Big Brother 13 Live Feeds: Week 6 Monday Highlights

With the veto ceremony looming the house guests are up fairly early in the Big Brother house today.  Last minute pleas and deals abound as the nominees await their fate and the others wonder who could be the replacement nominee.

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Big Brother 13 Live Feed Highlights – August 15, 2011:

9:40 AM BBT – Shelly and Adam are up.  He tells Shelly about his convo with Dani last night.  Shelly is talking about her and Rach’s fight and say if Bren is nominated Rach will cry the rest of the week.  They both say if they win HoH next week they are putting Rach up.  Thank goodness!!
9:55 AM BBT – Brendon is pissed and going off to Adam about Porsche and Kalia not giving up their double bed for Brenchel.  He says it’s common courtesy.  I’m going to have to disagree IF they have been in the beds for 2 or more weeks.
10:15 AM BBT – Rach is now asking Brendon to not say anything else about the bed situation.  She thinks Kalia will give them hers.  Is this really a big deal?? Geez!
10:25 AM BBT – Brenchel and JeJo talking at the hammock.  Rach thinks it will come down to Adam’s vote.  She asks Jordan if they had each other’s vote no matter what and Jordan says yes.
11:45 AM BBT – Feeds are back from the pov ceremony and Brendon is the replacement.
11:50 AM BBT – Dani and Kalia saying they will get rid of Jeff next week instead of Rachel.  If and that’s a big if Kalia or Porsche win HoH.
2:20 PM BBT – Dani asks Porsche what she’s going to do when Brenchel start asking for her vote.  Porsche said she would say she voted for him before and it got her nowhere.  They are worried about them going for Adam.
2:35 PM BBT – Shelly wants Jordan to talk to Dani.  She says Dani wants a way to talk to JeJo.  Jordan doesn’t trust Dani and wonders why she wants to talk to her.
4:20 PM BBT – Brendon says the newbies feel they are entitled to be there and don’t have to earn it.
5:50 PM BBT – Adam gives the hg’s cast names from 90210 ie. Jordan is Kelly, Valerie is Dani and Jeff is Dylan lol.  This guy is 90210 crazy!
6:55 PM BBT – Porsche tells Dani she’s been pmsing for two weeks and asks if she’s pregnant.  The one and only thing I like about Porsche is her bluntness.  She just doesn’t care and it makes me laugh.
9:30 PM BBT – Adam tells Jeff and Jordan he has to vote Brendon out this week.
10:10 PM BBT – Rach is dared to eat a teaspoon of cinnamon which she does and has a coughing fit trying to get it all back up so Bren tries and the same thing happens.
11:20 PM BBT – The hg’s are in a fake date world where Porsche and Adam are together and Brendon and Jeff are gay.  They are getting really bored in the house.

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    • I think they are keeping him around because he isn’t good at competitions and he will be easy to beat later on.

    • I think Jordan & Dannie will be in the finals. Does anyone else see shelly as a dyke? My goodness !!!! Everything a out her screams LESBIAN.

  1. Brendon needs to go and take his ho with him. Its bad enough that those 2 have skanked up the hoh bed that other people sleep in. Now they want to go around being disgusting on the other beds. And no Im not a prude but if those 2 want to bump nasties so bad GO HOME.

    • I agree Kim. I’ve been married for 18 yrs and we still don’t do it in other peoples beds or home. It’s not prudish its respect for not just others but ones self. R they that sex hungry that they can’t wait till they r home. JJ sleep in same bed with covers between them. Again, its about respect and with them class as well. I think we all k.ow they have neither.

  2. New twist: If Brendon is evicted, next week there will be a sham vote which allows an evicted houseguest to return. Oh wait, we did that already.

      • LOL because that’s exactly what it was, a sham vote. I haven’t been able to watch since then. Very poor production dcecision to bring Brendon back.

  3. I agree with Kim. It isn’t common courtesy for someone to give up their bed, if the want to “bump nasties” they should leave.

