Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Week 7 PoV Competition Results

Power of Veto

Another week, another great big Power of Veto competition with fates hanging in the balance. This time around there were seven HGs competing for the power and the safety of changing the nominations or leaving them just the way they are.

While Daniele may have told the new HoH that she’d avoid winning the power she sang a different tune just minutes before going in to the competition. Can this Veto champ pull out another win or are her days numbered?

Read on to find out who won and what that means for the game this week.

Big Brother 13 Week 7 Power of Veto results:

  • Jeff won the Veto.

Now Jeff has the chance to take either Kalia or Porsche off the block and renom Daniele. If that happens then Daniele will go home. HGs are discussing the scenarios right now on the Live Feeds. Kalia is sweating it and Shelly is going over it with her.

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The players this week were Jeff as HoH with Kalia and Porsche as the nominees. Adam, Shelly, and Jordan were selected to play. Daniele was added in with her Veto Ticket from last week. Rachel hosted.

The Veto ceremony will be held on Monday, so we’ll soon know if anyone will be renominated. Stay close by and we’ll let you know as soon as that happens, but the real action will be the on the Live Feeds (Free Trial).

What do you think of the PoV Comp results?



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  1. use the POV to save Porsche and then renominate Danielle and get her voted out.
    She is the houses biggest threat for everyone.

    • Absolutely, forget Porsche right now. Forget Kahlia because she is nothing without Dani. Porsche will float over to you. Kahlia may gang up with Shelly but what would they have. You got it in the palm of your hand, Jeff. Put up Dani and get her out when you have the chance, Jeff. Jeff, please do something smart and get rid of Dani!

    • Correct. But talk to Por. and deal that she votes against Dani. (just in case of Shel and Adm)

      • I think Shelly and Adam will do what Jeff wants. They would be stupid not to as there in an alliance together.

  2. welp. its time for jeff to make a decision. that deal he was talking about with daniele HOPEFULLY comes to light and gains some traction. i know dani will sell herself to him and like she said, IF JEFF HATES TOAST, SO WILL SHE.

    dont count Daniele out yet at all. she’s great for a reason.

    ALTHOUGH if im jeff i would send her ass out THIS WEEK. she’s that dangerous and u already have 2 ppl who got ur back (jordan and shelly).

    • not that there would be any repercussions for jeff if he did backdoor dani but his word which to anyone with some sense watching the show or playing the game should mean jack shet would be proved again to mean… jack shet.

      “i wanna get out floaters, i wanna go after floaters” ha! dont make me laugh.

      anyone who says that is lying.

    • So does that mean if jeff hastes dani, dani hates dani? Lol at this point there is nothing dani can offer him. She doesn’t have numbers or power anymore. This is EXACTLY why she shouldn’t have been so cocky before. What is she gonna tell him? She won’t nominate him next week? Lmao, can’t do that if your gone!

      • The problem is Jeff has been a wussy of late. He threw the POV competition on Danielle’s say so. Was scared of putting Danielle on the block and instead nominated Porsche and Kalia. Would not be surprised if Jeff turned into a wuss again and kept the nominations the same! If Jeff does the
        dumb move and let Danielle survive then, I hope Danielle wins HOH next so that, she can evict Jeff out of the big brother house and show him his utter stupidity!

      • @ richie..why does jeff got to be stupid? Maybe it was smart? was dani stupid or scared of brendoon last week? Or was she smart because she actually got to backdoor him like jeff has the chance to do her? Jeff threw the veto cause he didn’t want to be in an akward position. If dani doesn’t go home this week, I 100% will believe the show is rigged..I’m sorry I know its annoying when people say that, buut let’s be realisitc, jeff isn’t a forgive and forgetter, and he knows kalia is a non factor.

      • I do agree though, if he doesn’t take this chance he’s dumber than lawon lol. She has nothing to offer him, he dooesnt need her.

  3. I think Jeff is going to get rid of Kalia. But I think he’d be better off back dooring Daniele.

    • Jeff has been a wussy of late being so afraid of Danielle. He better take his shot now and evict her when he can! If not, and Danielle wins HOH next week—-it is going to be Jeff or Jordan going home next week! Worst of all, Danielle will be laughing at his sorry ass! Man up and nominate Danielle already!

      • What is this talk about being a wussy. By throwing the veto to Adam he builds trust from Daniele, and the more trust she has in him the easier it is to backstab her when it’s his time to strike. By that logic call Dani a wuss too, apologizing and grovelling that she made a big mistake trying to backdoor Jeff early on, then saying if Jeff hates toast I hate toast, agreeing to throw the veto comp or not use it if she wins it, etc.

    • yes he shaoul get rid of kalia and no he wouldn’t dani is a great asset and it’s her birthday for god’s sake.

      end of line

  4. finally! i hope Jeff keeps the noms the same just to make it the world’s stupidest season..but it will be fun for one minute to see Dani scramble

  5. Kalia is screwed! As if we didn’t know Jeff would will the Veto. Look who he is up against… I just hope noms don’t change becuase I really don’t want to see Dani go to jury. I am a Dani fan and yes, I am aware that she will not win, but… Anyone at this point but Rachel and Porscha. Hopefully, Chevette goes home this week. cheers!

    • Jeff has been a wussy of late. He threw the POV to Adam on Danielle’s say so! He was so afraid of her that, he threw away the veto competition when winning the POV would have solved the problem. Now, he is so afraid of Danielle that he did not nominate her for eviction and was afraid yet, again of Danielle. Now, will Jeff finally man up and evict Danielle or wuss again and let Danielle
      escape and then, evict Jeff next week?

  6. Super cocky dani, can shove that super cock in her mouth for good.. and exit the big brother house. Porsche is definitely safe.. this week.. Kalia + Dani. If you wanna slaughter an alliance.. take the head out – DANI.


  7. Personally, i think he should keep the nominations the same and evict Kailia. She is annoying and is danielle wannabe. At least he can say he stuck to his word and he may still have Dani on his side. On the other hand, danielle is a bigger threat. should be interesting…..

    • Danielle will betray Jeff and Jordan the very next time she wins HOH! That is so obvious! If Jeff becomes a wussy again because of his fear of Danielle then, he will be evicted first and Jordan to follow soon after! Seriously, that will be Jeff’s dumbest move this season if it happens and he does not backdoor Danielle when he has this chance to send her to the jury! Ultimate, super dumb move of the big brother season if saves Danielle and sends one of her puppets home instead!

  8. Now watch Judas start working on Rach. It would be a big mistake for Rachel to do this. I would rather see Portia and Rachel instead of working with Dani.

    • He would be as dumb as Lawon if he doesn’t back door her She is a strong player just like Brendan is Jeff has the numbers right now he can vote her out and even if P or K wins he has the votes to stay
      Jeff do not be stupid get rid of her or she will win it all

    • Rachel should vote Danielle out if Jeff puts her on the block. Get rid of her and let her spend some quality time with Brendon on the jury house! Rachel’s best revenge is to get Danielle out of the big brother house and deny her that $500,000—-that would be so sweet if it happens!

  9. He needs to get Dani out! She backdoored Brendan after supposedly having a deal with him and Rachel so let her see how it feels! After that I hope Rachel gets H o H!

  10. I think he might get rid of porsche because shes a floater, Or take out kalia.

    I really hope dani doesnt go, Because then its back to J/J/R Bullying the newbies.

      • Probably manipulating Jeff into keeping her in the game. Jeff has been a wuss lately and so scared of Danielle, it isn’t even funny. He threw the POV on Danielle’s say so. Then, nominates Porsche and Kalia and leaves Danielle out of the block. Now, the question is will he man up and nominated Danielle when has the chance to evict her or allow Danielle to survive, possibly win HOH next week and then, send Jeff or Jordan to the jury house? Jeff better use his head and evict Danielle now! This has gone on longer than it should!

      • Judas is hoping that Jeff is the stupidest man on earth! God I hope Jeff has sense enough to get rid of Judas. If he doesn’t, he will go down as being dumber than Lawon!

  11. Kalia needs to go but he’s probably going renom Dany -With double eviction this week good chance Kalia or Porsche goes too…it’s a numbers game and Jeff’s alliance looks strong, especially with Dani in jury.Rachel or Adam are my favorites for next HOH.It could happen.

  12. Dumb-nielle broke her alliance a couple of weeks into the season. Her evil grin indicated she knew she was all powerful and smart – impossible to defeat and above everyone. I vote her idiotic strategy as one of the dumbest moves in BB history!

    Let’s see her beg and crawl like a worm, while the others step on her before kicking her out. I bet her evil grin will be gone.

  13. I think Jeff’s best bet would be to backdoor Dani. I think this only because this week will be a double eviction (of course they don’t know that.) With the double eviction this week, Dani is more dangerous than ever. On that note, I like Dani, so I don’t want to see her go. I think the ultimate triumvirate would be Jeff, Jordan, and Dani. I know alot of people think Jordan is a hanging off Jeff’s coat tails, but I can’t help but to like her. So, I wish they would form an ultimate alliance and get rid of Rachel because she is a strong player too.

    • Dani will never keep Jordan she knows everybody likes her and she would have the votes in the jury and win again

      • I know. But one can dream. Those are my favorites, so I can dream right?! I could care less which of them won, I just don’t want to see Kalia, Rachel, or Porcshe win the money.

    • You can’t trust Dani…her alliance is only good to keep her safe from week to week. She’s gotta go.

  14. Now I know why Rachel’s chip was accidentally left out of the veto bag. She is good with puzzles. The good side of it is now she does not have blood on her hands.

