This week’s Big Brother 13 Veto competition was critical to more players than possibly any previous Veto comp this season. With two floaters nominated last night the options were wide open for someone to be backdoored. Once the Veto players were selected one of the couples began to panic when they realized they’re most likely doomed while the HoH celebrated her luck in the picks.
Read on to find out who won and what that means for the game this week.
Big Brother 13 Week 6 Power of Veto results:
Daniele has won the Veto Competition (90% confirmed).- Jordan just said Adam won the Veto. An hour collecting info was wasted. Sorry. It was not Daniele. She won a “PoV ticket” instead. Whatever that is.
Once confirmed, she will hold all the power. Will she backdoor Brendon or Jeff? I don’t think she’ll waste this week on a Newbie.
Turns out that Daniele won a “Power of Veto ticket” which lets her play whenever she wants (ie. when not picked). She did not win the Veto itself. Adam won the Veto. He will definitely use it. There will be a renom.
Other alleged “wins”: Shelly won a phone call + confinement, Jordan got the unitard, Jeff won cash, and Kalia got a vacation. Not bad for some folks. Jordan doesn’t mind her punishment and Shelly could use some time away from the chaos.
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The players this week were Daniele as HoH with Adam and Shelly as the nominees. Then Jeff, Jordan, and Kalia were selected to play. Porsche was the host.
The Veto ceremony will be held in the next few days, probably Monday, so we’ll soon know who will be renominated. Stay close by and we’ll let you know as soon as that happens, but the real action will be the on the Live Feeds (Free Trial).
What do you think of the PoV Comp results?
If it’s true, bye-bye meathead(Jeff)
I really think it could be Brendon instead.
One can only hope.
Why do you think it could be Brendon? Do you think Dani won’t honor her deal with him? I’m sure you would like to see Brendon go because it is obvious you do not like Brendon and Rachel. They didn’t even have chance to play the comp.
The beauty of making the deal with Brendon is in the options it gave her.
I doubt she’s decided what she’ll do. The problem with backdooring either against a pawn is ensuring the right person goes home. Taking Shelly off and backdooring Brendan all but guarantees his exit, especially is she tells JJ that BR threw them under the bus.
But if she honors the deal and puts up Jeff, she has to trust BR (or Adam, or Shelly if she’s dumb) to follow through and vote out Jeff, and then protect her the next week.
I hope she backdoors Brendon, clearly Jeff didn’t want to win the veto and risk having to take Shelly off the block. I just can’t believe he gave Jordan the unitard, although I gotta say it describes her perfectly lol
maybe she will back door rachel my fingers are crossed that she will
send rachel home
I think Adam won POV!
Yep he did
Adam wins POV
Shelly wins 24 hour confinement with call from home
Jordan wins unitard
Dani wins Veto ticket to play next week
Kalia wins Caribbean vacation
Jeff wins cash
Adam and Brenchel as the nominees? I thought it was shelly?
Hah! Thanks for catching that. Was typing while watching Brenchel.
Wish Adam would get evicted already… He may be a huge big brother fan but unfortunately he doesn’t even come close to winning anything and he actually he no strategy, he’s the number 1 floater and a threat to winning the game.
He almost beat Jeff in the last comp and just won pov …..
He just won POV
Adam is not getting evicted he won VETO.
Actually, Adam is playing a pretty good game. He hasn’t made any moves because he hasn’t been in the position that he has had to do anything..except by winning veto. I dont think he has made any enemies in the game, either.
oooo yes the brenchel jejo fans must be shaking in the boots lol
I wonder how many JJ fans voted for Brendan to come back because they thought he would help them. Looks like JJ fans have “got got”. At least I hope so. LOL
haha actually NO.
Shelly the snake should go home
Jeff won cash twice, so a good target for eviction
Brendon a strong physical player, another target
…..if any of these three went home this week, i wouldnt be sad lol. I’m hoping a girl wins this season (Jord,Rach,Porsche)
Say what you want about Shelley but seriously she is the ONLY one that has picked an alliance JJ from the beginning and stuck with it.Anything she said to gather info from the other guys was for JJ and A and her. She has always tried to give EVERYONE good motherly advice and I dont see how anyone can call her a snake. Truly the SNAKES are Brendon and rachel. they were so thankful (sarcastic) to JJ for keeping R safe that they immediately ran upstairs to HOH and made a deal to thro J under the bus. Disgusting- low class- R hasnt changed one bit.If she did this to change her image- didnt work- no class is no class-
Shelly is a snake….Dom confided in her and trusted her and she carried her tail stright up to Rachel and Brendan.
Annie,well said. I agree with you 100 percent.
how much cash did jeff win?
thats what the best player in the game does. she ALREADY has the most wins of anyone in the game and just started playing 3 weeks ago.
so thats 4 HOH’s, and 6 POV’s all time now?
oh and guess who said “i just have a feeling… my instincts are telling me we’re gonna have a prizes/punishments POV” UHHH DING DING DING!
if ur not on board the dani bandwagon, ur now too late. the awesome train has left the station. we rollin haha.
hey if u were apart of it, atleast u got to witness.
LMAO what the heck are you on? Daniele is only sealing her fate in the weeks to come, bet you wont be so damn happy then
She sealed her fate 2 weeks ago. She’s got nothing to lose and that’s putting everyone on edge. Control the chaos Dani!!
@ shed well according to JJ/BR/Shelly who have said they wouldn’t vote for her anyway, she has nothing to lose. she wouldn’t win anyway, so while ur in the game, state ur presence! lol
In the end, Brenchel won’t give the money to a floater. They will all vote on best game, the vets anyway. Watch, if Dani is in final two she will win if she’s up against Adam, Shelly or Jordan.
i would hope so, but didnt BR try to vote for lane and not hayden last season in the finale?
and i wa son feeds one day and daniele was telling the story of when she talked to rachel in vegas and asked her like, “u always say u dont like floaters, but why did u vote for one?” and rachel said “i dont know to make good tv haha”
Marcus, people always threaten with their Jury votes but seldom follow through. Brenchel hate “floaters”, so Jeff/each other are the only ones more likely to get their votes than Dani.
@Chloe Actually Brendon told Rachel if Dani is in final 2 he would not vote for her because all she did was coast the first 4 weeks with a golden key.
LOL I enjoy your comments Marcus. We think alike.
I knew she would show her greatness. Go Dani
Adam won pov taking himself off. Jeff up?
Adam won POV
doesnt change anything. she was gonna use if she won, she didnt, adam did and she is still going to use it.
I think Dani should win, but you never know…love the fact that finally Shelly has been exposed for the liar she hates (lol). Jeff is a greedy little bugger, but all of the vets seem to be put in their places and don’t puff up and give orders like they used to…hmmmm…that works for me!
Damn..she didn’t even win, don’t you look silly now?
This was meant for marcus….above
Did shelly get 24 hours by herslef like Dani did in S7?
Probably 24 hours like Hayden last season.
they forgot to give shelly any toilet paper roflmao
I thought it was Shelly too???
wait jeff won cash again lol they have got to get that dude out of the house
did he means replacement nominees will be branchels,lol
it was a typo i think….hopefully brendon goes up haha :)
i hope rachel goes up as a replacement nominee this way next week it can be a fair hoh comp… Cuz Rachel if she stays she will probably win hoh next week.
i hope she puts rachel up to because if they win hoh she is diffenately going up
Yaaaay! Dani won! She should backboor Jeff to break up his voting block (JJSA) then say “whoops” Jeff.
She’s probably considering it, but remember she doesn’t control the votes unless Brenchel keep their word. There’s a risk that none of Jeff/Brenchel go home if she tries it.
Whereas if she takes Shelly off and puts up Brendan, then tells JJ and Shelly what Brenchel offered, Brendan is just about guaranteed to go.
and shelly has 24 hour confinement. i could think of no person more deserving. now everything wont be being told to everybody! the game can start rollin as far as the lying goes.
and jordan wearing… w/e she’s wearing just means she’s locked up america’s player. which sucks because i could think of no-one less deserving. but gotta thank the good ol’ folks at cbs that will sure package it perfectly for her this week.
oh and btw, jeff who has 10k already in the game, who was (rumors alert) paid 25k to come back on the show, TOOK MORE MONEY…. FROM JORDAN to put her in… that costume. WHAT A GREAT GUY.
i’m not liking jeff this season as much as i did in bb11. he is showing his true colors this season. he will be out soon, if not this week.
From what I gather, it was Adam that gave Jordan the unitard.
even if it was, doesnt matter to me. he’s still an a-hole. he shows it daily. well almost daily. sometimes he has his good days.
are rachel and brendon uhh doing what it looks like they’re doing? hard petting? second base? someone’s gonna be washing some sheets later on.
Jeff is not a ahole wut r u watching
backdoor jeff …
backdoor rachel plz
BUH BYE waaandon this time it’s gonna stick he’s going to jury house all alone then wretchel will join him and they’re gonna have to get a hose for them two and then sanitize the house for the next one in the house.
The drama is heating up in the bb house!
Way to go Dani, now backdoor greedy azz Jeff. Shelley deserves what she got.
backdoor time!
she has to think about jury votes
If she puts Ror B up they wont vote for her
If she honors her word and leave Band R alone for a week then maybe she will get their vote
Personally if I was them and she put me up I would never vote for her
Revenge Jury votes are the stupidest game elements ever (or maybe second stupidest behind america voting coup d’etat).
That is the game….. Dani wouldn’t deserve B or R’s vote if she screws them…. She wouldn’t deserve Jeff’s vote either…
I don’t know what I think about the results yet, I feel like it’s too early to tell. But I do know that Jordan is looking fabulous.
Thank u I agree backdoor rachel not jeff its not jeffs fault he won money good for him hes not a ahole or a bully like people r saying
By the time Jeff gets evicted he will have collected enough money from comp’s to match the grand prize money LOL. get him out now. if not i shall shave my cat thursday night after the show!
Does anyone know how much he won this time??
Dani did not make a verbal agreement with Rachel and Brendon. She did not tell them that she would go along with them. She told them that she would seriously consider what they said. But she did not agree..
She did agree and told Kalia she agreed which is why she didn’t nomimate B or R.
Go to flashback LEO..
listen to the conversation…There was no final agreement..That is why Brendon and Rachel are so paroniod..cause they know that they could be put up..
Backdoor Jeff! He already has enough money! Other players should have a shot at winning the money! It’s only fair :)
so true. wise young grasshopper.
whatever your hating on the wrong person you should be hating on the cry baby her family has to be disappointed in all the lies she is telling brenden write now that supposivly happened last week while he was gone
Again, the problem is, what happens if you backdoor him and they evict Shelly?
What happens if the backdoor Brendon and evict Shelly…. Jeff knows if they vote out Brendon over Shelly he is going to be nominated with Dani if Rachel wins HOH which puts the target on him.
do you think jury would jeff to win over anyone since jeff already won money??? i don’t jury will see that as pure greed.. jordan should win over or america’s vote her personalty is not game play and she should not win just because she pretty and nice
mhm girl…thats how u win comps. dani is my gurl!
Adam won the veto, just confirmed <3
Jordan just confirmed Adam won POV =]
yea about what i was saying… does anyone have any crow for me to eat? haha.
only thing i take back when i said she won veto. everything else still stands.
Please change the headline; looks like Adam won POV. That will makes things more interesting IMO..
BTW, I don’t really like Shelly or Adam, but this is something different at least. I’m a R/B guy.
Shelly the snake needs to go…I loved it when she got busted and they all ganged up on her yesterday…she is not only an very hard person to look at…she repeats everything to everyone..just hears something and runs to the person its about and tells them…I cant stand to see her fat lips and her voice is so annoying..sounds like a drunk male. GET HER OUT!!
