Big Brother 13 Winner Rachel Reilly Interview

Big Brother 13 winner Rachel Reilly

Big Brother crowned its 13th winner this week when Rachel Reilly beat out fellow HG Porsche Briggs in a 4-3 vote for the half-million dollar prize. An exuberant Rachel spoke with me in an interview that showed the rush of the win had not worn off even a day later.

Read on for her thoughts on who was the biggest floater this season, what happened with those Jury votes, and if we’ve seen the last of her in the Big Brother house.

Rachel Reilly – I cannot believe this happened! I am freaking out!

Big Brother Network – Congratulations, you deserve it.

Rachel – Thank you. It’s a dream come true my gosh I just can’t believe it.

BBN – What does this mean for you and Brendon?

Rachel – Oh my gosh we’re going to have a dream wedding. What’s funny is last summer I met my fiancé on Big Brother and this summer I won Big Brother.

BBN – Do you think you’ll be having a reality tv wedding?

Rachel – No but that would be hilarious. It would be awesome.

BBN – After Brendon left you completely changed your strategy. It was like two different people. What happened?

Rachel – I saw that Brendon got evicted and then Jeff was getting evicted and I said I was not going down without a fight. I had to fight but I really had to work on my social game. I think I had to be a gracious winner and start branching out to work on my social game. After Brendon left the second time I knew I had to change my game or I would have been evicted and I was not about to get evicted.

BBN – You and Jordan became very close after Brendon and Jeff were evicted. Do you think the two of you will keep in touch?

Rachel – Jordan is such an amazing woman. She and I really bonded and our friendship really blossomed after Brendon and Jeff left and we were there together, fighting for each other. Every competition Jordan and I went into after they left we were like ok this is us, it’s do or die and if we don’t win, one of us is going home. Jordan helped me so much with my social game. I needed her just as much as she needed me. I was able to win some competitions and she was there for me as a shoulder to lean on and helped me with everything in general. It’s so great to be able to play the game with one of your friends and to really have an ally in the house. I love Jordan. I am so grateful for her.

BBN – Who in your opinion was the bigger floater, Jordan or Adam?

Rachel – Jordan is not a floater. I don’t think she was a floater at all. We had an alliance from the beginning of the summer and she stuck to it. She never switched over sides. Bless her heart, she might not be the most competitive girl in the world but she’s such an amazing person and she had the best social game in the entire game. I think Jordan plays the game of Big Brother totally different than any other houseguest and she almost made it to the final three again and she would have won if she was sitting in that final two chair. Adam, yeah he was a floater. He needed a boat or a cruise ship. That’s how big of a floater he was. It was horrible.

BBN – Adam promised you his vote in the end. Why do you think he changed and gave it to Porsche?

Rachel – I was shocked. He promised me his vote. He said even if you evict me, if you earn it and win the final HoH then I will vote for you because I will vote for whoever deserves it and then he voted for Porsche. He was a floater. He went from one side of the house to whoever was in power. I don’t know that he really tried that hard in competitions. He gave up a lot of times. I was shocked when he didn’t vote for me. It hurt because I thought he of all people, who said he was a superfan of the show, he was so ready to jump ship because he got upset with me. It was a very unfortunate situation. I thought he was going to be the swing vote.

BBN – Why did you take Porsche over Adam to the final two?

Rachel – It was a really risky decision to make. I realized it after the fact of how risky it really was. I thought if I had taken Adam I would have won hands down, I don’t think he would have gotten any votes. With Porsche I thought it would be a 3-3 vote with Adam as the tie breaker. I thought a few things. One Porsche deserved it in the end. She stepped up her game. She won the veto that brought her to the final three. She brought me to the final three and I made that promise with her and I wanted to honor it. I had a lot of confidence in my game play and I thought the jury would respect that.

BBN – Have you and Daniele made amends?

