Last night on Big Brother 14 we moved one step closer to next week’s finale when the first part of the three round final Head of Household competition was held. Two more rounds of this multi-stage battle lay ahead. Here’s a walk through of what to expect.
The first round, which you can rewatch on the Live Feeds Flashback, was held last night after the live eviction show ended with a shocking blindside. Well, we weren’t blindsided and neither were you if you had read my preview article. Last night’s endurance competition was pretty mild and ended with one HG being talked in to dropping out. I’m not kidding. Production should just go ahead and write the check.
Next up will be the second round which is typically a physical challenge. Last season the second round was held on Saturday, so I’d expect it to be this weekend this season as well. The winner from last night’s first round will sit out the second round. The other two HGs will fight it out for a chance to move on and join the winner of the first round in the third and final competition.
The third round will take place live on Wednesday’s 90-minute finale show. The winner in the third competition will then cast the final eviction of the season to determine the Big Brother 14 Final 2 HGs.
Now that we know who won part 1 last night, who do you think has the best chance in the next competition if it’s a physical battle like we’re expecting? Either way, I’m pretty sure we all know which HG is heading to the F2 no matter how the rest of this plays out.
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I expect Ian to win part 2 and then go on to win part 3 (Probably because Dan will throw it rather the make the final choice himself). Dan will probably win 6-1, although I’ll be pulling for Ian.
hope Ian take it all from here…If it were possiable!!!For Ian to win $555.000,$50.000 and $25.000 he really deserves it all..He is the only one that played the game ALONE..No one liked or wanted him there or would worked with him..God Bless Ian and his future..
Ahhhh he had Boogie Frank, Britney, Dan, Shane, Dani, Ashely, he probably had the most ppl working with just not near the end.
Of course, the very first week, everyone wanted to evict Ian. Boogie protected him
which got Frank put on the block. Ian rode
on the backs of others pretty much and he
gets more credit than he actually deserves!
Dan on the other hand, made multiple good
moves and should be the logical winner!
Ian didn’t play this game alone. He worked 2 sides against each other for a while. Boogie and Frank were playing with him. The eventual QP appreciated his traitor qualities and offered him protection as long as he kept playing spy.
Did you just start watching last week? Ian had multiple alliances going. Frank boogie and Jenn as the original team. Ashley as the flirt-mance and the other 4 quack pack members. That’s 8 out of 11 OTHER players since the coaches entered. Leaving only wil joe and janielle. On top of that everyone took the heat for him because he is a little geeky boy. Ian has the path tithe least resistance, only Frank and Jenn wanted him gone AFTER he played Boogs
Ian thinks he had alliances, but they were just using him, even the QP. He was always #5 in that group. Dan tried to get him out in the DE show, but Ian won veto. I hope Ian wins.
I want danni to win round two so dan n danni can play part 3. Dan would take danni to f2 cuz he has a better chance to win against her. Danni would also take dan. Dan deserves to win n he proved it. He has player the best game. Love u dan <3
I expect Ian to win round 22 and dan throws round 3.. ian pulls one and takes dani… ian should win.. i am pulling for him..
Why would Dan throw the final round? Didn’t you hear him say yesterday as the show was ending that he suspects Ian would take Danielle to F2? He came here for the money.
Dan knows that Ian will take him. He was just saying that to Danielle, and everything he says to everyone is a lie.
he knows dani would take him too. this morning early he told danielle to try to get ian to throw the comp to her. and she tried. said she wanted to be the one to take dan down. when ian fell off on the first comp, dan and dani were smiling at each other.
Dan would throw it to Ian, Just so he dont have to be the one to give priss miss the boot… But I dont see Dan doing that…
I think it’d be in his best interest to bring Dani to F2; not only because he’s manipulated her the entire time (and everyone knows it), but because then he can say he was so good at the game, he both got to F2 AND coached his last remaining team member to F2 even though it looked like they’d be gone by week 4.
Wen has Dan been afraid to sharpen his knife and go for the kill lol. I don’t see him throwing anything way 2 risky.
Dan would throw the final round to Ian so he can still get Danielle’s vote on the jury, since he’s not taking her to the F2… duh
Dan will not even chance losing that $500,000.
He will take Danielle with him and evict Ian!
From your lips to God’s ear.
I, honestly, do not know why anyone would think Dan is going to throw the comp. Dan likes control and I really don’t see him letting Ian control his fate. I think Dan should try to send Ian to the jury house and take his chances with Danielle.
I think its time for karma to really hit Dan. If Danielle wins hoh and takes Ian,that would be the GREATEST thing to ever happen in this season by far.
I agree everyone think Ian is stupid but they forget he got Boogie out and the guy with nine lives Frank. I could totally see him taking Dani over Dan. I’m tired of everyone acting like Dan is saint. He’s such an evil hypocrite
who one part one it looks liike ian fell ..
dan won part one
dan or either Lan is going to win so im guessin either one of them might toss daniel under the bus to get rid of her
I think Dan would throw the competition to Ian so that Ian would be the one to get blood on his hands & evict Danielle-that way Dan doesns’t have to do it & was “loyal” to her to the end!
Good point. But at this late date i would think Dan would want to be the one to decide who to take to F2. I wouldn’t want to put the final decision in someone elses hands. I’d want a sure thing.
Dan will go for the win and take Danielle.
Why even chance losing that $500,000?
I think whoever wins next round will win part three. Dan will throw it so he gets no blood on his hands. It might mean a vote. That said, I don’t know how easy it will be to throw- those how well do you know the jury final hoh’s can sometimes be a bit of a crapshoot.
I don’t think Dan will throw anything this late in the game. He’s getting everyone else to throw it to him if you notice… And they are listening lol
Dan will be in final two regardless who wins. I really hope Ian wins round two then BEATS Dan in the final two. That way Danielle could see that Dan voted out Shane for him not her as he told her. Dan you may win it this time but never again. You keep referring back to how you plad last time and that’s helped you a lot this time. No one will ever trust you again!
Like be real here for a second, Ian is probably just shitting bricks and thanking Dan for saving him yesterday. And we all know how loyal Ian is, and how can’t you trust Dan if you were him right now, he is just thinking Renegades till the end.
You got that right. Ian thought he was out the door and thinks Dan just saved his ass.
I agree, but Dan saved Ian because it was in his best interest, not out of loyality to Ian. Not saying it is wrong, but Dan only does whats best for Dan.
