Big Brother 13 Favorite Houseguest Poll

Big Brother 13 cast

This is completely unofficial, but just for fun here’s a “who was your favorite HG” poll for Big Brother 13. Our sister site, Big Big Brother, put this together and it has several thousand votes so far. Toss your vote in there too and let’s see where this ends up.

You can vote in the official poll for free online at until Tuesday at midnight.

After you vote, share your thoughts on why this HG was your favorite.



Commenting Rules: Keep the conversation civil and on topic. If your comment does not add to the conversation, it will be removed. Debate intelligently. Insulting the author, Big Brother Network, or other commentators will result in comment removal and possible ban. Any comments with links or flagged words will go into moderation before approval. Anything we deem as spam will not be approved. Comments left in ALL-CAPS will be deleted regardless of content.


      • Looks like Jeff has a very good chance of winning if this poll is an indicator. Keep in mind that TV-only viewers will likely vote differently from online-readers/feed-watchers.

      • Shhhooooccckkkkeerrrr.

        Of course they are in the lead. I was a fan of them in BB11, but I’m kind of over them now. CBS has given them several chances to win more money: 2 seasons of BB and the Amazing Race.

        What’s it going to be next, Survivor???
        Hell, might as well put them on one of the CBS soap operas too. Why not?

        Jeff already got 15K this season. He won America’s Choice in BB11, Jordan won BB11….let someone (anyone) else win America’s Choice!

        I know I sound like a JeJo hater…lol… I’m not, I just know there are other good players that deserve some money too

      • Matt at BBN, just wanted to say thanks for another great summer and having this site available for those of us who watch/follow/comment on BB. You give us the updates and the opportunity to comment/vent on what is happening in the bbhouse. cheers …until next year!

      • Jeff wanted to come back to try to win this time. I for one felt he played a good game and didn’t make any huge mistakes leading to his eviction, he got screwed over by someone who was supposed to be a close friend and ally. I know this is Big Brother, but we all know getting duped like that by a clear ally is rare. You’re right, he has a total of $40,000 from last year and this year combined (plus more in stipends, just like everyone else) but that’s far from the $500,000 I felt he deserved. So I’ll be voting for him again, $65,000 is still far, but it’s closer.

        Besides, this vote is America’s Favorite, not ‘Come on America Share the Wealth’.

  1. Dani was my favorite season 8.
    And she was my favorite this season.

    I love her, because she is funny, cool, she has great personality.
    And on the game side, she is a great competitor, wins lot of compettions, and she has great stragery

    And the most important she is not a boring player, she love to take risks….better loves to take big risks and make big moves.

    • Her “strageory” of trying to have jeff backdoored because she was “bored” and had an itchy trigger finger when they were supposed to be in an alliance got her evicted in 8th place.
      If her dad was there he would have told her to calm down and not push too hard too early.
      Making smart game moves is exciting. Making stupid moves that result in the three people who most deserve to win being the first three people in the jury makes the game very boring.

      • 1.) poking at someones typo (yes, typo. r and t are next to eachother) makes whatever point you had moot.

        im glad danielle shot early. it would have been way less exciting if it was the vets walking all over everyone the whole game. something had to happen, or it would have been even more boring than it is now.

      • I thught fabio “typo” was a funny reference to president bush’s coined phrase “strategory” and was in no way making fun of fabio.
        Also if you replace the letter r with the letter t in the word Fabio wrote it still isn’t spelled right so i am sticking with my original interpretation and discarding yours.
        Not having a well thought out criticism is what makes your post moot.

        How would it have been way less exciting to have a Dani Brendon Jeff final 3 rather than what we have now?
        That would have been the most exciting three part hoh ever!

      • No it would not have been exciting to have Dani jeff and Brendan in the final three, because there would be no suspense, Dani said the reason why she did it was because she knew she would not have a chance of winning if she just obeyed Jeff and Brendan all the way until the end. She would not have had a shot at winning, what she did was the only shot she had, maybe played a little better (not get busted so quick thanks to Dom) but she had the right idea.

    • I was watchin g the feeds ALL the time but somehow I missed the time she had her great personality.I kept catching her bitching & whinning. Could you give me the time that she showed a personality so I cam enjoy it too.

      • Same here grammy. Dani didn’t do anything for me this year or in her first season. I wasn’t impressed with her game play nor was I impressed with her social game….bad…bad…bad…

        Jeff on the other hand…apparently he is doing something right since he is ahead in every poll I’ve seen for America’s Favorite Player and CBS seems to love him and Jordan. That’s speaks volumes for them because if they weren’t the most loved, CBS would have written them off. I see them doing great things…making it far in life and most of all, they will be happy with each other and their life’s choices…I’ll be perfectly whether Jeff or Jordan wins America’s Favorite!!!

      • Agree Grammy6;
        All I saw in Dani this season was a whiny hypocritical child. She (and Kalia) talked so much smack about everyone else being liars and how that was so horrible and then two minutes later planned who they were going to lie to….

        She was just so absolutely annoying this season….

    • i agree with johnny. at the least the 3 part hoh woulda lasted more than 30 minutes lol. Smh that hoh was a dam joke. more reasons why the final 3 this year is crap

  2. I loved Porshe and Kalia as well this season.

    I think if they would not bring back the veterans, Porshe and kalia would have run the show.

    • How? By sleeping and eating all summer? Maybe if Kalia would have worked out instead of eating and talking with her mouth full and sleeping, she would of had a chance…maybe. Because she never won a physical comp!

      • Rachel is the most deserving. I love her. I couldn’t stand her last season. Don’t get me wrong, I loved daniel on season 8. She, for me, didn’t play a good enough game. Jordan didn’t play. Shelly did good but I have no respect for her leather man face. Can’t stand Brendon. I love Jeff but he was kind of being a dick this season. Kalia and Porsche only did good because they had no one left to compete against. If stronger players had stayed, adam kalia and porsche would’ve done horribly. Kalia just sleeps and Porsche doesn’t have a single braincell left.

      • you’re locked in a house, with nothing to do. what would you do to pass time? talk to people? no. kalia talked to people and viewers got annoyed. eat? no, viewers think thats dumb, for whatever reason. sleep? no. thats boring for the viewers.

        Bully people? yes! jeff did that, america loves jeff. say really stupid things? yes! jordan does that and she has captured the hearts of millions! cry? yes! rachel did that and america loves her (THIS SEASON).

        running around the backyard is not going to make someone have muscle tone and a small wasteline. you would know if you worked out…

      • Everyone talked to people. The only person peoplegot annoyed with talking was Kalia. This means it was Kalia’s talking that was the problem not talking in general.
        Everyone ate in the house. It was only Kalia and Porsche who annoyed viewers with their eating. This means it was the way they ate specifically that was the problem not eating in general.
        Everyone slept in the house. Their were only a few houseguests who annoyed viewers with their sleeping. So it was the way those specific houseguests slept that was the problme. Not sleeping in general.

      • Bully people yes Dani did that! adam did that! Shelly did that! america doesn’t love them. Say stupid things? Yes Kalia does that. Porsche does that! Dani does that! they haven’t captured anyone’s hearts. Cry? Yes Porsche does that! Kalia does that! and america does not love them.

      • I agree Johnny.

        I was starting to believe the ‘bully’ talk was done, guess it was wishful thinking. Jeff had a backbone and I guess that’s bullying on this schoolyard of a forum.

