correctly she was making a joke saying that would be the worst name ever to use. (I agree with your underlying point btw)
I remember her doing that, but I thought he had already suggested it to another HG who told her about Ian’s desire to form an alliance called that and she was repeating it. But you could easily be right. It was so long ago and a fleeting moment that I can’t remember for sure.
I know Britney did!
No way am I happy. While I think Ian’s game was good enough to get him to F2 it wasn’t better than Dan’s. The jury was bitter and they failed at picking the real winner.
Isn’t that part of the game though, to keep the jury in your good favors? If you piss everyone off along the way, you are not playing a good game. Ian made it to the final tow and everyone liked him. That is the hardest thing to do.
I’m with Russ that I believe getting the jury to still like you is a part of it. I will say that these jury votes seemed very much like scorned players not like votes of people who respected the game as a game, even if that still would have meant an Ian vote. This is a game. My opinion is Dan still should have won from his other game play, but Ian took a different strategy and it worked this year. Another jury might have picked Dan.
Aside from perhaps Frank & Shane (only 2 votes) the rest didn’t come off as bitter to me, as much as not respecting the lines Dan crossed in his game play. Backstabbing and blindsiding weren’t the problem. Dan made a lot of people (jury included) uncomfortable by swearing on things that a lot of people still consider morally sacred (the bible, his wife, his grandfather’s cross). It was a gamble Dan took, and it failed him.
Totally agree with Jeff L. And I am pleased with the outcome (which I foresaw in my crystal ball, including Frank’s win).
@leeArmie. Omg I commented about dans gameplay and several posters were all over me. I watch bb because it is interesting to me as a therapist to watch the interactions of people in such a restrictive environment going after such a large prize. I felt dans play was totally over the top..I was told to go see my own therapist and even to take a Xanax. Now I am a balanced person but I can see how bullying on the Internet could lead an unbalanced or insecure individual to even more problems so I left any further discussions. Just wanted to clarify..glad u enjoyed this board.
Sorry to hear that! Some people loved Dan’s game play and some people hated it. I was actually on the fence, but liked him better than any of the other hgs. A little advice from me, next time, don’t buy into being bullied. Make your comments and stand firm on what you believe. If some person on the internet doesn’t like it, then they need to find a way to deal with it.
I loved BB 14. I loved Ian. Can’t wait now for next summer and 15
While Dan was the best player this season, and EVER imo, I don’t think last nights questions had anything to do with the outcome. they all knew Ian was full of crap with his answers, but bottom line? They liked him. His strategy to take all that bb had to offer, even if it meant being a dog, won them over completely. Dan had already won in his original season. The bb jury is and probably never will be big on giving a player 500,000 twice! I think everyone was happy with Danielle NOT winning anything, and I’m with them all on that! Congrats Ian and Dan on a summer well spent!
Exactly that’s why Dan should not have even came in second for the $50,000!
Personally, I love Dan, but I totally agree. He should never have made it that far. Every week I sat astounded at the other houseguests keeping him there. Especially people like Ian and Frank, fans of the show, who I really thought were smart enough to know better. But they let him stay… so, their fault he made it to the end. Some of them made extremely poor game decisions, and then got mad at Dan? um… be mad for a day or two, then see the role you played in your own BB demise.
I’m right there with you. Love Dan but this was easily the most confusing season of big brother I’ve ever watched. How is it Frank was the only one who wanted him out? I guess Joe did too but he was never going to be in a position to do anything about it. These people forgave him over and over. Only when they got evicted did they realize Dan’s in the game to win.
And that’s why he deserved the victory. It’s not all ignorance. Dan kept himself in the game, and no one realized how good he was until they were on the jury.
Ian did it, he won more HOH and Vetos then Dan. He sent Frank out the door (Dan could not do that). Ian played a FAIR game which is a BB FIRST EVER and he got to the F2, Dan had to you trickery to get to the F2 because he knew he could not win against Frank & Shane (that includes Ian too since Ian won over him in so many comps—guess Ian has more muscle then Dan and Dan needs to go to the gym — I know a coach for him). Dan only played a social game, which manipulated Dani. He used her as a string to do his dirty work. He never got blood on his arms because he never got rid of anyone but Shane! Ian used his brain in this game, First time anyone has ever done that! Does anyone know he won $$$ from Pandora’s box yet? Ian was not vocal with his game like Dan and I think that is why production was not able to alter it. He knew that the jury would vote him rather then Dan, because he played the game rather then just LIED the game
Thanks Big Brother for another exciting summer, see you next year!!!
