Big Brother 13 Live Feeds: Week 3 Friday Highlights

A busy day in the Big Brother house with the food competition turned luxury comp and nominations ceremony.  Now that Rachel is back in power there is a good deal of game talk going on as some of the HGs rush to get upstairs to talk to dynamic duo. Keep reading to see who is NOT kissing ass and brown nosing to stay in the game this week.

Big Brother 13 Live Feed Highlights – July 22, 2011:

9:15 AM BBT –  Brendon, Shelly and Rachel are up in the kitchen talking about parking tickets and getting pulled over.  Brendon mentions them going to Ragan’s birthday party and Dani being there before the feeds go off.  I wonder how well Brenchel knew Daniele before coming into the house.

9:49 AM BBT – Rachel and Brendon are in the HOH arguing.  She said he belittles her when he brings up her flaws in front of other people.  She names specific instances where he has done that to her and he agrees it wasn’t right. Rachel didn’t pay a fine from some parking tickets and Brendon was asking her to go to the DR and take care of it.  He brought it up in front of the other hg’s and she is saying it hurt her feelings and blah blah blah.

10:38 AM BBT – Brendon tells Shelly that his sister wrote a letter to CBS blasting them for having his ex fiance on the show last year.  I can’t believe Brendon agreed to come on the show again, even for Rachel, after they showed his ex and the things she said about him.

10:55 AM BBT – Lawon is in the HOH with Brenchel telling them he’ll do whatever it takes and will work with them, that he knows it will be a vet who wins. Lawon is not very good at ass kissing.   Brenchel can tell he’s just telling them what they want to hear.

11:26 AM BBT – Porsche asks Rachel if she is sticking with her 4 person alliance and Rach says yes but it’s 5 with Dani.  She said they need Porsche’s help and asks if Porsche is there to the end.  P says yes.  Rach tells her she needs to win HOH.  P says she wants Kalia gone if she wins.  It sounds to me like P is getting a little worried since it’s almost time for her safety to be in jeopardy.

2:30 PM BBT – the feeds are back after being off for almost 3 hours and we find out pretty quick that Rachel is pissed because Jordan won the luxury comp and didn’t ask Rach to participate and they should have because she is HOH. Typical Rachel selfishness. Brenchel and Dom have a long discussion about JJ. They talk about back dooring them. Dom wants to win HOH next week and get Jeff out.  Rachel says Jeff made the first strike yelling at her after the pov comp and now Jordan is strike two.

3:12 PM BBT – Jordan, Jeff, Shelly and Kalia come downstairs from the HOH room where they have been watching the show Same Name which starts this week on CBS with David Hasselhoff who apparently stopped by and hung out with the hg’s after the comp.

3:40 PM BBT – Jordan and Shelly are talking about Rachel and what a poor loser she is.  Jordan says she doesn’t feel bad for Rach and that people are going to hate her.

4:00 PM BBT – Rach is telling Dani and Brendon that she is upset because she didn’t get to eat sushi during the Hoff show.  Dani says JJ is not part of the vets alliance and would definitely back door Brenchel.  JJ had that opportunity last week Dani and didn’t take it.

4:22 PM BBT –  Jeff is now in the HOH trying to smooth things over with Brenchel.  Rach tells him she’s not mad at them.  Rachel is NEVER real with anyone.  Why not tell Jeff she’s upset about not getting chosen?  I’m sick of her fake ass.

7:40 PM BBT – The feeds are back and Rachel has nominated Adam and Dominic.  No big surprise here.  Dom thinks he is safe as does Adam.

8:45 PM BBT – Brendon asks Danielle straight up if she thinks JJ will back door Brenchel and Dani says yes.  I’m thinking JJ could be the true target this week.  That will shake things up in the house lol.

12:30 AM BBT – Rachel soaking in the HoH tub and has a nip slip moment (NSFW) of her own. Considering her boobs spent more time out of her clothes than in last season I’m surprised it took this long.

1:30 AM BBT – Adam explains Big Brother fan sites to the HGs. Jeff wants to know if it’s possible to hear them peeing on the Live Feeds. Heck, Jeff, you can hear that on the live shows already! BBN isn’t Adam’s top pick, but he mentions us as the most detailed. I’ll take that as an “honorable mention” award.

Power of Veto competition should be coming up on Saturday so stay close by for all those spoilers. The Veto ceremony probably won’t be until Monday.

You can catch all of these Big Brother 13 events using the DVR-like feature of this year’s and past seasons’ Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored!

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  1. Jj are getting backdoored. Jordan needed to pick rachel for the luxury. Jj had a feeling brenchel was coming after them. I don’t understand why Jordan picked shelley and kalia. She knows how rachel is. A big baby.

