Big Brother 14 Episode 5 Recap: Willie Is Expelled

Big Brother 14 Willie Hantz expelled

It’s probably a safe bet nearly anyone who watches Big Brother 14 already knows that Willie Hantz was expelled from the Big Brother house on Friday. But we got to see how it all played out on Sunday night’s episode since we missed parts when the Live Feeds were shut down because of it all.

Before we get to the Willie stuff, we’ll back up and recap chronologically. The start of the episode picks up right after Kara’s eviction and Frank winning Head of Household. Janelle explains why it’s better for Frank to be in the house and why her team helped save him. It’s simple, he and Willie can just take each other out of the game.

Speaking of Willie, he knows that Frank winning HOH was the absolute worst thing that could have happened to his game. He knows that his nomination for eviction lies ahead but he vows to not give up and fight his way to winning the veto.

At Frank’s HOH room reveal, Willie joins in but he is clearly very unhappy. He’s trying to be civil, but you can just see him nearing his boiling point on the inside.

Britney decides she’s finally tired of defending Willie and tells him how it is. She points out all the problems he’s caused and in probably her best coaching move so far, she says oh his gameplay “I’m here to tell you you’re doing a horrible job.” Sure she might not be the best coach, but that’s what Willie needs to hear.

CBS throws in a pointless Danielle and Shane montage. One that exaggerates a possible blossoming showmance. I don’t think that’s going to happen (nor do I care if it does or doesn’t) but OK. We also get a look at Ian and Ashley’s “slop date” even though that happened ย  last week on the Live Feeds (but seems like weeks ago).

It’s time for the coaches’ competition. It’s a silly 90s rap/urban theme and the coaches are dressed in MC Hammer pants. The object of the goal is to make it back and forth across a balance beam while trying to be the first person to stack all their “phat stacks” of money up. If you or your cash hits the ground, you’re out.

Dan plans to throw it, so the cameras don’t even show him playing the game. Britney is off to a fast and serious lead, but she drops some money, putting her out of the game first. Boogie finishes the game first, but before he hits his buzzer, he steps off for his typical obnoxious celebration dance. His ego cost him the competition. Unless he decided to throw it.

So Janelle wins. And she decides to save Ashley (instead of Wil?) and decides to pick Willie, JoJo, Shane and Ian as have-nots. In typical Janelle fashion she says “I’m definitely picking Willie!” It’s kind of a b-move to put Shane on slop for a second week, but that’s how the game goes sometimes.

When the HGs enter the house, they find that America voted for the have-nots to be able to enjoy pudding and pork rinds in addition to their slop. I could handle those two things. That was actually pretty generous, America.

And so now Willie’s boiling point is nearly reached its limit.

Willie calls for Shane and JoJo to meet with him in the bedrooms. Shane wisely declines, but JoJo heads off behind me. Britney stops them and tells JoJo not to go. She then tells JoJo to distance herself from Willie before she’s found guilty by association. Britney and Willie continue to argue and he heads upstairs to defend JoJo and Britney. That was actually a nice move. He tells everyone up in the HOH room to leave the others alone because it’s him they want. He then says he plans to get evicted before the actual next eviction.

Back down stairs, Willie is calling everyone in the house “pussies” and Joe reacts. So Willie reacts. He runs to the bathroom being Joe and gets in his face and they both have their chests out like a couple of fighting cocks and Willie KIND OF headbutts Joe. It’s more like a shove using one’s head. I’m not defending Willie here, I just don’t really see where that was a headbutt.

Production comes on and tells Willie to head to the back bedroom and asks Joe not to follow him. As he’s heading out Janelle instigates things so he throws some pork rinds at her and calls her a bitch. Willie is soon called to the Diary Room and he’s shown being escorted out of the diary room.

A little later, show producer Allison Grodner calls the house guests into the living room and tells them that as the know, “violence is not tolerated in the Big Brother” house and that Willie has been removed from the game. She says the game will continue as normal.

And then the episode ends. We won’t get to see the nominations (nom spoilers) until Wednesday night along with the veto competition (veto spoilers) and veto ceremony.

What did you think of the Willie drama? Do you think he deserved to be removed from the house? Do you think we saw everything that went down?



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  1. No, I do not think we saw everything. I also think what we saw with Britney is not the way it should have been handled by her. I am not disagreeing that Willie would have been gone this week because of his actions last week, but what they showed of the conversations with Britney almost made me sympathetic with Willie. The way Willie has been playing this game so far(and done), he was not going to be going out on anyone’s terms except Willie’s.

  2. I was a little disappointed that the Willie stuff was held until the last 10-15 minutes of the show, but it was definitely interesting to see how production had to step in quickly. ย The altercation didn’t look too bad, but if they have a zero-tolerance policy for violence, it definitely crossed that line. ย It’s sad to see Willie, who at one point was saying he would stay and fight to win, making the wimp choice to get himself kicked out. ย Britney was right; he only ever considered himself, when spending some time thinking about the true meaning of a team/alliance could’ve done him a world of good.

  3. Willie imploded tonight, or I guess it was actually Friday. Tonight’s episode made me laugh and cry almost The house seemed so traumatized like they had been to war, I think Willie should have been called to the DR after Joe comically tried to look him out of the HOH and Willie warned he was gonna self evict. Production should he had him evaluated then and defused the situation. Clearly the Hantz family has issues.

  4. I honestly believe that what went down with Willie was wrong, but Joe should be gone too! Joe was encouraging Willie to hit him and if he knows he was at his boiling point he should not have done that!

    • Sounded like Willie yelling “hit me” to me. Joe can say what he wants, Willie is. No man want to be called a p*ssy. Willie has no self control, you dont charge someone like that in any situation. Joe did nothing wrong and deserves to stay.

      • Joe knew he pushed button. No Willie shoud not be in the house for his temper. But the real p:ssy was Frank who started the whole conflict between willie and the rest, feeding Joe with lies, that set willie off. Frank ‘s cowardly smirk showed his class for being a human to the bottom

    • Play it back big brother, Joe took the 1st step toward Willie, that is an uninvited invasion of personal space

      • Joe should be evicted for encouraging Willie! Come on BB lets be fair. Frank yes did start this whole thing. This season almost seems childish, if it continues this way I may not continue watching.

      • I think the house is full of bullies . . . who isolates one person and treats them like he’s commited some crime then wonder why that person explodes!!!ย  Seriously, Brittany is an idiot and should have held her team together rather than dividing it.ย  What Willie did was wrong the Joe egged him on daring him to do something then acted all surprised – he should have been kicked out too for being a knob.ย 

      • Joe and Brit share the blame for what happened. Joe actually was more aggressive in physically moving into Willie first. Brit is just plain clueless, as we saw in her first season with Enzo and the brigade.

