Tonight on Big Brother 13 episode 16, the results of the next live eviction will be revealed along with the results the big America’s Vote Twist and tonight’s HoH competition. While we wait for the results join us on Facebook and grab our free iPhone and Android mobile apps!
I can’t wait to see how tonight’s vote turns out. Daniele is still expecting to decide during the show whether or not she wants Rachel evicted. Little does she know those votes are no longer under her control. Then once that craziness is over we’ll get the big twist and a battle for an evicted HG to return. It won’t stop there though because we’re about to find out who will be the next HoH and the pressure is huge tonight.
I’ll be updating this post here with the live results as they’re revealed on the show. Have your Live Feeds (not signed up yet? Get the Free Trial) ready to go because as soon as the broadcast is over the Big Brother Feeds come back!
Meanwhile, join us in the Big Brother chat room as we watch tonight’s live show!
Big Brother 13 Week 5 Live Eviction voting:
- Jordan: evict Lawon
- Jeff: evict Lawon
- Porsche: evict Lawon
- Daniele: evict Lawon
- Shelly: evict Lawon
- Adam: evict Lawon
That’s it. Lawon has been evicted just like we told you.
By a vote of 6-0, Lawon has been evicted. Now we find out who he will battle!
Get your Live Feed Free Trial & Watch Inside the House right now!
Big Brother 13 Twist – America’s Vote:
- The evicted HG voted to possibly return: Brendon, with more than half the votes!
Big Brother 13 Twist Battle Competition:
- Returning to the Big Brother game: Brendon, after defeating Lawon!
Whoa! This is insane! What do you think?
Big Brother 13 Week 6 HoH Competition – ‘TBD’:
- The late night competition is over: Who won HoH? results
Turn on your Big Brother Live Feed right now and watch the HGs react to this crazy night of Big Brother 13! Don’t have the Feeds yet? Then get the Free Trial now!
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thanks for keeping us updated….some of us can’t watch it until 2:30am because of the Cowboy/Broncos game…..
Wendy turn to KTXA. It’s on there at channel 21 girl hurry!
Wendy, turn to KTXA. It’s on there. Hurry girl! That should be channel 21.
I wish there was a chiefs game on tonight because I would much rather watch that than big brother
That really stinks cuz I have the game and BB. That’s weird. Oddly they said on CBS local news to watch KTXA. I thought that was funny cuz its the news.
cowboys are losing…I WIN!!!!!!!
brendan comes back…..I LOSE!!!!!!!!
WTF cbs and there shit channel, theres some foot ball game on.
Update this quickly ………….
KTXA people! Should be channel 21. It’s sister channel. Hurry yall.
no such luck in the austin area, channel 21 is showing How I met your mother….
How they hell can they do this too us. Now how we suppose to watch this.
U have KTXA right? I don’t know what channel that would be for u but if ur able to het cbs should be able to get KTXA. Otherwise I’m sorry
No such channel exist in my area, I have no idea where you all are getting such channel
It’s time for results Matt. We’re chomping at the bit
Im on the west coast so,i get it in 3 hrs.
the results are horrible!!!!!
They are just recapping the week. I think we find out after commercial who wins america’s vote
Go Team JJ / Team BR…… Bring Brendon back…. Take Team Dani out!
Is there going to be an endurance challenge for new HOH?
Lots of speculation that it could happen. I think there’s enough time though since they do double comps each year with Fast Forward nights.
all of us don’t know what it’s going to be but it will be on sunday
commercial- still no votes yet.
U guys I’m so sorry. Look at ur guide and fin KTXA. Don’t look for channel look for the call letters KTXA. Again, sorry if u can’t find it
This sooooo stressfull…dam ..wish they would get it over with..
No kidding. I haven’t been this nervous all season!
agree, lol Julie is dragging this on
I agree!!!! It’s driving me crazy. lol
Jeff votes to evict lewon, Jordan votes to evict lewon and commercial again
Did Dani clap? I missed it
I was looking for it and didn’t see it happen.
Rachel started to clap after Lewon’s speech. So it was hard to tell if Dani clapped. The camera wasn’t on her. Not that I seen anyways
Did Daniele clap after Lawon’s speech? I saw Rachel clapping after I heard someone else clap … Maybe she was giving the signal?
I think they would have put the camera on her ..FOR SURE ..if she had clapped for that reason
There is no time for two comps tonight.
Lawon is evicted! That’s all we know so far.
Porche voted to evict lewon and dani did too
Everyone voted lewon out
kalia looks so pretty. lawons gone!!!
Oh I hope Brendon gets voted back in…..
Me too!
pretty sure doms coming back!!!
How’d that work out for you?
The twist, yes Commercial again. This sucks. I want to know now!!!
This game is geared to the vets… thats all i have to say !!!
OMG, Julie is worst than Ryan Seacrest from Idol. Tell us already.
LOL, yes she is! That’s the perfect comparison
Rachel’s face lol
I’m biting off all my fingernails, she better tell us soon, lol
I hope Brendon comes back…. If Cassi wins, I hope Laeon beats her…..
wonder if Julie will tell the HG’s the twist tonight????
She already told them.
so they know a former houseguest will battle Lawon?
Yep, Brendon battled Lewon in front of the other HG, and he won.
Of course the game is geared towards Brenchal and the vets. That’s what gets ratings. It’s how “reality” tv works.
I can’t wait any longer!!!!!! I’m about to have a heart attack from all this excitement and anxiety!!!!!!
Two things: (1) rachels face was PRICELESSSSsss! (2) as much as I never liked keith, I do feel bad that NOONE likes him either and he had like 1% of america’s vote, it just gives me this annoying sad feeling for some reason lol
It’s not that no one likes Keith, it’s that he was only there for a short period of time, therefor we didn’t get to know him.
Cassi back although I wanted bookie
Do you think the winner of the battle will be HoH … ? Doesn’t look like there will be time for an HoH content after the battle.
If Brenchel makes a return I may stop watching forever!
I’m with you there.
I guess you are done watching…. Go Team JJ and Team BR!!!
Guess you enjoy piss-poor gameplay eh?
I actually don’t which is why I can’t wait to see Dani, Kalia and Porsha get the boot next…. L~O~L!!!
Great! You can stop watching now.
Competing against brendon
America voted Brendon
Hell yeah! Now we might get to see Rachel crying more and Brendan trying to console her while sad music plays! It was so exciting the first time, I can’t wait to see it again! Leik Amirite?!1! *chews gum*
See,it all worked out for you then.
Yes….. Brednon won America’s vote…
He’s back! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
true…he has to battle Lawon….
america didnt vote for him, what a load
of bs. fixed to the max!!!
that is BS plain and simple… all week long the voting was neck in neck with Cassi and Dom so how the hell does Brendon get it…. RIGGED
That was not cbs vote that was tbis website vote silly girl. None of us knew what the status of cbs poll was at all till tonight. What happens on yhese boards does not mean anything.
your right this is bs
sorry had to say this….but Men playing with their balls!
No effing way that America voted Brendon. No effing way. This is such b.s.
Rachel is cheating!!!! This is wrong if Brendon wins!
not really. but i hate that brendan’s back in.
I agree. It would have been more fair if the other house guests would have kept their mouths shut..
Brendon is back in
Hee heee hee heee
You sound like Ragan from the exorsist! Go bookie!
Producers fixed this completely!!! Everyone I knew was excited when Brendon left…the majority of people did not vote for him.
