Commenting Rules:Keep the conversation civil and on topic. If your comment does not add to the conversation, it will be removed. Debate intelligently. Insulting the author, Big Brother Network, or other commentators will result in comment removal and possible ban. Any comments with links or flagged words will go into moderation before approval. Anything we deem as spam will not be approved. Comments left in ALL-CAPS will be deleted regardless of content.
Big brother live hasn’t mde any new posts since august 9th apparently. How do you know who they think is going to be evicted?
Email is a magical thing.
So you’re saying you’re able to communicate with people without posting it publicly on the internet? Wow, what a world we live in… :)
@Rob: See, it’s a series of tubes I’ve constructed. Tubes running everywhere. And elfs. Magical elfs! Plus duct tape. That last part is key. :)
Good One Matt, you are funny
Thanks Matt! We love the intertubes…awesome invention!
@ matt (bbn) -comment deleted, keep it on topic. Lol, jk.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHA Good one Vetfan! Yes, Mr. Diabolical Genius keep it on subject! Although your reply about magic elves & duct tape had me in tears I was laughing so hard! Today’s post is brought to you by the letter S…for Shelly is going to the jury house because just because Jordan forgave her doesn’t mean she forgot & neither Jordan nor Rachel are stupid!!! I am really looking forward to the clips from the jury house on tonight’s episode!! It should be interesting!!!!
Shelly gets what she deserves. She doesn’t regret her decision. She has to say that. You make the decision you feel is best for you. Now she pays for that decision. She has a friend in Dani. Rachel, Porsche, or Kalia I expect will go next.
As far as your next week prediction…tak rachels name from that group cause then your accurate. Rachels gonna win HOH.
The one thing that pisses me off about Shelly is ..She says..”I was only doing what I was told ” (in reference to her double agent games). I don’t recall any of the VETS telling her to spy. I thought she just took on the job of snitch/rat cause she wanted to impress the VETS…I think she volenteered..but I may have missed something..
Your absolutely right….she did choose to. And all this “dark horse” crap…spare me!. She acts like she has done so much for them, lying to dani was the least she could, since she couldn’t do anything else right.
Everything Shelly’s done has been for nobody but herself, and her alliance, Tony & Josie, she even said so.
Yes this was only Shelly doing for herself.No one “asked ” her to do this. Called riding the fence and hope to hell I don’t get caught.
Considering Shelly can’t beat anyone at anything, she lasted as long as possible. I think Adam will be the next one out.
Someone was telling me the other day that she thought Shelly claimed at the outset that she was donating the money (IF she won of course) to charity. Is that true? Haven’t heard anything about it, but then again, I’ve only just started following the forums and whatnot the other day.
Iโm watching last nights after dark and Shellyโs saying she made some brilliant moves while in the houseโฆcan someone tell me what they were???? (reallyโฆ.brilliant????) Sheโs acting like she kept JJ in house all by herself, am I missing something?
I am telling you Shelly is dillusional. She is a mental case. She is bizzarre. I feel sorry for her daughter and husband, because if any of their friends, (if they have any) are watching, they will see what a lunatic this women is. I too watch show time and I hope J and R are not gettined coned “AGAIN”
Shelly thinks she kept Jeff and Jordan in the game by telling Jeff about Dani’s plan to backdoor him. Which I think Rachel and Brendon were never going to do anyway they just thought about it. so she really did not save him she just caused extra drama.
The only thing about Shelly that has me scratching my head and maybe everyone who watches the feeds can answer me this. Did she always interrupt every game talk anyone was having. Because on what they aired it seems like 2 people would be talking game and she would be there 5 sec later
Dear Jordan:
hi : I thik the world of you , your a great person and you never back slab in one in the game you play fare all throw it, the first time i saw you on the show last one I know that you were going to pull it off and you did. Know your back and jeff is too, I just want you both to win this again . I thought that you know how to take out the trash,you need to get out shelly she back slab and she cause trouble she want to back door you and jeff to get out dani ,and shelly is mental case , so sorry sherry you are not going to win the money for your family , your not going to win the game , it going to be Jordon ,,,,,,Jordon is going to win it all she smart and she know how to play the game good luck Jordon kick some butt tell jeff hi for me and you both kick some butt ,your friend carol ,,, write back ok
JoRa have to pick one of them and Adam is the lesser of two evils. Adam has been more trustworthy in the past than Shelley (although that’s not hard to do) and he is less likely to beat JoRa in an endurance comp. If they knew what Adam said to the cameras last night that would definitely cinch the deal but JoRa have pretty much decided to keep Adam. I hope he sticks with them.
So long Shelley – so sorry you won’t be winning the money for your family (or company?).
What did adam say to the camera? I missed it.
I missed it too, and I just watched BBAD from last night. I wish I hadn’t deleted it now. CRAP. Oh well, maybe someone will enlighten us! =)
go to flashback 9/1, 12:43 a.m., camera 3
I must have missed that. What did he say to the cameras?
Bottom line is Shelly got caught playing all sides. She needs to go NOW.