What happened, how did she “get busted’, any details would be great……couldn’t even get on here to check things out and there are soooooooomany comments, don’t have time to read them all. Thanks friends.
Dani has a hard nutt to crack by winning Veto. Now she will have to go back on a deal. I still think she can win if she gets balls and does what is needed.
Dani is playing this game by herself. She is very good at it. keeps it interesting. Kaila is around just for company and also Porche. She is very good at the competitions. She has the eye of the tiger. She has a sarcastic personality and people don’t understand her/ She needs to get things out, that is why she sounds fresh to Kaila and also Dom/ Good luck
Wikipedia says jeff won POV
Adam did win the POV……. He said that he talked to Dani and was told if he uses the VETO Jeff won’t go up……. He assured Jordan not to worry!
of course he should use the veto……to save himself, why would he even think about NOT using the veto (if he did win) OMG why someone wouldn’t take themselves off is beyond me.
Adam shouldn’t “pull a lawan.”
Why do they all think they have to protect Jeff and Jordan?
That’s why they JJ need to go. Shelly and Adam are beyond stupid. Especially Adam, they put him up twice already, get a clue dude. That bacon must be clogging his brain.
I knew everyone was underestimating Dani. She is a strong player. She had Brendon out. If Kalia listened to Dani’s initial gut feeling, and not wanted everyone to think she was playing her own game, Rachel would have been gone. If people did not vote for Brendon he would have stayed gone. I can’t wait until we see who she uses it on.
she didnt win Adam did
I am thrilled I am rooting for the Daniele/Porche/Kalia alliance. Daniele is one of the best players in history the way she is facing off against the other veterans. I agree that6 Jeff should go first, then Brendon, followed by Rachel, and finally Jordan. Afterwards, the others can be picked off.
Just read on another site that ADAM won the POV…??
Matt(BNN)… can you confirm?
adam won the pov…not dani
it was actually adam that won. jordan and adam was talking about it on the feeds
adam won the veto! just confirmed on the feeds!
I can also confirm that Adam won. Jordan gave him congrats on winning.
Adam won
this house flips back and forth. It is becoming dizzying. SHelly is isolated for 24 hours? Adam won POV? Brendon is going back up and is backdoored…
Dani’s revenge. Next week, Dani goes…
I agree with you 100%…Brendon is going to be backdoored and then it’ll be Dani’s turn! :)
Not so fast…. I am not Dani fan, but if Jeff and Jordan vote Brendon out, she will want Jeff out to get even and Jeff may be the bigger target next week if Rachel wins the HOH…….
I think she needs to make a deal with shelly or adam to take them off, and vote jeff out. She can team up with brenchal, Even if brenchal puts her up. Dani should still have enough votes to keep from going home from the deal she makes with shelly or adam, UNLESS jordan is put up as a pawn, Then shes screwed
adam was talking to dani n had her swear that she would not put jeff up.. Should b an interesting next couple of days. lol vote RACHEL sorry butt out if she doesnt Rachel will win hoh next wk n get her out..
To sum it up – Adam won PoV, Jeff won money, Jordan won unitard, Shelly won solitary confinement. Daniele or Kalia won phone call. #BB13
Kalia won a trip, Dani won a pass to compete in competition next week. Shelly won the phone call.
I have read/heard that it was not Danielle that won it was Adam…
Does anyone think Dani is. That. Smart? She will probably keep. Her noms the same. Lastnight while talking to kalia she. Said best. Case. Scenario. Brendon. Wins and the. Noms stay the. Same….so. why. Would she. Change them? Just my thought…excuse all the periods
hey u :)
Because Adam won POV so he will probably unless he took lawon pills take him self off
If she puts Jordan as a replacement then u know that Shelly goes
Otherwise she will backdoor R or B unless she is using one of them as pawn
sounds like shelly took 24 hr. confinement to get a phone call from home…
not a bad deal!
Dani- Veto Ticket
Kalia- Caribbean Cruise
Jordan- Unitard
Jeff- Money
Shelly- Phone call from home after 24 hour confinement
Shelly actually won the phone call home! Kalia won a Caribbean vacation, and Dani won a veto ticket, guaranteeing her to play in veto! #BB13
Thank you for letting us know who really won. At least we know it will be used and Dani can use it on who she is really targeting. I’m glad Adam won then he won’t be called a floater any longer. lol
kalia won a vacation
daniele won a POV ticket – looks like she will be around for another week!
POV ticket? I assume that means she can use it to play in a pov she isn’t picked for?
Someone just got harder to backdoor …
No kidding
If Adam won that changes things a bit. My guess is now Dani backdoors Brendan and tells JJ about the deal Brenchel floated in an attempt to get the whole house targetting Rachel next week. Its just a safer play.
Going after Jeff relies on a very flaky couple keeping their word or he doesnt even go home (and Rachel hates Shelly lets not forget). If she did it she’d probably want to make the deal public (a 5 person alliance) so that Brenchel cant renege and crawl back to JJ.
Adam won POV
Dani won a veto ticket (she gets to play in next weeks veto)
Shelley got 24 hr convindment plus a phone call
Jeff won money
Jorden got a green unitard, pink tutu, pink slippers, and a dunce beani hat
dani should evict Jeff because JJ will be more likely to backstab dani than BR
Dani can only go as far as nominating. Jeff. I. Think no matter who. Dani replaces with, they stand a good chance of gettin more votes than. Shelly, to stay
yes if she put B up this time Jeff will vote for him to stay Jordan is not up this time
so both JJ A and R will vote to keep B
If she can find a way to think clearly
she would be smarter to put Jordan up so Shelly will go and the JJ will loose an alley and she will look good to the vets she has a veto pass so I dont know what that means
Knew it was Adams…lol…spoiler alert for spoiler alert?????? You must be part of the CIA.
i think tht she will still nominate brendon or jeff but mostly jeff
Adam put Jordan on slop?
She was eating chips and a sandwich earlier
She was eating chips and a sandwich earlier..
Don’t forget that Shelly got a phone call from home.
I would rather see Rachel go…..
Dani Fans…
Which is smarter?
Have Rachel after you or Jordan?
kinda a wash, rachel can compete and jordan can sway votes.
No way….. Jordan has, A, J and S……..
If Brendon stays, Rachel will have B
Rachel is better at comps than Jordan…. Dani will have no chance to beat Jordan and a way better chance to beat Rachel…
Yeah but to be effective you have to win. Sorry but Jordans buttkissers are sorry competitors, R/B can win when they have to and aren’t afraid to fight the world. I wouldn’t give a rats butt if Jordan was after me.
Dani needs to throw Brendon out the backdoor! We’ll get another whiney assed week from Rachel. JeJo are already tired of babysitting Rachel. By the end of next week Rachel will have melted down repeatedly again. She has already burned her alliance bridges with Porsche and Shelly. Praying her Veto winless streak continues, everyone will gladly vote Rachel out!
We know Rachel will react that way from this last week of Rachel, not Brenchel.
That is assuming 2 things
1) Rachel won’t win the HOH
2) Dani will want to go against JJ, A and S with her allies being P and K with Rachel as the wildcard.
I agree, get rid of Brendon, don’t know if CBS will be able to fix it so he can come back again. Ever notice how these vote shows ( American Idol, America’s Got Talent etc.) never show the voting results? The producers call the shots not the voters.
I really don’t care because my girl Dani don’t back down from knowone. She is either 1 or 2 in numbers of BB wins. She has won 4 H.O.H and 5 VETOS. Racheal is a hard player and that part I respect but overall. Dani is still in he house surviving because of her and her so called ” dumb ” choices. She aligned with Kalia who turned out to be quite the player BTW. She deserve to win because she made, well until America screwed it up the biggest move in the game. Getting out Brendon and just the fact that it really is 7 people against 2. She still there. SHE IS AMAZING, I LOVE HER GAME PLAY
Just because Jordan is nicer than Rachel and she does’nt wine and make a lot of noise like Rachel, don’t be stupid enough to think she won’t go after you.
Just talked to CBS and they told me they Are still writing the script for now what happens after Adam won the veto.
They said it’s tough because they really need the two cry baby’s, but Jeff has a deal with BB that he can’t go this soon. Am I wrong?
Don’t think so! The BB program should be renamed” The Fix is In”
How is brendon a cry baby (assuming that is what you mean)…shelly and kalia also balled their eyes out for no good reason.
Kalia had good reason to cry. The whole house besides Dani was mean towards her just because of a backdoor plan that she really had nothing to do with. Dani told her about it and all she did was listen. THE VETS NEED TO REALIZE THAT IT IS JUST A GAME. Stop playing so personal and attacking Kalia. BR, and Jeff was calling her names. Like jeff called her BIG KALIA in the DR. I can vent all day
Are you forgetting that the only ones that were nice to Kalia the first 3 weeks were Jeff and Jordan. Gosh who did Jordan pick for the luxury comp? Oh yeah Kalia. Kalia is the one that went with the power the 4th week which was Dani. She threw there friendship away.
Brendon isn’t a crybaby. He just gets incredibly upset when he feels like people are personally attacking Rachel. He’s not a whiner at all.
Are you out of your mind? I’ve never seen a grown man cry so much. You would have thought he & Rachel had lost each other for good….as in death. He needs to grow a pair!
What show have you been watching this season, Brendon is a whiner and pathetic crybaby.
Tired of all you people claiming the show is fixed cuz it does’nt go the way you want.
I knew that this show was fixed when Brendon came back instead of Dominic. So sad….this used to be our favorite show, but not anymore.
@dayday do you not remember that the only people that would talk to Kalia the first 3 weeks were Jeff and Jordan. And who did Jordan pick for the luxury comp??? Oh yeah she picked Kalia. Kalia is the one that threw away there friendship. She had to go with the power the 4th week and that was Dani.
Sorry about double posting…it didn’t post the first time then when I posted again it posted twice.
Jordon won the phone call/confinement but gave it to Shelly so she could get the phone call..Best I understand..
I have been watching BB7: All-Stars all day….. This is how the game should be played…. Go Team Chill Town!
where do I go to watch old seasons of bb
@Chrissy You can go to youtube for all BB seasons. Just type in BB then the season number and you can watch it easily. Hope that helps!
If Jordan is in the Final 2, she will win again!
Kalia won a trip as well, she was talking about it with Shelly.
Kalia won a trip somewhere. Production hasn’t even told her the details to it yet.
I read somewhere that it was a carribean trip???
Maybe it’s a trip home.
And wasn’t she telling Shelley and Jordan that she found out she could exchange it for money instead! I think she told shel that under the door during that isolation thing
that adam is just badd newwws. if jordan is the final my life will be complete! *heartheart.
As long as Dani, Kalia and Porsha don’t win, I am going to be happy!
no way am i gon be happy if dat raaaachel is in de hoooouse. NU-UH!
I am so tired of watching the mean girls in the HOH room every time I turn on BBAD. Kalia spends more time studying where people are in the house, like so and so went into the bathroom, that she forgets about the real studying for comps.
Jordan’s unitard says I’m with stupid? LOL
But she looks so cute!
I agree-she looks adorable.
i thought i haaaaad it. big brother fooled me. my super powers didnt last very lonnnng. boo hoo. LAWONDERFUL OUT YALL.
Dumbest move in the history of the game. Change your name to Ladumbass.
I have to say..Jordon looks to be in her element…Never was and never will be another perfect punishment outfit for any other HG…lol
I think Shelly needs to learn her lesson for saying she never lies and her Husband and Daughter should be disappointed in her. I hope Dani puts up Brendon to replace Adam. Rachel will poop her pants and cry like a baby again.
