Chloe:Â Why did you vote for Porsche to win?Â
Adam: I voted for Porsche to win because I really wanted to see a new person win the game and because I felt that we had overcome so much to get as far as we got. Having six houseguests who had played the game before and knew what they were doing, that were basically being our puppet masters the first few weeks, getting through all that and to be able to win down the stretch and secure our spots in the final three. I really wanted to see a newbie win the game. I knew my vote at that point didn’t really matter, Rachel was winning the game.
[Editor’s note: This is a different story from what Adam told Evel Dick on finale night. Adam initially claimed he could see Shelly’s vote when she placed it in the holder. Since he knew Rachel would win with Shelly’s vote as the 4th, she didn’t need his vote and so he threw Porsche a bone. Which explanation do you believe is true?]
Chloe:Â What made you change your mind to play with the vets because you were with the newbies from the beginning?
Adam: Because after week one and the newbies I was working with, that I thought I could trust, two people switched their votes and nobody at the time could figure out who and I just couldn’t trust any of them. I talked to Jordan when she won HoH and I told her I wanted to stay at least through my fortieth birthday and Jordan wanted to make it to jury as well so she could spend the summer with Jeff and Jordan swore on her life to me and I knew she wasn’t just talking. With the newbies, I didn’t know who to believe or who I could trust and that’s the biggest thing in the house, you cannot play the game alone, you have to trust somebody and I felt that trustingJeff and Jordan was the way to go. When Jordan swore on her life to me, I knew that sweet girl would never swear on her life and then backstab or lie to me.
Chloe:Â Were you surprised when you found out Shelly was the one who switched her vote to evict Keith?
Adam: Honestly I was not completely surprised. I really did think at first it was Dominic and Cassi that switched over. I felt that they were getting a little chummy with themselves and formed a tight bond and the two of them would need to go against me and Shelly so they could get the golden keys. I thought it was them at first but as the weeks started progressing I could definitely see it was Shelly.
Chloe:Â Would you choose Dominic as a partner if you had it to do over again?
Adam: I’m sure I would. We did make a great team while it lasted. I think Dominic and I as a duo could have been something great in this game. Unfortunately with the twist of the golden keys and him getting too tight with Daniele after Cassi left, I think that really hurt his game. I was trying to warn him not to get too close to her and he did not listen. If I was given another opportunity to work with Dominic, I would take it. This time I would grab him by the throat and pull him away from Daniele sooner.
Chloe:Â Why were you so confident you would win if you made it to the final two?
Adam:  I don’t think I had any enemies on the jury. I think everybody on the jury viewed me at one point as an ally and I would have made the argument that in a game of manipulators and liars and people who tried to make big moves that every move I made was to get myself further in the house and it worked if I got to the final two. Some of it was physical. Some of it was social. Some of it was winning when I had to win so I felt like I played the complete game. I played the mental game, social game and I played a little bit of the physical game. I played the most well rounded game of anybody and I don’t think they could have denied me the money.
Chloe: What was it like meeting Tori Spelling?
Adam: That was such a thrill. The fact that she came to the Big Brother house and knows who I am, is worth half a million dollars. I walked out of that house saying I had one of the most amazing summers of my life. The fact that Tori Spelling knows who
Adam is? Are you kidding me? That is beyond any dollar signs.
Chloe:Â Do you have any regrets besides not making it to the final two?
Adam:  I have no regrets at all. In life you cannot have regrets. You have to make decisions and go along with it. You can’t play the big brother what if game. You can’t play the life what if game.  If you do it will just drive you insane. You have to make a decision and own up to it. If you make a mistake, you learn from it. So I have no regrets. Anything I may have changed along the way may not have gotten me to the final three. I had an opportunity to win the game and I didn’t take it and run with it. I did not stand on the beater long enough. I did not do the puzzle under the water in enough time. I did not deserve to win the game. I have no regrets because I gave it my best. I gave it my all.
“You have to make decisions and go along with it.”
Hey Adam, let us know when you make a decision.
aww come on … the only decisions he made were to open another carton of cigs or eat another pound of BACON
Adam thought he’d win for sure if he was in the F2.
My sides hurt from laffing so hard.
lol, he would not have won!!