    • Nah, I don’t think they’re going to backdoor JeJo just yet. They keep flirting w/ the idea but coming back to the fact that they still need them.

      It could happen, but I don’t think it’s very likely at all.

      And yeah, stupid of Jordan. She knows better. Always keep the HoH away from ear-benders as much as possible to protect yourself.

    • JJ need to back door Brenchel, or it will happen to them. They had the perfect oportunity last week and blew it. Rachel is hungry and if she isn’t fed soon, she will blow and probably unleash her anger on JJ. If Jordan goes and Rachel stays, I will stop watching. Big Brother has so gone downhill the last 3 seasons, I no longer buy the live feeds and rarely watch BBAD. So far this year have FF through most of the shows. I was so hoping CBS would redeem itself this year, but so far have been disappointed.

  2. Sick to DEATH of Rachel and Brendon. Couple of backstabbing whiners…how “in love” can they be when they every day it’s “you’re mean to me” and “you hurt my feelings.” GAG. I could smack Jordan for not back-dooring them. Her loyalty is going to bite her in the butt.

    • Agreed, I am a big fan of Jordan, but she lost some points with me when she didn’t kick out Rach. I would enjoy the show so much more without her.

      • But it would be so much more boring. The show is about conflict and Rachel gives us more of that then anyone.

  3. I agree with Beth & Lisa. Jordan should have put up Rachel & Brendon, then kicking out Rach because she is the better player (as well as being a whiner. One good thing is when she’s losing or getting chewed on she doesn’t do her asinine bray of a laugh). J & J will be leaving soon if Jordan doesn’t get a clue about Rachel. The rest of them are just taking up space. I don’t really know who to root for because it’s hard to care about any of them for the most part.

  4. I do not understand why last year Rachel was making such a big deal about floaters, yet everyone keeps Lawon and Kalia who are basically floaters. Rachel said Cassie had poor game play, I think Jordan wins that award, she should have backdoored Brenchel and shook up the whole house, then the respect would have came. Shelly and Proshe are another floaters, yet Rachel lines her self up with them WTF???

    • How is Porsche .. a floater? she was hanging longer then most of the newbies in week one hoh comp, after that she received a golden key… she floats how?

      • Your right she did do good on the 1st week HOH, but the newbies could have had so much power if they would have stuck together, they had the numbers and the vets saw the weekness in some Porshe,Adam and Shelly for sure were so quick to turn, and yes even with the golden key you should still be playing the game, even if its a mind game, Dani is, she has the golden key, but she has never stopped playing because she is safe, look how she got Dom? Dani right now even with the golden key is playing the best game. Thats the difference between floater and one who isnt.

      • If there was a choice between Porshe and Dani and you had to choose pick and alliance, who are you going with? Of course Dani, the one who has GK but still playing the game.

    • Rachel likes Shelly and Porshe because they tell her what she wants to hear. I was confused as to why she didn’t nominate Kalia and Luwan b/c they are floaters, but apparently she doesn’t fear them like she does Adam and Dominic. Kalia is just a big ‘ole beached whale who adds absolutely nothing to the game. Rachel really doesn’t want to play with the best players, as she says she does, or she wouldn’t have sent Cassi home. She can’t get along with pretty females, e.g. Cassi, she can get along with trampy girls like Porshe. Rachel and Porshe are H O R E S just like they say it on Springer!

    • If JJ backdoored Rachel/Brendon then, it
      would have been on but, the veterans will
      lose out by sheer numbers. Brendon or Rachel
      whoever gets left inside the house will try
      to win HOH and if he or she gets it will put
      up Jeff and Jordan in turn. The new house
      guests Cassie, Lawon, Kahlia, Shelly, Porche
      Dominic will then, overpower thru sheer
      numbers Danielle, Brendon and maybe, Jeff or
      Jordan. That would be the lamest result like
      last year’s fiasco with the brigade! The
      veterans were put in to improve game play and
      I like this season better because of it!
      Veterans should stick until it is down to 7
      or 8 then, they can peel off and backdoor each other! They would still have a better
      chance to win! As for the new house guests,
      they should be playing to win the competitions
      if they want to win this game!

  5. I admit I have a bit of a crush on Dom, so I’m rooting for him big time. And I like Dani, so the two of them make a perfect pair, imo. I like Jordan more this season, but only a little. The season Jordan won was one of the worst seasons of this show, ever. Jordan did not deserve that win. As much as I hated Natalie, there is no doubt she played the game more than Jordan. That season was the only one (besides The Friendship) that I didn’t have someone I was rooting for in the final two, although I can’t say I was completely bowled over by Lane or Hayden, either. If Rachel hates floaters so much, she should have put of Lawon and Kalia. No way they would have won the Veto. I can only hope that Dom and Adam win it and Rachel puts up JJ in their place. Or hopefully that’s the plan all along and it will be a true backdoor.