Rachel – I think that Daniele and I definitely have the possibility to make amends. I mean look at Ragan and I, we’re best friends and he’s going to be in my wedding. I think that Daniele and I have a possibility for that. We were friends in the beginning before she turned on us. I think that’s what sparks the biggest enemies in the game, are the people you actually care about. It comes through when you have a friendship and it’s a genuine friendship and you care about someone and then they turn on you and you’re now enemies in the game. It’s what sparks the biggest nemesis in the game because you did care about them and now you can’t stand them.

BBN – Which season’s cast did you like the most?

Rachel – I actually prefer season 13 because I had allies in the game. It wasn’t just Brendon and I against the entire house like last summer where I didn’t have any friends in the game. This summer I had an alliance. I had friends in the game. You know even though Porsche and I had a really rocky friendship, in the end I took her from 5 to 4. She took me from 4 to 3 and I took her from 3 to two. I think it was a totally different game for me. I had to really work on a social game and making deals with people and I think me sticking with my deals is what helped me through the game. I can’t say enough good things about our cast. It was an amazing summer.

BBN – Do you have any plans on going back to college?

Rachel – Yes I want to. I definitely want to complete my master’s, finish it and work on it. Brendon will finish his PHD at UCLA so maybe I can go there too.

BBN – What are your immediate plans now that the game is over?

Rachel – Plan my wedding, my future with Brendon. We are thinking about putting a down payment on a house close to UCLA. We will be there for five years guaranteed. So we’re thinking hey if we’re going to be there for five years let’s invest that money into a home and start a future and in the coming years start a family.

BBN – Will you play again for a third time?

Rachel – Big Brother has been so good to me I guess I would have to.



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  1. congrats rachel!

    altho i have to be honest, your boobs are monstrous, you’d be prettier without the plastic

    • To the interviewer, Chloe?

      When you asked Rachel who the bigger “floater” was between Jordan and Adam, you made it look like you didn’t quite know the meaning of “floater”.

      Floater is when someone goes to align themselves to different sides of the house. Jordan was nowhere close to being a floater; she stayed true to her side and alliance.

      Adam and then Shelly were the biggest floaters in the house.

      • Chloe knows what a “floater” is.

        It was a loaded question as an opportunity for Rachel to dismiss the viewer/reader claims that Jordan was a floater

      • Essie, you really are bitter. What has Jordan ever done to you? She seems to be a really nice and sweet and kind young woman. You really do need to grow up and stop being such a hater over someone who has done nothing but show others kindness, and kept Rachel calm which helped her to become the winner of BB 13. She has a great social game and that is why she won BB 11!

      • oh kay….. i asked an honest question, yet you somehow find it offensive lol..

        she didn’t win so why would i be bitter? lol the only thing i’m bitter right now is that steve carell didn’t win an emmy tonight!!!! *&^@$*@^ can’t believe jim parsons won again.. is it really that difficult to play his character.. boggles my mind…

      • i call porshe more of floater than her she had good social skills which porshe did not 

    • Rachel you deserved it! You were right everybody did hate you, because you are high on happy energetic very pretty and came totting along with love in your life.Empty people cant handle that they wanted to hate your life. I love your life I wish it on many more,& I wish you and Brendan the best forever!

    • Biggest shock to me was Shellys vote.
      she really redeamed herself with that one. She said shed vote for who deserved to win and she did. first time she did not tell a lie and it was when it mattered. Go Shelly GO Rachel

  2. Yay great job Rach! Totally deserved that win. :D

    I agree with all her answers, and I think she expressed herself well. I hope she has an amazing future with Brendan!

    Your biggest fan <3

  3. She is awesome! Rachel is the best player ever. She for sure had redemption! You deserved it girl!

  4. Yey rachel! Please cbs do rachel and brendon all star bb wedding! Rachel so deserved to win. Congratulations Brenchel!!

    • So funny (and true) what she said about Adam. Love that she’s so gracious about giving Jordan her due. Heck, she’s even gracious to Porkche and EVEN bitter Dani. Congrats to Rachel again!