  4. I hope Brendon goes home this week. I wish it was Rachel. She wonders why America doesn’t like her. She should watch the show and she how many lies she told that wasn’t necessary for game play. I think Brendon and Rachel need therapy before getting married. I never seen a couple like them before. Let’s seperate them too. I think we had enough of them this season.

    • Yep..agree with u on that one..Brendon had not one but 2 chances…it’s time to give the other HG’s air time..He & Rachel are good gamers but their love life sucks and it does not interest me..If they want to play the game let him stay..But if all they gonna do is dry hump each other all day I have no interest in seeing that either…Just let him (and possibly her) go…

      • So agree too! America voted to bring him back for entertainment. I don’t see any entertainment value. I voted for Dom. He was at leasst funny.

      • I think they brought Brendon back to get back at Dani to shake things up a bit in that area but as we see that didn’t work because Dani gained the power instead of the vets.

        I also think Brendon’s second eviction (if that happens this week) will most likely break Rachael down completely unless she is tired of being called names and belittled by him and play for herself once! Could go both ways perhaps if she plays for herself and puts her head back into the game and out of his crotch she may come back and kick some butt as she has that potential. We shall see.

  5. I think D & K & P are getting a little too cocky by making the plans for getting Jeff out next week…if I was Dani, I’d focus on this week first of all, and Kalia got lucky for winning last week. If this week is a physical comp then Porsche is her only chance because the last physical competition (the picnic) Kalia & Lawon came in dead last and didnt even finish. Now that may be because of Lawon but I don’t know… and I really doubt Porsche would win against Jeff, Rachel, and possibly Brendon. Never know though

  6. BR really should be made to wash all the sheets in the house maybe by scrub board and bucket. I was going to say a wringer washing machine but it might be to tempting to do “the nasty” on the washer and end up with body parts getting stuck in the wringer.

  7. Dani is getting really annoying with her arrogancee. During the hoh she got on my nerves. I can’t wait till she goes home.

    • I saw somewhere that she asked Dani if she could be pregnant. Was she joking or is there a possibility? Maybe thats why she is eating so much. Or were you joking, too??

      • To me, Porshe comes across as a dirty and slutty person. She is just gross. Not attractive at all, acts like a child in the house, spiking drinks, hiding booze, I think she is an alcoholic. Eats constantly, about as much as Brendon, I just wish she would go away. She is good for nothing. Pretty obvious I don’t care for her at all, huh?

      • I watch BBAD almost every night and that is all they ever do. Last season they were drinking muscle milk and working out all the time. Now they are eating non stop!! They are gonna have to get a bigger doorway so their big butts can fit out of it when they are evicted!!

      • Half joking. She’s so gross. The pic of Porsche adjusting her bikini top on the home page makes me throw up a little in my mouth.

    • I think Porsche should be punished or just kicked out for that “spiking situation. It is very unlikely, but what if one of them had been allergic to some ingredient the Benefiber. Crazier things have happened. She was physically trying to affect the other players. When you think back, she has been in the kitchen or helping prepare most of the meals. God knows what she has put in the food. I guess this is another situation where CBS gets to decided whether or not someone gets away with stuff or gets voted back on the show. Whatever makes them a little more money.

      • She should be kicked out, or at least be stripped of her vote this week.
        But seriously, she might be pregnant… has anyone else noticed she’s put on a few pounds?

      • Jordon was pooling for the first two.weeks until she quit using the muscle milk. J hope Jeff finds out while they r still in there. He will flip knowing he almost capped himself in veto comp and knowing jordons tummy has been upset that whole time. I have gotten some info fro a lawyer friend and that is actually considered assault. She said depending on what kind of waivers were signed they could actually press charges when they get out and if they whose to. I think BR would be the only ones who told do of. ( file haves )

  8. “who could be the replacement nominee” huh did i miss something? Isn’t Brendan already the replacement nominee?

    • These are highlights from the previous day. The veto ceremony wasn’t held until midday so the HGs spent the morning wondering who would get the renom.

      So by the end of the day, yes, he was the renom. For the start of the day, no, he wasn’t.

