Big Brother 13 Week 5: Big Changes Ahead Of Veto Ceremony

Big Brother 13 Shelly and Kalia

Like any good Monday in the Big Brother game we’re about to see some craziness in the house today ahead of the Power of Veto ceremony. Last night a plan was put in to action and amazingly, it worked. It worked really, really well. I’m a little shocked at the change of events, but it is going to be a wild week if all of this goes through.

Flashback to last night at 6:59PM BBT Cam 1 to find Shelly and Kalia discussing the upcoming Big Brother 13 twist and how to handle the renomination decision she has to make on Monday. Shelly actually manages to convince Kalia that her best move is to renom Porsche because she’s weak rather than Adam and then evict her instead of Rachel. Shelly convinces Kalia that she will gain the support of Jeff, Jordan, Rachel, and Adam if she goes after a floater instead of a competitor. Kalia buys this new idea in full and goes to sell it to Daniele.

Big Brother Live Feed Flashback time:
August 7, 2011 @ 6:59 PM BBT on Camera 1
August 7, 2011 @ 7:25 PM BBT on Camera 3
August 7, 2011 @ 8:18 PM BBT on Camera 3
August 7, 2011 @ 8:45 PM BBT on Camera 3
August 7, 2011 @ 10:15 PM BBT on Camera 1
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Flashback to 7:25PM BBT Cam 3 and you’ll have Kalia sharing this new plan with Daniele. Daniele is not liking this plan at all. She reminds Kalia that just the other day Rachel swore up and down that her target was Daniele and now Kalia wants to keep her. Kalia believes this will get the other HGs off their (hers and Daniele’s) backs for a few weeks. Daniele strongly resists this new plan and does not like it.

Kalia pulls Shelly back in to the HoH room (Flashback to 8:18PM BBT Cam 3) to discuss how things went with Daniele. Kalia is still on board with this new “keep Rachel” plan, but wants Shelly to get confirmation that JeJo and Rachel won’t come after her if she goes after a floater like they want. Kalia tells Shelly that Daniele is starting to worry her. Daniele warned her she’d move to keep Porsche if Kalia moved to evict her.

Next step in Shelly’s plan: get Jeff to go back “besties” with Kalia and support this “keep Rachel” plan. Flashback to 8:45PM BBT and you’ll have Jeff sitting down with Kalia. Jeff plays the part and says he’ll be on board for this plan to keep Rachel and go after floaters. He reiterates that it’s what he wants. (It isn’t. Jeff told Jordan his real plan is to fake left while going right and still go after Daniele/Kalia.) After Jeff leaves Kalia starts counting votes out loud and discussing all the possibilities.

Daniele remains completely unhappy with this plan and goes back to talk with Kalia. Flashback to 10:15PM BBT on Cam 1. Daniele is very worried that they’re about to hand the Veterans exactly what they wanted. (They are. Well, a Daniele eviction would probably be even better for them, but this is close.) Kalia says she’ll make a deal with Rachel that will cover them both. Daniele says it looks like she’ll get to spend her birthday (next week) alone in the Jury house.

Big Brother 13 Lawon is kuh-ray-zee

Things get even weirder though and the plan changes from Shelly’s original suggestion. Flashback to 1:45AM BBT Cam 1 for Lawon’s idea that he should be the pawn, not Porsche. Lawon suddenly thinks this week’s evictee will get to come back as the new HoH and he wants that power.

Big Brother Live Feed Flashback time:
August 8, 2011 @ 1:45 AM BBT on Camera 1
August 8, 2011 @ 2:11 AM BBT on Camera 1
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Later (2:11AM BBT Cam 1) Lawon, Porsche, and Daniele continue working Shelly’s their new plan to keep Rachel by evicting Lawon. Lawon is really excited about getting evicted. Sigh. Poor Lawon. They’re even working on returning one-liners for Lawon (similar to last season’s “I’m back, bitches” from Rachel). I haven’t seen Kalia involved in this new evict-Lawon plan, but if Daniele supports is this strongly then it’s likely that so will Kalia. Daniele’s parting line: “this is genius!” No it’s not.

So there we are. Kalia is likely going to renom one of her own this afternoon. Then come Thursday night Rachel will stay and Lawon or Porsche will battle either Cassi or Dominic (the two leaders in most polls we’re seeing). I can’t imagine much worse than Cassi and Lawon facing off in what will have to be a physical battle (can’t do quizzes since evictees don’t know what’s gone on), but at least it’ll be dramatic.

What do you think of this new plan? Could this possibly work out well for Kalia, Daniele, and Lawon or will they regret this move when/if it backfires?

Update: Flashback to this morning at 10:18AM BBT (all cams) to hear Daniele and Kalia discussing this evict-Lawon plan. They’re still on-board and planning to renom Lawon at today’s Veto ceremony. They’re plotting to really let Lawon get screwed and they don’t care either way. Who needs enemies when you’ve got an ally like Daniele?!



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  1. Little rectification. I believe Kahlia and Dani’s plan is still to get Rachel out, However they wanna put Lawon as a pawn since he volunteered, which means they dont have to upset Porsche or Adam. However Shelly’s plan is to have Adam along with J & J to evict Lawon instead of Rachel at the expenses of Kahlia’s wishes. My prediction : Lawon and Dom will battle it out and Dom will be back into the house. However,, things will be stirred up as Dani and Kahlia will realize they’ve been blindsided.. Unless Shelly has another trick up her sleeves to make Dani and Kahlia believe it was in their best interest to keep Rachel?? Hopefully Dani realizes that Shelly is the ultimate traitor and her, Kahlia and Dom will try and get her out of the house next.. All depends on who’s the next HOH

    • That all seems plausible, but Daniele says to Lawon and Porsche at 2:10AM BBT that they’ll have to put up with Rachel another week. So are they planning to keep her and let Lawon be evicted/return or they’re going to let Rachel get evicted and possibly return? I thought from their discussion that they were still going w/ the Lawon route.

      But yeah, J/J/A/S will vote out Lawon so it probably doesn’t matter either way.

      • Yeah, they’re definitely still talking about Lawon being the evicted one this week, not Rachel.

        I do agree though that their ultimate plan is to get rid of Rachel, just not anytime soon. Even though they could make it happen just by renom’ing Adam. What are these HGs thinking??

      • It is possible. But I think something is going to go wrong for Daniele and Kalia. When Rachel is not evicted, somehow Brendon will win the vote to come back and compete. And I’m sure Brendon can take Lawon easily.

      • I think that Brendon getting voted to compete is what could really mess this up. If it is him vs. Rachel – she stays him vs. Lawon – Brendon would be back and it would all end up where it started. That is the worse scenatio.

        I am not happy that they might keep Rachel this week but I’m willing to hold-out in the thinking that she will not get the op to get back in.

        Not sure what to take from this twist of things except this – if Lawon is stupid enough to put himself up he will most likely be the one to go.

      • Kalia needs to huury up and decide, because last night she looks like she was about to have a heart attack. Being Head of household is to much stress for her. I think she should make up her own mind, and not let Danni decide for her. After all Danni is not in charge this week; or is she?

    • Why do you think dom will be americas vote. The poles on these sites mean nothing. It all about who cbs thinks will make a better show and more ratings and that won’t be dom.