Dan is a big fat liar n used Dani n the rest of the hg to get him where he is.he makes me sick.Ur right NO ONE WILL EVER TRUST HIM AGAIN.Even if it is Ian i DO NOT WANT DAN TO WINN at ALL!!
If it wasn’t for Dan then Danielle would of been out that door weeks ago. Everyone uses everyone in the house. That’s how the game is played. Dan is the best player in BB history and deserves the win. Oh and maybe you didn’t get the memo but you shouldn’t trust anyone in the game of Big Brother.
isnt that what the game is about? using everyone and then getting them out if there is a chance of beating you? i think dan has done well at this game!
GO DAN!!! By far most deserving!!!!!!
I hope danielle wins rd 2 n 3 n wins bb14!!Frank for af from me!!
Danielle did NOTHING the whole season except eat (she now looks like the side of a barn) and cry (sobbing like a baby when ever she didnt get her way)..she finally woke up this week and does NOT deserve to be in the F2….I want Ian to win half million and dan to take the 50K because HE PLAYED the game..didnt sit around eating, crying and chasing Shane who didn’t want ANYTHING to do with her..but she is so immature that she just didnt get it..and kept throwing herself at him like a 14 year old middle schooler. She needs to GO!!!
Does anyone think Dan may take Ian, believing he would have a better chance than against Dani?
No way. Dans plan from the beginning was to get Dani to the end with him.
Chace, you took the words right out of my mouth.
True, but I guess I’m looking at a lot of upset people in the jury house at him. I personally would vote for Dan, because of game play but I feel like others would vote for Dani. He seems to notice the jury would vote for her. Why go this far to lose? (I hope that made sense)
Not just because someone is upset because
you evicted them, they will vote for the player
who does not deserve it. That can happen but, majority of those in the jury realise this is a game and will vote for whoever played the
best game and deserves that $500,000.
There may be a couple of disgruntled House
Guests and I am looking at Frank and Joe
however, most of them will vote for Dan
even Ian if he gets evicted in the Final 3
HOH will vote for Dan.
I agree, also from watching the jury from last night it everyone wants to see Dan in the jury but they do realize that he has outplayed them. I think everyone would vote for Dan to win if he in final 2 maybe except Frank, and Shane.
Ashley won’t and if Dan wins. final HOH, he evicts Ian. Don’t think Ian will vote for him
As a lover of the game why wouldn’t Ian vote for him?
Because Dan just evicted him and he won’t have much time to think about it. Do you think Shane would have immediately voted for Dan?
No I don’t think Shane will vote for Dan before or even after he has time to cool down. I do think during the question and answer part the jury does Dan can talk himself into Ian’s vote. I could be wrong though.
Good point, he may be able to, but the eviction will be so fresh for Ian.
Ian will vote for Dan because Ian listens to Dan and idolizes him! Only ones who might be bitter and vote against Dan is Frank and probably Joe.
You may be right.
I wish I could say I agree with you but the jury excluding Britney is not made up of the brightest crayons in the box this year unlike previous years where most jury members were not delusional in their own minds. I hope it works for Dan because he does deserve it but with this jury of misfits I am not counting on it.
Honestly I don’t think Dan can win no matter who he brings even though i think he should win. At this point i think the jury is way 2 bitter. If they voted right now and Ian was in jury it appears like he may only have Ian’s and Brittany’s vote as I think they are the only ones who will vote on game play. Frank is very bitter, Jen wants a girl to win, Ashley doesn’t even know where she is so she’ll vote with what frank says, maybe joe can separate based on gameplay but I doubt it. I think Dan is playing for second and the title of beingg best bb player and I think he’s aware of that. If he brings dani he accomplished his goal coming into this house which was to coach a player to the end. As a bonus he makes it to second place and does have a possibility of winning. I could be eating my words if he wins hoh and brings Ian but I guess we will see. I’m not going to completely count him out of a win though because he is a really good public speaker and apparently has mind control the mist just might make him will.
I hate to agree with you, but I do. You can add Shane to the list of bitter. Brittney took on Frank, tried to get him to see his hypocrisy, but of course, Frank being Frank,can only see how he was done wrong, not what he did to others. Joe seems to think Dan stood in his way of winning, as if Joe had a snowballs chance in hell. They all have pretty convenient memories about what they did in the game. Shane, oh Shane, no one lied more then he did. He was more then willing to sell Dan the river and did so more then once. i would hope Dan wins on game play, but with this jury, I have my doubts.
Whoops forgot about Shane when I went through my list haha. Yea I agree though Shane is going to be really bitter. Even though I don’t think Shane is as innocent and honest as he likes to think. I think he used Danielle this whole time and never had any real feelings towards her. The only time he really made out with her was whenever she held hoh. A big red flag should have been waving infront of danielle. Yet shes still crying and acting like dan killed him lol. If your that pissed bukc up and win the damn compition so our in power and have thefinal say. Ugh i want to smack her.
Great post and you nailed it all the jury except for Britney seem to have that delusional memory that they were the ones that were wronged but they were all little angels and never said a bad word about anyone or lied. You are right all the jury members baring Brit are all hypocrites or delusional or both, and as for poor Ashley does she even know where she is or where she has been? Shane and Frank were the two biggest liars but the others are just delusional in their own minds. It is sad really that they are so delusional and angry that they cannot see the Truth and that is that Dan deserves to win it all!
Idk I think he has a better shot with Dani. I think he will just because he can argue so many points aginst her to the jury (big one he coached her through the whole game which he did). I thinking he wants to keep her in finals two, he can also argue that he may stabbed everyoone in the back but he was loyal to Dani till the end form day 1 to. Yeah I think Dani he can basically argue anything against her.
Dan wants to be sitting next to Dani…good for his resume. He can say he was down to one player after 2 weeks and got his player and himself to the final 2. Pretty impressive I’d say.
Now that Dani won a couple more comps it’s tough to say. If you notice he’s always asking Ian how many comps he’s won…Dan wants to keep track of how well Ian is doing.
Satan aka Dan has become an egomaniacal sociopath who is eating the souls of the emotionally unstable! Devil Dan has gone too far. This NOT just a game when winning AT ANY COST takes a dark turn. Spiritually you will pay a hefty price for putting EGO in front of INTEGRITY. Your day will come.
You should be careful on the way you talked about people. You’ll never know, your day might come before Dan.
