Big Brother 14 Episode 11 Recap: Wait, Who Is In Power?


Sunday night’s Big Brother 14 presented us with a kind of surprising new Head of Household, a reset game, and of course two new (OK, one new and one not-so-new) nominees.

The episode starts right after Julie announced the coaches were entering the game and that no one was going home Thursday night. We get Janelle and Britney lying about pushing the button to reset the game and then we’ve got Dan making a non-Dan move and telling Boogie that Frank was about to be blindsided had the game not reset.

Boogie doesn’t have much time to digest that because the 12 contestants now on equal ground were being rushed to start the HOH competition.

During the competition, a lot of dedicated players surfaced out of no where. For the first time in several seasons, an endurance competition really turned into an endurance competition. No one went all night Season 6 style or anything, but they lasted longer than people have in resent seasons.

Here’s the order our and time for each contestant:

  • Boogie: 1:10
  • Jenn: 1:10
  • Joe: 1:13
  • Ashley: 1:51
  • Dan: 1:55
  • Frank: 2:13
  • Shane: 2:43
  • Wil: 2:43
  • Janelle: 2:49
  • Ian: 3:15
  • Britney: 3:15
  • Danielle wins.

I initially couldn’t believe Danielle won HOH when I watched it play out on the Live Feeds Thursday night. I had apparently missed the catalyst though and CBS included that in Sunday night’s show. Shane told her if she won, he’d kiss her again. And that’s all it took. It all makes perfect sense now. She won the HOH because of her psychotic obsession crush on Shane and really wanted that second kiss. And she got it. Even though Shane told Julie last week he wasn’t interested in Danielle. Guess he’s just playing the game. Good for him.

While the HOH was still playing out, Boogie and Frank go inside so Boogie can share Dan’s remarks with Frank. They both continue to be shocked that Frank was about to be blindsided with an eviction so they’re not very happy with Danielle and Wil at this point.

Dan realizes he made a mistake telling Boogie about the plan to blindside Frank so he does what he can to make it good. Everyone else involved is playing dumb with Boogie, but he’s not buying it. He definitely isn’t happy right now and would, at this point, much rather still be a coach and not a player.

Danielle can’t think for herself, so she gets her group in the HOH room to talk about who to nominate. Boogie, Frank and Janelle are tossed around a bit. But Dan puts an end to Janelle and Boogie talk because it’s in his own best interest to not allow a former coach be nominated or evicted. So for some reason Frank and Wil’s names come up and that seems to be the plan. Even though Danielle promised Wil she would not put him up if he bowed out of the HOH competition ahead of her.

It’s time for the nominations and everyone has their keys pulled except for Frank and Wil. Frank isn’t so surprised, but Wil is because Danielle didn’t stick to her word.

Up next is the veto competition and then the nomination ceremony. And if you can’t wait until Wednesday to find that out, keep an eye on our Big Brother 14 spoilers.




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  1. Yeah, Boogies the bad guy when Janelle and Britt lie about reseting the game, Shane is using Danielle,Dan tying to get the coaches together to get rid of the  newbies. But Boggie is the only selfish one and only cares about Boogie, the rest of the house has each other’s back.

    • The other coaches has demonized Boogie that is for sure. Only because they know that Boogie knows how to play the game and they figure that they would demonize him so that, the newbies will not trust him! They are retarded if they believe that! Boogie is smart enough to know that all the lies the other coaches are caught in can be used against them! All he needs to do is share it with the newbie floaters. And if you take Frank away from Boogie, do you really think Boogie cannot form an alliance with the newbie floaters left in the game? Taking out Frank will not affect Boogie as most think. He will just form alliances with others. Boogie will go after those who backstab him in any alliance and that should be in the other coaches mind if they are smart! Trust cuts both ways and will help both parties only if both keep their word!

  2. i feel bad that frank is prob gonna go.. but hell hath no fury than boogie scorned.. I hope he come after Danielle.. She really is an idiot… Dan is perfect at this game!

    •  So what part of Dan letting Boogie know Frank was about to walk is good game play? I’m all for saying Dan is very good at this game and maybe has a chance to walk away the first 2 time winner, but he is by far not perfect.

      • he is FAR from perfect, that is only the first error dan has ever made in big brother, and it wasnt a huge error because boogie would have found out by joe anyway and would have been farrrr more pissed off!

