Big Brother 13 Week 9: Live Feeds Blackout

Big Brother 13 Trivia

This isn’t the happiest of Big Brother 13 Live Feeds news I could share, but it’s important and you’ll want to know what’s about to start happening on the Feeds.

Around 2PM BBT this afternoon (Tuesday) the Live Feeds will be temporarily turned off so the HGs can perform the next eviction and follow on competitions for Head of Household and Veto. While we don’t know for sure when they will turn back on it’s safe to assume we won’t see feeds again until after Wednesday’s broadcast. CBS will want to protect the surprise of Kalia’s eviction, I mean whoever’s eviction it might possibly be (Kalia), along with the competitions. This is similar to what happened last year during the final full week of the show. Yes, it stinks. No, we can’t avoid it.

Luckily, RealNetworks wants to turn that frown upside down with some pretty good filler events on the Live Feeds. Here’s what they’ll offer starting today at 2PM BBT:

  • Tuesday @ 2PM – 3PM PT: Live Chat with Howie (BB6/7) and Kevin (BB11)
  • Tuesday @ 3PM – 4PM PT: Janelle (BB6/7) and Howie (BB6/7) hosting a show
  • Tuesday @ 4PM – 5PM PT: Games with Howie (BB6/7) and Kevin (BB11)
  • Tuesday @ 5PM – 6PM PT: Happy Hour with Howie and Kevin
  • Tuesday @ 6PM – 2AM PT: Big Brother 13 Live Feed season highlights

The only way to watch these events is with the Live Feeds – get the Free Trial.

If you’re wondering about Big Brother 14 After Dark playing tonight, then sorry to disappoint again, but that content was recorded earlier today to playback during the regular time. We’re not expecting a new After Dark with live content until Wednesday night.

With all that in mind we probably won’t know for sure who is evicted, who becomes the next HoH, and who wins the almighty Veto until Wednesday night’s show is over.

One glimpse of hope I can offer is that last season we received leaks from the filming of the episode during the blackout. Be wary that there will be lots of false rumors, but we’ll try to weed through and find reliable sources to keep you updated.



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  1. Welll… I think I could use a break from the house… I can wait till Wednesday nite…I will however check back for updates …Be good to relax for 24 hours…lol…whew this show can cause so much stress at times…….

    • Obviously not if the feeds are blacked out. But normally we know who was nominated 2 days before it’s shown on TV and who won Veto 4 days before it’s shown.

      For whatever reason they block out all of these events today and tomorrow, maybe because it’s compacted down in to such a short time.

      • I remember the same thing happened last year. And I knew BBAD was on but couldn’t remember if we found out everything on BBAD but now that you mentioned it being recorded it brought back memories and I remember that it was recorded last year also.

      • And here I thought BB was serving mimosas early this am to compensate the HG’s for their lack of sleep last night, haha.

  2. i hope next year will b all strangers, i dont like people playing for a second time is worth a crap
    , hope kalia gets evicted….

    • after reading the updates on the jokers site it’s not set in stone about kalia going home.Jordan and Rach are going back and forth now.(sigh)

      • I’d be really surprised if Kalia does not go home. Jordan is still undecided whether to give her a “sympathy” vote but Adam is definitely voting her out and I’m sure Rachel will break the tie and send Kalia packing. She’s just too dangerous to keep around.

    • Yeah, someone should leak it, but there’s only an audience for the eviction and we already know how that’s going to go. We might not be so lucky for HoH & Veto comps.

    • Kalia? The best? She’s done well on several occasions, but far from the best.

      Kalia nominated and got her own alliance member evicted. Daniele threw away her best seat in the house because she wanted to play the game “her way” rather than what was in front of her. Dominic threw the Veto competition and was evicted as a result of Daniele overselling the idea of keeping him.

      Bunch of knuckleheads in that alliance!

    • @Haley I agree with you regarding K. She is very smart. She was up all night studying everything the Fortune Teller said. I think she would even beat R at that comp. She stayed next to Dani on the ski slope and won 2 HOH’s with questions. I know she is annoying to a lot of people, but putting all the personal stuff aside. Just about every HG has some annoying habbits.

      @Matt Kalia only put up Lawon (he offered) as all the rumors flying around the house of the power the evicted HG might have.

      Just wondering Matt of the other newbies besides K who would you say had the best game play?

  3. Thanks Matt for all of your updates through the season. They make my day and help me figure strategies for game play.

    • The only thing “live” is Jordan’s stupidity. She couldn’t repeat a thing the FT said right after she said it. Ever notice when Jordan is trying to think she pulls on her hair while she has the look of a deer in the headlights! I hope she’s goes soon – what a complete, “ummmm”, no brain “ummmmm”, “what was I saying”, “ummmm’ ueseless idiot leech.

      • @ISAY ….Not sure what you were watching but almost every fortune told Jordan remembered and went through with Rachel and Adam. There were several times she even reminded Rachel what was said.

      • JustMe. Jordan could not remember anything. If it wasn’t for Rachel and Adam she is like a lost puppy as he said stroking her hair. She never stops doing it longer than 30 seconds. Watch and count. Bad as Kalia talking all the time. The only time she reminded Rachel is after R/A told to her a hundred times.

  4. This is the best BB site out there and this is the only reality show I follow …….because I can watch it live and not scripted…thx again

  5. I’m wondering why the live feeds don’t switch over to the jury house when the feeds are down at the BB house. Wouldn’t this be a great way to keep us live feed addicts smiling? love my BB live feeds :)

    • That would be fun, but I’d guess it’d be cost prohibitive to try to set up another camera and wire maze plus having a production team out there to do the Feeds while the other team continues to record content for the show.

      • What a great idea Charlotte! I bet the jury house would be so interesting to watch! Especially with the combination of evictees that are in there this summer! Thanks Matt for all the updates! Pretty sure from the vaguely veiled refereneces above Kalia was evicted.

  6. Oh. My. God. I can’t take anymore. Please, please, PLEASE for the love of all that is ‘Big Brother’, go back and read Matt’s article again.

    Remember to read from left to right and read it in it’s entirety.

    The things with all the words in it are called SENTENCES.


    Matt, you were very clear. MOST of us get it.

    Will keep checking back periodically just in case you get any goods you can share.


      • I second that! I get so tired of the idiots that keep asking the questions that were just answered in the post on which they are commenting! Also annoying is the misplaced/misused punctuation and misspelled words which makes it hard to read and understand the post!

