Big Brother 13 Episode 17 recap: The Brenchel show returns as Shelly’s lies come out

I loathe you, America.

OK, I don’t really loathe you, but I do have to ask you why oh WHY did you vote for Brendon to return to the game? First of all, you do remember he already had a chance to play this game only ONE season ago? Secondly, am I the only one tired of his emotional abuse to Rachel? I truly can’t handle it anymore. I guess I’ll never understand.

Anyway, on to the recap. Sunday’s episode of “Big Brother” picks up right after Lawon’s eviction . We first get to see Shelly and Adam float back to the other side as they join Jeff, Jordan and Rachel celebrating Brendon’s return. While they’re jumping around like Jeff and Jordan just won high school homecoming king and queen, Daniele and Kalia are ready to drown themselves in the HoH tub. And Porsche is walking around looking at shiny objects.

Finally it’s time for the HoH competition. The house guests have to guess how many olives are in a giant martini glass and things of that nature. In what ended up being the most humorous HoH competition in a while, one by one, the veteran alliance was eliminated. Rachel was the first to go, followed by Jordan, then Brendon, then Jeff, then Shelly, then Adam. It couldn’t have been better if it was staged like Brendon’s return.

So it comes down between Daniele and Porsche. And Daniele takes it. Brendon returns, then Daniele wins HoH. Aaaah, the ups and downs of this game. That’s why I love it.

So Daniele and Kalia let the water of their drowning pool and finally start figuring out Shelly is a snake. And instead of showing us more of Shelly the snake, we get to see a mock job interview between Shelly and Jordan. So it looks like Jordan has no hope at finding a new job. We’ll see you on Big Brother 17 and 22, Jordan.

Adam and Shelly both try to get on Daniele’s good side. Adam fails miserably as usual, so he tucks his tail and walks away. Shelly does what she does best and lies a lot, all while claiming to have class and taking the moral high road. This leads to a conversation between Porsche and Kalia, which Shelly overhears. Uh-oh. CBS failed to show us all the juicy stuff from that big blow-up that had the Live Feeds buzzing. But the important thing is that Shelly’s backstabbing is finally out in the open. Oh, and does Shelly realize, that we – the viewers – can hear the lies she’s telling? She’s facing the camera telling US that Rachel is lying instead of herself. Does Shelly even know that she’s been lying since week one? I thought Shelly was playing a good game but now I’m starting to think she’s simply a backstabber who loves gossip and spreading rumors, secrets and lies.

So it turns out that Shelly is now more of a risk in the game than Brendon and Rachel. That’s proven by Daniele taking a deal with Brenchel and leaving them off the block, instead nominating Shelly and Adam. Daniele better hope she made the right move. What do you think? If you want to find out what happened in the Veto competition, check those results out here.



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  1. Even alone, in privacy, in the diary room, Shelly said Rachel was lying. She had no reason to lie in there. Instead she should have been saying ‘i cant believe rachel told.’ I wonder if Shelly forgot the backyard coversation? Big Brother even showed it from 11 days prior or does she not consider that a final three deal? It was just a conversation? Confusing.

    • Incase you haven’t been watching, they actually showed a flash back of shelly..shelly IS the one lying, that’s all she has done this whole season

      • Shelly isnt lieing!!! Yea she made the OFFER for a deal, BUT NOBODY took it! RACHEL is a liein hoe bag who should GO HOME!! Im tellin ya, the house should of voted her out, THATS Why america voted Brendon in. SO THEY would battle and still be apart!!!

      • Rachel didn’t lie. Shelly pretty much asked “would you consider us in a final 3 deal?” it could have easily been a misunderstanding on rachel’s part.

        And even if she did flat out lie. Shelly was stupid enough to whisper to Jordan in the Have Not room with Rachel there “I think it’s so hilarious that they have absolutely no idea we have a final 3 deal” like a dumbass. So even if she didn’t have a final 3 deal with B&R, Dani knows she has one with JeJo. Which is not a lie.