  5. Rachel im from nc also, close to hickory. I’m so proud of you! You and jordan are the best alliance ever. I’m so glad my home girls were able to align. Congrats!!

    • I hate that Porshe won anything, when Rachel thought she might be pregnant porshe made very ugly comments about her getting hit in the belly with an energy ball to save her money from an abortion. Or that the only thing Rachel should have if she were pregnant was an abortion, then Rachel carried her to a 50 thousand dollar win.Adam was a back stabber and gave Porshe the dry hump vote thats what I saw.I wonder what his girlfriend had to say about her humping a vote out of him.

  6. Jordan has such a good social game that she didn’t talk to Porsche for 2 and a half months. Oh I can hear the cat ladies now; “That’s because Porksche’s a bitch, Jordan’s is an angel and that whore is a disgrace!”

    Yeah, yeah shut the hell up.

    • That is true but you have to remember she was close with just about everyone else in the house except maybe Dani and she had rachael so she didnt have to be close to Porshe

    • Why ask if your going to answer your own there smart feller? Oh, isn’t that the sign of something that you accused cat people of? ZING!!!!

    • sparky the time u logged in says 11:10pm why r u here reading rachel’s interview and reading anything about big brother when you know rachel won?. its late dearie go to bed and tomorrow wake up early and go to work.

      • be careful people that you dont post at a time inconvenient to SUGARLAND… SHE DOESNT HAVE A LIFE so she is playing hall monitor and will report you to the posting police…. yes you *&&*^* everyone knows rachel won.. old news… i was talking about the content of her interview… GAG… GET A LIFE AND STOP MAKING STUPID COMMENTS……

      • If you don’t like Rachel, why would you care what she said?? And a sad life would be one who just thrives to make negative comments to those who are excited that Rachel won. We think she was way classier than the mean girl mentality of others who were really just jealous of her. Rachel said alot of good things about Cassi, but Rachel didn’t trust her, and was smart to get her out early. Cassi thinks her beauty is what got her out. Please….she laid around and played nothing but, “Would you rather” while Dominic played w/her hair. She needed to go to break up the newbies alliance. Cassie “don’t hate me cuz I’m beautiful” needs to get over herself. Zing!! Congrats to Rachel.

    • I agree. At least there are other shows for me to watch now that a lot of reality series have returned kekeke :)

    • I agree also. They did have 2 one year. Why can’t they have a winter and summer season??? That would be awesome. I hate Survivor, though I know many like it. I would much rather watch a second BB this winter. Once a year isn’t enough for true fans….I’ve seen every season from the beginning. Season 8 and this season was the most enjoyable to watch. So glad that Rachel won and happy that she and Jordan became good friends.

  7. I had NEVER been a fan of Rachel’s. Which, by the way, is in writing quite a bit, from my “Diary Room” Blogs.
    After the huge blow-out with Shelley and Jordan, I think seeing Jordan LOSE control, somehow made Rachel see that side of herself, except in Rachel’s case, it was much more often, and much worse.
    So, I do believe Rachel DID completely change after that incident. And, as she changed, so did MY opinion of her.
    I am Thrilled that Rachel DID Win! I Wish Porsche hadn’t won a dime, but thankfully Rachel DID, and Very Much Earned and Deserved!
    I’m Thrilled Jeff won America’s Favorite!
    A Pretty Good Finale, despite a season with a LOT of Immaturity, and “Actions” that “should have” had Consequences. (ie., Porsche)

    Till Next Year, Ciao Everyone*!