    • It does seem like some people think only of themselves. Their time is too important to read the whole article like most of us do.

      Matt, your updates are great and I really appreciate the time and effort you put into them. You’re the right man for the job. Thanks

  7. I might be the only one who thinks that the anticipation is great. It’s usually a bit boring Tues/Wed anyway.

  8. Sorry if this is an annoying/dumb question. Where can we look for the leaks over the next 24 hrs. BB Facebook? This blog site? Just wondering….

  9. Went to LF before it goes off and Jordan is the only one awake in the HOH room. She looks worried. Earlier this morning she told Rachel she is concerned about what will happen. She asked Rachel if FF could occur today? MS R said no way!

    I believe Jordan should listen to her inner instinct and get ready for game time!!!!

  10. Matt is awesome, its a must read daily and continuously. Don’t have BBAD many reasons. But your feed is spot on. dont need to know all but the info is enough to keep it real. MISS Dick!!!

      • I agree. Love your articles and commentary, Matt. I also appreciate you taking off comments that are inappropriate or false. I just became a fan a few seasons ago and never really understood why people liked this show before until I started watching it. Now, I am addicted! :-)

  11. Kalia should be evicted, would be a shame if she wasnt!!! Honestly iam NOT a Racheal fan but shes the only one who deserves to win. Porsche isnt one of my favs but she should be in f2 with Racheal. I love Jordan as a person but her nor Adam deserve to be in f2.

  12. It’s a good thing that Kalia studied so hard all night…she can take the predictions with her to the jury house later today (I guess) and share the fun stuff with Brendon, Jeff, Dani and Shelly. They’ll be SO pleased to see her……

    • He won it once. I say he’ll do it again. Jeff.

      Now if Jordan gets to Final 2, it’s much more likely as viewers won’t split their votes between Jeff and Jordan. If Jordan is eliminated before the Final 2 then it could hurt both their chances.

      Who do you think it will be?

      • I thought the same thing. If Jordan gets evicted it was a toss up who I would vote for. I think it would hurt both of them…so go Jordan final 2 with Rachel.

      • Just wondering why Jeff? Are you voting on his looks? Can you imagine what a ass he is in real life. How many times have you seen him blow up. If he shows his anger on this show like he does off must be super. Jordan would have no life with him. She would be afraid so speak after awhile.

  13. i think Jeff if Jordan isnt in jury but if she is i think Danielle. But DEFINETLY will never be Shelly. lol

      • you’re wrong. she’s very liked — by herself.

        I’d say it’s still either Jordan or Jeff — even if the vote will get split.

    • if they had a vote for least fav i think shelly would win for that even though i couldnt vote that would just be too mean.

      • Yesterday K thought she might get Americas favorite… she was already spending the money. Could you imagine!

      • I honestly think it is very tacky for any of them to say they think they should be America’s Player. If Rachel goes to jury she will get my vote, otherwise I’m not sure.

  14. I think Rachel and Jordan’s best move would be to evict Porsche, not Kalia. I just have this feeling that Adam and Porsche have a F2 deal and always have. Adam is just playing Jordan and Rachel. Porsche is better at endurance and skill, Kalia with questions, but the Adam thing with Porsche is something that Rachel and Jordan really need to think through. But, in the end, I think they will probably vote to evict Kalia, although I don’t think it would be their best game move at all.

    • I think that they’re tired of her constant yapping. She is annoying. Porsche plays a bit under the radar, has from the beginning.

      • If Rachel doesn’t win the whole thing, she should win America’s favorite. She deserves to be rewarded for making the last few weeks interesting enough to watch.

    • I think that R/J feel that they can’t beat K in the questions but that it might be possible to beat P. I think R believes she could beat K and P for the endurance POV later so it really boils down to who they think they can beat in the questions. A possible/for sure (HOH) beats a never/for sure (POV) option. We’ll just have to wait and see.

    • I think Kalia’s personality is strongly influencing the decision, no one seems to care for her, not that I can fault them. She is also good at most types of comps. I think Rachel is better off with Porsche in the game, I think she would get Jordan out before Rachel.

    • Actually, Kalia has proven on more than one occasion that she can outlast Porche when it comes to endurance. I was surprised, too.

  15. i respect everyones opinion we are all entitled to one. But if we are talking GAME and who DESERVES to be in f2 then why should Jordan or Adam be in f2?? Especially Jordan? either way Racheal has this in the bag no matter who she is in f2 with at this point.

    • I totally hope that Rachel wins the 1/2 mil. Jordan is a very nice person…OBVIOUSLY…Adam is also a good guy…Porsche? Hmm. I believe that Rachel has endured all the nasty comments and backstabbing this entire season and deserves to win it all.

      • I have to agree with you[cd].I think Rachel deserves to win the 1/2 mil. more than anyone else in the BB house.GO RACHEL!I pray that they are smart enough to get Kalia out now.She is too good at the question games.And Matt you have been awesome getting the answers we all want to hear.Keep up the good job.Looking for the results of the activities tonight.

    • I would love for Rachel to win! I do think Jordan deserves to be there as much as anyone else who is still there. I don’t think she is great at comps, but she has a great social game, and don’t think she even has try because she seems to be very sweet in general, and gets along with everyone. I think Adam had a good social game, I also think he will surprise us all in the coming comps. He got OTEV which is usually a hard comp.

    • Yes. Then they will likely hold the HoH competition and Veto competition. Maybe even the Veto ceremony. The Thurs show will arrive and we’ll get the live eviction where we go from 4 HGs to 3 HGs.

  16. Does anyone know if there is no episode on Sunday because of the 9/11 special? Or will it be on another day?

  17. I really hope sometime tomorrow or thuursday they show the jury house with shelly coming. It’ll probably be Thursday that way they’ll have time to show shelly and kalia go!

  18. Can’t wait to find out who got evicted! Still on fence as to which one. Think Kalia will say anything to stay in house. If she stays. I think her and Portia will unite and vote out Jordan. Hope I’m wrong.

    • from twitter……
      ■Right now (10:00 am BBT) they were told that filming for Big Brother After Dark is beginning. What is happening on the feeds right now will air tonight on showtime.
      ■Tomorrow (Wednesday), they will air (Kalia’s) eviction and the Head of Household competition that is happening tonight.

  19. OK, I get that this is a different week than normal with more activity and all. But, doesn’t CBS realize most all of us tune in anyway even knowing results. I dont see much point in shutting down feeds.