This IS a game of winning at all costs as long as at least one person is playing that way. You may not like it, but Dan has done nothing against the rules of the game. You know what they call players with integrity, they call them jury members.
Yeah listen to yourself you judging a person based on a gameshow for 500,000 dollars. Maybe meet him in real life first and then judge him.
LAMMMME, seperate game from life. If Dan didn’t play ruthless he would of been out 3 weeks ago. i LOVE how he stabbed danielle again, Dan is such a brilliant player. This is big brother, not church. You can back stab.
You sound like the unstable one!
I believe unstable is an understatement!! Seriously some nut is calling himself God and saying he won’t be letting Dan in. He should be worried about himself as am sure Dan already has his name written in the book upstairs.
Don’t worry Nancy J Wagner, I won’t be letting Dan in, when the time comes * *(soon)
Okay spoke to soon as I thought the nuts had left the building but unfortunately they came back. It is a game and apparently you need a dictionary because Dan is no sociopath .
They should change the name of the show from BB14 to DG14 after Dan Gheesling. Like Dan said in his speech, he got blood on his hands on day 1 by having to vote out one of his own players. He stayed in the shadows for the next few weeks and let Boogie get in his own way and piss everyone off until he got evicted. Then Dan took over the house. Smart. Dan took the blame for Ian’s ratting out Boogie until he needed to save himself. Any other HG would have started whining about it the first day. Then Dan was willing to get the blood on his hands by evicting Shane. Win or lose, this was Dan’s game. Yeah, DG14.
I liked Shane too but if Dani and Shane would not of wanted the blood to be on Dan’s hands for evicting Ian so he could not possibly get Ian’s vote and their hands would stay lily white then Shane would still be here. Sorry, but Shane and Dani are to blame for Shane being evicted. They tried to screw Dan and Dan knew what they were doing and did it to them before they could do it to him. Great game move.
i dont care what anyone says. Dan is by far the best player to ever play this game and he has a chance to win it all again. Yes he has crossed that line more than once this season, but no one said big brother is fear and its a game remember that and there is only 1 winner. He is doing what he needs to do to win the GAME! Hes playing by the rules and the rules dont say that you cant lie to everyone and break your word and make deals with everyone. Its good for tv and maybe his bank account to…just saying stop hating
Totally agree with you!!!!!! And you have to give it up to him look at the moves he’s making there huge, how many seasons have most fans whined about floaters and hgs to scared to make huge gutsy moves like Dan did. You may not like the guy, but regardless gameplay play alone he hands down deserves to win the game. And really how couldn’t anyone not enjoy that episode last night, it was so funny!
I am team Ian, bit Dan is close behind. If anything, he should win because everyone was aware of his antics and they still left him in the game. I don’t agree with the stuff he has done, namely evicting Shane because that broke danis heart and he did it solely for him and then lied about it. He seems to genuinely care about dani, yet he hurts her like that. I wouldn’t be impressed if I was Chelsea. But at the same time, s
Shame on dani for being so naive. Still shocked she gave Dan that comp.
Dan can lie and backstab and anything he wants and it will probably get him to the end… but only a braindead jury would give this type of person a “prize”…. oh yeah, what the heck happened to the $100grand prize that a coach was supposed to recieve… is it in Alison Groedners purse now?… They should have increased the main prize to 600G’s since the coaches were “folded” into the game!
where did the $100000 coaches prize disappear to?
Dumbielle ate it.
I agree with you I was not a Dan fan I liked Shane cause he was so nice. But seeing what Dan has done he not only should win he deserves to win. Best player ever to play big brother by far. GO DAN
Don’t hate him – just don’t like him. The biggest problem is that Ian and Dani should not be following his direction so it’s partly their fault. Can’t believe they still trust him.
I still think Will is better. I mean, Will had to face far better competition in his seasons. Plus, I just think someone who says “I’m going to lie to your face”, tell a lie, and still have people believe him is pretty amazing. I think that Dan has made bigger moves, but for Will – he controlled the game so well that it was like he never had to make a big move. If anything, he got bored and tried to shake up the house even more.
If Dan wins, I will say that he deserves to be called the best for winning twice. But something just tells me that Will would of beaten Dan if they went head to head. Especially since for Will, it was always just a game. For Dan, he emotionally for his family. That’s what made Will so dangerous – he didn’t really care to the point where being unpredictable would of completely screwed Dan over.
when will won his season there wasnt even a veto competition add that in there that could of changed everything.
No way Will Kirby is.But Dan is great
disagree 100% he was great but if dan can pull this off this season there is no question who is this best player ever its not even debatable no one has won this game twice.
I don’t think Dan wants to win the 500,000..I believe he just wants to do whatever it takes to get to final two…and at least win the 50K….if he wins whole thing then that’s even better…I want to see Dan and Ian…in final 2…I want frank to get the America’s fav player..prize….
Dan’s not gonna get to F2 and settle for second place. Sorry, he’s too greedy for that.
Anyone else sick of how Dan always mentions him being a football coach in every damn he gives
And his books, and his website, etc.
I do get sick of his books and website lol. The coaching thing doesn’t bother me because he seems to love it so I can get behind something someone is passionate about. Also at least he talks game to us. I get really annoyed that the only time the other house guest talk game is with Dan. No one else is even bothering most of the time. Dan at least talks about plans in his diarys and to the live feeders. The others are just on vacation and completely forget people are paying money to watch them.
I just don’t believe that Danielle wasn’t in on blindsiding Shane when she turns around and hands the first round to Dan. If she really wasn’t in on it then how can she forgive him? Dan has done nothing but use her to further his own game and tell her his goal is for her to win how stupid is she? In any case this is the finals why would you ever give it away? Every person for themselves at this point. No one should be trying to help someone else get safety.
She wasn’t in on it. She wouldn’t do it to Shane. And she’s back with Dan cause shes just dumb. At least when it comes to trusting him. Shes mad at him but she ate up every word he said about hi doing it for her.
I actually think Dani deserves more credit than she gets. Shes won HOH twice, won 2 vetos, and shes done A LOT of lying, and convinving lies at that. She doesn’t blab either. Dan has taught her well. Shes been on the block what 4 times and was never in danger of going home really.
I could totally get behind her if she was that devious… Sadly I think she’s just dumb.
All Ian has to say is ” why should you give Dan ANOTHER half a million dollars?”
And the answer is Dan played the game the best and
manipulated everyone including you to do his bidding!