As if there was any doubt that this was fixed, this clinches it.
i agree mandee this will no doubt be the last season. it had a nice run but all good things must come to an end unless the creative team at CBS comes up with something better to keep big brother going.
I guess all the people u know are as unaware as u and they dis not participate in voting
The majority did vote for him that’s why he’s BACK!!! Yea!!!!!!
Super pissed its brendon.
As unlikely as it is, I hope lawon wins it.
Brendon is back……. Helll yeah…. Go Team JJ and Team BR…. Team Dani is toast!!!
I agree!!!
look at Lawons face..”What in the hell just happened!!!!! says it all
flyonthewall – are they showing the competition between those 2?
oh yes Brendon won..Lawon (in shock) IS OUT
This is so not right! :(
Wooohoooo!!! Yes.
All the haters, Brendon, opppps I mean Brenchel is Back!!!!!!!!
Really!!?!!! America voted that idiot back in? Now I know this show is rigged, done watching forever!!!!!!
Excuse me while I go vomit. Uggh
Wow….how predictable was that. Sorry the Big Brother I know and love was never this predictable.
Yet another return of the Brendan and Rachel show? No, thank you. I’m done with Big Brother 13. I’m sick of the 15-minute long sessions of more Brenchel drama.
Right behind ya
yea me to
I’m leaving too. Have had enough. Just wait until CBS offers to pay for their wedding and make it a show. UGH. I need to vomit.
What is wrong with America
yep me too
OK Dani, you just have to kick him out AGAIN.
Dani’s new name is Dumby Dani, she actually voted to keep Rachel and yes she is going to regret it. I hope my vets win HOH this week.
Totally agree with you Sophi. Go J/J and Brenchal!
Go Brendan make sure proud!!
Haha, how much does that burn? Can’t wait to see Danielle and Kalhua crawl like the worms they are.
I second that!
Brendon won… Back in the the BB House!
Y are you happy that he is back. Hopefully its Kaysar all over again and he is evicted three times in a year!!!!
YES!!!! Brendan is back in the house!!!!!!!
YES!!! I can’t wait to watch it all…..
Yea for Brendon!!! I am so happy!
I’m with you! Now I just hope one of the Vets who isn’t Dani wins HOH. Dani needs to GO.
did you get sick of Rachel whinning
I agree, Dani needs to go. What a horrible game player!
Wow! Now you can really say fixed
Totally fixed and totally cheating!
The fix is in. Complete BS!!!!
I agree. I think that CBS is fixing all of this.
This is sooo wrong. Why cant CBS just send someone else? I cant take another week of “Bookie” we can here the famous. “nothing can come between me and my man”
Totally fixed. This game was made for brendon to when. The votes were fixed too. CBS wanted brandon to come back
2 million votes cast and Brendon gets over 50% when all polls had Cassi, Dom, and Bren all even pretty much…..
This is Bull Shit! Oh well that Brendon is back, but Rachel should not have been allowed to yell the colors and crap out to him. The houseguests should not have been there to watch it. it should have been secret to them till the winner walked back in. CBS is really out for ratings.
yes! Its brenden! Im sooooo happy!
That was crap!!! CBS SUCKS!!! They allowed a total cheatfest there!!! It’s wrong!! nw we have more slutfesting between the two most horrid houseguests ever!
CBS sucks. They suck. This whole season sucks. I hope that when these people get voted off they go home with their tails between their legs. If I was them I wouldn’t even admit to being in the house.
Boo Hoo don’t watch then.
Brenden should not be aloud to play in HOH!!!
it’s official…KD deserve to be kicked out just cause they made the most stupidest game play ever!! I’m not a fan of B&R but now i’m cheering for them.
How sad a predictable game. One of the vets has won a half a million dollars game over. Only half way through the season and the vets have one ugh.
i mean won
Im about done watching
Why couldnt they have evicted rachel, A Brendon/rachel showdown would have been great.
I really hope whoever wins HoH sends rachel home,
I agree now that would have been good game.
worst big brother episode since season 1
I’m so sick of this. I swear CBS is fixing this entire year. Just happens that Brendon gets back in the house. Might as well evict everyone and call it the Psycho House so that Brendon and Rachel can play house. Bye Bye CBS….YOU SUCK.
dude you are not alone
So I’m done…I refuse to watch the love boat anymore.
Bye Jen hope to see you back another time. Keep the drama coming.
You know you won’t quit watching.
I’m not watching this show anymore! Totally rigged that Brendan comes back. Competition was geared for him to win and plus Rachel helped. Total BS!
The sad thing is that CBS probably thinks this is going to cause higher ratings, when in fact Brenchal couldn’t be more of a damn turn-off for most Big Brother fans if they wanted it to be.
Is Brendon HOH?
No. HoH comp is later. Brendon just cheated a return into the house.
I am signing up for the live feeds….. Hell yeah!!!
I will NEVER watch this show again. Thanks for screwing it all up.
Gee Seven I remember you saying that over a week ago. How come your still talking about it???
This is utter ########.
I’m not watching this season anymore.
Arrrrgh! Really frustrated with BB right now. I definitely wanted Dom to come back into the game.
What a wrench it throws into Dani’s game. I mean, she was the only one with the bollas to take on Rachel and Brendon.
Dumb! These newbies deserve to go home! Should have been rachel against Brendan so she could go really insane and he could try to save her uggggg
No Hoh tonight? When will we have the hoh comp?
it will be on sunday
I totally agree. A lot of websites had the same poll and had either Dom or Cassi as the front runners. Complete crap. CBS SUCKS!!!!! Reality TV is totally fixed. I’m done!!!!!!
wow most stupididst thing ever in my life why him so unfair like why not dpminic or cassie people who just started olaying wtf why him but im hoping for porsche or danielle to win hoh i suspect they will tho, thye should have listen to danielle evict rachel forget the twist retarded
I’m convinced this show is setup….every unofficial poll cassi was winning but when it comes to the actual one Brenden wins? Seems a little weird… wouldn’t be the first time a reality show was fixed
O so if Dom Or Cass won then it wouldn’t get fixed only when it comes down to B and R? Right?
I’ll never watch another episode. This game is totally rigged and every house guest helping Brendon. FU CBS. The house guest should have never been anywhere near the contest. What a joke. FUCHING cheaters!!!!!
Total fix for Brenchel reunion and wedding/honey moon fund. You just know one of them is going to win now. I bet diary room totally influenced Rachel staying too. Ironically they both are in the house again.
Dani and Porsha look shell shocked….. They know they are in trouble……
hee hee, love it!
wow im so happy brendon is back.
I got up to a hundred votes for brendon while people were voting on these websites i was voting on the real website yipeee!!! Go Brendon So happy
WOW Bookie is back :)
Fixed !!!! pick em off one at a time now
The returning hg better not be HOH. I want Dani to win HOH and get rid of Brendon ASAP. I can’t stand him. Brendon coming back wasn’t a surprise at all. If they wanted to surprise us they should’ve brought keith back lol. Now that would’ve been hilarious.
Can someone explain to me why they like rachel and brendon? Id really like to know
well if we tell u we will have to kill u Just a joke no literaly
CBS wants to help MR. PH (Dork) pay for his college bills and future wedding to Miss “I need a hug” Rachel.
I LOVE how each and everyone of those people who called Brenchel poor sports, are not whining and crying. Shut up, take a dose of your own medicine. DON’T BE POOR SPORTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The problem is Brenchel are poor winners, as well as, poor losers!