Shelley, How can you swear to GOD and your famley, and then turn around and lie,lie,lie. You can not be trusted and when all is sead and doun all you have is your name and your word, ounce you have lost one you have lost both. Have you given any thought to what your daughter not to mention your husband will thing, how much of your real life is a lie? Canyour famley and friends ever trust you again. My guess is NO they will never be able to trust you again. And yes I know it is a game BUT play with Some INTEGRITY, and HONOR! You have showen the world your true colors. What a snake you realy are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Doug, you hit the nail on the head, I agree whole heartly. She doesn’t even remember half of the lies she’s told, even in the DR, I too think she lies in her real life, her husband/daughter are probably totally embarrassed by her behavior. It’s hilarious how she seems to think she has great gameplay.
I have been wondering what the other players will think when they see the shows after the game about Shelley’s daughter’s comment that mommy shouldn’t lie so much. It would be fun to see what develops later when her daughter realizes how she works. Especially at such an early age. Wait for the teen years!!!!
@Matt(BBN)How come they can’t have cards this year?
I don’t believe they ever give them cards. Might be something about production wanting them to spend their time talking rather than playing games, but then they still let them make their own cards. Kinda odd.
They def got cards on jeff and jordan’s first season but it was after jeff was evicted i believe.
Cause i def remeber Russel and natalie playing a game and natalie winning and then mouthing off about it and russle and her getting into a big argument over it.
JohnnyD: when wasn’t Russell arguing with someone in the house. LOL I couldn’t stand him. He was a douche! OMG, I’d LOVE to see him & Shelly in the house together along with Daniele & Dick!!! Talk about fireworks!! =)
I remember watching Jeff and Jordan playing a game of Go Fish with real playing cards. It just might have been the funniest 20 minutes of TV I’ve ever seen. After Jordan asked Jeff for a 4 about six times in a row, he drew one, asked her for a 4. Jordan said “Jeff, how did you know I had a 4? Not to mention when he discovered a big pile of cards next to her, saying “What are these?”. Jordon responded with “Oh those, I just can’t hold all these cards, Jeff I told you I wasn’t good at cards.” I think that was when I fell in love with both of them. So funny.
that was priceless
SHELLY goes… 3-0!!!!!
No cards this season for two reasons #1 porche would eat them accidentally #2 we would have to endless clips of Adam losing first at go fish!!
Meghan that was spot on. ha-ha
I love how Shelley sat in there and told Ra/Jo that she would “let” them have the 2 final chairs and she would drop out.. I was thinkin’ “yeah right”.. Then she went into the DR and said “yeah right”… lie lie lie, thenameof the game..
At least Dr Will told everybody that he would lie and cheat his way with everybody. No one took him seriously and he won..
I thought it was crazy how Shelly talked to Jordan,telling her she did the backstabbing,because she had to do it for her aliance(hubby and daughter).She said it was her only way to have a chance to win.YOU Jordan and Jeff would no way pick me for final two.Well shelly if you would have honored your alliance with JJ, you would have had a better chance , cause you never know what would have happened in the fianl comps.If you would just win once,LOL,then you would be doing the picking.What were you thinking.Did you honestly think the other girls would let you go to the final three with you.Bottom line you had a better chance with jeff and Jordan.At least you would have had a chance ever how small it might have been,than getting 5th or 6th place. I think you concentrated on how big the move was instead of how far or what better chance you would have had. What do you think Matt. I know you would have thought it out more.
I am not registered for this live feed service. I saw that 49ers Vs Chargers football game is on tonight, so how are the regular viewers going to watch???
Here in Dallas they will air it on their sister station.I bet there is one there too.
Steve, that would be great maybe if I did not have comcast cable and live between San Francisco and Sacramento I checked no sister staions. Thanks for the tip.
On CBS here it’s the Buccaneers @ Redskins…???????? So, yeah, Brachel12, I’m kind of wondering the same thing.
Check on your UHF channels. CBS has a sister station . Look for it.
Beth, I guess will have to catch it on CBS via the internet tomorrow, no fun!
shelly gone. no brainer. vote may be 2-1 as they are saying they will tell kalia to eat her chips and vote to evict adam.
More importantly is the HOH and nominees. If Kalia wins HOH there is really only one smart move for her to make if she realizes Adam is working for them – and that would be to nominate Rachel and Adam. That way if Adam wins veto he has to save himself. If Kalia wins hoh and puts up R&J and Adam wins veto he would then take Rachel off and then Kalia would have no choice but to put up Porsche and then Porsche would be gone with a 2 -0 vote.
I for one am hoping Adam wins HOH and the puts up Kalia and Porsche and see the sparks fly!! He said out on the feeds late last night that he is with Rachel and Jordan 100% and he even said that love her or hate her he thinks Rachel is a great game player and he likes her…thinks she is a bit crazy, but he thinks she is fine.
So true!