Dan completely bullied Danielle and played on her insecurites, I feel sorry for her when she watches this seasons’ tapes. I don’t think his wife is going to be too happy with his game play either. He tried to say he couldn’t win competitions, for heavens sakes, he’s a football coach, and look at the size of Ian, so that never made sense to me. Well, I’ll miss BB, but moving on to Surviror.
Actually, dans wife already commented on his game play this season before the finale. Look it up online. She’s not mad.
What do we learn? You cant stab people in the back and expect them to forgive you and give you the vote. Its a game but even in games there are limits.
You hit it right on. Dan lovers need to listen up, your boy screwed everyone & you feel he should be rewarded for this!?!! No wonder this Country has all these problems. Get some morals people!!
Dan said it best in his interview with Jeff. In monopoly if someone is going to give you boardwalk for $50 dollars, you take it. While I do not 100% agree with how Dan played, and I would most likely not do those things, he made his choice and it is a GAME. In the game of football people are allowed to tackle other and we do not do that in regular day to day life either. Dan’s game play has nothing to do with the country.
Also, you can stab people in the back in this game and still win. Dr. Will did it plenty of times and won, he just had more charm and didn’t get caught with his hand in the cookie jar as many times as Dan.
First off, this is a game. People lose track of reality
versus reality tv which is “not real”. In this and other
games, you move forward and get to the end by lying,
stabbing people in the back and manipulating people.
You cannot avoid people being hurt. That is the nature
of this game. That said, Dan could have framed his
arguments better. If you watched the last season of
Survivor won by Kim, you would have seen how it
should be played. She stabbed most of the jury to
get to the end but, she apologized and pointed to
the fact that her actions were only part of the game
play and she did not intentionally intend to hurt
anyone she had contact with. She easily won it 7-2!
Dan’s game was lacking because he did not evict
Ian when he had a chance and two, he did not
explain his actions to the jury in clear enough terms
which would have salved their hurt feelings.
Totally agree, also I would have liked it better if each juror could have asked their own questions to each.
Ummm Ian stabbed Frank in the back twice with Boogie and himself, also got rid of Ashley. They voted for him. Ian did not play this nice clean game that some people try to portray.
Frank winning is another fix by production! Every poll had frank at the bottom but he wins.
what a joke!
Even the polls on this forum showed that it was Ian first, then Dan and Frank were tied for second and I’m pretty sure the F2 can’t win America’s Favorite player. So that leaves Frank. I’m happy for him!
Frank deserved it poor guy got shlt on all season, so at lease he won something.
I really felt the guy last night. He really isn’t bad at all. Glad he won the 25k!
Yeah, I believe Makenna is correct. Our poll had Frank tied for 3rd, but looking back it seems the winner & runner-up have never won it so I guess they don’t let HGs double-dip. Frank most likely came in 3rd in that poll. But hey, good for him.
I am happy he won too. People forget his nice gesture of pointing to both Ian and Jenn who to
give the $3,000 and $1,000 monies when
Boogie had to give the monies away. Frank
could probably have gotten the $3,000 but,
his kind gesture was there to see! He was no
where the monster some say he is! All the
others won nicer prizes and all he got was
the $3,000 when he was HOH. I voted for him
for that reason. Glad that he got that $25,000.
I wonder what would have happened if it was Ian vs Danielle or Dan vs Danielle in the final two.
Ian vs Danielle: Ian wins. Dan vs Danielle: Danielle wins. That jury wasn’t going to vote for Dan to win it.
I agree Ian beats Danielle but I am not so sure Danielle would have beaten Dan. Then you just have the puppet and the puppet master to choose between and I think the puppet master wins that battle.
The jury showed no respect for Dan’s game. I think Dan would have lost to Danielle 6-1 w/ only Britney giving him a vote.
I’d like to hope they would have awarded it to Dan, but after listening to the backyard interviews I really don’t think they would have.