  9. I think Shelly has changed more than anyone else from her first week in the house. She’s a non-stop smoking, ornery, lying hag. She detests Rachel because SHE IS A LIAR…oh, really Shelly? And, what are you? If you win, it’s not because you’ve played a good and decent game. You’ve reached down to the lowest level possible…you’re a bit of a devil in the house. Integrity? You have none.

    • Funniest part by far was, when she was talking to DR and saying how she has her kid at home and she teaches her not to lie so she wants her to see how good and decent she is in the big brother.. She is a complete mess junky and the worst example of a parent that any kid should ever see.

      • Exactly! Plus, her husband and daughter are watching her non-stop supposedly. Gosh, oh, gee. Great example. It’s not bad enough that she’s a nasty chain smoker…add the lies and deceit too.

      • When I watched Sundays show I had to leave the room when Shelly was in DR crying and talking about Rachel and what a deceitful, lying, horrible person she is…really Shelly?!! When it was time for nom ceremony she started telling Jordan that all of the back and forth lies were all Rachel…ugh, she makes me ill, and trust me, I am no Rachel fan.

    • nooo.Shelly is not the lowest person in the house. THAT HONOR goes to Rachel for all the lies she has told Brendon since his return.. especially the lie she told him about Jeff making sexual comments and come ons to her. Rachel is above and beyond help..

      • However, Shelly is a game player. She’s very intelligent and talks a good talk to get everyone to sway in her direction. She knows what she’s doing in her underhanded way. Rachel was Rachel and will be Rachel…in or out of the house. I have a feeling that once on the outside, Shelly will be a decent person again. I could be wrong on that one. For sure, Rachel is a mess. She seems to know it and expresses it often. There’s no excuse for Shelly in my opinion.

      • I UNDERSTAND what u are saying..BUT there is no excuse for Rachel’s behavior none at all…I have no sympathy for the girl..If she would tell Brendon a lie that Jeff came on to her… What is to stop her from lying about another man doing the same?? Rachel has said that she cannot find a job…Do u think telling a lie like that (or any # of lies) Have helped her chances of finding work when BB is over?? No company or agency is gonna want to chance hiring her if they watch BB and know that she falsely accussed a man of sexually harassing her..Rachel as I said is above and beyond help…

  10. I can’t stand Shelly , Kalia , Porsche OR Dani any longer ! They better make the right choice and get Shelly out before she wins this season ! She is a mega floater and it doesn’t help that she’s been playing EVERYONE since day 1.

      • Shelly’s starting to get on my nerves, she’s lying to everyone, including herself. I can’t stand her much longer!!!!

      • I thought this was a social game? Isnt that what u do, u play people around and get ahead?I think shelly does a very good job! Others just see her as a threat

  11. Has anyone else heard brendon now calling Rachel bookie or bukie? It’s ok for him but not her? They r both so very odd. I’m wondering if UCLA will even let brendon come back after his skype problems being made so very public.

    • The “bring Brendon back” for ratings has been a flop for CBS…THERE IS NO NEED IN DRAGGING IT OUT..Let him go..and in the coming week and if Rachel becomes dead weight on the other HG’s (again) let her go also..their games are getting old..

  12. I think Rachel should go home and let Brendon play the game. He is such a wimp when she is around and so much fun without her. He and Jeff would kick ass.

  13. This is a very boring cast. Even Dani has said it. The only time there is some excitement is when a comp is being played. On BBAD Adam, Jeff and Jordan said they were voting against Brendon, but keeping Rachel for a couple of weeks. I guess there will be some excitement then as to see how she will react. Will she self destruct or buckle down and play? Who will she trust since everyone is voting against Brendon? I hope Adam or Shelly do not make it to the finals. Shelly with all her lies and Adam thinks he is a great player because he won veto when all along Jeff threw it to him. Dani is the only one who has made bold moves. I hope she wins.

  14. In regards to Shelly, there is a post that she is the VP of Business Development.

    What seems odd to me is if you look at that website all the “employees” have these types of titles such as VP of this, President, Executive VP, Chief Exec, CFO, COO, Chief Officer etc.