Got my answer…did a search on the TV Guide and it comes on here at 2:07 a.m. Friday morning. WTH???? CBS has lost their freakin’ minds…
They’ve done that before, but hopefully you can tape it or have TiVo or something and watch it tomorrow morning at a more respectable hour :)
Or call in sick
I’d say Shelly because she went a bit too far. I liked her game play in the beginning cause she didn’t want to be a floater like others, but the fiasco with Jeff and Jordan got out of control. That being said, I think Jeff was as much as fault as Shelly because she didn’t listen to his controlling of the house for his and Jordan’s benefits just to further his game. His pleading with Shelly the night of his eviction to keep him and start fresh was pathetic !!! I was so glad he left that night because the dude never saw it coming. Best part of the show so far. Anyway, alto not a big Rachel fan, she deserves it the most out of the remaining HG.
i total agree with you. rach has been fighting since day 1 she fights hard and playes hard, hope she does win it all
Let’s call Shelly’s exit a forgone conclusion. I just have to say I cannot stand Kalia. Vile woman like Natalie.
skylard If they dont evict Shelly they deserve what they get.I hope Kalia then Porche goes next.
I cannot agree more. Kalia is Vile. She makes me sick. When she talks about her little dog, gosh, I would hate to be that dog. She is so cruel. There is no love for her dog. How sad. I wish I could remove her dog from her. She does not deserve that sweet thing.
Shelly is going because the stronger player on the block goes.Adam will be kept at least till the final 3, not only is he not a good game player he also is not interesting to watch. At least Shelly is interesting to watch
i hope shelly goes.i cant stand her anymore.i know thats how big brother works to go around and double cross people but shelly is the worst and she keeps saying this is for my family,im glad gordan said something to shelly about the phone call.she didnt deserve that.shelly doesnt care who she hurts.i dont think she knows whats right from wrong.
I REALLY want a vet to go home, but since the producer’s won’t let that happen, Shelly is my next choice.
I’m sure the next HOH will be rigged for the vets too.
But I don’t care about the Big Brother house anymore, I just want to see the Jury House!
Why oh Why do we have to be tortured with Rachel still on the show…..seems like the show owes her something….like paying for a new wedding…wonder what she has on them….LOL
Shelly, bye bye!
The most disliked player in BB history who actually believes she has integrity and all that other good stuff.
keep shelly and get rid of adam who is riding on everyones back he does not know how to play the game and shelly is a good match against rachel go go shelly
Shelly’s approach was so bi-polar. I easily saw her utilizing her professional, social interactions/ interpersonal skills to leave her so called allies dumbfounded when she betrayed them. Too bad she could not win any comps. Even so, she shouldn’t be criticized. She is there to win just shouldn’t be so sanctimonous when she caught caught holding the bag of deception moves. Jeff should have been more cognizant of her gameplay. Jordan became suspicious the day before but not enough time to convince Jeff. It is what it is. There are many different ways to get to final four but I hope Jordan or Rachel wins.
WOW!!Shelly it amazes me that at your age and given your career that you are playing such a “stupid” game. You are acting like a typical, two-faced, stab in the back kind of person, and everyone is seeing what your doing, and then lieing and talking in “double” to try and make the person think it did not happen that way. It is crystal clear to all BB fans. Shelly, you are a mess, and I never had anyone answer my question about Shelly; Is Shelly a “Transy”, with all her male actions I just assumed she was a transvestite. Just the way she will sit on the couch, notice BB fans, is she acting in any way like a female? just sayin.
Last night Shelly said “of course Rachel would win the veto comp – it involved her riding on Brendan’s back – something she does all the time” (or something similar to that – words not verbatim). Well, what the hell has she (Shelly) done all season??? She’s ridden on whoever’s back has been in power. As for siding with R & J and telling them to take her to the final 3, how is that any different than being with J & J originally and going to the final 3????? She’s still going to be #3!!!!. I don’t think she realizes just how dumb she sounds and will be sooooooo very embarrassed when she sees herself.
shelly should go for sure, shes nuts! and can you imagine how pissed jeff would be if they had the chance to get rid of shelly and didnt take it? i cant imagine jordan letting that happen.
Shelly has to go. What a snake! J or R has to win HOH tonight. If Rachel does not win this BB 13 I will stop watching. She has totally made it interesting and played & won competitions to deserve to be the winner. She has come back from the depths of hell…GO RACHEL all the way!
we hate shelly in canada. fake – liar – 2faced ; and she soo doesnt deserve it as she is on eof the main floaters in the house .go home gleek wannabe loser. her family is going to b ashamed
i want J n R in the f2 this way no matter who actually wins first place all the vets except for Dani would benefit.. so with that being said GOOOOOO TEAM JR. also I dont think I would mind that much seeing Adam in the F2 he was loyal to his alliance except for the first week or so..