I think Dan would have gotten it vs. Danielle. In the jury interview they all were very wishy washy towards Dani not really playing her own game, and it would have shown major loyalty from Dan to have gotten his player all the way. Plus most of the jury members associate Danielle with them getting kicked out, they just know Dan is the main reason.
Dan was not going to win, because the jury was bitter. Britney said that Dan could have been sitting next to a bottle of ketchup and the ketchup would have won. The jury’s decision wasn’t based on who played the best game, because Ian did not play the best game. In my opinion, Ian was one of Dan’s puppets just like Danielle was. The jury let their bitterness determine the outcome.
I disagree. I think Dan would have easily won it
over Danielle. That is why who you take to Final
2 is very important. Worst case scenario for Dan
was being in Final 2 with Ian because Ian was the
only other house guest who played some sort
of game! And maybe, Dan could have framed
his arguments better. Kim who won the previous
Survivor stabbed a lot of people in the back to
get to the end but, she apologized to anyone
she hurt and said that it was all game play and
she did not purposely do it to hurt anyone! She
won by a score of 7-2. Dan probably could have done a better job framing his actions in a way that would have salved the hurt feelings of the house guests that he betrayed!
I think Danielle would win but not sure if Britney would have voted for her. She seems to be really jealous of her.
What makes you say that? I don’t think Britney would’ve voted for her either but because of jealousy? Please elaborate.
Because Danielle made it to the final 3 and she didn’t. she might be a bit bitter about that. Also I think Britney is very competitive when it comes to other girls, but I could be wrong. I don’t think either one of them are bad people. I just think Danielle is a lot more nicer than Britney. :-)
okay.. well lets see Danielle is very insecure she lies about her personal life.. Brittney won favorite pleyer her season… britneys gorgeous…she happy… shes married…and nope…ur WRONG she could neverrr be jealous of Dani thts a joke….
Danielle has a lot going for her too — she’s pretty as well. It’s just too bad they didn’t end up as friends.
I cant believe Danielle stuck with Dan all the way through to the vote!! Someone said he could win and still convince her she won!! lol..what a great season..now on to Survivor!!
Danielle Donato tweeted that, I believe – funny
That’s awesome lol!
even after Danielle was declared dead to Dan, still was smitten with him….
I see you’ve taken your bitter pill early this morning.
Best. Winner. Ever. Hand’s down, this was the most satisfying finale since I started watching the show. Especially after last year’s debacle.
I found this finale to be a real letdown. It seemed staged, and the best player didn’t win, to boot.
I am completely happy that Ian won the grand prize. I’ve been team Ian for quite a while now. I started leaning toward Ian’s direction when Brit got voted out. The only player I had a serious dislike toward is Frank. I’m sure the producer had something to do with him winning the America’s Choice prize. The only thing I chose Frank to be was leaving, never to return.
dan is the most despicable person…………ever. This catholic BOY, as he is not a man, put greed before all else. He wanted the money at all cost,. that is what is wrong with this country. Playing the game and winning is the idea but throwing ethics and morals out the door is wrong especially if that is what it takes to win money. Good did win over evil !!!!! If my husband was on BB I would want to be proud of him, I am not sure how his wife could be proud. Everybody keeps saying, its a game dont take it personal but using people and their feelings ruthlessly to get himself a second payday in a game makes me wonder what he would do in very serious situations. I mean its just a game…… I believe Dan showed his true colors as a human being and I feel very sorry for Danielle. She believed in him, in every word. (which was every lie) clear until the end. She voted for him only to keep her word and show that there are people good for their word. I hope BB never brings Dan on again. I hope they see the greed.
I agree, Joan. What Danielle did wa very Honorable. Kuddos to her! She seems to be the only one there that really kept her word and didn’t play Shady!