      • Dom not even in the…no Dom..will come back..KA KA and Dani are the stupidest players ever…what saps..
        Shelly playing the best game it is big brother..suspose to lie and not tell the truth..what game are you bye Lawon….

      • not towards you what show are you watching..the one who stated shelly a think..its big

      • Say what you will about Brenchel, but how great would it be to see the look on Daniele’s face if Brendon came walking back into the house?

  2. I love it some action going on in the BB house. I cannot believe that people still do not mind being put up as the pawn. I am really not a fan of anyone, but I am a fan of BB and love that people are mixing it up and playing the game. Should be interesting to see who goes up today.

  3. I think anything is a good plan as long as Kalia and Devil Daniele leave the house. Daniele was my favorite the last time she was on BB but now I can’t stand her. She is a big brat!

    • she is no more a BRAT than anyone else! It’s a game and everyone is playing their game. why can’t we watch and enjoy without calling people names?(except for Rachal no hope for her)HAHA I really like watching BB and watching the player change their minds am not sure if any of us would do better.Well that’s not true – we would all do better than Rachel!

      • So its okay to call Rachal a brat and name call but not poor innocent Dani??? I just wanted to get that straight as What I read correctly?

        Dani has lost already when she first turned on everyone and made friends with ONLY Kalia and maybe Lawon who will leave Thursday night and will not come back sorry but he has not won one thing that I can think of and has yes been Floating and coasting on everyone’s coat tails.

    • Wow. Really just wow.
      Daniel may be acting ‘bratty’ but what, apparently she is entirely alone in this game, and she has to deal with idiots 24/7? Speaking about brats, Rachel ISN’T? did you see how Rachel constantly kept pushing herself on Daniel? She’s acting like shes in junior high.
      If anyone is a brat it is Rachel.

      • Rachel is a baby and a drama queen but Daniel is pure EVIL…I can’t wait until she is GONNO :)

      • Dani is alone in the house because she chose to be. She was in the best postiton in the house but her ego took over once again and she screwed herself.

      • Dani is alone because of her stupid move to betray her alliance. I hope that brat goes up on the block. She is such a negative person. All she does is complain about everything. That girl needs to also be put on slop. She’s had it easy from day one with the golden key.

      • Amen to both of you both of you on that comment about Dani and how she did betray her alliance and went off the track after her dad left and no can tell me differently about if her dad was still there she would NOT be playing like this at all. I liked Dani and still do but I don’t like how she is acting as if she was back in Junior high trying to get the popularity

        Courtney says:
        August 8, 2011 at 2:09 pm

        Dani is alone in the house because she chose to be. She was in the best postiton in the house but her ego took over once again and she screwed herself.
        Karen says:
        August 8, 2011 at 5:55 pm

        Dani is alone because of her stupid move to betray her alliance. I hope that brat goes up on the block. She is such a negative person. All she does is complain about everything. That girl needs to also be put on slop. She’s had it easy from day one with the golden key.

      • Danny had such a huge lead in the game and she got greedy and let it fly out the window when she tried to throw Je and Jor under the bus.

  4. Lol all over the place. I do not care for Kalia one bit. She is such a snot. I hope she does this and sinks herself.

    • Amen, I agree with you. This will come back to bit her in the ass! I can’t wait to see it happen. Ijust hope she sticks to the plan because it willbe the dumbest move ever!! Good on Shelley.

  5. Thing could actually work out for d/k cause if lawon gets booted and faces say domonic im very sure dom will win and be back with d/k…lawon probably can beat cassie and get back..rachel is strong at comps and might come back…either way the person who wins the next hoh will change the danille might still be in the game folks.

    • King your a hoot kiddo ha ha!! D/K has screwed themselves and I am sorry to tell you but Dominic is NOT coming back lol!

      • Shelly is a floater, user,deciever,rat,underhanded SNEAK! I don’t like the way she plays the game, she will get caught! I can’t wait untill she is up on the block and begging. Don’t like that smoke machine!

      • no shelly doesn’t look like an fbi agent, she looks like an extremely ugly man dressed in drag. eeek. her unattractiveness haunts my dreams. :( wish it weren’t so.

      • What is a floater??? Why if a player plays what best for them they get called floater? How stupid this GAME would be if all the folks were sheep and did what they were told by majority…

    • i know i HATE Shelly she is one of the biggest liars from the beginning and shes like Jeff and Jordan they act all better than anyone but they do the same crap. Floaters are bad unless its “their” floaters like Shelly and Adam which by the way i cant stand either. Also Jordan whining about how her Jeff and Rachel are always a target boo hoo duh! Hello you won half a million $s and you guys have all been on before and are against the other people what did you expect???/

      • sasha…you are SOOOO right, everything you said. i get so sick of people thinking jeff and jordan are sooo sweet and sooo great. they talk just as much crap as everyone else! i too, am sick of people complaining about floaters unless the floaters are serving THEM a purpose. i’m over it! loved your comment though.

      • danni is the biggest liar on the show i hope she gets whats comming to her the jury brendon need to get back in he one of the best players ever danni started the all the crap first and jeff and jordan are real good people i hope jeff wins

  6. Why does everyone think Domonic or Cassie will come back? They have to know that CBS will do what’s best for their ratings..and with Brendon not that far behind Dom or Cassie, he will most likely be the one to come back in for ratings sake. If Dom or Cassie (especially Cassie) came back, then it would be an absolute Drag. Pretty sure we will see a Bookie/Rachel re-unite… and hopefully! I cannot wait to see Danieles face if that happens..that’s gonna be amazing.

    • Oh I agree. But I think it’ll take CBS manipulating the votes to make Brendon return. Not that I think they’re above that or anything…

      • This could be the most lame seasin if Brendon comes back, the couples twist this year: not so great. Now it would have been completely different if Evil Dick had stayed

      • Yeah that’s what I’m saying. People are so sure that Dom or Cassi will come back, but I think that CBS would prefer Brendon back. So, even if he doesn’t get the most votes, he won’t be too far behind. So I think CBS will have hime come back. Also another thing about the polls is that they are just a tiny fraction of the actuall BB viewers. And a lot of people are repeadetly voting, so these unofficial online polls, really aren’t very accurate and serve little purpose.

      • They should just make sure that Rachel is evicted and Brendon gets the vote. Having them compete against each other would be awesomely hilarious if Brendon doesn’t go all “white knight” again.

    • I fully agree with you Mandi that I don’t know why people think its going to be Dom or Cassi coming back and yes it would drag on and be most boring sorry to you Cassi lol but I see Brendan coming back into the house and that right there will make Rachal very happy .. Daniele’s face yes will look priceless for sure ha ha!!

      I’ve also heard through the grapevine from some of my twitters that Brendan is getting all the votes right now.. Now that is what I heard LOL!

      • YES that’s what I want to make Rachal happy! NOT! Brandon left because he wasn’t bright enough to use it on himself. So why reward him and bring him back? Am tired of the R\B show. and aren’t there rules about cbs enterfreing in the game?

      • i think it would be better for Dominic he was playing the game when he was there and hes the one person who didnt whine scream or act all arrogant when he was nominated twice and lied to by several people. he stayed decent to people and even made jokes at his own expense like his little alliance that was an epic fail. he would make it exciting because jeff jordan and rachel wont be happy.