      • Definitely all on Britney.ย  First she started the fight the week before by telling Willie that Frank had the whole house hating him because of a supposed gay slur.ย  She then tells him the coaches are coming into the game….come on, how did she expect him to react.ย  Then to make matters worse she tells him he is ruining the game for his teammates…what kind of coach does that?ย  She definitely set him off on more than one occassion.ย  Too bad no one else is aware of it.

      • i also agree on that because willies team said they didnt want to talk to him anymore. they wanted to set willie off and that joe is something else

      • you seriously dont know this game 2well to comment my friend. britney just want to protect the two players shes got left, because no matter what happens, EVERYONE hate Willie and dgoing out the house anyway because his got anger problem. and for those people who says Frank started it?! you are bunch of idiots! he didnt lie! it was all true. and Willie lied to him thts why he told everyone about him making fun of Wil…. dumbasses:) peace

  5. Willie did touch Joe – it wasn’t what I would call a headbutt however it was contact and Joe did not touch Willie. Willie was baiting Joe to hit him. I think there was more we didn’t see but it would have been bleeped liked crazy. Willie did have a rough week but I think he also hated giving up power or the idea of being told how to play the game. He wasn’t a team player and that hurt him. It’s too bad he didn’t stay and fight but now maybe Britney’s team will have a chance.

    • Willie head butted Joe FOUR times then chest slammed him, he threw pork rinds at Janel and called her a B #%H & a C*#T so I guess they should have sent her home too. Willie isnt a gamer, He was the type of kid to throw the checkers game up in the air if he was losing. God I hope this guy doesnt drive!

  6. I loved Willie and wanted him to win. Britney should have stood by her player no matter what. She caused a lot of what happened. She told him a lot of what to do. I wanted her as a coach to win but I really hope she is out first.

    • Have to disagree with you here. ย He did do some of what she told him to do, but going off on Frank and looking like a crazy person was aaaaalll Willie. ย He acted a fool, totally on his own. ย Britney didn’t really do much to help, but I certainly don’t blame his failure on her.


        just STOP. we ALL(those of us who arent britney blinded) know that boogie, dan or janelle could have, and would have, either kept that to themselves, or told him in a different way, calming him down, and getting his focus on the VETO, not on going downstairs to make a rucus, something brit DID CAUSE

      • Okay, so first of all: chill. :]

        Secondly, the truth is I recognize that Britney is probably the least effective “coach” so far. ย I just think Willie needs to own the responsibility for his actions. ย If he CHOSE to listen to bad advice–especially going off of anything Brit said while telling the other players not to let the judges lead them around–then that was his CHOICE. ย Perhaps with a more effective coach, he may have lasted longer…but honestly, I doubt it. ย Brit wasn’t completely untruthful with him–the house was turning against him after all of the rumors exploded about the Wil thing. ย I dunno…I guess in my mind, Willie is a grown-ass man who needs to own up.

      • If you go back and watch Willie did not go off on the coward Frank untill Frank lied to Joeย aboutย  a comment by wil and made some inaccurate comments. It was Frank that couldnt back up his alliance with Willie

    • I agree with you Thinkpink. Britney totally mishandled the situation and treated Willie like an outcast and this is coming from a Britney fan. Well up until this episode. She is NOT a good coach. So what that Willie got into it with Frank. He thought there was an alliance between the two of them. Lies were told about Willie. Of course he is going to be pissed. He has a short fuse as do many people in this world. Joe is an idiot. He deserved more than he got and better be glad it stopped when it did. Most people don’t like having fists put in their face and view that as they are about to get hit. Joe is lucky IMO. Now we are in for a boring summer of watching people lay out by the pool and drink tea.

      • ย Are you kidding me. Willie charged at Joe. Joe is right to get into fighting position. Any person would get ready to defend themselves when a maniac comes at you like that.

      • AR… Perfect response and I totally agree. I really hope there was more that they didn’t air because they pushed Willie to the boiling point.

    • Pink you’re insane! Willie was the aggressor – he could have kept a low profile but chose to call people names and instigate a fight . I.e. “I’m gonna get evicted before the week is over..”

      • Pink is not insane. Willie did not become agressive until Brittney wanted nothing to do with him and refused to let him talk with other team mates. His own teammates turned their backs on him. Did you expect him to sit in corner by himself all week

      • So it was ok for everyone to call him names all week long and make up that he was making gay slurs.Then on that of all that instead of his own team and his wonderful coach tryn to calm him down they say dont talk to me. Then he still sticks up for them cause if you really watch it he says that I’m going to take the focus off of you guys.So he made him self look even worse so that his team (the one that turned the back on) would have a chance.Thats really sounds like a bad guy,get real!!!!

      • Nope . . . if you keep poking atย a bear it will eventually attack.ย  BB should have handled the house – including all guests not just Willie before it got to this point!

  7. willie is just plain hot- tempered and he screwed himself out of 500,000 because he couldn’t control his anger. what an idiot.

    • Willie didn’t fall far from the Hantz family tree.ย  Seemsย that all of themย just have trouble with the “social” side of life.ย  VERY SORE LOSERS also (Russell cried when he didn’t win).ย  Now there is a Shane that spouts the same “Hantz programming”.ย  CBS for god’s sake STOP!

  8. Ok, I was a fan of Willie and was hoping he would do well and actually make it to the end, although I feel he jumped the gun to fast. he did make a lot of sense pointing out that its the individuals game and that these 4 waste of time coaches are just leeches. As you can tell I’m not a fan of the whole coaches and not a fan of any of the coaches by the way. I do believe we weren’t shown everything that happened and I feel that Willie got blacklisted out or you could say outcasted by everyone which has never happened before in Big Brother history that I could remember. I think he should have had a warning and if he’s gone why isn’t the Chef snake on his way out as well. Bunch of gutless cowards in my opinion all ganging up on one person. Anyways let’s see what happens. But it looks like another boring BB this summer.

    • I agree, I am a fan of Willie’s and so disappointed that this season is going to be filled with a bunch of cowards. They treated Willie as if he had the plague, Britney kept saying you are hurting our team but this is not a team game. This is an individual game and each player including the coaches are playing for their own money. They are not going to be splitting the procedes in the end. If Willie messed up his game last week then he would have suffered the concequences this week by being put up on the block. The rest of the house blacklisting him and not speaking to him is just ridiculous. Not sure if I will be able to watch this season, just two weeks in and this is the worst played season so far.

      Coaches this season, just a stupid idea.

      • I totally agree, the players came in to play for themselves not as a team. I really dont think that Willie done that bad to people for them to have shunned him to begin with unless there were things they didn’t show. Honestly I’m really tired of seeing players from season past appear and play on the new seasons, they need to move on.

