Last night on Big Brother 13 we saw Rachel win HoH again and keep the power with the Vets. Tonight they’ll continue their domination of Big Brother as they pick the Newbs off one by one. Rachel has made her nominations and if you read my Nomination Anticipation post, then you won’t be surprised at the results. Read on for the spoilers.
Big Brother 13 Week 3 Nominations:
- Dominic
- Adam
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What do you think of Rachel’s nominations? Is second time the charm?
The Power of Veto competition will be held very soon, likely Saturday, so stay close and keep checking in for those spoilers too. Join us on Facebook and get our free email updates to find out as soon as the Veto results are in.
Hopefully they stay on the block this time! I don’t care for Adam or Dominic and really don’t care which one leaves. I think it’s more dangerous to give Dominic they last golden key because he has better game play than Adam.
This week’s godlen key doesn’t have any real significance. The holder will be eligible to go on the block the following week.
Lawson should be put on block he has not been doing much.
Don’t get me wrong I love Jeff and Jordan but I don’t feel that bringing old players back especially ones that won is very fair. I like dom he seems pretty real. Rachel is just jealous and annoying really I would’ve liked to have seen cassi go further. I would’ve liked to see how well she fought. I dang sure don’t care to see anymore b&r Rachel may be good competitor but I can’t stand to listen to her rants and jealousy. Brendon stop treating her like a child Rachel stop acting like ur a spoiled brat obviously ur not the best game player u didn’t win ur season keep up with the way ur acting and guess what we wont be seeing u win this one either.
I agree… I really don’t like Rachel and was hoping that Jordan & Jeff would nominate her and Brendan last week. I really liked Cassi and would’ve liked to see where she went
As long as Jeff and Jordan don’t get back doored. They better win the power of veto.
I like Jeff and Jordan, but for entertainment I personally wouldn’t mind them getting back doored. I think it would be funny to see Jeff go off on everyone. Can you imagine the drama leading up to eviction day? So for some good entertainment (especially on After Dark) I would want to see a back door. Sorry for JJ, but it would be funny as hell! It’s just a game lol.
When the time comes, I’m going to enjoy seeing Jeff get backdoored (if it happens) I still haven’t forgiven him for backdooring Russel which eventually led to nasty knatalie getting second place behind Jordan. If Jeff kept his word nasty knat goes home broke. She was the worst competitor to ever get to the final two, and it was all Jeff’s fault.
If you recall Russell said on the final show that if Jeff wouldn’t of backdoored him first he would of backdoored Jeff.
not surprised at all! Poor dani, she needs dom to help her to the end! Very glad they didnt backdoor jeff & jordan. Doms only chance is to win pov and keila & lawon take his place. If not bye dom.
I agree. I hope Dom goes home. He’s a total phony.
goodbye adam! Dream Crusher Alliance is gonna Crush your dream of making jury.
Brenchel and Daninic are gonna steamroll through the house. with Porche carrying their bags. if they can keep it together, who can stop them? Jeff? i think any of the 4 could beat him.
J&J better watch out, if Dom and Adam do come off the block by adam winning veto, Brenchel not gonna waste a nom on kalia and Lawon, so that leaves J&J
I like Dominic. I hope he stays.
i totally agree, him and Dani make a good “duo”
why not?? only the strong should survive and in my opinion the strongest players are Brendan, Rachel, Dani and Dominic, next strongest would be Jeff, the rest are floaters(Jordan, Adam, Shelly, Kalia, Porche and Lawon) and should be evicted asap
Jordan is not a floater and Shelly was smart game playing from the beginning when she formed an alliance with the two power couples!!! I wouldn’t call that a floater.
Dani is the biggest floater. All she does is run around talking in everyones ear. She hasn’t even competed in anything yet. That’s not a strong player.
Actually Dani is setting herself up perfectly because she is talking to everyone. She will be able to basically pick which alliance her and Dom will join when the time comes. Also, if you watched season 8 you know that she is incredible at comps. Adam will be going home if the noms stay the same as of right now and that will be because of Danielle’s game play.
I’ve watched all the seasons and have them on dvd. I said Daniele has done nothing now as far as competing and she is floating around to everyone, that’s what a floater is. She is not sticking to one alliance.
She doesn’t need to pick an alliance right now as she is safe regardless. She’s just setting things up for the future. Dani is 2 steps ahead of almost everyone in that house and is one of the few people actually setting herself up for when they go to singles.
It’s more like “Temporary Floating”. lol
Karen, how can you hold the fact that Dani hasn’t competed in any competitions against her? She got the golden key before any competitons were held. Wasn’t her fault Dick left. I don’t care for Dani, but come on..
Wayne I’m not holding it against her I’m just saying for right now she hasn’t done anything but float. I’m anxious to see her compete finally. And hopefully everyone will start to realize she’s been talking in everyones ear and she has to go.
I hope it stays the same and Dominic goes home.
I hope they don’t win the POV and Dominic goes home. Dani will be in everyones ear to keep him. Rachel and Brendon need to wake up and see what Daniele is doing.
Karen, I agree. Dom’s gotta go.