  20. Look CBS I see you have already deleted a lot of comments and I am sure this one will to, because I am sure all of the people who paid for Live Feeds are complaining to CBS. First of all CBS has Fix the show, first fix was bringing Brendon back when I spent over 80.00 all on dom to come back. Second no way should any of the people that play the game should be allow to be in the final four and now with you controlling the live feeds just proves your hiding the truth on how you FIX BB and I will not be watching NEXT YEAR because your a total rip off to the people without us you would not have a #1 show. I know one thing if I was on that show there would not be a dull moment in the house or jury house because the people who are left in the house are a JOKE the big big joke is (CYBIL)= Rachel….keep giving her her prozac. POOR JOB THIS TIME CBS ON BIG BROTHER…

    • Wow. You’re so inspired to post despite the fact you don’t know what you’re talking about. That takes confidence!
      First of all, the joke is on you for spending 80.00 for Dom to come back. I don’t even know where you spent money, unless that is a typo or something.

      Second, your conspiracy theories are tired and unoriginal.

      Third, CBS does not run this site, and the live feeds weren’t turned off because of CBS’s master plan to screw you over and conspire against you, as you seem to believe. They turned off the feeds because there is an eviction that is being performed before a live show, so they don’t want people to know all of the results and therefore not tune in to watch and find out for themselves.

      The fact that you just wrote that no returning player should be ‘allowed’ to be in the final 4 makes it seem like you would be okay if the show was fixed in your favor. Again, I’m not sure if you’re just bad at explaining your thoughts, or if you simply just don’t know what’s going on, so I apologize.
      You seem like the kind of sporadic, easily manipulated viewer CBS doesn’t need, so your empty threats have no merit here.

    • Wow, Michelle! You think Rachel needs Prozac more than Dani did the week she was evicted? When she was threatening to bad mouth Adam to Evil Dick and Janelle if he voted for her to be evicted. You think Rachel needs Prozac more than Porsche, who spiked the shake powder and jokedabout kicking a pregnant woman in the stomach? You think Rachel needs Prozac more than delusional, psycho Shelley? You really think Rachel needs Prozac more than sleep,eat,or talk about throwing her puppy against the wall Kalia. Really? I find that SHOC-KING!

      • couldn’t agree with you more Lennie! The mean girls need some serious meds starting with their “I’m so awesome, some production staff will quit if I get evicted” leader, fugly Dani. For the record, I call her fugly not because of her appearance. It’s her attitude (in the house).

      • some people dont look at the whole picture they just see what they want to see and forget about all the mean girls crap. i think rachel is doing great considering all that crap she has had to put up with she would need prozac just to deal with it

    • Your complaint has fallen on deaf ears; this is not CBS nor is it affiliated with CBS.

      HOWEVER! In the interest of civil rights, what proof do you offer that Rachel was medicated? If CBS has medicated her, we should all file a complaint against CBS for practicing and prescribing medicine without a license; further, for violating Rachel’s right to medical privacy by informing “michellewilson”.

      IOW . . . dry up.

      • I love your posts Dan! And yes miss you are definitely a fool for spending $80.00, I assume to text your votes for Dom. I guess you are very confused and maybe think you are on the cbs webpage. If you had been able to find their page you could have voted for free, lmao.

    • @Michelle “Hyper” Wilson: Those comments were deleted due to obscenities. We let the tinfoil conspiracy theorists roam the halls freely. But please, close your robe.

  21. Okay, I can hardly wait until tomorrow! I so hope Rachel or Jordan get HOH. I want final 3 to be Rachel, Jordan and Adam. Final 2 Rachel and Adam. I think Rachel will win over Adam. I haven’t bought the feeds for the past 2 years. Just not worth it in my opinion. I have BBAD and get enough fix from that!

    • Though I hope Rachel wins the game, she is not eligible to compete in the next HoH competition, so let’s hope for a PoV win by either Jordan or Rachel or one of them is toast.

      • I forgot about that. You are right. Maybe Jordan will step up and win or Adam. I’m still afraid he will flip to Porsh

      • Let’s hope they can pull this off. The PoV is just as important, if not more, on Thursday, since the PoV winner casts the sole vote to evict, unless the HoH wins it. So even if Jordan wins HoH, Porche or Adam could win the PoV, take one of them off, put up Rachel, and evict her while Jordan can do nothing to stop them.

      • But Adam doesn’t want Rachel to win the POV he told Jordan to win it, but If Rachel does win it, if she takes Jordan off the block that would just leave Porsche all by herself on the block, that would be funny lol

      • I don’t understand, Sunflower.

        If a nominee is taken off the block, someone is put up as a replacement

      • I believe if the POV is used by a unnominated player, the other nominee is immediately evicted. If anyone knows different please tell us.

      • I think what would happen in that scenario is the person would not use the veto and just wait to evict later.

      • I think it’s funny and a little endearing that some people think that Jordan could or would actually win HOH or POV. It’s cute… just like her! :)

  22. I can’t wait until tomorrow & Thursday to watch BB… I’m soo excite at the same time soo nervous on who’s gotta be the next HOH and who will win the veto comp. Go Rachel, Jordan and Adam!

  23. I agree, this is rather exciting that we will not be able to find out until the broadcast. The anticipation better pay off. I expect to see Kalia gone and Jordan as hoh. I think that be the ideal scenario.

  24. When do they vote on America’s favorite ??? I want to vote 4 Rachel just in case. She did such a great job this time around.

    • They will broadcast it on CBS show when the voting starts, I am thinking maybe on Thursday’s show.

  25. This season will be an upset if Porsche receives a penalty vote for that benefiber incident.

    Adam will vote to evict Kalia
    Jordan will vote to evict Porsche
    BB will vote to evict Porsche

    Please Jordan do not vote to evict Porsche!!!
    Kalia will be the next HOH

    • I think if they were going to do something it would have been done that week. They didn’t broadcast it on the cbs shows, so unless you read recaps or have the feeds, most people don’t even know about it.

      • I can see it now, those who believe the show is rigged will say that if BB applies a penalty vote now to P it is only to help R & J.

        Has Porsche been on the block (before now) but after she spiked the drink? Maybe this is the first time a penaly vote could be applied to her.

      • Never mind people on Facebook is stating Porsche won HOH. That may be true because Kalia and Porsche was up last night studying while everyone else was sleeping.

    • Porsche but Benfiber in the power drinks mix that the players were drinking. (I can’t remember what the actual name of the drink was) anyway BB found out and made her go dump it out.

      • The last time someone tried to do harm to another hg they gave them a penalty vote. No one knew until they were put up on the block and voted out.