    • Willie made his own bed.. All Chef Joe did was stand his ground and never physically contacted Willie. It was Willie saying hit me hit me.. Not joe.

      Good riddance to bad rubbish aka Willie

      Once a hantz always a hantz

      • Ralph is so right. 100%. . Survivorsucks go back and look Joe got in willies space and he should be gone and I cheer for the day it happens.

        by the way I love survivor and Russell played a great game until he was a target from the start

      • Joe has a big mouth… I wish willie would have punched him at least he would have kicked off for a good reason…

      • ย I agree totally…I am sick of the whole Hantz family thing. I hope we never have to see any of them ever again on TV. Hopefully the network has finally figured it out that the family has some serious issues. No mor 15 minutes of fame for any of them.

    • how are the coaches leaches? if anything they provide a solid alliance, you think frank would be remotely safe without 2 guarenteed votes on his team?

      its laughable

      if anything, willie proved he NEEDED the coaching of boogie or dan or janelle

    • I think Willie should have another shot at coming back.ย  From what they show there was no head butt that I could see, and I’ve seen other BB show where chest bumping did not get the person kicked out.ย  So I don’t think it was fair.

      • I thought the same thing that in the past people had chest bump someone in a fight and they didnt have to leave.Cbs is going to be sorry that they kick him out cause it about to get real slow and I have also herd that people are cancelling their live feed now too.I cant wait to see how the other house guest or going to feel after they see it was not all Willie like their were made to believe

      • There was, at least, 1 headbutt by willie that got into joe face. That wasnยดt showed on the program… but on the live feeds just before ian runned away from the bathroom, willie headbuts joe, ian just says “Stop. You will get expelled for that.” and Ian runs away only with the towel. The feeds where out of air just after that and the remaining things where not showed until the program of last night.ย 

  9. I think the best part of what happened tonight was when joe and willie were getting into it in the bathroom, then all of a sudden you see ianย yelling then running away in a towel….HILAIR!

    • Soooo true. Ian looked like he was about to mess himself and got outta there to seek help.

  10. I do feel for Willie. They were on an indoor lockdown. Joe hid all the nicorette. Production would not unlock the diary room. He had no way to calm down

    • ย I blame this on production too. They should have called Willie into the DR way before it all went down. You could tell Willie was on a rampage.

      • Joe said a remark in the hoh when willie said leave the others out of it and joe said something like uย drugย them in bro, and hen went downstairs, joe did to edge willie on, not saying what wilie did was right, but joe knew this would be the outcome and willie would lose it

    • really? the lack of nicotine made him do it.? PLease.ย  I do think that Joe was just as guilty as Willie.ย  He had hi fist all balled up and was acting like he was going to hit willie long beforeย Willie “headbutted” him.ย  In my opion they both should have been evicted

  11. Willie got a raw deal…the old saying goes it takes two to tango.ย  If your going to kick Willie off for his actions, Joe was just as bad and he should of been kicked off as well!

    • I don think that is the same thing, Jordan was not a physical threat to Russell or anyone else in the house. Willie was out of control and traumatized the house. Did you not see everyone cowering and hugging afterwards like they feared for their lives. Sad but funny.

      • How is it not the samething…Big brother accepts no violence in any way…They have a strict policy… Thats what they said…a chest bump is just as bad as pushing someone with your head..

      • lol. It doesn’t matter if you’re a ‘physical threat’ or not.ย 
        You can’t discriminate like that.ย The only difference between Jordan’s chest-bump and Willie’s is that Willies head brushes/nudges Joe’s. That was no headbutt.

        Willie got hot and was the aggressor, of course, but Joe was just as ‘violent’ as Willie was. Joe squared off as Willie came towards him, and from what I saw, Joe was also the one who stepped in on Willie. The response was a chest-bump and MINOR head contact.ย 

        I don’t think Willie should have been kicked off for that, especially not with the way the Joe was provoking him and squaring off. Joe’s a douchebag, wanna-be Guy Fieri. I wish Willie had really head-butted or hit him. I would have put Joe on his pockets before I walked out the door.

    • did you see who she chest bumped. Please, not even in the same ball park. ย She stomped over to him and then chest bumped him, Willie came storming to the bathroom because Joe called him a pussy back and that pissed him off more and he took on the attack not Joe.ย 

  12. In the live feeds after this occurred it was rumored that joe was chest bumped and headbutted 3 x’s and Willie was calling girls the “c ” word and threw prom rinds @ janelle and called her a the “B” it went on longer than 15 minutes.. I haven’t seen tonights episode, but read about the feeds and watched that night “showtime” on demand as they all discussed it for those 3 hours on air! Willie is psycho

    • Watched it on TV tonight. Did not see Willie throw the pork rinds at
      Janelle and there was just one head butt he threw at Joe before
      being called into the diary room. Maybe, the producers cut it but,
      I seriously doubt that whole thing was even 15 minutes. Seems like
      2 minutes at the most they showed on TV.

    • I watched Showtime also.ย  While Janelle said Joe went down stairs toย provokeย Willie.ย  When Joe was down stairs he didn’t say anything to Willie until Willie Keptย  Mouthing offf.ย  I was team Willie and I don’t like Joe game. Willie is his own downfall. His problem was he wanted to over control everyone. Yes lies were told but thatdthe game. When Willie lost control he quit in a jerk way. Brittney asked him to lay low for the sakeof her other players.

  13. How did I know Willie didn’t actually headbutt Joe…

    Nevermind just the lack of physical damage to Joe’s face, I just had a feeling that was blown out of proportion to begin with. Janelle unsurprisingly and idiotically called it a headbutt. I wonder if she even knows what a headbutt is. I know she isn’t the only one either, but trust this house to exaggerate and cause unnecessary drama.

    • yep you nailed it MJ, you just knew that he didnt

      oh wait, or cbs would never show someone get a headbutt on big brother. maybe there is also that.

      or you just see the future, obviously you prefer that to be true.

      • Yea, because someone who’s headbutted once, let alone four times, would totally go without any damage ie bruising to their face. That makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? That was my main indication there was no true headbutt. You think a guy like Willie performing a headbutt would cause no physically evident damage to Joe’s face? You’re kidding yourself.

        Maybe it’s you who doesn’t know what a headbutt is.

  14. I personally think that Willie already felt that he was going to get Voted Out, so to keep from getting voted out by the house, He took control by starting this ” Fight” so he could say that “he got thrown out! they didn’t vote me out” …But what a terrible way to leave the show especially because he will always remembered for the foolish way he acted.

    • yeah, but there was still veto. Id understand more AFTER a veto loss.but before? thats just moronic. look at rachel, she was DONE last year, and won the darn game

      • HE was pissed that he would have to be on Slop. HE felt he didn’t deserve it. Britney even told him to take responsibility for your actions and npt be so shoked that the rest of teh house turned on him for lieing and threating them.