Why should you, Ian get the $500,000 when you have
been strung along by Dan all this time and you did all
he asked you to do? What strategy did you employ
to get to Final 2? And can you say with a straight
face that you deserve the $500,000 more than Dan?
Lol @ people saying Ian deserves to win. This guy (Ian Terry) may be the most overrated player in Big Brother history. And this label of him being ‘overrated’ isn’t his fault either, its all his “fans” who think he’s good. Ian has done nothing special that warrants a “deserved” win. He just gets VERY good edits by CBS to make him out to be this mastermind. All this kid really did was “tell” Britney that Boogie and Frank were coming after them. Holy crap! That is SUCH a HUGE move! Let’s put this kid in the BB Hall of Fame! Give me a break, people. Ian only even made it this far because he has a DEFAULT association with power players like Frank and Boogie in the beginning, and then Britney and the Quack Pack protecting him later on. Beyond that, his age, innocent persona edit and nerdy appearance has made him lovable to the level of Jordon. He’s definitely a likable guy, but not a good BB player by any means. Let’s also not forget that this kid would have been gone WEEK ONE if it wasn’t for Boogie saving him. Don’t take TV edits and innocent appearances cloud you people upon actual GOOD players like Dan Gheesling. Dan is the only one left that “deserves” to win. This is BIG BROTHER, people.
i like ian but he is overrated
well said.
Other than betraying Boogie and spying on Boogie
and Frank and reporting to the Quack Pack, what
has Ian really done? Even the Frank eviction, he took credit for it but, it was Dan thru his manipulation that got
Frank out. If not, Frank could have very well ratted out
Dan and ruined Dan’s game and could have cost him
the $500,000! He was won a couple of HOHs and Vetos
but, even Frank has won a couple of those so, nothing
special over winning HOH and Veto. You have to be
able to strategize and look at who is playing who and
act accordingly. Only Dan has been doing that and
lately, Jenn before her eviction has been figuring
things out but, was powerless to do anything about
it! Ian for the most part was Dan’s puppet and relied
on Dan on the next action to take!
idiots in the “mist”
Good one!! I think I’ve been misted too. Love Dan.
Just got finished watching Jeff’s interview with Shane. It was very interesting. Jeff was definitely the best person for Shane to talk to. They spoke a bit about the Shelly blindside last season.
Most interesting towards the end, though. Shane told Jeff that his goal for winning the money was because his parents are in financial strain right now (aren’t we all) and he wanted to help them out by winning the half a million. So Jeff told him to remember the America’s Player prize and then gave him a puka shell necklace, just in case that doesn’t work out so he can sell it on ebay for a little money. Seriously, this is why I love Jeff.
Anyway, I personally know how Shane feels. I wish I could help my own parents out of the situation our crappy economy has put them in. So I know that I’ll be voting to give Shane the America’s Player money. And once again, I encourage everyone to vote with your hearts and give the 25k to the person you feel needs it the most.
I feel bad for Shane too. But he doesn’t deserve America Player. His own dumb move got him evicted. NEVER give up your safety!!
Right, can’t give him the money because you feel sorry for him. He can also sell his BB carryall. Boggie has his up for $1,300 last time I checked
It’s America’s player not America’s poor economy donation. Everyone is hurting these days. There’s a lot of people that could use the money. He shoud be happy he made it this far and will get all of his stipen. And maybe if he didn’t go along for the ride and made some decisions for himself he would still be there.
It’s common knowledge in BB that it is dangerous to be a pawn. For Shane not to fight it and persuade Danielle not to use the Veto, the girl that actually likes him,…that is dumb. For that reason alone, he wont get my vote for America’s Player. If Ian doesn’t make it to F2, he gets my vote for America’s Player.
Dan is playing to win 500K. It’s a reality game that is set up (like all others) with a mix of emotionally explosive, vulnerable, brainless people, most of which form close attachments easily. That always makes it good entertainment and the one who figures out how to use these peoples’ weaknesses to their favor are the ones that generally win. Shane (brainless) was an idiot for agreeing to let a 100% secure vote to be given up by Danielle (the vulnerable one) and give it to Dan (the one who figured it out). Hate him all you want, but he’s the guy who figured out everyone’s psychologcal makeup and used it to win the game, which he should.
Dan has what it takes to WIN ! He’s ruthless. He can keep a fairly straight face when he is lying. He’s got that gay swagger. Go Dan Go!!! Everyone in Beantown is rootin’ for ya! To ensure his wind he’s gotta send Ian to the juryhouse as he can count on his VOTE. Come on everyone, hip hip horray hiphip horray for Dan Geesling. The BEST that AMERICA has to offer !
Dan’s an ass
But he’s an awesome ass…GO DAN!!!
His ass releases the mist…very potent.
You always crack me up at least once a day.
I KNOW this is just a game, but I believe it is more than a game for the HGs. They have been together for a long time and have formed bonds. Real or imagined, the HGs believe them to be real. I worry about Ian when he gets outside and finds out what some people tried to do to him. I am not sure he can handle it and I hope he doesn’t read some of the things people have written about him. It won’t be a game then.
i hope Ian sees every word written against him he deserves it. Just because he is special he shouldn’t see the repercussions of his actions? Welcome to real life and not the sugar coated one mommy convinced him he was living in.
Your name says it all.
Anyone that votes for Dan to win is a moron. Sure he got to the end by being a total liar but why reward that? They should all form an alliance in the jury house against Dan..
For some reason, people think the game is over when you’re standing in front of jury. the game doesn’t end until you’re holding the check. I love how they got people suckered into just thinking game play and not personal, Yeah if you did people dirty and now you need them to give you 500k, you’d say the same thing too. Fact is, if you did people dirty and you can’t convince them to get over it, then that was a flaw in your game. That’s the whole jury concept, Do they play nice and reward you or do they just go for revenge? You’re still playing the game when you plead your case to the jury. Ask Natalie, she know the dynamics better than anyone.
Majority of the winners deserved to win it! I
agree that there is going to be some house guests that cannot get over it and take things personally. Like last season where Danielle Donato got her puppets to vote for Porsche with the goal of giving the win to one of her puppets although, Rachel Reilly played the better game and deserved the $500,000. In the end, one of Danielle’s puppets, Shelley voted for Rachel resulting in a 4-3 win for Rachel Reilly as it should be! That scenario can play out this season if Ian and Dan wind up in the Final 2 although, if Dan wins the Final HOH, he will evict Ian to guarantee that he wins that $500,000 over Danielle! The contrast will be overwhelming in Dan’s favor and he will win that $500,000 even if some take it personally and vote in favor of Danielle!