  26. The feeds are reruns. the only thing worse than having to listen to Kalia is having to listen to Kalia AND Shelly. OH MY GOD why are they ALL back in the house!?????

    • Bandit – Probably not. It’s not until the final three that the HOH gets to compete in back to back competitions. In other words, whoever wins today will get to compete again in the three-part competition on Thursday.

    • No, the only HOH that can compete in the following HOH comp is the final 4 HOH. When they go into the 3 part HOH comp that decides the very last HOH….. HOH

  27. has anybody heard any results yet? I’m dying to know what happened! Sure hope Jordan and Rachel do well in the comps.

      • i don”t want either one to win,i want to see someone new win it not someone who has done all this before

  28. Praying Adam or Jordan win the HOH! Porsche will put Rachel and Jordan up, and will be final 3. Her immoral behavior in the house does not deserve to be rewarded. Questions will probably be tricky enough to make it almost impossible for Jordan to win and it will be all left up to Adam. Apparently, Porsche has been laying low and is smarter than anyone gave her credit for. Her memorization skills were impressive! I think she has a very good chance of winning the HOH. What a travesty! Hope she remembers who saved her first couple of weeks in the house, and pays Rachel back for even having the opportunity to be in the house this long. Rachel really stepped it up for her!


    • Absolutely! I’m concerned that P will win HOH. She is smart. Janelle probably told her how to play the game and slide by. Go RACHEL!

      • Janelle should have told P where her shoulder is. P = smart? It’s like saying Jordan = Einstein

        If P does win HOH, like Lennie said, I hope she’ll remember who saved her the first few weeks in the house. I’m really hoping for an R/J F2, but I’d settle with at least R or J making it to F2.

    • If Porsche wins HOH it doesn’t matter who she nominates, all the power in the the final four is the veto.

    • Trish/6 – got the same info from her twitter source.
      Same question I asked her = “How realable is your twitter source”?

    • So confused. Why is POV played w/o knowing who Adam, or whoever won HOH, put on the block?
      I am taking all the Twitter/or however the info is being obtained as just interesting rumers.

      • There’s really no reason to put anyone on the block because whoever wins the pov is safe and the other 2 are up.It’s all about the veto at this point.

      • There’s only HOH and 3 others left.Whoever wins the pov would keep themself safe of course.The other 2 go on the block.

      • I’ll bet Adam still had to make nominations so that the houseguests and jury could see where his head was at.

        Also, what if the HoH won the PoV in your scenario? He would have to nominate people after the PoV? What if they would have played differently knowing they were nominated?

  29. Big Brother 13 Spoiler – Eviction and New Head of Household Results –

    alia Booker was evicted by a 2/1 vote, with Rachel breaking the tie.

    Adam Poch is the new Head of Household.

    Endurance Competition will be played out on the Live Feeds beginning Thursday night ….

  30. Hey Matt, love your site but couldn’t wait so I patrolled a couple of other sites to see of they had anything. Jokers just posted, it’s rumored but from a source who was at the taping, that Adam won HOH (questions were based on what the fortune teller said), Kahlia was evicted 2-1, Rachel broke the tie. They said footage was shown when Shelly went to jury house and Jeff and Dani fans would love it! Just fyi. I hope all this pans out to be true!

    • They don’t show audience members the whole episode. The person lost credibility when they started talking about Jury House, unless, of course, they also have an insider there too…

  31. I’m a little confused as to how Jordan won the pov without us even learning about the nominations by Adam.

    I am really hoping Rachel wins the POV, or even Jordan but not Adam or Porsche cause Rachel will most certainly be backdoored, and i want Rachel to atleast have a fair shot of competing in F3.

    • I agree…even adam winning over porsche would be better. But definitely rachel or jordan! What’s with this porsche cheating on the HOH comp? Is this true or rumor.

    • If Adam puts up Rachel and Jordan, she’d take herself off and Porsche would replace her. Would Jordan be the only voter? She could vote for Rachel, then Porsche would leave. Could this be the case or is there some other scenario for final 4?

      • The way the final 4 situation works is the one person who is not nominated or HoH will cast the sole vote to evict, so usually the PoV winner decides who goes home, unless they are the HoH that week.

      • Thanks for your responses. I want to see Porsche walk out the door to join the others in the jury house.

  32. Wouldn’t it make more sense to hold the veto competition tomorrow since they already did so much today and aren’t under the time constraint of a live show? My guess is Rolist is full of it, however, if he is right, I’ll be the first to admit it. We will know, even if Jordan does win, if he’s lying by seeing if they are outside at night or day time.

    • I am leaning to you guess re: POV has not been played.
      Big question who did he pick to go on the block? His decision could be sooooo telling!

    • The true will not unfold as fact until LF comes back on or after the show. Depending on your time zone the results = a waiting game.

      I live in PT so around 7 PM PT my LF will return prior to Wed BB show.

      i’ve read this same info about adam (HOH) & jordan (POV) on several different sites from “supposedly reliable sources” who say they were at the taping of the show.

      the only other thing i’ve seen is that adam nominated porsche & jordan – didn’t nom rachel because her opening of pandora’s box allowed him to meet tori spelling.

      it sucks – but there’s no way to REALLY KNOW until tomorrow nite’s show :)

      • CT,

        Adam told Jordan this morning that he was going to nominate Jordan and Porsha if he won the HOH because both Rachel and he have had to win the POV to remove themselves from the block. This all happened on the live feeds today before the blackout.

        I have heard from a reliable source that Adam won the HOH, but I have no confirmation on the POV / Jordan rumor.

      • thanks LEO – we shall see….

        but regardless of how it ‘really’ happens – personally i hope adam, rachel & jordan are the F3…

        and even though i adore jordan, i would like to see adam & rachel in F2…

        and i hope rachel wins this year – IMO – she TRULY deserves it :)

      • CT,

        I think Adam will shock everyone and win the Final HORachel wins part 1
        Adam wins part 2
        Adam wins part 3

        Adam evicts Rachel

        Adam will have 2 HIH wins and 3 POV’s

        Rachel will have 3 HOH wins and 2 POV’s

        Adam will be able to make an argument he deserves to win because he wonn just as many comps and played a better social game than Rachel

        Rachel would get


        Adam would get


        Dani would be the swing vote…. Would she vote for Adam (who she thinks is the worst BB player ever) or Rachel who she can’t stand especially after Rachel’s good bye message

        ***** Adam won’t take Jordan to the Final 2 because he knows how the jury feels about Rachel and can beat her

        ******* Mark my words *******

        Adam and Rachel in the Final 2!!!