    • Rob I agree with all you say. JJ don’t have good game play and it will cost them. I do believe Rachel is gunning for them. They are they only couples left and it makes sense to strike first opportunity. Rachel has the balls to do it unlike Jordan. Jordan needs to go back to the kids table while gown up are present. Natalie told a stupid lie about her age that cost her the trust of her alliance thus votes. That is what I believe will happen with Shelly.

    • Rob, you are right. It all turned when Jeff broke his word to Russel and back doored him. Jeff doesn’t do that, he probably wins. For sure Natalie goes home with zero dollars.

      Let that be a lesson to all the back door your alliance members in the third week freaks. Loyalty wins in the end, not backstabbing.

    • Rob, I have a man crush on Dom also, he is just so damn hot and quite funny. I hope that he can pull it out this week(no pun intended) and not go home.

  6. Ugh! So sick of Brenchel…her pouting, FAKE sobbing with nary a squeezed tear, that whining (omg, enough already!) and the barbs to other hgs & don’t even get me started on “no n*ts wonderboy”. I know Jordan was looking at the numbers when Dom won the POV but it would have been risky. If Brenchel backdoor JJ… well, my reason for watching will be gone bc I really can’t get behind any of the newbies this year except maybe Shelley. The others are mostly brats or floaters. If we lose Jeff, I hope he’s the one BB bring back!

    • BR and JJ are going to the final four. You rachel haters crack me up. She is the whole show! I don’t want her to win, but at least she competes and gives it her all.

  7. If Rachel wanted to come back this season to show that she is a good person then when is she going to start showing it??? She needs to grow up. All her nasty little comments make me sick. Last night talking to Porsche about Jeff and Jordan saying they have been dating for 2yrs and not even engaged and they don’t even live together. That’s because she’s not a slut like you Rachel. And at least Jeff and Jordans relationship is healthy unlike yours and Brendons. Then she pouts because Jordan did not pick her in the luxury comp. GROW UP!!!

    • Karen, You said everything I have been thinking. Porscha is another “ok if you hate her I’ll hate her” and If you like her so will I” follower! She needs to get a grip thinking she’s all that.

    • Go Karren,I totally agree rachel needs to grow up she is a trashy person I really dislike her and I hope she goes home.

    • JJ relationship healthy? Didn’t look that way when he was “ordering and belittling her” during the POV comp. when she wanted to take two weeks of slop. ALL the people are disfunctional. That’s why they get picked. Some like JJ just hide it better. Jeff’s a dog and Jor is a dunce. Just cause she doesn’t do “it” on BB doesn’t mean she’s a lady.

      • Just because Jordan talks with the southern accent does not mean she’s a dunce. Just because she is a caring person with a heart does not mean she is a dunce. And as far as the POV, Jeff was trying to help her so she wouldn’t be on slop for two weeks. He was looking at the big picture and new she was too far behind to win so why take slop. Jeff at least respects Jordan and you can tell by the way she behaves that she is a lady. There’s no comparison when it comes to Rachel and Jordan. Slut vs. Lady. Anyone who has sex on live tv in my opinion is trash. Oh and then leave the dirty sheets…GROSS!!!

      • Karen,
        On seconded thought I’ll agree. I like Jor and Jeff and compasred to BR they are “normal” couple. I didn’t think she was dumb becasue of the accent, I thought she wasdumb for saying things like “i walk and chew gum all the time”. But, down deep she is a honey and a “nice” girl. Jeff’s a dog though!

      • Wayne those comments Jordan makes are what makes me like her so much. She is just so brutally honest.

    • Racheal is a whiny biatch, self-centered… can’t play BB any other way… when she went off into the bushes to pout I was LMAO on the floor.

      She can play the Comps though… but did you notice how she was all *SMILES* when Cassi was voted out… plus she thinks she’s running the House.

      I was hope Jordan & Jeff would have put Rachel & Brendon on the block but understand why they didn’t… that biatch would have won that veto comp if she HAD TO HAVE WON… she fell b/c she was HATE AT JORDAN!!!

      • That makes sense “I was hope…” meant to say “hoping Jordan & Jeff” & “Hate at Jordan”… LOL… maybe “Mad at Jordan” is better!!!

        Oh Racheal means Rachel… so I’m an *idiot* but she’s a *biatch*!!!

  8. JJ relationshp I think is healthy.. why have they lasted a couple of yrs. if it wasn’t? They just dont leave their sheets with dried cu# on them like the trashy couple..GROSS. What class they have!

