Big Brother 13: Week 4 Nomination Anticipation

Big Brother 13 week 4 nominations

Who doesn’t like a good power shift in the game of Big Brother? We had a big one last night and just at the right time to keep the momentum rolling after a week full for fighting and betrayal like this season had yet to see. Now that there’s a new sheriff in town we’ll be getting the nominations later tonight (Friday) and so far the targets are pretty clear. Read on to find out who we can expect to see on the chopping block.

With Daniele in power it isn’t hard to imagine who is sweating tonight’s nominations: her former alliance. Nothing says “go team!” like a knife in the back, right? Her options are wide open, but most likely wouldn’t include Kalia or Lawon, her only two allies at the moment. That leaves Shelly, Porsche, Adam, Brenchel, and JeJo. Considering Daniele’s vengeful attitude these past few days I think we see where this is going.

Minutes after the HoH endurance competition completed and Daniele was crowned victor she pulled a tearful Jordan aside and repeatedly promised Jeff and Jordan safety this week. (Flashback 8:34PM BBT) So if she isn’t nominating Jeff and Jordan, then she must be nominating…

Jump forward to 10:00PM BBT and you’ll find Rachel talking with Daniele. Rachel flat out asks if Daniele is going to nominate them. Daniele skates around the question by saying she isn’t sure yet. Rachel tries to leave the door open by asking Daniele to talk with them later and see if they can find a deal to benefit everyone.

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A little after 1AM BBT Kalia and Jordan have a similar conversation to Daniele’s promise earlier. Kalia assures Jordan that they’re not the targets.

Just before 2AM BBT Rachel tries to get in one last swing at safety with a visit to Daniele. Rachel again presses to make a deal. She reminds Daniele that they (the Vets alliance) will have at least 3 of the 7 Jury votes which of course Daniele takes as a threat. Daniele says she wants to sleep on it and will think about it more in the morning.

Right now I’m fully expecting a Brendon and Rachel nomination. Daniele even has her nomination speech all worked out. Unless a new plan catches Daniele’s eye things should be all set here. But the nominations aren’t the end of it. We’ll also get the Veto competition on Saturday and then the PoV ceremony on Monday. We could have a whole different scenario come next week, but that’s why we like this game so much, right?

Want to find out for sure when the nominations are revealed tonight on the Live Feeds? Join us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, grab those email updates, or even our free mobile apps! Lots of options to keep you connected to the latest Big Brother spoilers.



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  1. HAHA! great picture.

    ahh yes nomination time. daniele said she deliver a heck of a speech so when the feeds return after noms, it should be some fun.

    i dont care who she puts up as long as its not jordan. not because i like jordan, because i hate all four of them, but because jordan wont campaign and will casually leave the house. one of the reasons i dont respect her game AT ALL.

    even though the 2 couples said they would never lend their vote to daniele if she made top 2, i would think people would realize the nasty-ness of them, and vote the opposite. didnt that kind of happen last year? rachel and brendon’s jacka**ness made some ppl go the other way with their votes.

    if daniele does cut a deal with brendon and rachel, or just rachel i wouldnt trust it for a second. but thats longer if she tried to make a deal with jeff and or jordan. jeff is foaming out the mouth to back-stab her.

    this week is going to be great.

    • Heh, yeah. I figured if I went back far enough I could find a good picture of them together. Really wanted one of Rachel, Brendon, & Daniele, but I’ll settle for this.

      Yeah, it’s going to be an awesome week. People are going to be tearing each other up.

      • ok matt wcu is on the backside of the mountain could rachel look more like a red neck country bumpkin. she makes carolina girls hide. esp western carolina girls. do you know rachel and jordan live app 20 miles apart (home towns) I know rach doesn’t live here now.

      • Your a little late Chick. It’s an inside joke. Kind of like you had to of been there and you weren’t. Don’t know how you can comment about something you know nothing about. LOL So I guess your the rude one.