      • Uh, exactly what I said if you read what I said. “Big Brother even showed it from 11 days prior….” Anyways.

    • Maybe Shelly is a compulsive liar.
      She lies so much that she believes her own lies.
      Sounds like that’s the case to me

      • shelly is such a hypocrite. remember how she cried about not telling the truth to cassie that what would she tell her kids watching the show. she lied to the whole america. she is a two faced liar. i cant wait for her to go.

    • I think Shelly just forgot that conversation with Brenchel. She is crying in the DR about it. I don’t think she’s a liar or a backstabber. She’s playing a great game!

  2. I really hope Dani honors her deal with BR and puts up Jeff cause sending Brendon home doesnt change the game at all! Everyone is back to last week and Jeff will have the best chance at the HOH comp without Brendon. If I were Dani, I would put up Jeff and make BR hold up their end and vote out Jeff.

    • don’t you dare say jeff if anyone should win this game it is him not brendon not rachel and sure as hell not dani

      • Don’t you dare say Jeff? He is a jerk. While Jordan isn’t the brightest, he is very disrespectful to her. I don’t get why people think Jeff/Jordan are great. They seem full of themselves.

      • Tellie, I do LOVE Jeff, but last night the way he was talking like he is so entitled. It was a real turn-off. The realit is that he has only won 1 veto, and nothing else. I hope heis the replacement, because I think he has the votes to stay over Shelly for sure. However, I think he should learn his lesson on greed and stupidity for throwing that veto.

      • Jeff is HOMOPHOBIC. He is a bigot! He thinks he is god! Jeff needs to go home and get a real job, not Reality TV.

    • I agree, Jeff is a total jerk. I don’t remember him being so cocky on his original season. What nerve he had to threaten Kalia. I don’t remember him getting in Chima’s face – (Chima would have whipped him down in front of all America).

      • Jeff is the most real player in the whole game that manages play without emotion and actually compete to win instead of float by.

        Dani can’t even be in the category of players without emotion no matter how hard she tries because he very first move in the game getting Brenden out was a personal move. Just because they voted out Dom. She still could have been in a final 3 deal with B&R if she wanted to.

      • You really think Jeff plays without emotion when he was “threatening” Kalia? He threw a veto comp and caused another alliance member to be put up. Jeff is not the All-American boy CBS made him out to be on his season. Now, they are all mad at Dani because she had the audacity to go after one of them.

      • U are just jealous of him. So get over it. This is for tom and all who don’t like him.

  3. Why does it matter if Br goes up, they still have the votes to keep him.
    Br –
    Shelly –

    Why doesn’t Dani just tell Brendan that HE is the pawn that way they can keep up the hate facade and really she can align with them. Dani can even bring Adam in on the new switch so that he can still floa( which is his comfort zone). By Dani instructing Adam to do what he probably would have done anyways she can promise him a “secret” alliance too, but only to use him to strengthen her secret Brenchel bond.
    Then next week Dani and Brenchel can begin the annihilation of the other side because Brenchel will still appear to be on that side. Then if they win HOH they can all go public because the old vets side will no longer have the numbers.

    If she puts up Jeff the only way he goes is if B/R flip. If they do, then it is over for J/A/and S, but there is so little trust that they will probably still vote out Shelley and miss this opportunity.

    • Why does it matter? Uh…Brendon doesnt have votes for sure. Dani knows Kalia/Porsche will vote Brendon out and she thinks Adam will. Adam is friends/with Shelly. Even if Rachel/Jeff/Jordan vote to keep Brendon, Dani will break the 3-3 tie and send Brendon out. Its up to Adam after he saves himself with POV.

      • it doesn’t matter if adam is friends with shelly I agree with you shay, they will alls realize that with brendon in the game, him and rachel are always going to be the main target

      • adam win pov omfg rofl have you watched him at all this season he can’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag

      • He only won it cause Jeff threw it to him. Shay- I don’t think B/Rworking with Dani is an opportunity at all. Her alliance sucks and she is the ultimate backstabber

      • I get that people see their favorites in their mind’s eye, but really, Dani is the ultimate backstabber?