    • ย I think that Britneys last statements about how nobody should talk to him and he wasnt to drag the team down set in stone that he had nobody backing him. He knew he would be the next one out. I think for him he would get himself thrown out and that would leave others to be thrown on the block. It was like a final revenge for everyone turning their backs on him.

  15. If you booted willie out how come the other one was not for instigating it? It isnt right to punish one when it took the instigator to start off the conflict. They both need to be removed if you have standards against physical conflicts especially after he bowed up to willie in the offensive position

    • This game is all about stirring the pot, and ultimately the worse punishment has to go to the one who inflicted physical harm, violence, etc. You can make a good case that Joe should be reprimanded by the producers somehow, at the very least spoken to and warned, but I don’t see a case for him receiving equal punishment or being removed from the game.

      I wish it was more than wishful thinking, as I also really wouldn’t mind seeing Joe out of this game.

      • Maybe Joe should be made a have-not? ย Seems like an easy way to be fair, since Willie freed up a have-not space!

      • @Marlee I like that idea…but if there was to be a replacement have-not, I’m sure it’s still decided by Janelle…and I don’t see her naming her own player lol

      • @0d46303365eaf911452081d10e18205e:disqusย  (Still wish I could edit posts)…I would want production to come up with a better punishment for Joe than being a have-not for one week, if they were to punish him at all. Maybe have-not plus doesn’t get a vote in the next eviction or something.

      • I like your thinking! :) ย Seems fair to have some consequence, but I think it should be less severe because as everyone has already said, Joe wasn’t the instigator here. ย I almost wonder if Willie just planned to go off on the next person who said something to him and Joe was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

      • Sense when is it a punishment to defend yourself? He did not hit Willie he just had the fighting stance to defend himself when the Loony Tune came at him. I would have done the same, or maybe I would have punched him. He told him too. The only thing that Joe did was call him a name just like Willie did to all of them. Joe should not be punished.ย 

    • ย Joe was actually in a defensive mode. Willie came charging at him so Joe had to put up his arms to protect himself.

      • Did he need to walk toward Willie even taking a step into willie’s face just before he barely got headbutted. wimpy joe go home

    • also, willies a “big boy” he shouldn’t have let his emotions get the best of him, most people with any sense would walk away and calm themselves down before confronting the situation in a more well mannered fashion, willie on the other hand did what all large and short fused rednecks do and charge right into a fight and screwed himself over. he should have had the sense to ignore it, it just shows how immature and idiotic he is

  16. IMO, Production wanted this to happen. How many times did we see Willie say he was going to “self-evict”, even before the feeds went down. We even saw him trying to get into the DR so he could tell them what he was going to do. I don’t care what they currently had going on in there, they should have let him in and attempted to calm him down and should not have let him back into the house until he was no longer threatening anything.ย 
    CBS is lucky that Willie did not do more damage than he did. If he seriously harmed any contestant, I wouldn’t have been surprised if that contestant later sued CBS for not stepping in to handle an obviously volatile situation.

  17. what a idiot willie your stupid replace him with some one who wants to play the game…………..c’mon man…………

  18. Please, CBS dont bring back any of the Hantzs backย on any of the shows Big Brother, Survivor, or Amazing Race.

    • It would be awsome to see Willie and russell team up on amazing race. That was a great thought

      • I don’t think CBS is going to touch Willie with a 10 foot pool at this point. I’d say his tv days are over already.

  19. I think this was completely scripted. There were not enough players to complete the season yet too many if the coaches get let into the game. Willie leaving opens up room for the coaches.

  20. Britney is a terrible “coach”. Stirred the pot during Willie’s HoH to the point of causing him to go ballistic on Frank. First, she spoke to him about the possible keys for coaches making him call a meeting. Then she went and tattled to him about Frank. He was already HoH. No need to stir the pot. She should be calming him.

    • Agreed–Britney is definitely not a great coach. ย But I still think Willie made the choice to act out–that’s simply a result of his ridiculously short-tempered, unmannered, egotistical self.

  21. Willie had a target on his back because of being Russell’s brother. Ultimately, he sealed his own fate but the fact that Frank succeeded in turning the house against him (lying) didn’t help his cause. And, what is wrong with Britney’s ears? He said he was going to sacrifice himself so they wouldn’t go after the rest of the team. I’m sorry but I thing it was very unfair from the beginning. And Frank better watch his back because he will be the one with a target on his back soon.

  22. I have sensed all along that Willie was some what ticked off from the very start of this season.ย  Think about it.ย  you are entering the BB house with all of the other players and then “Boom” you are saddled with the new twist of having a “Coach”.ย  Specifically for him he gets the biggest “Doormat” of a past player for Coach.ย  I know for I would not be happy at all.ย  This does not give Willie a pass for his actions.ย  (Definitely bad form)ย  However, The only reason CBS is coming up with new ways to bring back previous players is for the ratings.ย  Now that Willie is gone it will for sure be a very boring summer of BB with the remaining players.ย  I will skim through it on my DVR from time to time but I am not going toย  make the program any type of priority.ย  Good luck CBS and your little Rainbow Coalition Social Engineering Project.ย 

  23. I was actually extremely impressed with Britney and how she stood up to Willie. Too bad she waited this long to show some cahones…with any luck it’ll be a trend. ย But I also think had Britney and THEN JoJo not turned their backs on him so vocally he wouldn’t have shot himself in the foot ย (It might have been just production but it seems that JoJo (his only remaining friend in the house, or so he thought) ostracizing him is what lit the fuse).

  24. When you consider societies acceptance of reality show violence, and how catchy and “On the edge of your seat” it is, Big Brother stepped in not a minute too soon or late. Not soon enough to hault the growing intensity from reaching it’s peak, but not too late to cause it from overflowing, I guess.
    It’s this kind of content thatย separatesย a boring season from a fun to watch season, because, to a viewer, watching the cast having a good time means you aren’t.

  25. will they bring back Kara or have a new replacement, were 2 weeks in and we have so many players gone, this season sucks so far

  26. Seeing Joe put his “dukes” up made my YEAR! Hahahahhahaha. Willie would have kicked his butt. Sad to see Willie go, but glad to see him go out with a bang! TEAM WILLIE!

  27. I can sort of understand leaving the house on your own terms because I also have pride issues, but for goodness sake, wait until AFTER the Veto competition. It’s only week 2 and he could have fixed his social game with a few people if he really tried, whether he had support from his forced “team” or not.