  15. YYYYYYYEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!!!! I’m SO THRILLED JEFF WON HoH AND VETO! That rocks! Now if he’ll play smart, remove one of the evil tweedle dumbs with the the most evil one of them all…DANIELE! The reign of evil is finally coming to an end! =)

    • Well I don’t think Dani is evil just because she didn’t want to kiss JEJO ass all the way to 500,000 like Shelly. She showed guts to make moves to further herself in the game. Not like some spineless trolls who are making moves to furtherJEJO.worst bunch followers I’ve seen On BB in 13 seasons

  16. Yesssssssssssssssss!
    It’s time for Big Jeff to send that wierd little troll Daniele out of the game.

  17. What’s wrong with Kalia?? She think she is as competitive as Jeff, Brendon or Dani…

    She has won 1 competition … that too she got lucky with answering the first question before it was finished. Come back to reality !!!

    • She’ll never come off that high horse of winning one stupid competition out of luck. She totally talks like she belongs among their ranks and its sickening. She’s a big fat joke (and no that wasn’t a shot at her weight, just emphasizing how much of a joke she is)

    • Aha can u immagine Brendon seeing Danimal walk through the door? He wont even mind that he got boot it out he will be so happy
      Jeff dont back down throw her out on her ass

    • Rachel is never going to win BB13 …. with her personality, hardly anyone is going to ever vote for her except Brendon !

  18. dont be surprised if he keeps them same, cripples daniele’s “Army” AND/OR dont be surprised if jeff backdoor’s rachel if she gets on his nerves.

    jeff has a lot of options here but hopefully thursday daniele is not on that block.

    • Hopeully she WILL be. That nasty excuse of a human being needs to be kicked out, not before being ridiculed and humiliated by everyone.

    • And why would he do that?
      Do u think he has being drinking the same water as Lawon was????

      • Jeff has been a wuss of late. So scared of Danielle that he does her bidding. He deliberately loses POV and throws it to Adam on Danielle’s say so. Does not nominate Danielle this week and instead puts up Porsche and Kalia. Now, will Jeff take one of the nominations off and put Danielle in place? I hope so but, cannot be sure to be honest. Jeff might become a wuss again! If he saves Danielle, I hope Danielle votes him out the next week so that, he can see his utter stupidity in the jury house!

    • Marcus, you are dreaming. Judas played a terrible mental game. She deserves to go to jury and she will. Very overrated player. She proved to be weak without her father to plan her strategy for her. She never really recoverd from her pathetic attempt at a showmance with Dom which was her ultimate undoing. Rachel will out last her as she proved that she is the better player. Judas failed to win the most important competition which was today’s veto. BYE BYE JUDAS!

  19. Its not looking so good for my girl Dani. Jeff would be stupid if he doesn’t get her out this week.

    • I agree with you blackgirl. I really hate the though of Dani going, but Jeff, as big a cornball meathead he is has to know Dani would kick his butt the rest of the season if he doesnt get her out now.

  20. I really hope Jeff does the smart thing to further jejo and backdoors dani…here’s to hoping.

  21. Jeff can’t stand Kalia .So it’s no surprise if she goes . He’ll make a deal with Dani for safety- just for window dressing.

  22. I hope they invite her dad when she gets kicked out and have him tell her how crappy of a player she was.

  23. YES, YES, YES Jeff winning POV couldn’t of worked out any better. Hey all you losers that hate on Jeff saying he doesn’t do anything but float where are you now??? That’s 3 comps that big Jeff has won. Go J/J!!!!!

    • I will forgive Jeff for all his sins if he gets Judas out. I still reset him backdooring Russell the year Jordan won. If somehow he listens to Judas and keeps her, he will be the biggest BB idiot ever! Come on Jeff get it right! GET JUDAS OUT!

      • It’s more wins than Kalia, Shelly, Porche, Adam, Dani, Jordan, Keith, Cassie, Dominic, Lawon, Dani, Brendon and tied with Rachel. I say he’s got something to brag about!!!

      • Sure Karen, “I have been in every comp BB had this season and won 3. derr” Dani has won every HoH she was able to compete in except 1 and she gave that away.

      • And look who is going out the door on Thursday Becky….oh yeah Dani that’s how good she is.

  24. Just wondering if “Big Brother” is going to let Jeff nominate Daniele…they would definitely lose the drama and ratings. The only thing left to watch would be Rachel walking around acting like a high school bully. She really needs to grow up already!

    You guys do know that “Big Brother” makes the rules, right? I mean when Brendon managed to magically have the votes to get back in the house…I knew then that it was fixed. I am a fan of the show and not any player in particular. I like to see the strategies and team play..Unfortunately, there hasn’t been much of that this season.

      • I like Jeff’s game play most of the time. He is not such a good sport when he is the target…am I the only one that has noticed this?
        And the way that he talks to Jordan is very demeaning..what a bully! Jordan may not be the smartest person in the world but I can assure you that she has feelings. Then again, maybe that is why he likes her…cause she will take it. I would like to see Jordan stand up to him already. I can’t stand Rachel, but at least she stands up to him fromo time to time.

  25. Hhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa this is awesome. I’m sorry dani fans I just have to say, I don’t think jeff is lame or stupid enough to waste his hoh on getting a “floater” like kalia or porsche out.

    • hopefully then that ends his constant ranting about floaters!!!! he had his chance to get them out

      • Why would. He take out a floater I mean really? Letts be real. Total waste of an hoh. I didn’t have his chance to get THEM out just one person. And then at the same rate he put the. Other 2 on the block. He saiid he wanted them to feel it and they are.

      • so why is not ok for the other HOHs to not take out a floater.. he got pist when dani put him up and not a floater… hey jeff follow your own advice!

      • they all just use floaters as an excuse to have a common fake enemy, floaters are no threat and therefore a waste of effort. If Jeff doesn’t nom Dani he will need to have his head examined.

  26. If Jeff does not use that veto to backdoor Daniele, he will be a bigger idiot than Lawon and Marcelles ever were. This is your golden opportunity, Jeff, you better take full advantage of it. If not, Daniele is your BB winner. they have got to get her out of that house now. She just lets everyone else do her dirty work, c’mon Jeff, do the right thing.

    • but then why wasn’t it ok for dani to backdoor jeff first.. of course it’s not if jeff is in the hot seat.. that guy needs anger management… i know rachel is annoying, but the way he blew up her was quite scary

  27. Rachel has being telling Jeff that this week is double eviction week and they need to get Danielle out or she will get them out
    I hope he listens otherwise he will repeat the same mistake as last time he was on BB and he will be right out the door on thursday as well

      • dont know really I read that on another site It said that Rachel was already in JJ hears telling them that its double eviction and they have to get her out

      • No the vets aren’t being told. She s the only one who always knows, because she was in the game last season, and they have been doing it the same this season as last pretty much. All the seasons before it, were different. She s predicting, she’s just usually on point.

  28. If Dani gets voted out, I will NOT be watching anymore. There will be just a bunch of BORING ppl sitting around doing nothing!!! Come on Dani sway Jeff to keep u so I can keep watching!

    • And Danielle is an angel? LOL Danielle is the nastiest and meanest player on Big Brother this season. She betrayed her alliance members, pitted the couples against each other, lied multiple times, one after the other, threatened and manipulated the newbies and still continues with her endless lies! She would make Attila the Hun proud with her take no prisoners approach to playing the game! So, why should anyone like her or have sympathy for her? If Jeff grows a pair this week, Danielle will be evicted!

      • um that’s called playing the game! she knew she had to get rid of the stronger players first

      • so Then it’s ok for Jeff to get rid of her because she is a strong player.
        She should of expected this because thats what she woukd have done

      • @ellablue > no but see, it doesn’t give him the right to be angry at dani and complain about why she wouldn’t put up the floaters.. cuz duh that’s not good game play..

      • Essiie..he got mad at. Kalia and not dani about the whole floater thing and he did put up floaters, he will jus replace with a competiitor lmao.

      • Please, Danielle wins as WORST player this season. She had everything she needed to sneak her way into victory, but screwed it up royally while thinking she was Zeus. I can wait to see her humiliated face, while her dad makes fun of her for being so dumb and weak!

    • Really? That is a ridiculous thing to say. I think you are a little to emotionally involved in this GAME!

  29. this a copy of a comment and would like someone to tell me what was the balance beam from last year and what it did to the game; i used to watch it last year but can’t remember anything about it!!!
    and what is this zingbot? did it do anything to the game???

    ”major fan says:

    August 20, 2011 at 6:14 pm

    They said it was a puzzle and the zingbot was there. Like last year most likely without the balance beam since they have already did that one”

  30. Dani has nothing to offer Jeff or Jordan so Jeff backdoor her as fast as you can and send her to Jury House with Brendon. I just love Jeff and Jordan and so happy that Jeff won POV and once again Dani lied to Jeff because she played to win so get her out and don’t let the door hit her in the backside as she leaves. LOVE THIS!!!!!

    • I agree Jeff has the numbers right know even if P or K wins HOH he has the votes to stay

    • jeff needs to remember that dani is what kept him there in the first place.. as her original plan was to evict him.. so the fact that he is planning to evict dani shows what a hypocrite he is.. to be mad that dani can’t evict him, but he can

      • Are u sane??? 5 minutes after telling JEFF that she would work with him Dani went upstairs and told Kalia that if she (Kalia) HOH that Jeff had to be nominated..How’s that for somebody that has ur back and wants to work with u??? sure!!! Jeff can trust DANI..sure!!!!

      • @flyonthewall > are you new to the show, it requires backstabbing and lying.. none of them are less guilty… jeff needs to thank his lucky stars that dani decided not to go with her original plan..

      • Nobody in the house can trust Danielle so, why should Jeff? And smart game play is get rid of strongest players as you said so yourself, right? So, it would be the smartest move to evict Danielle now when Jeff has the opportunity to do so!