I know right! If she hadn’t taken such a raging almighty stance on how bad liars were and how she is always such an honest person…I think people would chalk it up to game play. But she screwed herself
Brendon or Daniele deserve to win this year. They are both great players. Smart, athletic and competitive spirit. Rachel is also a great competitor, however, shes so whiny, conniving and emotional, its hard to take her side. Jeff and Jordan are an amazing, likable, attractive couple. However, they having shown much of a fighting spirit so far this year. Jury house should be enough for them.
All I can say is EWWW!
Hi all:) This is my first time on, yes I’ve been lurking for awhile. I read on another site that before the veto comp, Rachel told Brendon that Jeff was mean to her and made sexual advances/comments to her and it made her uncomfortable all last week. Can anyone confirm that? Has she completely lost her mind? There is no way that Jeff would hit on her!
I heard her say that also Jeff will be furious when he finds out. I was starting to feel sorry for her but i find her ridiculous. If she says “they were mean to me” one more time i may scream.
Oh my….she is such a 4 year old. I’m not crazy about Jeff, but all he did was give her some “tough love” to toughen her up & for her to quite wining!
OMG she really said that? So where are all the Rachel lovers now? How do you explain that? Is that part of her game play or is she really just that much of a pathetic child and NEEDS more attention from her already nutless boyfriend. I mean she has already cut them off…what else is she gonna do to the poor idiot. God please do NOT let them reproduce…please!
There’s no way Jeff did any such thing. He hates Rachel. Remember the comment in the DR where he said he needed some Rachoff.
Welcome Michelle11, Jeff never did or say anything to Rachel except babysit her for a week. That girl needs some serious help.
Dani is in a great position this week. She can sway the game however she wants.
She can backdoor Brendon or Jeff. BDing Brendon means that Rachel becomes a non-entity and no one has to worry about her (I love Rachel but she may totally meltdown if Brendon leaves another time).
She can backdoor Jeff, taking out one of the most likeable people of the game, unfortunately Adam/Shelly seem to have a ginormous crush on Jeff and I don’t think anyone (including Jordan) could beat Jeff in the final 2.
I think a bold move for Dani would be to backdoor Jeff, but I don’t think she or anyone else so far have the cojones to do it. She’ll probably backdoor Brendon which will make me sad, because I like Brenchel.
But I think Dani is playing a good game this week, inspite of her screw ups in the past weeks.
THE BEST POSSIBLE AND MOST ENTERTAINING SERNIO>>> Brendon gets evicted this week..Now next week Rachel would be the obivious choice so we would think..BUT NOOOO ..Its Porsche going to the JURY house ..MY OH MY..Rachel would have twin cows..Just thinking about Brendon alone with Porsche….That would be soooo funny…
I like it, lol.
Sounds good
I think that if Dani and Kalia remind Rachel that Porsche is alone with her man she would melt down and not be able to compete.
Please Dani….break up the couples! It’s not fair and never was! She was so screwed with him coming back, not fair at all! I just hope she has the votes to send either Brendon or Jeff home.
I like that idea too. She would go so nuts that if she didn’t get nomminated she would probably volunteer.
Love it. Rachel would be hitting that red button for a Quick exit.
OMG I love love love that idea “fly”
So we would see what is truly more important to her…keeping her man in check or winning some money…I think we all know what she would choose. He’s already proven to be….uh…less than faithful. LOL
what is wrong with jeffs play this year i cant believe he hasnt won more comps. jeff and jordan are my favorites so start kicking some butts and danielle you are no player it was all your dad he was great
Does Porsche do anything other than EAT and SLEEP??? She needs to start working out with the others her nasty cellulite rear and thighs are really starting to show what she really does all day, other than running her horse mouth!!!
Hey I said it before she is a luxury car she needs a lot of fuel :)
And truly what else is there for her to do??
Has she even played a veto comp yet? I seen her host like 3.
Does she not see how much she is spilling over her bikini???? she is a pretty girl but her weight gain changes her look.
yea she looks like a Volvo now
All that down-time, why doesn’t she work out like the others? Her butt is getting larger & she has a spare tire.
She also needs to wear something different then the pink and grey outdated velour jogging suits that she has on everyday.
Thats all she can fit in now.
Even if she does put up Brendon or Jeff, Shelly would still go home in my opinion. No way would Rachel, Brendon/Rachel, Jeff, Jordan or even Adam keep such a irrelevant, useless player like Shelly.
I dont think none of the vets will go home Im betting on Shelly
I agree. 100%.
I think Meathead Jeff is getting backdoored. All Dani has to do is tell them that 1. Jordan ok’d herself to be put on the block against Brendan as a pawn, and 2 if either one of them get to the final two, they will win over them. She’ll have the votes and it will be the only chance they’ll have to break up JJ.
Adam had Danimal promise him that she will not put Jeff up if she goes back on her word then she would prove to be a liar he will never vote for her for the winning and thats one less vote At this point u cant risk it her alliance is to thin
as much as i have enjoyed shelly this summer, i think she needs to go. she’s played everyone and has lied about it every time. though rachel gets on my last nerve most of the time, i have to admit that i’m glad brendon is back. shelly’s hystrionics over being nominated are not moving me. she said last night she’s never done anything wrong to anyone, i beg to differ. in the end, my wish is to get dani out a.s.a.p!!!
Getting rid of Shelly is one less vote in favor of when one of the vet goes on the block
Sometimes is better to chip away then go for the jagular
and I am not Team JKP Im just saying
play it smart
It will be impossible to get Dani out after she won this Veto pass. She is THE strongest competitor and won every competition she was in this year.
It was already leaked that she will win
How I don’t know I liked her the first time around can’t stand her this time she comes across like a mean girl a very angry mean girl
How could it be leaked that she’d win? There still playing the GAME!
Apparentley the producer was interviewd for tv guide and when asked who will win she said Danielle Donato will take it
This is not me it’s just what was said
We all love Dani. At least she has the balls to go up against the other vets and she has won comps & has played this game without a partner. If Dominic would have got to come back (like everyone voted) then she would def get to the end. They don’t know who will win, but they know she deserves it since they’ve screwed her over.
oh so when she looses it’s fixed but when she wins it’t all her
I see I didn’t know Danimal was actualy David going against Golaith (Pardon my spelling)
My bad
wrong….she didnt win the first competition in this season.
wrong. She didnt win the first competition in this season.
right but she made a deal and wtch the sode again. dani’s daddy deal was the only reason she did not win. rachel was about to fall
even Dani said that she got lucky on the last competition, that she was just guessing…lets all be real, that was a game of pure luck. She did not win the first HOH she has competed in and she did not win the veto she competed in when Brendon won it, she also did not win tonights veto…so actually she has been in 5 competitions and has only won 2…so yeah your theory bites.
If (R&B) they have a deal with DANI Why is rachel stressing out over the POV being used???? Why is Rachel telling Brendon that they have to convince Dani to get Jeff out??? If there was a “deal” THEY COULD SIT BACK AND RELAX AND WATCH THE FALLOUT…I still say that there was no verbal agreement from DANI THAT SHE WAS ACCEPTING THEIR OFFER. Like RACHEL is at this very moment is plotting against Jeff again..Now why would she do that if she felt safe and confident that her and Brendon were safe???
because is BB u are never safe no matter what u were promised ( unless u r Lawon)
and look what happened to him he got his wish of a superpower he vanished into thin air) and I am sure if they acted cockey all the other HG would know something is up
LOL! I seldom agree with you, but that is too funny. Lawan IS still in game, he is just invisible..
******** News Flash ********
Dani doesn’t own the Veto’s record for BB
Janelle won 5 Vetos and 4 HOH’s during BB7 aka BB All-Stars
Janelle from BB7 and Dani from BB8 share the Vetos record for 1 season and Janelle holds the HOH record for a season with 4!!!
******** Go Team JJ and Team BR ********
If Jeff goes up he will have Adam, Jordan, Brendon, Rachel votes. Shelly will have porche and kalia. I don’t think brendon will get adam’s vote if he goes up.
B/R will kick him to the curb. Brendan came back with a new gameplan.
what new plan —-right PLAY DUMBER!
Rachel is a big fat liar and Brendon is an idiot for listening to her crap. Rachel is a phony and lies to Brendon about all kinds of stuff. Shelly needs to go home, but Brendon needs to go home first.
Why because she lies????
She twists the truth to try to manipulate Brendon. he is the one person that she should be honest with. No Jeff is not interested in her.
NO it’s because she can’t SHUT her MOUTH.
I have been watching BB7 all day and Janelle just got evicted as the last jury member…. Julie Chen said Janelle set all 3 records for 9 competition wins, 5 Vetos and 4 HOH wins!
Does Dani believe by putting Brendon up, neither JJ will be going after her? Not only will they be going after her, but so will Rachel….
Don’t see that…J&J would not go after DANI (Brendon already gone) with Rachel still in the house… They would not be the target Rachel would be…
They will go after Dani for the same reasons they went after Russell during their first season.
1) Both Dani and Russell are strong competitors
2) Both Dani and Russell will try to take Jeff out
3) They have the numbers to do it.
Their original season, they had each other (JJ) Kevin, Natalie and that Michelle
This season they have Shelly, Adam, and think they will have Rachel (L~O~L)
They know in the final 7-6-5-4 it will be even harder to get Dani out if Dani hasn’t already to Jeff out.
Your wrong there Fly…Jeff already said his absolute first target is Dani no matter what.
do u blame him???
They have to take her out
I just don’t understand this veto thing she won That worries me
Crap it’s like she is a cat with 20 lives
it doesn’t worry me, just because all it means is she can compete even if her anem is not drawn, but she’d be on the block anyway, so she’d be competing
Watching Rachel lie to Brendan and justify the two of them trying to take out J & J. Seriously. She is a shrew. If you wanna get rid of Jeff or Jordan because you feel it is your best move in the game then do it. Don’t lie and say Jeff is “mean to you” or he “hits on you” to justify stabbing either of them in the back. Rachel has the emotional stability of a 5 year old. I can’t watch her anymore.
There is something going on with Brendon and his attitude toward Rachel..I have noticed it today but I can’t exactly describe his actions just yet..He is not rejecting her but he is not coming across as genuine in dealing with her….something is off…I can’t tell just yet what his thoughts are..kinda strange..
I wouldn’t be suprised if Brendan and Dani struck a secret deal.
I think she went too far with the Jeff coming on to her garbage.He may be catching on the her lying.
Did Porshe loose a piece of luggage going to BB all she ever wear are the same 3 sweat suit, I am so sick of her not playng the game
******* Guess What *******
On BBAD Dani and Kalia are talking about getting rid of Jeff…….. Surprised? No way!!!
I dont want Jeff gone, but I DO hope she nominates him, because I think he is the most likely(besides Jordan)to stay over Shelly, I definitely do not want to see, Rachel Brendon Jeff or Jordan go.
if she put him up great it will be a dumb move he has the votes and she promised Adam she will not put him up when he takes himself off the block
then the target on her back will be bigger
I almost want her to do that then everybody can see what a double snake liar she is
no she’s going to put up Brendon this week and take Jeff out in the next two weeks.
I’m glad we just know that she will have those powers through the rest of the show.
f Jeff and Brendon are gone, Dani has to be the favorite to win it all……
she can only put up one of them and there is no guarantee she will and the vote still has to take place, and I think Jeff or Brendon holds more votes than Shelly.
Jeff and Jordan will vote to keep Shelly because they think Shelly is with their 4 person alliance!
Absolutely not.