        The big blow up over Jeff a few weeks ago, lest you forget Vet, BR were initially onboard backdooring him. They just changed their tune when it came out because of Dom’s stupidity in talking to Shelly. Everyone blames Dani, and she’s bore it fairly well…but there was a deal in place to get Jeff out that BR were onboard with. Her wrath against BR all stem from them going back on that deal and helping remove Dom. Her move was too strong too soon, but it’s amusing to watch BR pushers act as if their favorite pair have been innocent the entire game.

        No one in this house is innocent. Least of all JJ, btw. They have either lied to Dani’s face twice about a truce, or they did intend to keep that truce if they ever won HoH. They even suggested Jordan be put up to insure Brendan go home! Either way, they’re no better than the people their fans love to point at as backstabbers.

  4. I understand why they voted him back. What a twist that would have been had they voted Rachel out and she would have had to play Brandon to get back in. But we all know that he is such a sap he would have allowed her to win. So should have really gone for Diminic.

    • I hope Duminic is livin it up at his mom’s house. I’m sure if he ever were smart enough to play the game, he could have used the money to buy himself a personality and a life.

      • Its so funny cause out of everyone in the house Dom had the best personality. He was gorgeous, hilarious and smart. Unlike the rest of the Hg’s he wasn’t a spineless jellyfish.

      • Lisa I agree with you and that is why I voted for Dom (PT). I just wished he would have won.

  5. I hope dani and brenchel have the secret alliance it would help dani win it all.

    Im also glad shelly got caught now all the house guest know she’s a liar just like her family does. So much for “showing my daughter you can play this game truthfully” and simeother stuff she said.

    • Who hasnt lied in the game? Even with secret deals that is lying to others, so you want to say only Shelly is a liar? Delusional.

      • Yes but they don’t go through the house saying “in tellin the truth cause I’m like that and stick to my morales” every other sentence.

      • Difference is Shelley is a psycho about it. She freaks out when other people lie and makes it such a big deal. Furthermore, she never admits to lying herself.

      • Do you watch feeds? rachel/brendon say 50 times a day they are being “100% honest” “100%” it is always said by them.

  6. How long is it going to take to get Danielle out? I’m watching BBAD and her game is so bad she can’t even LIE to Brenchel. How many times can “I don’t know, I don’t know… I have to think about it” come out of her mouth? While Brenchel are annoying, their game play far outlasts Dani’s. Rachel managed to brainwash her and Kalia last week. Really?? LOL. Danielle and Kalia need to go. What a waste of space, and what horrible game players.

    • Shelly is actually the one who brainwashed Kalia and it really wasn’t that hard seeing as how easily manipulated Kalia the hut is. Shelly used the fact that Kalia could get in with JJ as bait to reel her in. Don’t get it confused Rachel doesn’t have the wits to brainwash anyone. Danielle has made a few mistakes but she’s a smart player with a few tricks up her sleeve don’t count her out just yet.

      • Denise you are so right and I agree Dani is a smart player and good at comps. Not comps that were thrown to her this season. With Brenchel this season all the comps except for the veto Brendon won to take Rachel off the block were thrown by the other players. This was when Dani was not allowed to play because of the stupid Golden Key.

  7. I hope that Dani goes with her gut feeling and backdoors Brendon, because honestly I’m sick and tired of Brenchel. I swear they could have their own reality TV show with all the drama that goes on between them.

    • Me too. I am sooo sick of them. They are such loosers for turning on J and J and Rachel telling all those lies. She didn’t have to lie that much to play the game.
      They stood by her like crazy last week and they even got Lawon put up so she could stay. That girl is mental. As for Jeff making a pass at her Please. That is a joke.

