Big Brother 13 Live Feeds: Week 4 Tuesday Highlights

Tuesday’s are generally spent tanning, eating and sleeping in the Big Brother 13 house and today was really no exception.  However, along with being lazy, much game talk was going on as you can see below.  It’s Brenchel’s big mock wedding later in the night and oh my gosh I can’t wait!

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Big Brother 13 Live Feed Highlights – August 2, 2011:

9:25 AM BBT – Brenchel and Shelly are up and doing some Dani bashing.  Bren thinks she really liked Dom and was too embarrassed to say.  He says she road ED’s coattails and how Dick saved her.  I guess he forgot all the comps Dani won in order to save the both of them.  Rach is still under the delusion Bren will stay in the game over Jordan. Shelly says she will NOT vote for someone to win if they lied their way through the game lol.  The pot calling the kettle black lol.
10:25 AM BBT – One hour later and the three are still Dani bashing.  This is their favorite pasttime at the moment.  Rach going on about how she’s not fake or a liar.  She didn’t betray their alliance the way Dani did.  Oh God Rachel, you’re just the most awesome person in the world.  Keep giving yourself the props you know you deserve girl.  (I hope you all know I’m being sarcastic lol) Brendon makes the statement of all statements when he declares the brigade was jealous of him last year.  Yeah I’m thinking not since they went further than you both seasons combined lol jk.
11:45 AM BBT – Brenchel is talking to Porsche about why Brendon should stay over Jordan.  They’re not real happy with Porsche for spending time with Daniele in the HoH.
12:20 PM BBT – Shelly and Porsche now talking game.  Porsche didn’t like Brenchel coming down on her last night for talking to Dani in the HoH.  She’s in the middle and doesn’t know which side to choose.  She wants to vote to keep Brendon because Rach is her friend but she also knows when Bren leaves, Rach will be up her @$$.  She doesn’t like how Rach talks to people.  She and Shelly make a deal not to put each other up.  Shelly has the balls to tell Porsche not to two time alliance her. Porsche comes back with I thought you were the one two timing the alliance. They both say they would put up Kalia.
12:30 PM BBT –  Everyone’s favorite floater Kalia is standing at the door listening to their convo lol.
1:45 PM BBT – Jeff tells Jordan that Porsche was stupid for making a deal with Dani when she was never the target.
3:00 PM BBT – Shelly wants to talk game with Lawon.  Says he’s a good man.  They get interrupted by Jeff.  Shelly has a side deal with everyone in the house I do believe lol.
4:45 PM BBT – A poem is written for Brenchel’s fake wedding coming up later tonight.  I can’t freaking wait!
4:50 PM BBT – Kalia telling Dani that Brenchel has sex at least 4 times a day.  Kalia thinks it’s inappropriate for Rach to let America know such personal things.  Dani can’t believe Kalia has only had sex with 10 guys while she revealed she (Dani) has never had a one night stand.
5:45 PM BBT – Shelly is now running her mouth to Brendon and says Porsche will vote to keep him but does have a deal with Dani.  She tells him Porsche talked a lot about Brenchel grilling her last night for hanging out in the HoH.  Brenchel needs to leave Porsche alone before she gets pissed and doesn’t vote him to stay.
7:01 PM BBT – Rach asks Bren for a kiss.  He ignores her and says she has to play smart and play for both of them.  Rach tells him twice she’s been working on it but he doesn’t stop.  Soooo glad he’s the one going home Thursday night! He tells her it’s her decision to play smart.  What he’s really saying is play the way I tell you or you’re gonna get it when you get out of the house. BTW, Kalia actually cooked dinner tonight lol.
9:00 PM BBT – HGs are all preparing for the big Brenchel wedding event. All the ladies are getting fixed up while the guys are outside practicing their parts.
9:45 PM BBT – Adam and Lawon have a quick game talk and agree they need to win. Lawon says one of the Newbies needs to win and then they’ll talk.
10:40 PM BBT – The wedding gets started. HGs are singing “for she’s a jolly good fellow” because it’s not copyrighted. Lawon is very entertaining and really getting in to his role as the minister. Shelly stays nearby to help him remember what comes next. Jordan ends up catching the bouquet.
3:20 AM BBT – Lawon, Kalia, & Daniele talking game. Their target will remain Rachel. They believe the three of them could really do some damage in the game.

The HGs mostly put aside their fighting to make the day a big party and celebration for Brenchel. It was all pretty silly and cheesy but I imagine the HGs gladly welcome a little fantasy escape after a month in that house.

You can catch all of these Big Brother 13 events using the DVR-like feature of this year’s and past seasons’ Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored!

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  1. I loved how last night you could tell that Dani really didn’t give a sh*t about the “wedding.” She just wanted to play with the bubbles. haha.