      • @Richie > noo what i’m trying to get at is that jeff had no right to get mad at dani for not putting up a floater because obviously that’s not smart game play.. i just found him to be hypocritical is all.. you can’t get mad at someone for nominating you!! it’s all part of the game

      • NO Essie..I am not new to the show or to this forum for ur info…Why don’t u read the post again??? Dani was backstabbing Jeff.. that is what the post says..and as u are evidently new to the site u should learn to fully read a post before commenting on it..Jeff owes Dani nothing..When he helped get rid of Brendon his debt was paid…Trust me..I have the feeds..I watch BBAD..I keep up with the show through this site on a daily basis..

      • Wow! Wow! Wow! I think your love for dani is blinding reality for you. It was actually all due to brenchal, your forget, when dani wanted to backdoor jeff, she did not have the power to do so…so your wrong when you say it was her “plan” it was just an “idea” of hers..that failed, epically. Just like everything else she has done this season.

  31. My guess is that because ED left unexpectedly…. and then Brendon came back to get the schedule back on track That is a guess but Rachel is good with weekly predictions..

    • Yea she must have tought about it now tha she as calmed down hopefully Jeff listens to her

  32. Thanks for posting the info. I do think it’s kind of funny that a lot of people were convinced that Dani would win POV, like it was a given and everyone was crazy that thought otherwise. I am so happy she didn’t. I really liked her on her season but I can’t stand her this season. I hope Jeff puts her up and she goes Buh-bye! Then, it’ll be fun in the jury house, tee hee! Can’t wait to see Brendon’s face.

    • Oh, I am sure Brendon will be so happy to give Danielle a hug and say, what took you so long?
      I knew you missed me! LOL

    • That’s exactly what I said. She won a lot of vetos in her season but she was there for soooo long and when you get down the end your only competing against a cple other people

  33. Jeff, Jeff, please be Smart, Put Racheal up and get her Voted out….. Why would you vote out Dani when she said behind closed doors she will work with you……the rest in the house don’t deserve any money… They don’t stick their necks out, and tou, Jeff said you admire the ones that do play the game, That would be you and dani…..

    • O yes Jeff I promised u she will get him out so fast she know that she would never win against either Jeff or Jordan and what is smart about keeping her she has nothing to offer him

    • Really? Of course she said to him shed work with him. Buut says in the dr and to everyonee else that he is her target. Rachel on the other hand is actually working with him.

    • That wouldn’t be a good move to put Rachel up ,THE good move would be for Jeff to put up Dani

    • Danielle has been lying multiple times to people’s faces so, anything she says is all a lie! If she survives and wins HOH, Jeff or Jordan will be evicted next week! That is the reality of it! Jeff would be very smart to end it now and put Danielle up as replacement nominee and evict her from the big brother house! Then, Danielle cannot evict him or Jordan because she would be out of the house!

  34. sheri, you said dani has nothing to offer jeff, well, neither does jordan.. she walks in jeff’s shadow, And by the way, jeff, pulled the strings with racheal to get dani’s companion out, Don’t you think that was ugly, aafter her begging them, telling them they all HAD partners, and they took her only partner.. Jeff owes her, he’s a shunk….

    • Jeff already paid Danielle several times over. One is he threw the POV which gave Adam the win. See, if Jeff won POV then, Brendon would still be in the game. Jeff and Jordan voted to evict Brendon again per Danielle’s wish. Jeff nominated Kalia and Porsche this week and did not touch Danielle. Actually, there is still a chance that Jeff will be a wussy seeing he is scared of Danielle and still not put her on the block this week. I hope though, that he grows a pair and nominates Danielle and sends her to the jury house with dear Brendon. That would be some sort of mini-reunion! Brendon will welcome Danielle with open arms knowing she has lost that $500,000 if it happens!

      • Even if he is scared she will be walking out the door the only thing he could potentially lose is her vote

      • I don’t think that would happen.. If evicted it happens and Dani “got got” and would have to say “Jeff u bested me” BUT she still thinks she was robbed when ED beat her out.. So it could go either way..

      • He iisnt scared of her, he was playing smart because he knew for sure last week she wasn going anywhere and there was a possiblity she wouldn’t be this week. Its called playing the social game

    • If you are referring to Lawon, well Lawon volunteered to be on the block because he was stupid enough to believe he will get some sort of super powers if he was evicted! Hasn’t he been watching Big Brother all these years?
      Stupid does what stupid does so, it is all on Lawon and no one else’s!

    • Oh come on. Jeff does not owe Dani anything. It was her “partner” who opened his big mouth about Dani wanting to backdoor Jeff. If he would have kept his mouth shut the vets would not have known of Dani’s plan to turn on her alliance. If P or K would have won HOH this week Dami would have made sure that Jeff was backdoored and taken out of the game!

  35. The only smart play for Jeff will be putting Dani up. As somebody who wants her to win, it pains me to say that. If Dani goes home this week, then I am fully hoping Rachel kicks ass all the way to the end. Whoever wins HOH this week will be a fool not to put up JeJo.

    • Jeff should do us all a favor and nominate Rach and sit down Porshe. It will make everyone in the house and America so happy!!

      • I Don’t understand why people say america will…. guess what I’m america too! And I’m pullin for rachel! Dani to go home!

      • Keep dreaming Team Lawon. Rachel isn’t going up. Dani is for the same reason she got rid of Brendon. Bye bye Dani.

        P.S. Team JJ and Team BR and plenty other BB fans want Dani gone before Dani.

      • ***** Keep dreaming Team Lawon. Rachel isn’t going up. Dani is for the same reason she got rid of Brendon. Bye bye Dani.

        P.S. Team JJ and Team BR and plenty other BB fans want Dani gone before Rachel. *****

    • No Way!!!! Rachel would be smart to go to the end with Jeff. Even tho he will get voted for the half mil at least Rachel will walk away with 100 thou.

      • WW, I agree that Rachel and Dani should have gone up. However, as so many others have stated, that would have made Rachel mad and Jeff still had to remain another week in the house with her. He would be smart to backdoor Dani at this point and hope like hell someone from the Jeff/Jordan team wins HOH. One of the eligible three (from that team) had better step up his/her game during the next HOH competition!

    • I’m right ther with u Mo. The best moves 4 Jeff is 2 take out Dani as much as it pains me to say, tear, tear. She fought well. Jeff is still in trouble though. I think Rachel will get rid of him 4 Brendon after she deals with Shelly. Kalia and Porche r strong competitors and could contend. I am curiuos 2 know what Porche would do in hoh room. She has no true alliance if Dani leaves. Would she b able to strategize? Kalia has already shown she folds like a lawn chair under pressure, pathetic. Jeff should keep her because she is easily imtimidated all they have to do is threaten to come after her and she trumbles, not bb material 4 sure. I guess everyone can’t b cheifs. Someone has to b the worker bee. Kalia unfortunately is a worker bee so no threat.

  36. Tedd you blew it on casting this year as you did last year, you should know better than that, boring as hell, what were you thinking….. Oh Yeh, you weren’t thinking. Better get it right next year.

      • Speaking of cast… I wonder if they might ever have a celebrity edition of BB? I know I’ve heard a few celebrities I wouldn’t mind watching claim their love of BB! I think it would be kind of cool…

      • I’d probably watch something like that, like get Brad and Jennifer, Conan and Leno etc…

    • Judas? Don’t hate the player; just the game. Rachel sucks in more ways than one. Get a blacklight in that HOH room. Production doesn’t have enough tools to clean up the DNA left by those nasty couple of Brenchel.

    • adam is nothing but a big douch bag .I can not stand him .I know if Jeff wanted him to he would wipe his butt for him. he would do anything for him .He talks all big but he is not.We can not stand him

      • Adam is the ultimate floater and will probably use that as a reason to vote him the 500k since looks like he will slither into final 2 if they are not careful

  37. I Can’t believe All of you, Danielle a threat, She has know on but chicken Kalia, and the rest could scare the life out of her at anytime..Jeff has always had jordan and Racheal….Dani has fought hard to get where she isss. She has kept up with bullie jeff and jordan and racheal and brendon from day one….she’s been fighting hard by herself all along… Really, give credit wjere credit is due even if you don’t like her….

    • Dani is a threat because she has already shown that when she is HOH that she will put up a vet, strong play, i.e., Brendon and have him evicted. As she said herself, something like, no one else has the guts to put up Brendon or Rachel and she did. Why in the world would Jeff not think she would be a threat if she won HOH? Kahlia is her puppet but Dani controls the strings.

      • Karma is a b****…. Ask Dani ok? She will be evicted after she is backdoored for the same reason she screwed Brendon… L~O~L!!!

      • But aside form that, shes still a very fierce competitor. Her biggest mistake was the backdoor plan. In the end thats what made her a lone fighter :(. She would have such a big chance at winning if she just went along with jeff and jordan and backdoored them as soon as SHE was HoH.

    • I agree with creole mama, as it took guts to get Brandon out. Now if they get smart and let Racheal join her fiance, they have a better chance at the big win. I think Dani has played a good game, being without her dad to plot better scenarios. She is doing good, but Jeff will probably backdoor her , sadly.

      • Um double eviction week, Jeff gets two for the price of one this week I hope he doesent waste it on Adam, Definately Dani & Kalia, Porsha hasnt won a thing but is big on tearing people down with her ugly mouth. people were comparing her to Jordan then she spoke, forget it . Shes a floater and a LOSER!

      • Why the heck would Jeff let Rachel go? Dani is going to come after him right after when he CANNOT play for HOH. Plus, Rachel is the person who will take the target of his back onto hers. Everyone is saying “get Rachel out with Dani. Then game on!” So basically Jeff should waste his HOH and then have Dani come after him? That just serves Dani’s game, not his.

      • Jeff, y don’t u do us all a favour and get Rachel out, Maybe America will love u for it and will give the $25K

      • I really hope Jeff gets evicted :( Hes pretty annoying. I dont see why people are so obsessed with him. He is obsessed with himself enough, so stop going crazy of him.