      • Well the bottom line is that Dom left because he trusted a snake, and also threw his veto comp. And Keith left because he threw is veto comp(not saying either one would have won, they probably wouldn’t have, but at least try) Cassie left because she was tryin way to hard to come on way too strong being an absolut non-factor at that point. You don’t talk trash to the strongest players there if you can’t back it up…period. Cassie was the one who decided to attack Rachel, just cause Rachel stood up for Porsche. Brendon gave his veto to Rachel because he thought he could get more votes than her…so at least he was trying to stay and if he couldn’t still saved the ass of his fiancè. What is sooooo wrong about that? The bottom line is none of the newbies came to play and let’s face it, people only liked Cassie because she was “good looking” which I didn’t think she was that cute at all and she was a nobody to the game, people want her back because she called Rachel catty? Lmao big damn deal, she’ll get ate up and spit right back out by Rachel….for the 2nd time in 1 season. Lol, no thanks-how BORING!!!

      • So agree with both ziggy1 and shasha. I do not want to see Brenchel again at all. Might as well give the money to them. I wish they had never had this type of season with vets and newbies. If Brendon returns you might as well call it the Brenchel show.

      • If Brendon comes back it will be great for the ratings – like or dislike them – it makes for some great TV action!

      • @Mandi….he trusted Rachel and Brendon….lol. Thats why he threw it. And Jeff talked trash to Kalia and then threw a hissy fit when he got nominated. You can’t have it both way Mandi.

  7. i think the plan will backfire,they are grasping at straws trying to cover the backs of both Dani and Kalia…worst move ever in BB history. Jeff is
    to smart and will see thru it and call Dani out again.

    • I agree. This is one of the worst moves ever. Don’t these people watch prior BB seasons? Lawanda ASSuming that the evictee will come back as HoH is just plain dumb! Something must happen in the BB house that renders its inhabitants crazy.

  8. I disagree, I think Dom coming back will stir things up cuz BB production probably wants some showmance (with Dani)in the house, which is lacking so far, compared to other seasons. Kahlia will freak, knowing that she wont be Dani’s closest allie anymore and will probably get closer to Shelly (to her detriment) thinking Shelly has a deal with her, when Shelly’s only allegiance resides with J&J. The next HOH is crucial, if J&J or Shelly win : Dani or Dom will get the boot (depending on who wins Veto) and if Dani, Dom or Porsche win: Jeff or Rachel is out, again depending on Veto. I would say at this point Adam is a wild card ad could still go either way… I’m a dani’s fan all the way, but she needs to open her eyes and realizes Shelly’s actually the bigger threat in the house cuz she’s the most persuasive one and get in everyone’s mind, in some ways

    • Kells I fully disagree with your comment that Dom is coming back!! They want ratings and they are not going to bring Dominic for a showmance nope sorry lol! Brendan is getting most of the votes right now from what I heard from another reliable site.

      Ratings and having Rachal back with her Man will be the ratings sky rocketing to the moon!!

      We shall see… Shelly a threat no she is now playing smart and keeping herself somewhat away from Dani and her antics these day that Dani I think will be the next evicted to jury house next week.. Dani is not playing the way Dick her dad set out she is going totally backwards..

      • I agree kimberly…and one more thing kells, adam is definitely not on both sides and go either way…Adam just said that he hopes to win the veto because he will pull Jeff off the block so that they see his true alliance is with them. And he said that in DR which is where they always tell their real plans. So no, Dom would be a sucky choice, wouldn’t be anywhere nearly as interesting as brenchal reuniting. CBS doesn’t need another showmance its been done before, and they’re showmance was them laying in the bed talking about trusting eachother for 23 out of 24 thanks!

      • Thanks Mandi and btw Jeff already got himself off the block and Kalia put up Lawon instead so he will be leaving we know he will not win against Brendan as that is I hope comes back and from what I have heard he is getting allot of the votes to right now.. I think people as much as some may not like Brendan and Rachal they make the show exciting sorry LOL!!

    • i know i want Dominic back. The show is horrible right now. Kalia should of just stuck Shelly and Adam up from the beginning. Theyre useless and i cant believe that they all are soo trusting of Shelly she is a horrible person i cant stand her. When they first showed her i thought she was a man in drag. lol Such an ass kisser and oh let me do this and i will do that blah blah blah ugh she needs to go.

      • haha! man in drag…love it, i thought the same thing. she is so masculine. the way she walks, talks, eats, cries, everything. just gross.

      • Lawon needs to go. Boring,boring, boring. And why bring back Dominic just to lay in bed all day with Dani. That would be so exciting to watch…get real.

      • shasha why in gods name would you want Dominic back? He will just come back if he does which he will not sorry jmo that he would lay in bed all day as someone said he would lay there all day with Dani WOW how fun lol!

    • i agree 100% well jordan definately and i cant believe Kalia doesnt see that soooo stupid

  9. I think it’s a mistake to alter their plan. They are giving the veterans exactly what they want. While it makes the game more interesting, it’s really stupid game play.

  10. Kalia seems pretty cocky after winning only one comp. her whole speech about making her own decisions is a little obvious that she is NOT. I think she has forgotten the whole veterans playing against her. big mistake!
    they are getting scared, they should take their chances if they want Rachel out stick with the plan if she fights her way back in she does..or doesn’t

  11. this is the worst thing they could do for their game they’ve already got jeff n jordan and rachel mad I personally like Jordan the best out of all the current house guests, but the best thing for the newbes is to put Jordan up and break her and Jeff up, and keep Rachel. Jeff and Rachel would not work well togeather at all.

  12. As much as I hate to say it I really am hoping Brendon gets his way back into the house so I can see the look on that nasty Dani’s face. Hope he gets in and goes straight after her. She is nasty this season and I am not liking her at all…Still my fav’s are J & J

    • lol shed! Oh so agree with that ha ha! He is an idiot if he thinks he is coming back and going to be HOH after coming back lmfao! As long as Yes oh so agree as long as Rachal stays and her man comes back in the game lol

      • Here is what I think. Dani is not as dumb as we all think she is. This. Move absolutely benefits her,A: because if Lawan is offering and wanting to be put up and voted out(gosh what an idiot) then Daniele will vote to keep Rachel and Kalia can go about making her deal with Rachel while keeping her “word” so then it takes a little of the tension of the Dani/Rachel thing because Dani will get to vote to keep her. B: because she knows Lawan will never win anything so he is of no benefit to her, and Porshce has a much better chance of winning something, so she’d rather keep Porsche over Lawan but doesn’t want to outwardly say it because then Kalia will start getting a little leary of her. C: with Lawan out of the picture, that absolutely 100% ensures Dani to have Kalia’s vote, whether it be eviction or final 2. I think Dani realizes Kalia and Lawan have been together since day one, and choosing between the 2 of them wouldn’t be as “cut and dry” as one would think. I just think Dani is not an idiot, she does know the game well and it sounds very fishy to me that Dani would fall for such. A stupid, unlikely twist. I think we may see Dani in a DR session talking about how she pulled the wool over Kalia and Lawans eyes..this is actually the only plan that Daniele could benefit from at all, because Lawan is dead weight for their alliance. None the less I hope it all works! GO TEAM JEJO & BRENCHAL!