      • CT,

        I think the final 2 will be Adam and Rachel

        Adam will win the Final HOHH and evict Jordan

        Adam will have 3 jury votes with Kalia, Shelly and Pirsha while Rachel gets Brendon, Jeff and Jordan’s votes… Dani will be the swing voter. Will she pick Adam and give him the money even though she thinks he is the worst player, or will she give her rival Rachel the win? Adam and Rachel will be close in comps with Rachel winning 3 HOH comps and 2 Vetos and Adam winning 2 HOH comps and 3 Vetos.

        Kalia may be a wild card as well because she may be mad at Adam for not using the Veto to save her today.

        Rachel wins part one of the hoh
        Adam wins parts 2 & 3….

      • LEO

        if rachel makes F2, BOTH dani & kalia will vote for her if they are true to their words about wanting a TRUE competitor to win this game.

        adam & rachel may be pretty much even with the comps they win, but rachel has had to beat the odds through this entire season – where adam has pretty much coasted along… that’s gotta be worth something!

        just an observation, but rachel plays a MUCH BETTER game when ‘brennon’ isn’t around!
        have you noticed that? lol

      • CT,

        I am a died hard Team Rachel aka Brenchel fan, and I hope she wins…. But the facts are, if Adam wins the Final HOH he will be close in wins…. Dani and Kalia would be the deciding votes… Kalia can’t stand Rachel, and will be bitter because Rachel voted her out over Porsha…. However, Kalia may be more bitter toward Adam because he refused to use the POV to save her and decided to protect Rachel and Jordan over her and Porsha…

        Dani clearly is no fan of Adam, but will have a hard time swallowing her pride and giving Rachel the win especially since Dani proclaimed getting Rachel out as the first jury member like last year and failing… Rachel’s good bye message won;t help her either with Dani…. B**** that is right Dani, I called you a B****!

  33. Last pm on Live Feeds Jordan told Rachel…Adam asked me if he won HOH would I (Jordan) be upset if he put up me and Porsche. She told R she said she would not be upset.

    • So, if Jordan won POV and takes herself off…Rachel joins Porsche on the heat seat. Jordan will hopefully send Porsche packing on Thursday. That sounds good to me!

    • correct – and if what i’ve read is true, that is exactly what adam did..

      porsche & jordan on the block.
      jordan won POV – NOT use it.
      rachel votes porsche out.
      adam, rachel & jordan = final 3.

      • But wouldn’t Jordan use the POV on herself just so she could be sure that she doesn’t get backdoored by R? And she would cast the vote to evict P.

      • Adam winning HOH, I buy that based on what I have read on different links.
        The unknown variable = Did POV get played on Tues night and Jordan won
        Is that wishful thinking.

        Gotta go with…
        see it on either LF on Wed around 7PM PT or BB Wed show.

        Just saying…… :)

      • Leb,

        There will be no live feeds until BB airs on the West Coast…. By then, BB will show the Kalia eviction, HOHH comp, Nominations and possibly Jury house reactions

        The POV and POV ceremony as well as final eviction before Part 1 of the Final HOH comp will air on THursday…

      • Leo,
        I buy the story that Adam won HOH.
        I also believe Ms K was evicted.

        Since LF comes on before BB show on the west coast the above scenerio will be confirmed, and after watching the show the remaining unknown will unfold! :)

      • LEB,

        The Live Feeds won’t be back on until after the airing of the next episode i=on the West Coast which means the Live Feds won’t be back on until 10 OM CST / 11 PM CST….. That is why it says on CBS and I am sure Matt discusses that in the heading for this blackout section / post ok?

      • DD

        one would think that jordan would remove herself, right? i don’t know – this is just what i read.

        but i will say that rachel made the comment to porsche on BBAD last nite that “someone is smarter than she’s been pretending” – referring to porsche’s ability to remember everything the fortune teller was saying.

        it seems pretty clear that rachel wants porsche gone….

      • Leo,
        I believe the LF will not be blacked out in PT zone until after the show. I base that statement on being a LF addict and experience the feed coming on after the show in the east/central zone.
        Wed will tell if this blackout situation is an exception. :)

      • Rachel will evict Porsha because she is guaranteed to get to the FInal 2 with either Jordan or Adam….. She knows Porsha will choose to keep Adam over her in the Final 2….. Porsha is gone if she doesn;t winn the POV…. Rachel is gone, if Porsha does win the POV….

  34. i think any one stupid enough to take r to the f2 dont deserve to win. r in the f2 is a sure win she has outplayed everyone. not that i dont think r deservs to win however that would be just handing her a check.

    • I think Jordan would take Rachel to the F2. She will keep her word and be happy with the 50k if that happens. Jordan knows having won big in the past is a monkey on her back.

    • Wow laura…I’m going to Not try and be rude, but do you realize how Dumb this sounds? Rachel has out. Played everyone. But yet doesn’t deserve to win? Maybe you should say rachel out played everyone, but you still don’t want her to win. Cause this just flat out sounds ridiculous.

      • I think the final 2 will be Adam and Rachel

        Adam will win the Final HOHH and evict Jordan

        Adam will have 3 jury votes with Kalia, Shelly and Pirsha while Rachel gets Brendon, Jeff and Jordan’s votes… Dani will be the swing voter. Will she pick Adam and give him the money even though she thinks he is the worst player, or will she give her rival Rachel the win? Adam and Rachel will be close in comps with Rachel winning 3 HOH comps and 2 Vetos and Adam winning 2 HOH comps and 3 Vetos.

        Kalia may be a wild card as well because she may be mad at Adam for not using the Veto to save her today.

        Rachel wins part one of the hoh
        Adam wins parts 2 & 3….

      • @ leo I’m so dissapointed in tou. You really think adam will win the final. HOH? IF its all true and jordan rachel and adam are in F3. I think rachel will. Definitely win.

      • Vet Fan,

        Rachel will win the Endurance comp aka part 1

        Adam will win the skills comp aka part 2

        Adam will win the Q & A about what a HG would say over Rachel since he knows everyone and had relationship with Kalia, Porsha and Shelly and will know more about what they would say than Rachel

        Adam will beat Rachel in part 3 and therefore win the final HOHH and evict Jordan….