    • I give credit for Danielle playing better after her betrayal of her alliance blew up in her face! She is doing better but, she has also gotten more nasty and meaner too! Sorry, in this game, you have to play a social game too and Danielle has burned way too many bridges already. She is lucky to have lasted as long as she has! Now, may be the end of the line for her if Jeff puts her on the block. If not, then, Jeff deserves to be booted out by Danielle when she wins HOH! Let us wait and see what Jeff decides to do!

      • why does everyone think Dani has played a great game? She has made blunder after blunder. She deserves to go.

      • Amy
        She played a great game because she was enemy number 1 and survived 4 weeks later. Everyone in the house wanted her out, and she made it. She won HoH TWICE. Her second HoH she won the competition when 5 out of the 7 competitors agreed they would nominate her. She played an amazing game, because she actually made it farther then any other person in the house would if they were house enemy number 1.

      • @Judy Dani clearly hasn’t played a good game. The majority of people rooting for Dani are evel dick transplants who don’t like anybody in the house. Like me for example haha. Dani tried to get out of her fathers shadow and in turn she played the game far too early and now nobody trusts her. At one point in the game she was in the best position but now she’s screwed. Serves her right for playing so quickly. Even her dad is ragging on her about it.

    • Cant say daniele had no one she would have had all vets if she didnt let her ego get in the way so she could prove she could play without her dad

    • I agree. If she were a guy it would be good game but since she is a woman she is a bit**. Go Dani

    • Sure I say we come up with a show where we already know who we are paying a half mil to……….

    • Oh boohoo! When Dani is winning, it’s not rigged. But when she isn’t, it’s rigged? The first HOH Dani won was made for her body, but no one said it was rigged. Then, why now?

      • It was primarily made for smaller people. Like Dani, Jordan, Shelly. Basically this game was made more for the women than anything. It wasn’t really rigged for Dani. It was overall just easier for the girls in general.

      • I have seen plenty of JJ and BR fans screaming the same thing when dani won. All of it is just sour grapes.

      • I actually said that it might be rigged for dani weeks ago…she is favored by production for competitions that she is eligible for and gets more alcohol. Porsche used to ask dani to ask for alcohol because they favor her! Everyone was wondering why they got alcohol last night before the pov, hello its her birthday

  38. i concure. jeff must put her up or it would dumber then lawon’s play. if she stay’s game over but this bb who knows what will happen. watch dani deal now. she will go right rach and shelly for vote. she won’t get adams.

    • wtf. omg. this show is as real as it comes. how DARE you say that. I’m tired of the stupid and idiotic comments that these people say on here.

      • Elmo chill the f#$Π out. You are not hard and its not that deep. It’s only a game. Stupid people on here….

  39. This is why I’m a Jeff fan, steps up and wins when it matters most, even beats Daniele who I don’t have any doubt was trying her hardest. Anyway, sucks that it would to have to break deals so soon, he really does have to put Dani up and ‘get her got’. Make it sound to Porsche like they have the votes to send her out just to make a deal with her that if he uses the veto on her right now, then Porsche keeps them safe if she wins next week. She’s always worried about her safety so she should take it (might lie, but still).

      • It doesn’t matter even if they put him up he has the votes to stay but u r right they would owe him and if they went back on their word it wont look good with the rest of the house
        In this game u lie and cheat but dont get caught

  40. If Jeff does not put up Dani and get her out of the house then he deserves to lose!!
    Everything he has accomplished this week would be for nothing!!
    Want Kalia to go next.

    • I completely agree, Dani is the smart move to get rid of next. Kalia is my most hated but she can wait, would love it if she’s gone next

      • Amy you’re making it sound like you think double eviction means both people on the block post-veto ceremony are both going home…do you? If you do…double eviction is just one week of Big Brother all in one episode. Say Jeff replaces Porsche with Dani, on Thursday there’s voting for Dani OR Kalia to go to jury, like usual. Then they play a super quick HOH where Jeff can’t play. New HOH makes quick nominations, then they play a quick veto competition, then quick veto ceremony, then show ends with another live vote…then back to square one

  41. Dani took a gamble and it backfired on her. The only bad move she really made was surrounding herself with weak players. Kalia thinks that because she won an HOH that was easy one by the way….Considers herself to be a strong player…(NOT)…If not for Dani…she would have been gone before Lawon or Brendon.

    • i concur.. altho i dani’s wrong move was to try and kiss and make up with jeff.. you can’t backstab someone and then think things are well… she should have put jeff and brendon together and then convince kalia too

    • Danielle’s biggest mistake was her first one which is betraying her alliance with Jeff, Jordan, Rachel and Brendon. The five of them could have dominated the big brother house. It would have been boring to a point because you would know that the veterans are safe but, at some point, they will all peel off as someone has to win and become interesting at that point in time. Peeling off too soon like Danielle did and also Jeff lately with the backdoor of Brendon can only hurt them in the end! There is still a number of players in the game and if you keep them in—-they all have the same chances to win as anything can happen in the big brother game!

      • @RIchie> there is no way she would be safe in an alliance with JJ and BR since they are couples.. they would fight for each other first before her.. she had to break at least one of those couples up

  42. I think he should get rid of Dani and then it would be interesting to see Rachel be the double evicted. Then Dani would be forced into a whole week of confinement with Brenchel. I think that would be the best karma for her.

      • The way I see it, the vets were the best at the majority for this long. I feel like another vet *dani backdoored* will be gone, then all it takes is another vet and the noobs will have the advantage. Maybe it should be Jeff next if everyone else was smart, because he’s the strongest player and a vet. I think they are all a little too scared because he is such a bully though.

    • Dani is not going nowhere. Give up the hope. Keep dreaming you wannabe Brenchelians.

      • they wont put him up because if he wins veto he takes him self off and he will go after whomever put him up

  43. Ok more info on this comp. Adam came in last right behind Jordan. It was a puzzle and the zingbot was there. It was a puzzle where they had to put together the zingbot’s wife. And the zingbot had a great time zinging Jordan.

    • Thanks for the info. Where did Dani come in? I am so glad she didn’t win. I hope more than anything Jeff takes Porsche off and puts Dani up. Then, Dani and Kahlia go home. Porsche goes with whoever has the power at the moment.

    • Dont love it, Dani worked hard to get that far in the house. Porshe didnt neither did kalia.

    • Its like a soap opera. Who wants to see that? If you want to watch junk like that, just watch Oxygen & that annoying O network.

  44. I’ve been cheering for Dani all season, hopefully Dani can pull of some kind of deal with Jeff so she can stay safe this week and Jeff will put up Rachel.

      • If Dani even tries to talk deal/game about Jeff about staying safe, Jeff can sort of be like ‘What’re you talking about? We’re good, remember?’ squashing any talk even though Dani knows better, stopping her from trying to sway him and Jeff hearing something tempting. Then veto ceremony comes and bam. “Whoops!”

    • Pull off a deal with Jeff are you drunk? Jeff wouldnt even think of it She LIE LIE LIES
      and he knows it

  45. Dani had a great opportunity to advance her chances during her 3 week HOH reign but didn’t get the job done plus she weakend her alliance by letting Lawon evict himself.

    • i agree and that was (or soon to be) her downfall.. man she made the ballsy move to try and get rid of her competition.. she should have kept going!!

  46. I really do not care for Dani, there’s just something about her. With that being said, she’s playing a helluva game! Please be smart Jeff and get out Daniele!

  47. All Jeff is gonna prove is that he is a HYPOCRITE. All season he talks about the strongest being at the end and playing an honorable game and how he wants to take out floaters, yet the chance he get’s he takes the low road. Dani kept her word, she never put him up, we`ll soon find out if Jeff`s word is worth anything.

    Besides he takes out Dani, Rachel will Align with Kalia and Porche and take out Jeff, cause Rachel gotta know, after Dani, she his target

    • OMG THANK YOU! i’ve been trying to point this out about Jeff.. altho I doubt rachel with ever pair with kalia or porche…

    • Uh yea, Dani just keeps talking about how Jeff needs to go next, that’s all. The only reason Jeff wasn’t being put up was because Brendon was a bigger threat to her. If her weak little camp won HOH this week she’d be in their ears to go after Jeff, so whatever with the ‘she kept him safe’ talk

    • thats not true he voted Brandon out and he was a strong player and kept Shelly
      He is just playing what is best for him
      Wouldn’t u?

      • But remember he also voted Brendon out because Brendon wasn’t going to get the vote from Adam and he was the swing vote, and if he votes in futility for Brendon, everyone knows he did that and he gets a bigger target on his back. I still think if he thought the vote would go in Brendon’s favour he would’ve voted to keep him. He sounded sincere when talking about wanting to work with Brendon, and he’s recently pointed out he doesn’t think he has strong teammates who can step up and win something. Brendon was that in his eyes

  48. So…Dani went back on her word right before the comp? Is that known to all…or at least Jeff? She has to go. She will get Jeff out of there so fast his head will spin. Maybe Dani & Kalia will go to the Jury House Thursday. Wouldn’t that be fun for Brendon?!

    Good chance Dani could get HOH & nominate Jeff & Jordan. No POV for that nomination. Instant vote. Bye bye Jeff. He better get rid of her while he can.

    • Who said there’s an instant vote? From what I’ve seen in double evictions in past seasons, there’s a quick veto ceremony. If there isn’t that’s just stupid, everyone needs the chance to fight for safety

      • yes there is always it’s very quick so there is no time to deal really but there is always a veto
        Sorry Maggie they are not going to change the game for u
        And I doubt Jeff is going to Keep Danny, She tried to backdoor him on week 2 or 3 he knows she is not to be trusted What can she give him Right now?