      • Sorry, lol. I just don’t like how some people come on here bullying others. MY bad

      • That’s ok I forgive you. I like to debate and see how everyone feels and I try not to be rude. Sometimes I get a little worked up but I like everyone not always who there pulling for though. LOL

      • Chick I hope this isn’t a duplicate reply but my last one is not posted. It’s ok I forgive you. LOL I really like reading everyones opinions even though I don’t always agree. And I try not to be rude in my comments. I really like everyone and it’s fun to see all the banter going on.

  2. The two neanderthals in the house are such poor losers. They just cant accept the fact that Dani and Kalia kicked their a@@s in the HOH comp. I hope Dani nominates both of them for eviction.

    BTW – Thanks Matt BN for Matt BB12..he is just awesome.

  3. Ok, so I just turned on the feeds for the first time today and find Adam sporting an elf suit. What did I miss? Or is this one of the snowballs that he got during the HOH competition?

      • @ Wayne, why so bitter? LMAO I’m enjoying every second of it. And you know that’s sad when Kalia outlasted your vets. haha Sweet revenge

      • Don’t laugh to hard…it’s only 1 week of power. She has a long way to go especially with everyone coming after her. Oh unless the other comps are set up for her to win. She even was saying why she was standing there I’m bored. That’s because it was made comfortable for you.

      • @ Karen- Shelly could have easily won that if she would’ve stayed up there just a little longer. That’s true Danielle does have a long ways to go, and she’ll probably be fighting the whole time to stay in the house, but I would rather watch someone fighting and actually competing than just running behind the ones with power. What I would really enjoy seeing, would be for her and Rachel to be competing againt each other for power. That would be an interesting competition.

    • Hi. Will you let me know when nominations happen please! Thanks my bb13 friend. What will we do when the season ends.

    • Cfl: our computer broke down and when it’s fixed I’m getting the live feeds! Yay

      • I’m so happy for you :) Talked the hubby into it, huh? That’s awesome! The best thing about it is the flashbacks- you don’t have to watch 24/7- Matt BBN is awesome at posting timelines of the really good stuff. He rocks!

  4. I’m so glad Dani won. I wonder if her best bet is to nom Brendon and Jeff. I know Shelly would keep Jeff because she is in love with JJ. And if one wins veto put up Rachel. I’m not a Rachel fan but I’d like to see her play without Brendon. For me they reversed roles he is way more annoying!

    • My guess is that Brendon/Rachel will be nominated. Not sure who is going to be voted
      out but, what is guaranteed 100% if Danielle
      chooses it is a veteran will go home this week. Even if one of the nominated veterans get off via the veto, Danielle can nominate another veteran in that person’s place to guarantee a veteran goes home.
      That said, it will be Danielle’s turn to be nominated next week because if one of the veterans win—-she will be put up on the block. If one of the newbies win, they may still put her up because she is a veteran and
      a good player and the newbies get one more
      veteran out of the house and it will favor
      their chances! Just a very bad move of Danielle peeling off way too early in this
      game. She could go get booted out next week.

      • Very true I wish she would of let Kaila take it this week and won next week but oh well.

  5. i hope daniele put up Brendon and Rachel i hate them, they act like they still in high school

    • she needs to put Branden & Jeff ..than if one wins pov she can put Rachel or Jordon…up..i am lovin this now ..btw the couples thing sucks ..the Newbies can’t trust each other..and the Vets would not turn on each other…it is so not fair…

  6. Nominate Rachel and Brenden PLEASE and then make sure RACHEL goes home!!!!

  7. she should target bredon and rachel for sure J/J are not good at competitions and if B/R comes off put up jeff.

    • If she was any kind of player she would of fell when it was just her and Kalia. Kalia wants Brendon and Rachel out also. Then Daniel could of had any easy week and played in the next HOH. But she didn’t do that because she is so arrogant and wanted to prove she has the power. Very selfish and immature girl. All she does is cry about everything that doesn’t go her way.

      • Seriously? I do recall Brenchel running off and crying about her having the power. I do recall Rachel crying about everything. Dani did what anybody in her position would have done. She was backed against the wall, really couldn’t trust anyone and she saved HERSELF by HERSELF. She did not hide behind someone in power. Also Jordan and Shelly could have fought a little harder in that comp.