You guys, Danielle is not as innocent as you say and she actually lied a lot in the game. Day 1 she told everyone she was a teacher. She said she wouldn’t put up Wil if she won HOH and she did. She lied to Janelle about why she put her up. She participated in the blindside of Frank BOTH times and she kept going along with Dan even knowing the kind of tactics he was resorting to. This involved lying to her alliance not to mention the rest of the house that she was on the outs with Dan. I don’t know why she WASN’T on the outs with Dan but come on. Danielle should take a little responsibility here.
ok if she tells britney that her and dan are ok they vote danielle out not britney
NO WAY–what about all the lying games she did to poor IAN at the end -she was repeating every word dan was telling to say to try an get this poor boy totally off his rocker so she would make the final 2—an she knew it was wrong—she put her cring –I FEEL SO BAD -I;M A BAD PERSON===cring in dan;s arms—-then him saying if ya can;t be real upset to IAN just forget it–then she dried up real quick an said –OH NO I CAN CRY HARD WHEN I NEED TO DAN JUST WATCH——yep –ya turkey you just acted cried to him 5mins before -an just like a dumb-ass man -didn;t pick it up–what a fake she was
I completely agree. I don’t believe you can suspend morals or decency just because “it’s a game”. It is a given that lying does happen on Big Brother, but I think Dan completely crossed the line and I felt like his DR entries showed that he was not remorseful about it but what’s worse is that he was arrogant about it. If I were related to Dan I’d be pretty ashamed and disappointed in the way he behaved. It’s too bad Ian didn’t take Danielle to the final 2; I still think he could’ve beaten her anyway. Regardless, the right person won and I hope that Dan never returns to Big Brother!
Im so glad that Ian won! Quack Quack!!!!!!
Does anyone know about Big Brother coming in February out of Canada? They must be having two episodes a year like Survivor.
I know Dan was a fan of Big Brother, but I don’t think he was a fan of Survivor. If he was, he would know that playing a ruthless game doesn’t win you the big bucks because the jury can’t get past their hurt feelings to see brilliant game playing. Case in point: Russell on Survivor. Twice.
Russell did not really play well in the last one he got
to the Finals. He made the huge mistake of taking
Parvati who had already won (like Dan) and a master
manipulator. She almost won it though. Some in the
jury voted against Parvati in spite and voted for Sandra
who was a floater and did not even make any moves!
If Russell took someone else instead of Parvati, he
might have had a chance to win against Sandra but,
he did not use his head!
Did you not watch Dr. Will’s season? Or even Evel Dick, albiet he was more pranks and destructive than ruthless. It can win this game if you bring the right person all the way.
It would be Great to see Danielle and Shane on the Amazing Race! And/or Boogie and Frank!
Maybe Boogie and Frank but I don’t want to see Danielle compete for money ever again. It’s not her forte and that’s putting it nicely
get over it.. danielle is a loose cannon shane needs to stay away…hopefully his family will warn him…watch the feeds…shes not all there..
dani lies danielle and shane are actually a couple they are dating how do i know i went to the big brother after party i was invited i talk too them both awesome people danielle is actaully a sweetheart
EWWW–GOD –NO—– I bet when shane watches the whole show he will kick danelle to the curb—wait till he sees how just –sad–boo-hoo she was when he left–what 10min—-get rid of her shane—-now IAN on AMAZING RACE WITH BOGGY WOULD BE SWELL
In all seriousness. I am glad Dan did not win last night. The way he treated Danielle all season was sooo Wrong. After seeing yesterday’s show and how Danielle stayed loyal and true to Dan until then end made me realize what a truly Sweet and Kind and Trusting girl she is. It was also very honorable what she did too. In fact before she left that night I was hoping that she would end up in the final 2 with Ian and end winning the 500k. And even though she didn’t I still wish the best of luck to her! If everyone looks back they’ll see that Danielle really is a Nice girl…she’s just too trusting. Bless her.
Thanks for that Seashell, I too had been rooting for Danielle and feel her trusting in Dan unfortunately cost her the game…Overall a newbie won, congrats to Ian!
yea sweet my ass..she deliberately told Ian about her final 2 deal with Dan to make Dan look bad to the jury… plus shes lied through that whole house she new Dan was playing the house.. she only was blindsided with shane being kicked out…
Janelle even called her out on it. Danielle was a liar just like the rest of them.