Hey, welcome to Big Brother. Are you new?
Didn’t you get the rule book? Oh wait there are NO RULES.
Hahaa most of that jury are morons
You are 100% correct. Big Brother has never been about lying. You must be a die hard fan of BB, because you are very knowledgeable.
Dan deserves to win! His strengh is his ability to communicate. During “Big Brother: After Dark” he is often seen engaging housequests in conversation. He listens carefully and appears to be genuinely interested in what they have to say. He seems to have helped Ian become a little more outgoing . He continuously consoles Daniele when she is whining about something. It is easy to understand how he gains the trust of others. I am sure these same qualities make him an excellent teacher/coach.
Finally some sanity about Dan!!! I do think Dan was sincerely interested in every person’s life but not enough to just lay down and die and give them the $500,000. That is the one thing that Dan did that none of the others except maybe Briney did is he is interested in people but he wants to win also as he should so he separates his likability of the other contestants from the game of winning BB.I hope that makes sense.
It is part of his strategy to show that he cares but actually all he cares is to win another half a million dollar. I do not think that it is sincere because if he is truly sincere he will not lie or backstabbed them. Sorry Dan supporters but I hope he does not get to F2 but if he does these stupid house guest will know that no one is to blame but their stupidity when they watch the show later.
Your comments do not even make sense since everyone on the show has lied and some have even cheated but hey that is the game. Most of these house guests except for a couple of delusional ones can separate the show of BB from individual players. Most in all of the other seasons are now friends in real life. I mean look and rachel and matt who absolutely hated each other during her season and yet he is the one that married her and Brendon and they have been very dear friends ever since her first season ended. Now maybe you should try and do the same and see it as nothing more than a game where they have all lied and stabbed each other in the back multiple times.
Also Rachel and Regan. Remember how mean he was to her and the hateful things he called her and he is one of her best friends now.
Dan can lie all he wants, there should be a limit, but when someone uses his family and the bible that is where my problem is. For me this time money has really changed this guy as he won before by being nice and honest but this time because he wanted MORE so he will do anything even swears on the bible and uses his family to lie. It is just he needs to be careful sometimes what he promised to everyone and not follow through might back fire. Hoping not, as I would not wish that to happen to anyone. Sorry Sharon but I am just a true believer of my faith.
What you do not seem to understand is that what he swore to was the TRUTH as has been reported on her many, many times and that it is a GAME! Also, you apparently are a hypocrite because how DARE YOU insinuate that I am not a true believer of my faith. The difference is I can differentiate between what is real and what isn’t, and the God I believe in is a loving and forgiving GOD. Seems to me as if you need to read the BIBLE at LOT more and understand what real faith is and how to separate television from real life.
I am not referring you as not the true believer of your faith, that statement is for Dan certainly not you. I just expressed my opinion and how I feel which I am entitled to. If you have been offended that was not my intention and my comments are all directed to Dan. Maybe I should have not stated sorry Sharon because that statement was not meant to address you but all comments meant for Dan.
I was giving my opinion about Dan and not you as I do not even know you and see you like I am watching Dan.
You have to have a social game too to get far in this
or any other game for that matter! People are social
animals so, you have to engage them. Kim, the last
winner of Survivor has one of the best social games
I have ever seen! She got all the guys evicted and
it became an all woman contest till the end. She won
it and despite, backstabbing, lying, manipulating the
other tribe members, they still loved her! Shows you
how being sociable is a huge asset in these games!
I don’t feel sorry for Shane. When Danielle suggested taking Dan off the block and putting Shane up he immediately said OK. He was trying to be “Joe Cool” or “Joe Macho” by acting like he had no problem with it. He was totally safe and he should have held his ground. He got Marcellased because of his tremendous ego. It’s almost always ego or greed that does people in.
That is the funny thing. Shane gave his blessing to
be put on the block and never even questioned it!
Shane had the vote to evict Ian so, did he not even consider that something was fishy about pulling off Dan off the block and put him in place? See, without changing the nominations, Shane could have just evicted Ian and would have been safe!
Problem was Dani and Shane wanted Ian to blame anyone but them and it backfired big time on them. Don’t blame Dan blame yourselves.
With it down to 4 house guests and all
of them trying to get to Final 3, and Shane
and Danielle are more concerned about
getting blood on their hands? These two
are just plain Dumb! They had a Final 3
on their hands and they managed to
destroy their chances at that $500,000!
I think it does not matter as Dan will get rid of Shane. Shane should have not agreed to be put on the block.
I thought Ian is the smartest one but turned out that he is the dumbest. These house guest will know how stupid they are when they watch the show later. I think the idea of having coaches before kind of stucked with their dumb brain that Dan is still the coach so they all listen to him. Dan already won half a million dollar before and he stated that he is doing it for his family and so is Ian who stated that his family will have a better life if he wins. Dan does not have enough last time for half a million dollars that he uses even the bible and use his loving family to lie for another half a million dollar? This is where I am having a problem and hoping that the juries will realize that he already won before and all the lies and backstabbing he did is not worth to give him another half a miilion dollar.
It’s not only funny…it’s mind boggling! I really think Shane is a decent guy but he in NO way knows the game. I bet he gets taken advantage of a lot in life…he’s much too trusting. That’s normally a good quality to have but not when people use it against you. And in BB…they use it against you.
Is it called too trusting or an air head?
Probably a bit of both. I just think he’s clueless when it comes to playing the game. I can only hope he’s not that clueless in life. He would probably be a nice guy to know in real life but i’d never want him as a partner in ANY contest.
I agree seems like a nice guy. Just a little different. Probably would make a really good friend. But BB needs to work a little harder finding houseguests for next year.
I do not know where did big brother find these house guest. It seems that only Dan has the brain. They seem to be all naive and dumb. Danielle stated she is a nurse and it is not easy to be in that profession. Where did her thinking cap go?
I love how Shane said Dan’s a dirty player and he’ll never talk to him again. Weren’t you laughing and quack quacking when you and Dan scumbagged Frank, Joe and Jenn the same way it got back to you? You were even cool with Dani using POV after she told you Dan wanted you gone a few days earlier. When these people, especially Dani and Ian go back and look at all the footage, they are gonna be sick to thier stomachs for 6 months.