      • Never said Rachel didn’t cry. Don’t put words in my mouth. I really don’t care for Rachel either. But Daniel backed her own self up against the wall. It’s her fault and knowone elses. She had a strong alliance from the beginning that she turned on. Jeff even told Dani I had your back and then you turn around and stabbed me in my back.

      • That’s true. But at least she is actually playing the game. I didn’t put words in your mouth, you said Dani is always crying when things don’t go her way and I said so is Rachel.

      • no one had Dani’s back unless they needed her. Jeff and the other 3 were ready to cut her loss as soon as they didn’t need her anymore. Their mad because now they may have to work with the others in the house.

  8. All u haters must like people that can’t win shit. Rach is by far the best competitor in bb history she has never lost an HOH comp that she has been in. That’s impressive. Ya she’s a bitch but what woman isn’t in BB

    • I’m not a fan but I would love to see her play without Brendon. She hasn’t bothered me to much this year unlike HER MAN!

    • Best competitor in Big brother history is Janelle. you could almost say that Dan is as well because he threw every competition till near the end but when he started trying he won EVERYTHING.

    • I agree with you i am not a Rachel fan but I do like that she’s a beast in competitions

      • Everyone seems to forget that a lot of times people throw comps. for Rachel and her boy toys benefit. Dani could have hung onto that banana longer but her Dad made a deal. I am curious to see who Brenden will try to convince to throw the POV now that Adam is gone. If you want to give B/R any credit lets be truthful. They only win comps. when they conive people. The 2 of them are the biggest pouters that have played with maybe the exception of those girls that were in love with firefighter back in the season with Janelle. Sore losers. Dani has to play for herself as everyone should. I am sorry but if you get picked for this opportunity you shouldnt be throwing comps. period, right Dominic?

  9. Dani best play would make piece with rach and bren and put up jeff and jordan or shelly and porche and back door jeff. That would be best for dani. Her best chance to get to final 3 is with rach and bren. Bren is better at comps then jeff and rach is better then anyone. So if she got rid of jeff, dani rach and bren would easily run the house.

    • Yes but they dont like her they would back door her any chance they likes them for a reason its not hating

    • How can you say who is better at comps. Only 4 have been played and Jeff didn’t even try in the second one and the third one was just lucky guesses about what America said. There are a lot more comps to go.

    • Danielle when she betrayed her alliance pretty
      much slit her own throat! See, now she is HOH,
      she feels pretty cocky but, it is a double edged sword. She gets to boot out one of the veterans this week 100% guaranteed and they
      cannot stop Danielle. However, next week, the
      shoe is on the other foot and if one of the veterans wins HOH, Danielle will be on the block for elimination. Even a newbie wins, she
      could still win up on the block because she
      is good at competitions and would be a threat.
      Also, would you trust someone who betrays their own alliance? That shows they she is
      solely playing for herself and will throw anyone under the bus if it suits her! She probably has Kahlia on her side but, what about, Porsche, Shelley, Adam and Lawon? Adam
      is two faced as we have already seen promising
      the veterans but, going against them as well!
      Who could you really trust? The remaining veterans need to stick together because that is their best chance. Danielle is playing just
      to stay alive and not get evicted!

  10. Thinking I’m cancelling my feeds… they hardly are up!!
    I really don’t want JJ to go home!!

    • Hardly? That’s quite an exaggeration.

      But there is more production interaction today than most other days. Taking down backyard, elf costume rollout, have-not food reveal, and upcoming noms ceremony. No other day is this event-packed which requires fish/trivia.

  11. I still say her best option would be put both Brendon and Jeff. That way if the noms still stays the same.

    It might opens Rachels eye showing her JeJo has most of newbies in their back pockets and not Brenchals.

    Which might entice Rachel to work with Dani.

  12. I can’t wait for that ding a ling Shelly to get her ass busted for playing both sides and acting like a tattle tail. Shelly get a life and quit acting so high and mighty about being the perfect Mom to your daughter! When are they going to find out that you and Kalia were the 2 votes that sent whats his name packing the first eviction?

  13. I was thinking that way too. But Rachel is a huge threat, and is good at competitions. But without Brendon, it’s hard to say what she would do.

    • I think that if Rachel was in the house without Brendon she would be try even harder to win. I think that she has the smarts and the stamina to win the game. She would be a better player without Brendon.