      • Kalia screwed up her HOH all by herself when she stupidly decided to renom one of ther own alliance members.

        Porsche stupidly screwed up her hoh all by herslef when she opened pandora’s box and then didn’t win pov that week.

        Porsche also made a stupid move when she kept Rachel who will beat her instead of keeping Jordan who she would have beaten.

      • Johnny, name 1 person who hasnt opened pandoras box. and matts aside, one that affected the game this much.

        that consequence shouldnt have been there period. rachel worked out with jessie. how come hers didnt screw over the vets?

      • All porsche had to do was win the POV and that pandora’s box would have been comletely worthless.

        Rachel’s pandora’s box did screw over a vet and that vet was rachel. She had to spen the whole afternoon with that loser jessie while the rest of the house (noobs) met tori spelling.

    • Fabio…when did you even see them? Porsche just woke up in the past few weeks and Kalia never did. I do beleive these were the two most boring houseguest EVER in BB history!!!

    • Bahahahahahaha! Thats hilarious! You think the laziest people would’ve run the house? I think Dom or Cassi would’ve been running things, possibly Shelly.

    • Fabio,Fabio, Fabio, Porsche and Kalia would never have run the show, you cant do that from lying in bed and having your mouth full all the time, if they didnt bring back the vets, there would have been 6 other people in the house, and who knows those people’s character and how they would have played in the game, again Fabio I have know idea how your mind works, I couldnt even begin to fathom it, but some of your posts sound like they have been written with no thought.

  3. Jeff will absolutly 100 percent win or Jordan. I think Rachels are so low because people think she’ll win the show. I looked at jokers and they have a poll. When I looked a few days ago there were more than 10,000 votes and jeff and jordan shared about 80% of the votes between the 2 of them. With Jeff leading.

      • I guess the rest of us missed the part where Jeff said, “I hate gays.” Flashback day & time?

        HG do enough bad stuff that you don’t make up things that people didn’t say.

      • Are you on crack? I never heard him say that, prove it! You make that type of accusation, you need to come up with when and where.

      • Jeff does not hate gay people. I think he is not very PC so offensive things can come flying out of his mouth.
        I don’t think he maliciously says things to hurt gay people and i certainly don’t take offense to it.
        It would be bad if he purposely attacked someones sexuality or said he flat out hates homosexuals.
        He has never done that and I choose to believe that he is a nice guy.

      • I have watched every show Jeff has ever been in and he has never said he doesnt like gays and he just voices his appention and he doesnt talk down to people Im sure youve said things in anger to people but that doesnt mean youre talking down to them come on grow up

      • I’m not from the hood or anything, but I can’t think of a better way to say it. Haters gon’ hate. Gellieman’s last comment was troll-worthy, based on little to nothing, and just wants to go against the crowd. I read it, smiled, shook my head and moved on. Why don’t you say something about Kalia throwing a defenseless dog against a wall? And then laughing about it.

      • Didn’t he say it wasn’t right that Dumbledore was gay around children, and told Kalia she needs to stop with the PC bull.

  4. Jeff won 15K already.
    I think someone else deserves some money.
    I like him, but his attitude sucked this season and he knows he will get America’s favorite.

      • He got my vote…easy…and Matt (BBN) you are the biggest dork ever to have played BB. Jeff said in his interview after he went to jury that he has NOTHING against gays. You are just a jealous geeeeek who has to make a living making fun of people. BTW, how is your poor sick wife? Now that is sick of you to pull that. Jeff looks like an angel compared to you and MUCH better looking which I’m sure you know already!!!

      • @Lisa: Matt(BBN) IS NOT Matt Hoffman. Two different people. This has been explained by Matt(BBN) over and over. Also, Matt(BBN) has stated that Jeff did NOT say he hates gay people (read all the comments on this blog please) so I’m not sure what you’re talking about.

  5. 39% of 7112 is 2773.68 Jeff
    25% of 7112 is 1778 Jordan
    11% of 7112 is 782.32 Dani
    10% of 7112 is 711.2 Rachel
    2% of 7112 is 142.24 Brendon
    1% of 7112 is 71.12 Dom, Adam, Porshe,Kalia, Shelly, Cassi
    0% of 7112 is 0 Lawon, Keith
    ? Dick
    see date time stamp above

      • Lawon was corny as hell to me. But it’s funny that he’s one of the dumbest players in BB history and he still got more votes than Keith!

      • Actually he didn’t deserve to be there. He took someone’s place who could have been a more serious competitor. Having him there was like a joke on all BB players and viewers.

      • I can’t understand the love for Jeff. His game was just dominating a few people. He didn’t win to much. He was tricked out. He is a homophobe, if not than watch your mouth. His girlfriend is so sweet, simple, and a big floater. First on Jeff, than on Rach. I didn’t think the game was about looks. It would have been Cassi and Dom

      • He didn’t say that at all. He just made a comment about Professor Dumbledore being gay in the Harry Potter series.

      • Where were all you people when evil dick was playing what did you call him Ive believe he bully everone even his long lost daughter its a game and its pretty bad when you people make up lies to try and change peoples mines on their vote naughty naughty

  6. Really doesn’t surprise me at all that Jeff will win America’s Favorite. he’s a Bully, Arrogant and loves putting down women. Apparently that is what America looks for in a role-model. oh and being bitter too. you should put a Most Bitter House guest poll, he’ll win that too.

    Makes me glad to be Canadian

      • It makes me sad to be an american because according to jeff “being gay makes you a pedophile” and by people granting him 25 k upsets me.

      • @Animal- It makes me sad that calling Jeff a homophobe based on one off hand remark has you so upset. Why? What’s it to you? Jeff was extremely nice to Kevin on BB11 and got along just fine with Lawon this year. He talks like most Chicago guys. The talk you call bullying to me is a sense of humor. Jordan has mentions quite often that it took her a little while to understand but she does now. He treats Jordan just fine.

      • grammy. everyone was around telling him “its fine if they are gay” while he was firmly against gays being around children. He defended it. Thats not an off hand remark, thats a firm belief.

      • No, Jeff did not say “being gay makes you a pedophile” nor did he say he was “firmly against gays being around children.”

        I heard what he said and while he has some growing up to do on some topics, you’re extrapolating far more out of that than really exists.

        But go ahead and continue on, because nothing teaches tolerance like intolerance of intolerance.

      • First of all u all need to get off this jeff is a homophobe and a bully!! Its all bull. He didnt threaten kalia. He warned her. If she puts him hes gunning for her. Oh well that is big brother. Its not a threat. Second of all im sick of this word HOMOPHOBE!!! A phobia is an irrational fear of something. Just because someone does not agree or approve of that LIFESTYLE CHOICE does not mean they have a fear of it!! He didnt say anything close to what some of u r saying. I love how when one person says something stupid or against someone, 20 other people take it and run with. Even when they know its bullshit!!! Get over urselves!! Obviously Jeff is well liked. Look at all of the polls. Go Jeff!!!!

      • There is a cure for that….MOVE to Mexico where they are dying to get into America….and yes, I love Jeff and Jordan and feel sorry for you haters who don’t have a clue about what you are saying…I say JEALOUSY!!!!