      • Rachel was lying to Brendon. She was telling him all kinds of stuff that she thinks happened when he was gone. She told him noone was there for her. She was all alone in the house. He asked her if Jordan was talking to her and she said no that she was all alone. She also told Brendon that Jeff made a pass at her. Lying in the game is one thing, lying to your future husband is totally different. She told Brendon that Jeff and Jordan are useless and can’t win anything. Brendon told her that they didn’t win either. She is trying to turn Brendon against Jeff and Jordan.

    • Jordan is a pathetic floater who won the half mill sitting on her a$$ and riding Jeff’s coattails. Jeff is scary big intimidating angry guy who doesn’t have the comps to back it up. He’s all talk.. I’d rather see Danielle or even god forbid Rachel win over JJ. They’re worthless JJ can’t win for shit.

      • Jordan is a pathetic floater who won the half mill sitting on her a$$ and riding Jeff’s coattails. Jeff is scary big intimidating angry guy who doesn’t have the comps to back it up. He’s all talk.. I’d rather see Danielle or even god forbid Rachel win over JJ. They’re worthless JJ can’t win for sh!t.

      • Jordan won the last few comps in her season, he was able to pick who she wated in F2 wih her, she controlled the whole ending of that season, and as far as you saying she rides Jeffs coattails, well if he doesn’thave comps to back it up, then how is that possible?

      • Jordan has $500,000thou for sitting on that pretty A$$ of hers.
        She held her own after Jeff was evicted. She deserved to win.
        This is probably really Natalie still crying over your loss.

        The point is, Jordan has a lot of money and you just have a foul mouth (or fingers in this case) KEEP IT CLEAN

      • Correct J and J are brutal. As for the how she rode his coattails last time. Duh Cout de tat. Without a free ride they would have been gone early that season. Even with the show setup for him he still managed to only come 5th or 6th lol.

    • it is not that serious to go calling people out like that…you have a favorite, thats fine, keep it to yourself…jordan and jeff have their faults too, and i dont have time to name them…but i will if i have to…you dont know what you would do if you were in the house so dont even go there…

  8. Brendan and Rachel continue to talk in circles in the HOH room. How many times are they going to say they are alone. How many times are they going to say they don’t know how Jeff or Jordan will vote. I mean the show has been on for an hour and it is like the entire conversation has been put on a loop!

      • Just think about it…If R&B will sit there and throw 3/4 of the house under the bus ( THEN BACK UP AND RUN OVER THEM AGAIN) why would they not do the same to her??? And she knows that RACHEL WAS EITHER LYING OR GREATLY EXGERATING some events or circumstances…Pathetic couple ..They deserve each other…

    • Jealousy is a sad thing. No wonder you hate them.
      As i said your comments @Flyontheway are always so Negative!
      It’s PATHETIC you never have nothing nice to say.

      • U must live a really sad life. Ur idol is an over the hill stripper/VIP call girl/top dollar escort/prostitute. That gives everyone in this forum an idea as to the kind of person u are..I am not one to fault a person for trying to fullfill a dream..If that is what u aspire to be go for it…

  9. omfg who does shelly think she is i haven’t lied i play a moral game uh hello everyone has seen the deals you have made and watched you go back and forth between sides for weeks now you are only fooling yourself . and let’s talk about the floaters ..what has porsche done to stay in the game not a thing and i hope to god khalia falls on dan’s coattails when dani goes down what a bunch of pukes in this game shoot me now.

  10. Regardless of personal feelings of who you’d like to see in the game, from a pure strategy standpoint and from the perspective of Dani:

    After watching BBAD tonight, I think Dani should get Jeff out this week. Cut the deal with Brenchel, get them to vote Jeff out, and hope they live up to the deal (a big risk, for sure, but probably her only hope to win it all).
    Any other scenario seems to end with a Dani eviction in the coming weeks.

    • I hate to say it, but I agree. I thought I had too many beers but numbers wise, B/R are right Jeff needs to go this week. If Dani didn’t trust Porche enough to let her win HOH (Dani could have written 1 on the last question and let Porche win), she better get at least one more ally.