  2. OK, so I was prepare to hate the mock wedding but I didn’t. I am not a Brenchel fan, you could say I am a Brenchel hater, but the wedding was kinda fun.
    Her trash bag dress was very well done and she looked cute in it. Oh, and Lawon was just awesome as the Little Richard preacher man. It was also great to see them all having a little fun together.

    • Shelly really did an impressive job on the clothes considering what she had to work with.

      Yeah, Lawon was pretty entertaining. He had it all planned out.

  3. They really need to bring a twist or something soon, its getting a lil boring in the BB house! Dont you guys think they might bring someone back? I wish Evil Dick or Dom would come switch up the mood!!

  4. Hey Matt i just read on my facebook bigbrother chatt that Mike Boogie is in a big law sute for useing his winnings from Big Brother to fullfill his fantacys to to have sex with older men he calls daddy??? YEEEEKY!

  5. The wedding looks fun. I really hope they will show some of the wedding on the regular show. Doesn’t look like Jeff borrowed a blazer and shirt from Lawon, he’s definitely got a retro 70’s look going on.

    • Surprisingly, that jacket was Brendon’s, at least that’s what Jeff was saying. Definitely does look more like something Lawon would have brought though!

    • I didn’t see the wedding, but have read the posts. I am glad the hg’s took time to show their fun side. It must get very stressful being in the game, away from loved ones and life in general.

  6. I sure miss ED. Even Jordan and Jeff are not acting like themselves this season. Maybe after brand leaves thursday The game will get back to its normal Backstabbers Game plan lol

    • For the first time Jeff is actually playing it smart and keeping his mouth shut and his temper in check. He can’t appear to show any loyalty to either R&B or Dani right now..I used the word “appear” fits perfect,..

  7. Whose side do you think Shelly is on? It’s so hard to tell. Last night I would have said Brenchel. Just wondering what others are thinking.

    • I am having a hard time figuring Shelly out too, I was thinking the same thing yesterday while watching the feeds, she is so convincing to both sides, at one time I thought, is she going to vote to keep Brendon, she has become such a master at the lying thing, that I really don’t know if she is still with Jeff and Jordan.

      • Lynn you are so right. She went all out with making the wedding outfits she confused me even more. Then I think how nice she was when Keith, Cassie and Dom left and voted against them.

      • I think you guys are figuring it out! She is something else.

        It was pointed out on another feed that she is just kinda dirty about it. Makes you believe you are her friend.

        Not a game liar, but maybe a really deceitful person outside of the game too.

        I don’t mean to insult her outside of the game play, it’s just it would be hard for me to think she is that good at it without having some serious bad going on IRL.

        There is no humor in it at all. Seems hurtful instead. Hard to explain I guess since I generally like those who can play with the others minds! I think she is messing deeper than that maybe.

  8. haha thats disgusting wtf will brenchel do it 4 times a day?? especially that there’s other ppl in the house. that’s really no privacy at all. where’s there self-respect?

    • I think it’s been pretty well estabilshed that they are BOTH laking in that department!

  9. Supposedly hg’s watch prior years shows? If Brenchel can now be friends with Ragan. He was horrid to them. Why must current fans and hg’s still bash Brenchel? Brenchel has the ability to forgive and move on, right. Not like miss nasty Dani and Kalia. And I am even concerned about Jeff. I was hoping J/J and Brenchel would stick together. But, by J/J side dealing with Dani, that alliance with the other vets looks impossible. if Rachel wins hoh I doubt she will put up or backdoor J/J. And they are now more dangerous to her because she thinks they are her friends.

    If only newbies were left to watch, I would only be interested in:

    Dom – but evicted

    But this would be pretty boring TV!

    The vets are much more interesting than what we know about the remaining newbies.

  10. Supposedly, hg’s watch prior years shows?  If Brenchel can now be friends with Ragan. He was horrid to them. Why must current fans and hg’s still bash Brenchel?  Brenchel has the ability to forgive and move on, right. Not like miss nasty Dani and Kalia. And I am even concerned about Jeff. I was hoping J/J and Brenchel would stick together. But, by J/J  side dealing with Dani,  that alliance with the other vets looks impossible. if Rachel wins hoh I doubt she will put up or backdoor J/J.  And they are now more dangerous to her because she thinks they are her friends. 

    If only newbies were left to watch, I would only be interested in:  Dom – but evicted, Porsha, and Shelley.
    But this would be pretty boring TV!
    The vets are much more interesting than what we know about the remaining newbies. 

  11. Matt-

    Your blog should really be unbiased. You should not be putting your own wants and thoughts behind what’s going on. Especially since you say you work for CBS, makes the show seem a little set up, when it goes the way you all want it go.

    • Uhh, when did I ever say I worked for CBS? I don’t work for anyone but me. This is a fan site owned/operated by me.

      Considering it’s a fan site there will always be opinions in the posts (I didn’t write this one, by the way). Since this is a fan site, my fan site, I will always share my “wants and thoughts” when I write. How boring and sterile would things be if we could all (readers like you and writers like me) only write facts without commentary.