    • Yes there is a veto compition Why do you think they came up with a vito ticket good to be played in the next game. Dani kept it because she knows every year theres a double eviction nite .But too bad Dani even if you win veto your whole alliance will be gone. too little too late, later trash

      • Sorry. I don’t remember the quick POV on double eviction night. Honest mistake. Ellablue I was not asking anyone to change the game for me, I simply didn’t remember that.

    • I concur, very late last night while talking to Jordan, Jeff said he want Ms K gone and backdooring Dani would put more target on him. He want R&D catfights to take that limelight.

    • No, it leaves Cow-lia and Whore-sche, the dumber puppets to get drowned on their own stupidity.

    • If Jeff lets Danielle survive, wouldn’t Jeff be the next target for Danielle? Danielle is not stupid, she has been ruthless and mean since, her betrayal of her alliance. If she gets off because Jeff does not nominate her as the replacement nominee, Danielle is going to evict him or Jordan because she is not stupid! She made mistakes at the start but, she is without mercy of late. Danielle will go after Jeff if she survives this week and wins HOH!

      • she betrayed u once she will do it again if Jeff doesn’t back door her then he deserves to go and Lawon would look like a geneuis beside him

  49. It was this same situation that allowed Evil and Dani to win. When people had a chance to get them, for some reason they didn’t vote for Evil or Dani. I think the HGs will get it right this time.

  50. Getting Daniele out would be fine for JeJo but the best play for him may be making a deal WITH Daniele and keeping the nominations the same. With either Kalia or Porshe gone (Kalia!), Daniele loses a vote. Jeff gains whatever he wants from Daniele and could lock up at least three of the final four with Jeff, Jordan, Rachel and/or Daniele, no matter how the second eviction goes. So, it’s worst case 3 vs. 3, or even better 4 vs. 2 (J, J, R and D against KorP, A and S). AND if Daniele somehow ends up with HoH or Puppet Master power, she can steer votes against a n00b. Daniele will HAVE TO honor any deal she makes or she’s toast immediately by either side of the house then.

    • Dumb argument. Making a deal with her makes no sense, it is obvious already she wouldn’t keep her word.

    • he has to take her out if he keeps her there is no way spineless Adam will put her up he is to afraid Porsha wont but she would put up JJ Rachel maybe and Shelly well will have to see what she is straight shooting that week

    • Danielle would backdoor Jeff and Jordan as they are the biggest threat to her at this point. And Danielle cannot be trusted! How many lies and back stabs has she engaged this season? She has been relentless, ruthless and without mercy going after the other house guests and Jeff should let her escape? LOL

  51. Foolish Mortals… Jeff kept his word, didn’t put up Dani.. gave her the chance to stay safe by winning the VETO, she didn’t… so sorry about her luck… He has even said.. If I don’t win the VETO I deserve to go home earlier in this season.. or did you miss that part.. props to jeff, you go boy..

  52. So now that jeff and rachel have both officially won more comps than. Dani this season..and dani doesn’t. Have a good social game and dani was a huge part of the dumbest move in bb history. Can anyone please continue to tell me how much of a better and game player dani is than them? Cause I just don’t think she’s that good.

    • well u know what they are going to say?
      It is rigged for Jeff to win poor poor Danny had to fight for everything bla bla bla bla

    • She is the dumbest player. But Brenchel haters love her, because they have no one else to like.

    • at this point she could walk on water and you anti dani people wouldn’t give credit.

      if by worst move, you mean trusting Brenchel, then yes. but going after Jeff was not a bad move. Jeff on his way to winning BB13 as i type. who is gonna stop him? Rachel? after Dani leaves, no one but her could beat him. may as well just fill out the check now.

      • Or…she could’ve stuck to her original alliance and make it to the end. But no, dumb dumb Dumb-nielle. I hope her dad humiliates her weak gameplay in public!

      • she would have never made it to the end with JJ or BR, she would have been the first one kicked out!

      • Exactly, essie. No way would any of them kept Dani if that alliance was the final 5 and she knew it. I so want her to win this season, but i guess I will have to settle for the small victory that she wasnt first vet to be evicted.

      • exactly, if i was Brenchel, i’d be kicking myself, if they would have gone with Dani’s move, Jeff would have gone home and the 3 of them would have cleaned house

      • Agreed!! Dani isn’t a follower like the rest of them and these other Jeff lovers. Let’s just give him the money now

    • jeff and dani are the same.. one’s a hypocrite the other a backstabber.. dani admitted to jeff she stabbed him in the back, but jeff is not getting rid of a floater anytime soon

      • she started it?? this is not a game for lil kids.. she made her game move.. she knew she could not beat jeff in the end

      • I’m sorry but had Danielle stuck to her alliance she WOULd have made it to the end, and have the two couples face each other when that time came. But, alas, no…it’s ok, she’s just not very bright. She has nice eyes though.

      • haha no she wouldn’t.. jeff would watch for jordan, and brendon for rachel.. there is NO way she would have made it to the end unless she won HOH all the way through but you can’t play for HOH twice in a row

      • Neither one of them is very smart. I sometimes think this game is rigged for the people the fans like most.Jordon is cute but who would want to spend the rest of their life with her, good looks is one thing but withy no brain….I dont think so…..Jeff and Jordon make the perfect couple Dumb Dumbs. I would like to know what each player would do with the money if they won.

    • I dont know percentages.. it makes my head hurt to do math.. but r u seriously gonna compare Jeffs comp wins to Danis?? The big meathead has been in every comp of the season and still just manages 3???

      • Big Meathead…I like that….and your right he is not that smart…he thinks he can bully people…

      • Well said bob, when Jeff was on the block and HAD to win, he won, you could easily say he had to win HOH this week, he did, another instance of crunch time was this veto this week, he won and Dani HAD to win it, but she didn’t. Only one I can say for Dani that was a must was the HOH before this, she had to win and she did. Looks like 3-1 for Jeff in terms of crucial wins

  53. Kalia looks very nervous …She knows Jeff wants to evict her.Dani on the other hand is still joking around with the other houseguest.Plus anytime Shelly starts giving you a vote of confidence that usually means your time is up.She’s in Kalia’s ear right now.

  54. What everyone forgets is…..Jeff and Jordon can not be broke up nor can Rachel or Brendon. The smart move is to break up those who will no matter what stick togeather, anyone who takes up with Jeff and Jordon and helps them get to the end is a dumb player. If you make it to the end with them you cant make a deal like you can if you are with 2 others who are not tied at the hip. Kalia blew it when she let Jeff and Jordon strong arm her when she was HOH…..I hope Kalia goes this week she is one of the worst players to play this game. I dont understand the jeff and jordon fans…..its like than do no wrong…they both are snakes but in Jordons case I am afraid she would bite herself…she should have took her winnings last time and bought a brain.

  55. It really does amuse me how people call Dani names, fault her strategies and still deny that that girl has skill. But, when their favorite player does the same thing, its all about game. She has been called a mean girl. Every female and male in that house has made personal mean comments about everyone, even sweet, dear, do no wrong Jordon.

    • How do you call a dumb player who joins an alliance just to break it two weeks after and put all focus on her? Oh right…

      All players have their faults, but she screwed up royally.

      • I never said Dani didnt make a mistake. I see places she messed up and thats exactly why I am amused at those who wont admit when their fave screws up or does something bad.

      • @ontariostr8> so in a game like big brother, you are basically saying she should have thought of others before herself, you gotta be kidding me.

      • @essie – No, but in this game you might eventually need to turn on your alliances. She did it RIGHT AWAY, then proceded to threaten and declare war against them all when her only partner was a poor overweight girl. She acted out of anger and this week she pays for it.

      • because she knew that if she didn’t, he has has another chance to win comps… jeff can easily win comps, it’d be better to take him out any chance she gets

      • so if she had plenty of chances, would it be better if she had done it earlier? i admire her courage for not just standing in the sidelines.. if she did stay with JJ and BR.. ppl would say she was a floater for riding on their coattails and end up hating her anyway i bet!

    • I’m a Dani fan as well. But she screwed up completely. She shouldn’t have betrayed the veterans so early. It was an idiotic move and it will result in her eviction.

      • But if Dani goes, they should change the name from BB to JJ (Jeff and Jordon Show) All we will see is who can kiss JJ arse the best. It will just be borring. Kalia is a scared rat and wont do anything to make any moves, Shelly well all we will see of her is her feet…the head will be so far up JJ arse they may have to call EMT’s to remove it. Porshe…well she will revert to kissing who ever is HOH arse….Rachel well she will allways be Rachel…cant figure out why Brendon wants to spend the rest of his life with her……if she dont get her way she throws fits….wish ya luck on that Brendon….Dani is the last person standing who will stir things up…I was never a Dani fan untill two weeks ago……..

      • And if she stays we can call it the Danny show it’s a 2 way street it all depends which side ur on

    • You still have to play a social game in big brother. That seems lost on you. Yes, Danielle is the meanest and nastiest player this season bar none! It is what it is! She herself said that she wants the other house guests to fear her! What she does not realize is you can only burn so many bridges before your luck runs out. Now, she is trapped between a gorge and a pack of hyenas going after her! She put herself in the situation she is in so, whose fault is it?

  56. i’d like to give my condolences to the Jeff fans out there, cause if he renoms Dani, she goes home, we get fast forward, Rachel win HOH, Jeff goes up, Jeff goes out.

    As much as Rachel is annoying,she is just as smart. she’ll use the fast forward to get rid of strongest opponent.

    on the flip side, he sends home Kalia or Porshe, Dani could win HOH, since he kept his word, she might keep hers(for the 3rd time) and she goes after Rachel to complete her Brenchel set.

    so “A” he could go out right after Dani or “B” have 2 more weeks in the house.

      • Bosbo Bob,
        I just came back from the bar (Everybody on grass) and none of them could have come up with a fairy tail like Be Miz just explained.