    • I too think Dani should take the deal with BR. JJ is not offering her anything because they think they have everything on lockdown with Shelly and Adam. I think America’s vote can work out for Dani. Maybe BR is lying, but I vote for her to take her chance and if they don’t come through on the vote…sell them out to the others later.

      • Agree with you SimplyK. It’s a risk, and Brenchel would be smart to stick with that deal. It benefits them as well as Dani and I am not a Brenchel fan. I wish J/J would have offered Dani a deal, but they just are sitting back because they have Shelly and Adam. I was a huge fan of J/J, but they are not the same as they were during their season.

    • I’d rather see BR up this week, but I cannot fault the strategy Dani went for instead. I hate to say it, but yes, it would be best if she nominated Jeff rather than Brendon to replace Adam. A few things would sort themselves out for Dani if she did this.

      1. Either Jeff or Shelly would be sent packing, both of which is good for her. Jeff going would be best, but Shelly gone is almost as good.

      2. She’d find out where BR really stand. Either they keep their pact and vote out Jeff, or worst case they don’t and Shelly goes. At least then she knows and all their lies will be front and center.

  11. Did anyone see Rachel wash the wine glasd with her hand?????? Come on now you cant cook or do the dishes right if shelly leaves that house is going to be nasty!

  12. Its a game everyone lies people seriously & brenchel ugh its sick atleast jj isn’t always making out & In need of some serious medication also getting Brendan out Is better BC Rachel Is a wreck wout him & throws her game off. The only thing I gv Danielle is she’s a leader not floating around & not running around playing mean girls she’s playing the game. People need to lay off the whole She’s a liar when it comes to Shelly BC everyone lies in the house & everyone denies it all the time!

  13. I think some people need to figure out the definition of what a floater is before they start firing off the word everywhere..

    A floater is a player that refuses to pick a side and just ‘floats’ from group to group depending on where the power lies in the game… Any game for that matter…

    A floater IS NOT someone who plays the game with a partner or group bud doesn’t win anything!

    Current floaters this season: Adam, Porshe, and Shelly

    And yes, I say Shelly because even though she claims to be with JJ, she will flip in an instant if she feels she needs to.

    If you pick a side or join an alliance, you are not a floater… And if you win the game as a result even without wining anything in the game, you still aren’t a floater…

    SSN11s Jordan was not a floater, she had her main alliance (Jeff), and her side alliance (Michelle and Russel), and she won the last HOH and controlled her own destiny… She made friends in the house and chose the right person for final two, she DESERVED to win…

    Stop calling her a floater!

    If a player has an alliance that they stick to, they are never floaters!

    If in the end Shelly goes down still committed to her alliance, than she too won’t have been a floater, but as of now, she seems to be by definition

    That’s MHO!

    • Not sure why my comment went before some others, but I meant to reply to MandyCandy calling Jordan ‘pathetic’…. Let’s keep it civilized

    • I may be wrong, but I do believe the term started out to mean someone who does nothing to win a comp… they just “float” through.
      Like Jordon! But, hey.. if it works, it works!

  14. No way America did this. Brendon and Rachael are ugly souls, and delusional. BB rigged this for ratings because America loves to hate them. Ugly, ugly people.. I would be embarrassed to be related to those two self important almost 30 yr old unemployed, irresponsible garbage. God helps us all if they ever have kids. They would be the final destruction of our world…


  15. Next week i hope kalia, porsha, and adam dun’t win the hoh… Put kalia and porsha up as nomanies, amd i also believe dani will win pov and take kalia off… whoops jeff goes up, and porsha would feel betrayed

    • Who wins HoH? What if Jeff does? Jordan? Rachel?
      Brendon? Shelly? You need to factor in HoH somewhere.