    • Glad she won also. I would rather have seen Jordan win second place and so what if she already won….they were invited back and had to endure what everyone else did this summer. Porsche’s mean tricks such as the fiber mixed into the muscle milk and hiding things of Rachels and talking badly about her w/Kalia and Dani is just mean. I don’t see any of that as gameplay. I don’t think they should be allowed to alter food or take other people’s things and if they do, it should be an automatic eviction from the house. You didn’t see Rachel doing those things….so no, I wasn’t excited that Porsche won second place. I like to see someone play their heart out….I find that deserving of a win. Example being when Evel Dick played in season 8…..He let everyone know where he stood….he took Dani, not himself, off the block when he won the veto…..he was a HUGE target but made it to F3….and to top it off, your heart just ached for him, when competing for the first part of the 3part HOH and he held onto that key, freezing, water pouring down on him, but holding on, because he wanted Dani to be in F2. That season the story between him and his trying to rebuild a relationship w/Dani was priceless. Dick deserved to win that season and remarkably he did. Does anyone really enjoy seeing an Enzo or Lawon make it to final 3??? Rachel plays, she got to the end, remarkably and she deserved to win. Period.

      • Karen I couldn’t stand or understand his game play@ the time but in
        hindsight I get it.
        besides the fact that there was a million $ on the line that would improve diks life he
        genuinely wanted to get dani back in his life. Thats what he fought the hardest for was to be close to her. She denied him that option on the show until she thought she could beat him being he had been evel. Problem is no matter how evel he had been he played the game. She lost but who loses when you win 50g? I think shes greedy and would have cut his
        throat in bb13 for the
        500g . Even though dik is a hard a $$ he knows who she is and even

        though its not always pretty he loves her. I
        was not a dik fan but
        feel cheated I didn’t get
        to enjoy him this seen to be someone who has watched bb for awhile

  8. I am so glad that Rachel won! I’ve been trying to figure out why Adam voted the way he did. Of course, it could just be that he was angry at not being taken to the final 2. But another possibility is that he felt really bad about the way he tore Porsche to pieces in his speech. I saw when he approached her after the vote. He seemed to be apologizing for what he said. So maybe that’s why he gave her his vote. Maybe he knew that Shelly was going to vote for Rachel. Not sure. But it’s a possibility.

      • You can be mad about being evicted all you want, but you must vote for the best person to win. Janelle voted for both the people that got her evicted ( Ivette and Mike). Its just that adam being such a superfan, i would expect a little more decency. And lol and him calling porsche a floater

  9. I wouldn’t say Rachel was the best player this season, but she definitely deserved it of the final 3. This was just a bad season overall. Too much manipulation by production to help the veterans and keep the ratings up.

    I wish there was a season full of newbies who A) were all superfans, not models or B) had never seen the game at all, were not shown older seasons during pre-show sequester, and were not models.

    Enough with the twists. Let them play.

    • u had a ‘superfan’ named adam and how did that pan out? if rachel is not the best player in the house then who is my dear?

      • I agree with Ben on the part of Rachel not being the best player in the house this year, but the best of the final three by a landslide. She was even the best of the final six, also by far.

    • I love the twists….the golden keys went to newbies, except for Dani, and she got it only because her partner, Evel Dick had to leave. With 8 newbies and 6 veterans, the newbies had the upper hand, had they all stuck together. But they didn’t and even though some had the golden key that kept them safe for the first 4 weeks to boot. You can’t say it favored the veterans….had Porsche not opened the box, Rachel probably would have been sent home that week. Porsche gambled and it hurt the newbies. The twists are planned well ahead, and they play out and help whoever is in a position to be helped at that time. It could be a newbie or a veteran. Rachel was on the block 5 times….the newbies had 2 in the final 3. Rachel won what she had to and she got just enough votes to win…..give her some credit, please.

  10. I am so ecstatic that Rachel won. You so deserved it girl! I am going to miss seeing you (BB) every day. It was an amazingly entertaining summer. I wish you and Brendon all the happiness in the world. You remember the girl that came out of the house, not the one that went into the house. You grew, and so very much for the better. I, for one, would love to see your wedding(ARE YOU LISTENING BB). Good luck to the both of you…hope to see you in the near future.

  11. Rachel,

    I am glad you won. You deserved it. You won the most comps and overcame the most obstacles this summer.