  14. Dani should put up Jeff and Rachel because she keeps winning all the competitions. The non-veterans should of stuck together, but they were too stupid to vote for the veterans when they had the numbers what a pack of idiots the newbies are they are all riding on the coat tails of the veterans.

  15. i hope that dani puts up bretchel because i can’t stand them at all!!! it’s a toss up between the both of them i would like to see retchel go because she’s the most annoying person on the planet and she can go back to being a celebrity waitress in vagas and finds somebody better than whaaandon because she’s a 100% golddigger and take whaaandon for everything that he’s got.

  16. Dani should nominate Brenden and Jeff. If one wins veto, put up Rachel or Jordan. Tell the rest of the house they can vote for whomever suits their game. Stress she is not a dictator and either eviction is fine with her. She stands the chance of going up next week, but if she wins the veto power, the game totally changes. Hopefully Dom will get voted back into the game and I’m a happy camper.

  17. Can someone tell me what Jorden & Lawon got in their snowballs? I know Adam got the elf suit, Jeff the $10,000 and Brendon is a have not. Didn’t see what the other two got.

  18. How ironic would it be if Brendan and Rachel were up, and she won POV??? She’d pull herself off and “her man” would go home!! That would be awesome!!! Would really like to see Jeff and Jordan stay in the game. Hopefully Dani isn’t lying to them…wait, did I just say Dani and isn’t lying in the same sentence??? HA!

  19. I love Daniele but shes being very gutless. Her main target has been Jeff but when it comes to HER making the move, shes gonna chicken out and go with the very predictable Brechel nomination.

    Proving to be a pretty poor gameplayer after all… I love both Brechel and JJ but Rachel is the entertainment gurl the show cant lose her.

    • get Brandon out of the house and watch Rachel go nuts that’s your intertaiment for the summer. than Dani and Rachel can partner up.

      • Agree if Brendon goes no loss there (hes been a bit of a knob this series), but people shouldnt be scared of nominating JJ.

      • Rachel won’t partner up with Danielle
        if she succeeds in evicting Brendon or vice versa. Why would they strike a deal with her when Danielle could be on the block next week. This is Danielle’s week because she has HOH. Next week, she cannot compete so, she waits who wins HOH. If it is a veteran then, they will put her up on the block. And why would the veterans trust her now? She showed she will throw anyone under the bus even her
        alliance! That says a lot. Even the newbies if they are using their heads cannot trust Danielle. Dominic was stupid because he felt he could control Danielle if she fell for him.
        Unfortunately, he brought the heat on himself. If he chilled instead, Adam might have been voted out. Danielle also made the amateur mistake of pushing to keep Dominic. If she pushed for Adam then, Dominic might have survived! The veterans would have thought she was allied with Adam!

  20. Dani should stress to Jeff that she will not get in the way of him spending the summer with Jordan, his only reason for going on the show, if he will support her. I like Dani and I hope she wins, can’t stand Rachael and think she has bad influence on Brendan although he is no angel. Kalia is two faced and needs to go next week.

    • Kahlia might be the only ally of Danielle if at that! Danielle is going to need help next week because there is a good chance she will be on the block after she gets rid of one of the veterans this week. Payback time will be next week for Danielle and the veterans will all go after her. Even the other newbies might nominated her if they get HOH! Her best chance if the newbie who wins HOH does not nominate her. My guess that would be Kahlia so, Kahlia needs to win HOH or else Danielle could be on the block. Adam cannot be trusted
      and Porsche, Shelley and maybe, Lawon will probably side with the veterans in this case.

  21. I hope Dani nominates Brenchel. It’s a toss-up as far as which one is worse between the two. Brendon is always saying how good he is in comps and when he doesn’t win he always has an excuse. Rachel’s annoying laugh and pouting when she is not in power makes me want to throw up. Last night she was bragging about how many Twitter followers she has over Dani. What does that have to do with the game? I give Dani a lot of credit for winning HOH and in this house this season I don’t blame her for keeping it herself. No one can be trusted. I don’t understand why people say she should have stayed with her original alliance. What good is 5th place? People are suppose to be in BB to win. At least she made the boldest move this season and I do not think the competition was custom made for her. Kalia was 2nd and they are not built alike. I don’t believe it was custom made for anyone. Both of them did a great job. Can’t wait for nominations.