      • Animallarsen; excuse me where the hell did you hear Jeff say that I think you guys are just jealous of him so youre trying to start rumors about him hoping to turn gays against him youre outrigous people whats wrong with you

      • Hey hey whoa Karen lol…you’re cool I’ve been agreeing with you all season long on pretty much everything, but dissing Canada isn’t cool…

      • @MJ, Sorry it’s not a slam against Cananda it’s a slam against these jerks that are talking down Americans. I love Canada and go there all the time. I live 15minutes from the Bridge or tunnel to Canada.

      • Oh really? That’s cool. I didn’t actually think you were slamming Canada so no worries lol. I remember watching BBAD once and Jeff and I think Adam were actually talking about Canada and how they really like the show too…

    • Everyone keeps calling Jeff a bully. Please let me know 1) When can i rewind the live feeds to to see Jeff abuse someone? When exactly was it that he used force to affect others? and 2) Why didn’t the producers immediately expell him from the game for harming another houseguest?

      Because i haven’t seen jeff do anything that Dani didn’t do when she told Brendon and Rachel they better keep Dom or else! and no one got on here and called her a bully.

      Jeff didn’t do anything that adam didn’t do when he got into an argument with Shelly when her game was blowing up! And no one is on here calling Adam a bully.

      Jeff didn’t do anything nearly as bad as what Shelly did when she came after Jordan in the purple room and no one is on here talking bout how she is a bully.

      So please explain to me how this double standard works? How is it that if Jeff shows a little emotion in the game then he is automatically a bully and everyone is just doing what he says because he is a bully? Yet whenever anyone else in the game shows a little emotion they are just playing the game and making a move?

      • Johnny D if you are a fan of the show I’m sure you watched. If you have the feeds, I’m sure you watched enough to see it. I’m not saying anyone is better or worse but I do know a bully when I see one. I can’t give you the specific time and date but near the beginning of the show he was in the HOH room and really went off on all gays being pedophiles and shouldn’t be allowed to be near children. Then over the entire season calling Jordan dumb and talking down to her was totally uncalled for. She is such a sweet soul and doesn’t deserve that. His temper was evident throughout and it wasn’t just game play. We are all entitled to our favorites and I really don’t expect or care if you don’t change your mind. Just saying that many others saw his mean side this year. I was so disappointed in him as he really was my favorite in his first season.

      • JohnnyD, Jeff IS a bully, and he is very arrogant. He has a terrible3 temper. Whenever someone would question him or something he did in the game, he would get really pissed and start yelling at them. Example: When Rachel asked Jeff if he threw the veto comp that got Brendon evicted, he for some reason got really mad and started screaming at her. Even though he actually DID throw that comp. There’s also the homophobic rant he want on saying that all gay people are pedophiles. All in all, Jeff is NOT the great person everyone thinks he is.

      • physical violence is not what bullying is. its intimidating someone. its threatening someone. its insulting someone.

        he has done that all.

      • Duly noted, sensitive viewers. I’ll be sure to suggest to Grodner that each HG must say “please” when they don’t want to be nominated and have their chance at $500K jeopardized. Hopefully next season they can just hug it out and roll dice to see who should win.

      • @JohnnyD I agree with Omachka, Tristin and Gellieman. You don’t have to hit someone to be a bully.

        Being a bully or bullying consists of three basic types of abuse – emotional, verbal, and physical. While Jeff may have not hit anyone he did display emotional and verbal abuse. It typically involves subtle methods of coercion such as intimidation. I think Omachka covered the time when Jeff went off on all gays being Pedophiles. Tristan covered when Jeff went off on Rachel when she questioned him about throwing that comp. He was yelling at her. He also yelled and went off on Kalia when he found out she was going to put him up and would not let her explain. I even saw him still angry in the jury house. Jordan already was not mad at Shelly in her interview to Chloe before she even got to the jury house. I think Jeff has shown us two sides of being a bully. The emotional and the verbal side.

        Jeff and Jordan were my favorites during their season. I loved Jeff, then and also on the Amazing Race. I don’t know why he was different this season, but I saw it right away.

        I was part of what became an abusive relationship and it started with the emotional and verbal and did end up getting physical. Just the emotional and verbal was bad enough, but when it became physical I had enough. Maybe that is why I am so sensitive to it. I am not saying that Jeff’s problem will lead to that. I don’t pretend to know him. I only know what I see. It may just be his way this season he wanted to be perceived. I can’t answer that. Again, just my opinion and nobody has to agree with me.

      • I agree with you all! Jeff is a bully! The way he yells at Kalia, Danielle, Rachel, Shelly… and America still give him their vote… what a shame.

      • @Matt(BBN) I feel that you think some of us are over sensitive by saying what we have seen. I saw this side of Jeff even before the game was at the point of Jeff being evicted. Maybe some of us have had things in our personal lives that give us a keener awareness of it. I won’t comment any more on it, but just wanted you to see that we are not talking about just saying please don’t nominate me I have $500,000 on the line.

      • It’s a game, Gail. A game that they volunteered and asked to be part of. Every season there are fights, arguments, intimidation, and threats. That’s Big Brother.

        If someone hits someone or threatens physical harm, they are eliminated from the game.

        Jeff yelling at Kalia that he’ll come after her if she nominates him is not bullying her. Do you really think he’s going to stalk her at the after parties and yell, scream, and/or hurt her? No. It’s part of the game.

      • wow! This all make Shelly a saint, Porsche mother Theresa, they were far worse than anything Jeff did, if he did anything , because so far nobody has proved it!!!!!

      • How about Porsche, Shelley and Adam plotting how to kill Rachel’s baby when she thought she was pregnant. Adam said they should have a comp where they drop a medicine ball on her stomach, Porsche said they could push her down some stairs and kill the baby, and Shelly said, why not just use a coat hanger and do it the old fasion way…this was probably one of the most disturbing things I’ve ever heard on the live feeds for BB. Jeff and Jordan could never even think thoughts like that. How they got away with talking about murdering an unborn child to further their game is beyond sick and they all need help for even having these thoughts…joke or not…SICK!!!

      • OMG I am so sick of everyone calling Jeff a bully. He raised his voice a few times and that was it. Did he scream, throw things, hit someone??? NO. I’ll bet all those that have called Jeff a bully have NEVER lost there temper. Never got angry. Just going through life all happy and smiles. Yea right. And as far as the gay slamming…Jeff and Jordan have a good friend that is gay and Jeff was arguing a point with Kalia. You are taking that argument out of context. I guess because of the jealousy of Jeff you can’t think of any honest comments to make about him so you make some up.

      • Jeff did not say all gays were pedophiles or that they should be around children. STOP EXAGGERATING!
        He treats Jordan just fine. If you took the time to actually observe the way they interact you would easily see that that is just the way they talk to each other. Neither one of them gets upset why do you?
        He also did not scream or yell at Rachel.
        All in all Jeff is not the horrible person everyone makes him out to be.
        You mean insulting someone like the way Dani insulted Rachel? So Dani is a bully?
        Stop being so sensitive. They are playing the game
        Also anyone who has watched the bonus scene on cbs knows that jeff is not sitting in the jury house mad at anyone. They showed the first five minutes Shelly was in the jury house people! Of course Jeff was going to confront her about her betrayal.
        He told kalia he was going to win the veto and stay and target her in the game if she nominated him and that is exactly what he did. Just like Dani told Rachel she was going to target her if dom was evicted. Its called playing the game people. Why is it only being a bully when Jeff does it?
        I agree with Kathy and Lisa

      • Dear god…thank you Matt(BBN) I thought nobody was seeing this the way I was.

