Tonight on Big Brother 13 episode 10, the results of the next live eviction will be revealed along with the results of tonight’s HoH competition. While we wait for the results join us on Facebook and grab our free iPhone and Android mobile apps!
Iโll be updating this post here with the live eviction and HoH results as they’re revealed on the show. Have your Live Feeds (not signed up yet? get the Free Trial) ready to go because as soon as the broadcast is over the Big Brother Feeds come back!
Meanwhile, join us in the Big Brother chat room as we watch tonight’s live show!
Big Brother 13 Week 3 Live Eviction voting:
- Jeff: evict Dominic
- Jordan: evict Dominic
- Kalia: evict Dominic
- Daniele: evict Adam
- Brendon: evict Dominic
- Shelly: evict Dominic
- Lawon: evict Dominic
- Porsche: evict Dominic
That’s enough votes. Dominic has been evicted.
By a vote of 7-1, Dominic has been evicted from Big Brother 13.
Julie lets the HGs know the pairs are now split up and the twists are far from over for the summer. Not other details are given.
Big Brother 13 Week 4 HoH Endurance Competition – ‘Big Brother Slalom’:
Once the eviction show is over the Live Feeds turn back on and we’ll have a brand new HoH in the Big Brother house, unless it’s an endurance competition like we expect. If that happens then the only way to watch the full competition is on the Live Feeds.
Make sure you’re ready to watch the house react to who is in power. The nominations are revealed Friday night, so stay close by!
Be sure to sign-up for the free Big Brother email updates, join us on Facebook, visit the Big Brother Forum, follow us on Twitter, and get our Mobile Apps.
Can’t wait.
Dominic is leaving the house its a vote of 3-1
This season is very predictable….
danielle screwed him
It completely sucks that all the New people are such followers. They’re so afraid of voting out of line. If they’d just stuck together in the beginning… *sigh*
I really hope brenchel dig their own holes and lose soon
It will be unreal if another veteran wins this HOH. If they don’t, I’m going to be sad! I really want to see Danielle go next week though… she had a great thing going for her until she blew it.
EVIL DANI…is the new E.D.
It is an endurance com
About time that there is an endurance comp……
As for danielle, she aint shit without E.D. She just screwed herself over
Jordans goodbye message was hilarious!
It was funny.
jeff wont last like he lift him selve going lkills his arms and brendand is too tall he’ll fall go dani i wanna see a veteran leave
Will anyone be posting as people fall ?
Will try to.
Thanks from all us non feeders
I really hope Dani wins HoH. Its time to break the vetran alliance.
So proud of Dani for giving Dom her vote and not bow to master Eff and Brenda. Go Dani win this thing.
Voting for Dom wasn’t smart if she doesn’t will HOH or veto this week. She took the defeat personally. She should have voted Dom out as a tip of the cap to this week’s “victors”. Dani really is not very bright. She showed it there. Nothing at all to gain by voting for Dom except to dig the line deeper and stomp her foot like the little lost child she really is. I’m just sayin.
besides the fact the endurance comp is just about the same as last season (only thing its missing is the andrew short shorts) but THAT COMP LOOKS EASY AS A MOFO!!
OK…PRODUCTION STOP THAT!!!!! Turn them feeds not obstruct the microphones or the comp…Show me..
Are the pairs over….the blog above says they are not…am confused
Pairs are over.
I was looking forward to a twist….what kind of twist was that?? We already knew everyone would be playing as singles didn’t we? Geez. This season is way too predictable!!!
I agree
There is going to be another twist.
Everybody is mad and accusing everybody of doing the exact same thing that THEY are doing themselves. What a bunch of hypocrites. AND, one of the people in the house who really needs to go see a doctor is studying to become a doctor? Give me a break!!!
Dani is strong in these kind of endurances because she is small. Hope she falls.
Fall Dani fall.
Fall fall fall
Still no live feeds.
I want Dani to fall. She completely ruined her game. She deserves to go home.
As anyone out of the comp
we don’t know we got no feeds yet..
adam is out..
Adam fell
I want Dani to fall. She completely ruined her game. She deserves to go home. I highly doubt Lawon or Kalia will win tonight. Lawon looked like he was already struggling to stay up & it was only a few minutes into the comp.
looks like we have adam and lawon down
yeah and everyone else still up
Brendan was on the elliptical for about 3 hours the other nite he might do ok.
Damn, didn’t see that twist coming. At. All. /sarcasm.
There’s going to be another one.
they had better ..
Oh, I know. It’s just that it was easy to figure out that the duos would go to singles. :-p
I would be pissed if I payed for live feeds and they cut them all the time ..anyway so whats going on in the live feeds ?…LOL
Shelly saying she is not going anywhere. Kalia praying. LOL
doesnt look like dani is falling anytime soon :( even kalia as well
Has anyone fell yet?
Adam and Lawon fell…Kalia is looking tired. Dani is not saying a word.
Brendon is down
u have to have a mind set to win a game like this..
brendon down
adam lawon and brendon down
Brendon is saying his feet are too big. I don’t think he will last. He’s too tall. This comp is made for someone small like Dani. Now she can quit crying and saying she was robbed. Fall Dani!!!
brendon is down dani is winning this definitely…
Brendon down. Come on Jeff and Jordan hang on.
No Dani, No Dani, PLEASE PLEASE GOD no Dani!
i think dani will be one of the last down, she even won aa hanging upside down with water spashing, she hung upside down for 2 hours so i think she has a good chance
They won’t show whats in the snowballs but the 10,000 is still up for grabs.
I saw a couple of have not signs
Brendon is have not, Adam has to wear an elf suit.
jeff down that sucks
Jeff down :-( They ask how’s Dani doing and she says she’s bored. In other words she will hang in all night. FALL Dani.
Jordan down that sucks.
Maybe the show is fixed…lol…?
I can’t believe Kalia is still up there…she’s so out of shape I thought she would be one of the first to fall. I knew Adam and Lawon would fall, they think there safe with both sides and don’t want to have to nominate anyone. Big time floaters!
The last four left are women. It’s obvious they want Dani to win. Looks like they have given into the whiners and fixed it so Dani wins.
Ok, so our only hope is for either Porsche or Shelly to win. They both had better give it all they got cause if not, one of the vets are gone, without a doubt!! I hate the fact that this comp (along with some others in the past) seems to have been a set-up. Goodness, I hope Danielle FALLS!!!! I liked her in her season, but she has completely lost all my respect!!! How can you not LOVE Jeff and Jordan? Seriously?
DEVI-LLE needs to be thrown out the door face first!!! GO JEFF AND JORDAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dani has it but there is always the power of veto too so you never really know what is possible. I am routing for JJ too. Hopefully they will make it through this week!
Porsche fell…she’s crying. Jeff won the 10,000. Shelly looks strong and Kalia looks like she’s ready to fall. Looks like it will be between Dani and Shelly.
i am done with the live feeds..
Dani won knew she would dont care to much for her never did, but I knew she would win, she always does when her back is against the wall.
Well, Dani now knows that Kalia is competing and is someone that could beat her.
Wasn’t there a Dominic vs Shelly argument or something? I wish they showed that on tv :(