Jeff and Jordan are already talking about voting for Shelly if Brendon goes up. And if Jeff is up Rachel and Brendon will probably vote Jeff out since they threw him under the bus already.
agreed right now Shelly is a liability and they will cut her loose
I will be surprised if Jordan, Adam, Shelly, Porsha take Dani to the final2….. I think B & R might vote for the best player but who knows how the other votes might go? Dani wants to bring Porsha and Kalia because she doesn’t think people will vote for the biggest floaters over her. She may lose the same way Natalie lost to Jordan!
everyone is failing to realize that Dani doesn’t hold any power further than the replacement nom. Dani’s alliance doesn’t even have the voting numbers. In some ways I think Dani is stupid enough to replace with, but matter who she replaces with, they still have to be voted out over Shelly. I have to honestly say, I think Shelly will be leaving no matter what. Unless Rachel is the replacement nom.
if she puts R on shes should be toast I think she might put Jordan up she seems to be the perfect pawn who never gets voted out
yeah but she is putting up Brendon, unless something changes her mind between now and Monday(which could easily happen) But I would hope JeJo would be smart enough to vote out Shelly. Tonight on AD Jordan was talking to Adam, and Adam was trying to imply that Rachel is in fact the rat, but then Jordan said, but I was thinking, somehow..informtation got back to them, how would it? so jordan does see that little bit of snake in Shelly I think
I hope she keeps the noms the same and shelly goes home
I really hope Dani replaces with Jeff, he has the better chance to stay over Shelly. Shelly will willingly bow down to Jeff and leave on her own lol. But with this big fall out between Rachel and Shelly, Brenchal will definitely vote Shelly out, and so will Adam and Jordan
The way Dani is talking Brendon is the victim of the week…
Yeah I just turned it on lol. But I think Jeff and Jordan will vote out Shelly. Shelly isn’t a help to them, they know Brendon and Rachel can help them take Dani down, much more than Shelly can. The only problem is Adam, he will not vote Shelly out..looks like we could be looking at a 3 way tie, with Danie the tie breaker lol..Hes pretty doomed, butttt you never know, minds change so much in that house
Ask yourself! What really goes on in the diary room?
Everyone is constantly being called in there. It’s secret! What’s the secret? What each hg is supposed to do and say for the day! As I’ve mentioned before, this whole program is scripted for drama, chatting like this, high interest of what’s going to happen, ratings and of course more profits. CBS is not going to let these newbee nerds ruin anything. They are just pawns for the vets. They are just fill ins. BB thinks we’re all idiots and don’t know a fix when we see one ( unfortunately many of you either really don’t realize this program is fixed or just don’t want to believe it or deal with it.
If we could all unite and keep pressing hard on CBS, maybe next years show will be less fixed. I just wish I could quit watching this fixed crap, but I can’t quit. We’re all just to weak to say NO to this fake crap.
I think the suggest things and in a subtle way manipulates them that way at the end it’s the HG idea not CBS
I believe ellablue is more on the mark. If you understand the full “Big Brother” concept, it really is all about the manipulation. It has always been my belief that this is the purpose of the Diary Room.
I have a hard time believing that all the house guests can be ‘on’ all the time. The DR is intended to bring about doubt, confusion and second-guessing.
Damn Dani is gonna backdoor Brendon for sure, she is already counting him out lol. Shes talking about next week getting rid of Jeff
No honey if she does that she has R JJ and A and S to after her she n only relay on P and K for HOH to risky
If she gets rid of Shelly it’s one less ally for the vets and she is showing good faith if one of them HOH they will nominate her sidekicks and then please try to backdoor her unless that thing she won will help her
That’s a bad mistake, it should be Jeff, than Brendan. Brendan has proven that he can put personal feelings aside to get the job done. I wish ED was playing, he’d have that whole house on lockdown.
Trust me, she is already literally planning next weeks HOH without Brendon in it lol. She is like 90% backdooring Brendon.
If she does that I hope she goes soon somebody has to take her out unless that rumor it’s true and she will win it all
I cant see it why will she do that? Everybody will be gunning for her including Shally
So danielle has so many options here for a replacement nominee. she has to choose between either a veteran or a newbie im hoping she’s not dumb enough to put up a newbie like stupid kalia. dani is lucky here it seems as tho either jeff, jordan, or one of brenchel might leave the house. However there is a possibility shelly might leave because I think most of the houseguests are aware of her playing both sides. If dani puts up jeff or brendon shelly will probably leave but if rachel goes up as a replacement nom then rachel is gone.
porsha adam kalia and dani will vote out brendon
I can’t believe Dani is planning her next 2 weeks out with P and K winning the HOHs lol…gosh what a fool
They been doing that the whole time..over confidence will do u in
It’s almost like she wants to be mini me Evil Dick she just cant pull it off
Her dad was always upfront on people faces she is catty mean and a want to be
Maybe she thinks she can get over her dad shadow
I know she’s talking how they will win the next three and maybe throw one of them. Does she think there the only ones playing. She is sure her and Kalia will be the final 2.
Dani just said she is going to put up brendon.
I figured she’d do that *sigh* I think it’d be bolder to take out Jeff but I don’t think anyone in the BB house (including Brenchel) have the guts to do it.
I forsee JJ in the final 2, with Jeff winning it all. There is no way, that any of these fools will get out JJ. Seriously, they are making JJ’s game easier.
I hope that we do not have to watch another week of D/P/K in HOH after this week ends. I now DVR BBAD just to fast forward the mean girls. I can not stand the 3 of them.
Yea I don’t get that degree of mean my daughter was bullied so maybe my tollerance is very low I cant stand it
Play the game backstab lie or cheat but going out of ur way to be that mean has no justification not even on an entretainment level
Who is the mean girl…(I missed that.) What did she do?
She makes fun of everybody behind their backs even on her own alliance
Have we being whatching the same show?
MY daughter leaves the room when she is on she can’t take her she reminds her of what she had to go through
All three of them say mean things. Almost (but not as bad) as Ragan and Britney from last year. That is probably where they got it from since Dani says she loves Britney
Saying it again… EVERYONE has talked about people in the house!! I don’t justify talking about others and being mean (even though I have done it)..but all the HGs have said some pretty mean stuff, even J and J.
@Becky I agree with you about everyone talking mean about other HGs. I don’t understand why people think only D/K/P do it. What Rachel told Brendon about how the other HGs were so mean to her after he left and then to say Jeff came on to her. J/J have said plenty of mean things about other HGs also. We all have different favorites and that is fine, but to just say HGs that are not your favorites are the only group being mean is totally unfair.
Is it just me or has Jeff turned into a jerk this season? He sure gets argumentative when people do to him what he does to others. Think his “celebrity” status has gone to his head?
Jeff has turned into a jerk this season. He attacks others for doing the same thing he is doing to them… I liked him earlier this season but he is proving to be a jerk.
Jeff has to have it his way or no way
To me..Jeff does have a temper and when he’s backed against a wall he will come out swinging…I think that ouuta that house that he might be an okay guy..But in the house u gotta watch ur every move and word and get through each week as best u can and can u imagine know how stressful that is…and he also has Jordon to worry about…I think it’s the stress of the game and dealing with the people that make for bad attitudes…Am not up holding his actions just making a comment..
all the HG’s can cop an attitude at any given moment..
your are stuck with this people for 78 days give or take with no media no outside contact yea I think u r allowed to lose it here and there
I agree with ellablue. You can’t expect him NOT to get an attitude sometimes. Would YOU be able to play the game without having a meltdown or two? I doubt it.
i know right!?
Adam and Shelly on the block?! Adam takes himself off….best bet….Dani puts Rachel up and Adam, Porche, and Kalia vote Rachel out. Jeff, Jordan and Brendan vote Shelly out. Dani breaks the tie and takes out Rachel. Did I miss anyone?
Rachel isn;t going up….. Dani is trying to get Brendon and then Jeff out…..
Brendan will be voted out 5-1. If Dani is smart she’ll make sure JJ know about the backstab by BR, and try to get an agreement that both sides target Rachel next week, then go back to fighting each other.
Although I think we’ve established that Jeff will promise anything but is still after the same people.
That is why you do not trust Danielle! It seems that the veterans are again trusting Danielle which is stupid. Jeff threw the competition to Adam on Danielle’s promise that he is safe! LOL If Jeff gets backdoored then, he brought it on himself! Also, reports of him going after another little prize versus the $500,000 for winning the game! Greed kills if he does not know it yet! Shelly is also supposed to be safe so, either Brendon or Jeff is the target! The veterans are destroying themselves and Danielle is now in the cat bird seat even manipulating them!
Unbelievable! And people said Kalia was dumb?
Jeff, Jordan, Rachel and Brendon are even worst because they allowed themselves to be
manipulated by Danielle! That is triple stupid! I hope it is Jeff that goes home because he threw the veto competition and it
will serve him right for being a big fool!
You know what will be interesting?
Jeff, Jordan, Adam and Shelly are a 4 person alliance
Dani, Kalia and Porsha are a three person alliance
Rachel will be by herself. Rachel will be pissed at Dani for backdooring Brendon. She won’t work with Shelly again after their argument. She will be pissed at Jeff and Jordan for voting Brendon out and keeping Shelly. Adam will be floating under the radar.
I hope Rachel wins the next HOH…… That would be entertaining as hell watching everyone scramble huh? L~O~L!!!
Brendon will be the first player in Big Brother history to be voted out of the house three times
No he will not…. Kayzar from BB6 has that honor. He was voted out, voted back in and voted out a second time on BB6 and then voted out in BB7 aka BB all-stars.
Yeah but Kaysar was totally stupid for making a fool’s deal. He did it twice.
am I the only one that thinks that if brendon leaves this week rachel will either leave with him or leave if she doesnt win hoh?
that would be a blessing…but don’t think we can get that lucky..
I dont think its a crazy thought though, if you get brendon out rachel will have no one, if she doesnt win hoh she will have a major meltdown especially if she is put on the block. and jeff and jordan wont help her and talk her out of it. she will be a mental wreck
Jeff and Jordan won’t nominate Rachel because they know Jeff will be the next target for Dani, Kalia, Porsha and are already talking about Adam being close with Porsha and flipping when he sees JJ’s team dwindling down.
Nah! Cuz once brendon goes up he will tell her not to so she can go to jury house and so she will be able to vote
Brendon will be in the Jury already….. He will tell Rachel to allign with whoever will help her get farther……. Both Team Dani and Team JJ will be kissing Rachel’s a** especially if she wins the next HOH!!!
I doubt it. She loves being a psycho drama queen on television so she’ll flip out and cry. But she’ll also know he’s in jury and she’ll get to see him soon. That will keep her trying to stay in for a couple weeks to try to get Dani out. After (If) she gets Dani out she’ll go out with a whimper.
I really do think that most of Rachel’s crying is simply her trying to get more camera time due to the entertainment value of her drama. Why else wouldn’t she wear waterproof mascara? You can only show so many boring shots of Shelly smoking. Portia doesn’t seem to have a personality at all. Jordan is sweet to everyone. Thus, Rachel’s crying gets her airtime which she is hoping will get her a job.
Don’t be too sure. It seems that Jeff was told
by Danielle he was safe so, he threw the veto competition to Adam. Now, is that super dumb.
If Jeff is the target then, he is in big trouble. Danielle and the others will vote him out which means his only chance is Brendon and Rachel but, even that is not guaranteed! He should have won VETO and not change anything and sent Adam home! The veterans alliance intact for next week when
Danielle cannot play for HOH.
Why not delete it you dolt?
Wouldn’t a PoV ticket kind of stink at this point in the game? There are only 9 houseguests left and 6 players typically play in PoV comps. So, the ticket would only be good for the next two weeks, in which she has a 3/4 and 6/7 chance of playing anyway.
It would guarantee that Danielle plays next week even if not chosen for the VETO competition. Considering the veterans will probably try and put Danielle on the block, this would guarantee she is able to play which is to Danielle’s advantage.
but there is always back door Dani
How can you backdoor Danielle if she has that veto ticket and can play if she wants to? If she decides to play VETO even if not picked and not on the block,
her ticket will allow her. She gets VETO then, refuses to use it so, cannot go home!