Thats it! i am convinced this show is fixed so I am not watching the season until brenchel is gone. I am only looking at this site for spoilers from now on
Lawon looks so shocked to be going home. I kinda feel bad for him, but volunteering himself was stupid as hell.
I am glad Brendon is back. I love the drama of big brother so i am excited about this week.
if your not gonna watch it anymore DON’T WATCH IT…
it is what it is…
FINE DONT WATCH , lol i will.. u dont have too .. why should we care?
I know right! So pathetic that people are saying they arent going to watch! Even though they probably still will and read this site and still make their comments on here! lol
This was so fixed! How can Cassie lead all week and then Brendan come from behind just today? BB is only concerned in screwing up the fans enjoyment of this game – at least mine!
you SHOULD care because if enough stop watching it, their ratings go down, and the show is cancelled forever
CBS did not show there polls so how do you know that Brendon was not leading in the CBS polls?
SOOO Funny that the alliance that started week 1 (Dom, Cassi, Keith & Lawon) are all out — none will likely be on jury. That may go down as the worst alliance in reality TV history. I bet Lawon, Danielle, and Kalia really regret their decision…
Hope Brenchel or JJ wins HoH!
yippee…..brendon and rachel back together…now they can get rid of Danielle…..she turned her back on the veterans….love rachel and brendon….
YEAH!!!!! I’m so happy that Brendon is back in the house! haha! I do feel sorry for Lawon. But I can’t wait to find out who wins HOH. I can’t believe some people on here are saying they are not going to watch anymore! How childish! The show has to go to the way you want it for you to watch it?! How pathetic!
I wish it was Porsha instead of Lawon…. Oh well….. @ people for Team JJ and Team BR and one less person for Team Dani…. Thanks Kalia, Dani and Porsha!!!
Wow! It’s the Big Brother BS conspiracy. I’m done watching this crap.
Hopefully brenchel can hel jeff ans Jordan then they can get rid of the cry babies!!!
SHelly is golden in my eyes….. Thanks to her playing Dani and Kalia, Team JJ and Team BR are in full force…… Jeff, Jordan, Brendon and Rachel in a physical or endurance comp against Dani and Porsha…. I choose Team JJ and Team BR over Team Dani anyday….. This won’t be some crappy comp to help little Dani again…. Hooray for Brendon and Rachel!!! Can’t wait until BB after dark now!
How was that geared for Brandon? You roll a freakn ball up a ramp and you can see the colors you missed. Nice try.
The newbies voting out of there own was idiotic. Would love to hear Evil Dick comment on Dani’s game plan now. She just sealed her fate.
So you were cool with all the house guest helping Brendumb?
Everyone else could have helped Lawon but they chose not too.
You can’t convince me that America voted Brendon should have a 2nd chance …… CBS had their minds made up long before they put that out for “America’s Vote”
I voted for him!
me 2
me too i got him 100 votes made every fam member of mine vote!!!
me 3
Me 4
I voted for him 10 times.. He’s a competitor and has a good game. Rachel just brings him down.
I voted for Bookie as many times as I could. I am soooo happy. I can’t wait to watch the show tonight and see how everything evolved to the ending I was hoping for. Now, I am praying Dani does not win HoH!
Well, its official then. Ya’ll are a bunch of idiots. Then we wonder why America is in the shape it’s in
CBS at least don’t make it so obvious!!! Just give the money to 1 of the vetrs and be done with it,just like you did with boston rob on survivor aahahahhahahahaoo tooo funny
I Agree that had to be rigged. I hate when they bring people back to begin with. Where is the HOH Competition.
I agree that it’s rigged. Such a sad thing. :(
Me too, I voted 80x!
I agree. BB was good entertainment when it first started. The house guests actually had minds of their own, voted the way they wanted to and nominated others without first asking their permission. It is now so scripted, there are no surprises. Pitiful1!!!!!
so it wasny scripted at the beginning but now it is??
Since you do not like him then no one in America does? How conceited. Brendon has many fans and maybe even not fans of his who KNEW voting him back would make this game crazy. I and many others voted for him many many times.
i agree. now i know big brother is fixed. what a disappointment.
america loves drama bringing Bren back will make drama so not convinced its fixed
I dont like him and I voted for him.Only because I thought JJ had a better chance.
I voted for him too
i voted for brendon cause he plays a very good game i’m so happy he cames back, just to make the house up side down
What game does Brendan play other than a good door mat for Rachel to cry all over.
He need a drug screening now. No real man would ever put up with a woman that is needy like Rachel. She cant even handle a few days away from him. She would never make it as a military wife for certain.
We don’t need to convince u of anything silly girl! It’s done!
I am not a fan of Brendon but I voted for him. The newbies made big blunders that caused their eviction. Brendon’s eviction was a combination of revenge and because he is a strong player. I was actually hoping Rachel would be evicted and they would have to battle each other. I am watching to the bitter end because anything can happen in the BB House.
bren would have just let her win
I have watched big brother since the first year, and this was the first time, I actually changed the channel, and wont be watching it again. There is no way brendan got real votes to get back in, this is such a fix. How anyone would want to watch the cry baby and the wimp for the rest of the season.
Then they do a challenge that is something he is good at, and gets help fron his gf.
I hope the ratings now tank and they need to make it easier for people with a brain rather then brawn.
I really would like to see Rachael and Brendon rule them all.
the invisable man had the same chance
Buh Bye Troy!
I know I won’t be watching, not since cry baby Brendan was rigged back into the game.
Why is it so hard to believe Brendon was actually voted back?? I voted 10 times for him, as did many other people I know. Maybe, just maybe, people wanted him back. What a shocker that would be!
I agree with Troy. All of the polls that I saw, Cassi was leading the votes. There is no way he beat her unless someone sent a million votes in on there own.
I kinda think that having Brendon back won’t be all that bad, because he’s not all that hard to get out, and he will in turn be on the vets’ side. Hopefully, JJ and Shelly will make it to the end, and having Brendon here for awhile will only better that chance.
Honestly though, there would have been much more dramma if a neutral player like Cassi came back into the game. Think about how everyone would have bombarded her to be on their side.
Those were not the CBS polls!!!Everyone grow up and get over it. If someone you wanted back in the house won then it wouldn’t of been rigged right???
I am done also. This show is a friggin joke. See ya CBS…….you suck !!
one of these houseguests needs to file a lawsuit to challenge CBS on their actual proof of voting for Brendumb…..THey are saying he got one out every 2 votes. Absolute Bull$hit !!
Just because things didn’t go your way doesn’t mean other people didn’t vote for him. I voted every chance I could. Go cry in the corner like the spoiled brat Dani.
I can’t believe you actually believe that many votes were cast? I have a talking dog to sell you.
yes and he says Bookie is back
LOL ellablue
Ellablue, ROFL…..LMFAO…..Just perfect. I wish i had thought of that. So funny!
Do any of u really think cbs will lose ratings? NOPE! Do u really think cbs cares about ur bitter comments? NOPE! Do any of u think you are the ones playing BB? NOPE! Do any of u realize this is just a message board? NOPE! Quit crying people, its still just a freakin game. NOPE! YOU DON’T KNOW THAT EITHER DO U
Actually, yes I do think the ratings will go down if they spend 15 minutes of every show, on the soap opera of Brenchel. It’s not entertaining, and it’s not about the game. And I do know that the message boards are reviewed by staff.