I think it is amazing Ian won. He had so much gratitude to be on big brother, he was thankful everytime he was there took a lot of verbal abuse. He played sides and then made his side and stuck to it. He got bogie out and made a lot of big moves. He took slop as much as he could. He was mentally smart and good at physical compititions, and he really deserved the money
I agree with youI LOVED that IAN WON–Dan is a great player ,but he did some really nasty things when he didn;t have to –when it looked like he was going home he should of taken it like a man an left not try to destory a person inner being–poor Ian what Dan & dum ass Danelle -how they staged those aguements for Ian to get all flustered up an get so weak minded that he would just hand Dan the game—that;s not playing =thats like someone handing it to you an thats not a deserving way to win—I AM SO HAPPY IAN kept his head on straight an did not fall for that trickery an he did WIN—-YEAH IAN—Danelle made me sick–I hope Dans wife chews her ass out—it came to look like she had a chrush on Dan the minute Shane was out the door –sure she cried what 10 minutes when there she was giving the game to Dan an threw it–an this was the man who got rid of her so-called boyfriend less than 1/2 hr ago—yep she is a great faker–if I was here I;d run an hide my face for the shame she put on her father an co-workers—-did you see her on the BBAD–asking Dan all sweet an googy eyes–”’DAN -WHY HAVEN;T YOU TALK SWEET THINGS TO ME —I DID TO YOUUU”’give me a break this was when it was only 3 of them left—so what straggedy was that —-DUH–none just her ole self in heat for dan,,UGH—GIVE ME A BREAK–SO GLAD HER MUG IS OFF MY TV
All of the jury had an extreme case of sour grapes and couldn’t see past their own hate to make the logical decision. Ian got the pity vote.
Boogie should do seminars for future house guests on how to accept when you got beat by a better player. He, Janelle and Wil were the only ones that got it. It’s a game, not reality.
Dan mind f**ked EVRYONE. It was brilliant. It is not a testiment to who he is outside of this game. Was he greedy? Yes, but the point of the game is to make it to the end and win the loot. It is not to be friends with everyone do what ever the HOH says and all vote together. BORING! What a boring summer it would have been without Dan’s amazing tactics. Sure they were ruthless and sure he used everyone, but he did what he had to do. If it wasn’t for Dan, Ian wouldn’t be in the position that he was. If, when Frank and Boogie were being a$$es to Dan the week Boogie went and Dan would have outed Ian, well, well, I don’t think Ian would have lasted much longer. Why does everyone have to take it so personal? You know coming in what the game is. There is not a book of rules that states you must be nice to everyone, must follow the HOH in every decision and you must not back stab or play with people’s minds. Sure Dan took it to the extreme in many cases and swearing on the bible, his wife, giving his chain etc away is something I could never do, but everyone believed him. And NOT just once. Time and time again. So what does that say about everyone else? They were out played and I am SO glad Dan made it to the end. If the jury wasn’t so bitter and were actually given a chance to truly question Dan and Ian, then maybe Dan would have won. Actually no he wouldn’t have because they just couldn’t get over Dan betraying them. I feel bad in ways for Danielle, but c’mon girl he kept breaking your trust, time and time again and you kept rolling with him. I am not upset that Ian won, because he did do a lot to deserve it, but I truly think Dan was the best player – best morals? no! Best catholic? no! But if you are voting on best game – Dan!
Thank you. Wil said it best. Yes Dan lied. But they all fell for it. A lot. I’m not mad Ian won either and I can see why they wouldn’t want to reward Dan but he definitely played better than Ian.
But, like you said, no. There ISN’T a rule book for Big Brother. And part of the game is making sure you have the votes in the jury. You need to know the jury members and how your actions will affect your votes. I think Dan played some awesome moves, but to me, Ian’s game was better because he still made it to the final two without pissing everybody off. It can be done, and it was done, and that was Dan’s downfall. He didn’t have to play so dirty, and he chose to. Sure, there aren’t any rules. He can play as dirty as he wants. But the jury doesn’t have to reward him for it, whether it was the best game or not. And that’s part of the game.