@jlf, Its gonna be hard to Backdoor her now with this ticket. If they try, she pulls out her ticket and plays anyway. Of course, its no guarentee she will win PoV, but she still has chance.
a backdoor is done @ the POV ceremony…not @ the competition selection. At that point it is too late to pull out her ticket..
but if she wins the pov the cant backdoor her even if she uses it….so they could put up a pawn in hopes of winning pov and putting her up but she’d be guaranteed a chance to play for pov if she wins they cant put her up and the person they would have taken down to put her up stays up, and their pawn could end up going home
Oooh, Jeff threw the veto FOR adam, in order to ensure his vote if jeff went up.
So it looks like we are saying goodbye to brendon…. Again.
What a waste of time and money America… I mean big brother production bringing brendon back
if thats what happens I agree
Tanner-why would Jeff throw the comp, just to secure Adams vote? jeff would be putting himself in potential danger. He can have Adams vote, but there is no guarantee he has Brenchals..he’s not that dumb. he wouldn’t do that, because if that were the case, he could have just won it and pulled Adam off the block, saving Adam and himself.
Vet fan
Jeff threw the comp for the money and so Adam could win, so he wouldn’t have decide if he would use it or not and on whom?
He is regretting it now.
Rachel doesnt like shelly, So jeff obviously has her vote, Brendon will probably vote to keep jeff. It wasnt the best decision on jeffs part, But Atleast he has adams vote.
Porsche and kalia would be the only ones that would vote to evict jeff,
I still think its in danielles best interest to try and work with brenchal to get jeff out.
I know Leo, I see it now, lol. I hadn’t been watching it. I though you were just assuming thats what happened. WOWOOOWOWOWOWOWO what an idiot. I’m so dissapointed in him. I did not know there was money involoved, what a greedy ass.
He was in the final 2 of the VETO comp with Adam and gave the Veto to Adam and took the money….
Jeff did this too in the ski competition for HOH where he chose to try to win the $10,000 which he did but, allowed Danielle to win HOH!
That is another stupid move! Jeff is collecting the smaller amounts of monies while, risking the $500,000. He should realize that Rachel or Brendon could be on the block and if one of them goes home then,
their alliance is weakened. It can only help Danielle. The veterans despite their huge numerical advantage is blowing their chances.
First, they lose the HOH to Danielle then, lose the veto to Adam! With Shelly on the block, it will further destroy their alliance if Jeff/Jordan side with Shelly and try to keep her. Rachel or Brendon depending on who remains will see the betrayal and then, anything can happen next week! Danielle is probably laughing at the veteran alliances missteps right now!
Richie, JJ are assuming Rachel will go after Dani, Kalia, Porsha and Shelly and won’t target them….. If they save Shelly over Brendon, she may go after Jeff….
BR are not on JJ side. They r tryin to back door them constantly.
Mary, Jeff and Jordan sold BR out 2 weeks ago to stay safe…… JJ will do it again to stay safe……
Leo do you mean after they did it first w Dani and then let Dani take the fall all by herself? They turned on JJ almost immediately after Dani got golden key. I guess we all see it how we want to.
Not to mention they completely protected r in brendons absence. Then as soon as he came back he again went straight after JJ w no thanks for not having to compete against Rachel
Mary, here is why JJ looked out for Rachel
1) Rachel is a bigger target, so if she walked Jeff was gome
2) JJ know Adam is close with Porsha and Shelly goes where the power is.
3) JJ is going to throw Adam under the bus when Jeff tells Brendon he has to vote him out because Adam will not vote Shelly out and Jeff doesn’t want to look like a fool with not enough votes to save Brendon
4) JJ was willing to let Jordan be a pawn to make sure either Rachel or Brendon was voted out because no one else would have had enough votes to ensure BR was evicted.
not only did they offer Jordan up as a pawn but the literally said, if you put anyone else up next to Rachel, she will probably stay, so just use her as a how sad, they could have tried to at least get her to put up Porsche(this is when they werent tight)
Leo I get all of that, but what I’m trying to explain to u is Jeff says repeatedly he absolutely trusts brendon just not Rachel. On the other hand brendon tells Jeff he trusts him but he is absolutely purposely trying to get rid of JJ. Jeff will try to keep brendon if he can and if not oh well. That’s just how the game goes. Bottom line is JJ r doing crap for Rachel on behalf of brendon ” great guy ” persona. That’s all I’m saying.
What I read in one of the posts is he threw the competition to Adam because Danielle told him he was safe and Shelly was safe. In another post, I read he won another small prize and he did this before too in the ski competition for HOH when Jeff deliberately dropped off so, he can look for that $10,000 prize. Seriously, there is $500,000 on the line and he is happy to settle for chump change? Danielle can backdoor him and with the agreement with Brendon and Rachel could vote him out! Danielle also has Porsche and Kalia on her pocket and Adam who is tight with
Shelly might vote to evict Jeff as a result! LOL Stupid, stupid, stupid move on Jeff’s part.
Why would he throw it? that makes no sense. If Jeff won he wouldn’t have to worry about being put on t he block. Idiot.
could somebody please tell me why last night S/k have a huge argument, then a few hours later they act like BFF This is when they are in BY and Rachel is at hot tub.
Production will likely try to influence it so that Brendon stays – I hope so, because it’s more entertaining with B&R in the house.
totally agree I actually feel they get a bad rap at times. It is easier for people to blame them for things that are said.
i hate their whole PDA crap. Brendon is alright, But i cant stand rachel.
Brendon is nasty ie… His skype incident. Nasty man! And to think he says Jeff doesn’t respect women. Hmmm….
also what is the deal with the beds? the primadomas only want to sleep in double beds? If that is the case they are more selfish than I thought. Especially since they have not had to sleep in the have not room.
Let’s not forget Reagan’s from last season’s interview. “Rachel is like a serial killer in movies, who keeps coming back” and “Don’t underestimate her”…….. Rachel can win and it will be amazing to see people scramble if Rachel wins the next HOH!
Jeff and Jordan are talking about keeping Brendon over Shelly.
yay! that would be their best bet, as long as Brendon and Rachel are in the game, they are a bigger target..JeJo has to know that they are next if Brenchal goes.
Jeff knows he will be the next target and him and Rachel will be gone by the time the double eviction is done. He says they can’t rely on Shelly winning a comp.
Remember, the best player doesn’t always win….
Danyelle from Season 3
Cowboy from season 5
Janelle from season 6
Dr. Will from season 7
Enzo from last year
Enzo? LOL! Good one! Sorry Leo bit not Enzo. He masturbated for the tv more than he played.
Hayden and the Beast (forgot his real name) let Matt do all the dirty work until the got rid of him……
Hayden and Lane
Cowboy was the best player in his season? Don’t really think he was…and Enzo was fun and likable, but not a very competitive player…he was the Natalie of his season for competitions. I totally agree with Janelle and Dr. Will, though…
Okay, Janelle was NOT the best player of her season. She won a lot of competitions, but she was terrible at the strageic game. Maggie was actually the mastermind of BB6. People don’t want to admit that because they love Janelle and hate Maggie, but that’s the truth.
OMG!!!!! I loved Enzo too! he was an amazing social player!
*matt from last year?
OMG Rachel has to go she is so winey. not kidding Ever since Brandon came back, bohoo boohoo they did this to me they did that JJ. Danielle get RID OF her.
excuse me but Enzo was a freakin dumbass joke last year BB
You are clueless….. The Brigade was Enzo’s plan…. Don’t give me crap about winning because the greatest BB player of all time never won a single comp in 2 seasons….. Dr. Will that is and he won season 2 and made final 4 in BB all-stars!
You are obviously clueless to compare Enzo with those others. He was just riding coattails and only wished he had a brain. The others were just massaging his ego when he was feeling down but he was loyal to his group. Not smart enough to be a winner. Sorry bud.
The Brigade idea was Enzo’s….. Any true fan of BB knows that…. Who do you think started the Brigade?
Enzo naming a group was nice, but it was not a stroke of genius…the group was formidable, so it was a great choice of members…he didn’t do much other than ride coattails…he was hilarious, and fun to watch, though…
Rachel needs serious help. She was talking to Jordan and saying if I go up I do have your vote to stay don’t I??? Then 5 minutes later she is talking to Brendon saying we have to tell Dani to put Jeff up an evict him. She goes on to say they are the worst alliance. What have they done for us? Duh they just saved your ass last week you idiot. If they wouldn’t have you wouldn’t be spending the summer with your sissy bookie!!!
I think Rachel just keeps talking or crying or something in order to get facetime on TV in the hopes the editor/producer will make her look good as a player. Maybe get more invites for other reality shows or hosting work. She seems too smart otherwise. Notice the veterans are all more than willing to talk crap at a moments notice.
I too think that Rachel just wants airtime. And Brendon referring to her as ‘my fiance’ all the time is simply him trying to remind himself that he is still engaged after his internet fiasco. Rachel can see that JeJo have a healthy relationship and she is very jealous of that fact.
Karen, you are so right about JJ helping her to stay in the game last week. Now she going around back biting Jeff, saying he want to get with. Rachel is a Big Bit..! What is her man going to think of her when he find out the truth. There was no reason to lie to him, he’s on her sided.
It is nice to see Kalia and Porsha talking crap about Jordan now….. Jordan doesn’t know who to hate” “Does she hate Porsha?” Does she hate Rachel?” Jordan hates everyone but Jeff!”
did anyone really hear Rachel say that Jeff came on to her or just make sexual innuendos like the conversations he had with Adam and Dani last night. My point is some people can not take sexual jokes and make more out of it than it is. Jeff did say some lousy things to her last week.
I’m sure that Jeff didn’t say anything worse than the rest of us were thinking about Rachel last week. Is any of this for real?
Before the veto comp, Brendon and Rachel were in the purple room talking. Rachel told Bredon that Jeff was mean to her all last week and that he was making sexual advances/comments to her and that it made her uncomfortable. If you go on to the main page and scroll down to where BBN has links to other BB sites, look for the one called BB 2011/ week 6 veto picks
I never thought I’d be saying this, in fact I cannot believe I am saying it now. Jeff is the absolute most enititled person ever! I cannot believe he has the nerve to sit there and talk about what he’s plannign to say to Brendon as to why he can’t vote for him, and then turn around and say “those motherf’rs better vote for me” WOW…so he threw the comp for money and then says “eff that, if I was gonna be backdoored I was taking some prizes..” Hello Jeff! had you won the veto you couldnt have been back doored..I’m sorry, but just for being so greedy, I hope Dani puts Jeff on the block. Everyone talks so bad about Brenchal, and acts like JeJo are so sweet, but I have to say, I think Brenchal has been much more loyal to JeJo, than they have back. Now if I think about it, if Brendon goes this week, it will be again at the fault of JeJo. Damn Jeff, I’m so dissapointed in you lol
I will be rooting for Jeff to be put on the block because he allowed his greed to get the better of him! Instead of taking the veto and ensuring his alliance safety till next week where they can possibly win HOH and send Danielle home, he pulls this stupid stunt! I read too in another post that Danielle promised Jeff that he is safe this week! LOL
Jeff might get backdoored this week and he deserves it! He slashed his own throat!
Can some please tell Kalia to stop singing? Aside from the fact that it seems like all she wants is a record deal out of this, the live feeds keep going down because of it… STOP!!!
I really hope Dani puts Brendon or Rachel up this week. Getting Brendon out would just be a smart game move, but getting Rachel out would save the sanity of the house. I can’t believe how much her game has changed since Brendon came back in. While he was out, she was nice, helpful and respectful. Since he’s back in, she’s been rude, lazy and spiteful. Just like she was before… guess that’s her true colors…
Isn’t that sweet? Kalia is doing Rachel’s hair….. Rachel is clueless….. She will understand why Kalia is being so nice once Brendon is nominated… L~O~L!!!