Every show is concerned about ratings…..if they weren’t shows wouldn’t get a 2nd season or in this case a 13th
How would over 1 million of the votes out of 2 million be for Brendan? Over Dominic? CBS decided. The fans didn’t. This show is really a huge let down this year.
and if it did go u r way then what??
It never would have. They’re betting on the vets, that Dani would have stayed with the vets and that the newbies wouldn’t win. At some point they had to put someone back in because of Dick’s leaving. They waited until a vet left, then created this “vote” which never really was a vote. Just an ego boost for Brenda.
so tell me if Dominicwent back in then it would have being ok?
I agree it’s rigged. I highly doubt that over 1 million people voted for brendon out of 2 million votes.
you can complain as much as you want. brendon is back and you can’t do crap about it!
Well said Eric.
Ok let’s break this down for the math challenged. If there r 2 million votes and brendon got over 1 million then he got more than half. Is that simple enough? It’s pretty clear America was either team daniele or team brenchel. I guess people like people who r annoying as opposed to evil Dick wanna b’s
Because Dominic is BORING!!!
Yes!!!!!! Time for revenge
I voted for Brendon. No surprise he got Americas vote and I don’t think it was rigged. If Cassi and Dom weren’t competing with each other for votes, one of them would have been back. All of you who didn’t want Brendon back should have picked one to vote for, but don’t say they rigged it.
CBS rigged it.
He told you not to say that. Now get out.
I agree! I voted for Brendan to stay, so I was happy. I think where all of the Brenchal haters messed up was splitting their votes between Dom and Cassie. (I leave Keith out cause, well I don’t think even had a chance with being evicted so early) Anyway, had all the haters voted for one or the other of Dom or Cassie they would have had a chance. Vets all the way……woot woot! I’m sure a lot of people will disagree and that’s OK. This game is always up and down. So, I’m sure at some point I’ll be disappointed with the vote. In the meantime, back to celebrating.
Google big brother Brendon and see what a skank playing big brother. What a cry baby
omg…….Big Brother is toooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much…..loved tonight. Can’t wait for the results of the HOH….
Who besides me think that Lawon made the stupidest move/decision in BB history?
Lawon who????
LOL, Lawon who??? Yeah, I almost feel bad for Lawon and Kalia when they end up watching all of this.
I can’t believe the neander-Tal was voted by America. This has to be rigged. His ego will be so big now, I hope he trips on it during the HOH competition. The only thing that would have made this okay is if he had to battle Rachel to get back in…Will wait to see who wins HOH before I bail on 13…
I’m done with this show…Really America? Bookie?? Lawon and Kalia are the dumbest players ever to play BB. They make me ashamed to be black in this country. Go Adam…Brendon and Rachel sucks.
i totally agree.i was disappointed the way all of this played out. kalia and shelly next .i hope dani can save herself because she has no one
Who’s fault is it that she has nobody? Oh yeah hers.
I can’t believe the newbies are this dumb. I thought Adam studied this game. Not too well. Back to war!! B & R and J & J should be the happiest people in the world right now.
I HATE BRENDON!!! Grrrrrrrrrr
whatever. he’s back in the game and nothing you can do about it.
Yes eric, we get it, now stop talking.
Ha Ha!! Brendan’s back bit**es!
Who won HOH??????????
Should have taken Rachel out when you had the opportunity… K & D are stupid game players
I agree that it was so stupid not to get rid of Rachel. However, I think Dani wanted to but didn’t have the numbers because she is literally the only person that is not a jelly fish. What a waste of an HOH week. And Lawon’s move had to be just as dumb as Marcellas. Boo.
I love this, but I have a feeling I am gonna regret saying this so much when I have to watch another 20min make out session of brenchel.
Dani and Kalia have gotta go though.
Vets have to win the next hoh and control the house!
I agree. It’s almost like we need to be careful what we wish for… So not looking forward to watching the makeout sessions but I’m totally looking forward to the upcoming drama. It should make for great TV. BBAD should be interesting tonight!
Anyone think America voted Brendon thinking he would have to go up against Rachel? No one really knew the idiots would keep her, unless all of America read spoilers.
great point
That’s why I voted for Brendon! Lol! I thought they weren’t going to know who they were competing against. I for sure thought Rachel was done this week & compete against brendon without knowing it…
Good point.
Everyone needs to stop saying that Big Brother rigged the voting. Brendon was fairly close in many unofficial polls. Secondly, we have to put into consideration the one dollar per text vote. There must’ve been more people who were willing to pay a dollar per vote for Brendon to come back. So people need to stop saying its rigged, there is nothing you can do about it.
So 1 million dollars was spent on Brendon…..cuz Julie said how many votes went to him
i am not saying that, but I am saying that Brendon voters must have been more dedicated into voting.
Do you know for a fact it wasn’t rigged? Are you behind the scenes, or working for CBS? I doubt it. CBS will do what they want to do, and rig what they want to rig. They don’t have to be sincere about a thing.
I don’t know for a fact if it is rigged or not. But there is nothing people can do about Brendon coming back.
Do you know for a fact that it was rigged??? Gow up and quit your crying.
Sorry typo..grow up
i agree. People who didn’t want Brendon back are saying the voting was rigged.
Of course, it is natural for people to complain and create excuses to why something did not go their way.
Voting via text cost $1 per vote.
Voting online at didn’t cost anything but time. Max 10 votes per account.
Yeah, almost everyone I know used their 10 free votes online to vote for Brendan. I’m a fan but I’m not paying to vote. This is purely entertainment for me. Now, if you had a chance to win something by texting then maybe, but otherwise I’ll stick to voting online for free……
Wtg CBS you have managed to ruin yet another great show and lose another viewer. I’m out all and have fun…..anyone know a good show on cable I watch? LOL
i knw how u feel
The power shifts constantly. You never know what will happen next week or the week after that. I’m rooting for the vets but they’ll all have to turn on each other eventually. Just view it as entertainment and as irritated as you are now just know things change at the drop of a hat. I was so mad when Daniele flipped on her alliance but I was happy this week. Anyway, don’t give up on the show. Something is bound to make you laugh soon.
Jersey Shore…sike. Both of these shows are weak and whack like Brenchel.
Breaking Bad AMC Sunday nights 10pm est.
Brenchel can SUCK IT
They do!
cbs told hg not to evict rachael they would be bringing brendon back in ..what a joke im done with this show
that is not true at all. you are just mad at the simple truth of brendon being back in the house.
The show does try to sway votes all the time.
Dude seriously stfu. This show has been rigged for a while. You have no clue that brenden vote wasn’t rigged, but there’s enough indication to say that it was.
Well… that’s disappointing.
Google big brother Brendon. What a cry baby
If over 2 million votes were casted, and Brendon supposedly received over 1 million, how was the vote even close???
Brendon 1,000,000?
DOM 700,000?
CASS 300,000?
This is why I think it’s rigged. The math just doesn’t add up.
no way……cheat
Wah,wah,wah cry babies!!!
OVER 2 million…how much over?? 2 500 000? 2 999 999? Maybe Brendan got 1 000 001 and Dom got 999 999 and Cassi got 800 000 and Keith got, well, 10. That’s still “over 2 million” and allows for a close race. I am team nobody…I just love the drama either way! Haha!!! Shocked faces across the room tonight!!!
Over 2 million could of been 2.8, 2.2 or anything over 2 million
Brendon – over 1 million
Domain – 900 thousand
Cassi – 400 thousand
Keith – 300 thousand.