      The show has hardly gone the way I wanted, but it’s easy to see how the game is about to go which is why we can make predictions that are often accurate.

      • I always love when people give you crap and you didn’t even write the article that day. It’s also funny when people think your matt Hoffman and make snotty comments or ask you if you will go back on bb. Dummies

    • WE just went through this! Get a LIFE it is NOT a reporting of the flippn war! THIS is a FAN site, Matt is a FAN. So is Chloe and the other “commentators” if you will. (which btw express their opinion, just incase you never watched a sports game)

      Be honest with yourself, is ANY report unbiased? Have you seen the news lately? CAUSE this AINT the NEWS!

      Sorry for caps, this is just getting to me.

      Have an opinion, OWN IT and RESPECT everyone else’s.

      Or you could always just stick you head in the sand and pretend the world is perfect. whatever.

      • AND – to have the nerve to suggest that it is a set-up thru this site!

        REALLY? lady-brown you have pushed my button.

        “makes the show seem a little set up, when it goes the way you all want it go.”

        I would like to know exactly WHO’s way? Cause if you didn’t notice there are several different opinions posted here. And debated quite heatedly in fact so seems kinda like, IDK –BS that you would even imply that!

      • @MATT heatedly (sp) please correct for me so that isn’t all they get from the message =)

        Done and done. – Matt

  12. Say what you will about Dani and Rachel as people, but those girls are fierce competitors! I’m happy Rachel is staying because I cannot wait for the day they compete head to head; that’ll be some good tv!!

    I think Brendon has grad student syndrome; sheltered from the real working world and told constantly that they are smarter than everyone. I’m in grad school and my program is full of people like Brendon. He’ll grow up one day.

    Everyone else are pretty boring. I started re-watching season 8 to get some perspective on Dani and that season was awesome; alliances changed everyday and no one was safe! Big Brother needs to throw a wrench in there and mix things up because the hg’s aren’t gonna do it for themselves.

  13. If he works for the show then he is different from being a fan. I’m just confused I am just confused as that post said nothing being directed toward Emory. Oh yeah, that is because it wasn’t. I work in research and I know how important an unbiased opinion is. So being the head of the blog and saying you work for the show, then in order to keep the integrity of the show, his blog shouldn’t be flooded with his own opinions. If you don’t agree that is completely fine, but I am entitled to opinion as well.

    • Your job is research but you think I work for CBS? You might want to dust those skills off. I do not work for CBS, nor have I ever claimed to work for CBS or anyone related to the production or broadcast of this show.

      Wait, why is it okay for you to have an opinion on my site, but I can’t (nor can others, apparently)? Now that doesn’t make much sense.

      And again, I didn’t write this post. As it clearly notes at the top “By: Chloe”. My posts say “By: Matt (BBN)”. Collecting information really isn’t your thing.

    • OMG!!! What is wrong with having an opinion? You can clearly see the difference between this site and the cbs website. Geez! Get over it if I’m not pulling for your house guest of your choice. If you didn’t like this article, you’ll hate the one tomorrow too. LOL

  14. I do believe Shelly put the rope around her neck and doesn’t realize it. From what it sounds like, Jordan has a real chance of going home. I hope not.

      • I want Jordon to go home and Brendon to stay. Someone should keep putting the bugs in the newbies ears that Jordon already won BB and that Jeff just won 10k–that might make them jealous.

  15. Vote to evict view, as far as my understanding
    I wish sweet Jordan good luck !

    Jeff – Brendan, kiss your ass adios buddy
    Rachel – Jordan, good luck sweetie… nobody can get by my man
    Adam – the people follower, don’t know why mr. fat elf can’t decide for himself
    Shelly – the big question mark, is she about to blindswap Jordan ?
    Porsche – Jordan … purrr
    Lawon – Brendan nite pal
    Kalia – Brendan (I am step closer to the road of happiness and the dough…haha)

  16. @ Lady-Brown Seriously …Really? LOL
    I haven’t posted in quite awhile here at this site but I come back to it all the time to read the “posts” that the writers submit. Matt’s site isn’t a “blog” since and (I believe I’m correct) most generally a blog is in fact someone’s own opinion or view to any given topic. That’s what makes most “blogs” personal. This site however has been and still is and always will, be a place that fans gather discuss, critique, and argue & laugh about the show. Obviously you felt compelled to post your opinion what makes any of the writer’s opinion’s less welcomed. I for one enjoy them especially MattBB12. I also like the opinions “comments” of the fans. Lady-Brown as I said earlier in this post I have frequented this site for a long time and not once did Matt ever say he worked for CBS.
    Maybe, you should “research” this….since there are archives. But, I won’t tell you how to do your job, therefore you shouldn’t tell Matt how to do his.

  17. Hello I’am a big fan of big brother
    I just want to say
    I don’t think Jeff should be the one going home or Denali I think rahtchel should me
    She did a lot so. Will yeah.
    Thanks :)

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