    • I agree, they both did great. They really wanted it, Glad that Danielle won the HOH. Hope Brendon goes, he’s annoying this year.

  22. In my opinion the absolute best decision Dani could make would be to put up Brendan and Jordan, and of course replace either one with their respective partner if they win veto. For 1, that would create an automatic schism between the 2 couples in the Veterans alliance, as you know that Jeff would campaign hard to keep Jordan, which would upset Rachel to no end as she’d be pushing hard to keep Brendan. Ultimately, if they can get Brendan out, it would be the best thing for Dani, as Brendan keeps Rachel in line (well sort of but not really, but he keeps her from completely going off the deep end and keeps her in line with Veterans’ interests), he also acts as the primary mediator between the two couples. Without Brendan, Rachel would be a powder keg (even more than she already is), the melodrama would increase, and her paranoia would increase just as much. She would of course still be aligned with the Jeff/Jordan, but given how much Jeff can’t stand her, they’d butt heads eventually and without Brendan there it would implode completely. He’s the strongest chain in their link, and she’s the weakest. Remove him and she’ll break. If she removes Rachel, Brendan will strengthen his alliance with Jeff/Jordan, and remove either Jeff or Jordan and the same result, you’ll get a stronger alliance. While Porsche would be happy to fill whatever void is left, if Brendan is gone, she’s not strong enough to act as intermediary between Rachel and Jeff/Jordan. Getting Brendan on the block and campaigning for his eviction is her absolute best strategy if she wants to stay around past this week. Just my opinion, though.

    • you are right I never thought of putting Brandon and Jordon up together. Sound like a good plan.

  23. Hope that Danielle puts up Brendon and Rachel with Brendon going home. I can deal with Rachel this year. Never realized she is that insecure in her relationship with Brendon, she needs constant attention from him. I think she would be okay to deal with without him there. She would be furious and that would put a huge target on Danielle for the rest of her time there, but Danielle is playing her own game and I think she can handle it. The Brenchal show may be coming to an end….hope so.


    Danielle puts up Brenchel. Brendon wins veto. Being the pushover he is, he takes off Rachel and seals his own eviction. Then, America votes back in a houseguest and that HG is Dominic. Rachel is going crazy now with Dominic back and no Brendon. Jeff/jordan jump ship after Rachel goes too crazy. PERFECT SCENARIO!

  25. I pay for live feeds and it keeps going to themusic…whats the point?Is BB gonna reimburse? Every 3 min Whats up with that?

  26. Am again on music!..come on!~ getting mad gonna cancel. Now one else should have to pay for this!

  27. Still no nominations. I wonder what is taking so long. It looks like Dani made a deal with Jeff and Jordan. So probably Brendon and Rachel will go up.

  28. Totaly get when there is someting going on but this happening when nothing is.

      • Nominations are done, Brendon & Rachel are both nominated.

        Jordon just said something very interesting, along the lines of it’s not over yet we still have PoV tomorrow…

        Both Brendon & Rachel are crying in the Have-Nots room…

        THIS IS GREAT!!!!

  29. I personally don’t care for the so-called four veterans. I think Jeff and Brendon are D-bags, and I won’t even comment on their girlfriends. But the real losers on that show are the floaters. There’s a woman on there that reminds me of Elieen Wuornos. She needs to go, followed by the rest of the fence riders. Go Danielle!!

    • isn’t that what BB always been since day one ? when did it change with people calling others “floaters” and lying was a bad thing. I thought that was all part of the BB game. Which episode did the finger pointing start?

      • True, but these floaters are not very smart. They are absolutely playing against themselves by aligning with the funky foursome, because they have no chance what-so-ever of winning by supporting them. They just need to go…

      • sadly, so far the most interesting people went home. I really wanted to see Dom stay and stir up the house. I hope the rumors are true and the ousted house guests are sequestered somewhere to have one voted back in. I would vote for Cassie because she is such a threat to both Dani and Rachel. I don’t like either of them, they are both whiney brats.