See over 2 million votes Brendon and Dominic close. It could be a number of possibilities don’t mean it’s rigged
Brendon sucks! Hate him and skank ass whore.
people need to stop complain about brenchel being together. Kalia and Dani could’ve stopped this from coming by getting rachel out but they unfortunately chose to vote someone out of their own alliance.
Ew, I like Rachel but cannot stand Brendon. Probably not going to bother with the season anymore, cause after Daniele is gone it will be SO boring.
I hate Brendon, but you must be an idiot if you thought America wasnt voting him back. The other houseguest were completely irrelevant.
Oh, God — okay, all you Rachel mini-me’s: “Boo-hoo-hoo, I didn’t get my way so I’m not going to watch anymore! Nobody loves me.”
Get over it. Don’t get over it. But enough with the threats. CBS and ‘Big Brother’ will still be thriving with or without your viewership.
I said the same thing when Jeff got voted out
and I still watcht it it’s the heat of the moment
Its just a joke that some pervert who treats his fiance like crap can have a 3rd chance at winning 500,000$ when cassie, Who is actually playing for a worthy cause (her family) Gets taken out.
Id like the vets more if they werent such bullies to all the newbies.
Brendon is alright, But i cant stand rachel. I really hope a newbie wins HoH.
I think someone playing for their family would be Jordan. I thought Cassi was already a model, dated a famous country singer, and has been in several country videos.
Complain all you want. The fact is KD keep Rachel. They could have sent her packing. And given there were 2 million votes, I am pretty sure losing the 25+ posters who said they are leaving, CBS could give 2 craps about losing.
I completely agree. KD screwed themselves over by voting someone out of their own alliance.
I am sooo convinced now that BB is rigged. There is no way in hell that we voted Brendon back into the house!! I used all of my votes on Dominic!! It just doesn’t seem right. Sorry
complain all you want, he’s back.
Ummmm yeah yeah! He is back and there is nothing that I can do about it but the game is rigged whether anyone wants to believe it or not. Its all about ratings and CBS knows that having Brenchel in the house is great for the ratings.
then if u dont sgree stop whatching
agree sorry
I don’t understand how Brendan could get half the votes… kinda shocked… don’t know if I can keep watching. I wanted a good season with good strategy and new faces – not a soap opera. Oh, and good job at not isolating Brendan and Lawon during the competition from the rest of the houseguests…
You act like everyone does not like Brendon. There are people who love Brendon and Rachel and it so happens that Rachel and Brendon supporters prevailed in voting him to come back
I don’t believe that half of Big Brother viewers would pick Brendan as their favorite out of the four, or that Brendan would get as many votes as the other three commbined, especially with the way he was portrayed on television. However, I can see how the 1 dollar text message fee and the voting system (multiple votes per person, voluntary sample, voting between four houseguests instead of just two, Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem, etc.) could change things.
I agree. It was supposed to be a competition between two people, not the whole house. Having Rachel’s ear drum breaking voice in the back round was too much of an advantage for him.
cheat cheat
sore looser if the vote went ur way would u be saying the same thing??
Rachel standing there yelling what color ball Brendon needed to collect next was certainly a cheat and help for him. Her noisy mouth is by far a major distraction and annoyance!
They were yelling for Lawan too.
Ok to those who think this was fixed, there are very strict laws about cheating when it comes to games shows so I am sure they have an independent party to verify the results are accurate. You can’t change what happened so either watch or don’t.
Big Brother is not a game show. It is categorized as a Reality Show. It’s looking like the independent party is probably the same as the ones counting the American Idol votes.
By saying you’ll stop watching you’re just making the show more popular! The ratings will keep going up, and, guess what? You’ll be watching still!!! CBS truly knows their stuff.
Now, let us watch Dumb-nielle and Cow-lhua grovel for mercy like insects.
ahhaaa loe it
@ontariostr8 I couldn’t of said it better myself. Love the names!
Laughing my ass off. Have no mercy…
Good job CBS…..You just took it to a good show to crap, I will tell everyone I Know not to watch it or bye anything that you put on commercials.
By “everyone”, you mean….your mom?
cbs is still one of the biggest networks on tv, who cares if you tell your friends not to support CBS. you are just one person!
CBS aka “Communist Broadcast Station”
And I’m sure CBS cares what you do.
This was ridiculous….how convenient!!! I can’t stand Rachel and brenden!!!! It was not fair that she helPed him win that comp at all…no one helped poor lawon….
and whos fault is that?
CBS and Rachel. Rachel for cheating and CBS for allowing it!
sry buy
done. i can stand rachel but I cant stand brendon. he is a creep that likes web cams too much and has to tear down rachel to make himself feel better. if someone wins that will put the 2 of them up, ill keep watching, otherwise, I dont need to continue to watch this rigged trash
YES! Thank you America!
Saw that loser Matt from Big brother 12 too. I had forgotten what a loser he is. Ragan should take his virginity already. It is obvious how bad he wants it.
So is everyone who is left in the house now guaranteed a spot in the jury? Or do they have to get rid of one more person first?
And do they have to have a double eviction week? Or is the finale far enough away they can just evict one person each week?
Everyone will have a spot in the jury now. The next 7 to go will be jury.
This is the most set up, scripted, rigged show i have ever seen in my life. Bring Brendon back? You got to be fkin kidding me!!! CBS brought Brendon back so that him & that dirty skank Ratchel could be on the jury together. Prove me wrong CBS & post the Text Bill for americas voting! Which you won’t do.
Of course this show was some scripting to it, just about all reality shows do… But if you look through all the forums, there are more brenden fans that you think.
They don’t have to prove anything to you.
hey if it went your way than it would not have been scripted so which way is it??
Loli think its hilarious I voted for brendon. Haha
I am rewatching the compy between Brendon and Lawon…. Kalia is bitching to Shelly before it starts with Shelly shaking her head in disbelief and Dani is fuming…. L~O~L!!!
I voted for him too but it wasn’t cause I liked him. I was hoping Rachel went this week and they had to compete against each other but I had voted before jeff won the hoh and it was too late to change the votes.
Personally I could do with out the Brenchal love feast and the crying..yada yada yada but the fact is KD got played and allowed this to happen. They could have voted Rachel out. If they did Brenchal would have battled it out with one of them going home. But KD took the bait. Unless Dani wins HOH she will be heading home. Blame America Blame CBS but the real blame should go the two dopes
I’m done. CBS is officially the worst network ever. They just ruined another high rated show. Anyone know a good cable show to recommend? Have fun everyone as it has been nice but sorry I just can’t support such crap any longer. Peace out and farewell!
whatch hung very funny show3
I honestly no longer want to watch this season. I thought last season was bad, but this one was awful. I’ve been watching Big Brother since the beginning.
There better be another twist involving Evel Dick. If not, CBS, you better say bye bye to a large chunk of your viewers.
So many people are saying they are going to leave. Well leave CBS isn’t going to lose their viewers to many people like the drama.
You just said your not going to watch anymore now your saying there better be another twist. Kind of contradicting yourself aren’t you?
hope Dani wins and puts up B&R again. If one of them wins Veto…put up Jeff. Hey Adam u moron…..u are now #6 again on the totem pole with your alliance !!
Morons !!
Of course since it isnt who “you” wanted to return its “rigged” I know many people; including myself that voted numerous of times for Brendon. Not to mention he was leading in almost every poll I voted in, not at first but this coming week many people have switched & made the smart decision get over it.