    Shelly is not even listed on the website as an “employee”. What is sounds like to me is a glorified title for some type of sales! Not saying anything against sales but anyone can have initials behind their name – some actually mean something important!

    • Oh yeah I see what you mean….like it’s selling jewelry or makeup….etc etc…interesting

  15. No matter who is at the end if Dani is there she could win just as easily as Jordon cuz she wins to protect herself. Even though other peeps do her dirty work she wins comps. Like her or not and no she is not evel Dick but she is holding her own.

    • I agree, there is no need to get so personal.
      How does Porsche look like a dirty slutty person? All of the ladies wear bikinis.

      • I didn’t mean to imply that bikinis are slutty. The point I was going for is that she does not show more of herself than anyone else.

  16. @ Chloe: the bed situation IS a big deal to brenchel. Unfortunately for the bbad viewers, we had to listen to rachel drone on about her & brendon doing it three times a day! Jordan even found stains on the sheets downstairs! So apparently, not only are they ok doing it on camera (under the covers of course) but they seemingly are ok doing it next to someone else’s bed!
    And then rachel has the nerve to be perplexed as to why so many bb fans have referred to her as a skank . . . And worse!

  17. It might be gross but they are engaged so I think it would be weird if them dint screw

  18. I won’t mention the obvious camera situation but that alone is enough reason to NOT do it. However, YOu’d think they would be a little more discreet about it…clean up the mess..or just respect other people’s space. It’s just something that I feel is innapropriate to do when you are that close to others…who wants to have to hear that. And HEARING it is NOT the only bad part about it when they do it right next to someone.

    I think it’s all the relationship is based on…

  19. Gosh, i love Big Brother! But i do believe this is the first season that i truly can’t stand a person, and i find myself not even trying to watch BBAD! DANI,KALIA, AND PORCHE needs to put in there place. When DANI said “this is a piece of cake” , I knew she was that bully i went to school with. I can’t stand people like that. I just wish she could feel it one more time, because i know she is gonna win this whole thing!!

    • Oh mine oh mine can’t stand those three myself. What I don’t understand is how they could replace a nominee with someone who was not given a chance to fight for the power of veto. I think Big Brother shpuld look into that in the future. It’s like being sentenced without the opportunity to plead your case.

  20. This is so set up for that SheDevil!! And WTF, I can’t stand Porche and her sly ways about drinking all the wine and cans of beers, and hiding the game pieces, and Kalia the bear is just perfect as the Bully’s friend!!!yuk!! I really hope the game changes this week on Thursday!!

  21. The sad part about reading all these comments is that people really and truly do not understand mental illiness. People see what the they want too see, Rachel lying about Jeff is wrong but in her mind she honestly believes what she told Brendon to be true. (People with bipolar disorder there brains are wired differently). How we perceive a situation and how someone with bipolar perceives it, will be two completely different scenarios just like the Jeff situation. People need to understand that Rachel cannot help the way she is, the day she was born the path was set, there are medications out here that can help her with the highs and lows to help manage her thinking processes but there is nothing out here that can curb the behaviors. People hear the label bipolar and laugh it off like a joke and chalk it up there with pms and I assure you there is no comparison. I am not taking Rachels side but I am standing up for Rachel and for all those who have bipolar. There are a lot of people who have bipolar and dont understand why they are the way they are, they live in there own hell, and people make it harder for them cause they criticize they torment and judge them. There are several actors and entertainers that keep trying to bring awareness to the public about bipolar disorder to educate the public about how serious this is. Patty Duke opened up a treatment center years ago, cause she herself suffers from bipolar. Maurice Barnard off of General Hospital does speaking engagements all over the country and hounded the producers of GH for years to show that his character “Sonny” is bipolar. “Maurice his self suffers from the disorder” he wanted to bring awareness to the viewers that MEN also suffer with bipolar disorder. Im not saying that people should like Rachel or dismiss Rachels behaviors cause she is bipolar, I just want people not to be so insensitive and understand she cant help the way she is.

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