Very true, and I give Ian props on playing the way that he did. But Dan couldn’t do that! The funeral was one of the most amazing things that I have saw. It was Dan’s only option, he had to take the ruthless route. I agree there are no rules and the jury can certainly decide for themselves who they think the best player is, and they are allowed to vote with emotion. Ian was a great player, just not the greatest. Sometimes it is not just about the social game and the comps that you win, but how you manipulate the game. Dan did just that, He manipulated so many aspects of the game, if the houseguests would have tried to outsmart him, he could have been out of the game weeks ago, instead they kept trusting him. Amazing mind manipulation. But, I guess if you want to look at the social game, yes Ian’s was better. Mind game goes to Dan. Competitions, easily Ian. Being able to make big moves without hiding, definitely Dan. Ian would make a move but then hide and cower and make it seem like he didn’t make that on his own. But I guess, that was the best. It is hard to say who really deserved the win, but I think it should have been more of a 4-3 vote. Oh and Ashley, what a waste of a vote. Would have rather saw Wil, Janelle or Boogie. Even if the outcome would have been the same, at least they can think for themselves. Congrats Ian!
tped i think if dan was not danielle coach and made it that far i think she would have turned on him and for ian he has no balls he should have voted out dan that would have been a blindside and the best way too end the season
I would have to say this was one of the most entertaining seasons EVER on BB. Doesn’t matter whether the person i thought should win actually won or not…. i sure did enjoy the suspense. Dans tactics kept us guessing and Ians kept us hoping. The final two were both deserving….if nothing else but for giving BB fans what they want the most….a show we won’t forget.
wow big brother was messedup this season.. everyone like Lan all because he got out frank n play a good game putting dan down hill all because he backstab n lied big brother is a game dan made his moves the best way that he could to get up in the game if there is not one person in the game of big brother that have not lied then tell me who everyone mad at dan for putting his hand on the bible please is it a crime
i hope lan come back next year along with dan
im looking for a rematch
I LOVE that Ian won! haha to bitter Danielle, noticed how she never sat next to Shane like she threatened Ian she would and how she would taint the jury! Now her and Dan can live happy ever after .
I said it then that taking Ian to Final 3 was a mistake for
Dan. It still is. Shane the argument goes will not take Dan
to Final 2 however, Ian is much better in HOH and Veto
including the memory type competitions. Now, this is just
a post mortem. However, if Dan evicted Ian instead of
Shane, the dynamics would be different and Dan’s chances might have been better against Shane and Danielle fighting
for that Final 2 HOH. Now, if Dan won the Final HOH, he could have taken Danielle to Final 2 and that could have resulted in Dan winning instead of settling for 2nd and $50,000. Anyway, I am sure Dan is now running the scenarios on his head on what he should have done. Coulda, woulda, shoulda…..
I’m happy with the outcome. I would have loved, loved, loved to see Dan take first place again, but I’m also happy for Ian as he played an awesome game too. I was actually kind of sad for Danielle but would have been more sad if Dan won and took Danielle and they evicted Ian. So all in all I’m glad Ian won and I’m glad Dan at least took second place. Frank winning “America’s Choice” was a good thing as well. Great season….we need more people like these next season too. I’m going to be lost now that it’s over. What am I going to do with myself now.
I’m already going threw BIG BROTHER WITHDRAWLS ! This season was the BEST!
Dan lost any chance he had to win during the second double eviction. When Ian won the POV, Dan had a perfect chance to renom Shane and get him out. He could have done it with very little blood on his hands too. Instead, for the only time all season, he got emotional and let Danielle dictate what he should do. When she got upset, he got spooked and got rid of Joe. I think deep down he knew after all he had pulled, the best chance to win at that point was dragging Joe or Jenn to the end end. Hell of a game by him though.
You have to consider that in the final five it was Ian vs. everybody. Ian didn’t know it but for him to survive that was pretty amazing. This was definetly the hardest final 2 to vote for ever. But this is the way final 2’s should be. 2 great players instead of two floaters who made it to the finals.
You are right. If you do not win, you are a Loser. If you
are a loser, you cannot be called a great player.
In the end Dan from Big Brother is like Russell from
Survivor – both call themselves great players BUT great players WIN. If you do
not win, you are not a great player. Dan was a great player who won once before,
but was not a great player this time. While Russell was just a loser numerous
Dan may have been one of the greatest players in Big Brother
history UNTIL he threw the final head of household competition to Ian. He did
that so Ian would vote Danielle out, and Dan would not have to do it, and Dan
would still be in the final two. And that stupid move cost him the game. Dan
did not see he could not beat Ian, and could have beat Danielle easily. And
that makes him a worse than average player
I agree “Frank has won America’s Favorite Player. Pardon me
for being skeptical, but I’m pretty sure both Ian and Dan were higher up than
him on the polls I’ve seen online. I think Big Brother just wants Frank the
Tank back in the house for Season 15.”