Was thinking the same Nigel, Shane , although i like him, was so shocked, did you think Dan was just going to be true you shane?? he seemed to think it was ok when he did it to Britt, Frank and the others but not him. tsk tsk guys, you’ve all got got
Hopefully Shane cools down and realizes it was his own fault. and that he is also a hypocrite. Isn’t Shane the guy who lied to everyones face and then voted them out? The same guy who said hed work with Frank and then nominated him right after? He’s also the guy who had no intention of bringing Dan to the end over Danielle. Of course Dan wanted him out his chances of getting to the end went from maybe to pretty much gauranteed. Then he practically handed Dan the keys to the BB house and got his dumb self evicted in the process. Now everyone is mad at Dan…for what?
I 100% agree. Everyone is Dan hating because he did something to better his chances of winning. Shane would of took Danielle so what is Dan supposed to do keep Shane and say well that’s ok if you take Danielle and you evict me. Good game buddy. Yea right.
not only that, if Danielle was the one picking Dan could not be sure she would even take him over Shane. It made NO SENSE for Dan to want that scenario over the other. Whats the point in honoring a final 3 deal when you are going to be the odd man out? And Shane could not even grasp any of it and then gave up all th power. As soon as he did that he deserved to go. Popel are upset cause Shanes a nice guy but nice guys don’t win BB.
Exactly…I think the only nice one that won BB was Jordan. Pretty much everyone else lied, broke alliances and did whatever they had to.
me personaly i like danielle i think she is probaly a nice sweet women outside of the house her goal was to play stupid the oppisite of who she really is smart
Cdub I forgot about Shane lying to Frank and then stabbing him in the back. Hey looks like all these house guests lied and backstabbed so I agree why is everyone so mad at Dan. They all did it just Dan did it quicker!!
And better. LOL
He should be at least happy for being responsible to the new BB terminology called “The Shane Effect”
Exactly! The first opportunity Shane had to go after Boogie and Frank, he did. The Silent 6 made a deal not to turn on each other, which Frank and Boogie did, and Shane blew that alliance up. HE, along with everyone in the house, has played a dirty game. Pot calling kettle black.
The summer of 2012 will haunt Danielle for the rest of her life.
Big Brother 13 all over again but sexes reversed 2 guys vs. 1 female (last year was 2 Girls vs. 1 Guy) Newbies vs. Veterans and if it continues Veteran wins again. Did no one think about an all newbie/Coach-less final? Also, the Vet won this game before, If I was playing I would not let a past winner win again. After the reset, I would of rallied everyone to evict the coaches because they are not coaching us anymore and playing against us, even if they been good to us they are a player too. What would of happened if things went differently?
But the newbies were a bunch of idiots and that’s why they couldn’t think for themselves and get the coaches out. Can you imagine how boring this season would of been if the coaches wouldn’t of been there. GO DAN!!!
Dan is the all time greatest player in history and deserves to win!! And Danielle can just keep crying!! She has no game it has all been Dan!! She is the biggest attention seeker ever in the history!! I can’t recall a HG cryin soo much playin the sympathy card like that!! She is crazy and when she see’s how she has been portrayed she might suicidal!! Stage 5 clinger!!!
Danielle was crying so much last night she was using paper towels rather than tissues.
Lol..was she looking in the mirror as she did it? I’m surprised she hasn’t ask someone by now if she looks pretty when she cries.
OK they have to lie to tell each other there taking them to the final two because if they don’t then the person will definitely not take them. But really Ian and Dani still seem to believe everything Dan tells them and then does it – Throwing competitions when he asks, etc. I can’t believe them for still believing what he says. Think that everyone is telling you lies and Play each challenge to win and then make your decision on who you think will vote for you over the other one. When Dan lies he covers it up when the votes come down and back tracks his lies to make believers out of them. I hope Dani or Ian send him packing out the door in 3rd place.
So, Danielle and Ian playing for the Final HOH which
will pretty much determine who wins that $500,000 just
deliberately both lose to Dan? These has to be the saddest
bunch of saps to have ever played Big Brother! You would
think they would try to win the very last HOH which will be
very crucial on who wins and gets to Final 2 and you throw
it all away? How much dumber can Ian and Danielle be?
Let me guess, that is part of the plan. Whose plan by the
way, yours or Dan’s plan?
My personal favorite part last night was when Britney called out that jackass Frank.
Well that jackass made it further than she did. Oh, and that jackass was the one who got her out!!!
Bahaha!! Suck on that Twitney!! Frank kicked your ass! Neener neener neener!
Wrong…Dan got her out! Another one of his brilliant moves.
Brittany is a PATHOLOGICAL liar. Did anyone see the footage from last night when she was going at it with Frank? She got madd at Frank when he said he was the only one that didn’t lie this season, and then pointed out that he did by putting her up. However, Brittany said she wasn’t ever going to put up Frank when Frank said he heard she was coming for him. I hate people like that. Getting all loud like you’re trying to prove a point but your only proving to everyone that your a damn liar with no class.
Britt’s a moron. She lied to that guy the whole way and she’s trying to pop him for lying to her. Your boy Dan threw you under the bus dear. Ilove how she said you’re here because your social game sucked. Hers couldn’t have been much better cuz not only did she get betrayed by an alliance member, she walked into jury a week before Frank did.
I agree, Brittany has issues. She seems more bitter than Frank. I actually think Frank had a social game, its just that he aligned himself around the wrong people. Brittany acts like no one likes Frank. Boogie, Ashley, Jen, and Joe (even though he thinks he’s incredibly cocky) all genuinely like him.
HAHAHA, Frank had ZERO social game and I do blame part of that on him being so far up Boogies ass, but alas we will never know because he still can’t break free.
Brit did tell the truth about that because Frank did tell her that he would never put her up and they all lie so why surprised. Frank lied with the best of them. They all did and they just have memory loss in the jury saying that they didn’t. It was like listening to a bunch of morons who cannot even remember what they did or maybe they are just trying to convince themselves that they played honorable. Give me a break its BB and lying, deception and backstabbing is something they all did, and laughed so hard I almost wet my pants when Frank goes I am a God Loving Person. It was hysterical after all the cheating, backstabbing, lying and bullying he did and whining about Dan, but who knows maybe I will just blame Boogie for turning Frank evil since apparently Frank’s memory went after he left the BB house.