      • This is pretty much the same scenario I was thinking about dani agreeing to evict Lawon. Dani will have left Kalia with her as her only close alliance member.

  13. I honestly can’t believe their is houseguests in the house that think the twist would be that evicted houseguest voted out this week. Comes back and is handed HoH.

    That would be the most ludicrus thing Big Brother has ever done.

    As for renominations go. Kalis shouldn’t even be toying with idea to get good with Vets. She should nominate Jordon or Shelly. If Kalia nominates anyone else. It just reitirates what Dom said all the newbies are spineless jellyfish.

  14. Kalia does alot of talking but she is not that smart. She will learn the hard way she should of listened to Dani. MY OPINION, the heck with jeff(who is afraid of that selfrightous king of BB) Put up Jordan with Rachel for the love of all good. I would, everybody is comming for everybody anyway!!!

    • I agree. Kalia is not a smart player and win she’s in the jury house she can think how bad she played.

  15. I think most of our opinions are biaised by our own favourites in the house. We shall see thursday! I really dont see how Brandon would make the ratings go up, him and rachel’s relationship is really nauseating to be honnest, she has no backbone and he keeps on validating her psychotic behaviour

    • Whether you think their relationship is nauseating or not..they. are ALL people talk about bad or good they are. By far. The most talked about conetestant ever on BB…thatt much attention=higher ratings. You saww Kalia and Dani talking about it lasnight right? Even they know Rachel gets a lot of ratings

  16. You CAN’T trust anybody, especially the Veterans. Kalia can trust Dani right now because she proved she can be trusted. Trusting the others proves Kalia isn’t too bright! Damn, I wish I was in there. My gut would be my guide. Kalia’s big mistake is second guessing herself and Dani.

    • ARE U SERIOUS?? Dani cannot be trusted…think on it…She only befriended Kalia after Dom left..Now that Kalia is HOH and has a target on her back she is prepping Porsche to be her new best buddy…Dani is making the rounds but she will soon run out victims err I mean newbies…They got a bridge in Brooklyn for sale u looking to buy??

  17. CBS is obviously rooting for Daniele, the returning houseguest twist was put into place this week because they knew Daniele was in the most danger this week. Next week, most people will be going after Kalia.

  18. Best case scenario is:
    – Lawon being evicted;
    – Lawon faces Brendon and Brendon wins;
    – Brendon is the new HOH;
    – Dani is going home (bye bye).

  19. So wait, i have seen previous BB seasons where America gets to vote, but as far as voting someone back in, who really gets the final say in who comes back in, the fans or CBS Production?

    • Usually CBS, because they care about ratings. BB is a Top-10 most viewed show every year. Wouldn’t you like to keep it that way?

  20. Hello. First time commenter, long time lurker here. I figured that I have to comment here because this is pretty big news. Still, I don’t see that Dani/Kalia are putting themselves in any real danger. Realistically, they are just wasting an HoH opportunity. Here’s how I see it if Lawon goes:
    1. Dominic comes back: Lawon goes and Dom returns and plays with Dani/Kalia who also appear to now have Porsche. This still maintains the Dani/Kalia/Lawon/Porsche and Rachel/Jeff/Jordan/Shelly balance with Adam somewhere in between. Only difference is Lawon is replaced with Dominic which, in turn, could benefit Dani/Kalia.
    2. Cassi comes back: Lawon will probably still go. Cassi could go either way. This may or may not benefit/hurt Dani/Kalia. It really would depend on Cassi’s thoughts as she reenters the game.
    3. Brendon comes back: Although this is a slim chance, who knows with Big Brother. This would seriously destroy Dani/Kalia’s game. They’d have no other option but to win HoH again for another 2 weeks.
    4. Keith comes back: lol

    • Lurker, I a beginining to see this as not a bad move too. Dom or Cassie is a waaaaaay better competitor than Lawon and will help Dani’s team more..the only problem is if Brendon is America’s choice.

    • Nail on the head!! What a waste of an hoh. Rachel NEEDS to GO. I can already see the next week ahead with her big mouth claiming that her remaining in the house is somehow an accomplishment of hers when in actuality is only because Shelly is a rat! I get her being align to J/J but dont understand anyone thinking Rachel staying in the house is a benefit to anyone but J/J. Rachel’s true alliance is to the cameras not anyone. If she really wanted the money she would have insisted that her lapboy stayed in the game instead of her. Maybe J/J will give R/B some mental health therapy as a wedding gift when they win the money.

  21. BRING BACK DOM. Cassie, Shelly, Kalia are only going to benefit jj and kiss up to them and be threantened by them. Dom will give Dani the help she deserves for being a good and gutsy player

    • Dom is one of of Dani’s puppets sorry I disagree with that.. Dom comes back the show ratings will go down jmo on that.

      Bringing Brendan back will give the ratings back up.. I’ve been watching Big Brother since it started and I have to watched allot of players come in the game and then go out.. I think once they get to jury house they do get a little hypercritical though as I feel they are just mad because they were the ones voted out and the other person is still in the game.

  22. What is this the Everybody against dani show or the brendan and rachel show..from a ratings perspective if brendon comes back and takes out Danielle the show will lose ratings cause the rivalry’s will be gone.People who support jeff and jordan want brendon back people who watch the show for entertainment value will want dom back.
    If B comes back the ratings will tank people are tired of b/r.

    • Once her dad left the game it lost the Dani’s show and now her game play was way off as well as now she was trying to make up for all that well sorry its to late and this season Dani has gotten really mean and nasty jmo

      • PER ED’S twitter comments..He is hoping Dom comes back to help Dani out..He is not happy with Dani bashing him at every opportunity..He is not happy with the comments she is making about “her” great game plays during their season..

      • That is so true Flyonthewall Dick does not like how she is playing at all and I disagree that Dom will help her at all he will lye around and do nothing most likely just my opinion on that and as well as just lay there with Dani that would be oh so boring LOL!

    • I agree COMPLETELY! If the ppl in here think that cbs will bring back the person that would bring in more ratings, why wud it be brendan? I for one hate the b/r drama, its getting old. and yeah if they do bring brendan back in dani has no chance of surviving and thats bad for cbs cuz if there’s no rivalry, theres no drama and drama = ratings!Yeah i want dom or cassi to be back. if dom comes back he’ll work with dani for sure, or perhaps not, he might have some grudges against her. if cassi comes back for sure she will not work with rachel, cuz rachel dont like her.

    • I couldn’t agree with you more. I can’t tell you how many people were almost NOT going to watch this season because of Brendon & Rachel. I can’t stand them and to me, it’s rigged if CBS keeps trying to bring them back for ratings..What ratings? People will STOP watching because BR don’t play the game like everyone else and they are boring and full of BS drama that is so immature. I hate this idea of bringing back the couples to begin with. It is really not fair. They should of had an all-star season and then these retards could have fitted in better.