Umm Dan is great player because of his strategic game play. You may not like the way he played but he did it well. Now I do not believe that he is the greatest player in history, but we have a lot of good players that have lost, janelle and Jeff for example.
And as many people have posted, final 2 ppl have never won America’s, do if frank was on 3rd to Ian and Dan then there you go. Also you have not seen the actual CBS poll unless you work for them so you can’t say if he didn’t. There are fans of this show that don’t go on these websites but still vote. We can’t know.
Um, Dan has won Big Brother. And in two attempts has never been evicted. And I for one don’t believe he threw the final HoH to Ian.
Dan had played a cutthroat game. He lied. He deceived.
He manipulated. He did everything right, except win over the jury. The jury didn’t seem won over by his speech, which was a strong indication that they wanted Ian to win, possibly even before the finale I wonder how they’ll feel once they watch the season and see the way Dan was playing. The fact that a former winner made it to the Final 2 makes Dan the top of my list as my favorite player ever.
>>He did everything right, except win over the jury<< That is most critical part of "the game", to face the jury in the end, and that takes more than a speech! Talk cooks no rice! By his own admission, Dan willfully and knowingly screwed over everyone in the jury, swearing on bibles, wives, rings, necklaces, etc.
The game strategy includes having the jury of "peer brothers" decide the winner, and to the jury of his peers he lived with for months! He was not big brothers top of the list, last night or historically! You or I have no real inside basis for judgement here. I didn't like what I saw! I can imagine what it was like to live with this guy, who I see as unfit to live with!
I believe Dan lost the game when Ian won the final HOH. That last win really put Ian a little ahead and along with his final speech, that won it for Ian, However, have to say that Dan is the best player In BB history based on the fact the no past winner has even made it all the way to final two in different season.
Dan makes me sick a lying scum..Boogie and Frank were the best players in the game
Dan is a scumbag! What is it to gain the world and lose the soul? There is a line not to cross, even in a competitive game. Lying, deceiving, manipulating, cutting throats is doing everything right? In whose world! Dan is a man without a conscience!
As to Danielle, if I were Shane I would kiss her mule goodbye. She screwed Shane over in the game, and then in the end where she was the only one who voted to give Dan the half million! Where was her conscience? Birds of a feather! I don’t understand her blind loyalty to someone who constantly lied and manipulated her, and who had zero loyalty and emotional sympathy for Shane! Again, Shane, kiss this untrustworthy bimbo goodbye!
Be it life, Survivor, or Big Brother, they all show how the weaker will come together and unite to overthrow the stronger. It is always the weakest who advocates “team spirit” and who wants to lead the team, like Ian! He was not the most masculine or mature in the house. Good uncluttered youthful memory, yes! And in these games of life, the females usually unite to weed out the males, strongest first. The mature public observer is smarter than you think, and they know strong characters when they see them.
Again, the last main challenge ($500K vs $50K) is getting your character past the jury of peers! The game was designed that way to add the dimension of ethics to the game. Deception is one thing. Breaking hard and fast promises is another. Lying and deceiving everyone in the jury shows in the 6-1 vote, that should have been 7-0! Trust me, all future Big Brother players learned a big lesson from Dan, and how not to throw out ALL ethics, how not to screw over the entire household of brothers, that ends do not justify the means!
Loyalty within each of the four ex-brother leaders was expected. But when those four exer’s went from leaders competing against four, to join the newer big brothers of the bigger competition all bets should have been off, with new loyalties. That was a game changer! Only Ian saw that and split away changing his game. Stupid Danielle kept that loyalty to the last jury vote. Why this blind loyalty to a competitor beats me! Clinging to Dan cost Danielle dearly!
yes i am thankful Ian won. I swore I would never watch again if he lost but I have a lot of concerns about production and if that taints the househuests and outcome
Just can’t stand Dan, Rachel, et al. Would love to see a season where every person in the game is brand new.