I agree laughing so hard my sides hurt that Adam in anyway shape or form thought he had any chance of winning, and cannot believe that Adam has told so many lies he cannot even keep them straight anymore.
If it was Rachel and Adam in F2, even that phony Judas would have voted for Rachel.
@Wayne: bratty Dani is way too bitter and into herself to ever vote for Rachel. And her saying Rachel is a FLOATER, bitter Dani will vote for anybody BUT rachel.
I couldn’t help notice how even Julie Chen & the audience laughed so hard when Adam said he would have won all votes if he had been in F2..think all that bacon fat & nicotine affected his brain cells, that’s if he has any left. lol
Adam lost is SUPERFAN status in my book when he voted for Porsche to win. What an idiot! Could have voted with one of the best players that ever played BB, and instead went with a low life like Porsche. Neither one will ever be an ALL STAR!.. you have to earn that status, and neither of them did. I certainly wouldn’t watch another season with those two in there. I believe neither would alot of other BB fans.
Rachel is not even close to being one of the best players to ever play BB. Whinest player ever – yes. Trashiest player ever – yes but best player – NO. Dr. Will was one probably the best player to have ever played BB. Janelle was another great BB player. A great player is someone who plays an overall great game including playing not only a physical game but also a social game, something Rachel as no clue how to do, so , did Rachel deseve to win over anyone else in the house, I think not.
As far as Adam thinking he would win if he got to final two. Who is is tring to kid. The guy needs some good psychological counselling. WORST BB player ever. Loud, obnoxious and a total floater
all the veteran players would be asked to return before they ask a newb. the only newb that really has a chance at coming back would be porsche. she has the most potential because shes young she was competitive and she can learn from her mistakes. next time she wont screw herself over with pandoras box and grabbing the wrong pie. if she was in better shape she would win more physical and endurance comps. her strength this season was puzzles and quizzes and her social game got her in F2.
adam is so delusional he sounds like a total idiot this whole interview no one would have voted for him
Agreed. He says he didn’t deserve to win then he says he would have won.
Friggin’ idiot.
Back to the record warehouse on Monday. Same ol’ grind.
Fame is fleeting.
Ive never understood why people, grown adults find it necccesary to be down right mean and insulting. We learn in the sandbox how to treat eachother. Sad, just sad.
obviously you are new here because that in comparison to the 1000 others was nothing
Why don’t you comment on Adam rather than us mean, nasty people?
For the record I never called you or anyone else on this site nasty. Your words not mine. Make all the comments you want. It is your God given right to do so but doesnt have to be so hurtful. The only reason I am even making it an issue is becaus my 14 yearold daughter commited suicide over these same type of comments. I dont dislike you or anyone else who states their opinion. Theres a nce way and a mean way. Thats the reason I hate it when people say or write just down rite mean and ugly comments.
Dee, sorry about your loss.
These sites are just like this. I was talking to my wife about this last night. These shows are much like sporting events. You want a certain team to win or lose and sometimes emotion gets involved. When you see some of the participants say things that just don’t match reality you just wanna make a personal comment or two.
sorry i did not play in the sand box when growing up.
dont come to the internet if u want to hear only good things. remove the internet from ur house to prevent further tragedies.
A great season. I enjoyed it so much and hated that it had to end!!! My husband never watches these types of reality tv shows and he actually loved it also!!!!! Congrats to Racheal for the win and to Porche also. 50ks is definitely nothing to sneeze at. Great job CBS but please next summer lets have all newbies and no vets.
Thanks for an exciting summer show!!!!
Sorry Adam, you need to eat some humble pie. Your ego blew up as the girls had to be nice and laugh at all your pervy jokes just in case you won a competiton. In real life, you would have been left to watch 90210 repeats alone as you are used to doing. Its really going to be sad when you hear what your good friend Dom thinks of you, along with your hero Evel Dick….i think he said you were a dork, and its a rare time i agree with ED. Good luck being friends with JeJo….haha….you are anything but an all star. And a metal head? I dont think so bro….I know metal, and it aint you…haha
Again mean and not neccesary. :(
Not mean..every action creates a reaction. People need to be accountable for their actions. I am just making observations….the guy played terrible in the end, and claimed to be such a great player. I am now making my claims. No biggie….you seem nice dee and i wouldnt be mean to you.