  12. I am SO happy for Rachel! I have been a fan of her from the beginning and I know that she deserved it. I fell in love with Rachel because of her vivacious personality, and also because I felt she was always being her true self. She most definitely improved her game to be a more well rounded player. I hope she has a happy life with Brendon. And well, if we see her somewhere in the future, I will certainly not be disappointed. Congratulations Rachel! You are my homegirl from Carolina!

    • Loved this season, I loved Rachel last season. She was a good player and didn’t have to talk vulgar or demeaning about anyone behind their back. I’m so happy that Rachel won. Congrats to you Rachel. Enjoy your life, girl. :)

  13. congrats rachel. you deserve it. u worked so hard, was loyal and truthful.i started watching big brother last year i never what it was about and u got me hooked. good luck with you and brandon, i wish you guys all the luck and hopefully my dream to see you guys on the amazing race will come true. comon CBS get the on the amazing race. they will win.

  14. Congrats Rachel my girl u finally did it
    I am so happy you won I wish u the best
    Come back for an all star

  15. Congrats to Rachel! (And Jeff!) I was soooooo happy that she won! She deserved it. I couldn’t STAND Calia, Porshe, Dani, or Shelly (after she turned). I liked Adam until he cast his vote for Porshe. And I love Jordan. She is not the best competitor, but she plays the best social game, and it was nice to see her explode on Shelly for once. It was shocking to see Rachel pulling Jordan out and calming her down but I was so proud of her. Oh, by the way, will we ever find out the whole truth of why Evil Dick left the show?

  16. Great job Rachel! Just wish porsche hadn’t won the 50k. I really wish adam had not turned so nasty at the end because I stuck up for his game play but when I read and watched him the last week I questioned myself because he turned into one of the mean, delusional girls at the end. At least it made it easier to watch porsche sitting beside Rachel

    • I think Porsche offered him $10,000 if she won on his vote. He was such a sleeze he would have taken it and she was such a sleeze she would have gone along with it. She said how bad she hated him after he threatened her but I think that was her counter offer.
      The money went where it should have gone (to Rachel), CBS edited her so bad last year, her life was haunted and she was not a person like that! Jeff ended up with way more than PortShe anyway so al is good!

  17. i love rachel and Brendon , jeff and jordan, they are awsome . Rachel you were the best you deserv it to win.I’m a big fan of them and if i speak a very good english i will try to get into a big brother house . love this show….

  18. it was a well deserved win for rachel congrats you’ve changed from the girl/woman america loves to hate to one we stsrted to fall in love with your games skills showed when you werewiothout brendon and you remade yourself. it be great if you have your wedding on the bb set and bb broadcast it wish you love happiness and joy to both you and brendon hpe jordon is a part of your wedding but i think big jeff will be gone by then?

  19. Congratulations Rachel you deserved it! You and Brendon have a great future together! Gonna miss you…

  20. I’m wondering what Rachel thinks about porchuh putting something in Jordan’s food. Big brother should have never let that happen.
    I think we saw the real Rachel after Brendon left. She has a big heart and really is a good person. I wish her many years of happy times.

    • I totally agree with you, slapjaw. Rachel is a diamond in the rough. Underneath all that rock is a precious jewel that shines thru.

      Adversity brings out the true character of a person, and we saw that in front of our eyes this season. Dani’s totally bitter, jealousy made someone who was likable become so mean it was hard to watch

      On the other hand, Rachel, who came in as one of the most disliked people in BB history, overcame adversity so her true heart came thru, and redeemed herself. In the process, she became one of the best players in BB history, and most cheered for.

      Well, Dani, I think all your fans in the BB production staff are probably no longer supporting you after throwing them under the bus in the house. And those fans outside of the house, like me, got to see who you really are. A mean, jealous, bitter little girl. Grow up! Your dad should put you over his knee and give you a good spanking!