        “I’ll be sure to suggest to Grodner that each HG must say “please” when they don’t want to be nominated and have their chance at $500K jeopardized. Hopefully next season they can just hug it out and roll dice to see who should win.”

        My thoughts exactly, this is getting freaking tiresome. How old are we that I keep hearing ‘bully’ cried out, this is a game that people want to win. Jeff telling Kalia ‘If you put me up I will put you up’ with a slightly raised voice (Yes, only slightly, I just re-watched it to triple-check on this dead issue). There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. He’s never outright yelled or ‘talked down’ to anyone, his biggest spats were with his own ally, Rachel when she wouldn’t calm down.

        Get over this ‘bully’ garbage. This isn’t Sesame Street where the most important thing is having fun and getting along.

      • JohnnyD, I agree with everything you’re saying.

        It doesn’t make a lot of sense to knock Jeff for how he treats Jordan, as you never see her mutter ‘What an ass’ or anything under her breath, even as he’s left the room. My girlfriend and I jab at each other all the time, outsiders shake their heads, but later we laugh at their reactions. We love it that way and we wouldn’t change it for anything. We’re also in a long distance relationship and several factors are contributing to us not being able to move closer to each other yet, and that’s despite three years together. People take shots at a relationship without understanding the rapport between two people, it’s unfortunate.

        I didn’t realize til I was writing this post that hm, maybe that’s a reason I took a liking to Jeff and Jordan. I can relate, and I know what I’m talking about on these ‘issues’ everyone throws in their faces.

      • get a grip people… its a damn game… it will be over tomorrow and forgotten… nobody cares… until the next bunch comes along to bash…

    • I’m so sorry that you are getting the idea that America thinks being a bully, arrogant and mean to women is ok. I didn’t think we were like that here. I’m so disappointed that I’m being proven wrong by this poll. I really don’t think he should win America’s favorite. His behavior this year made me sick. You are so right about him… I hope you aren’t right about it being representative of the average American though. So sad.

      • Jeff was merely watching Jordan’s back while he was there. I will agree he was overly harsh sometimes but he doesn’t mean it that way& she knows he doesn’t.As a somewhat recent widow of 41+ yrs. of marriage, my husband came home from work ranting and raving sometimes & I was always there for him to vent to. After he got it out he was the most easy going person. We had 3 girls and he was also a wonderful father. So you can’t judge someone by the way they sometimes speak.

      • I think the problem with Jeff was that he had been on the show before, so felt he knew so much more than others, and because he and Jordan were on another tv reality show he felt he was a celeb therefore the “Big Jeff” nickname. Jeff is certainly good to look at and has some game knowledge but in two seasons it has not “shown him the money”,….too “big for his britches” perhaps, none the less for most he was likeable. Did I vote for him to America’s fav…no, but do I dislike him…not at all, should he have been one of the vets, probably not…there were others who could have been picked by production…bu

      • Matt( bbn) thank u for clarifying the bully issue. These Danitrain fans r nuts!!! The biggest bullying on the show came from Dani , porsche and kalia when they eere constantly harrassing Rachel and stalking her. Again from Shelly when she was busted out for being a lieing snake and got in everyones face about it. Of course the people calling Jeff a bully are the same ones who r fans of the above mentioned bullies. How do i know this?? They did nothing but bully jjbr fans throughout this season and the hhg themselves through this site. They did nothing but attack everyone on a personal level. Which is bullying. Jeff telling it like it is and telling any houseguest that hes coming after them us not even close to bullying. Get it right Danitrain fans!!!

    • Hey Be Miz, I’m Canadian, and I’m voting for Jeff, he was my favourite (see I even spelled it with a ‘U’) and I feel he played the best game, and all the bully talk is nonsense.

      Don’t generalize, and don’t tell me because of this view of mine that I’m a ‘sad excuse for a Canadian’ or anything close, in case you were thinking about it.

      • I agree…the only ones who think Jeff was a bully are the Dani/Kalia/Porsche fans. He threatened Kalia if he went up he would be gunning for her….oh no…what a bully!!! He yelled at Rachel….oh no….noone else yelled at anyone this season…what a bully!! Get over it people. Dani and Kalia are thankfully gone….wish Porsche went with them!!

    • this fool jeff has been voted out of the house twice now, letting some dorks throw some lies his way, and then this season being arrogant, bold and nasty while getting rid of a member of his own alliance mainly because he was afraid of facing off against brendan in a final 4 showdown of the couples. Jeff has proven to me he is nothing more than a punk, he didn’t even give brendan a symphathy vote, what a jerk

    • If you really look at it as a GAME!!! Shelly was the one that really played the game,that kept the Vets going..Shelly deserves to win America,s Vote..

  7. Jeff proved himself to be a bully, a homophobe, a self-entitled jerk, and a misogynist this season. He called Jordan stupid on more than on occasion and even cursed her out. He’s also being extremely bitter in the jury house. He acts like no one is allowed to play Big Brother except him and that no one can make decisions that don’t benefit him. I liked him on season 11, but not this season, and I really don’t want him to win 25k again.

    • Well if you really listened to Jor.she said Jeff was rough and cussed alot,and his friend all were bas acting guys..They drink to and get drunk..Jeff is very rude and disrespectful to all others around him and also disrespectful of othres property.No one ever on BB showed thier A– as Jeff upon being evicted..really he didn’t respect Juli Chen.I think BB should have tossed him out earlier in the game..Jeff almost 10 yrs older than Jor and he does take advantage of her..We all know she isn’t very smart,but she is a little girl in a womens body..America should not give them their vote..Give a vote for a more respectful thoughts

      • I’m sorry ruth but that was beyond ridiculous. Throw him out of the game because he didn’t have the friendliest tone? Have you heard of Evil Dick at all? What should they have done to Porsche then for ‘joking’ about killing an unborn child and mixing Benefiber into slop and Muscle Milk which if I’m not mistaken made someone sick? How would you feel, since you’re clearly not human and can’t recognize human emotions, if you had just been screwed out of $500K by a close friend and ally? He had no time to deal with that before talking to Julie. And for the last time, don’t make comments about somebody’s relationship when you don’t know the rapport between them. Jordan’s been with him for over two years for a reason, and it’d be easy for her to end it if Jeff was a problem, citing ‘distance’ alone as her reason. Jeff is from Chicago, his buddies like to drink, so what. We’re all adults here, or at least I thought.

  8. My vote is for Jordan. If Dani was good with strategy. She would still be in the game. Not in the jury house. I hope Rachel wins the competition.

  9. That last comment was just plane stupid. How does Jeff make u sad to be an American??? Really??? Jeff played a great game he wasn’t the one that flipped on his alliance even when he had the chance. I hope Rachel wins because Porsche didn’t start winning until the majority of the good players were gone. Kalia and Porsche were followers and don’t deserve to get anything. If Adam goes to final two with Porsche I hope he wins.

    • Because according to jeff “being gay makes you a pedophile” and that is messed up. And by america voting to give him 25,000 is disgusting.

      • You’re disgusting Animal by bringing our country in discussions about a game show. Why don’t you pack your bags and move!!!

      • Listen closely everyone – JEFF DID NOT SAY BEING GAY MAKES YOU A PEDOPHILE. – Ok hopefully everyone gets it now and we won’t have to say it again.

        Stay calm and carry on.