  16. My favorite part of the show last night, other than my girl Dani winning HoH, was when Shelly tried to convince us that she was not a liar!! It was too freaking funny. Boo Hoo, Shelly…you got busted! I cant fault her/him for lying in the game, but, c’mon, dude..dont try to act all innocent.. we saw you!!!

  17. Shelly asked Brenchel if they would consider taking her to the final 3 (flashback scene) but NO deal was made. I thought Shelly was lying too, but went back of another look. She really wasn’t. And… I can’t speak for the rest of America, but I voted for Brendon to come back because I believed 100% he would be up against Rachel, while that would have been fun in itself to watch, I wanted the veterans to have that one extra person in the house to help JJ. I really didn’t think they both would be in the house, I’m sick of the emotional drama as well, not sure who is worse to watch when they’re crying…. Ugh!

    • There was no deal made between R&B and DANI either…Dani agreed to nothing…I would guess that by putting up Adam & Shelly that she wanted them to think they had a deal…Which now they realize they don’t..

    • “not sure who is worse to watch when they’re crying”???..rachel NEVER cries. yes, she makes an ugly crying face and an annoying crying whine, but never do tears fall from that faker’s eyes.. what a piece of work

  18. WOW… You know I have my favorites.. and I hate how Dani,Kalia and Porche sit up in the HOH room and bash everyone and act like they are the queen sheba’s of sh*t Island… But reading over all the comments here on how personal everyone is taking this to, that I think some of you would actually physically beat up somebody if they were in front of you stating these oppinions… Its Crazy ! Come on people.. have your favorite team, hope they win..root for them. Don’t beat down others for their choices or opinions.. even if they are not yours.. I mean not everyone can be as right as you…. ;-) timmyz

    • totally agree…totally agree…to me, ANYONE who can make it through this house deserves to win, regardless of favorites…but it is sooooo silly hearing people talk and literally bash people that they dont know…crazy…like its THAT serious and someone is paying them…i mean, if that person went on the show, im for certain they would win the money…lol…stop with the silliness…we are all grown people up here…or at least i thought…;)

  19. I personally think that Porsche is the one that needs to be backdoored. Put her up against Shelly and see what happens.

    • I am not trying to be mean or anything but I think something is wrong with Porsche. She seems emotionless, almost sedated.

  20. Hello everyone, I have been reading everyone’s posts and its nice to hear everyone’s thoughts on how each player is handling their game. I do not like Rachel and Brandon at all. She is on another reality “Hollywood brides” so she is just someone who enjoys the spotlight. I want Danielle to win as I feel she has played the best game. I think she should have put Rachel and Brandon on the block because I don’t think in the end they want to work with Danielle. Again, this is Big Brother so anything is possible. I know for sure I don’t want Jeff or Jordan to win as she already won and Jeff is an egomaniac, just my opinion. Keep up the great feedback everyone.

  21. On twitter- JunDishes Jun Song
    by EvelDick
    Really?! RT @piperyoung: Brendon is the epitome of class. He let his gf blow him last nite bwn sleeping Shelly&Adam…did nothing for her.

  22. BigBrotherLeak BigBrotherLeak
    Adam has used the PoV on himself. Daniele has nominated Brendon in his place. Shelly and Brendon are now nominated for eviction! #BB13

  23. I am no longer a fan of Big Brother. There is no way in Hell that America voted Brendan back in. Can you say ‘Conspiracy Theory’? I’m willing to bet that CBS will not even divulge the numbers for the votes. All of these reality TV shows are now becoming unreal and coerced by the producers just for ratings. I’m sticking to Expedition Impossible. So far they have not been coerced by the producers and the show as Wayyyyy better than this loser season of Big Brother.

  24. If Dani remains in her alliance with Khalia and Porsche, she will not win BB. So for all you Dani fans, prepare to be disappointed. There is no way Khalia has it in her to win another HOH to help her out. She obviously sucks at physical challenges and is no better than anyone else with thinking challenges. Personally i think she lucked out with the one she did win. And Porsche remians to be as useless as ever. Dani can’t win them all.

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