Frank is a big baby and a sore loser. His puppet-master relationship with Boogie hurt him badly.
Is Dan playing for 2nd place?? I thought the object of Big Brother was to win the game, but the way Dan burned every bridge, he’s playing for 2nd if he’s in the F2!
They are gonna see how hard he played this game. He will take Danielle to the F2 and nobody will give the money to his puppet.
Just watch and be mesmerized by his opening statement and see how he will convince every single Juror in the house why he deserves the 500K. He will, for the last time release the most potent mist in the Jury house and this time it’s coming from his ass….it would be epic.
And I can’t wait to hear it. He needs to bottle that mist and sell it.
Unbelievable. Danielle just told Ian that she has carried Dan the entire game. Ian is equally as stupid with his assessments. Ian is as stupid as Danielle. Genius, my foot.
4:28 PM BBT Dani says that she feels she carried Dan this entire game. She says Shane didn’t want to hurt her and supported her. She says she saved him last night.
What planet does this chick liveon…. Seriously?! How delusional is she?,
Haha, she said she saved Shame last night!? Holy crap it just keep getting deeper and deeper in that empty head of hers.
Now that statement is hysterically funny. Dan has carried and told Dani what to do the entire game and she would of been gone weeks ago if not for Dan!! I really liked Danielle until this stupid statement. She really is DELUSIONAL!!!!!!
I have never laughed so hard as in the last two days. Danielle has made me go from shocked (that she could be so delusional and still be walking around).. to pissed (that she would lie about things that are actually important in life)…and now to laughter. Laughter because she’s one of the most clueless people to ever hit the air waves. The fact that she thinks she carried Dan only means she’s living inside her own head…and it’s lonely up there in that big empty space.
I, honestly, don’t know what is wrong with her. For one thing, I don’t know why she was so upset that Shane got the boot. Shane WAS NOT her boyfriend. Danielle said that her dad is an abusive alcoholic and their relationship is trash, then a couple of day later, she said that her dad will be proud of her. Also, Danielle said that her parents want to live vicariously through her. She claims her parents wanted her to participate in Miss USA pageants when she wasn’t interested in doing so. I agree she is delusional and is living inside her own head (good one).
It’s funny you said that about her parents allegedly wanting her be in Miss USA pageants and she wasn’t interested. That’s totally her thing! Why in the world would an attention whore back down from all of that attention? She’s such a fruitcake.
I thought she was crying because of Shane being evicted but late last night she was crying to Dan saying I feel like I’m playing for 3rd place. That’s what she was all upset about. Telling Dan you picked Ian to help you and I feel it was for your own selfish reasons. Well no duh Danielle why in the hell would he leave Shane in the house??? So Shane could possibly win HOH and evict him. She knew she would be a for sure final 2 with Shane still there. So she’s calling Dan selfish but she wanted the same thing.
Well, what you said make sense……the MY boyfriend thing is just crazy.
Danelle. Dumb-dumb Dumb-dumb dumb
I guess I have been watching a totally different BB than everyone else! Dan makes me SICK to my stomach! As for Dani….what it must be like to be totally empty up there???
You must be
Yep you’re not watching BB.
I agree Jeg, maybe its a different version of the show they see, but up here in Canada, Dan is the lowest of the low, scum of the earth, and danielle is basically a vegetable with zits.
No, you’re watching the same show, but CBS only shows Dans bad, egotistical side. They have to have a villian ever year. They never show how Dan is nice to the HGs, only his plotting to get rid of them. Still not a Dan fan, but he is better than he is being portrayed.
Oh my poor little Ian. There is a fire near the BB house and they have lost all power apparently and poor little Ian is freaking out. It is so sweet Dan and Dani are doing everything they can think of to try and calm him down, and poor Ian Dan was laying down and he was in such a panic mode that he went to wake up Dan. I know that it is a game but I really think that Ian likes Dan a lot and Dan feels the same way about Ian. Dan is doing everything he could to get Ian’s mind off of the power outage. They are getting him to talk about how to redecorate the BB house just to get his mind off of it and to calm him down. Hope the little guy is okay!!
I have no doubt, Ian likes Dan a lot, and Dan loves to talk to Ian. I like watching their conversation. Ian likes to meet Memphis too, and Dan will make it happen.
I sincerely hope that Dan makes that happen. I think it would be an unforgettable moment for Ian. And we don’t get too many of those in life…but it would be nice to see it happen for someone that would appreciate it.
Did I miss something? Why did Dan & Dani have gauze or bandages on their fingers? Also, I know I read on here that Dani said her father was abusive. She said after she won last night that her father was going to be so proud of her. I get the psychological thing that maybe her father gave her a low self esteem but I am thinking she is just a liar trying to get sympathy votes. Any body agree? And when is the next competition?
Should be tomorrow. and I do agree. she seems to be musings for sympathy votes. I mean everything said to Dan about her breast implants and how she said she a had a lump but it was not cancerous but it grew to.the implant but if it didn’t it would be cancer. I mean with her being a nurse, she should know she sounds stupid.
In an interview with her former BFF she said that Dumbielle will probably tell stories about her “abusive” parents. The ex-friend confirmed that her parents have NEVER EVER have been abusive to her in any way, shape or form. It’s just another lie she tells for attention.
If Danielle opens her mouth it can only mean 1 of 3 things….she’s lying…she’s eating…or she just got blindsided….
It was so sad watching Ian last night on BBAD. In addition to the usual rocking, he was clicking his teeth, tapping his feet, playing his fingeers on the table, picking at his face, mumbling gibberish, walking from room to room throwing himself on different sofas…and on and on. I hope we’re wrong but many of us feel that Allison Grodin (CBS) cast him for laughs – for viewers to laugh at. If that is, in fact, true then she is beneath contempt.
I don’t ever laugh at Ian .He seems more worried then usual right now and his actions prove it. he is so close to winning and he knows it. TEAM IAN
I don’t ever laugh at him for his quirks either. It still makes me sad that people can’t accept the fact he might be a little different than what they would consider “normal”. I like Ian and I’m proud of him and I’d be happy to have him as a friend. I feel sorry for the people that can’t embrace him for the wonderful person he is.
Very well said Jillith. Best statement of the day.
Thanks, it just pisses me off so much that people are so focused on that. It’s who he is! I feel like the people that constantly bring up his quirks are the ones who only see the world in black and white and god forbid there’s any color in it!