    Brittany was so mad at Willie, she allowed him to be lost instead of discussing veto. The fact that he was a chance at 100,000 dollars for her should have given her motivation to at least try.ย 

  28. Willie was dead wrong, but now that I have seen it so too was production.ย  They knew where this was going and allowed it to happen.ย  Production put the safety and welfare of everyone on the line.ย  It is sad that CBS is so desperate for big ratings it would endanger all of the guests.ย  But bottom line is, Willie got what he deserved

  29. Brit is the wost coach for someone like willie, u cant coach someone who doesnt respect you or your game. He would have been a better fit with Dam or willie.

    Brit is a disgrace to the coaching side of this game…ย 

    • ย I cant believe they even brought her back. I mean my God, I would have preferred to see Jesse over her, at least he was somewhat entertaining. Britney is so forgettable, and has NO personality, other than the whole “hateful b i t c h” thing.

      • I cant agree more… wtf did they even bring her back for she didnt do sh!t if I recall in her season… another waste of space ( she is clearly only thinking about possibly entering the game )ย 

      • that, and you dont bring someone to coach others who got played her entire season by an alliance that could not take out their intended targets til said targets ran out of lives(R and B).

        I get sick of her mocking people, like boogie not talking to her for the first 3 days, well she didnt talk to him either, so how exactly is that supposed to be on boogie. its stuff like that, which I hate about that girl.

        janelle got played, but at least played the game well, dan is a winner, boogie is a winner, and brit…is out of place,

        brit thinks janelle jumped due to willie, but she did before all of that, it had far more to do with brit showing her lack of any ability to coach a team

  30. I think That Joe should have also been kicked out and that Britney was the cause of all of this. I realize that Willie made some bad decisions, but if Britney had stuck by her player instead of tucking her tail between her legs, I think the entire ordeal would not have gotten so out of hand. I really liked Willie and I am sorry to see him go, and I think that Joe baited him into that fight…it seems to escape everyone that Joe was talking crap and then assumed a violent, aggressive body stance, which leads me to believe that Willie felt he was just fighting to not get hurt himself, despite whatever comments he made at different points of the week. Although I love shane, I really cant wait until Britney is out of the BB house, she is the worst game player, and a terrible person, as far as I can tell.

  31. How can you “headbutt” someone with a cap on.. I didnt see anytihng that was a headbutt that they showed. Also from what was said earlier he was headbutted as much as 4 times.ย 

    BBAD is so boring all these guys talk about nothing

  32. Well personally I liked Willie… He spoke his mind and voiced his opinions very freely… Anyone who watches big brother knows that all people on this show do is lie and cheat their way to the end… So the fact that he stood his ground and didn’t leave looking like a b$&@ is commendable!! Fact is that he never would have been pushed to his breaking point if he hadn’t been alienated by his OWN COACH ( who started this whole mess) and abandoned by the rest of the house… This whole coach concept is a stupid idea anyway!! This truly is an individual game and they are trying to take that away by throwing vets back in and telling the players what they should do… Booooringggg!! I think Willie would have had a fair shot in the game if he wasn’t making decisions based on his coaches opinions and what his team wanted him to do… Bottom line is that Willie didn’t choose for himself to be HOH… That was a decision that was made for him… It was the first week of the show and he was trying to get out a strong player… How is that so wrong… They pick and choose what they show on tv anyway and everything that they did show seemed blown out of proportion last week when he was HOH… So now we are in store for a quite lame season of big brother with the most exciting, open-minded player sent packing!!! Willie, if you read this, I was behind you 100% and think you were true to yourself and that’s not a common thing for people that come and go on the show… Good job bud!!

    • so we should pat him on the back for running someone down, “standing his ground” by trying to fight the guy, yelling “hit me” hoping that he gets hit by joe first so he can get him kicked and play victim

      yeah, what a freaking hero.

    • I totally, 100% agree with you Jenn…,I couldn’t have said it better, !!…and a whole lot of ourย “Military Spouse” friendsย agree with you 100%! (…as I am sure a whole lot more!!!) I also totally agree with whom ever said that Joe should have been evicted also, as he obviously was the instigator, and looked absolutly ridiculous! Yes, without Willie, I am one “Former” fan and watcher of this years Big Brother! (…probably won’t even bother to watch it again…ever)…so Willie, if you read this, I too (along with so many others!!) was 100% behind you also,…at least you can hold your head high and know that as Jenn said, …”True to yourself…”!!! Whats wrong with y’all at cbs?…know that you lost a whole lot of viewers!

      • …may I also add,…that Janelle is so full of herself!…she’s always lookingย her own self, up and down,…use to think that she was a “pretty lady”, now, because of her own “self admiration”, she’s now, an “ugly person”!;)…She, Joe, andย “creepy” Boogie, if we’re lucky will be Gone real soon,…but, as I said before, I’m no longer a BBH viewer!ย 

  33. Were we watching the same show? I thought it clearly sounded like Joe was saying “Hit me!” to Willie. So he did.

  34. The fight could have been defused. All Ian had to do was drop his towel and Joe and Willie would have walked away laughing. ย But it is disappointing that Brit added fuel to the fire. Bad choices all around by Willie, Brit, Shane, JoJo, and Joe.

  35. Britney is got to be the biggest biitchh to ever step foot in big brother house.
    She is aย narcissistย who cares about her self only and she pushedย Willieย over the edge.

    • ย She did her job as a coach. As a coach if you can’t control your player you have to protect your other players. Willie was selfish & didn’t think of his actions which affected Jojo & Shane. She did a poor job of drafting Willie & make him 1st HOH to boot.

      • yet she failed far before this. she put willie as HoH instead of one of her far obviously weaker physical players, a smarter move would have been to put any of the other 2 as HoH. she then told willie every single time someone made a comment about him, which was stupid since we all knew willie after 1 day well enough to know not to tell him such things. just bad coaching.

  36. That was a hit? OMG Willie what a bitch. If your gonna do something then do something. Wrestling is more real than that hit. What a fake tough guy. If I was Joe I would have kissed him just to make a point. LMAO

    • Come on man, CLEARLY Willie didnt want to hit him, he probably would ย have killed joe with 1 hit if he want to really hit him…

    • Yeah I’ve been to that point with people getting to my very last nerve and I want to kill them but I can’t, so I get as close as I can to just beating the bejeebus out of them then think better of it.ย  I had one room mate who I was that close to him after charging him and at the last second I thought better of it and bumped into him and walked around him and left the apartment to cool off.ย  That’s where it looked like Willie was to me.ย  At that point where every ounce of his body felt like beating somebody down, but he thought better of it and caught himself with just the slight head butt.ย  Only diff was, cbs locked that DR on him and the house was on lock down so he had nowhere to go to cool down and remain civil.ย  And he had everybody in the house pretty much egging him on by celebrating his enemie’s win.

