We’ve finally got a full, high-quality version of the full Big Brother 13 house tour guided Julie Chen! This is a full-blown walk through of the new BB13 design.
Updated video from tonight’s ET episode. This one doesn’t autoplay.
Best part of the clip is when Julie says she hopes for 13 more rounds of Big Brother. So do we, Julie! Glad to know you feel the same.
Big Brother Spoilers poster Brad noted an interesting absence from this version of the clip we saw last night: Julie’s comment about “dynamic duos from the past.” Hmm, could CBS have edited that out of tonight’s released version?
The Insider presents the video tour from CBS and describes the house this way:
This season’s house has a Venice [Beach], CA theme — since the show is filmed in Los Angeles — complete with surfboards, bikes, barbecues, graffiti, a weightlifting station and even a tarot card reader! Of course, the back yard has a pool and a hot tub โ and there’s a colorful bedroom inspired by Katy Perry, and one of brushed steel inspired by architect Frank Gehry.
From what we’ve seen so far the house looks awesome. I can’t wait to see it in action.
Bonus footage for you this evening from Big Brother Access (video below the break). ET Canada is at it again tonight, this time with footage from Media Day when their own host heads inside to help test out the new house with a 24-hour game of Big Brother. Looks like Xfinity won the HoH. Xfinity? What the…
So, it looks like they went with the blue themed HoH room, not the orange. And, the Ice Cream Bedroom is the old Have Not room. So the Sunset room is the room we are not aloud to see yet. I wonder what it looks like!!!
Yeah, I guess it must be the Have-Not room. I was hoping they might let that little tradition go this season. Ah well.
IT does have a not room this year:)
I am sure the ice cream room is not the have not room and it is actually the sunset room.
Did anyone see the two different pic of the HOH room? There is a complete different wall covering in one pic compared to the other?
Yeah. That’s the result of a re-design. I’m surprised CBS let out the pic of the old version though.
Caused quite a panic yesterday when some ppl thought there were 2 different HoH rooms. Just 1 room though, 2 diff designs.
Great house… I would loooove to sleep in the Katy Pery bedroom.. It’s so colourful and energetic :o)
Why is mike boogie in this music video?
How strange. Good for him.
omg that’s hella fun and random but i guess it’s okay for him
sorry for posting twice
It says you placed the video below the break…I can’t find it…
The house looks great, don’t you guys think Julie is doing better? I don’t think she acts ‘robot-like’ anymore, ever since shes gotten her own talk show she is so relaxed and funny. She seems really relaxed and energetic in the tour too.
I kind of like Chenbot.
I love me some Chenbot too, but I never think of that nickname in a negative way.
Julie is definitely looking comfortable back in her ol’ digs again. I’m thrilled she wants to do another 13 seasons!
Me too. It’s not Big Brother without the Chenbot.
Survivor has a mysognist, Amazing Race has a Kiwi, MTV has a BMX rider, and we get a robot. That’s just how it works :)
what did she mean by “lucky 13, i wish we had 13 more?”
She just wishes the show keeps on going for another 13 seasons.
Normally the number of the season (e.g., 11, 12) is completely disregarded, however this season will most likely have a ‘unlucky’ 13 vibe going on.
Yeah, they (CBS) stopped referencing the # after season 8. CBS would rather us just call it “Big Brother” now but the online community recognizes it by seasons (it’d be tough to compare things w/o a season identifier!).
Is anyone getting the Media Day video to work; it’s not for me? I can’t even find it on YouTube. HELP!!!!!!!!
Since the subject has been broached, I’m not a Julie fan. I think she is an excellent journalist but she doesn’t seem to enjoy BB. I can’t put my finger on it but she seems to be stiff and unwilling to “banter” with the HG’s or even tease and be a part of the game. I often wonder if she even watches and just gets her info from another staff member. I think someone younger would be a better fit. I watch Survivor not only for the players but for Jeff. I would watch BB with or without Julie, I prefer without. I’m sure this won’t be a popular statement but I have to get this off my chest.
Thanks for reading.
Jeff is a good host, but he has become extremely annoying lately. Even more than Julie has been in her entire BB career.
It was even more evident during the Redemption Island season, which is easily the worst season in Survivor history. But Jeff had the nerve to say it was a Top 5 season. No, it was only a Top 5 season because his boy toy Boston Rob dominated the entire game.
I have no more respect for Jeff.
And if Julie bugs you that much, remember she’s only around for the premiere episode and the live shows. Every other episode is hosted by the houseguests themselves.
Aww… why is the diary room still the same? They should at least change the color of the chair and the background.
I completely agree. No idea why they couldn’t have bothered with such a small room that gets constant coverage in the show.
my sis says she likes the katy perry bedroom can not wait for bb 13
Can’t wait for big brother 13 !! Hope this year is better then last year!! Still a fan :-)
I agree mary911
I cant wait for season 13! I haven’t missed 1 season looking forward to what kind of idiots they have this year! Really hoping to see Jeff & Jordan & Evil Dick! Also I’m really disappointed Will doesn’t want to be on Love him! Gorgeous!
Gotta luv Dick !!
Ii can’t believe today is finally here! Don’t know which I’m more excited about. Tonights episode or the after dark! I’m so feeaking obssessed with the after dark!