      You certainly give hypocrite and jealous witch a new face. After all your professions of loving the game, and voting for the best competitor, you voted against Rachel, one of the best competitors that have played the game. Your comments about her personality were so bitter and vindictive. Look in the mirror, girl. Your personality is shameful, envious, and mean. Mean girls, you, Porsche, Shelley, and to a lesser extent, Kalia. Your behavior the last week in that house were difficult to watch. I tape it on Showtime, and was so disgusted, I fast forwarded after I got the gyst of it. What a disappointment!


  21. @Matt About canadians applying the bachelor, bachelorette and bachelor pad had canadians people on it and the bachelor pad comes with a $250.00 prize.
    How does ABC workes that out? Do you know?

  22. Big Brother has just lost a devoted fan of previous seasons. I will NO longer watch this show. I was disappointed from the beginning of the show when they brought back the old players. Rachel was on BB in the past and LOST. Not fare to bring her (them) on the show again. The newbies should have been alone and given a fair chance to win. If Shelly would have voted like she should have, for a newbie, Porsche would have won. And then the stupid viewing audience awarded Brenden the 25 grand. Good Bye BB!!!!!!

    • i dont think u even watched this season. first rachel deserved to win and second the $25 grand was given to jeff not to brendon. please dont watch if u dont want to watch, know there are enough viewers that will watch. bye and dont let the door hit u on ur way out.

    • T did you record the show if so press rewind?! Shelley like all jury members had the right to vote for whoever she chose. As did adam who in mho sealed his floater date with that vote. On my tv jeff won the americas vote to add to his total of $ 40, 000. Plus his stipend of approximately $ 8000. =$ 48,000+ lol brenden got
      his stipend and I think
      thats all. I cant
      remember what prizes
      he won besides a wk on
      slop. Oh and that lap
      dance from porsche ooo that wasnt a prize lol

  23. Matt , thanks for letting me hang out at your summer home again this yr. Its not the hamptons ;) but I appreciate you giving me somewhere to hang out over the summer. good job again. Headed to fandom buhbye

  24. Congratulations Rachel, I am so happy you won. You deserve every penny. I love how you and Jordan worked together and how you took care of her and didn’t get upset when she didn’t win any competitions.

    I liked Adam, until it was down to the final three and boy, what a jerk he became or maybe that is just the real Adam. I could not believe what a big fat liar he was and how he claimed to be such a fan of BB and yet voted for Porsche.

    I still cannot believe what horrible people Dani, Porsche and Kalia were and how they spent weeks trashing Rachel which was not game play. Just plain evil.

    I have always thought the main reason Dani wanted to backdoor Jeff was because she wanted to impress Dominick. She wanted him to think she was some awesome game player, terrible player.

    I still feel a little down and wish BB was on again this winter. I really don’t care that much for The Amazing Race or Survivor. I love BB because you get to see the show 3 times a week, AD everynight and it’s almost like you are there with them.

    This was only my 4th season. Is there anywhere one can go to read up on the house guests?

    Oh yeah, to Porsche’s remark, “Well Jordan, there is more than one pretty girl in the house this year.” Yeah Porsche, you are right, there was Jordan, Rachel and Cassie.

  25. I really have to put my two cents in here! Rach was the lesser of two evils! That being said, does not say much! I know I am not alone in this opinion. With respect to all the rach fans!

  26. Rachel you made the season worth watching! After Brendon and Jeff were evicted, you were the only one left who deserved the win. You redeemed yourself BIG TIME from last season, and it takes a strong, confident person to come back and compete the way you did. Congratulations! You never gave up, and you did it while staying loyal to your alligiance with Jordan. Porsche is not your friend. She joined Dani’s mean girls after Brendon left and you needed your friends the most.You were the number one target of their mean spirited comments and actions. They made fun of you, stole stuff and hid it, threatened to physically cause the abortion of your baby while they speculated you were pregnant. That is unacceptable, anti-social behavior. After Porsche’s mean girl cronies were all gone, she went running back to you cause you were the only path for her. Watching you accept her as an ally, and becoming her friend again made me sick. What a hypocrite! I hope when you realize what she did, you and Brendon will put her in her place and don’t allow her in your life. Forgiveness is noble, and one thing. But with friends like her, who needs enemies.