  37. I have to say Willie was the favorite in my household, and I never could quite understand why they all started giving him so many problems to begin with. The flip-flopping between Kara and Frank last week was because of Janelle and Britney going back and forth with who they wanted out. Willie was just going along with them. He got screwed by Janelle and then her team and then his own. He was treated like crap for no reason I believe and he reached his boiling point. I really cannot understand why Janelle keeps calling him a bully and the team meeting thing was no big deal. He was just trying to let everyone know what could happen and they all needed to think about that. I don’t know, I just hate he left. He was treated like Rachel was the last 2 seasons, Rachel just handled it a lot better.

    • he was in the house for a freaking week. if that is his boiling point, then congrats to janelle and boogie for breaking your fav houseguest in about a 10 day period. hes really amazing isnt he

  38. i don’t know why everyone says this is a boring season. more has happened in 1 week than the other episodes had all season. i think it will be an exciting season. why is everyone blaming brittany? she was only speculating about the coaches going into the game.i guess willie doesn’t understand the meaning of might or possibility. or he just wanted something to start trouble with. i’m so glad he’s out of the picture now. also, people talk about how dumb and no good brittany is but they also jumped on the same thing willie did. they MAY enter the game. i doubt it but you never know. not going to get upset about it until it happens IF it happens. probably won’t bother me then either.

  39. Wow.ย  They really kicked Willie hard while he was down.ย  I see why he imploded now.ย  Imagine going from the biggest high to the lowest low and then have everyone laugh in your face and talk about you to your face and behind your back, and have your only friends/allies tell you they don’t want nothing to do with you.ย  AND be in a pressure cooker contest for half a millionย  with the person you thought you were gonna have a power alliance to the end in charge and against you.ย  AND they joked in your face “you know Willie has to be a have not”.ย  And the person who’s supposed to have your advice as a coach won’t listen to you.ย  Wow.ย  I think he handled it better than me.ย  I prob would have beat Joe senseless and cbs would have had to have the police come get me.ย ย  Ah, but alas, I don’t have it in me to go off.ย  I probably would have charged Joe and cussed him out then went around the corner and used everybody as motivation win POV and HOH just so I can talk trash while I sent Frank or Joe home.ย  Then I would have left the game behind them at eviction just to gloat some more with Chenbot.ย  And everyone would be calling me stupid for giving up on the game and I would be perfectly happy.

  40. Wow. They really kicked Willie hard while he was down. I see why he imploded now. Imagine going from the biggest high to the lowest low and then have everyone laugh in your face and talk about you to your face and behind your back, and have your only friends/allies tell you they don’t want nothing to do with you.ย AND the house is on lock down so you can’t smoke (you have to be a current or former smoker to know howย a smoker needs one bad in a situationย that stressfull).ย  AND cbs wouldn’t let him go to DR and cool off or leave the game.ย  AND be in a pressure cooker contest for half a million with the person you thought you were gonna have a power alliance to the end in charge and against you. AND they joked in your face “you know Willie has to be a have not”. And the person who’s supposed to have your advice as a coach won’t listen to you. Wow.ย  I probably would have charged Joe and cussed him out then went around the cornerย and used everybody as motivation win POV and HOH just so I can talk trash while I sent Frank or Joe home.ย ย I would have had to have had my revenge before I left.ย  In the game and on national tv.ย  Brenchel style.ย 

    • exactly. at least play the pov, and respect the darn game. he got beat at the mental aspect of this game, and let silly stupid BS that could have just been passed over if he didnt talk about it for 2-3 days straight

    • I agree,but I would have put up Shane and JoJo instead. I would sacrifice myself to screw Brittany, the worst coach EVER!!! Any team with that kind of loyalty doesn’t deserve to survive anyway. It’s laughable to call Willie a bully whenthat’s exactly what the house was doing to him. I don’t aree with the way he reacted, but I do understand.

  41. I don’t any of it was right,first I still don’t understand what Willie did that was so bad for everyone in the house turn on him for I remember everything started when Britney told him her thoughts about the coaches come in to game as endividuals and them he went to tell the other players,so I think Britney is a bad couche she fired up everything and unsted of trying coll down her player she turn her back on him.

    • They also had that lie where Joe made it look like Willie was joking on Will for being gay.ย  Then when he said he and Frank were going down and Janelle switched sides and turned up the heat.ย  That was it.ย  I hate that this season has made me lose all respect for Janelle and Boogie.ย  I didn’t remember them being such mean spirited people.ย  Also has made me respect Dan that much more.ย  I think he can take his floater to the end now.ย  The only physically strong people left are Shane and Frank and Shane’s going home this week.ย  Floaters don’t need a life vest.ย  Except Britt.ย  Hate that pretty lil Jojo is going down with that ship.

      • Unless Shane is an idiot and doesn’t use the POV he won on himself, he’s not going anywhere this week.

  42. Britney is just a GOD AWFUL coach. One of her players get mad at some last week and suddenly “WELP HE’S DEAD, IF HE FUCKING TALKS TO ME I’M GOING TO CRY!”

  43. I really enjoyed Willie! However I thought he screwed up. But the house was very very mean too him. ANYONE would have lost it like he did. Imagine being outted like that in a trapped compound. It sucks cause he was my favorite.

    • Interesting how everybody hates the Hantz’s, but I bet he would have won America’s player because everybody loves the Hantz’s too.ย  That family is as polarizing as Obama/Romney.ย  Well, except Brandon, he sucked.

  44. Willie stepped into Joe after Joe stuck his face into willies.ย  Joe initiated, instigated and continued the actions that caused willie to blow up and in my opinion he should be evicted the same as willie

  45. THATย  was a head butt??! I’m hoping that there was indeed more to what happened because if not, that was notย deserving of an expulsion!! I I’m disappointed in Britney and how she handled the situation, but not surprised! I’ll miss Willie!!

  46. I’m guessing there was quite a bit more too it than just the ‘head butt’ and shove, otherwise I think Joe would of been booted as well. I have a feeling Willie was about to take things was over the line, and may of taken it over that line behind the scenes once he was pulled out of the DR.

  47. How is Britney the worst coach? Willie was a dumbass & out of control. How is Dan better than Britney? He threw the last competition making Danielle a target. If Dan is smart he should jump between the disconnect with Brit & Janelle. Form a new alliance since Boogie & Janelle seem to have a mutual alliance.

  48. I don’t know what kind of fighting stance that is, but my guess is Joe has never been in a fight before. CBS is a joke for not showing everything. If that’s all that actually happened and Willie still got kicked out, come on BB. Unless the coaches come into the game soon I may not watch anymore. This season got boring fast. I DVR BBAD so I can skim past the parts I rather not waste my time watching. The past 3 nights I’ve fast forward through almost the whole show. Oh well, I hope they step up their game with casting. Ashley said it herself tonight, I just want to lay low and float my way through. BORING!!!!!!!