      Dani is the only ‘player’ here and she has to deal with the stupidity of Kalia getting sold a song & dance from Mr. Man Shelly (Straight Shooter). Dah…how can these people NOT figure out that she is playing both sides? They haven’t caught her ONCE going back and forth in the 5 weeks they have been there? Really??? Could it be that Shelly is a planted SABOTEUR?? Or, perhaps stupid Kalia is the planted SABOTEUR for buying this BS from Shelly and actually NOW trying to save Rachel? It has been a very frustrating season and I would much rather go and watch a season of Survivor then these stupid idiots…ugh… One can only hope that Dom comes back and get HOH and sends these VETS packing and Shelly Shooter too…

      • Oh please DO tell us how many people that you knew of were not going to watch because of Brenchel? Let me guess, five? Some people are WAY too funny!

  23. OMG im sooooooo happy. its weird, i hated kalia this whole season. then i started to like her a bit more, then now i liek her even more knowing she is making a stupid decision evicting lawon or even porscha. seriously lawon wants power, oh well then evict him and see what he gets lol. rachel staying this week makes me want to hallelujah, and i love jordeff, but i tohugh jeff was a way over the top with kalia. seriously calm down. my guess is brendon will come back, beat lawon. lol its funyn watching lawon in the house though, i dont even think he knows what he is doing. he is soo oblivious, he clearly came there for as summer vacation. GOOOO Brenchel, Jordeff and shelly

  24. I would put up Jordan against Rachel and let the twist handle it’s self. From the beginning the newbies have been kissing up to the vets even through they had to most numbers. I do believe that Kalia made a big mistake in talking to Jeff and Jordan about the nominations because they are vets and have always stood together until Dani broke them up. The best bet for any house member is to take out the strongest players first. Keep the floaters because they will go with whoever is HOH which gives HOH an advantage when it comes to getting votes to evict the person they really want to pick. Without enough solid newbies in the game it will be a mistake for Lawon to go up as the pawn because he will get evicted. He has yet to win anything in BB so to take a chance on the “comeback” challenge is not in his best interest. if he can stay under the radar like Jordan did in her season he too may walk away with $500,000 without doing a single thing but just watching them torn each other apart.

  25. I’m completely confused…..reading these posts I occasionally post from year to year but this year you guys and gals have me in stitches. We all know Brandon is coming back…..come on this show is only about ratings…..why else would you bring back 2 couples and 1 of the most heated rivalries in BB (Dani and ED). Then you complain about the Newbies NOT making game moves and then they make the smartest move possible for them (getting out the people who win competitions) and you say “shame on them”. So now we are criticizing them for making smart game moves because its at the Vets expense? Why even bother having a show….If everyone wants Dani and the Newbs out….save us the whole summer and just put Jeff, Jordan, Rachel, and Brendon in a house and have them battle it out. Don’t get me wrong Im and Jeff and Jordan fan but am happy that a Newbie won and went after the strongest alliance. If you call yourself a fan of BB you would appreciate the game play, the backstabbing, the 11th hour deals, the late night game play….ya know the OLD way of playing BB….and whether it was her idea or not she put the keys in there and put Jeff and Rachel up…so she gets the credit let Dani have the assist and call it a day.

    • I wholeheartedly agree. Which is why I’d rather have all newbies and no vets. The brechtal/Khan show is getting old. I’ve watched BB since the beginning, and I hope this is the last time this vets vs newbies takes place.

  26. Looks like we are down to Cassie and Dominic in the voting. Question is; does anyone really think Cassie has a chance in a comp against anyone being evicted except possibly Lewan ? Dominic is the only one who could defeat Rach and put us all out of our Brenchel misery of two seasons. Please vote for Dominic.

  27. BTW guys leave shelly aloneee, lol. definition of a floater is not winning competitions. she isnt even playing down the middle, she is playing btoh sides. she knows what sides she is, and quite frannkly she had a hand in the dom eviction, she screwed cassi over, and she is keeping the vets around for nother week. she was top 3 and 2 in last 2 compeittions as well. she does need to win soem comps but she is far from being a floater like lawon, porsche and adam. btw guys quick question, is the girls name porsch or porscha , cause ive heard both ways

    • Definition of a “Floater” is floating from side to side and going where the power is. You can win nothing, but remain loyal to one side and you’re not a “floater.”

      I agree that Shelly is not floating. She’s just doing a very good job of working both sides of the house. Ultimately she appears to be loyal to JeJo.

    • shelley didn’t screw cassi. cassi screwed herself in week 1 in the HoH room with rachel. instead of just playing yes man, she had to press them.

      that and rachel is intimidated by any pretty women (“brenden, do you think she had a nose job?”).

    • it doesn’t really matter if she almost won something. she keeps losing just like all the other floaters. i like kalia, but she got quite a big head from winning 1 competition.

  28. I don’t care for any of the Vets, they are bullies, and I’m tired of Rachel’s whinning and her and Brendan in bed, no other couples do that.
    they have tried to bully Dani ever since Evil Dick left, Brendar even made fun of her when she said she didn’t have a partner, he is nothing without Rach winning, and neither is Jeff, what has jeff won, you don’t look at Rach unless he is on you.

    • Beware about talking bad about the Vets….their fanbase will come after you and throw temper tantrums bigger than the ones that Jeff and Jordan threw last night.

      • Lol. She is just a very social person who doesn’t win much. Jeff’s the bully, (even when his alliance doesn’t have power!)

  29. I for one like Danielle in this game. People call her bratty but she is no worse then anyone else in this game Racheal acts like a complete child and I cant stand her. And I pray Brendan doesnt come back becuase I am soo tired of the Brenchel soap opera episodes!!!!

    • dani would have had a better game play if she had not moved so quick to backdoor jeff eventhough I am a jejo fan she should have waited a week or two for that one.

      • I agree she messed up there. But even through that I still like her because unfortunatly there arent that many likeable house guests…

      • I agree with you I was hoping that they would have come up with better houseguests but they didnt this year. I liked dani in her other season with her dad and was hoping she would go far this year but now i dont care for her she moved too quick

  30. Lawon will be the laughing stock of BB history when this happens and Shelly(Although alot dont like her) will be one of the biggest manipulators ever. Good week of watching BB feeds. I say this:

    Lawon is evicted.
    Brendan VS Lawon
    Brendan Wins
    Dani’s group is up a creek without a paddle…

    • What wouod really be funny ids that if there was a challenge between Brendon & Lawon and Lawon wins…lol.. Lawo ngoes back in house expecting Power or HOH and gets nothing…lol..that would make good TV…Be careful what u wish for…

  31. in the old days a floater was someone who didn’t really have a social game other than being nice to everyone in the house and flying under the radar.

    now a floater is anyone who actively plays both sides? that’s called a good social game. if shelley is a floater, then so is will kirby.

  32. Funny part will be the faces of Dani’s crew when someone else walks into the house(Assuming Lawon doesnt come back). Keith will be no big deal, but the rest would throw a huge wrench in alot of peoples hands. I think the person with the best seat for this show will be Adam, who really doesnt have a target on him from anyone and can watch the drama unfold with lil fear of going up in Nominations for at least a week, if not a few more.

  33. I think kalias plan is best, Dom or cassi will be competing. rachel is strong enough to beat cassi, maybe dom too. I Think its in their best interest not to get out rachel, She will fight tooth and nail to get back in. Lawon doesnt stand a chance against cassi or dom.

    • all the HGs know is that the evicted HG has a chance to come back in the game.

      they don’t know that the other evicted HGs have that same chance. they don’t know about any special power.

      they are playing with fire. it would be far safer to evict rachel (who kicks boogie at HoH contests) and hope she doesn’t come back.