      • Johnny, Matt (BBN) keeps saying that, too, but no one seems to be paying all that much attention.


        Now that I got your attention, Jeff didn’t make outwardly homophobic comments, and if you feel he was a bully then go tell your mommy about it. Enough already.

      • Nobody wants to pay attention to reason or to actual fact when they’re set in their ways. Maybe they’re what’s wrong with America, not Big Brother fans wanting to vote for Jeff to win some money.

    • ivy jeff did out his alliance, remember he threw the cornhole so adam could take himself off, and brendan would be the replacement everyone saw that conversation go down with he, adam and dani. also jeff and jordan spoke with dani on her first hoh nom talking about putting up brendan. truth is jeff wanted brenden out of the house far more than dani because jeff never wanted a final 4 pact with jj vs brenchal, he wanted none of that so he personally threw brenden under the bus, we must keep that in mind

  10. i get why people loved him in S11. hell i liked him in his season too, even part of this season, but like many have said before, the love he got after his season went to his head. he has already spent the 25k in his head. it’s guaranteed money to him. it would be hilarious if America would clue in and not give him the money. if you need a favorite and hate Dani, then give it to Jordan. at least she is honestly likeable and deserving of the title.

  11. Jeff is a bully because he literally threatened K when she was hoh saying if she nominated him he and everybody else would put her up and send her home That is why she couldnt step up her game play. So why should somebody like jeff win? As soon as jeff got evicted then k was able to play the game. Nobody was able to do what they wanted when he was there!!

    • Dani is a bully because she literally threatened Brendon and Rachel when Rachel was HOH saying if they nominated dom she and everyone else would put them up and send Brenchel home. That is why rachel couldn’t step up her game play. So why should somebody like Dani win? As soon as Dani got evicted Rachel was able to play the game. Nobody was able to do what they wanted when she was in there!!

    • Dani is a bully because she literally threatened BR that they better not evict Dominic (whom she’s desperately wanting to have a showmance with) or ELSE (I’m going to be really really pissed). Telling Adam he’s the WORSE BB player (pretty much belittling him) because Adam won’t save her. Cowlia did the same to Adam.

      ShellHE is a bully because she jumped on Jordan when all Jordan asked was to be left alone after Jeff got evicted.

      And what about the way the mean girls have been bashing R almsot 24/7.

      Yes, Jeff is a bully the bratty Dani and her minions are saints. Great argument you got there.

      • Not sure what my last paragraph is. Didn’t seem to make sense. LOL. It’s supposed to be — “Jeff is a bully and bratty Dani and her minions are saints? Great argument you got there.”


    • It was a game threat, buddy. If you nominate me you become my target. So what? It’s an attempt to stay safe, and again, it’s a game, with $500K on the line. Maybe he should’ve said ‘Please don’t nominate, I love you’ and given her a tearful hug. Grow up, seriously. He’s 33, Kalia’s 30, I think they should be able to handle it.

  12. i like jeff and jordan, but as far as deserving there far from it. they were not targets with b and r in the house. RACHEL is 100% my favourite but since she will most likely win, im hoping that danielle will win. I dont find jeff or jordans game better then adams, not to lie. i dont like jeff at al, but i luv jordan but no no, not derserving

    • You started your comment by saying ‘I like Jeff and Jordan’ and ended it by saying ‘I don’t like Jeff at all’. Not nitpicking grammar, just wondering which is the case.

      Plus, with Brendon and Rachel in the house, absolutely nobody else was a bigger target. Once Brendon was gone, Jeff was Dani’s target, not Rachel. Dani didn’t want to admit this towards the end of her game, but she was full of it. Dani was a target of Jeff’s ‘side’ of the house. Jeff is absolutely deserving if you want to pin your reasoning on being a target, he was one of the top four biggest targets in the overall game, out of 14 players.

  13. Ugh. I hate how we’re giving money to a homophobe for being “our favorite.” I’d rather vote for Kalia the animal abuser. Zing.

      • Lol I’m not voting. I’m not spending a dollar to give one of these attention whores $25,000. I was just saying that I find it disappointing that the majority of the votes are going to a homophobe. The Kalia thug was a joke. If I did vote I honestly would have no idea who I’d vote for.

      • My comment is in moderation so I’ll restate it with less “flags.” The Kalia thing was a joke. I’m obviously not voting for her. I was just satin how I think it’s digesting that everyone is voting for a homophobe to win 25K.

      • As I have already stated, as an Openly Gay Man, and an Advocate for teens and young adults “coming Out”, there was NOTHING Homophobic about what Jeff said!
        My Partner of 19+ years, David*, and I have discussed the “comment” made by Jeff. What it DID do was create conversation.
        Back when I was in my 20’s, the exact point that Jeff made was unfortunately true. As of the last decade, a LOT has changed, but believe me, I HIGHLY doubt too many Teachers put “being Openly Gay” on their Resumes!!!

        NO ONE I know, that IS Gay, has a single negative thing to say about the comment. Leave it be!!! Enough already, unless this is more so your own Insecurities busting at the seems?

        -My Sincere Thanks to Matt* (BBN) – You ARE The Best!

    • You would rather give money to people who thought it was funny to plot the death of a unborn child when Rachel thought she was pregnant. Just hearing what came out Porsche, Shelly and Adam’s mouth made me ill. Rachel will be none to happy when she watches the tapes and hears what they were saying…SICK PEOPLE!!!

  14. I will be happy to see Jeff or Jordan win AP. They were fun to listen to, ( and look at ) I love the affection they have for each other. People call Jeff mean and abusive to Jordan, I think people need to shut it, Jordan is not an idiot, and she must know him better than his judges, because she shows no sign of being abused. I saw her devastated the night Jeff got backdoored, but I don’t think she has been abused by him. They have had a long distance relationship for 2 years, and are still together. Talking about where they go from here after the game…. from what Jordan said. So either or is fine by me and I think as if should be! GO JEJO!!!!! Good luck in the future to the both of you!!!

    • Deb….the Jeff and Jordan haters are not just haters…they are so jealous of them they can’t stand it…GO JEFF AND JORDAN!!!

      • Deb and Lisa, I am 100% with you on that. A lot of jealous people. I guess the haters don’t like nice people and don’t like to see people happy.

      • I dont think people r jealous of Big Jeff & Jordon .they all ready won money ,let some one else win ,I didn’t vote for them .

      • …as in ‘Right on’ to Karen and Lisa for voting for Jeff, but to Deb for being one of few to see their relationship as their own, that only they know about in full and only they should worry about. Insane how many comments are made when nobody but the two of them are involved and see daily actions/comments, etc.

  15. I would be about as happy with Jeff winning AF as I was when America voted for Brendon to be the player that returned after eviction….**auughhh!**gagging**! What is the matter with us!

  16. I would love to see any man in there with their significant other and not see them get a little testy with them at times. Brenden and Rachael fought all the time and Brenden constantly talked down to Rachael as well, no one is pointing that out, but Jeff is the “bully”. I think any couple who goes in a game like this one under these circumstances are going to say some things they wouldn’t normally say and act out at times. I don’t think for a second that the way jeff was on this show is who jeff is in real life! Even Matt and Ragan have both said that Brenden and Rachael are completely different people outside the house, so lay off of jeff a little and just realize that the game puts a toll on people, it seems to me that people just don’t like jeff bc he has been in a few more cbs shows than the other houseguests and they see that as some kind of unfair advantage, well….GET OVER IT!! Jeff will still win America’s Favorite! Go Rach for the Win, Take Adam!!