I voted online n through text for Brandon. He is a great competitor n what he did for Rachel says a lot about the guy. Yes they are too dramatic but let’s face it they deserve to play because they play one hell of a game.
Even if it was rigged, dani and khalia could have put someone else up other than lawon. Typically bad play results in bad outcomes. Also, deserve has nothing to do with anything.
IT SUCKS@@!!!! I’m thur CBS…..
I think the HOH is being held later because there is another twist….new pairings??? Finale is Sept 14…
If we all left, there would be no grown ups left to post. :p
You’ve got it backwards…the children will be off to bed and the grown-ups can continue to blog on this site without a bunch of brats that don’t get there way!!!
Of course, had Dom or Cassie won, no one would have said anything. It must really burn to know that people actually wanted Brendon back. These posters are more bitter than Dum-nielle!
of course they wanted bren back in.they wanted him and the witch to play against each other.Did CBS pay off kailia to make the biggest blunder of all time? As soon as jeff went off on her she should have cooled his jets by telling him that if he acted that way jordon was the renom!!! aahahahahah
Oh shut it you’ve been using that one all night. You know why it was so close between brenden and Dom? Because for everyone voting for brendump there was someone voting for Dom. You have no clue if they rigged it or not but unbelievable circumstances and odds say that they did. BB has they’re own way of evening the odds trust me, you think there’s never been a little “help” in a game show before? If you do you’re more clueless then a thought.
This isnt even a game anymore!!! It’s the Brendan and Rachel love show….it’s gross…atleast Jeff and Jordan act normal but Brendan and Rachel are all about themselves…since we have to deal with these two again I hope jj turns on them and kicks them out!!!
I agree.. It’s all about brendan and cry baby rachel… she makes me sick whining all the time.. I hope jj turns on them also..
You should be a fan of Rachel then. You guys whine and cry way more than she does. Big babies.
Deal with it. TBH
Rigged so done with this show. Noone would be dumb enough to vote that moron back in. So pissed……..
I put all my votes to Brendon because he and crazy Rachel make for good TV. Tonight was AWESOME!!
Be pissed.
I voted for him…the game needs some excitement…tired of watching this boring game!!
it was a boring game when both were there i’m afraid you’re wrong on this one
yeah i voted for brendon to, its funny if dom would of won they wouldnt be saying it was rigged then. Just stop watching like you all promised so we dont have to see your stuppied comments!! goo vets and go home dani kalia and porsha!!! to bad for porsha she would of been sitting good but she showd her true colors way too soon! see ya later porsha!
We woudln’t be saying its rigged because it wouldn’t have been. How does Brendon get over 1 million votes out of 2 million?
Who won HOH?
HoH is sunday
Thank You.
I have been watching Big Brother for 5 years but after tonight i wont be watching this season anymore. Dom or Cassie deserved it so much more ,I feel really bad for Dani. It does not matter who went this week Brendon would of came back unless it was Jeff battling him. Hopefully next season will be a lot better.
I dont think it was rigged, alot of people I saw and know were voting Brendan. So what about what you saw in the polls? LOVES DRAMAA
I am so dissapointed with this vote… The only reason I could imagine to vote Brendon back in would be to shut rachel up. I dont know if this was fixed or American made a dumb decision but I do know this will probably ruin the season as it will be between JJ and Brachel
I too voted for Brendon. I didn’t put my vote on an online message board either, so I think people really should take that into account. There are plenty of other people in America who aren’t on this board. Plus the Lawon idea wasn’t even shown on TV until Wednesday, so all the people who voted before then could have assumed Rachel would be voted out. So many possibilities that doesn’t involve CBS cheating. Even if they did I am sure they got numbers from somewhere. Dani and Kalia are going to be pissed.
YALL CAN SAY WHAT U WANNA SAY..but>>> I would guess that when the voting first began that Dom and Cassie (the 2 pretty people) were in the lead BUT..When people realized that the vote was about “game play” the votes starting falling to Brendon..and as for Lawon he put hiself in the postion of being evicted…And at the comp if u listened closely there were HG’s in the backround encouraging him and trying to help him..We can bitch moan and groan but “it is what it is” AND WE HAVE TO SUFFER THROUGH..
Oh my!!! Brendon is back! Watch out Dani&Kalia, they are coming after u guys! Be prepare :) veterans need to control the house next week&Shelly stop floating around& spying on the other group.Just stay w/your alliance,Jeff&Jordan. Dani.u should listen to your dad( Evil Dick),be wise&smart on this game!
CBS should just declare the winner right now. What a horrible season. I hope the ratings plummet
I wholehartedly agree with you pau and i think it will
Wen. show got huge ratings. I think that will probably continue.
The competition won’t be held tonight.
Hahaha, I can’t wait to post how the ratings went UP because of this. And then the bitter ones will say CBS’s ratings are rigged too, haha!
you’re dumb
Dumb? Really Josh? Is that the best that you can come up with as an insult. You are just a bitter human being because who you wanted back in did not get the votes.
It’s Brenchel, not Brenchal.
The combination of Brendon and Rachel takes the BREN from Brendon and from Rachel the CHEL. Then, combine them forming BRENCHEL! Not Brenchal.
Having to explain that to you answers so much about your point of view! Josh was right, but more so about you. You are dumb. LOL That forum name is now dead!
Get a life team learntospell!!!
Good acting Rachel,you found away to get your man back on the show.Maybe if Daniele starts crying and pouting she could’ve gotten Dominic back. DUMB MOVE KALHUA!!!
It’s easy for Brendon to get the votes when the old ladies on here vote 80+ times making it not Americas fav but rigged. Until CBS fixes the voting system this crap will continue just like last year
OMG so tired of the brenchel team think i will stop watching big brother this year is bill shit why do u bring the old people back in the show its not like you cant find people to play this game i know people who would die to get in the house .they are boring.. showtime after dark is so boring i stopped watching you are killing the show bring the old big brother back new people that are singel thay have more fun after dark
I used all of my votes on Brendon. Liked him and Rachel last season and can not wait to see them take over this season. Everyone who is saying that it was rigged is just being a sore loser that the B/R fans outnumbered you. Do you really think CBS gives a damn if you stop watching? No, not at all.
Haha, I know: “Me and my mom won’t watch anymore!” Oooooh, scaryyy!
Now on to hoping that one of the two win HoH, so they can send either Dani or Kaliah packing. Do not care which goes, as long as one does.
omg these comments are probably done by the cbs team themselves, nice try guys
Well I think it is funny K & D had the chance to get Each out and L was stupid to volunteer
I agree that the newbies should have kept eye on ball and sent Rachel packing so that she could face Brendon that way the Brenchal couple would be split for a longer period. Rachel has way to much baggage for any real man to ever want to deal with.
Now would be good is if Shelly wins HOH and flips the house on its ear by putting Brenchal back on the block. Such sweet poetic justice.
But based on what I have read here..
CBS may not allow that to ever happen…
Good luck all…
I hope they ban all those “rigged” comments. Reading how much it burns to these losers is getting pathetic.
SHUT UP!!!!! and you can suck it!!
SHUT IT!!!!!
“How ya like me now” LOL!
Is their a bigger tool in big brother history than Lawon!
Team Regulators with Keith, Cassi, Dominic and Lawon have to be the first alliance in history to have all their members evicted before the jury!!!
Lol, I couldn’t even remember who the fourth Regulator was. I was trying to figure it out earlier in the week and no one was coming to mind, if that says anything.