Hey Dee, what are we supposed to say?
What a nice season? Congrats to all the decent humans that were in BB13? Galf so and so won? Shelly is wonderful?
Thanks Mike form San Fran you too seem to be a nice guy. I do agree with some of the comments. I justget annoyed when in stating comments some people have to be down rie rude and a bully. Not you tho Mike. You obviously know how to make and state observations without being cruel. Oh, and db, I donot waste my time responding to bullys and meanspirited people! Like Mike said ” every action creates a reaction. DB you need to grow up and learn to voice your opinion without the condescending remarks. In the real world Im sure they are decent human beings!! It was a game. Thanks again Mike for the kind words. Again(DB) attacking someones character in such a harsh manner is not in the least attractive, but I do like you DB and in no way am I trying to be mean to you.
Dee, it sounnds like you have a lot of personal problems.
“Not trying to be mean to me”?
Glad you don’t love me.
One more thing, Dee. At first Mike’s comment was “mean” then you said this about his comment, “You obviously know how to make and state observations without being cruel.”
Which is it?
@ dee…. this is the way it is so get used to it or dont participate….
DEE please who died and made u the police of this site. we can say anything we want and i dont want to be told what to do. u can tell any sob story u want. yes i am a meanie get over it.
dee if my daughter committed suicide because of the internet ( and not any other thing going on…..)i would shun the internet like the plague. please dee shut up. i dont want to hear about anyone being mean. if someone is mean to you u can be mean the way u need to see a psych to help u get over ur family problems.
Adam you were such a big fan of BB and played one of the worst games I have ever watched.Unless it was smoking or bacon eating you had no clue how to play. Now float on home cause you sure know how to do that.
First of all this is not attacking someone on their Facebook page, so please step down from your high horse. This is a forum and we have some frustration to release. If you will go to the live feeds flashback to 8/26 544pm camera 4 you will get some Adam insight. I was an Adam fan and now I am ashamed to say that. It was a game in the house but now on the outside he has proven to be a very low human being. Saying he has no regrets after joking about throwing a medicine ball into Rachel’s rumored pregnant stomach should be a regret. Voting for Porsche after stating he would vote for whoever won last HOH was his choice. WE DID see Porsche offer him 10,000.00 and a trip if he would vote for her, even though he denies it.
I hope I never have to see this overgrown teenager again. Adam your 15 minutes of fame is over, go away.
He was an annoying floater, who turned bitter in the very end. I felt sad when I’d see him in the HOH room selling himself each week with a nervous look plastered across his face. If this clown comes back for all-stars, I’m going to put my TV through the window.
I can feel the love. LOL!
Roflmo I doubt CBS would consider Adam for BB Allstars, he be much better on Biggest Loser :))
Awwww, Adam. Probably a really nice guy in his real life, but delusional as hell. He certainly wasn’t a bully or arrogant,had no sense of entitlement like Jeff. But as BB player, uh, no.
He may have been nice. Last night he wasn’t.
Sometimes it takes a while to find out who these ppl really are.
how was he not nice? just because he didn’t vote for rachel gimme a break
Nah, his goofy actions. Heavy metal roar, stepping in front of Julie Chen, she hadda tell him to sit down and, of course, his delusional view of himself.
It had nothing to do with Rachel.
You seem to think that any criticism of some of these ppl is directly related to the vets. Not so.
um because i am on a BB board, with a blog article about adam’s game play thus would make conclusions re: game .. if you are judging him as what he is really like just from what u see on TV then i would question your logic
Thanks Essie!!!! Not all is lost. You know how to state your comments without being such a hardass. =)
Agree db! Can yoy beleive it??? Lol! Outside the house they are probably great people!!
somehow i doubt that….
@Dee, I wonder what (other than the money) makes these ppl sign up for what’s about to happen. I guess they all feel they’ll be “loved” by the viewers.
@spark, one iced coffee coming up.
Adam may have been IN the show but wait til he WATCHES the show.
As to his final vote: I wanted a newbie to win.
Well, gee, as a “BB historian” shouldn’t you want the “best” player to win?