Come on people, Get off “Rachel’s” back….She is definaetly a GAME PLAYER…..If it weren’t for her BB would be boring………..I use to not like her either, but now that has all changed…She is a good person, and she loves the game, and play’s it well…………..I wouldn’t mind her Winning….She is the only one that deserve’s it…AND “YES” I will be watching BB again and again…Love this show…………………Thank you BB………….Love it.
here in NY it will broadcast at 1:37am friday
Tortured by Rachel? Come on! Rachel is the best player BB has ever had. I love, love, love her. She has worked her butt off this season and she deserves to win. I sure hope she does. I would rather watch one Rachel than a million Dani’s, Shelly’s, Kalia’s or Porshe’s. Rachel, you go girl.
Did anyone hear shellys fam was getting death threats for her actions…winder how pathetic shell feel to find that out..i mean it is extreme and im sure her beung a bad person on tv would danger her familys safety..
Did anyone hear shellys fam was getting death threats for her actions…winder how pathetic shell feel to find that out..i mean it is extreme and im sure her beung a bad person on tv would result in this..sad
Looking at the remaining players… Rachel has good chance of winning if she can win HoH and a couple more vetos. Also if she choose the right person to sit next to her in the final 2.
@Maddie where did you hear that ? I haven’t. You sicko… if no one else heard about it. ..either or your making up story to scare da hell out of nut-Shell’s fam and fan…eek.
fox entertainment news
Shelly better leaves this time, dang.. Dani and the guys at the Jury house will be happy to see her…haha.
fox entertainment news psycho
Shelly as U do not treat people like she does when she pretends to always do whats right. Sicko & I believe her job is on the line because of her behavior in real world & that is why she is desperate to hurt others to provide for her family No matter what she swears on her family!!! Tis Tis she has a lot to learn.
now that Rachel is hoh, no sense in watching any more. who cares. this season sucked!
YEAH!!!!…I was s-o-o-o-o-o-o-o glad to see Shelly go to the jury house tonight. You know everybody lies and backstab in this game BUT when Big Will on previous Big Brother Episode when he lied he made it humorous…BUT with Shelly lies it was so disgusting…Shelly didn’t do anything in the game except jump from one side to the other…She had a better shot in the game sticking with Jeff and Jordan as her alliance…I truly believe these two had her back up to a certain point maybe until the final three…Shelly blew it for herself and she got what she deserved… Rachel won Head of Household tonight and I truly hope RACHEL WIN THE GAME because she has worked and played the hardest. I like Jordan too BUT Jordan need to start winning competitions.. I said at one point in time that I would like Jordan to come in second but Jordan have won before so my choice now for second place winner is..I wouldn’t mind Adam or Kalia. I also would like to see Adam win Head of Household because I am curious to see which side he is truly on. Kalia is smart (mentally) in the competitions and she doesn’t do too bad in the physical competitions either. As the final two I would love to see Rachel and Jordan face off with each other OR I would like to see Adam and Kalia face off with each other…Because then we would see which side the veterans and the newbies were really on. The next person I would like to see go is Porsche…I don’t like her attitude or game-play either. BUT at least Porsche and Kalia want go home empty handed they both won $5,000…If Jordan want to see her and Rachel in the final two she need to start winning some competitions….Last BUT not least….GOODBYE SHELLY!!!!
i agree good-bye to the loser shelly,i cant stand her.i did like her at first then she did the whole switching around and double crossing everyone.and whats with all the freakin make-up she wears.she almost looks like a clown?i cant wait to see jeff’s face when he see’s her in the juior house.she lied so i can see her cheat and steal just to of stayed.shes more of a cry baby then rachel sorry im just going on.i just have nothin good to say about shelly.
i never cared for rachel until after branden left the game.shes a a person that seems like a nice one.when it was with brenden it was all about them she didnt care and now i want her to be the final 2 with gordan if not her then i dont kow yet.
Shelly was evicted lastnight! so I hope this calms ppl down out there. I read where Shelly’s husband & daughter were getting threats! THIS IS A GAME, THERE IS NOT ANY SINCE IN ACTING LIKE A MORON! YOU want to KILL SOME1 over a GAME & spend the rest of your life in PRISON?
The FBI is getting very involved in the threats to Shelly Moore’s family, after she voted to evict Jeff. Jeff and Jordon have been seen as the darling couple of BB.
Facebook is coming under close scutiny for the hate pages promoting harm to Shelly and her family. TMZ has confirmed the threats to Shelly’s family, including specifically, her 8 year old daughter.
Moore’s employer has also received calls demanding Moore’s termination from the company.
Sources close to the family have confirmed that the FBI is involved in investigating the threats.
Upon learning of the threats Executive Producer of Big Brother, Allison Gordner, issued the followinig statement on twitter.
“No matter how much you dislike a HG, this is wrong. True Big Brother fans do not try to ruin lives. Please stop.”
Matt Hoffman of ‘Big Brother 12’ even tweeted:
I didn’t like Shelly attitude or the way she played the game BUT I thought Shelly has a beautiful and smart daughter…Pleae noone shouldn’t make any kind of threats against Shelly and her family or anyone else in the game. Also EVERYONE need to STOP with the personal attacks on this website BECAUSE EVERYONE is entitled to their OWN OPINION…Last but not least…RACHEL I HOPE YOU WIN THE GAME…AND MAY GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU!!!