TOTAL…BBBUUUUULLLLLLSSHHIIIITTTTTT…CASSIE was leading all the polls…..I don’t care who came back in as long as it wasn’t rigged
There were no official polls. Get lost.
Iam Lost aftering hearing this bullshit
of course it was rigged
Well I’m getting my normal phone bill + $1 this month cuz I voted for Brendon. I thought of making it +$10 but I’m saving up for the iPhone 5 so….it would have been so worth it thought. Can’t wait for Sunday
I can not believe this.. This is the stupidest thing ever…. … i am veryyyy disappointed and sad. and yes now i dont want to watch this game either.. maybe it was rigged … I cant believe how people would want to watch the cry annoying show… its a headache not a drama… though i do think newbies are stupid …. they had a perfect chance to get rid of one of the vets.
some of us americans got it all wrong i for one I couldn’t cast my vote because the CBS website would only let people register and you didn’t have to do that before. for that reason is really unbelievely stupid and i can now see that yes CBS does well in the ratings in some programs and not a constant force like ABC and NBC and hell even FOX just you wait CBS will be at the bottom and giving them a… well… bigger black eye HA HA HA like that because the logo for CBS is an eye with CBS in the middle but it will have a shade of purple i’ll watch the rest of the way but until bretchel is voted out and skanking up the jury house it wont be fun and i will be praying my butt off that dani wins HoH.
I couldn’t agree more Josh :)
I think someone with nothing better to do and money to burn should sue CBS to make the voting records public. Was an accounting firm involved to verify the results? Looks like a fraudulent setup to me.
I wonder how many suckers wasted their money texting votes in (thinking it would actually make a difference) for a poll that was so blatantly rigged to produce the outcome it did.
CBS = See BS
nicely worded
Stupid comment……..grow up. It’s a game………sheesh
But, it’s not a game! It’s a television show disguised as a game to generate revenue from advertisers on the CBS television network.
Don’t be so naive to think it’s just a game!
If you don’t think Allison Grodner and CBS don’t “massage” the games outcome, you’re out of your ever lovin’ mind!!
Hahahahaha love it ^^^
Dang Nadia you voted for OBAMA didn’t you?
Well at least we now know how the rest of this season is going to go. Unless someone other than Danielle decides to make a big move that can shake this house.
I will laugh my ass off if B&R get put up on the block again.
fourtunately that’ll happen
I am honestly very disappointed. I used to regard Danielle as one of the better players in BB history, but this never should have happened when her alliance was in power. If she gets evicted within the next two weeks I will no longer think of her as a great player. She’ll still be an above average player in my book as per her performance in her season, but she should not have let herself lose what was essentially 2 players. Now I have to watch The Brenchel Show starring Brendon the bully and Rachel the whiner for three hours a week for six more weeks. I can only hope Dani or a newbie wins HoH. And please don’t sit here and comment on me saying I’m bitter and what not. People on here take this GAME way too seriously. The show is for entertainment. Who cares what players people are rooting for. Post your opinions are the show and don’t get personal.
I agree. I enjoy seeing all of the strategies. I do NOT enjoying seeing the behavior of these two. It is NOT enjoyable.
This is not surprising. This entire season has been the Brenden/Rachel hour. The ONLY thing CBS gives us is Brenchel. I cannot stomach any more. I watch the show as an escape NOT to see grown ups act like that. Last season was iffy for me. This season is done for me.
Don’t despair Brendon/Rachel haters ..The HOH comp is coming up and it may be geared for Dani to win or one of the other Newbies…It all evens out in the end…just keep hope alive..
People saying they’re done with Big Brother.
I don’t want you negatively poisoning my Big Brother experience. Do all of us loyal, non-sore loser BB watchers a favor and GTFO!
well that’s not goning to happen and you can GTFO
the word is going i misspelled
Well said Layla
I’m so glad Brendon is back! Now we can get back to Rachel being a rude to people for no reason, and Brendon blindly defending her by verbally assaulting them, throwing all logic out the window. Welcome back Big Brother 13!
I Love It! I am still waiting to watch this. Although always have to see the SPOILERS first…I can care less if it is rigged. This is just CLassic! BB13 is Toxic..In such a good way. So wrong on so many levels. Ha ha Ha..Enjoy people! It’s just a Game. Cheers to everyone!
I hope B&R goes up on block again.. I hope someone else has the guts to make that move again.. i reallyy hope Danielle wins again…..
If Brendon, Rachel, Jeff, Jordan, Shelly or Adam win, Dani, Porsha and Kalia are screwed. If Dani isn’t put straight up, she will be backdoored. I think Dani and Porsha will be put up, so they can’t save each other….. Team Dani is toast and done playing like Team Regulators!!!
***** Go Team JJ and Team BR *****
I hope CBS has more twists coming up. They need to keep this game unpredictable to make it interesting. At this point CBS can really make this game a nail bitter if they think strategically. Come on CBS I have ideas and so should you.
I mean biter sorry
People saying they’re done with Big Brother.
I don’t want you negatively poisoning my Big Brother experience. Do all of us loyal, non-sore loser BB watchers a favor and GTFO please and thank you!
nice talk its a predictable game at this point. Same old Same old. CBS needs to keep it moving.
Wow. With an attitude like yours I can see why you like the nastiness of Brenden and Rachel. Just because people don’t enjoy the theatrics of Brenchel does NOT make us B****es nor haters. Chill. It’s a game.
that’s too bad unfourtunately us bitches aren’t gonna go away so you can GTFO!!!
I am a Bitch and I am not going anywhere.
A physical or endurance comp….. I put my money of Brendon, Rachel and Jeff over Dani and Porsha any day!!!
Even the houseguests that are in the house now believe that the game is rigged. I.e., after the skiing HOH, Brendon and the rest of the Vets discussed how they thought the game was rigged because the competition favored shorter people like Daniele and people who were a little plump like Kalia. Its all about ratings and CBS will do whatever it takes to keep us tuned in.
Does big brother think im stupid???
Im done for the summer
I totally understand why Brendon won and it is clear when the stupid D/K alliance put Lawon up who wants those two controlling the BB house. I mean that is the dumbest move in BB history and we all wanted to see Dani act have a tantrum and fit like I am sure she will. Dick was right the dumbest move she ever made was screwing her alliance over too early. Hope either D or K go home this week and do not care either. Might be fun to watch Dani have some more fits in the house next week too. LOVE THIS SEASON!!!!!!
That was a really stupid move. :/ Still don’t like Brenden and Rachel, buuuuut I’d like to see Jeff and Jordan make it. Yes, I know they already won once before, but between Brenden and Rachel and Jeff and Jordan, I’d definitely like to see one of those two win.
Out of the newbies? I’d say Adam, but I kind of doubt that the newbies will go anywhere. The newbies had power for one week and they screwed it up.
There is no question now that BR are the greatest couple in the history of BB! THANK YOU FOR VOTING FOR BOOKIE!
big cheat
Was Brendon America’s Choice – no, he was Big Brother’s Choice. Could have predicted this outcome with my eyes closed. Wonder how dumb, Kalia and Lawon are feeling right now? What a stupid move by both of them. Big Brother is so dumb this year that I don’t watch it like I have in the past. I even fall asleep for BB AD. Doubt BB will return next year, cause I think they have lost a lot of their fans. Tonight was so RIGGED.
lol…see who r the sore loosers and cry babies NOW …LOL…all crying because brendan is BACK.