      • well, Cassie has been out and given interviews BUT TP has not. So I believe BB will have him come back . Too bad Cassie missed out because in my opinion I think she was better then him and not so full of herself as he is.

  30. I’ve heard a lot of people saying that Dani should have let Kalia win. Dani did the right thing, Kalia is spineless. The vets would have gotten to her.

      • I meant to add that Kalia definitely would have been swayed and put up Lawon and Shelly with Lawon going home. I think we’re going to see an interesting POV this week.

  31. Rachel crying…not in room with others just Brendon..don’t see porsche either

    • so glad they were nominated. Should make for a fun week. If either of them were to win POV, the other would still go home, even if Dani replaced with Jeff.

      • I don’t think it matters. If R&B don’t win VETO than Dani is in a great spot. The house will decide. I don’t believe anyone else would use the veto.

      • I believe Dani wants Rachoid out because she is good competition against her . Rachoid is good at these games and Dani wants her out!

  32. Brendon & Rachel are both nominated.

    Both Brendon & Rachel are crying in the Have-Nots room…


  33. Probably a good move by Dani, but so much depends on who wins HOH down the line. But, I guess that makes the game. Actually, in a way, I do like Rachel. She’s crazy emoting all the time. Makes it fun to watch.

  34. If Danielle put up whiny Rachel and ugly mouth Brendon, Then you go girl,, Your smart Danielle. You are the onlyyyyy one that has had the nerve to do that…They are both brats and have veryyy poor sportsmanship..The rest of the house are scared of them and they should just all walk out and go home and let big brother just write brenchel the check.. At least Danielle is playing the game and I know Dick is proud of her..I just can’t believe everyone in the house is afraid of playing the game against anyone else, How do they think they were going to win.. You goota buck up against the big players. Hope Dominic is brought back and the rest of the house helps out Danielle …it’s a game, Could Big Brother do something to make them brave and play the game.. It’s very boring watching everyone kiss Rachel and Lord Brendon feet….

  35. I think everybody’s strategy should be to go up against the most hated of the group which is, of course, Rachel. It’s a sure win for whoever goes up against her.

    • I think they should vote out the strongest , who cares if they hate, it’s not the Love Boat

      • Just to clarify. If ‘whoever’ makes it to the end, that is, one against one- anyone can win in the vote against Rachel. She may be ‘strong’ in the competitions but in the final vote the voters’ emotions will come into play and Rachel cannot possibly win.

  36. I have to add that I do like Rachel unlike most everybody on this board. She makes the game fun to watch!

  37. Brenchal belong where they are,although they’re both good players they are both too needy! Dani got where she is only by toatly using Dom. I hope he comes back w/a vengence. I don’t think he’s strong enough to win, but it would make interesting viewing to see what he’d do next.

  38. These people are all after one thing, Money and will do anything to get it. Every single one of them would sell their sole for that 500,000 dollars. They are all like strange animals in a zoo, and CBS is the zoo keeper. The food is cash and will act as the zoo keeper wants them too to get it as long as they don’t have to work. The ones that are married, I wander how they will explain there actions to the kids and just how they acted. To these people getting drunk and making a (a**) out of yourself is their major accomplishment in life. We hear what they went to college and what did they do, Make more of an (a**) out of themselves.
    You ask if this is the case then why do I watch it. I want to see just how low will go on the other side is and how far they will go get money or their 15 minutes of fame. Thinks about this, This is what people will see in the future, These are not images of John Wane to Jimmy Stewart, or time tested movies Like White Christmas, or the Lucy show. They remind me of my trip to the Everglades.
    CBS held up the chicken and the (contestants) Gators danced.

  39. although i always thought one partner from each of the groups should have been put up that didn’t happen so im okay with the nominations that were made. now if brandon takes himself off the block (does anyone out there think he’ll use it on rachel?) dani should put shelly in his place. that way dani can keep her promise to jordan and rachel can’t get shelly and whoever she can talk into it to vote out jejo if they were to replace brandon….. i just want rachel out so i can watch the others play instead of just reacting to rachel’s crap each week!!!!

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