  17. I’m glad to see that Jeff is in the lead, Jordan is in the second.. Yay!! I can’t stand Dani, Kalia, Porsche or Shelly.. They have done more bully than Jeff has. I don’t see Jeff taking someone’s personal items and hide them, I don’t see Jeff putting something in food that could get someone sick, I don’t see Jeff making comments about throwing a ball to someone who thought was pregnant. Before you call someone a bully, take a real good look at the other houseguests who have done worse than Jeff.

    • I totally agree Sunflower. All these uber sensitive viewers crying left and right about Jeff being a bully needs to take a look at their precious bratty Dani first (You better not vote out Dom or ELSE!), the way ShellHE jumped on Jordan when all Jordan asked was to be left alone after Jeff go evicted. And how is Jeff any worse from the way Brendon was treating Rachel on the show? Double standard.

  18. Team Rachel all the way!!!!!!!!! She won the most competitions. She was the most hated player in the game. No one was able to get her out at all. She is one of the best I seen competition wise. And I liked her last season and I love her more this season. I just hope we can see her again w/o Brendon even if it is Amazing Race (though she will be with him) or even a Survivor featuring Big Brother All Stars

  19. I feel Rahel is the most improved and has battled a lot of obstacles and she has fought hard!! The other 2 in the finals floated until now and never had the target on them that Rachel has had!! Go Rachel take with you who deserves to win some money!!

  20. My entire view on Rachel changed this season as both a person and as a player. I thought she played awfully in her season, but this season she is doing fantastically. As a person, I see her as being much more calm and sane and less mean without Brendon around. She clearly has some sort of fear of disappointing people (esp. Brendon). It really shows how much gameplay can change in it’s result. Danielle played amazingly in her season but terribly this season. As I said before, it’s the opposite for Rachel here. I do hope she wins. As for America’s Favorite, no one deserves it. Especially not the current leader.

    • So what kind of loser would you call Dani or Kalia, Sisi? Both of them proclaiming Adam as the ‘worst player ever’, Kalia doing so because he failed to save her even though it served him no purpose. Kalia crying (emphatically) “It’s so unfairrrrrr” in the bathroom, calling Adam an idiot in her exit interview…so…seriously…what kind of loser is she?

  21. @sunflower, very good point, how can any of these people be pointing the finger at jeff when all of these things you have pointed out are characteristics that do NOT describe jeff and are nto things that he lowered himself to, the things they are using against him are simply things that anyone who can get caught in the heat of the moment would say, as far as him calling jordan stupid goes, she and jeff are always joking calling eachother that, so i think it is just a word they commonly use! thanks for pointing that out!! Go Rach, take Adam, YAy JEff winning America’s Favorite Player!!

  22. Last comment of the night for me. Just want to stress why I think Jeff doesnt deserve America’s Vote. I think he played well and I never exactly saw him “bully.” Only person I saw literally use high school bully tactics was Brendon and his “coloring book fiasco with Cassi.” Yeah Porsche did some bad things too but that’s not exactly bullying. More just cruel acts or probably she considers them “pranks.” Getting off topic. Anyway. I feel as though this vote should go to the player who is the most genuine and te most kind. NONE of then deserve it which is why I dont think they should have this vote at all to be honest. Anyway. Jeff did say some homophobic comments. Porsche or Brendon picking on random housegests isn’t the same as Jeff ridiculing a group of people. He did not blantantly say “all gays are pedophiles.” as someone said above. However, he did imply that it was wrong for a character to be in charge if a school because he is gay that is “wrong.” He is the wrong one. Anyway, feel free to comment back but I’m going to sleep so goodnight everyone.

    • Actually, that was the most rational argument I’ve read from a non-Jeff fan all night. Not saying I agree, just saying it’s a valid opinion and not someone trying to shove their opinion down all our throats.

  23. This rooms is green with envy to.night! I can’t beliieve the same people who like kalia dani and porsche. The girls who sat around treating Rachel like she was scum all summer for no reason. The girls who throw puppies at walls and talk about how they’d like to throw a medicine ball at Rachels stomach to save Brendon $400 or trip her down the stairs. Are the same people why call Jeff a bully lmao! People call Jeff a bully cause he tells it how it is. These are in myy opinioon, very weak people. When did you ever see Jeff treat anyone any worse than Daniele does? Or Dick did???? Please show me, tell me, somebody. Not to be rude but it should tell you something when such a large portion of people adore jejo and small portion adores Daniele

    • Speaking of Dick, he poured a glass of water/soda over Jen’s head. There’s bratty Dani throwing a tantrum and threatening BR that they better not evict Dominic or ELSE. And we have people freaking out (I’m so ashamed to be American because of this? Seriously? Go move to Timbuktu then) because they claim Jeff is a bully and may win AFP/25K. Again, double standard.

  24. I voted for Dani cause although she made her big move a little too early, it made the show interesting. I was getting tired of everyone kissing JeJo’s ass lol Dani made the show watchable for awhile until she got evicted. I loved the way Big Douche got evicted, but I wish Dani would’ve been successfull in wk3 :)

    • Dani was a LOSER the first time she played and only made it as far as she did because of her evil, satanistic, father who btw, she doesn’t even like…

      This time around, she had no one to protect her and once again she played a horrible game. She should have gone out before Jury…

      Go Jeff and Jordan for America’s Favorite and Go Rachel for the WIN!!!

    • It did not mke the show more interesting as it resulted in the 3 strongest players being first in the jury house. This final 3 is way boring. Dani Jeff Brendon final 3 would have been crazy good!

      • Oh, yeah. The live feeds are hardly worth paying attention to. I would’ve rather seen Jeff, Brendon, and Daniele in the Jury house for that week before Shelly got there instead of watching Rachel, Porsche, and Adam now. It’s too quiet.

  25. I respect the game too much to vote for Jordan.
    Don’t get me wrong, I love her, and will never get enough of her, and was sad to see her go. But there’s no way her efforts this season warrant $25,000 over some of the other house guests who actually made an effort. There’s no excuse for Kalia outlasting Jordan on three endurance challenges. Jeff, on the other hand would be more worthy, and his good looks may have charmed America enough once again, but as a Big Brother fan who admires more than just how nice someone can be, my vote goes to Rachel.

  26. I ended up splitting my votes. Half for Jeff, half for Jordan. Jeff probably would’ve gotten farther this year had Shelly not screwed him over. And Jordan was so heartsick over it when he left. Plus, say what you want, Jeff DID make a big game move by backdooring Daniele. So, yeah, that’s my reasoning. I might have been persuaded to give the votes to Dani if she hadn’t played her cards too soon, but she did, and it was a stupid move. So, yeah, my votes are with Jeff and Jordan for America’s Favorite Player, and either Rachel or Adam for the win.

  27. Jeff was not making homophobic comments. He basically said that he did not think it was an appropriate topic to be in a children’s book. You can see the clip of the feed on youtube if you don’t have the live feeds. I don’t think Jeff is a bully, I just think he is very blunt and direct. Also, saying that you are going to go after someone if they go after you is not bullying, I see it as a game tactic. In regards to all of the opinions on JJ’s relationship, it is THEIR relationship. If Jordan was not happy I’m sure she wouldn’t still be with him. I voted for Rachel for America’s Favorite! GO RACHEL!!!!