Sharon, this year is great, the ratings are way up and Brendon was my vote as well as the rest of America. Now B and R can stir up the pot. How can you say it was rigged? What are you smoking? Bet you wanted Dom back in just cause you think he is good looking? You sound like a sore loser.
Hey, Sharon!
You and your “Let’s be bullies” clan can stop hating on Brenchel, cause baby, they aren’t going anywhere – but the top. You need to also notify your clan of sore losers, that even if BB production twisted the votes in favor of Brendon; It should not be anything new, as they did it before with Jeff and Jordan. Done, did. You guys were telling Brenchel, not to be sore losers? Ha. I beg to differ, it’s you guys who are sore losers.
Our worst Fears and our Greatest Expectations are seldom realized. Well tonight, which ever side of the house you happen to be on, your worst Fear or Greatest Expectation was realized.
Thank-you (and you know who you are) for VOTING FOR BOOKIE!
We did it!!!!!! yay!!!!!!
You know Brendan and Rachel are the best competitors. Dani is a straight backstabber but people love he hateful ways. What she fell I’m love after 3 weeks and turned on her alliance and Brendan and Rachel risked their kneck for J + J but know one give them credit for creating the drama and never winning anything….Dani screwed Dominic over for self agenda so wake Jo and give credit where it’s do because they win competitions so floaters get a life boat and Dani screw you and goodbye….Lmao …….,, ps Kalia is a real honest player and she deserves to stay!!!!!$!$!$!$!$
No way in hell that 1 million people voted for brendan
I agree.
me too
I agree
every person could vote 10 times, online AND through text. and i defiantly voted for brendon 10 times.
I voted for Brenden multiple times too…..mostly cuz I want Jeff and Jordan to go all the way.
I voted ten times on my cell for Brendon. Hate lazy people and the athletic competitors. Love BR, and like JJ.
Yes way they did. Those other 3 were boring. Brendon at least stirs the pot. Now things will get interesting. Way to go America, you made the right vote.
Of course they did. Hell, I must have voted at least, well never mind….THANK YOU AMERICA FOR VOTING FOR BOOKIE!
Where are my vet fans!!!!! lmao, like I said! I knew it would happen. FOR ALL OF YOU saying it was rigged, at the end of the day Brendon was leading every single unofficial poll on the internet! did they all rig their polls too??? no! Everyone just realized BRENDON was the only COMPETITOR out of all of them.
Yeah… Brendon`s back… dani fan`s are just sore losers
The sad part is that I used to actually like Dani back in season 8. Seeing her again this season has just made me realize what a spoiled brat she really is.
Vet fan, Kenny, TeamBrenchel,
Thank-you for VOTING FOR BOOKIE!
This is just too good. I swear I’m gonna bust!
yay! i voted ten times online. this is all too great. i knew that it would come down to P.T and Brendon. soooo happy it’s Brendon, i hate Dani this season! Can’t wait to see her face! MUAHAHAHA.
I know right! I swear from the minute the twist was revealed, I kept saying there would be a huge chance that not only would Rachel stay but we might even see a Brenchal re-unite!!! I’m so happy it turned out that way lol! this was like the super bowl of BB! I also knew that the Brenchal haters were actualy the minority…not the lovers!
@ Wayne…thank you as well.. lol
Lol. Awesome!
all of you are so dumb it’s not even funny!!!
We may be dumb, but we don’t back no losers! THANK YOU CHICAGO FOR VOTING FOR BOOKIE! I’m gonna party like it’s 1999!
Its always a conspiracy theory when people dont get their way. Whats new. The spoiled sports come out of the woodwork.
Thats what Im sayin… til Kalia made that stupid move Brendon was behind Cassi and Dom on every poll. After the move, people started votin Brendon and he moved to 2nd place by Tuesday to lead the polls by Wed morning… SO HAPPY!!!!!!
so true….so true!!!! silly Kalia and Dani!!!!
Brendon deserved to win. All the haters need to chill out. It is no conspiracy. I voted for Brendon and mostly everyone I know voted for him. So, because you didn’t get your way, the show has to be rigged. Well quit watching then, I’m sure Big Brother has a ton of other people that will keep watching.
Thank-you all for VOTING FOR BOOKIE!
I never voted for anything on tv n I voted for brendon to come back brenchel r hilarious so I don’t think it was rigged
That’s right because all afternoon I was going to all different BB sites and Brendon had taken the lead on all I saw except this one. I voted my 10 times with 4 e-mail addresses from my computer and got people to vote who don’t watch the show.
I hated the way it played out last year but am lovin this season. Go Jeff and Jordan!
The Americas vote must be favored by production like Jeff was saying a few nights ago on after dark. There is no way that America would favor Brendon over Dominic. In all honesty I wouldn’t mind if this twist would have happened last season and BB let Matt back in the house.
Yet I don’t understand why are brendon and Rachel are in this season. If they would have asked America Matt and Regan would be in the house. Just my opinion.
I agree Matt and Regan would have a really good team together.
Matt and Regan suck
big cheat…….;(
I’m happy with tonight’s show. People are being a little dramatic and over the top. Can’t we just enjoy the show for what it is? Any way, I’m definitely looking forward to the HOH comp!
I’m disgusted
ah, poor baby. You sound like Rachel, boo hoo. Thank you America, you made the right choice.
No way im watching anymore
lol…see who r the sore loosers and cry babies NOW …LOL…all crying because brendan is BACK
fixed would have been Dom coming back!! That would have somewhat evened votes out. America voted. and Brendans back!!!
I knew that wasn’t you Wayne.
No way im watching anymore
**** Go Team JJ and Team BR*****
We did it Wayne….. Way to go Brendon fans…
Out of over 2 millions votes, Brendon received 1 million.
Yupp… Brendan fans came through on this one, and proved that most of america loves to see brendon in bb
Ya Wayne, take your bat and ball and go home.
Leo, Kenny, look at all the fake Waynes that are being posted! This is too great! I almost can’t stand it. THANKS FOR VOTING BOOKIE!
Kenny, Leo, Vet fan, Team Brenchal, This is the REAL Wayne, I’m LMFAO! THANK YOU FOR VOTING FOR BOOKIE!
LOL! We had Brendon’s back on this one. It’s a shame all the haters can’t handle it.
Yes Leo we did it! As I said, in Chicago we vote early and we vote often. We always hold back a few wards just in case, but we get the job done. THANK-YOU FOR VOTING FOR BOOKIE!
I voted for Dom, he is cute and fun to watch bit my hubby and son were rooting for Brendon. I like Brendon and Rachel and did last year as well. They bring drama, emotion and color to the house. They are a real couple. Jeff and Jordan are not affectionate with each other and I think it is sad. They are also very boring. The most emotion I have seen from them was this week when Jeff was put on the block. I hope Rachel or Brendon will and get their dream wedding afterall, they deserve it.
To all those saying they “are done”: You know what they say’, don’t let the door hit’cha…….
Being done watching a tv show doesn’t even involve a door, moron
It wasn’t a literal term but being that you are a Kalia, Dani and Porsha fan, I guess you aren’t bright enough to realize that. Don’t call users on this sight names because you ate crow along with all other Team Dani fans!
Ya Steve, it was just a figure of speech, moron.
Brendens just a bully who thinks hes smart just because she has a PhD. She’s gonna get voted out the first week
Perfect, I love it. This is GOOOOOD TV. Bring on the drama :)
Hopefully the HOH comp. will bring surprises to.
There were 2 million votes cast…But nobody said that Brendon got a million or more…to my knowledge anyway..