      • There playing with fire really?? Lawon is an idiot kiddo for wanting to be put up which I find totally hilarious in my book!! He thinks he will come back I think not.. And for Dom and Cassi fat change they will compete I believe it will be Brendan who will be coming back reason why I say? As what I know he has the numbers in the votes heard it from another source that I have. Big Brother Allison wants ratings ratings ratings and if they brought either Cassi or Dom forget it ratings will go down. JMO

  34. TO ANSWER MY OWN QUESTION>> YES he is…and playing the part of the victim pretending to be mad about it…He is gonna find out why he was put up….such a comedy show at this point..

    • I think Lawon was just looking for a summer vacation. He can do that in jury house with no pressure,no slop & wont have to do anything which he isn’t now. He has yet to clean, cook, or anything else. Looks like the house puppet.

  35. Really not looking forward to a Brendan/Rachel reunion. I am pretty tired of the same old drama with them. Put up Shelly next to Rachel. Who would get the votes.

  36. If Kalia does put up Lawon after he volunteered, when he goes home this week Lawon will be the third biggest idiot in BB history. Dani and Kalia will be tied for second since even Jordan during her speech when she pulled her key this week knew that the best thing to do was put Jordan up on the block if either of Kalia’s original nominees came off.

    However, my vote for the # 1 biggest idiot was Marcelus when he let that Dani talk him into not using the veto on himself. Of course, he went home.

  37. Lawon is questioning Shelly as to why he was put up…playing the part of the suprised HG..But Shelly already knows that he voluntered cause Kalia told her..So she knows he is trying to get info…but she is going along with him…lol..

  38. I love the way Shelly is quietly stirring things up without making any enemies. She could take this thing all the way. If Dom comes back – she will earn his trust and then help to get him eliminated.

  39. you know darn well, that you need to bring this season up to par, its floating by its neck..You people can you tell its running slow, the idea of bringing back vets against newbies was stupid, then the magic twist, havent I seen that idea before, oh wait, yes on survivor, getting ideas from other shows, goes to show you how they are running this season, as for beginning back vets, gosh no, let the newbies battle it out, like it sould have been from the start. otherwise this will be the worse of the BB season, and I have enjoyed them all, except this one so far.

  40. It doesn’t really matter who comes back. There will be drama regardless. Even if it’s Keith. The returning hg will think America loves them…whether we do or not. This will give them a feeling of superiority which is always good for some drama.

  41. They should just make sure that Rachel is evicted and Brendon gets the vote. Having them compete against each other would be awesomely hilarious if Brendon doesn’t go all “white knight” again.

    • Yeah, I thought that was uber stupid. He should of kept himself. Hello, 3/4 Vetos were to him!

  42. Without revealing too much, I have a cousin who works for CBS and let’s just say that the Brenchel season had off the chart ratings! You decide who will be coming back!

  43. Does your cousin also know whether or not Rachel is pregnant? LOL I’ve been speculating over it, since Rachel’s a little less skanky this season, she seems to not wear as much skin tight clothing, and has vomited a lot during some competitions. I wouldn’t put it past her to use her “Big Brother child” to get more attention. Let’s just hope, for the sake of us all, that she hasn’t spawned.

  44. Brendan an Rachel are the reason I am not watching and just reading posts….They are ridicules..

    Id CBS has to stoop to putting them on–it just insults their viewers intelligence….Really,,,can either of those two even drive a car?

    Stupid,,,,,,,show is going downhill,,,probably last season…

    last season was last for me,,,these posts are good to keep updated,,, but wont watch those two on tv,,makes me sick….

    C’mon CBS….give us some quality…

    • CBS is not going to give quality they want ratings and they are getting it despite your opinion on that.. I will never stop watching BB and I also watch Survivor and Amazing Race as well. CBS in my opinion is still top of the list on most everything ..

      jmo :-)

  45. EVERHTING hAppens for a reason

    If they try to vote Rachel Out, Rachel could beat Cassi for sure unforatanlly and with Dominic would be a bit harder, but she still would be a favorite.
    And having that bitch back in the house that way would be horrible for Dani and Kalia.

    this way, they will loose Lawan and is not good, but they will get Dominic back, which is better

    Also Jeff is really jelous, and he wants to be only man in the house, he will probably target DOminc first than Danielle.
    And mostly of them will think is not far having Dominc back…

    Anywyas… Dani needs to win the HOH, to make sure our DIVA keeps save in the house.

    • Uh Fabio I highly do not think Jeff is jealous lmfao that is a good one thanks my best day yet ha ha!! Give me a break I do not know why everyone keeps insiting that Cassi is going to play or Dominic.. I believe whole heartly that it will be Brendan and he will get back in the house due to I bet CBS has it set up that way.. They don’t want Dom back he was Boring to the core lol!! They are after Ratings kiddo sorry just stating my opinion and my gut feeling

  46. they are the reason am watching bb,ilov them ,hope brendon comes back ,vote for bookie ,lol!

    • OMG can’t stand them almost giving up because the way Rachel act for 27 years old act like spoiler brat. And they act on BB made me want to puke.

    • I love Bren and Rach – say what you want about the negatives, but they are true competitors and so loyal to JJ…mad respect!!

    • Sami, I’m with you I hope that Brendon come’s back and Rachel Brendon Jeff and Jordan take back over again. Jeff and Jordan are my all-time favorite’s of Big Brother. I want Jeff to win this time. They are the cutest couple I have seen. If Jeff and Jordan can’t win I want Brendon. I used to love Dick and Danielle but this season she is stupid. Please let this plan work.

      • Someone who has some sense!!! I can’t agree more!!! Let’s see a couples final four!! Thank you Dixie!!

    • The thing is Brendon & Rachel season I couldn’t stand them. Now I want the couple reunited. Without the crying. Brendon the crying is just to much. Not very manly. Cry when when someone you love and dear to your heart dies. Like your dog.

  47. Kalia is incredibly stupid. She says her aunt watches avidly I would think she’d b embrassed by Kalia’s games play. Kalia should go home. If she not going to play smart then go home.

  48. now this could work out very well. it will work out PERFECTLY if they (team dani) gets PT back. they’ll lose the dead weight of lawon, and get a good competitor in Dominic. Im hoping its just a matter of time before shelly who’s gameplay is fairly obvious is revealed. i dont like ppl who dont win anything playing like a snake.

    daniele is such a study to watch playing this game. her instincts for things such as when comps are coming, when certain people will try to make certain moves, reading people, dissecting conversation, etc. is pretty amazing. i know that sounds cheesy, but literally she is right 100% of the time when she just goes with her gut. her poker face is also pretty damn good because even when u know she’s lying, she doesnt give away any hints.

    why not get rid of lawon? he cant help u, so let his dumbass get evicted (he wont come back) and either dom or cassi come back.

    only potential problem is if cassi comes back and wants to work with shelly, then u have a final 3.5 deal. ahh! i dont want to think about it.

    i really want dom to come back because he will blow the house up guaranteed.

    • What a long boring comment. You took so much space to say so little. Why don’t you try being briefer? We would all appreiciate it. All your comments are way too long. Get in and get out. You really seem to take yourself too seriously. Just sayin yo.