    • It doesn’t make a lot of sense to knock Jeff for how he treats Jordan, as you never see her mutter ‘What an ass’ or anything under her breath, even as he’s left the room. My girlfriend and I jab at each other all the time, outsiders shake their heads, but later we laugh at their reactions. We love it that way and we wouldn’t change it for anything. We’re also in a long distance relationship and several factors are contributing to us not being able to move closer to each other yet, and that’s despite three years together. People take shots at a relationship without understanding the rapport between two people, it’s unfortunate.

      I didn’t realize til I was writing this post that hm, maybe that’s a reason I took a liking to Jeff and Jordan. I can relate, and I know what I’m talking about on these ‘issues’ everyone throws in their faces.

    • I don’t, but if it’s anything like last night and I’d bet it is, it’s basically Adam, Rachel and Porsche playing cards and talking about their lives. Gameplay and talk relating to it is done for the year.

      • I love how many people don’t have responses when I argue a topic with assertiveness. I keep checking back for replies, nothing on most of what I’ve said. Maybe the Dani-train passengers don’t have any comebacks.

      • @MJ: It’s past the Dani-train passengers bedtime. Or, maybe they’ve all moved to Timbuktu seeing that they’re so ashamed to be an American because Jeff may win AFP/25K :)

      • I know! It drives me nuts, especially the trash talkers, I ask them for a real argument and they never have a response.

      • Yeah really, there’s tons more to be concerned about in the country than voting for some dude to win $25K on a reality show, but this is what their basis for being ashamed. Exaggeration or not (which I’m sure it was) it’s still a pretty lame thing to say. And you’re right BeachMama, for the most part I see their arguments die down pretty quickly if you engage them. Oh well, I don’t exactly mind when I run the argument out of an irrational commenter.

      • As it’s been pointed out, online viewers and fansite commenters are not the only ones voting. I’m sure there are tons of soccer moms who watch the show and think Jeff and Jordan are adorable, and they won’t even try to hit up a computer to come and comment on these boards. They’ll go to, after Google’ing it, vote there and nowhere else. Or ask their kids to do it for them if they’re not even computer savvy enough for that. Alternatively, there’s text-in voting too. Yet so many on here find it unfathomable that Brendon won the last vote because ‘All the online polls didn’t have him in the lead!’ Well let’s see what they say this time if Jeff wins, he even leads this poll, online and contributed to by forum commenters.

  28. I want to be shocked by the vote , but I’m not. The fact that people would continue to view this couple as they showed up last time rather than the way they actually showed up this time is no surprise. Jeff was incredibly bullying to the other HGs. Oh, well…

  29. I guess if telling people to their face when you have a problem with them, instead of behind their backs is bullying, and telling people that if you target me in this game, I will target you is also bullying, then there has been lots of bullies over the years in the BB house. Is that a correct assumption?

  30. I see all too often, many people that seem to dislike Jeff for simply being “Jeff”.

    In MY Opinion, the reasons he should win the Favorite Player prize again this year;
    -Jeff adds so much personality to the game
    -Jeff & Jordan, despite “America” wishing they’d pounce on each other to somehow “prove” their love is just dumb. 2 years in a long-distance romance that seems to have worked for them is good enough for me.
    -lastly, who, besides Jeff and Jordan can bring Rachel from scratching people’s eyes out, to trying to shield Jordan when Shelley’s betrayal became known, was a Monumental task!! Worth WAY more than just “America’s Favorite”..

    I can’t wait to see what their future together holds.
    p.s. Matt* (BBN) – Thank You* for doing an incredible job! I mean this in the best way possible; Thank God it’s only on ONCE a Year!! :-)

    • I should have known my support of Jeff would bring on some of the “haters”, But, to those treating Jeff as Anti-Gay and Much Worse; I am 45, Openly Gay, and with my Partner for 19 years, 1 month, and 6 days.

      We BOTH Support Jeff & Jordan…

      p.s. I’ve been an Advocate for teens coming out for almost 20 years. I heard Jeff’s comment. It brought a conversation to MY home. That’s NOT a bad thing, we’re 100% confident that Jeff is not against Gays.

      • There you have it, folks. Couldn’t have been such a horrible comment from Jeff if he still has the clear support of a member of the gay community. Classic example of Jeff’s haters blowing something out of proportion/taking it out of context/hearing what they want to hear.

  31. Because she has turned her game around & played. She’s turned herself into Americas top player period !!!!!

  32. No matter how much all the Jeff lovers wanna come here and defend him for things he has done, my opinion still remains that he is a horses @ss. (And before some of you call me jealous, my man is very handsome and treats me with the highest respect.)
    My 10 yr old son and his teammates have more class and dignity handling loss than Big Jeff could even pretend to muster up.
    It is so beyond me why so many people still like him so much, but hey, to each their own. If someone like him is who you choose to root for, more power to you. Even I saw some good qualities about him, I just noticed the negative more.
    I can admit here that there is no more rhyme or reason for me being a Dani fan than there is for others who like who they do. I saw that she has her faults just as much as the next person. My main reason for liking her is that she wasnt afraid to go against other strong competitors.
    We all have our favorites for whatever reason, so theres no need to judge others on who the like/dislike.

    • Before anyone comes here and jumps on me, I realize my last sentence sounds a little hypocritical. Feel free to call me out on it, I am a big girl and can handle it.

    • You compare jeff to your 10yr son on how your son takes a loss better than jeff does. Ok lets put you in both situations.

      You take your sons place in his team and you just lost a game of, let say basket ball. Now when it comes to this what would of you have won and what did you lose. You lost nothing, but if you win you still would get nothing. All the incentive you have there is a good time and bragging rights.

      Now lets put you in jeffs, or any player, spot in the bb house. Your incentive here, big money. So lets say you were betrayed or some other event that made you lose, dont you think you would react in a similar way. Im sure anyone would when they just blew it to get half a mil.

      Im not defending jeff, nor do I like him, but you cant really compare how people react in this game, with a kids game.

      • Sure, I can compare it. Losing is losing, period. Most 10 yr olds have no perspective of money, so that doesnt play a factor in how I see people handling loss.

      • But, in a kind of defense to Jeff, personally I would probably be way worse than him. I would have been mad as heck and cussed everyone out. Sure am glad my kid is a better sport than me!!!

      • Your main reason, as you said, for liking Dani was that she wasn’t afraid to go against strong competitors…

        Dani targeted Brendon, twice, and openly said with Brendon out of the way she’d be going after Jeff next. She targeted them so she wouldn’t have to face them in the end, aka, go against them in final competitions.

        Maybe you should find a new reason.

  33. I liked Jeff and Jordan their first season. But this time around I thought Jeff came off as a bully. He and Brendon both actually. It just seemed like they were more busy listening to their own rhetoric to even give any mind to anything anyone else was saying.

    For example: I understand that he was pissed off at Shelly for going back on her word and voting against her alliance but he never even gave her a chance to explain her position and when she tried he just shot his mouth off at her. To me that isn’t the way into the heart of Americans, but apparantly People like bullies who talk too much.

    As for Jordan. I like her, she’s just a sweetheart but she is a weak competitor. She won the one HOH sure, and I’m very happy for her but it almost seemed like she wasn’t even trying in most of the compitetions she was usually the first or second out. just saying.