    • Your saying Danielle is a idiot  and Dan is perfect at this game..DANIELLE IS LISTENING TO WHAT DAN SAYS..You are a idiot for your comment

  3. I’m proud of Ian , he’s showing everyone that he’s not a floater,and he’s ready to play

  4. With all due respect, is it really a big deal that Shane kissed Danielle? I don’t think so, this isn’t the first time bb fans have seen some good flurting in the Big Brother house and this won’t be the last. Hell if I was in the Big Brother house and she just won, I would kiss her too…congrats to her, she held on for over 3 hours, struck a deal with Britney and won HOH. Its a classic bb move.

    • I was more impressed that Brit had the brains to throw it to Dani knowing she would be safe this week, and allowing herself to hang on another week with no target and play HOH next Thursday. She made the smart move in my opinion.

      • I see exactly what you are saying and yes Britney made a good move considering she seems to trust Danielle. But that moves doesn’t always work. I remember one season, Kayser got a second chance and trusted another player with HOH instead of winning it himself and he ended up getting evicted for the second time that season. Its all in who you trust and Danielle looked like she could hang on for awhile longer anyway.

      •  @ ThinkingBrian: There’s a difference between Brit trusting Dani and Kayser trusting Jennifer. Brit and Dani are on the same side right now. Kayser and Jennifer were on opposite teams from the very beginning in a season that had one of the most split casts ever. He was a fool to trust her. Brit is smart to trust Dani, they are on the same side right now.

  5. As much as i like frank i think since danielle won POV she should keep the noms the same tomorrow only because if frank leaves(I’mpretty sure he will) boogie will win HOH and put danielle and shane or janelle up for eviction and i can’t 

  6. I was like the only one calling Mike Boogie just Mike, as I’m not usually one for nicknames especially not great ones. Yet today on the show I saw his key actually says “BOOGIE” on it instead of “MIKE”…really, Big Brother? lol

    Not that it matters or anything, just thought it was funny.

  7. To the author of this posting, Branden:

    You have the order of Shane and Wil wrong.  Wil went down before Shane.  Just sayin’

    • By like a split second…they agreed to drop together, counted to three, and jumped off. Shane was a little late off the three-count, but barely. And Branden listed the same drop time of 2:43 for both…

    • It’s obvious Wil does go down on guys, maybe perhaps more then Shane goes down on guys.

  8. Reid he said they finished at the same time and I love Shane,Danielle,dan,and Britney everyone else is retarded and jenelle is ok

    • What about Danielle to Dan, “If you go down I go down”…that’s what she said. Haaa! Alright I’ve gotta stop doing that…

    • I’m sure it’s tight, but probably not maintained. BB14 Spoiler Alert: Dan,Danielle & Shane involved in a “bye”-sexual threesome!

  9. I think Wil is useless. HOWEVER, he said in the HOH Comp that he was interested in putting a coach on the block. He also was PROMISED to be safe by Danielle when he jumped off the pirate ship. It’s too soon for her to go back on her word on something so public as the HOH comp. Wil should be safe, and If I was in the house, I would no longer trust Danielle at this point. Bigger fish are there to evict like the coaches. At least Wil, as useless as he is, seems to realize that. There is plenty of time to evict him after the coaches are gone.

    • It’s a case of going straight to Wil right after the nominations and saying you’re strictly a pawn. But yes, this doesn’t exactly follow the promise of safety, because sometimes pawns go home. In that light, I don’t see why she couldnt’ve used Joe or Jenn or someone else as a pawn who she made no promises to. I guess because if she used them, then being a pawn is overly obvious to the entire house. Not sure.

      • It’s not only important what Wil thinks, she made the promise in the HOH comp. with everyone listening. Most HOH Comp promises as far as I remember, are kept. At least this early in the game. If I was a player in the house, I would hold not honoring her promise to Wil, against her. Doesn’t matter that she tried to make it right with Wil.

      • @69e4fd5e6e1fc00229bcd4e35a9a4824:disqus If I were in the house, I wouldn’t even make deals during endurance competitions. I know it’s harder than it looks, but I truly believe I would’ve stomped that Walk the Plank competition, to the point Danielle would’ve been wanting a deal from me so she could drop (and she looked like she was on cruise control). At the very least, I wouldn’t make a deal with Wil as early as she did, there were still about six or so players left standing when she promised that to Wil, and that’s crazy. Wait until there’s two or three people left Danielle, come on.