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah RACHEL WON THE GAME… You deserve to win you played and fought the hardest, took the most insults and kept on smiling and you was one of the smartest people in the house… I wish you and Brendon much happiness…
Big brother live hasn’t mde any new posts since august 9th apparently. How do you know who they think is going to be evicted?
Email is a magical thing.
So you’re saying you’re able to communicate with people without posting it publicly on the internet? Wow, what a world we live in… :)
@Rob: See, it’s a series of tubes I’ve constructed. Tubes running everywhere. And elfs. Magical elfs! Plus duct tape. That last part is key. :)
Good One Matt, you are funny
Thanks Matt! We love the intertubes…awesome invention!
@ matt (bbn) -comment deleted, keep it on topic. Lol, jk.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHA Good one Vetfan! Yes, Mr. Diabolical Genius keep it on subject! Although your reply about magic elves & duct tape had me in tears I was laughing so hard! Today’s post is brought to you by the letter S…for Shelly is going to the jury house because just because Jordan forgave her doesn’t mean she forgot & neither Jordan nor Rachel are stupid!!! I am really looking forward to the clips from the jury house on tonight’s episode!! It should be interesting!!!!
Shelly gets what she deserves. She doesn’t regret her decision. She has to say that. You make the decision you feel is best for you. Now she pays for that decision. She has a friend in Dani. Rachel, Porsche, or Kalia I expect will go next.
As far as your next week prediction…tak rachels name from that group cause then your accurate. Rachels gonna win HOH.
The one thing that pisses me off about Shelly is ..She says..”I was only doing what I was told ” (in reference to her double agent games). I don’t recall any of the VETS telling her to spy. I thought she just took on the job of snitch/rat cause she wanted to impress the VETS…I think she volenteered..but I may have missed something..
Your absolutely right….she did choose to. And all this “dark horse” crap…spare me!. She acts like she has done so much for them, lying to dani was the least she could, since she couldn’t do anything else right.
Everything Shelly’s done has been for nobody but herself, and her alliance, Tony & Josie, she even said so.
Yes this was only Shelly doing for herself.No one “asked ” her to do this. Called riding the fence and hope to hell I don’t get caught.
Considering Shelly can’t beat anyone at anything, she lasted as long as possible. I think Adam will be the next one out.
Someone was telling me the other day that she thought Shelly claimed at the outset that she was donating the money (IF she won of course) to charity. Is that true? Haven’t heard anything about it, but then again, I’ve only just started following the forums and whatnot the other day.
Iโm watching last nights after dark and Shellyโs saying she made some brilliant moves while in the houseโฆcan someone tell me what they were???? (reallyโฆ.brilliant????) Sheโs acting like she kept JJ in house all by herself, am I missing something?
I am telling you Shelly is dillusional. She is a mental case. She is bizzarre. I feel sorry for her daughter and husband, because if any of their friends, (if they have any) are watching, they will see what a lunatic this women is. I too watch show time and I hope J and R are not gettined coned “AGAIN”
Shelly thinks she kept Jeff and Jordan in the game by telling Jeff about Dani’s plan to backdoor him. Which I think Rachel and Brendon were never going to do anyway they just thought about it. so she really did not save him she just caused extra drama.
The only thing about Shelly that has me scratching my head and maybe everyone who watches the feeds can answer me this. Did she always interrupt every game talk anyone was having. Because on what they aired it seems like 2 people would be talking game and she would be there 5 sec later
Dear Jordan:
hi : I thik the world of you , your a great person and you never back slab in one in the game you play fare all throw it, the first time i saw you on the show last one I know that you were going to pull it off and you did. Know your back and jeff is too, I just want you both to win this again . I thought that you know how to take out the trash,you need to get out shelly she back slab and she cause trouble she want to back door you and jeff to get out dani ,and shelly is mental case , so sorry sherry you are not going to win the money for your family , your not going to win the game , it going to be Jordon ,,,,,,Jordon is going to win it all she smart and she know how to play the game good luck Jordon kick some butt tell jeff hi for me and you both kick some butt ,your friend carol ,,, write back ok
JoRa have to pick one of them and Adam is the lesser of two evils. Adam has been more trustworthy in the past than Shelley (although that’s not hard to do) and he is less likely to beat JoRa in an endurance comp. If they knew what Adam said to the cameras last night that would definitely cinch the deal but JoRa have pretty much decided to keep Adam. I hope he sticks with them.
So long Shelley – so sorry you won’t be winning the money for your family (or company?).
What did adam say to the camera? I missed it.
I missed it too, and I just watched BBAD from last night. I wish I hadn’t deleted it now. CRAP. Oh well, maybe someone will enlighten us! =)
go to flashback 9/1, 12:43 a.m., camera 3
I must have missed that. What did he say to the cameras?
Bottom line is Shelly got caught playing all sides. She needs to go NOW.