      • if you honestly think that if given the chance, Rachel wouldn’t put him up? if yes then maybe i should be asking you what your on.

        anyone(besides Jordan or Shelly) that wins HOH and has to make noms on the spot, will go after Jeff and Rachel. it would be a waste of an HOH to go after anyone else.

    • I dont think Jeff or Jordon will win it….sooner or later those who think its a smart move to team up with them will find out how easy it is for Jeff and Jordon to throw anyone under the bus to save one of their arses……The game would not be the same had Dick not left, Dick would have called Jeff out and showed America just what Jeff and Jordon are about and its not some lil ole southern bell and this hotshot salesman…more like one of those annoying telemarketers who bug the crap out ya on the phone and lil southern party girl.

      • This season went to hell once Dick left. Jeff and Jordan are boring, most people hate Brendon and Rachel, and Dani is like Boogie without Will. It’s just not the same. Don’t even get me started on the newbies.

      • Amen!!! Another person that sees the light. Problem is you can’t get to Jeff while Shelly is jerking him off cause Jordan won’t on tv.

  57. people who say dani was smart for breaking the original alliance of b,r,j,j,d are forgetting the big picture… yes she didnt have a partner like the others however, if jj won HoH they would target br first(and vice versa) because they’re together. dani would have been overshadowed by the couples taking eachother out first!!!

    and even if she was on the the main target, all she had to do was win like 3 competitions and she was in the finals….

    • I completely agree she should have played that out a little more. She could have done it if necessary but she broke it off before she needed to!

    • JJ would not go against BR… the only reason why JJ voted brendon was because of dani… they would have never had done it on their own…

      and lol u make it seem like winning comps is the easiest thing.. if it were she would have won the VETO

      • Dani was right on track untill JJ strong armed Kalia and she didnt do what her and Dani talked about, matter fact she lied to Dani and said JJ promised they both would be safe and he did no such thing…you cant trust anything JJ say..honestly they are the biggest liars in the house…I wish Dick was in there tom put Jeff in his place…Jeff is a Bully and only picks on women……Had kalia put Jeff up and he went home or even if Rachel would have gone, the game would not be the same…but I think the house had the votes to off Jeff…But Kalia screwed that up

      • i TOTALLY agree with you..!!!! Jeff is a huge bully as he scares ppl to think it’s his way or no way.. i have no IDEA why kahlia was trying to make up with JJ.. this is NOT a game where you go to make friends!

    • Exactly. I am amused that some people really believe that Danielle peeling off too soon from the veterans was a good move. Even Evil Dick her own Dad, criticize her pretty bad moves and said she had to cover a lot of ground (regain trust) but, when trust is lost in an alliance, it is never regained! The only thing that Danielle did good of late was going for her targets with a gusto because that is all she has left! In that sense, she is playing better than when she betrayed her alliance which is a huge, big, stupid move!
      She still had options even if alone in the alliance. Didn’t she hook up with Porsche and Kalia? If she made her move later in the game, she would have been far better off. That I have no doubt off! Going after her own alliance put a huge target on her back and she lost a lot of trust to boot!

  58. Has Jeff talked any about using Dan and taking one of the others off the block? I tape the after hours but havent had the chance to watch any in 2 days. Any way it goes he gets out one of Dani’s ali’s and shes down to 2 but I would miss Dani in the house her secy buns in those tight jeans and short short’s I would love to see her and Rachel go at it

  59. I hope Jeff backdoors Dani. She is a good player but personally I just don’t like the way she plays. I like JJ but they also need to get read of Shelly, she still hasn’t won anything and yeah she’s been good at playing both sides but that’s about it. I don’t see her ever winning anything. I would like to see Adam win an HOH but I doubt that will happen. I think whoever wing the first HOH for the double eviction is stupid if they don’t nominate Jeff and Jordan. Everything goes so fast that I personally think its the best time to get read of a strong player. Get them out of the house before they know what’s happening. All in all this season has been pretty predictable they should start shaking things up now. Last year drove me crazy with all those mystery boxes so that the producers could see what they wanted for ratings. Thank goodness they haven’t been focusing on Rachels laugh this year as much as last. I hope she chills out more I think she could last a little longer if she does. And Jordan looks so cute in the humilitard it’s not even really humiliating because she looks so cute!

    • The other night she was in her humilitard eating Lucky Charms out of the box with a Kung Fu Panda 2 promo on the back of the box…she looked freaking adorable lol

  60. Do you ever wonder how all the house guests know for sure you will vote for sure to evict, because there has never been a close vote except for when Porscha and Keith were up for eviction.

  61. I’m tired of people in this blog referencing about Lawon and his style of play. He made the ultimate sacrifice. And that was himself. Sounds familiar to some people? He is just like Jesus Christ. So sad but very alike. Remember the weak Brenchel wedding? Who gave the sermon? Lawon? Didn’t Jesus give sermons? What a coincidence. He stated he loved everyone. So did Jesus. I can go on forever. Lawon said he is coming back. So did Jesus. So stop the Lawon hate. He let Brenchel live another week. Amen.

  62. Bring back Evil Dick – How different would the game have been if Evil Dick was still in the game???? Then the Vets could have definitely been the final six…. But Would Dick make the same mistakes and use the same Allies as Danielle??? Would Brendan still be in the house?

    • Evil Dick would have exposed Jeff for the bully meathead that he is. That house would’ve been on lockdown if he was still in it.

  63. Dani’s only hope is that jeff realizes that he will be the #1 target if dani goes, So its best to take out kalia or porsche, the floaters

    • Jeff is going to be Danielle’s number one target if she lets her escape this week! That would be dumb! If Danielle is evicted from the big brother house, how is she going to go after Jeff and Jordan? Danielle’s time has about run out if Jeff makes the right move and backdoors

  64. This meathead and his floater girlfriend are gonna win the whole thing. Dani, you screwed up, first by not telling Kalia to get a spine when she was HOH and not backdooring the meathead and partnering with BR . Jordan is a s dumb as a fencepost and she gonna win another half mil. Unbelievable.

    • lol as much as i hate to admit it, i see jordan winning too…. altho i don’t think dani had a better chance with BR.. seeing how emotional rachel gets she would have never had dani’s back!

  65. “11:13AM BBT: Kalia just came out of the toilet and walked right past the sinks went into the kitchen and began peeling her hard boiled eggs.”

    “Kalia telling Adam that Jordan has done nothing, and can’t believe she won her season. She keeps saying she has literally done nothing”

    Because you’ve done so much, Kalia? One BS competition, Jordan also has an HOH win. Wasn’t sure it was possible for reasons to hate Kalia to pile up even higher, but here we are

    • 5:55PM BBT: Kalia and Adam are talking about the audition process for big Brother…Kalia says she couldn’t tell her family she was going on BB so she told them she was going to go help a friend and she told her job she had a family emergency and she left to come to BB.”

      Good morals, Kalia. Cudos

      • Exactly Leo, what an idiot, she deserves to be fired. It’s disgraceful to falsely cite family emergency. And she’s claimed in the past to love her job, well say goodbye to it

  66. Isn’t it ironic the 3 mean girls that drank all the wine last week, can not have any this week lol. Go J/J/R

  67. Jeff sounds like he will honor his deal with Dani and send Kalila home seems they are running low on food .

  68. I’m confused….

    Can someone please explain how Daniele’s “veto ticket” worked?

    I see she used it to PLAY for the veto, but doesn’t it also keep her “safe” from being a replacement nominee/backdoored this week??

    • Her Veto ticket just ensured she played and had the chance to win the Veto in case her name wasn’t pulled out of the bag. It in no way ensured her safety, unless she won it, which she didn’t. She’s now fair game and the backdoor is open.

    • only if she won it… it’s just like any other veto game.. the ticket just gave her a chance to play if her name had not been drawn

      • thanks guys :)

        as i recall, last night she told Jeff she wouldn’t try to win if she was chosen to play, so now i’m wondering why she used it this week…

        she was either lying to Jeff, or she just totally wasted her veto ticket…

        i think Jeff should probably backdoor Dani while he has the chance…?

      • well i think dani knew she would be backdoored had she not won… plus she said ‘if’ she was chosen to play.. she wasn’t chosen so i guess she used it.. u have to be pretty dumb to think you’d be safe..

      • i don’t particularly like Daniele, but i will miss her “off the cuff” humor if she leaves.
        it will be an interesting veto ceremony for sure.
        i just hope Jeff makes the right decision – even though i have NO IDEA what “right” is!! lol

  69. Did Dani seriously tell Jeff before the veto comp that she was going to try and win it? Does anybody know for sure? I thought she was at least a little bit smarter than that

  70. Daniele is going DOWN!!!! to the jury house :D :D
    Brendon will be so pleased ….
    Jeff will backdoor her just like what he did to Russell in BB11

  71. If Daniele is backdoored this week I personally am pretty much done with the season, I have no interest in watching a repeat of Jeff and Jordans season they are obnoxious and boring I think from what I have heard on after dark Jordan has been on her period the whole time and is having trouble crapping!! need to know basis jordan and really no one in that house needs to know. the fact that she is dumb as a rock is irritating as hell and Jeff just makes me want to throw up everytime I see him! Never thought I would say this but Rachel is way less annoying than Jeff and jordan. Seriously messed up this entire season by screwing with the outcome Big Brother I actually hate the show now. Former fan for sure!!!

    • Whatever….. Team Dani fanbs where done when Brendon came back…. They are still watching….. Now you will be done if Dani is evicted…. See ya!!!

    • I agree, Dani is the one who makes the show interesting now…that Info on Jordons time of the month was a little more than I needed..LOL…

  72. Since we have heard about a double eviction coming up, I say put up Kalia and Danielle, hopefully BOTH of them will be sent to the jury house and Porsche, Adam, and Shelly will know they had better tow the line with the vets. I would like to see the smirks wiped off the faces of Kalia and Danielle, to let them know they are not nearly as good as they think they are. Especially Kalia’s rather wicked looking face! I won’t miss seeing Danielle fondling her hair and swooping it over one shoulder or another like she’s some kind of a beauty queen (she’s so full of herself in that way).