    • His flurting with Ashly was funny – the line about not struggle when he was doing the same weights as Shane was really funny.It is obvious he is ackward around women – maybe this show will open him up

      • That was funny. I think Ian maybe “ackward around women” but I think sometimes he uses it to his advantage. I didn’t realize that he borrowed the bow tie from Boogie. It seems like a good trademark for him. I can’t wait to see him as the dog in the kennel. I don’t have BBAD.  He needs to wise up and be as smart of a player as he is in school.

      • I like Shane but I gotta say it wasn’t too cool of him to walk up right in front of Ian and Ashley, when he and the whole house knows he likes her, and start working out while facing them to boot…kind of against the bro code. Unless Shane likes Ashley as well but I don’t think so…and Danielle hopes not.

  10. It’s not Danielles’s Dans..he’s the one telling her what to do and who to put up, and the dizzy female that she is she is listening to him. She already said that if Dan didn’t like the deals that were being offered then she wasn’t going along with them even if it was one she really liked. So the way I feel is if she ends up on the block and gets voted out then it’s her stupid fault especially if it’s Boogie that does it because when it comes down to Boogie then Dan is not going to go against him cause Dan is only watching out for his own best interest in the game NOT Danielles. He wants a coach to win NOT a newbie…he has already made the comment.

  11. I like Ian best. It’s just because he seems so “real” not like the rest of the players. I already deciced to vote for him to get the $25,000 if he doesn’t win, but makes it to the jury house. I do hope he wins. I think he would be the most greatful to have all that money. Remember, he cried and was so happy to get the $3,000 from Boogie. (That also showed Boogie has a heart, but I think he should have given Ian $6,000 and taken the $3,000 for himself)

  12.  I have a lot to say about today’s episode:
    1) I am so SICK of Mike
    Boogie’s attitude! What the hell does he think he’s got that makes him
    feel like he’s the king of the world? Get over yourself you annoying
    freak! No one cares that you won before! NO ONE CARES.
    2) I hate that
    Danielle trusts Dan so much even though he’s actually only looking out
    for himself. I think he might screw her over in the long run.
    3) I
    think Frank is kind of cool and I really would’ve liked him if he wasn’t
    working with Boogie. But I’m team Danielle and Shane and I feel so bad
    for saying this, but he’s gotta go.
    4) Danielle needs to stop listening to Dan and go with her own guts. I think she should’ve nominated Boogie and Frank.
    Danielle, please do us all a favour and get over Shane. He’s only using
    you to advance in the game but he’s not really into you (no offence)

    • Boogie will stay in this game for a while because he is a master manipulator and Danielle, Twitney, Shane  will be used and abused by Dan.  I think the final two will be Boogie and Dan.

      • I think if the Silent Six stay true to their alliance, they will go a long way in the Big Brother House. Mike Boogie and Dan would also have a good shot at that $500,000. A lot of people are buying into the notion that Mike Boogie is washed up and cannot win competitions. Big mistake right there. This is the guy that beat Janelle for HOH when it counted in his season! He and Dan threw the first HOH as with Janelle. Danielle got the HOH because it was given to her by Brittney. Coaches are playing possum and the newbies
        better watch out if they believe the coaches can easily be beat!

  13. I just wish Dani would stop letting Dan run her game.  She has put far to much trust in him and it will come back to bite her. 

    • My guess is that suite is vacant for the rest of the season. Either that or the HOH just says “Go ahead” to whoever he/she wants. So I guess this week it’s Shane’s room…or Dan’s.

  14. All I have to say after watching the live feeds is that Danelle is freakin bossy! She’s annoying and sucks at this game when she thinks she’s controlling it.

  15. First night watching any of the feeds thanks to it being on TV at late hours…this is the most I’ve ever heard Ian talk and I have one glaring thought…he could totally be on Big Bang Theory.

  16. Mike currently talking to Dan, reinforcing to ‘get the queen bee and her trouble-making ways out of here week f***ing one of the reset’…with Danielle walking around since it’s the HOH room (but she just left)

    Keep it up Mike, and please start listening Dan.

  17. I really don’t want to jump the gun but there may have just been a deal stricken between Mike and Dan to evict Janelle this week. Dan asked for collateral, ‘the Brady shirt’ (I think that involves Mike’s son, Brady) while saying ‘It’s not that I don’t trust you but…’ and Mike didn’t hesitate to say “You want the Brady shirt? Ok”…

    I guess we’ll see.