    Rachel you deserved this win! You were awesome to watch, and you give all people needing a second chance hope.

    I hope you know how much good wishes and prayers alot of people and sending you and Brendon’s way. Spend that money wisely, but have a little bit of fun. You certainly earned it.

    Couple of suggestions: try to have your wedding be a reality event somewhere if CBS won’t do it. Alot of us would tune in and watch after having invested time in watching your relationship start and develop. It be a great ending to a non-showmance!

    Also, get on the Amazing Race! If Jeff and Jordan could do it, so can you! It be awesome if both couples could do it the same season. What a treat!

    Brendon, I pray your goal of finding a cure for cancer is fulfilled. I hope Rachel’s winnings will help you to finance the costs of your PHd. YOu proved chivalry is not dead sacrificing yourself for Rachel by allowing her to continue in the game. Although I disagreed with your decision, at the end it was certainly the right one to make.

    You guys have a great life ahead of you. Your fans out here are looking forward to seeing where life takes you! All God’s blessings!


    • Lennie: What a fabulous idea. Rachel and Brendon on The Amazing Race. I would bet anything they would win, hands down.

      Also, I agree with your entire comment. I have always been a Jeff and Jordan fan, and didn’t much like Rachel and Brendon, but that all changed this year.

      After Jeff and Brendon left and Rach and Jordan teamed up, I saw a totally different person in Rachel and was rooting for her the entire time. I love the way the 2 girls worked together and no one else even came close to deserving to win.

      Congratulations Rachel!

  27. @ ellablue, Hi! I am not sure on, who should have won. The newbies folded as soon as they saw all the vets walk in. I was really pushing for Cassie (sp?) but our rach, took care of that. Look, rach did deserve to win. IMHO, it was the lesser of two evils. Por, was very lucky to make it as far as she did. Then, she is boasting about her game?? I was surprised to see how much rach, tamed down, since last season! She did deserve to win! Look at the choices, tho??? BB, needs an All Star or an All Newbie!! Take care you!!

  28. @db,,,, sorry, aint buyin’ it! I am on the website, “Rach, for PRESIDENT!?” give me a small break. 4 or 5? Do we forget last season, so easy? Rach won this season because OF her fiance and her so-called floaters. (oh jordan, is not one) Jordan is cute and funny and social. Rach used her! This is BB! Rach is the worst player in the history! She is worse then a floater. She is a “user!” I am now outta here! With Respect to ya all!

      • tishe, ty for the useless rant you just gave us. Rachel didnt use anybody, if anything, though i love jordan, she used rachel to get further cause she wssnt doing anything herself. and fyi, if she is the worst player evr, u must have not watched the past 12 seasons. At that rate, if your calling the worst people users, you would include will in your list too.

  29. hey .. to what few readers are checking in..go to Jokers and check out Porsche’s interview..she addresses the “baby killing conversation”…Porsche puts all the blame on Shelly…She also infers that Jeff was making passes at her..(he supposedly confused her with Jordon cause she was also blond) I never saw anything of the sort on live feeds and he only began talking to her a week before he was evicted. She also addresses the Benifiber incident..TOO little too late to apologize now..

    • Hey fly…I actually just went to read it, and I saw a few things that left me shaking my head. She said ‘it was stupid and wrong, and I’m sorry’ about the abortion conversation. I didn’t really take it as her inferring Jeff making passes at her, she even went on to say they were friends and talked about non-game matters. The Benefiber incident she also said she ended up feeling stupid for, but still apparently thinks its funny that she stole Brendon’s duck. Bathroom sign I don’t have a problem with, but his duck, that’s wrong to me.