    • that’ll only work if porche is evicted this week… but i think K and D are bigger threats to jeff.. i don’t think jeff can play the next HOH since he already won…

  73. Porsha is joking about Rachel to Kalia…. She said, “Rachel says no one comes between me and my man. If I (Porsha) get to the jury house with brendon, Rachel won’t be walking down the isle”…. kalia goes zzziiiiiinnnggg!

    • So glad Jeff pulled off the win! Hope he makes the power move and sends Dani packing. (Hope BB broadcasts alot of clips from the jury house. Brendon and Dani should be interesting combo.)

      Kalia is so annoying! Would much prefer her to go home, however, as a Jeff/Jordan fan sending Dani home makes alot more sense.

      If Jeff sends Dani home this week, should be easy for him and possibly Rachel to make it to final 2. And we know who wins BB13 in that case. Jeff! Yeah! Maybe then Jeff and Jordan will finally be on the way to the alter. Go Jeff! Sometimes good guys do finish last!

      • thank god Jeff won! i hope Shelly, Kalia, Porsche & Dani remember their tactics of hiding & plotting to destroy Brenchals items that karma’s a b****c. if they only knew this week is a double eviction. HA! HAPPY Birthday Dani and goodbye Porsche!

      • Kalia doesn’t have a mind of her own. If Dani goes first, K will flop around and probably drown in a bowl of cereal.

    • I NO for a fact that is Dani leave the ratings are going to tank. People might not be a fan of hers but she really made it interesting this season. This season was borning up until Dani changed things up. I still am not a fan of the BB theme his year mixing the vets with newbies, because when the second all-star seaon come out ( Dani will definitely be invited ) it will hurt her bad. People know what she is about now and that sucks that she is playing such an interesting game for a weak season. I will tune in on Finally night. Dani will be missed by all watch. Nothing more to see except Jeff and Jordon stupid asses win BB. The producers couldn’t have written it better. Oh yeah, they did!!!!!

      • She made nothing interesting. And favorites leave every. Year. Trust me, ratings will be fine.

      • I agree
        this season was realling boring…but when Dani came out..this season got good

        if she leaves…everyone will stop wathcing the show
        will get really borring with no Dani

      • The ratings will not drop if D goes. If any of the newbies had a bit of personality it would be more interesting to watch, but ‘ll tune in until the last boring newbie is evicted. If the vets hadn’t come into the house, I can’t imagine how the game would have played out cuz not one of them is a leader.

    • This was certainly a season of idiots. I’m glad at least that Dani got out brenda and pissed Jeff off. Jeff actually has to win something now and stop floating. Plus he can see what it’s like now to be dani…she had to carry those followers of hers. Now he has to carry all of his followers. He’s a DB

    • After Dani leaves i dont have who to despise anymore so ill be happy lol. Dani is a person who is evil and proud of it, i personally despise people of that sort.

      • She is an interesting player, but didn’t play smart. She wasted too much energy on Brenchel, should have seen JJ as a bigger threat both in terms of likeability and venegence.

      • ugh I know! DARN that JJ. Brenda really got voted out b/c Jordan likes shelly kissing her butt. Now they can say what they want. I will always believe that Jeff changed his mind about keeping brenda b/c jordan didn’t want to vote out shelly. That and the fact Adam didn’t want to vote for shelly either. Jeff wanted brenda to stay so he could ride on his coattails some more.

  74. Porsche’s speech on Thursday should be, “Don’t worry, Rachel. If I get voted out, I’ll take care of Brendan for you.”

  75. I can’t wait to hear Brendon ask Dani how it feels to be backdoored even though she thought she was safe. Her and Brendon will have something else in common.

    • I could not agree more with that comment Leo for sure! :))

      She has no respect for anyone at all and people who like her wonder why comments are always made about her lol! I mean she has no respect for her dad at all and I am not sure what is between them and all that but she needs to get OVER IT and GROW UP! She acts like a spoiled little brat!

      JMO on how I see her.. I use to like her to and I still do though she needs to grow the hell up and act her age not her shoe size. My 14 yr old twins act more mature then her

    • Jeff discussed making a deal to take Porsha off the block if she keeps him safe next week.

      ******* Dani is going up and getting evicted…. Bye bye Dani ********

      Happy 25th Birthday!!!

      • haha no way will porche keep that… jeff is just as a big threat to her, i mean she’s in the hot seat cuz of him! she’ll return the favour i’m sure

      • @ essie

        Porsche is now playing cards with Rachel, Jeff, Jordan and Shelly while, Kalia and Danielle are by themselves!
        Porsche just made her deal believe it or not! LOL It may be the end of the line for Danielle if it happens! Watch for Porsche to get off the block and vote to evict Danielle if she is put in! LOL

  76. So you want to be smart about this who do you want standing with you in the end the most liked person or the most hated person DAAAA,well of course the most hated person and who might that be Rachel who stands no chance in hell of winning this so take her to the end with you and pocket the money come on it is a no brainer smartin up people and play the game right….

  77. This is for Bob, Deks, Doug, Bev, all the Jeff & Dani bashers, Lawon haters, Keith doubters and Brenchel cult followers. I’m the Creflo Dollar of this blog, and I’m not going nowhere. I speak the truth, and if thou believes, then thou art blessed as the meek. If not, this is what you guys can do. You can suck it and shove up where the sun doesn’t shine. Jeff, don’t use that veto, and get that Pandora’s Box to bring America’s most loved and missed BB player, Lawon. Jesus is Lord.

      • Yes Essie. Matt can verify it. I’m coming back. Just wait till after the double elimination show, and the biggest twist in big Brother history will take place, and I’m involved. Ms. Chen and CBS will sue me if I reveal anymore details. I will make my grandmother proud. I’m the best black and gay man in the world.

  78. Jeff should re-nom Dani and send her packing. She orchestrated one of the worst moves in BB history – trying to divide the vets – BR against JJ. Dumb move!!!

    As far as Porche and Kalia…they are equally annoying but will be easier to get out of the game.

    • Yea just look like slavery.. In the past she kept JJ safe for 2 weeks and disrespectful and messed up if Jeff fricks up Daniele’s game by doing it.. She obviously kept her word or Jeff/Jordan would have been gone..

  79. How can people be happy if Jeff or Jordon or any vet for that matter win. This is not an all-star season so I don’t even know why so many vets they invited. This season should go to a newbie, I hope one who actually won a HOH and veto. I would hate to see Jeff win because him and Jordon was the actual ” floaters ” this season.

    • Whoever wins it deserves it! Veterans have been making bad moves as well as the newbies! Whoever plays the best deserves the win! I could care less if it is a veteran or a newbie! This season is 10 times better than last season which was an ultimate disaster. This season had more twists and turns and it is not over yet!

      • Last season was hilarious!!! I enjoyed last season b/c I didn’t want to kill myself evertime someone spoke. They were all interesting and witty. This year is a snooze fest

    • I agree dayday!! They have complained all season about floaters and that’s exactly what they have done. Jeff is winning stuff now but because he HAS to. No one on his side of the house can do anything but smoke, flick boogers and do some “straight shootin” LOL

      I think JJ are forgetting that Dani did honor her deal..TWICE.

      Jeff is just pissed off at Dani mainly b/c she had the nerve to want to play the game of BB instead of kissing his ass all summer. He’s also pissed b/c he has to get off his comfortable spot on top of adam and shelley’s lips and start winning some comps. He wanted brenda here to do all that for him so he didn’t have to do it. JJ make me sick

    • Dani played the game stupid, she thought Brenden was her biggest enemy- it wasn’t, Jeff never forgave her for turning on him.

      • i think both jeff and brendan were dani’s targets.. she should have never made a deal with jeff to keep him, she should have gotten rid of him while she had the chance!

      • Jeff has been targeting Dani ever since he left the HOH room with Dani…. He said after he evicts Dani, “he will say, whoops”!!!

      • Brenda would have went back on his “word” too. when Chen asked him if he planned to honor his deal with Dani he said…uh maybe. Which was his nice way of saying…I never planned on honoring it. Jeff has done nothing but FLOAT till recently and now he has to carry his side of the house b/c they can’t win comps. He complains about the floaters but that’s what he and his ridiculous followers have done. He only wanted Brenda to stay so he could win the comps and Jeff wouldn’t have to do anything.

  80. @ essie, I agree. I just think Brenden and Rachel may have been more likely to stick to the “secret” alliance – plus so many other players were targeting them, she could have had someone else do her dirty work. Jeff should have been targeted before Brendon -plus this gives Jordon even more protection.

    • but jeff was targeted first.. dani planned to backdoor him but it failed when dom told shelly and shelly told JJ… and then i guess she got frazzled or something because she promised jeff he was no longer the target and that brendon was

      • At that point in the game, Brendon was a stronger player than Jeff. Brendon is good in both physical and intelligence games. He is a big threat every time he plays. By far one of the most proficient players in BB history (along with Janelle).

        Dani is also a great competitor, although being a female has its pros and cons. Females tend to be very effective in competitions which involve hanging on for dear life. Males have an advantage in pure brute/athletic force competitions. Producers can definitely sway the outcome of the game according to what type of game and/or at what point to play them. Few games played are truly winnable by all houseguests.

        Therefore, your social game becomes a pivotal advantage or your downfall! Thats Rachel’s primary liability! Her social game sucks because she’s so emotional! I happen to like her, however, it’s annoying because her potential as a game player is being wasted! She sabotages her chances with her behavior!

  81. Both your boy Bob and you need to man up. Both of you guys need to check yourselves. Stupid douches. Take your ritalin and Prozac. Don’t forget that purple drank….