      • @ leo. I completely understood your logic the first time without the explination lol. However, I tend to disagree, rachel will win endurance and q&a in my opinion. Jordan could very well beat adam in skill, shee did much better than him on the snake eye comp, and in her season she did really well on that skill round with her and natalie, she also won the HOH golf comp lol, if there anything jordan is good at, its skill.

      • vet fan. lets say you won like 2 comps all summer. lets say you won week 4 veto. Lets say there is only one person who has won more than you (rachel). who would you evict?

        The answer is obvious for me. If i want the money, im getting rid of someone who will beat me in the finals. rachel will beat everyone remaining. if you want the money, you’re getting rid of rachel.

        People who spout integrity and bringing your friend to the final two no matter what are season 6s friendship alliance. And i do believe they had the lowest fan approval out of any season.

      • @ gelliemen I have no clue why you’d direct yyour post @ me being as how I’ve said nothing about any of that.

    • Omg laura I’m sorry lol..I totally. Read-rachel outplayed everyone, but yet you think she doesn’t deserve to win.

  35. i think r deserves to win, however if i was j i would vote r out because she dont have a chance of beating her in f2.

      • Jordan will take Rachel to keep her word and to repay Rachel for saving her in the Final 6 and Final 5

        Adam will take Rachel for the reasons I stated in other posts

        Rachel will take Jordan because she will believe no one will want to give Jordan $500,000 but I wouldn;t be surprised if she chose Adam to make it easier for her to win the money

    • Jordan won’t win the FInal HOH because Adam will beat her in part 2 of the final HOH and then Adam will beat Rachel in Q & A in part 3 and he will vote to evict Jordan…..

  36. I think the final 2 will be Adam and Rachel

    Adam will win the Final HOHH and evict Jordan

    Adam will have 3 jury votes with Kalia, Shelly and Pirsha while Rachel gets Brendon, Jeff and Jordan’s votes… Dani will be the swing voter. Will she pick Adam and give him the money even though she thinks he is the worst player, or will she give her rival Rachel the win? Adam and Rachel will be close in comps with Rachel winning 3 HOH comps and 2 Vetos and Adam winning 2 HOH comps and 3 Vetos.

    Kalias may be a wild card as well because she may be mad at Adam for not using the Veto to save her today.

    Rachel wins part one of the hoh
    Adam wins parts 2 & 3….

  37. Another website is reporting (based on someone who was there) the following:

    Adam 6 right wins HOH
    Jordan 5 right
    Porsche 2 or 3 right

    Also that Kalia looks smaller in person than on TV

    and the the jury house gets a little tense when Shelly arrives. It says that Dani and Jeff fans will enjoy it!


    • I can’t wait to see the jury house…. I also want to see Dani’s reaction once Kalia and Porsha enter the Jury and Dani’s realizes that she will either have to give $500,000 to Rachel, Adam or Jordan…..

  38. to say i dont want r to win would be a lie and im not a lier so i cant say that. im saying no one has a chance of beating her so if i was in the gamei would vote her out. i hate r as a person, however i think in the end the best player should win and that is r. however if i was j i would vote her out and take a then maybe have a chance of winning.

    • Laura,

      Adam will take Rachel over Jordan because Jordan will win easily because Rachel, Jeff, Brendon and Shelly would all vote for her and Kalia would vote for Jordan because Adam screwed her with the Veto

      Adam can say he won 5 comps (2 HOH and 3 POV) while Rachel only wonn 5 comps (3 HOh and 2 POV)

      Kalia would still be the wild card because Adam not using the POV is why she was evicted….

      • @ leo, adam has already said he will take jordan over rachel because he feels he has the votes over jordan.

      • Vet Fan,

        Adam knows Jordan will have Jeff, Brendon and Rachel’s votes….. Adam knows Shelly will do whatever she can to get back in good with Jeff and Jordan…. Kaliia is Jordan’s friend and will reward her for giving her a vote and screw Adam for not using the Veto which would have saved her past the final 4….

        Jordan will win 5-2 and that 2 only comes from Dani (only because Dani sets aside her disc=gust with Adam just to avoid making Jordan a 2 time BB winner) annd Porsha because he is closer to her than Jordan is…

    • Jordan does not think that way…she will stick with Rachel. Adam has always said he wants to beat the best to win the game and that’s Rachel. So either will take her to the F2.

      • Adam told Porsha he would take her to the final 2 as friends, and he told Rachel he would take her as being able to beat the best head to head….

      • @ leo, yes this is what he is saying to others. However what I’m referring to is him actually talking to. Himself in the backyard. You’ve got no reason to lie to yourself.

      • I agree…. Adam is always talking scenarios and he mentioned the numbers with J,B,R and S when he was alone

    • CD,

      I have no confirmations about the POV but can confirm Adam won the HOH…. I believe the POV will be played tomorrow morning….

      • Thanks Leo. I’ll presume that you’re correct. I’m not sure about everyone else, but I will have withdrawal symptoms when this game is over next week. Even with the ups and downs and upsets, it’s been a great ride.

      • CD,

        we will have Survivor to watch….. Also, the Final 4 POV was played last year during the afternoon before the final 4 eviction took place…. BB production won’t have time to set up an HOH comp and then a POV comp before now…. They could do a face match POV like during BB 9 when they played after midnight…. That was the Morph POV Adam aka Ball won when Sheila was the HOH and they evicted Natalie to keep Sharon by making Sheila the tie breaker between Ryan and Adam…

  39. How in the world is there enough time and so few shows left to hold a 3 part HOH comp. Especially if there isn’t a show on Sunday. It almost seems like they ran out of time.

    • jlf.

      Part one will start on THursday as the show goes off, so get your live feeds and enjoy… The conclusion of part 1 will air onn Sunday…. Part 2 will be played on Friday and will be aired on Sunday…. Part 3 will be played live onn Wednesday, the last eviction will happen and then the jury will ask questions, badda bing badda bang a winner is chosen and we have a reunion…. An hour and a half later, Survivor premiers, and I am a happy man….

      • I hope Rachel wins as well…. I am even happy seeing either Adam or Jordan win because at least Dani, Kalia, Porsha or Shelly won’t be winning!

      • Ellen,

        I think you are right….. My bad with the mix up…. It ism usually on Sunday, but will be moved to Tuesday because of the anniversary of 09/11

      • Oh yea–no show Sun. with the finale on Wed. We have to go 6 nights with no show. They’re just trying to wean us off gradually. I almost booked a trip to Vegas for TheVegasBash but then I came to my senses.