      • i rather have long comments that say something then short comments like ur’s saying nothing. if i want ur approval, i’ll ask. and i must have something interesting to say, someone (including u) is always commenting on my shet, u… not so much.

      • There’s that self important streak again that you show so often. I skip most of your comments because they are too long. I’m sure I’m not alone. I know I do not respond to most of your comments, because I just don’t read them. You can’t spell, or speak in complete sentences. Your thoughts are not structured. You babble. Please stop. At least read what you say before you post it.

      • Wayne, Your SOOO negative. Everytime time I read one of your comments your telling someone they can’t spell. COME UP WITH SOMETHING ELSE PLEASE!!!
        No wonder your a big Brenchel fan. Sheesh! Take a chill pill.

        Marcus, I’m hoping fo that scenario as well.

    • What makes you so sure Dominic will go back to aligning with Dani? After all, she was the reason he went home the first time and I doubt he will make the same mistake twice.

      • Thank you Brian! Here I was thinking I was alone in wondering whether Dom would go back and rejoin his old alliance when that was why he had been evicted in the first place! Thoughts people? Will it be Dom and the vets or Dani (I don’t think he’s that big of a lapdog that he’d run back to her).

      • Dominic will go back with Danielle because he like’s her. That’s why I want Brendon to come back and the veteran’s take over again.

      • Dom was as much responsible for his exit as Dani was. I like him, but he is the one who threw the comp, not Dani.

    • What makes people think PT is just going to lay around all day with Dani if he comes back? He seems vety bright and so is Dani. The pace of the game has sped up compared to when he was in house and Dani will have him moving. He will also make for a good buffer between the two sides as he seems to be better liked by both whereas Cassi is not.

    • It’s hilarious when anyone says that Daniele is a great player! Wow, the only thing she could win is hanging on a banana for 40 hours, whoopee. She wins the endurance games tailored specificly to her, and spends the rest of the time riding everyone’s coat tails while all the actual good players pick each other off. Just go back to her season with Dick and you’ll see the perfect example of riding her dad’s coat tails and finally winning something after all the good players were knocked out. That’s not even mentioning the fact, that was the season of America’s player, and if it wasn’t for America controlling that 1 vote, Dick and Daniele wouldn’t have even sniffed the final 5. Daniele is a lousy freakin player, and her retarded play will have her out in the next 2 weeks.

      • UMMM Heyzeus what show are you watching? Dani didn’t win the banana comp Rachel did DUHHHH she won the HOH comp standing on the skies but that’s only because Rachel couldn’t play..She’s not riding anyones coat tails this season she’s the one getting the newbies to do stupid things and getting themselves evicted for it so maybe she is actually smarter then she seems.

      • I know. I was giving an example. But for discussion sake, name one instance where Daniele did anything worth being deemed such a good player (and you can’t mention turning on her alliance). The smartest move she ever made was standing in her dad’s shadow, and every other move she’s made has been substandard at best. She dug herself a hole leaching her poison on to floaters, and Kalia and Dani will find themself in the jury in the next few weeks. Dani is the product of being surrounded by horrible players, and none of these players could even hold a torch to any of the all stars of season 7, so there shouldn’t be any comparisons to greatness.

    • I am right on board with you here! This season does suck. If I miss an episode its not a big deal to me anymore! Bringing all the Vets in the house was unfair and the newbies are horrible(what can I say)! Where did they find these losers? They have no idea how to play the game! Put me in coach! I think I may have to try out next season (if it’s still on air) LOL :)

  49. Is Lawon a moron??? Are all these newbies retarded?
    This is starting to look like season 9, that got so boring whatching becasue most of the houseguest had banana-level intelligence.
    And Danielle and Kaila… What are they thinking with..??

  50. I think she should stick with putting Porshe up. She is one of the biggest floaters. Yes, Brendan should come back. That would really make this game fun. You need drama in the house. Danny is really playing dumb. Kalia should stop listening to Danny.

    • @Donna I agree 110%! I am not a rachel/brendon fan, BUT without Evel Dick we need some drama. Not the love drama ( we all know what I mean–the lovers immature fussing baby stuff) BUT as far as a dramatic game play–YES, It would shock everyone for Brendon to come back, keep strong players in the game, making for REAL game playing ( not to mention they are smart players having ‘been there done that’)

      Seriously why bother bringing vets back to have them outed this early? I HATED seeing Evel Dick leave. The game would be SOOOO Much more interesting, fun, exciting, and WORTH live feeds, BBAD, Taping shows you might need to miss, etc etc etc. I have enough to do in life. Big Brother is my ONE Guilty pleasure. I jumped out of my chair when I seen Evel Dick come in the house….at my age that’s saying something.

      The HG’s faces ALONE to say good-bye to lawon/porche and see Brendon walk in “PRICELESS” OTHER Than EVEL DICK…EVEL DICK would make me do more then jump off the couch. Shoot I would even have some ‘wookie wookie” with hubby if ONLY it could be Evel Dick….LOVE HIM, MISS HIM…what a tease…UGH

      NO DOM, NO CASSI, . . . .I want my time & Money worth it!!

      BB Fan

      PS. Love You Evel Dick, and I’m your age ( I Think) ;o) LOL!
      I will show what a fan I am with a poem for Evel Dick if I KNEW he would see it….lol

      • yes me too I was so upset that Evel Dick had to leave but I’m a die hard I love Big Brother since day one

      • bring back Brandon we need the drama not the love drama but game drama Danella is no good she like too many guys in her season she got hurt by a guy then this time around she went along with the young guy and she could be going home i hope Jeff can make tot he final he is a great guy and he put up alot with Jordan.

    • Please no to Brendan, he and Rachel act like love struck school kids. It is very annoying

  51. I really hope Dominic doesn’t come back into the game because him and Daniel are soooo boring to watch. Brendan and Rachel can be annoying but entertaining. Jeff and Jordan are kind of funny and not afraid to stand up to people. Why does Daniel say OMG every 2 seconds in baby weird

  52. get Rachel out and hope Brendan dont come back in they get so sick act like like high school kids

    • I know Brendon and Rachel act like high school kids, but Dani and Dom are like watching really really boring Jr. high kids. Thank goodness for DVR because I used fast forward when they were on TV.

      • @ Joe, like Evel Dick said himself…Dani is playing like she did before–playing grab ass. She is a good player though with comps…but WOW

        @ grimlyn porshe is only there to TRY to get on camera

    • I really agree about r & b. they make me sick!!!!! The next one i hate is porshe! I have a hard time watching her. i like everyone else!

  53. Brendon needs to come back.

    I am banging my head at the level of dumbassery going on between Dani the Tranny and Fatlia. I knew Evel Dani wouldn’t last. Idiots.

  54. I fully agree, Marcus. Are we the only two that think Dom and Dani can blow this season apart ?
    I am sick of Brenchel and their crying about everything. Two seasons is more than enough of those two. Lowan is a total loser baring the first day or two when I was mildly amused.

    • Lawon vs Enzo?? Minus Enzo’s eating into the mic

      There’s an idea, throw Enzo in the house lol

  55. Something does not add up here. I cannot believe anyone would not jump to get Rachel out ASAP. Any mention of a plan that allows Rachel to stay smells (badly!). I think producers are want her to stay because of her (crummy) acting, afraid viewers might not tune-in next week.