  49. This is gonna sound weird coming from a non-Willie fan, but I don’t think this was simply a fit. He was being treated like a piece of crap when he was just trying to make sure his friends weren’t punished for his actions. I lost a lot of respect for Brit. I thought she was the biggest cause of Willie’s last meltdown. I think maybe he was just taking a grenade for his alliance. Maybe?

  50. Whoa… So Willie got expelled huh? Not a cool move, Willie. Not cool. He knew he was going out anyway, so why does he have to be all dramatic and cost himself out of the competition like this. Now, I’m like Willie, and I tend to go off on people too; but one with such nature should know better that acting like this can have serious consequences and give them a bad rep, even if on occasion they are others doing them wrong. I’ve learned that from experiences.

  51. Willie may of have been a bit out of hand…. but most of the blame falls on Brittney. She should of handled things differently rather than to add to his anger and tell everyone to isolate from him. ย 

    Willie was also the only player that seemed to remember that they are playing for them selfs and not as a team. The rest of the house hides behind their coaches…… I would sure like to see that twist were the coaches enter the game and start to pick them off one by one.

  52. I think that Willie was being a huge baby…here he goes on the show saying he is so not like his brother!!! Well seems like he is actually much worse. At least his brother was man enough to say he was a jerk and stand by it. Willie on the other hand at the first sign of things not going his way threw a baby fit decided at that moment to get thrown out of the house on his own terms because to be voted off would have hurt his feelings to much I guess. I think that if you are that much of a baby you should know better than even go on the show to begun with. I do agree that if they have a zero tolerance with fighting than the other guy should be out as well cuz it takes two to tango…My goodness this is a game. I am a BB fan and anyone who has watched this show knows that the first few weeks mean nothing. Everything always changes by week 2 or 3…but he really truly set the bar for being an adult baby…grow a set I say. Not wanting to get voted off so you throw the game is always a chicken move.

  53. The game is about lying, manipulating, ostracizing, and generally, just winning-sometimes at all costs. Some people think the “head-butt” was inconsequential. But, if Willie had poked him in the chest it would still be construed as aggressive physical contact and would be removed and rightfully should be. Willie could not take the pressure. And, being in this game is about pressure and how you handle it. Any chink in your armor and others will pick at it like a sore until you crack. Willie cracked, simple as that. Willie was an underdog at that moment and the others in the pack pounced, it’s what happens in that game. His personality is all about power and control and he had neither at that moment and couldn’t handle it. Willie owns his actions, he got what he gave, he just didn’t handle it the right way. He was physically aggressive and that is a rule you don’t break.

    • yeah, he chased the guy down for gosh sakes, its not like it wasnt something he talked about for days(evicting himself first), oh wait, it was.

      I really am shocked by the support for someone who got beat at the biggest aspect of this game. the mental part. and in less than 2 weeks, that is pathetic for big brother, either that, or joe is just so good, that with words he is able to take a guy to the point of violence, saying “hit me, hit me” as the coward who charged tried to take a hit getting joe kicked so he could be the new victim, and the “good guy”.

      so transparent

  54. I kindve felt bad for him because everyone turned on him and wasnt even speaking to him.

  55. The best thing about last night’s show was Ian and Ashley’s slop date. Very funny and entertaining.

  56. I think that we shouldn’t ever again but an Hantz family member on tv again, they are all bad news.

  57. Im pissed the at the way CBS edited it. They showed the headbutt from a different angle.

  58. Check live feeds 7-20 @ 3:35pm. ย Willie was trying to get into the diary room to let them know what he was planning. ย Willie was not let in. ย Hmmm.

  59. the willie blow up was a shot clip of what went on.There was only one head butt shown.

  60. Both Willie and his brother have a serious case of “little man’s syndrome”.ย  They like to bully and pick on the weak.ย  Bet he wouldn’t have been in Shane’s face.ย  They are both punks and I was cheering to see him gone.ย  He brought this all on himself and I don’t feel bad in the slightest.ย  Willie and his brother do have a future in the movies if they ever remake the Wizard of Oz, I could totally see them as two of the munchkins singing “we represent the lollipop kids…..”ย  They even resemble the original ones!

  61. In no way am I defending Willie; he instigated and got what he wanted: a confrontation that would end in a blow-up, resulting in himย being ejected from the house…

    …However, of all the bru-ha-ha I’ve been reading about these last few days (Willie head-butting Joe “FOUR times”, etc., etc.) regarding the incident, I had NO IDEA how sorry I would actuallyย feel for himย until I saw Britney encouraging others to SHUN him — even she, as his coach, shunned him.

    I could absolutely be wrong here (and this is just my humble opinion), but just PERHAPS as his coach/mentor (whether he liked it or not) Britneyย could have talked Willie down from that ledge instead of pushing him.

    Just a thought.

    • I agree with you. ย I think Britney showed her inability as a coach to actually be a mentor/coach to Willie. ย She could have at least attempted to talk him down, though I honestly doubt it would have done anything other than maybe cool him down momentarily. ย I feel like Willie was going to make this choice either way; Britney just made it easier by making him an even bigger outcast than he already was. ย But again, Willie’s actions were his own choice.

      • I don’t blame her.ย  This all started when she told him about the key holes next to the coach’s pictures.ย  Willie then calls a house meeting trying to turn the house on the coach’s.ย  He betrayed her and tried to rally the house against them.ย  Good for her!

  62. No, I don’t think he deserved it.ย  Joe was overreacting saying that he was headbutted…totally playing the part.ย  Willie told his team he was going to take the heat off of them and I think he was trying to do that.ย 

  63. I am a little dissapointed that Willie could not hold it together. I think others in the house should take some of the blame for provoking him further.(I am not saying that physical violence should be tolerated by any means)ย I think he just got to a point where he was pushed in a corner and came out scrapping. Cant say I would not have done the same. Maybe not as physical but would have been very defensive with everyone. I say it was unfair. He played too hard too fast.

  64. In my opinion willy was not a bully what so ever,,he was an agressive game player and them trying to paint him as a homophobic was crazy,,all he did was mock wil in what he said about game was no different than wil,janelle and brit mocking joe and how his eyes bulge out when he talks,,britney was the downfall of willy,,she planted alot of stuff in his head and got him all riled up then sat back and let him take the heat and in the end turned her back on him..I feel really bad that willy was evicted…all his team turned their backs on him when he had no more power..put yourself in his shoes and how shunned he was at the end.

  65. yes willy was an aggressive player and theres nothing wrong with that and I agree i never seen anywhere where he bullied anyone. He was a strong player and yes he came off as arrogant a few times but its a game.. He was paranoid but how can you not be in a situation like that. I felt so bad for him at the end and how he was treated especially by his team,he was treated like a piece of crap and I dont think he deserved that,no one does..I lost all respect for britney and I hope big mouth jojo goes home this week,,frank is starting to get on my nerves to with his pompus attitude..I wish there was a way to bring willy back.