Jeff, Jordan, Adam will all be trying to comfort Rachel when Brendon is evicted to try to keep Rachel from joining Dani, Kalia and Porsha…… It will be interesting who an emotional Rachel sides with after Brendon’s eviction!
thats not the smartest thinking, rachel wont team up with the people responsible for getting “her man” out….remember they will have done it twice.She might try to make them think shes teaming up with them but she wont. she will be all alone and everyone in the house will realize it. no one will comfort her because they are all sick of her bs
You are nuts is you believe this…. Kalia is already working on Rachel….. Jeff and Jordan won’t want her joining Team Dani because Rachel will be pissed at Jeff and Jordan for keeping Shelly over Brendon…… Team Dani won’t want Rachel joining back with Team JJ because if she wins the HOH she is coming after them…. Team Dani will throw JJ under the bus and say they could have kept your man “Brendon” but chose Shelly because they have an alliance with S and A and Rachel will be out 5th and with them it could be a 4 person alliance…. I think if Dani isn’t voted out, Rachel will go after Jeff…..
It will be an entertaining week!
if jeff or jordan wins hoh rachel will gor up especially because of what shes been saying about jeff, her being pissed that jeff and jordan will vote brendon out over shelly has nothing to do with rahcel working with dani. if jj teams up with dani rachel is guaranteed to be voted out (unless she wins hoh)which is what everyone wants. it makes more sense to force her to be a floater for a week and work together and both dani and jeff are smart enough to realize it, they call a one week truce and rachel goes home
I am talking reality not fantasy…. You are in a fantasy world….. No way Team Dani Teams up with Team JJ because they want Jeff gone in the next 2 weeks (Watch the feeds from tonight after 8 BBT to now……. Dani is hoping Rachel will blame Team JJ for Brendon going home…
Jeff nor Jordan will nominate Rachel because they know she is a bigger target for Team Dani to go after which is why JJ were talking about voting Shelly out instead of Brendon because then they would have 2 bigger targets.
Jeff and Jordan both want Dani, Kalia and Porsha out.
Jeff and Jordan are going after Dani an and Dani and Kalia are going after Jeff…..
Kalia is working on Rachel,
Dani is now working on Shelly by saying she has the votes to keep her and that Brendon is going home…. L~O~L!!!
she does have the votes to send brendon home, dani is the tie breaker, she’ll have adam, kalia, and porsche. She might even be able to persuade jj seeing as how they are sure to brenchel for all rachels lies….split them up get them out, if rachel doesnt walk out when brendon gets booted she and jeff will be the next on the block assuming they dont win hoh
JJ said they will vote Brendon out and blame it on Adam when Jeff tells Brendon…. They really want to keep Shelly for the final 3 because they can both beat Shelly to make it to the final 2….
Team Dani is doing their thing…… I have to give them credit…. Kalia working on Rachel….. Dani working on Shelly….. Porsha has Adam….. Jeff, Jordan and Rachel are done if they don’t win the next HOH….. Rachel and Jeff will be gone in the next 2 weeks unless they step up and win…… Depending on who Rachel blames more for Brendon getting the boot, Jeff might go home next week! WTF? Get your sh** together Team JJ and Rachel!
why would porsha keep shelly after all the mean things shelly said about her? But I do agree they need to get their act together
Porsha, is kissing Dani and Kalia’s ass because she wants to make it to the final 4 with them and Adam….
Shelly is a piece of work…. She made a final 3 deal with BR on August 9 on camera 3 from 9:40-9:45 AM……
Team JJ are outside chillin while Team Dani are all gathered outside the HN room keeping Shelly company…
Jeff and Jordan will both be in shock when Jeff is gone because he decided to let Adam get the Veto and Adam,Shelly jump ship when Jeff gets evicted and it will be either join Team Dani or play with Jordan!
I feel like ripping my ear off everytime rachel laughs!!! errrr
Dani has to know that a final 3 with Kalia and Porsha will result in her being evicted because Porsha and Kalia will want to be final 2 with each other because they can beat the opposite easier for $500,000
bet she would be playing way different if daddy evil dick was still in the house
If Eveil Dick was still in the house, Dani told everyone she was going to find a way to turn everyone on her dad….
The veterans would have steam rolled the newbies with Evil Dick in the house still!
dani has turned her game right around
Dani hasn’t done anything accept be spineless…. She was too spineless to throw Lawon a vote the same way she gave Dominic one…. She is too spineless to follow through and BD Jeff after she complained about Kalia being intimidated by Jeff…
She will be hoping Rachel blames JJ more for Brendon being evicted than her which is another spineless move!
brenchel is more of a threat to dani than jj are shes smart for getting rid of brendon over jeff, not spineless….she gets brendon out and shee’ll have better control of the house than jj will….
If anyone in the house is “spineless” it’s the 4 other veterans. They’ve done nothing but coast with their dominant alliance. If they’d had their way, this game wouldn’t have even started until it was down to the 5 vets. That’s pretty spineless and incredibly boring. At least, Dani realized in that scenario she’d be no better than 5th left, so she’s tried her best to mess that whole plan up. lol. Spineless, that’s JJ, talk behind people’s backs while you try to keep BR around since everyone dislikes them more than you.
the funny thing Leo is that you fail to see throwing comps to win money as spineless. Jeff has done that twice and that move keeps adam in the house and gets rid of one of jeffs alliance members…thats one vote he wont have when he goes on the block. Adam will move to danis team because he is a floater, he will go to whomever has the power, and once rachel is out of the house which will be next week, dani will have the power.
I think it is all messed up, I think production should have givin Brendon a week of safety. For all the money they made on the voting over 2 mill and some change, it is a waste of money and not worth voting for. If there going to ask America to vote someone back in the game then they should give them a head start not kick them out 3 days later.
They let James come back in the game after he was voted back in during BB9 but had the HOH comp as a endurance comp which suited James well, so he won!
Don’t be silly. He played terribly yet got a second chance. He made jury and will see Rachel again sooner.
They’ve rigged the game enough for the vets already.
I should add, when they give the america votes too much power is when the game gets its lamest and people like Jordan win.
It really is driving me crazy that no one is going after JJ. I mean seriously they are going to win this season because others were too chicken to try to get them out. God, these people are weak.
Though, I have to admit I am starting to like Dani again, even though she’s going after Brendon, because at least she’s getting some stuff done unlike everyone else in the house.
I will laugh when JJ end up voting Dani out the game and she realizes she could have voted Jeff out….. People are underestimating Jordan again….
I’d love to see JJ go, but it doesnt really make sense to target them before BR unless you trust their deal. And trusting BR helped evict Dominic.
Kalia is the one who messed the whole thing up with her fear of Jeff and wanting to be Jordan and Shelly’s friend. At some point, you just have to realize you made your bed and make sure you get an enemy out. Rachal should still be alone and Dani should still have Lawan’s vote.
Love Dani, wish her teammates werent so terrible.
jordan wont win again, she hasnt done anything to deserve it, that being said I dont think dani will win it, she will get voted out just not too soon
Lawon is NOT in the jury. He is “GONE…gone. However Dani is still in good shape if she makes the final.
As it stands now… (If Brendon goes.)
In the final vote, she would easily beat Kalia, Shelly, or Porsche. (Everyone would beat Porsche.) She would also VERY likely beat Rachel.
Jeff, Jordan, and Adam are the only ones that “might” have a shot, (against her) depending on what happens over the final weeks.
It’s best to lose shelly, she is a switcher, but her smoking fingers thing when she votes people out is funny. Also, sorry about your daughter’s past Ellablue.
Brendon is gone…… It will be a 4 person alliance (Team JJ), a 3 person alliance (Team Dani), and then a wild card with Rachel for one week unless Rachel wins the HOH!!!
******* Have a good night everyone *******
dani will have kalia porsche and adam it will be jeff jordan and shelly
There is no way Adan will leave Team JJ aka J,J,S to be with Team Dani aka D,K,P
leo you could be right on that, but something tells me adam will go there because of the shift in power and jeff and jordan think so too
Leo says:
August 14, 2011 at 2:15 am
Jeff and Jordan won’t nominate Rachel because they know Jeff will be the next target for Dani, Kalia, Porsha and are already talking about Adam being close with Porsha and flipping when he sees JJ’s team dwindling down.
see even you stated that, jeff and jordan are scared that adam isnt with them and they should be
Adam was a fan of evil DICK
secretly he likes DANI.She may
have him in her pocket.H will be in DANIs corner if hes smart time to shift loyalties.goteam DANI.
I really like J/J but would jury vote for Jordon to win the money again if it goes that far, Jeff great player think he tries to live right in the house, as for Brandon/Rachel am so sick of them is anyone else and Dani and K what kind of alliance is that, K is a floater even if she did one time and Pors who picked her for BB like Adam a lot if he goes to the end with someone watch out ..Shelly and her always helping others what is up with that and she is really emotional for top level employee can not help her in real life when this comes out and Lawson you deserve to be just where you are HOME, my suggestion to put up on the block would be Brandon if Dani is smart..
Comment deleted. Contribute to the conversation. Don’t just attack other readers. – Admin
excuse me Lawon and Brendon sorry I am not a perfect poster and just giving my comments ignore them if you are never mind..not worth it
lol I was trying to get some sort of reaction from ya, I dont care that you made a few typos. I actually agree with most of what you said I really like jeff and jordan but AI dont think either one will win due to jordans past win. I wouldnt say that jeff tries to live right in the house, but I would say he tries to be as honest as possible while still playing his game, which is what I’m assuming you meant by that. The only people I dont like in the house right now are brendon and rachel, so I liked that part of your post….but it fell apart after that I think mainly because I couldnt tell what you meant by the end of the comment about kalia, and your comment about porsche didnt mean anything, and to me didnt add anything to your comment. Then you shelly comment began to make sense in terms of an opinion but ended weak and nonsensical. Then you ended great with a good opnion on what should happen next in the bb house, and I’m not just saying that because I agree with you. Overall the comment felt pointless and hard to follow, almost like you didnt proof read to make sure you got all your thoughts out properly. But then you really surprised me with your second comment because I was able to follow it. Dont mean to offend because I do see your point with most of what your saying, but not all of it made sense.
do u have charts and graphs to go with your analysis? LOL
lol I’m sure I could draw a couple up, after all, I really am that bored
I’m ready for one of the vets to take charge. I don’t know if their strategy for the last 3 weeks was to sit and relax but they’re running out of tricks. They need to take charge and get Dani out of the house. As soon as Danimal leaves, her alliance will completely fall apart because Kalia is a terrible strategist, while Adam and Porsche are useless floaters.
And I have no idea why Kalia complaining about being in Dani’s shadow. I mean at the end of the day she has no blood on her hands because it looks as if Dani controls everything Kalia does. I wanna see Kalia or possibly Porsche pull a Lima and freak out.
I can see kalia freaking out in the very near future
Dani is brilliant once again. It looks like she put up 2 pawns and played her cards close. She did not even tell her alliance to ensure her plan did not get out. She told Kalia before hand she was not going to tell her all her moves becuz she knows the girl talks. I will say she could have used the nominations better to get Adam and Shelly more in her camp. She could have told them she will take them off if she has their vote even though they were not her target. That way they would b in her debt becuz Shelly is still with JJ which means Adam is still with JJ. She could have played that better. If I find any fault in her game play it is the fact that she does not use her leverage to the best of her ability. I believe she does not because she is truly straight foreward and does not manipulate well. She is more honest than people give her credit for, people r confusing her gameplay with her character. Shelly on the other hand uses her child to get sympathy that is a character issue.