    • i almost dont; wanna watch anymore because of her and i think alot of people feel the same!

      • I agree. That’s a good idea. If Rach stays, I’ll just come here for updates till she’s gone! I can’t stomach her any longer.

  56. She shoulda put up shelly because if she goes who cares first of all second of all she wuldnt win against dom maybe cassi and then that’ll decrease the numbers on the vet side once again but at the same time you’re geting rid of floaters therefore everyone is happy. This wuld also show not only kalia where shelly really stands but it will also show shelly that what she thinks she has in jejo is nuthing more than being startstruck and if shelly even did come back if jejo vote for rachel to stay she wuld put up jejo for eviction even tho kalia got rid of her because jejo went back on their word and she played a fool for the first half of the game come on kalia how do u not see all of this and danielle why didnt u convince her uggh team dani needs to figure things out man

    • when kalia put her up all she wuld have to say is hey it was ur idea why not u go up there and hopefully you come back so u can be hoh or whatever since u claim to be on my side anyways that wulda been the smartest way to go

  57. Yeah, we need to see Jeff pick his nose some more and watch Jordan play with her hair and shave her perineal area. Get them and Rachel out before everyone screams in disgust. Oh and did you notice Shelly putting her fork in and out of the pickle jar, and then putting the pickle jar back in the refrigerator to contaminate anyone else who might want a pickle? I would not eat anything she cooks.

  58. This is going to go down as another one of the dumbest moves ever with Marcellas’ veto usage and Howie’s first HoH reign in BB6. Why On earth would Lawon be offered as not only a pawn, but a guarantee to go home on a week where they honestly have no idea what is going to happen to the evicted houseguest? However, for my girl Daniele, this could be a genius move. The blood of Lawon’s eviction isn’t on her hands and she could possibly gain a very useful ally in Dominic. Go Daniele!

    • Absolutely! Go Dani, she is so much smarter than anyone gives her credit. Just wait & see! Dani fan since day 1!

  59. Brendan do not need to come back. Who wants to watch him baby Rachel for being the most self serving annoying person on the show.

  60. this is absolutely the worst season ever,300 million people in the U.S. and they have to bring back the same idiots. If they want to do that, then do another allstar show. This is the worst year ever and im done watching.

  61. Bring Brendon back, vote Porch out. The action will begin when Jor and Jeff and Bren and Rach work against each other. That’s when the game will start.

      • Well, I can say one thing for sure. It is Rachel,Bookie, Danny, and Jeff that make this show. If everyone got along and all was sweet than it would be no show cause it would be boring. Try thinking outside the box. We would not have all these emotions we have now if this house was left without these four. The only ones that have stirred this house are Rachel, Bookie, Danny, and sometimes Jeff. That’s the 4 that need to be at the end.

    • I totally agree with Cathy. The game is with the veterens, not NEWBIES. Dani and Kalia should have been gone a long time ago!! Let the couples game begin!!

      • Not sure why Caps can’t be used….I’ve seen deleted comments because of it. But it usually comments made in ALL Caps =o)

        My Dad always, and I really mean always printed in caps. Once he got into computers everything he wrote or posted was in caps. I tried telling him some view it as yelling. He used caps in his businesses so it’s just what he was comfortable with. I knew one person’s cap lock was locked and all they could type was in caps…lol

  62. Thanks for answering my question, I really do appreciate it. Can’t wait for Wednesday. Don’t understand who Bookie is that people keep talking about. Can someone explain…

  63. Well all i can say is that there are some people who really do not know what they are talking about. It is a game, so it should be played like one.

  64. OMG, what happened??? It’s like Kalia and Danielle drank the Veteran’s kool-aide or something! On what planet does it make sense to them to suddenly KEEP Rachel for ANY reason whatsoever… and why on earth would they think JJ can be trusted AT ALL? The veterans are the biggest liars of them all for Pete’s sake. And Kalia… This move is the dumbest move since Jeff’s season in BB11 when he evicted Russell for supposedly betraying him, UGH! Must be those florescent lights fogging up the thinking process.

  65. Bringing back Brendon is the best move. Having the vets go up against each other will make it more exciting then watching them go after the newbies

    • Yes I agree with you, it is about time to get on with it, it is getting boring. I would like to see Jeff and Jordan go head to head with Brendon and that other thing he is going to marry.

  66. The reason Bren should not come back….. Rach is almost human without Bren.. he is really bad for her mental health.. she needs to wake up and smell the roses and ditch him and get on with her life.. they both need counseling.. for real..

    • Almost human, are you watching the same show the rest of us are watching. all she does is whine about Brendon, she was an idiot the first time around and an even bigger one this time.Bring him back just to shut her up, or get rid of both of them once and for all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  67. BRENDON AND RACHEL ARE DISGUSTING. Rachel is one of the most hideous people (inside and out) that I have ever seen. She is more immature than my 10 month old sister. I want her gone, simply because I can’t stand to look at her or hear her whine every night. My entire family watches Big Brother and we all hate her. We laugh whenever she cries because she truly believes that every move in the damn game is about HER. It isn’t personal! Geeze…I need to play this game. I would be kicked out immediately because I wouldn’t be down to do all of that phony crap, “Oh I hate you and I talked smack about you…but can I come in your room and beg to stay in the house?” Uch.

    • You think Daniel is “miss goody twoshoes? She is the worst player in the house in regards to playing on level field. Its her way or the eviction way. She doesn’t deserve a penny. With Dick gone, she is a helpless kitty!!

      • Okay clearly you’re replying to the wrong person haha but I think Daniele is the complete opposite of a “goody twoshoes” she is the only person in the house willing to make moves that make sense. Jeff said something along the lines of “putting up two of the strongest players is a dumb move”….actually NO, IT ISN’T. Getting rid of strong players so that you can win the game makes sense. If I was Kalia, I’d put up Jordan and send Rachel home and if she came back…I’d be prepared to deal with that. No one in the house has done anything remotely exciting or interesting…the biggest thing to happen was when Daniele put up Rachel and Brendon. Everyone is just lying around crying.

    • Yup!! I did leave a message for the wrong person, but as long as we are on the Daniel subject how can you think she is the best player? She is trying to be a “Dick” but without him around she is just another loser!. Let’s get the REAL players back into the game!! I would rather watch paint dry than have Daniel or Kalia go anywhere in the rest of this game but HOME!!

  68. What the heck is Shelly “the moral one” doing? I despise her now….turned on her alliance in the end and changed sides. She wants to be a ‘shining star of honesty’ to her kid…so, what’s she do? She hooks up with the ones that will do the lieing for her. Cheap move!!!! I wish Jordan hadn’t given her the phone call..Jordan and Rachael need to get busy and win HOH…she needs to go!

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  1. Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Week 5 PoV Ceremony Results | Big Brother 13
  2. Big Brother 13 Live Feeds: Monday Highlights | Big Brother 13
  3. Big Brother 13 Week 5: Who Has The Votes | Big Brother 13
  4. Big Brother 13 Week 5: Twist Scenarios Untwisted | Big Brother 13
  5. Big Brother 13 Week 7: Shelly Works To Flip The Vote Again | Big Brother Network

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