I liked Dominic in the beginning then after a few DR sessions he seems so full of himself. I know he was fighting to stay in the last POV but I can’t stand when they act so cocky. That’s one of the many reasons Rachel gets on my last nerve.
Dani will say & do whatever for Dom to stay. She was trying to tell Rachel last night that she thinks Adam knows Big Bro past seasons for trivia/quiz 100% and he is not winning yet on purpose. He hasnt had to. Dani thinks Dom is no threat/she can get him on her team/etc.
Rachel and Brendon wouldnt dare backdoor Jordan or Jeff at this stage, because the one that stays would get golden key and be safe to exact revenge.Rachel is history as soon as any Newbie gets hoh, the whole house hates Brenchel, they are trash talking, and Condescending towards all the other HG, America hates them even more this time, they have no social game, and they act like H.S. kids….I look fwd to “that” eviction, will have a Martini in Rachel’s Memory!
And I’ll join you with that drink. LOL
LOl- Me 2
I’ll drink to that as well.
Jeff and Jordan better start packing their bags, after watching the feeds just now, I am convinced more than ever that the devious duo that is Brendon and Rachel are definitely going to backdoor them. Dani, Brendon and rachel are putting the plan together right now. That means they will kill to win that veto tomorrow, so they can use it to take off Dominic and Adam. If they do backdoor J&J, Jeff will go off on them. Should be interesting.
That would be a stupid move…just another person to come after them if they did that.
Jeff and jordan are americas couple most r watching this season cuz of them people in the house love them and just like their season they will get off jeff before her cuz they think she cant win nothing but hey it won her half a million so i say do ur thing girl. Why is no one putting up kaila and Lawson? And no matter what any of u say that Jordan’s a floater who cares floater or not she won her season game play means nothing every single winner has had a different game play. And Danielle isn’t a floater she can’t do anything cuz of BB but her season she got put on the block countless times and won practically every pov. Brenchel is just retarded they are so fake she’s such an idiot and Brendon lord man up grow some.
yes there is hop[e tht kalia nd lawon could go up which is good cause it will throw off there numbers hopefully next week dom wins hoh forcing him 2 nominate brenchel which is good. lol forcing
Everybody is so sure that the first newbee to win will put up Rachel and Brendon. That’s a suckers move. The first one of BR to go will be back doored. Also, it won’t be a newbee that does it, and it won’t happen for at least 3 or 4 weeks down the road. They are much too scared. Dom talks big, but deep down he’s a mama’s boy and a fool, also, he’s likely going home this week unless he wins POV again. JJ & BR are gonna figure out what dani is up to. Just wait and see if they don’t.
I sure hope they figure it out before it’s too late.
It is still too early for the veterans to peel
off and after this weeks eviction, there would
be ten houseguests left. Those with the golden
key, Porsche, Shelly and Danielle will be able
to compete in the next HOH. The new house guests
strategy should be simple should the veterans
backdoor each other. They can join in the feeding
frenzy if someone is backdoored and loses a partner, that veteran will be going after the others who put them up if he/she wins HOH. If they
join the HOH then, they break up the veterans
and increase their chances to advance! That would
be a stupid move of the veterans to backdoor each
other at this stage of the game. The new house guests if they are smart will figure out easily that their best chance is going after the remaining
veterans if they backdoor and send each other home!
I hope Kalia and/or Lawon win the Veto. They’d be smart to use it, because it would even the numbers. I love Jordan, but Jeff is dragging her down this season.
what is your problem with Jeff?
If Lawon & Kaila play for and win POV, then use it to take Dominic & Adam off the block, Rachel has to put J&J up for eviction. There are no other pairs to nominate this week.
Anything to avoid a final four of Brenchel and J&J works for me.
If Kalia or Lawon win one competition between them all summer it will be because the reat of the housemembers all died of food poison. Kalia or lawon win the veto this week!? Lmao.
Rachel and Brendon think they are running this house, but Dani is the one controling what is really going on. She has everyone on her side and is pretty much getting everyone else to do her dirty work. I can’t wait for her to get rid of that key so we can see what she can do in competitions against brendon and rachel. And Porche seriously needs to go.
When is the veto competition?
Sunday night or monday morning.
I agree, Dani is playing the game the best. Must have got good ideas from her dad. She needs to continue with what she is doing. I kinda hope her and Dom really do hook up. Porche so needs to go. How blonde does Rachel need to be?
How could she not be playing well? She’s been on easy street since day one. Without ED, dani will be a big disappointment. She is vastly overrated.
I have to agree with wayne in the fact that Dani has not been put to the test. During her season it was ED that knew how to play well and drug her along for the ride. Once it’s singles then we will see. The first HOH she wins will provide proof of whether or not she’s a good minipulator.
That’s the only gameplay she has right now. She is the one causing friction between J&J and B&R. I agree, we don’t know how she will handle herself in competitions, but I really hope she will be someone who is capable of beating brenchel at SOMETHING. I am tired of them winning everything.
Next week Dani will be able to compete for HOH and if she wins I wonder who she would put up??? Another one I’m anxious to see if they can compete is Porsche. She did well in the first HOH. She is another snake they need to get rid of. In Rachels ear last night telling Rachel she is there to help her and Brendon win…OMG I wanted to throw up.