On a side note could CBS b any more captain obvious. Dani did not want to play for HOH this week because she wanted HOH for her birthday to ensure she does not get voted out on her birthday. The following week she wins a special veto competion power. Come on production you r really working it for ratings.
Much as I dislike Danielle’s previous premature moves, I think she is playing much better now. Imagine manipulating Jeff by telling him he was safe and Shelly was safe. Striking a deal with Brendon and Rachel. I never believed for a minute that Danielle will stick to any of her deals. She is just doing what she has to do to survive! The veterans are destroying themselves without anyone’s help. Despite, being the strongest alliance in the game—-they cannot win HOH and now, Jeff throws the veto when winning it means keeping the alliance intact for next week! Now, Jeff might be backdoored and he will be pissed off but, cannot stop it if it happens!
Jeff is winning all the money he can because he knows the whole thing is rigged for Danielle to win. That was obvious from the moment Dick left and she received the first golden key. It is also why she was not afraid to turn on vet alliance!
i agree its rigged for her i would like to see jeff and jordon make it to the final two
Call me naive, but I really just dont by into the rigging thing, if it was rigged for dani brendon wouldnt have gotten back into the house, even though he will be leaving right away. she got the golden key because the first four people separated from their partners were going to receive it, evel dick (and it is evel dick not evil) knocked the game back a week when he had to leave
Sorry, I do not buy the rigging either. Each of the other house guests like Jordan, Jeff, Rachel, Brendon and even Shelly have fan bases so, will lose a lot of viewers if they were to rig it for one house guest. The veterans have just been bumbling idiots for not winning HOH, and now, Jeff throwing away veto when he could have guaranteed the veterans alliance intact for next week?
I agree and thought the same thing. It was rigged when they won it the first time. America didn’t like them as much as they said. No way could Dani of got this far.. she’s not that smart and she’s really played the game poorly. even her dad thinks so, but it don’t matter have bad of a player she is. she will win.
O.K, CBS, what is wrong with you! You throw in this Floater Key for Dani, plots an alliance against her previous alliance, and now your just giving her HoHs! I think that they should make fair comps. and to not rig all these wins in TD’s favor! While Rachael is crying her eyes out, America is getting bored because she’s been doing it 2 weeks straight! Do something! TD is just sitting there laughing! We need a B/R/J/J/S HoH, because it’s getting boring, CBS! Don’t you want those precious ratings?
O.K, CBS, what is wrong with you! You throw in this Floater Key for Dani, plots an alliance against her previous alliance, and now your just giving her HoHs! I think that they should make fair comps. and to not rig all these wins in TD’s favor! While Rachael is crying her eyes out, America is getting bored because she’s been doing it 2 weeks straight! Do something! TD is just sitting there laughing! We need a B/R/J/J/S HoH, because it’s getting boring, CBS! Don’t you want those precious ratings? I know you love them!
you’re horribly wrong america is sick of rachel not dani, dani is the only one in the house getting things done. br/jj were just picking off the noobs like they deserve to win more than the people who havent already had a chance….that was boring…dani made the game interesting because she wanted to do away with the vet alliance. For those saying she should have gotten jeff out instead of being afraid of him need to realize jeff wasnt really ever her target, she wanted him out when br had the hoh because she wanted the alliance broken up, because it was best for HER game, if jeff and jordan had the hoh that week she would have gone after brendon since hes the biggest threat in the house. when she had the hoh she had enough guts to go after the biggest threat, and won the battle, and now shes doing it again. When hes gone she’ll go after rachel and THEN jeff….jeff hasnt done jack all season other than work with people more worried about making sure a vet wins than they are about making sure they win Dani is the only vet looking out for herself, and anyone who thinks its all rigged is just upset that jj/br are losing their power
Dani admitted that CBS/production wants her to win so she is listening to everything they tell her because she said she does not want to go against them. (production) I take that as if you play be my rules we will see to it that you make it to the end no matter if they rig the competitions to make Dani win. Look back at the competitions when her back was against the wall she mysteriously pulled a rabbit out of her/CBS hat when the odds were against her. I agree I would really like to see how Big Brother would really play out if production didn’t involve their swaying tactics and just let it happen. With a great cast, things could be real fun on their own!
feather once again you are an idiot dani never said production is helping her, coaching, or that they want her to win…spread your lies somewhere else
I read it on the blogs and people who watch the show 24/7 made the statement and it is posted on the web. Just read it this morning so please do not continue to call names because you are obviously what you are calling others.
Admin – please delete this bribo person as it is obvious he is unable to play nice with others.
Daniel acts like they have control til the end of the game…dream on Daniel…..cant wait til rachel Jeff or shelly are HOH and get her out and knock her down to size…..Cant stand Coweater, and her bottom lip can go with her and take zit face Porche with you she looks like she smells nasty go….Brenden, Rachel, Shelly, j&j!
Bribo I disagree. CBS putting Brendon back plays to Danielle’s advantage. Brendon had previously tried to get Danielle to backdoor Jeff. The only way to get JJ and BR out of the game is to get them to turn on each other. That is exactly what is happening. Bringing Dom back would not have accomplished this. No one is positive that Dom would have teamed up with Danielle again. You are right that the golden key was set up for partners who left game. How convenient that Dick had to leave. Had Dick stayed in the game there is no way Danielle would have received a golden key. If she and Dick were nominated in the couple period Damielle would have been evicted and Duck would have gotten the golden key. If they were not nominated and Dick took her to final two Dick would have won. The way it has gone down is exactly what was needed for Danielle to have any chance of winning!
if dani hadnt won hoh (which she was lucky to win in the first place) jj/br wouldnt have turned on eachother, and would have worked together to get dani out….there would have been no need for all the bs we’re seeing. they know dani wants jeff and brendon out, and that hasnt turned them against eachother, along with rachel big fat lying mouth…dom absolutely would have worked with dani again, because jeff jordan and rachel never would have worked with him. The game is not rigged in danis favor, you are just upset shes still in the house, period. Rigging the game would lead to a lot of lawsuits, and cbs doesnt operate in a way that leads to publicized lawsuits….
I am not upset Danielle is still in the house.
I actually like the drama she brings.
In fact I do not favor any of the house guests
over another. I watch the show because I
like the catiness and drama. I simply call it the
way I see it. Do you know Dom personally?
How do you know he would have teamed up
with Danielle again? Teaming up with her the
first time got h evicted. Perhaps you are the one
who is biased toward a certain house guest rendering
yourself incapable of providing an objective opinion.
lol kay the only thing in that comment that wasnt an objective opinion is was the part about dom, but it makes sense that he would team up with dani because jj/br hated him, and probably wouldnt want him on their side seeing as how they wouldnt be able to trust that he wasnt secretly be back with dani. and Dani didnt get him voted out, jeffs inability to deal with gameplay did, he expected dom to run to him with danis plans, while forgetting that brendon and rachel didnt tell him about it either. It didnt make sense for them to blame dom for danis plans without blaming brendon and rachel…..they honestly should have blamed no one but dani anyway. I like jeff and jordan and wouldnt mind seeing them win, so I dont have a total bias towards dani, I just think people are ripping on her too much for what has recently been good gameplay. I’m sorry if I offended you in anyway I just think Dani deserves some positive credit
Sorry meant Bribo not bilbo. Lol.
I’m with everyone on Rachael getting evicted but not before getting Brenden out this week. Hopefully Rachael wont win HoH cause if she does everyone will be kissing up to her. But on the other hand Big Brother is about creating drama and Rachael is the biggest drama queen in the house
I do see manipulation by production in favor of Rachael and Dani. Brendon was brought back for Rachael to keep her together so she can get further. Just saying…I think production wants Dani to win only because of her father Dick as he is well liked. Dani admitted that production wants it this way…meaning for her to win while they are coaching her….I don’t have any favorites just saying what the obvious is and going on what Dani said out loud.
feather you’re an idiot spread you lies somewhere else
I don’t believe that Dani is her fathers daughter. Dani isn’t dum she’s smart she knows how to work the crowd. I didn’t hear her say production is coaching her however I wouldn’t put it past her. I missed a little bit and am trying to catch up on things.
Now the part with Rachael I do somewhat believe cause that girl is a emotional wreck and without Brenden she’ll go off the deep end possibly like Shima did when Jesse got evicted a few years ago.
shelly told adam not to take the veto I hate danelle and her valcanos on her face and what is going on with her eye brows I hate everything about her she is a mean fake girl she’s only nice to people she wants something from buddies with the hoh and its funny mine and my boyfriends relationship is just like jeff and jordens lol
tabitha she may be mean, and you may be jealous that shes prettier than you, but Dani knows what she is doing, she made a BIG mistake a couple of weeks ago, but turned it back around, and NO ONE saw it coming.I’m not saying I want her to win (even though I’ve been defending her to no end) but she has had the best game the past couple of weeks, and deserves what she is getting as a result…Evel Dick was evil and mean (and I’ll throw in ugly to better you insecurities) but he deserved to win because he had the best mental game…same here with dani…but I wouldnt mind seeing jj win because I like them too
people seem to forget this is a game, and think that the way people play the game is the way people are in real….I challenge any of you to go into that house act be yourself for the entirety of your stay….Dani is mean because being mean wins.
sorry there were a lot of typos in there
I like Dani. I do believe that she will make it to the final 4 as long as she takes the right people with her like Kaila. Call me crazy but she could make it if she continues with her plans and that’s getting Brenden out once and for all then Jeff and Rachael.
Big Brother Top 5 Myths:
5. MYTH: Jordan doesn’t need the money.
5. TRUTH: EVERYONE needs the money!
4. MYTH: Shelly could care less if she wins or not.
4. TRUTH: She wants people to “THINK” she doesn’t care. If she lasts two more weeks, expect a major “holy cow” move from her.
3. MYTH: Kalia has no chance of winning.
3. TRUTH: Kalia (and everyone on planet earth) beats Porsche.
2. MYTH: Dani’s constant claim that (to her) “It’s only a game and not personal.”
2. TRUTH: Of course it’s a game! But (excluding Brendon and Rachel) Dani takes things “more personally” than anyone else in the house. It’s just that she’s pretty good at hiding it.
1. MYTH: Jordan is clueless.
1. TRUTH: As anyone who watches the live feed can tell you, Jordan notices EVERYTHING! She is ALWAYS “spot on” when analizing what others are thinking and what their move(s) will be. She has amazing intuition and common sense.
very nice post :)
Thank you MURF. very interesting !
100 % agree on “Jordan has good intuition”.
I also agree with Jordan’s intuition as she is all ears and eyes and does seem to “feel things” by instinct that others do not and goes with her gut. I have this abililty as well and can relate. Now for all you haters, please allow people to state their opinions without attacking pne another.
Bribo I agree people are ripping Danielle to much. I also think they are ripping all of the house guest way to much. I don’t know Dom and don’t know what he would have done. He could have totally tried to form his own alliance without Danielle. He was unpredictable as were Cassie and Keith. Brendon however was not unpredictable. He went back in and right away pretended to still be with JJ and as soon as Danielle won HOH tried to get her to back door Jeff. Same as before. I still feel certain things have been set up to give Danielle an advantage. So far she has played the game very unwisely. I have nothing against her and if she wins more power to her. If she does win with the people who will be I’m the jury house then no one will ever convince me that this show is not rigged for a particular outcome. As to your bringing up lawsuites. I agree CBS would be to smart to not cover their butts. However I do believe they have the knowledge and power to do so and still rig the outcome. Just my opinion.