  40. If by chance Porsche wins POV she may evict Rachel. She may be worried that she cannot beat her and she will have an easier chance with J/A in F2. Plus in earlier feeds during the DR she made comments about wanting Rachel out even after promiseing her she would take her to the F3.

    • Porsha will screw Rachel which is why there is no chance Rachel will keep Porsha over Jordan…. Rachel will be taken to the FInal 2 by both Adam and Jordan for the reasons I have explained in previous posts….

      • jlf,

        The true test comes when Rachel has a split second to decide whether she will keep Jordan or Adam if she wins part 3 of the Final HOH comp……

  41. Matt/BBN: I tried the trial feed & Sho2 and cancelled both, because either not worth the cost when you have black outs. I am not interested in prior events. Also, with Pres. O (I am not interested in his double talk) speech or football. Who
    knows which final shows we will be able to see aired, if any.

  42. Reading all the theories on the various blogs about how the final days of BB13 will play out, makes this Wed/Thurs, as a definite “DO” or “DIE” for R/P/J. Adam is still not out of the woods but he is close to the clearing.
    Can’t wait to see how it rolls!

    • Adam is gauranteed Final 3….. That can’t be said about Rachel, Jordan and Porsha until after the POV and if either Jordan, Rachel or Adam win, Porsha will be joining the rest of Team Dani inn the jury house…..

      • jlf,

        Adam won’t flip because he knows that Jeff, Jordan, Rachel and Brendon control the jury if it is a Adam and Porsha final 2…. Adam will be giving Porsha the money…. Adam won’t be flipping!!!

    • Can’t wait to see how Wed/Thurs plays out.
      At this point I have no favorite HG to win, that has not occured before. This is a statement on just how lousy and lack luster BB13 players have been this seasons.

  43. I find it odd that Jordan voted to evict Porsche, yet Rachel got rid of Kalia… are Jordan and Rachel still on the same page or what?? If not, it makes me nervous for the POV… maybe Jordan WILL get rid of Rachel!

    • Do you even read what’s posted here? Jordan said she was going to vote that way, Rachel knew.

      • yes… because ALL that is posted here is factual, right?! No need to be an ass.. just didn’t make sense to me why they would split the vote.

      • Jen,

        Rachel and Adam said they understand why Jordan would a=want to keep her word and not vote to evict Kalia……. Adam says that is why he voted to evict Rachel even though he knew Kalia would evict Jeff….

        Kalia thanked Rachel for being cool with Jordan voting to evict Porsha to give Kalia hope that she would stay if Rachel decided to evict Porsha during the tie breaker…. Everyone knew it would be a tie breaker, even Porsha…

      • ok.. thank you for the clarification Leo… I don’t read a lot of spoilers, but stumbled on this one today, so… thank you for explaining it.. and being nice about it!! :)

      • @ jen a non-smart ass remark: yes, rachel did know, rachel told jordan that she has no problem being the tie-breaker so if jordan wanted to “stick to her word” to kalia and vote to keep her, she’d break the tie and send her home. They boh still wanted kalia gone.

      • Ignore the “blood on the hands”, statement. I forgot about Jordan wanting to keep her word to K. Leo was spot on.

    • She did that because Kalia and Jordan had agreement from the beginning they would not nominate or vote each other out. I think Jordan wanted to keep her agreement

      • Well technically they never actually had that agreement lol. Kalia said before “jordan is under the impression we had an agreement that we would never nominate eachother or vote eachother out. I never said I wouldn’t vote her out, I only said I wouldn’t nominate her. so, I will deny it if I have to, otherwise ill use it to my advantage and say, what about our deal? If I need to!” That sneaky little beach lol.

  44. Story of rachel’s game.

    1.) Makes tons of enemies (bad)
    2.) Makes alliance with JJ (good from production standpoint)
    3.) Brendon gets evicted (uh oh! shes next in line!)
    4.) Brendon gets back in (bigger target back. good thing!)
    5.) Brendon gets evicted again (good thing he took a bullet for her)
    6.) Loses HOH and jordan and her go on the block (one is going home for sure)
    7.) First PB screws newbies (another dodged bullet)
    8.) Rachel wins the same comp she won at the beginning (hmm.. good thing it was a comp she won. rachel AND jordan are off!)
    9.) Americas hated player leaves. (Good thing for ratings!)
    10.) Rachel appears in the finals with jordan, adam, kalia and porche. Plays physical comp for hoh and wins (good thing she was playing against out of shape people)
    11.) Rachel wins. Dodged 3 fatal bullets without even moving.

    This seasons a joke. 14 better redeem.

  45. That is right, during the where is Evel Dick night, Dani wanted to punch Porsha in the face because she didn’t like her….. Go Team Dani!!!

  46. Dani and Rachel are great friends and had a relationship outside the house…. When the game started, Dani didn’t like Porsha…. Rachel liked Porsha, and then Rachel and Brendon evict Dominic and Dani stops liking Rachel…. Dani then likes Porsha and talks crap about Rachel….. Dani is gone and now Porsha wants to be Rachel’s friend again……

    Seeing how well Dani and Rachel are getting along now from the begining of the game, is intruiging…

  47. W~O~W!!! From the begining Dani and Rachel were both being catty with Cassi…. Dani is like Cassi is clueless about what is going on with Evel Dick….. Dani says, Cassi is clueless to where she is…. Rachel acts like she is Cassi and asks if this is the bachelor show? LMAO!!!

  48. It is funny hearing Keith, Cassi, Dominic, Lawon, Adam talk about Porsha being the target because no one likes Porsha…… In front of Shelly….. Too bad they didn’t know Porsha and Shelly was with the vets and Keith was the target…. The newbies are even questioning Kalia already and not Shelly!

    • Hey Leo! I totally agree with your assessment of the show. Your comments are always well thought out and intelligently written. If what’s being posted above is true, and I personally believe its the best scenario possible, then I predict Rachel will be taken to final 2 by both Jordan and Adam, if either win the final HOH competition. Rachel will take Jordan because she’s true to her alliance. Its also the best strategic move for her to make considering Jordan’s unlikely to get votes based on her performance and the fact she’ already won. Fifty thousand will be good compensation for Jordan’s efforts this season.

      As far as America’s player is concerned, Jeff will likely win it, unless Rachel is evicted before final two, and I think America may surprise us and vote for her based on her superior performance this season. She has been a fighter and extremely entertaining to watch. She has earned it and deserves it above anyone else in the house.

