Big Brother 14 Episode 3: Week 1 Veto Show Tonight

Big Brother 14 with Julie Chen

Tonight on Big Brother 14 we’ll see what happened in the first PoV competition of the season and have confirmed to us who won the Power of Veto. If you’ve been following our Big Brother spoilers then you already know who won and whether or not it was used!

These BB14 HGs have had a crazy couple of days between house meetings, wild accusations, and fights blowing up in the backyard. I don’t know how they can keep this up all summer. If you haven’t been watching on the Live Feeds then you’ve been missing some incredible action.

The tension has been building this week and we could be marching toward a little uncertainty on Thursday night. One nominee looks like a lock for eviction until five minutes later when it seems like the other could have just landed in the hot seat. We’ll have to keep watching and waiting to see what happens because with a lot of time left until Thursday’s live Big Brother eviction, anything can happen.

If you haven’t been watching the Live Feeds then you’ve been missing the real game and there’s no way CBS is going to be able to show most of what’s been done and said in the house. You can catch it all on Flashback which lets you jump to any day and any time in the season. Go ahead and try it for free then keep it for just 50 cents a day.

Update: Here are a couple of new video clips posted below for tonight’s Big Brother 14 episode including a preview of the Veto competition “Loose Change.”

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Big Brother 14 Episode 3 challenge – Loose Change:

Big Brother 14 Episode 3 preview:



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  1. Well, I just finished watching bbad and wow, it was one of the best times I have watched.  It is usually borning and this was not.  I normally don’t like people arguing, but this was great.  If you missed it you missed a lot. 

      • I agree, it
        was very entertaining. Best first week of BB ever.

        As for WIlle
        saying the N word..he did not say it maliciously so I am not offended..still
        luv Willie even though he might not last very long.

  2. II didn’t understand his reasoning for wanting to KEEP Frank at all if they did throw coaches back in why would you want you strongest competition keep in against you come on Willie step your A game up .I knew why he choose the two to get the coaches out but somewhere he dropped the ball. I want him to win this thing but he can’t do this with his had up his up remember this is not a friendship or courtship its all about who’s the smartest player

  3. Frank needs to stay. Willie will continue to go after him week after week until one of them is gone. This gives others a chance to solidify their true alliances and make it further. I’d personally like an ian,jenn,ashley,wil alliance.

  4. I wonder if Willie will get in trouble with CBS for saying the N-Word and for making fun of a Gay person

    • Willie only did half of those things. He did not make fun of Wil. You don’t get in trouble w/ CBS for saying stupid things. You just make yourself look bad. That’s the punishment.

  5. I didn’t like Willie in the beginning but I’m getting to like him now. He didn’t really do or say anything maliciously. But Frank is DB. I hope he gets voted out. 

  6. Hey Matt I only been watching BB 4 years it’s the only reality show I watch and I think CBS did a great job on all there picks this year except Brittany but that’s just my opinion…….having teams really doe’s mix things up but I would like to see all newbie’s I think it’s just more fair of a game that way……

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