Shelley, How can you swear to GOD and your famley, and then turn around and lie,lie,lie. You can not be trusted and when all is sead and doun all you have is your name and your word, ounce you have lost one you have lost both. Have you given any thought to what your daughter not to mention your husband will thing, how much of your real life is a lie? Canyour famley and friends ever trust you again. My guess is NO they will never be able to trust you again. And yes I know it is a game BUT play with Some INTEGRITY, and HONOR! You have showen the world your true colors. What a snake you realy are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Doug, you hit the nail on the head, I agree whole heartly. She doesn’t even remember half of the lies she’s told, even in the DR, I too think she lies in her real life, her husband/daughter are probably totally embarrassed by her behavior. It’s hilarious how she seems to think she has great gameplay.
I have been wondering what the other players will think when they see the shows after the game about Shelley’s daughter’s comment that mommy shouldn’t lie so much. It would be fun to see what develops later when her daughter realizes how she works. Especially at such an early age. Wait for the teen years!!!!
@Matt(BBN)How come they can’t have cards this year?
I don’t believe they ever give them cards. Might be something about production wanting them to spend their time talking rather than playing games, but then they still let them make their own cards. Kinda odd.
They def got cards on jeff and jordan’s first season but it was after jeff was evicted i believe.
Cause i def remeber Russel and natalie playing a game and natalie winning and then mouthing off about it and russle and her getting into a big argument over it.
JohnnyD: when wasn’t Russell arguing with someone in the house. LOL I couldn’t stand him. He was a douche! OMG, I’d LOVE to see him & Shelly in the house together along with Daniele & Dick!!! Talk about fireworks!! =)
I remember watching Jeff and Jordan playing a game of Go Fish with real playing cards. It just might have been the funniest 20 minutes of TV I’ve ever seen. After Jordan asked Jeff for a 4 about six times in a row, he drew one, asked her for a 4. Jordan said “Jeff, how did you know I had a 4? Not to mention when he discovered a big pile of cards next to her, saying “What are these?”. Jordon responded with “Oh those, I just can’t hold all these cards, Jeff I told you I wasn’t good at cards.” I think that was when I fell in love with both of them. So funny.
that was priceless
SHELLY goes… 3-0!!!!!
No cards this season for two reasons #1 porche would eat them accidentally #2 we would have to endless clips of Adam losing first at go fish!!
Meghan that was spot on. ha-ha
I love how Shelley sat in there and told Ra/Jo that she would “let” them have the 2 final chairs and she would drop out.. I was thinkin’ “yeah right”.. Then she went into the DR and said “yeah right”… lie lie lie, thenameof the game..
At least Dr Will told everybody that he would lie and cheat his way with everybody. No one took him seriously and he won..
I thought it was crazy how Shelly talked to Jordan,telling her she did the backstabbing,because she had to do it for her aliance(hubby and daughter).She said it was her only way to have a chance to win.YOU Jordan and Jeff would no way pick me for final two.Well shelly if you would have honored your alliance with JJ, you would have had a better chance , cause you never know what would have happened in the fianl comps.If you would just win once,LOL,then you would be doing the picking.What were you thinking.Did you honestly think the other girls would let you go to the final three with you.Bottom line you had a better chance with jeff and Jordan.At least you would have had a chance ever how small it might have been,than getting 5th or 6th place. I think you concentrated on how big the move was instead of how far or what better chance you would have had. What do you think Matt. I know you would have thought it out more.
I am not registered for this live feed service. I saw that 49ers Vs Chargers football game is on tonight, so how are the regular viewers going to watch???
Here in Dallas they will air it on their sister station.I bet there is one there too.
Steve, that would be great maybe if I did not have comcast cable and live between San Francisco and Sacramento I checked no sister staions. Thanks for the tip.
On CBS here it’s the Buccaneers @ Redskins…???????? So, yeah, Brachel12, I’m kind of wondering the same thing.
Check on your UHF channels. CBS has a sister station . Look for it.
Beth, I guess will have to catch it on CBS via the internet tomorrow, no fun!
shelly gone. no brainer. vote may be 2-1 as they are saying they will tell kalia to eat her chips and vote to evict adam.
More importantly is the HOH and nominees. If Kalia wins HOH there is really only one smart move for her to make if she realizes Adam is working for them – and that would be to nominate Rachel and Adam. That way if Adam wins veto he has to save himself. If Kalia wins hoh and puts up R&J and Adam wins veto he would then take Rachel off and then Kalia would have no choice but to put up Porsche and then Porsche would be gone with a 2 -0 vote.
I for one am hoping Adam wins HOH and the puts up Kalia and Porsche and see the sparks fly!! He said out on the feeds late last night that he is with Rachel and Jordan 100% and he even said that love her or hate her he thinks Rachel is a great game player and he likes her…thinks she is a bit crazy, but he thinks she is fine.
So true!