      Here’s what I most had a problem with…

      “And you know with Brendon, I’ve heard multiple times now that he was offering the sun, moon, stars and what not, In the jury house, for people to vote for his fiancee, that’s normally not allowed in Big Brother but whatever it was, whatever swayed Shelly’s vote to vote that way, I think she is going to be surprised when she sees the show and sees what people really think of her.”

      If it’s true that she offered Adam $10,000 for his vote if she won, then, well, I don’t need to explain why this is annoying for her to say. Also, I think Porsche will also be surprised to find out what some think of her.

  30. i really liked the way rachael played the game this year. her interview with bb shows me the spark and genuine love for not only the cast and game itself. i believe the cast loves her even though things were said to the contrary. last year regan went at her pretty good and now they are great friends. racheal takes friends not prisoners. i truely enjoyed bb 13 this year and the cast and hope to see racheal and a couple more cast members in the all stars or other bb shows. i do agree bb, get racheal her own reality show with other bb friends stopping by to visit her in rach’s every day life. would be fun. i would watch and so would a lot of other folks. congrats racheal and big brother

  31. yaay to rachel…….and yaay to shelly’s redemption.. you can always expect the unexpected! adam is cruddy and porshe always seemed snaky…it was fun watching daniele at the finale (ha ha)

  32. Great Game Rachel. You adjusted to every situation and won when it counted most. I wish you and Brendon every happiness.
    You made last season better and made this season worth watching every second of it. Best HG EVER.

  33. so adam the floater might have screwed himself out of 2nd place by promising rachel his vote even if she evicts him..if adam told her straight up if she evicts him she wont get his vote, then rachel might have evicted adam thinking adam’s vote was the swing vote for her winning or losing..but rachel did the right thing promising to take porsche..nobody gets between rachel and her word

  34. congratulations rachel. i hope that you and brenton can love each other for all eternity. please dont fight no more, unless it is agains danielle.

  35. While I would have preferred a different winner, this was a great season of Big Brother in large part to all of the veterans. I have to wonder how much better the season would have been if ED did not have leave a few days in.

  36. Congratulations Rachel…you won teh season.

    I’m not impressed. Sorry…you’ll have to win a season WITHOUT blatantly-contrived twists, bailouts, recycled challenges, Adam, and Producer’s Box to make me impressed. You won it because they slanted the show – Pretty amazing how the second you get in trouble, Producer’s Box is opened and introduces a twist that only seems to benefit you. Then the veto challenge is the exact same challenge as one you won, you talk about another challenge you did well at and surprise, that’s the next head of household. Then when you get forced to open Producer’s Box…it doesn’t sabotage anyone’s gameplay at all. Wow…that’s some amazing luck.

    Just do us all a favour…stay off the TV. Forever. Your whining already ruined two seasons of Big Brother. You already showed up on a bridezilla show just to stroke your ego. You’re already goign to ruin The Amazing Race unless you and Boredom act like actual people instead of sociopathically pushing your way through the game and are somehow unable to imagine why people can’t stand you. So ends an era of Big Brother when you had to have a decent SOCIAL game to win. Now you can just win by being an egotistical jackass and pushing your way through the game like Russell Hantz did and win because the producers always bail you out when you’re in danger. RIP Big Brother…farewell winners like Jun, Dr. Will, and Maggie. Hello winners who would have been pre-jury boots like Rachel Hantz. Tis a dark day in Big Brother.

    Brendon, you’re amazing. You’re able to put up with that diva when any sane person would have offed themselves in a month trying to get away from her whining. No wonder Rachel’s parents want you to be with her – nobody else with a brain would. You’re going to go to the end of your days thinking you earned such a prize yet Rachel’s some day gonna cheat on you like you did on Skype.

    I have a great idea for Big Brother 14: NO. EXECUTIVE. MEDDLING. I’d have much rather had a F4 of Lawon, Keith, Cassi, and Kalia than CG-I Porsche.

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