Nah, looks like she’s working it off under the covers every night.
I know there disgusting.
What wedding I’ll win the lottery before brandon marry’s her!
I just have to take a moment to defend Daniele from all of the people calling her a “floater.” She can’t help the situation that she’s in, but she’s done great to make the best of it. She’s playing the best social game out of anyone in the house, which is all she can do at this point. She’ll win comps soon enough.
Also, Rachel is totally aware of Daniele’s alliance with Dom. She even suggested to Dom that he and Daniele replace JJ. And she’s asked Daniele about her relationship with him on BBAD a couple of times. So I don’t think there will be much drama regarding Rachel vs Dani and Dom to be quite honest.
That’s her problem she’s playing too much of a social game. Talking game in everyones ear will eventually catch up to her and hopefully get her evicted.
I gotta say that I predict an either Jeff or Jordo win this season. They are the 2 smartest players in the house right now besides Daniele. Rachel’s mouth is gonna get her and her man evicted soon. Daniele won’t last very long once the 10 person barrier comes around, because she won’t have someone to truly do the dirty work for her like she had with her Dad. Dom won’t go the lengths that Dick would’ve. And the rest of the folks in the house aren’t even in the realm of Jeff and Jordan. I would’ve said it’s a Dick and Daniele season again if he would’ve stayed in the house, but alas that didn’t happen. My two favorite people in BB behind Mike and Boogie are in line for an easy time winning the prizes this year.
I looked at rachel and pucked my god she’s the most ugly bitch i ever seen,what a spoiled little tramp.
They are planning on backdooring jeff/jordan bc rachel is a whiny brat and she didn’t get picked when jordan wins a luxury comp. For someone who is so concerned with america hating her, why would she backdoor a couple of americas sweethearts (why may be faking their sweet relationship for the show)?? She sucks and is an ugly person and I hope anyone but her wins!! And jeff for americas fave just to really piss off the ugly hurricane brenchel!!
I am just wondering with all the speculation in the comments here has anyone remembered that there is to be a game changing twist coming up?
Yep there sure is and I think someone is coming back. Usually whoever is evicted is on the Early show the next morning for an interview and neither of them were interviewed for the Early show.
I dislike Adam and while I don’t really dislike Dominic, I just think he’s really full of himself and the thing of it is, he’s really not that good! The way he was carrying on after he had won the POV the last time, you would have thought he had won the entire game and not just some routine competition. I would rather have Adam go home even if it means Dominic getting the golden key since, like others have commented, it doesn’t mean as much now further into the game. Adam is a blittering idiot as far as I’m concerned, you would never know he was such a big fan of the show considering how poorly he’s doing. I thought it was funny when he said that while he looks like a Harley guy (to me he looks more like a Harley guy wannabe) you’d be more likely to see him riding “bitch” on a motorcycle (his exact word, not mine) because he didn’t learn to ride a bike til he was in his 20’s.
In Rachel’s defense, while I do think she really needs to tone it down and not be so confrontational with the other houseguests like she was with Cassie (for no good reason), I can’t help but want her to stay in the house because she is entertaining to watch! Last season, it got really boring after she had left the house, in my opinion.
Well if Dom doesn’t win the POV he definitely be going bye bye, the Brenchel’s are very scared of him and they should be, but they need to watch out for all the other players cause they have got to know that if any of the newbees win that they are coming after them, lets face it the Brenchel are good or at least Rachel is good at winning games. If they don’t get these two (Brenchel) eliminated they will win the game.
I Like Rachel and brendon so glad Cassi is gone she brought all that on herself and Rachel is not jealous of cassi the fact is cassi had no game she should have been smart and teamed up with the vets she would still be there. She was so annoying with all the whinning and crying when she was on the block talking about her brother in prison well he had a choice thats why he is in prison. So Glad cassi is Gone!!! Go Rachel and brendon the best game players physically and mentally.
I think the reason evicted players are not on today show is because Julie is no longer on show. Who else would care about what they had to say?
I am really disappointed in BB this season. The newbies have really been overshaddowed by Brenchel and Jeff/Jordan and they are not showing much of the others at all. Jordan already won so she shouldn’t be there at all. I’d be really mad if I was one of the newbies. What’s with the golden key?? Jordan isn’t too bright…she should of got Brenchel out of there which makes me think it’s scripted….
IN YOUR DREAMS!! No chance in h— will they win!!!
I think the newbies need to get rachel on the block next week. They need to try a little harder
Don’t use the veto, and send Dominic packing!
i agree with the nominations for the 2nd straight week and adam will be going home and i’m glad although i like adam he’s kind of shady and dominic and danielle will make a good team.
Personally, I do think that Rachel is whiney but she’s also a good competitor. She & Brendon are very good at gameplay & strategy. I don’t really think Jeff or Jordan has what it takes to win the season. I don’t even think Jordan really did much to deserve her previous win either to be honest. People just want to play the “good vs. evil” card instead of focusing on the facts. I would like to see either Brenchel or Dani win bb13 because they’re putting in work to get there. Sorry but, coup de taut can’t save the day this time lol