Got my answer…did a search on the TV Guide and it comes on here at 2:07 a.m. Friday morning. WTH???? CBS has lost their freakin’ minds…
They’ve done that before, but hopefully you can tape it or have TiVo or something and watch it tomorrow morning at a more respectable hour :)
Or call in sick
I’d say Shelly because she went a bit too far. I liked her game play in the beginning cause she didn’t want to be a floater like others, but the fiasco with Jeff and Jordan got out of control. That being said, I think Jeff was as much as fault as Shelly because she didn’t listen to his controlling of the house for his and Jordan’s benefits just to further his game. His pleading with Shelly the night of his eviction to keep him and start fresh was pathetic !!! I was so glad he left that night because the dude never saw it coming. Best part of the show so far. Anyway, alto not a big Rachel fan, she deserves it the most out of the remaining HG.
i total agree with you. rach has been fighting since day 1 she fights hard and playes hard, hope she does win it all
Let’s call Shelly’s exit a forgone conclusion. I just have to say I cannot stand Kalia. Vile woman like Natalie.
skylard If they dont evict Shelly they deserve what they get.I hope Kalia then Porche goes next.
I cannot agree more. Kalia is Vile. She makes me sick. When she talks about her little dog, gosh, I would hate to be that dog. She is so cruel. There is no love for her dog. How sad. I wish I could remove her dog from her. She does not deserve that sweet thing.
Shelly is going because the stronger player on the block goes.Adam will be kept at least till the final 3, not only is he not a good game player he also is not interesting to watch. At least Shelly is interesting to watch
i hope shelly goes.i cant stand her anymore.i know thats how big brother works to go around and double cross people but shelly is the worst and she keeps saying this is for my family,im glad gordan said something to shelly about the phone call.she didnt deserve that.shelly doesnt care who she hurts.i dont think she knows whats right from wrong.
I REALLY want a vet to go home, but since the producer’s won’t let that happen, Shelly is my next choice.
I’m sure the next HOH will be rigged for the vets too.
But I don’t care about the Big Brother house anymore, I just want to see the Jury House!
Why oh Why do we have to be tortured with Rachel still on the show…..seems like the show owes her something….like paying for a new wedding…wonder what she has on them….LOL
Shelly, bye bye!
The most disliked player in BB history who actually believes she has integrity and all that other good stuff.
keep shelly and get rid of adam who is riding on everyones back he does not know how to play the game and shelly is a good match against rachel go go shelly
Shelly’s approach was so bi-polar. I easily saw her utilizing her professional, social interactions/ interpersonal skills to leave her so called allies dumbfounded when she betrayed them. Too bad she could not win any comps. Even so, she shouldn’t be criticized. She is there to win just shouldn’t be so sanctimonous when she caught caught holding the bag of deception moves. Jeff should have been more cognizant of her gameplay. Jordan became suspicious the day before but not enough time to convince Jeff. It is what it is. There are many different ways to get to final four but I hope Jordan or Rachel wins.
WOW!!Shelly it amazes me that at your age and given your career that you are playing such a “stupid” game. You are acting like a typical, two-faced, stab in the back kind of person, and everyone is seeing what your doing, and then lieing and talking in “double” to try and make the person think it did not happen that way. It is crystal clear to all BB fans. Shelly, you are a mess, and I never had anyone answer my question about Shelly; Is Shelly a “Transy”, with all her male actions I just assumed she was a transvestite. Just the way she will sit on the couch, notice BB fans, is she acting in any way like a female? just sayin.
Last night Shelly said “of course Rachel would win the veto comp – it involved her riding on Brendan’s back – something she does all the time” (or something similar to that – words not verbatim). Well, what the hell has she (Shelly) done all season??? She’s ridden on whoever’s back has been in power. As for siding with R & J and telling them to take her to the final 3, how is that any different than being with J & J originally and going to the final 3????? She’s still going to be #3!!!!. I don’t think she realizes just how dumb she sounds and will be sooooooo very embarrassed when she sees herself.
shelly should go for sure, shes nuts! and can you imagine how pissed jeff would be if they had the chance to get rid of shelly and didnt take it? i cant imagine jordan letting that happen.
Shelly has to go. What a snake! J or R has to win HOH tonight. If Rachel does not win this BB 13 I will stop watching. She has totally made it interesting and played & won competitions to deserve to be the winner. She has come back from the depths of hell…GO RACHEL all the way!
we hate shelly in canada. fake – liar – 2faced ; and she soo doesnt deserve it as she is on eof the main floaters in the house .go home gleek wannabe loser. her family is going to b ashamed
i want J n R in the f2 this way no matter who actually wins first place all the vets except for Dani would benefit.. so with that being said GOOOOOO TEAM JR. also I dont think I would mind that much seeing Adam in the F2 he was loyal to his alliance except for the first week or so..
Come on people, Get off “Rachel’s” back….She is definaetly a GAME PLAYER…..If it weren’t for her BB would be boring………..I use to not like her either, but now that has all changed…She is a good person, and she loves the game, and play’s it well…………..I wouldn’t mind her Winning….She is the only one that deserve’s it…AND “YES” I will be watching BB again and again…Love this show…………………Thank you BB………….Love it.
here in NY it will broadcast at 1:37am friday
Tortured by Rachel? Come on! Rachel is the best player BB has ever had. I love, love, love her. She has worked her butt off this season and she deserves to win. I sure hope she does. I would rather watch one Rachel than a million Dani’s, Shelly’s, Kalia’s or Porshe’s. Rachel, you go girl.