    My pick is Daniele, Simply because she attempted to throw the house off balance, she attempted to do something daring. Sure it backfired but she tried to go against the powers that be and do something other then what was expected from this season. I think for that alone she should get America’s vote. But she won’t I have no allusions.

    just my two cents.

    • Matt BBN, Thank you so much for once again hosting a great site where people like me can come and vent and bitch about what we like and Dislike about BB. Can’t wait to do it all again next season.

      Thanks to all the BBN Crew.

  34. I voted for Jeff and Rachel for America’s player. Jeff’s getting a bad rap for playing the game…The Dani crew were much nastier and yet Jeff is the bully. OK…right.
    And Rachel was the only entertainment all season. Yes she cried, but she also played. I loved her this season. Kalia, Porsche and Adam all love to count their wins. Funny, they couldn’t win anything when there were more than a couple of people in the house. A win holds a lot more weight when the house if full and you are playing against more than 3 people!

    Go Rachel !!!!

  35. Look if you think Jeff’s a bully you need to man up. I’ve been bullied and it’s a hell of a lot worse than that, makes you not even want to get up in the morning. Calling Jeff a bully makes bullying look tame when in fact it’s not. None of the housemates appeared to feel intimidated, they got on with it. I don’t like Jeff but disagree that he’s a bully.

  36. I voted for Jeff because besides Evil Dick(who had to leave early) he was the only one who started playing the game from the moment he walked into the house until he left.

    • Shocker…Jeff has won things and would of won even more had he not thrown them to someone else. VOTE FOR JEFF!!!

    • Bg.What up dude?Ya been sleepin’ the whole season.Like him or not,he’s still the best gamer goin’in this bunch.Give credit where it’s due.

    • Well Said Bg!! There’s a creepy relationship between America and Jeff!! No matter what he does, he’s still have their votes. To me, he’s only a sore loser, a bully and a big head!!

  37. I think Daniele should win – she was by far one of the best players this season (her and Rachel) and I don’t think anyone can disagree.

    • “I don’t think anyone can disagree.” —- reading the comments alone on this site you’ll see that a lot of people CAN disagree on that. She should win for the “Most stupid move on BB13”.

  38. Jeff is the most “real” person on the show. He is funny & honest. And in the real world, I would be PROUD to call him my friend! I can’t say that about ANY OTHER GUEST….not even close! (well, Jordan could come over to my house anytime too)

    GOOOOOOO JEFF!!! I can’t believe what Shelly did to you, unreal.

    • Thank you Crystal, I am in total agreement. Jeff is the most genuine, and of course, Jordan. No phoniness with these 2.

      • What do you mean no Phoniness with these two? Jeff lied to Dani and said he wasnt going to back door her. At least when dani backdoored Brendan she never promised him anything. Unlike fake Jeff. And Jeff lied to Rachel when she asked him if he threw the veto comp that got rid of Brendan.

    • piss off!!, Jeff the sore loosing cry baby, Brendon
      should have popped him one, when he was giving Rachel the 3rd degree, but he decided to simply look at himself in the window..oooo look at me I’m
      a book worm that can’t squash a ant like Jefrey!!!
      Enuff old timers there’s plenty of people in america that would love to try big brother! Wake-up!

  39. I think Jeff and Jordan were really bad this season.
    That thought they were King and Queen of Big Brother 13. Jordan was just a spoiled brat. Jeff thought everyone should bow down to him.

  40. i think it should be Rachel all the way,she played the best game and added the most excitment to the game and thats what made people watch.

  41. This poll demonstrates exactly why this season failed. Too much emphasis on the veterans, and the constant desire to keep them in the game because at this point they have built-in fanbases.

    • If it wasn’t for the vets it would of been a boring season. Look at how boring it is now. Can you imagine if it was Brendon, Jeff and Dani in the house now.

  42. I think Jeff or Jordan deserve it because they are real. I didn’t agree with Jeff’s behavior at the jury house but I understood where he was coming from. He’ll get over it. Danni is a spoiled brat and that speech she made about how she is the only person in this world that can play BB or wants to makes her sound conceited and her whole attitude is just annoying. I don’t mind confidence but cockiness is another thing and she was notorious for that in both seasons she played

  43. Oh and por is completely delusional because she believes that she will get America’s vote! LMAO! poor thing

      • I thought Porsche had all these people claiming how wonderful she is, and how great her game is, and how she is the only one who deserves to win. NO ONE is a true Porsche fan, you’re all just Dani lovers, who can’t admit Rachel is a better player than Dani.

  44. Well, without danielle BB would have been really boring. Danielle was ruthless and devious and just awesome! haha. I loved when she won stuff, because really. the whole house was against her, and I love under-dogs.

  45. I am shocked with the votes results so far ! Come on people ! JEFF !!! The guy proved to be an asshole. Playing the king of the castle, being rude and selfish all the F….ng time. Danielle needs to win this ! She is a brilliant player !

  46. why are people voting jeff?!

    jeff was a a..hole this whole time jordan didnt do crap. vote dani or cassie!

  47. I loved Jeff in season 11. But this year I felt like every time he realized people were going after him (which is part of the game) he lashed out. Yes Shelly did betray him but that’s part of the game and she had no chance of winning in a final three against JJ.

    • I know backstabbing is to be expected. However, Shelly is just a straight up coward. Jeff called her out and she continued to lie and tried throwing Adam under the bus. Instead of admitting that she did betray him, she told him to wait until tonight and he will see that she is not lying. That I can’t get over, I mean if you’re busted, just cop to it.

      • Right on, BeachMamaOBX! Shelly lies about her lies and then lies about lying. She is a twisted individual with no heart who walks around with big smile on her face wondering how she can lie about having a big smile on her face.

  48. I have just read two pages worth of comments on this subject. People are bashing all sides. There is no reason for this. It is really very simple….if you like the person for whatever your personal reason is, vote for them. If you don’t, then vote for someone else or do not vote at all. It is your choice. There is no reason to bash each other or the people who have played the game this season.
    I personally chose to vote for Rachel. She did a lot to turn herself around. Personally, I didn’t like most of the newbies. It didn’t appear to me that they tried very hard. Maybe the vets had an advantage because they had played before, but the newbies started with a numbers advantage. The vets did a better job of sticking together.
    So, vote for whoever you choose. It is your opinion. But when you are posting, remember, everyone has a right to their own opinion and there is really no reason for name calling. It’s just a game people and we should all be adult enough to realize this.

  49. i would of said racheal but she is close to winning the game. i do believe adam should be considered just because he’s a nice guy and tryed to play in the spirit of the game. a true fan. but my vote goes to jordon who came back and stayed true to herself and has such an easy going personality. she was gracious when voted out of the house and stuck up for her alliance. all house guests liked her and i think america to. i would like to see all the house guests get something good out of their experiences with big brother.

  50. I like brenden as a mom GRANMA of14 great of 10 I like what he plans to do in cancer researh I lost my father in law n granfather to cancer years ago I respect this young man n I wish him the very best in his research and I wish him n Rachael a long healthy happy life together god bless u both ps I wish for ur future children to b healthy take care n god bless u

  51. First off, the other “Joey” posting is NOT me!
    And for those that questioned CBS and their actions/non-actions this season, here’s a copied and pasted headline straight from TVByTheNumbers (Ratings);
    “Big Brother” Wraps Up Its Most Successful Summer Since 2004 With Year-To-Year Growth On All Platforms.


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