I totally agree, Jillith! I also would like to add this. I am almost positive that if ANY of us were in the house, being filmed 24/7, we would show the BB world our own little tics and habits. (some we are unaware we do ourselves)
GO IAN!!!!
Nobody laughs at him and he IS a wonderful person, but does not deserve to win. Sorry.
I hope Ian wins so he can get the help he needs. I hope the intent was not to have someone to laugh at. He loves BB. He definitely has a health issue. Would you laugh at someone with cancer. I would hope not. I hope she didn’t stoop that low.
I still don’t get it. Ian has said that he has ADHD and doesn’t like to take meds for it. I support his decision. He shouldn’t be forced or expected to take medications for it just because people don’t like what they see. It’s his body and his choice. If he’s happy, leave him alone. Please.
Jillith, I think you misunderstood our comment. WE don’t laugh at him but people do. We find it heartbreaking.
Sincerely, T & K
Tim & Kate, I’m glad you clarified that. Thanks. I just wish that people could move on from it. :-)
Ian needs some type of help, surely he couldn’t function in the real world with these idiosyncrasies… surely some knowledgeable doctor will contact him after the show and point him in right direction to get what he needs.
I am sure Ian has far less obvious “idiosyncrasies” in the real world than in the way we are seeing on the show. Being in the BB house comes with anxieties no one can prepare for, so this has heightened his resulting in more rocking, pacing, ticks and ramblings. He is doing best he can – I believe the show is monitoring him and talking with him when they see him really struggling (I do not feel he was cast for laughs) – once the show is over I imagine someone who doesn’t recognize him from the show, wouldn’t be able to notice his behaviors.
The brief glimpse we got of the jury house seemed to indicate Frank isn’t looking at it as a game at all. Dan is playing a brilliant game, but his comments were like Dan acts that way out of the house, too. Asking Britney if she “cheated on her husband and didn’t get caught would that be all right?” shows he can’t separate real life from in-house behavior. What a meathead.
Well, I don’t hold Frank’s behavior against him. Frank had just entered the jury house and his wound was still fresh. Britney had time to think about what actually happened and what landed her in the jury house. I say give Frank time to digest it all and I’m for sure that his opinion will probably change.
is dan any good at physical challenge
Dan doesnt need to be good at physical challenges because he always talks the other person into dropping.
Haha, that’s exactly how it is!! Good call on that one. :-)
That being said I do think Dan is good at endurance comps when he has to be. It’s just not how he generally plays the game. However, in season 10 Dan won an endurance comp just like the one they just did for part 1 of the final HOH. He did talk Ollie into dropping but that was at the three hour and forty-eight minute mark. Ollie wasn’t looking very good at the end there so its hard to say who would have dropped first if Dan hadn’t made his deal.
If dan wins, I think we can say that he’s the best player in big brother just because he achieved something no one else as done: win twice. Even better, winning twice by once being one of the most likable players to arguably one of the more hated players in the house.
That being said, I still think Dr.Will is an overall better player. With all respect to Dans “funeral” and all that; Will never had to do any of that because he that wasn’t his game. It was all about telling people he was going to to lie to their face, told a lie, and waited people to believe him. If Dan and Will went head to head, I think Will would of gone further as well because to him it was just a game. He really didn’t let his emotions get to him and played it in a way where he eliminated the best players early that he knew were as smart as him, whereas Dan plays with emotion because of his family. I think it’s also good to note that Dr.Will went into all stars hoping that Boogie would win because I’m pretty sure I heard somewhere that Will didn’t want to join unless Boogie went to the house too back in All Stars.
But when comparing the two greatest players to play the game, I will always have more respect for Will. Because as much as he lied, he was also one of the most honest players. He said straight up to people he was lying, that he was going to stab you “in the front”, and even wore a shirt saying he was probably lying. Whereas Dan’s game, though one of the best played and strategic, does go a close to if not over the limit of lying someone should do (in terms of swearing on the bible and his marriage) as one could go. But yeah, I really do think Dan come on par and definetely more accomplished than Will, but something tells me that head to head, Will would come on top
That is just spot on.
I can’t believe that Danielle would be so foolish as to believe Dan. What is she stupid? After all the lies this guy has told people, she still could believe him is beyond me. I have stated several times, this may be a game, but how could a teacher be taken seriously in the classroom. I think he should be removed from his position. I hope the school district is taking notice and fires him. His students can’t have any respect for hm. I just think he is sending the wrong message to everyone. I have no sympathy for Danielle. And Ian, that little man has got to go. He is an idiiot with the way he runs around telling lie after lie. He has got to go. I hope if this show continues the staff does a better job in sorting out these individuals. I know of several viewers in this area who have stopped watching because of the antics. I know again this a game, but it is a sick game when you have a teacher acting like a moron.
Annnd…….end scene.
I hate Dan all he does is uses people to get to the end but that just shows that I guess he’s a good player but I want Danielle to win so much go DANIELLE !!!!
Dan can make people believe and trust him. Anything he says. Thats what this game is all about. Its to bad the other house guests failed to realize…. this is the game of Big brother. If they were foolish enough to believe every single thing Dan has said, then they deserved to be voted out each week. Dan has played an amazing game. A game that has got him and Danielle to the end. Dan deserves to win. Even if its a second time. Out of the last 3 standing, Dan by far deserves the money. That is, if the jury is basing it on strategy , and not holding ill feelings because Dan got them evicted. Dan controlled the house. Welcome to Big Brother.
Beautifully said. I’ve tried to get this same message across, but any message not crediting Ian seems to be frowned upon. I just don’t get it – Dan simply played the best BIG BROTHER game. Simple as that. I respect this game way too much to say anyone else deserves to win this season over Dan.
who won the frist part of the HOH?
Team Dan all the way he’s a genius
Dan 10 14
Will 2 7
Janelle 6 7
Danielle 3 7
Rachael 12 13
Jeff 11 13
Dick 8 13
Danielle 8 13
Allison 5
Ian 14
Welllll all I can say for this BB game is bs..lieing and mistruths but not on the bible, your wedding ring and your grandfathers cross.. but BB doesn’t have really much say in the game except any fighting re:frank/joe. I fault Shane, Danielle and Ian had brains and not to have ever double checked with one another about what Dan has told each of them or for that fact, anyone in this game. So Dan will win it and write a new best seller and cash in the $500,000 without blinking an eye. He reminds me of dirtbag city.