    • It’s a done deal. The whole group of six solidified the deal about an hour or so ago. Danielle didn’t need any convincing because she wanted to do it all along! Lol

    • Dan has Danielle, Shane and Brittney under his control while, Mike Boogie has Frank, Jenn and Ian in his backpocket. They are both good manipulators but, my money is on Mike Boogie because he is a thinking
      manipulator. Dan is more impulsive and sometimes says things which betray his intentions if you are paying attention. The only reason he still controls Danielle, Shane, Brittney is they NEVER question Dan even when he told them he slipped, got excited and blurted out they were backdooring Frank? If you are in an alliance with him, wouldn’t you be suspicious and see that Dan is playing all sides and not to be trusted?

  18. Dan is such a punk,  he couldn’t win a competition to save his life, he’s always using that same old excuse, that he is throwing competitions. Dan has a major fear of being out smarted by Boogie, which I can’t wait for!

    • The reason Dan wants to align with Boogie is because he knows that Boogie is smart. You may hate his arrogance or his manipulation but, it is all part of the game. The other coaches do it but, they are not good enough to do it! Janelle for one lies and lies and gets away with it only because
      Brittney is a dummy! Brittney says that Janelle is a liar and should not be trusted and says all sorts of stuff negative to Janelle yet, she follows like a
      puppet on strings to whatever Janelle tells her! One big reason to get rid of Janelle and backdoor her is she is probably one of the greatest threats in the house. I would rank her number 1 because she is very good in competitions although, the coaches except Brittney threw the HOH this time around. Boogie is the 2nd biggest threat then, Dan who is also a good
      manipulator as he has Brittney, Danielle and Shane as his puppets is 3rd biggest threat, Brittney is 4th, Shane is 5th, Frank is 6th. The others including Danielle have no clue and are just floating and doing what they are told!

  19. For reference, flashback to what I believe is 2 am BBT for when Frank comes up with the name of the Silent Six, complete with them all huddled around holding a finger to their mouths going “shhh”. Dan wasn’t cool with The Avengers. 

    Frank will stay up on the block with Wil coming down in place for his hopeful loyalty in the vote vs. Janelle.

    • More like 1:50 or 1:52 am or so BBT, between that and 2 am. Hope that helps since I’m betting you’re asleep Matt haha

  20. All i have to say is two things.. If Janelle gets backdoored tonight there is gonna be more drama than when willie was there..janelle is gonna stomp around the house  huff puff  and cry and beg  she is gonna run around the house lying….Britney is the dumbest person i ever seen play on BB and to get as far as she does ..Get the live feeds or showtime after dark

    • where’s she gonna do that? they have to leave as soon as they’re evicted. i’ve never seen her cry or beg.

      • if she gets backdoored it happens today..but it won’t be shown until wednesday..its all pre taped ..The Veto com is thats 4 days until she’s evicted..yu never seen her cry or beg  cause she’s never been on the block..i never seen someone play a more crappy game than she does

  21. So, Janelle is being backdoored? If they pull it off, that would be the season’s biggest move. I do not have live feeds and saw the nominations and HOH on TV last night and picked up some info from them. One, is that the coaches threw the HOH which was what I suspected. Only Brittney half tried so, those who think the coaches are washed up are in for a rude surprise! Dan betrayed his alliance with Brittney, Danielle and Shane and owned up to the fact that he told Mike Boogie who told Frank he was being backdoored. What is utterly surprising is they all said it was okay. Here you have Dan showing his true colors that you cannot trust him and Danielle says it is okay? Brittney and Shane was not even angry at Dan. Can you believe that? Dan has these guys wrapped around his little finger! And everyone hates Mike Boogie because of his manipulation?
    Actually, Dan is more dangerous and can go under the radar as people still trust him despite his backstabbing! What was hilarious is when Dan told Boogie about the plan to backdoor Frank and Dan was twisting and turning trying to explain to Boogie why they should work together. Dan was supposed to be in an alliance with Boogie but, he had a hard time explaining why he did not let Mike Boogie
    know about the plan to backdoor Frank ahead of time and not after the fact!
    Mike Boogie saw that Dan betrayed him and also betrayed his own alliance
    and that speaks volumes. 

  22. We have watched and enjoyed BB for years, but with all the Surprise changes by others, it is not as exciting as it was.  Bring back Rachel and let’s get the excitement back.

  23. The twist is the worst of all Big Brothers.  Not only is it not fair for shane which had won HoH, but also to the coaches that have been going well.  Considering it only takes one person to choose to reset, that means their efforts were pretty much meaningless.  It also shows that the producers are interfering with the results of the game.  As much as I want Frank to stay, this twist is very lame.

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