  82. i think dani should go home he dad maybe a dick but he has better sense in playing the game he would have stuck with the vets till every newby was gone and then fight till the end

  83. We hear all the talk from the vets on how they hate floaters, but I bet they’ll keep a floater over a black.

    • Eye for an Eye….. Dani chose floaters over the the strong vets….. She got rid of Brendon and wanted Rachel and Jeff gone…. Now she can be gone before those floaters!

    • it’s really stupid to complain about floaters, but i thought it was even more stupid for jeff to blow up in lawon’s, adam’s et al faces how they should ‘play’ the game and not do what others tell them to do, when he’s the first one telling them how to vote! lol

  84. Back door Dani send her to the jury house with Jeff and let Rachel go insanely jealous. Maybe then she will self evict her self or want to be a pawn. Not to hate but Rachel has to go, her reality tv days are numbered and I am so sick of hearing her whinny voice or that laugh. But don’t worry I am sure Brenchel will have their own tv show soon…:S I have no idea why ppl enjoy watching them…double eviction Dani and Rachel as boring as this BB has turned out to be, If Jeff can pull that off Kudos to him :) and for the newbies, they need to compete more and stop being floaters.

  85. I’m thinking that when Dani goes home, then, regardless of the new “double-eviction” HOH winner on thursday, Jeff and Jordan would go on the block. This is of course unless Jordan wins… or Shelly. She’d probably nominate herself if it meant saving her “buddies” Jeff and Jordan.

      • Rachel might actually nominate Jeff and Jordan to get Jeff out and she will be able to make a deal with Porsha or Jordan and be the strongest player in the game still….

        Imagine a convo between Brendon, Dani and Jeff in the Jury house? L~O~L!!!

      • lol i think it would be quite funny with brendon, dani and jeff in the jury house.. too bad they don’t show it much on tv..

        i think rachel is pretty close with JJ.. i don’t see her nominating them before the rest

      • I didn’t say Rachel would, but I said she might for that reason. Another reason would be, it will be her versus, Jeff, Jordan, Adam, Shelly and Porsha….. She might as well take out Jeff to say, I told you so….. Now Jordan can play for herself, the same way I have too…..

  86. So is the plan really to backdoor Dani or is that just what people are hoping is the plan?

    I thought JJ were serious about the deal with Dani last week, which is why they didn’t really try to keep Brendon in the game?

    • Jeff and Jordan didn’t vote to keep Brendon because Dani would have still voted him out, and they would have lost Shelly to Team Dani.

      Jeff and Jordan always planned to get rid of Dani this week. They even discussed this when JJ, Shelly and Rachel has a meeting in the HOH room to squash S & R’s differences,m so they could work together well and take out Team Dani!

    • who knows what the plan is till the live voting, but i am sure dani is not safe

      no, JJ knew they had no choice.. since dani didn’t put them on the block they did their part of the bargain.. plus if they chose to save brendon they would have targets on their backs.. didn’t matter anyway since jeff won HOH (but you can never know who will win)

  87. they all are floaters no matter what they say they hate people who sit and reap all the benifits

    • Jeff will make a bogus deal with Porsha that if he takes her off the block, she must not nominate him or JJordan next week…. Little will she know, he bwas taking her down anyways, to nominate and evict Dani…

    • i’d be quite shocked if jeff kept the noms as is… plus i think he has a bigger beef with kalia since she put him on the block when she was HOH

  88. They should let Adam win. Between all the bacon and smoking, he’s gonna need the cash for that quadruple bypass coming up

  89. Whoever goes to the Jury house (female) will only add fuel to Rachel’s pity party as this will set off her jealousy even more —the thought of someone other than her alone with Brendon …

    • That might be Dani and porshe’s saving grace.Rach will just lose it if one of those two are alone with him in that house. It’s pretty thin though.

  90. Back door Dani if JJ are still in the house come Jury votes they need to show Brendon that they avenged him.

  91. I think it’s pretty funny how self righteous Jeff is acting to his “followers” Dani had TWO chances to put him up and she didn’t. Then Adam asks jeff if he thinks Dani would HONOR a deal with Jeff. SHE ALREADY HONORED IT….two times in fact! The very least he could do is keep her around on more week. I mean they have something in common – they are forced to win the comps for their side b/c they are stuck with sucky players.

    • The only reason jeff did not get evicted was because dani had a bigger fish to fry. If brendon wasn’t in the house she would have sent jeff packing.I have nothing against dani but jeff will not forget when she tried to get him BD. If jeff does not put her on the block against kalia and send dani packing his game is finished.

  92. Shelleys poor daughter watching her Momma act like that I would be embarrassed and appalled. Shelley needs to realize that her daughter is watching her lie ans scheme not a very good role model if you ask me, If Shelley played the game and competed then I’d say she deserved the money but none of the newbies do at this point and well some of the vets aren’t playing as they should be They know this game, this should be easier this tine around. Jeff should back door Dani that would be epic. As he can beat the rest come endurance.

    • I think I saw Shelly’s daughter on TV say that she told her mom to stop lying and pick a side.
      Kids do not lie and are honest in what they say!
      At the same time, she was rooting for Shelly her mom which is to be expected!

  93. What did I tell you….. Porsha isn’t worried about hanging around Dani and Kalia so much now….

    Dani and Kalia are not so cocky and are miserable…. Porsha is with Rachel and Team JJ playing cards instead of haning with her BFF’s aka Team DanI!

    • Ah, how the tides have turned and Porsche is back to the other side! LOL I did not see that coming. LOL If she gets off, she will vote to evict Kalia or Danielle if she is put in as replacement nominee! The look on the evicted ally’s face be it Kalia or Danielle will be priceless!

  94. Shelly last week….. “I can’t even look at Rachel, I can;t stand her”…. Now, she is playing poker with Rachel and they are teaching Jordan how to play poker with Porsha!

    • The re-union show is going to be great when Julie shows the clips of Shelly making deals with Rachel and Brendon, then lying about it in the DR room. Shelly’s face will be priceless.

      • That will be at least something to look forward to about the finale. I want them to do a montage of shelley going from one group to another, and so on and so on. They should put it to music…like Dirty Little Secret or something funny like that.

    • Leo it wasn’t only last week, it was last night. She is only nice to Rachel when J/J is around. Today even Shelly was bashing Rachel to I think Adam and Por. Adam got up and walked out.

  95. Is it just me or all of a sudden dani is being a total dooche?

    All depressed an all now when she was in power it was a total different story.

    She doesnt even bother to go out and talk to the other houseguest.

    And kalia OMG at last that heffa is quiet and not eating.. OMG THANK YOU JEFF for FINALLY winning to shut her up.

    • She is having major menstrual cramps…which would suck in that hell hole.

      Jeff finally got off his ass and started winning because Brenda wasn’t here to do it for him and the rest of his loser buddies can’t do anything…looks like he won’t be returning the favor she bestowed on him…two different times. But that’s to be expected of Jeff. He is so unbelievably predictable and about as interesting as paper plate

      • Amanda didn’t do it to keep her word with Jeff…. She got rid of Brendon because he was a better competitor…. Jeff would have been gone next week!

      • and……..? Regardless of the motive behind it…and regardless of how the vote may have turned out. She didn’t put him up..on two seperate occasions. THAT’s my point. Of course he won’t keep her in the house b/c she is the only one left who can actually beat him now that he has actually started to COMPETE

      • Remember when Julie was interviewing Dani in the HOH room on Thursday night? She asked Dani about the agreement she had with B/R. Dani said she held up her end of the deal and did not initially put Brendon on the block. She said she never said anything about renom. My point is this agreement she had with Jeff could be looked at as the same thing. Do I hear Karma?

    • was she being nice when she was in power? i thought ppl were saying she was a ‘mean girl’ when she was in power..

      • I think they have all done their share of “mean” It’s just part of the game…and it’s part of life.

      • Have you been watching the feeds the last 3 weeks? The answer is in Dani’s behavior…. Get your glasses out ok? LMAO!!!

      • leo> like amanda said, it’s part of the game.. do you honestly think she’d go over and join hands and sing kumbaya? it’s easier to vote someone off if you’re not close to them…

      • Essie, it is a game but encouraging Porsha to put fiber in the have nots food, talking crap behind everyone’s back including Porsha and Kalian before she befriends them, being a power hungry is just a few examples….

      • Essie, you see Dani, Kalia and Porsha aren’t as cocky this week. Dani was even celebrating and joking about JJ and R being have nots…. Do you see JJ, R, D and S doing that to them?

      • Now now, they have all talked bad about each other in that house. Every one of them. Not really sure about Adam b/c I don’t understand him a lot of the time. But they have all talked trash.

        When the object of the game is to get POWER so you can stay in the game and WIN then they should all be power hungry I think. But then again I’m NOT the BB expert apparently.

      • Having said that. I don’t like any of them that much. I just don’t like one being singled out for stuff they all do. (aside from that idiotic fiber prank)

        At least when Britney talked trash last year, she was funny about it. LOL These folks aren’t even funny when they talk smack. LOL

      • leo> since dani’s been in power for 3 weeks, she gets more camera time and to spew all this bs.. i am not saying dani has been a total angel in this.. but i am sure if it was rachel she’d do the same.. i mean, wasn’t rachel titled as the most hated player because of her trash talk? i honestly don’t think that one person is worse than the other.. whoever is in power will be envied the most, and whoever is in power will abuse it the most…

      • That’s a good point Essie. I was thinking that the other day when people were really talking (as they are now) about how the power has shifted and the other side isn’t as cocky and arrogant now! I would feel the same way if I were in that positiion.

        I have to say that for many people it’s not as much cocky as it is, comfort. They can relax b/c they know they are safe. The BEST gamers should be those working even when they are safe. I don’t think Kahlia really understood that concept and I think she especially got too cocky and arrogant.

        But the other side was the same way when they