Did anyone hear shellys fam was getting death threats for her actions…winder how pathetic shell feel to find that out..i mean it is extreme and im sure her beung a bad person on tv would danger her familys safety..
Did anyone hear shellys fam was getting death threats for her actions…winder how pathetic shell feel to find that out..i mean it is extreme and im sure her beung a bad person on tv would result in this..sad
Looking at the remaining players… Rachel has good chance of winning if she can win HoH and a couple more vetos. Also if she choose the right person to sit next to her in the final 2.
@Maddie where did you hear that ? I haven’t. You sicko… if no one else heard about it. ..either or your making up story to scare da hell out of nut-Shell’s fam and fan…eek.
fox entertainment news
Shelly better leaves this time, dang.. Dani and the guys at the Jury house will be happy to see her…haha.
fox entertainment news psycho
Shelly as U do not treat people like she does when she pretends to always do whats right. Sicko & I believe her job is on the line because of her behavior in real world & that is why she is desperate to hurt others to provide for her family No matter what she swears on her family!!! Tis Tis she has a lot to learn.
now that Rachel is hoh, no sense in watching any more. who cares. this season sucked!
YEAH!!!!…I was s-o-o-o-o-o-o-o glad to see Shelly go to the jury house tonight. You know everybody lies and backstab in this game BUT when Big Will on previous Big Brother Episode when he lied he made it humorous…BUT with Shelly lies it was so disgusting…Shelly didn’t do anything in the game except jump from one side to the other…She had a better shot in the game sticking with Jeff and Jordan as her alliance…I truly believe these two had her back up to a certain point maybe until the final three…Shelly blew it for herself and she got what she deserved… Rachel won Head of Household tonight and I truly hope RACHEL WIN THE GAME because she has worked and played the hardest. I like Jordan too BUT Jordan need to start winning competitions.. I said at one point in time that I would like Jordan to come in second but Jordan have won before so my choice now for second place winner is..I wouldn’t mind Adam or Kalia. I also would like to see Adam win Head of Household because I am curious to see which side he is truly on. Kalia is smart (mentally) in the competitions and she doesn’t do too bad in the physical competitions either. As the final two I would love to see Rachel and Jordan face off with each other OR I would like to see Adam and Kalia face off with each other…Because then we would see which side the veterans and the newbies were really on. The next person I would like to see go is Porsche…I don’t like her attitude or game-play either. BUT at least Porsche and Kalia want go home empty handed they both won $5,000…If Jordan want to see her and Rachel in the final two she need to start winning some competitions….Last BUT not least….GOODBYE SHELLY!!!!
i agree good-bye to the loser shelly,i cant stand her.i did like her at first then she did the whole switching around and double crossing everyone.and whats with all the freakin make-up she wears.she almost looks like a clown?i cant wait to see jeff’s face when he see’s her in the juior house.she lied so i can see her cheat and steal just to of stayed.shes more of a cry baby then rachel sorry im just going on.i just have nothin good to say about shelly.
i never cared for rachel until after branden left the game.shes a a person that seems like a nice one.when it was with brenden it was all about them she didnt care and now i want her to be the final 2 with gordan if not her then i dont kow yet.
Shelly was evicted lastnight! so I hope this calms ppl down out there. I read where Shelly’s husband & daughter were getting threats! THIS IS A GAME, THERE IS NOT ANY SINCE IN ACTING LIKE A MORON! YOU want to KILL SOME1 over a GAME & spend the rest of your life in PRISON?
The FBI is getting very involved in the threats to Shelly Moore’s family, after she voted to evict Jeff. Jeff and Jordon have been seen as the darling couple of BB.
Facebook is coming under close scutiny for the hate pages promoting harm to Shelly and her family. TMZ has confirmed the threats to Shelly’s family, including specifically, her 8 year old daughter.
Moore’s employer has also received calls demanding Moore’s termination from the company.
Sources close to the family have confirmed that the FBI is involved in investigating the threats.
Upon learning of the threats Executive Producer of Big Brother, Allison Gordner, issued the followinig statement on twitter.
“No matter how much you dislike a HG, this is wrong. True Big Brother fans do not try to ruin lives. Please stop.”
Matt Hoffman of ‘Big Brother 12’ even tweeted:
I didn’t like Shelly attitude or the way she played the game BUT I thought Shelly has a beautiful and smart daughter…Pleae noone shouldn’t make any kind of threats against Shelly and her family or anyone else in the game. Also EVERYONE need to STOP with the personal attacks on this website BECAUSE EVERYONE is entitled to their OWN OPINION…Last but not least…RACHEL I HOPE YOU WIN THE GAME…AND MAY GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU!!!
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah RACHEL WON THE GAME… You deserve to win you played and fought the hardest, took the most insults and kept on smiling and you was one of the smartest people in the house… I wish you and Brendon much happiness…