  66. Willie at least demonstrated that he is not the entirely selfish person everyone believed him to be. He had himself evicted before the nominations, which forces Frank to find some other reason to nominate JoJo and Shane if he so chooses. It was self-sacrifice, and wasn’t all that bad. Joe brought it on, and everyone ganging up on him like that was tactless and mean spirited. Britany should be ashamed of herself for not sticking up for her player.

    • I’m sorry, but I don’t buy that this was a selfless act. ย This was the result of a full-fledged tantrum. ย His leaving didn’t help his team at all–it only lessened the number of targets to perfectly fit the rest of Brit’s team on the block. ย I don’t see that as anything other than the product of a selfish desire to exit the game on his own terms instead of following the rules and letting the chips fall where they may.

    • Oh My Yes!!! lets not forget sweet little Kara & Danelle, who voted out Jodi because they said she would cause too much “DRAMA”, and also said voting her out makes it more “REAL” now. Welcome to the real world peeps.

  67. i liked willie alot. he had alot of potential if he didnt let his temper get in the way. but when brit told him he “didnt think of anyone but himself”… what else are you supposed to do in the BB house? you cant always play clean and you cant always be nice. and with the fight, joe had his hands up yelling at willie to ”
    hit him”. so, i think joe should have gotten in trouble as well. maybe not get kicked out, but something. all i know is i’m still team willie & everyone else in this house is boring.

  68. The whole house gangs up on one person, tells that person they cant talk or even be in the same room as anyone in the house then has the audacity to call that person the bully. These people make me sickkk.

  69. Willie was so agressive… he tryed to mimic his brother game on Survivor.
    He forgot that there you can use the idols and get people to work with you just for fear.ย 
    In BB that is not an option. When he joined the players to give the the idea that Britney told him (strangely he showed it as it was something that he found out) he started to dig is grave.ย 
    After that, he just started to try to find a way to be out of the game… without giving up.ย 
    Willie problem was the same as Russell: they think only on them and stab everyone else in the back.ย 
    Russell lost 3 of the Survivor always the same way… the ones that where stabbed kicked him out.
    Willie thought he could play the same game on big brother… but there you cannot stab anyone on the first week. Or try to get people against people right away.
    Then is temper just got a hold on him.
    He did headbut the other guy. On tv we just saw the end of it. He was expelled for that headbut… the other guy talked about it with Britney when they were on the leaving room. But they only showed us that talk like it was joe saying that he got a small touch.
    Well at least the house is slowing down itยดs speed.
    Strangely it looks like boogie is starting to move ahead and kicking everyone he thinks can be a threat right out the door. Janelle made good choices to her team. ย 

  70. what i think is that was a mean person but he should had a chance. everybody on that show hated him even his coach.i think that it was joes fault in this too. he was ready to fight you can plainly see that he had his fists up. joe is a mean person too. he should of got into trouble too. willies family should tell his of the story. i dont like violence at all but they are keep on talking about willie. willie looked mean from the get go. did they sreen willies backgound at all. i love big brother i started watching from the get go.i watch after dark every night. he was just following britney and janelle of who to get put up. i think that it was joes fault for everything sorry. i will keep watching but keep a close eye on joe big brother. thanks

  71. I think this year the house is filled with a bunch of idiots! I think a mistake was made putting in coaches. Frank is a trouble maker, Boogie is a jerk and thinks his sh*t don’t stink, and Joe is a trouble maker. Not a very good show this season.

  72. since there are only 9 players left and it’s week 2, do you think cbs is going to have evicted players voted back in like in season 6 or do you think the coaches are going to play?ย  Personally, I hope the coaches don’t play, because that is a HUGE disadvantage for the current houseguests and it will be a rerun of season 13.

    • Because of the number of players, maybe evicted players will get a chance to return. America can vote which one. I’m ok with that. That’s fair. But I don’t like the idea of a coach returningย  to play….cmon..give me a break.

  73. this year really sucks. i wont watch it anymore.. to many cry babies! the coach thing sucks.Disaster for B>B.ย  KICK WILLIE OUT. DUMB-DUMB -DUMB.

  74. Are you kidding i have watch this show since first season,ย but goodby, I tired of poeple that only know how toย  follow the leader cant they think for themselves why are poeple so weak stand up for yourselves and what you believe in what the heck lets put u in his shoes where he grew up and lived his life why are they so easy to judge everything wow no more! money brings out the demans in everyone. and this is called enteranment

  75. what time did the “fight” involving Willie happen on the Live feeds on Friday? I want to watch the flashbacks, I know it was Friday, butwhat time should I flashback to??

  76. Poor Willie was a Ragin Cajun, now Big Brothers boring. You drove him to insanity Britney. I’m team Willie.

  77. Obviously the Hnatz family has issues.ย  But I think we all do.ย  Willie was definately antagonized and should have been seperated way before he reached the point he did.ย  He was done wrong in every kind of way.ย  Definately was nota headbutt I’m sure the Hantz’s don’t hold back and if he Joe was really headbutted he would have had a broken nose or busted forehead.ย  Willie I’m on your side you were done dirty.

  78. I felt so bad for willy, the way he was ostracised in the house by everyone..willy wasnt the bully but the rest of the house surely was. It was very hard to the end he had no one to turn to talk to or to get advice from…Britney should of been there as a coach for him…BB needs to review those tapes and see joes provoking and taunting telling willy to hit him over n over again..if willy was to be punished for his actions then Joe needs to be as well…the show is now boring without willy.ย  Team willy all the way !!

  79. I dont understand why BB edited what Willie did to the point that its a non issue. They blackout the feeds as soon as something interesting happens and then changes the truth of the show with editing. Its a game show with live people living together and competing…..stuff happens…..let it be what its is.

  80. I am glad I started reading everyone’s comments, because I thought I was crazy for feeling like everyone did gang up on Willie and that after Brittney “his coach” the one he should have been able to rely on turned her back on him, it probably was his breaking point. ย Granted he must have a temper, but I think they wanted to see him act that way and provoked the whole thing. ย And Joe was just as guilty, so maybe he should have been evicted too. ย It didn’t look like a head butt to me.ย 

  81. This is a game of lies, deceit, CYA, luck, and many other factors. People seem to forget that it is a game. Willie was smart and had alot of great stradegy ideas, however, he also had a temper. He was a very strong player and Frank and Boogie played on his weakness, his anger. I feel BB seen the potential of “violence” in Willie and booted him at first chance. Yelling, cussing, accusing, arguing, and conflict are encouraged in this game for viewing pleasure. Willie took it beyond BB comfort zone. On the other hand we may be the ones being played. You never know with BB lol

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