I dont think dani will win, although she might make it to final four. I agree with the people who say that they try and influence people in the DR, but I dont believe they can get away with all out rigging it…(theres was a big uproar about game show rigging in the 50s and it didnt work out well for the networks) I dont think they are dumb enough to try it again. I agree with you that things worked out in her favor with brendons return, but I feel as though it would have been different had she not won hoh, and believe she was lucky to win it, and youre right dom may have tried to set up his own alliance, and I could be off the mark with that. In the end as long as brendon, rachel, and Porsche dont win I will be happy with the season. haha I might add in the beginning adam kind of annoyed me and I wanted him out, but I have completely turned on that
The reason they do not specifically tell us viewers what will actually happen and the reason the polls are taken down for them “to count votes” (as an example) is so production can manipulate the outcome and get away with it which leaves the outcome completely open to suggestions and doesn’t lock them in – avoiding lawsuits because they were not specific and therefore cannot be held to “they said”.
feather, they dont tell us what the twists are because its more suspenseful that way, they take the polls down because eventually the voting needs to stop, you take the rigging conspiracy to a very illogical, unintelligent level. The events she won she kicked ass in, except the latest hoh where she was lucky…but believe it or not luck can happen in real life as well…and it wasnt just dani that won hoh on luck, jordan had that lucky putt to win hoh, granted the other vets threw the comp once she took the lead, but she had that lucky shot that gave her the lead, luck has always been a big part of big brother. The others have had at least logical reasons for believing the game is rigged….you have lies
Bribo, it will come out that I am correct so get off it already and quit calling me a liar.
ok I’ll take what you just said about reading online as truth, You are reading it, you don’t know for sure it was said, now I will say this, and its meant kindly if what you read is true it was grossly taken out of context, and embellished. If she had said that production wants her to win and is coaching her on how to win so shes just going to do what they tell her to do, that right there will indeed spark a lawsuit there would be no protection, and hypothetically if it were true, it would make her agreement with production null and void, thus even if it is true that they are rigging it like that she never would announce it even if she was alone when she said it. A lot of people would have heard it and there would be more people talking about it on here. She may have made a cocky comment, but nothing to that extreme, and there would be zero truth behind it
My thoughts on Dani and K alliance is: Dani is using K and K is so dumb that she thinks she is in control while HOH which between her logic and trying to appear an a player not a floater she chickened out after Jeff made his threat..I think Brendon will be put in place of Adam because Dani thinks Rachel gets so down when Brendon is not around she can take her out..the only real players in the game are J/J using their head for something besides a hat rack.
feather, I dont know where your posts are, they are coming into my e-mail on my phone but I cant find them on here, but heres what I have to say to you….You are an idiot. Dani has never said anything about production helping her and wanting her to win, or that they want it this way, so one of three things is happening here, either you misheard what she said, not likely. You misunderstood what she said, not likely. Or you are a complete and total liar. First of all, lets say that against ALL likelyhood the game is rigged in danis favor, and she knows about ti….she would never be dumb enough to state it out loud around people or alone…. For this reason alone I am 99.9% sure you are a liar. the reserved .1 percent is in case you are mistaken. People come on here to read each others opinions, and to debate, not to lie…get real
Well she did!
You are certainly an angry person because you have attacked several people verbally already and as you stated earlier “People this is only a game.” Sounds like you are not living by what you say if you think it is okay to call people names. Get off it already.
The commenting rules state that you are to debate intelligently and insulting other commentators will result in removal and possible ban.
Anyone who is signed in can add their opinion thus the reason you are receiving information so if you do not want responses going to your phone email, then you shouldn’t have used it in the first place….just saying. I didn’t search you out just to take up your cell phone minutes! Huhhh
As I have said before – the producer herself said that Dani will win. Whether or not they are coaching her is another story – she wouldn’t be dumb enough to mention it at all if it were true. If Dani breaks away from Kalia, I would like her much better but as of now can’t stand the way she talks about other people on show.
On another note, I am praying she will nominate Rachael but I know she wouldn’t be that smart but I would not want to be around Rachael if Brendon is nominated. Even though I would love to see both of them leave I think Dani might put Jeff on block. Hopefully not. Too bad she doesn’t put up Porshe but oh well, maybe she needs this total floater.
Awww, Jordan looks so cute. Is she a fairy princess? LOL
Shes a Dunce…Didn’t you read her hat! Couldn’t be more fitting for her
I love Jordan , she looks super cute in the tard. I LOVE BB it is the best show on TV. I hope that When Adam takes himself off that Shelly gets the vote out . Even tho I love shelly.
Does Kalia ever stop talking???? And she always talks with her mouth full, so gross. I was nearly hysterical when she told Danielle that she goes in beauty pageants because she is a good speaker, and that she has no butt–omigod girl, look in a mirror!!! Oh, and I love Jejo–hope they win.
Everyone on the show has the problem of talking with their mouth’s full. The girls seem to be so much worse than the guys. I know they can’t hear it like the viewer, but when they start opening plastic bags of chips and then start chomping down it is like nails on a chalk board. I loved watching them eat the corn on the cobb and picking their teeth. Certainly someone brought dental floss? I guess I shouldn’t complain, I am still watching. It is so hard to look away from a train wreck, right?
iam with you i hate hearing them eat lot of the time i changr the channel for awhile i hate it,when they all wake up and start eating those chips are the worst!
She can not think for her self either. Maybe if she would quit listening to others and quit lying about how wonderful she is. I wouldn’t mind her so much.
Jeff wants the money… gets the money.. ends up being future targets… the same thing happened in BB11, Jeff putting himself in danger.
Was it mention before… production never learn… bringing back evictee is a wasted twist.. , they are evicted for a reason, people no longer wants to see them in the game, now they came back, next week pufff only hardbroken to find out Adios your out of the door again.
You would think but then stupid voters bring him back..No wonder this country is going to crap America doesn’t know who to vote for in office or Reality TV
If u noticed, the online voting showed that only Domenic and Cassie had the majority of the votes (40% or more each!) That means that the texters with their ability to “power text” as in American Idol did it AGAIN!! They just like to shake up the viewers with their ability to place thousands of votes with one text! Happened last season on Idol! STOOOOPID!!
as soon as brenden left i knew they were going todo something to bring him back he was the first vet to leave they ahd to kiss rachel behind and let her get her boyfriend back. I think it is too bsd that they brought bak the vets the newbies are here just to be their puopets and get evicted. no matter how much everyone is sick and tired of rachel and do not like her they keep her in anyway and she will be one of the last one standing no matter what she does and the end it will be the vets tanding the newbies will all be out and tat is too bad because the vets have already had their time and they took away all the newbies chance of winning who shouild be the one playing in the first place
notice how when they were opartnersx the newbies left and whne the vets had the majority all of a sudden no more partners it is all rigged i bet it would be different if they olny had vets in there instead of half newbies with no experience and the vets with all the experience and but they seem to favor rachel last year and this year too i wonder what she does to bb producer to make sure she stays in. She must really need the money because she is also on the bride of beverly hills.Well if eventually she leaves it will be the berst day on bb No more phoney tears and temper tantrums
(how old is she 5) I wish she would leave but she wont bb will make sure she stays.It didn\t matter who america voted for i knew it would be brenden that would win I am sure he hardley got any votes . Do you not notice that when the vets enter a competition and the newbiesx are winning they go to commercial and when they come back the vets some how won the competition
America voted Brendon back because Rachel was up and just think about it…how funny would it have been to see Rachels face when she found out that after she was evicted that she was going to have to compete AGAINST Brendon…one would have stayed and the other one would have left. That would have been priceless!!!! But the Lawon talked everyone into voting for him to be evicted…now you have Brendon and Rachel back TOGETHER again…how sweet ( YUCK!)
Can’t believe Brachal are in the house this year both of them are cry babies.At least she’s not laughing all the time ,I don’t know which is worse her crying or laughing.I’m pretty sure the world is tired of her thinking she runs the house all of the time. When she looses a competition she throws a fit like a 2 year old. I have watched every season and this one has been the most trying one yet to stay with. Maybe if Dick would have been able to play they would be out by now.
Does anyone know who replaced Adam on the block?
no idea. i think we will find out monday or tuesday
Shelly needs to go! and then Dani and Kalia!
Dani and Kalia don’t need to go. Rachel/Brendon are terrible and need to exit as soon as possible. Dani has played her ass off with a huge target the last several weeks. Why America voted for Brendon to come back I’m still confused about. They are for sure the most annoying couple in BB history and possibly ever! Shelly has no clue how to play the game and will put herself in position for sure eviction if she continues to side with the couples.
Randall you are absolutly correct! Go Team Dani
Oh!know she’s using her newbies to help her throu . She hasn’t played the game alone. If Kalia didn’t do her dirty work- which by the way didn’t work. Kalia is in it for as long as she can use Dani to take her. She knows she and Dani are the target and K will side with the Veterans to get her out.
i agree sarah
right I cant stand Shelly or Kalia
I agree with all three exiting the game. America loves Brendon and Rachel so get over it. He got the most votes so stop complaining and enjoy watching how it all plays out.
just another loser brenchel lover….whatever! Neither will go far
america does not love brendon or rachel ur an idiot if u think that just cuz brendon came back doesnt mean jack
Noone likes Brendon & Rachael, they are 2 pathetic sad losers. However; I figure the producers want them both to be in the jury house and take a guess as to why. I mean Rachael has absolutely no moral compass & honestly it seems to me it embarasses Brendon, by the way he pushes her away evertime she tries to mount him she is very aware of the camera’s.
I like Brendon & Rachal. So much drama & I’m all about the drama.
Shelly does need to go, i think Dani will be better off to get her off, she is playing both sides of the house no matter what she says she did make deal with both sides of the house
Agreed! Did they have the Veto ceremony yet?
you say shelly playing both sides what about BR they are playing what ever side any lie they can tell. Then Rach big lie about Jeff making adances at her. Rach opens mouth and its just lie lie. After what she said about Jeff I really cant stand her at all Jordan is so sweet and Rach is so evil. I just hope Dani backdoors Rach please Dani
Somehow I missed the part about R saying that Jeff hit on her when did all this come down, thanks
I must need a hearing aid because I didn’t hear that either or all the lies Rachel is telling.
People Seriously…Think about who is actually playing the game. Danielle! She is playing..Jordan and Jeff are eye candy. They don’t deserve to win because they are nice, sweet and cute togther. That is for the Bachelor and Bachelorette not Big Brother. Dany is doing a great job and I only hope she gets rid of Shelly, Then Adam, Then Jeff. Porshe sucks. She is the ultimate floater and Brenchel is just annoying but at least Rachel plays the game. The best thing would be for Rachel and Dany to work toghether and get to the last two then its just the choice between two great gamers. Not stop hating on the actual players~!
right on
I completely agree! Even though Brendon and Rachel are irratating to watch, at least they play the game. And although I like Jordan, she is the ultimate floater! She won 500k during her season of big brother for being a floater! I will be pissed if she gets it again! She always rides on Jeff’s coat tails! I think that Dani and Rachel should work together also.. No one would ever even suspect them working together cause they don’t like each other very much!
HaHaHa kalia thinks she is all that and I am sick of the dkp trio running that household. They should have gotten rid of R when they had the chance she will turn on them faster than they can realize.
Maybe so but Jeff and Jordan have no game what so ever…At least Dani is playing
Thank You!! I agree!
nothing more too say just wanted to change my name
This is a whole new game!!! Somehow I see a B name going home. That’s if someone doesn’t get to her to change her mind. I think J/J & R aren’t going to be too happy Thursday night.
I think it will be Shelly going home now that everyone knows of her lies.
This is a whole new game!!! Somehow I see a B name going home. That’s if someone doesn’t get to D to change her mind. I think J/J & R aren’t going to be too happy Thursday night.
I think that it is obvious, that America likes Jeff and Jordan so much, that we were willing to vote back in Brendon just to help them out.