  9. I am so sick of Brenchel it is time to get rid of them! Her laugh and fake hair has got to go. Jordan hit the nail on the head when she said she is jealous of other women how superficial. Jordan should have backdoored them and really turned up the heat. Yes America does HATE her.

  10. cbs likes drama…that’s why brenchel is still on..i wish that jordan would of backdoor them,and say it’s only a game nothing…dani is playing all sides..good for her.i want to see her and dom 2 gether.on showtime,u see rachel stuffing her face and shelly cleaning….lol

  11. jeff treats jordan w respect,as for for brenchel….no comment.she’s such a cry baby.

  12. For Rach. to get so pissed that Jordan didn’t pick her makes me sick! Does she not have enough luxuries being hoh? I’m sure Jorden was just trying to let eveyone get a little something. Hell, Rach just got done shoveing 2 sushi’s in the hoh room!

  13. Is POV happening right now? I’m trying to catch up, and feeds are on trivia.

  14. feeds are back and brenchel doesn’t seem too happy. What’s the verdict?

  15. I won’t loose sleep over that if that happens. Dani has her ways though. She will 4 sure be doing everything she can to keep him including going aganst JJ.

  16. CBS really sucked at casting this year. How boring that Brendon and Rachel win everything. This IS really becomming the Rachel and Brendon show. My only hope is that Danielle will be a strong enough competitor to win against them, because obviously nobody else is. It really makes you want to stop watching.

  17. If anybody has the ovaries do shake things up, it’s Rachel. I really hope she back doors JJ. It would be good drama, Jordan’s already won BB, and the newbies might actually have a chance. Plus, it would be absolutely delicious after Jordan didn’t go for the smart move of nominating Brenchel last week.

    As of right now, I’m pulling for Dani or Dom to win. The only way that happens is if Rachel plays the smart move and takes out JJ.

  18. i cannot stand rachel and brendon. i dont even know why they came back this season! they make me not even want to watch the show anymore. i know they’re real good competitors, but they drive me crazy with their constant bickering and rachel whining over every little thing. she’s using JJ as little puppets. rachel told jordan who she wanted nominated last week and who she wanted to leave, and she got it, all because jordan’s simply too nice to say no. i really wish JJ would’ve backdoored them last week, it would have been a HUGE power move, because brenchel is definitely capable of making it to the final two. personally, i love dominic, i really dont want him to go home. i hope dani is able to sway the votes in the house to go against adam.

  19. Rachel is such a crybaby and a phony.jordan should have put her up and gotten rid of that annoying nat.I want to start an america hates Rachel campain anyone with me?

  20. Roger, I will start an America hates Rachel campaign. I love Jordan, not so fond of Jeff after his homophobic rants this year. Brenchel is just a pair of self centered, insecure crybabies. I think we should nominate Rachel to be on Bridezillas! That would be perfect for her! I honestly don’t see the Brenchel “relationship” lasting. You can’t fight that much at the beginning of a relationship and expect it to last. I so wished Jordan would have backdoored Rachel this week, what a MOVE that would have been.

  21. Is it just me or is Kalia a big beached whale? We did CBS pick her?? She adds absolutely nothing to the show. I think I have seen her upright 3 times, not counting the walk to vote for eviction. She never cooks or cleans, but gripes about those who do. I would tell her to get off her lazy, fat, beached whale arse and do something!

  22. I send in a comment about your show .and it pop up error about my email this is the only email i have facebook so took it that you do not want tome to comment on Big Brother.

  23. Now for number 3 trying to send my comment about Big Brother show .ok to start with we are so sick and tired of Rachel and Brendon there nothing but backstabbing whiners sore losers there disgusting to watch them they where no good last yrs and worst this yrs .why do you bring the same one back yrs after yrs if its for rating did not work last yrs and hate to say this but worst this yrs.this season has got to be the yrs im a big fan of your show but this yrs nothing is worth watching its not fair to the players to add them as couples no change to the show im stopping watching its realy pityfull and so sad Big Brother what went wrong this yrs its torture watching ,so sad and sorry this comment i hope will be put up thank you.

  24. I will join America hates Rachel campaign im a Canadian .i realy realy dont like her and Brendon they deserve each other there not normal some screw missing 2 backstabbing whiners and sore losers.

  25. okay so i did watch yesterdays episode of the show although i said that i would not because of whiny Rachel…i cannot believe that Brendon would leave the show because of how Rachel is acting..if it were me, I would be like you play this game your way and I will play it my way. Last time they were on here, they were voted out and it seems like if they keep trying to get Jordan and Jeff who everyone likes out of the house, it just causes more trouble for the both of them. I am still rooting for JJ and even Kalia and Lawon.

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