      I’m sure the reports above that Kalia was evicted (thank God) are true, and I’m glad Jordan kept her word to her and did not vote to evict her. It speaks to the character of both Jordan,keeping her promises, and Rachel willing to understand Jordan’s position and backing her up on it. I seriously doubt Kalia would have done the same for Jordan.

      I wouldn’t be surprised if Porsche cheated and was given some kind of punishment for it by BB. She’s committed several fairly dishonest and in my opinion, immoral acts in the house, including spiking the protein shake powder with benefiber and threatening to kick Rachel in the stomach when they were speculations she was pregnant. I found that extremely disturbing behavior and I was surprised BB did nothing about it.

      Since Rachel’s been in power, Porsche has been kissing her butt, and acting like her best friend again. I know that’s pretty customary behavior in the BB game, but not when people have said and done the kind of things Porsche and the rest of what I have termed “The Mean Girls”, Dani, Porsche, Kalia and Shelley. After having watched BB for all 13 seasons, I have never seen a season in which such truly mean spirited actions have been taken. Unacceptable behavior.

      Lastly, I hope and pray Rachel wins BB13. She’s certainly earned it, BIG TIME! She’s played hard, fought in every competition she was in, been loyal to her alliances, entertaining to watch, and lied little. Her sometimes obnoxious, quirky mannerisms are sometimes annoying, but she’s actually toned it down since Brendon was evicted. As a matter of fact, she has been downright kind, fun, upbeat and worthy of respect. I wasn’t a Rachel fan or hater, but her performance in the game this season has elevated her status in BB history, in my humble opinion, to almost Janelle status. All star forever, for sure.


      • I really agree about Rachel. Last season she was so annoying that I couldn’t wait for her to be evicted. When she came back for 24 hours it was torture just to watch. If anyone had told me that I would actually be rooting for her this season I never would have believed it. And I know she loves “her man” but she is SO much better (at least on the show) without him. Since he left the second time she has really let her on personality show instead of just hanging on to him.

      • Lennie,

        Thanks for the kind words. I agree with your statement that Jeff will be America’s player yet again. I also enjoyed reading your well thought out statment.

        Ellen, I always enjoy reading your posts as well.

  49. Dominic, Cassi, Adam, Lawon, Shelly all think Keith is being paranoid……. Especially when he is saying Kalia is with the vets,……. Keith was right about Kalia and Shelly as well as Porsha!

  50. Keith was right about the Vets having Porsha and Kalia…… The newbies should have listened to Keith…. No wonder why Evel Dick targeted Keith first…. Dominic and the other newbies swore keith was being paranoid about Kalia….. Keith was right and got screwed… Then the rest of the newbies got screwed….

  51. Shelly guaranteeing Kalia won’t flip and help the vets….. Shelly is saying, she swears….. And then Shelly and Kalia flip to help the vets evict Keith….. That is when Shelly’s lying marthon began!

  52. Keith predicted the vets plans to give Porsha the golden key to make sure Porsha votes with them… He was right… Keith was also right about Kalia and Shelly….. I wish keith would have made it longer this season….

    Keith, Dominic and Cassi didn’t have a chance…. Evel Dick had these three penciled from day one to get them evicted….. Evel Dick talks about this on the Dick at Night show all the time….

    • It’s really interesting to go back and watch how things unfolded. I bet the HGs wish they could see what we can. I’ve actually been going back and rewatching the other seasons. I’ve been a BB fan since Season 1 and it’s fun to see how the show has evolved. I loved seeing Chicken George again!

      • Chicken George was so much fun! What a uniquely likable, fun person! Adam comes closest to reminding me of him! Good natured, funny!

  53. I’m hearing Kalia was evicted 2-1, Jordan being the one to vote for her to stay as a ploy to gain her jury vote (I’m guessing she asked Rachel if this was cool beforehand, I don’t see Jordan as someone to go against what Rachel wants and putting the blood on her hands by breaking the tie without her consent). Adam the new HoH with Jordan coming in a close 2nd and Porsche a distant 3rd. Of course this is all unconfirmed until tomorrow night.

    • I posted this before reading much of what was posted before me, and I now realize that yes what I said looks like totally old news, to its every last detail. I apologize lol

      • Only other info is tidbits that have also been said already on these boards. True or false HoH comp, 6 questions asked, Adam going 6 for 6, Porsche finishing last…and apparently the Jury house was awkward when Shelly arrived and Jeff dropped a lot of expletives and needed to be censored a lot…lol

    • MJ,

      It is a pleasure to read your posts. Please give us your thoughts even if the news isn’t new because your opinion is valuable on BBN.

  54. Rumors make sense. Hope Porsche DOES NOT WIN THE POV! Does not deserve to be in the final 3, with any kind of chance to be in the final 2. Hope BB production does the right thing and penalizes her for having been a mean-spirited, immoral player. I know she’s young, but her behavior has been extremely offensive in my opinion, even for BB standards. BB production should take action to keep this kind of behavior from happening in the future.

  55. I find it strange how many people call the Final 4 HoH meaningless. I agree the PoV that week is more power, but the HoH is far from meaningless. It not only guarantees safety for the week and a spot in the final three, but it’s the only HoH of the season that you can play in the next HoH despite being outgoing HoH. Furthermore, it takes the pressure off having to win the final Veto of the year. Sure you’d still like to win that, but it’s not an absolute do-or-die, must-win situation. Nevermind just fans, I’ve even heard Rachel talk about that HoH as being worth nothing. I beg to differ.

    • No one is denying the fact that being HoH is beneficial, but it’s clear that it does not hold as much weight as previous ones, since the PoV is just as, if not more, important that the HoH that week.

    • I hope Jordan wins the final PoV. Reason: Not even because I want Jordan to win the game, but I want her win total to increase like Adam’s has lately. I want Porsche gone, want Jordan to vote to evict her, but I want the final three of Adam, Jordan and Rachel to be closer to each other in competition wins so that the finale gives more drama as to figuring out who will win. Not saying it’s an automatic right now, but Jordan’s win totals increasing I think will make it more interesting for jurors, harder for them to decide. I hope Jordan also wins the final HoH, leaving her with 3 wins (2 pretty big ones) Adam with 3 (technically, even ones thrown to you still count) and Rachel with 4.5 (or say 5, fine, but her first Veto was a team effort with Brendon)

      • …and yeah, I won’t lie, I want Jordan to win the game too, even though I know Rachel deserves it more. That’s why I want Rachel to be final 2 so she can get at least $50,000. She deserves something for being a main or at least side target the entire game and still making it this far.

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