I call BS. Adam is a bitter bit@h and I lost all respect for him last night. I liked him the entire time up until last night. To say he wanted a newbie to win is a crock. Porsche sucked and he knew it but was willing to throw her a half a mil cause she was a newbie??! Give me a break…he was pissed because Rachel didn’t take him. AND had Rachel taken him..she would have won 7-0. Dumbsh!t…he gives us Jerseyans a bad name.
i agree!!
i think porsche did a pretty good job to get to f2… i would have never predicted that.. loved it when jeff nominated her and told her she needed to ‘prove’ her being there.. and she DID and got him OUT!!!
And Adam did a pretty good job (by default) of getting to the F3. LOL!
i would rather be in f2 than f3, third place gets nothing
Just ask Adam.
My point is there’s no rhyme or reason why you get into the F2 from the F3. It’s a personal whim.
Feel the same way. I’m still surprised at what an ass he made of him self finale night. I really liked him throughout the game, even though he didn’t know how to play the game…
Best comment.
I was laughing watching the backyard interview clips on CBS and Adam was walking around by himself nobody was running to talk or interview him..actully not much diff. than when he was on the show & talking to himself or the camera :)
Adam, you would not have won, you are delusional.
Adam was an absolute floater and could not make any decisions on his own. Its laughable that he thinks he would have won if he was in the final two. What is he smoking?!? Did anyone see the live feed when Porsche told Adam that she would make it worth his while if she got his jury vote?!? I think Adam thought he would make a little money by voting for her. He thinks he is AllStar material?? Smoke a little more Adam and get over yourself. You are far from it..
I agree with you. Porsche hinted that if he voted for her he’d be able to buy that ring for Fara. that’s shy he voted for Porsche.Also why he told 2 different stories about why he voted that way.
thank you grammy6
Can anybody on here tell me where a good survivor blog is? I have been looking for one similar to BB and cant seem to find one, I like this type of format, any suggestions? I thank you in advance, Great summer of BB, been a pleasure reading all comments.
matt runs the one at
Thank You so much :))
we are already there waiting for you ;)
let us know when you decide to own up to that brilliant decision to vote for Porsche
Lets us know when you decide to own up to that brilliant decision to vote for Porsche
Adam is on Twitter as of today and defending his game.. lol AdamPoch is his twitter..
Adam stated if he would have been in F2 he would have won.. Why? Because he was Nice to everyone and everyone liked him. That’s why! Really? If that’s all it takes I need to get on BB and try that for game play..
On his twitter he had only 3 comments at the time and that was within the three… Worth reading.. And commenting :-)
I don’t twit.
Send Adam my love. LOL!
i dont twit but i do tweet… lol…
Yo Spark, I know it’s Tweet but I call it Twit. :)
awww… and im just a cute tweetie… it was supposed to be funny….
I know, sprak, but this is the Internet so you never know. :)
Make that “spark”.
On this 1st question I’m glad Editor threw in what Adam told Evel Dick on Finale Night. Adam voted for Porsche because he was pissed off and that’s the only reason.. He was evicted and could taste that money! Doesn’t matter if he could see Rachels key.. He may not have seen all the other votes.. And he thought Porsche would cut him some money of she won.. He was manipulating her in the house about the votes and how he could get the house to vote for her to win not realizing he does not see the Jury until they have been seated..Um superfan Adam should remember this.
He is alone in thinking everyone would have voted for him.. I do know he will watch his own season and he will soon realize this.. But now he has a big head and can’t wait till next season watching the next players go in the house thinking they know it all and how to play the game he says and they know nothing.. Oh God! I know these kind of People.. He is going to drive his girlfriend CRAZY!
People should feel free to write Adam Poch on Twitter :-)
Why would you assume that his girlfriend isn’t already crazy?
Yeah, his dad looked a little bizarre.
that explains a lot i think hehe
bad dye job on the beard and almost hair… lol
Can we have another All-Stars season…please? With the best people. I thought it was after every 6th season? Bad assumption if they are taking applications. As much as people want all newbies, I want to see the best go at it again. Last season was the worst with the brigade… since season 9. This season the Newbs were so bad. Seriously, one person wanted to be evicted and endurance competitions lasted 45 minutes. CBS scouts do better.
The problem with all-stars is Evel Dick and Judas. ED would be good, but the chick with dick would suck.
I think All Stars would be great – bring back Will and Boogie , Evil Dick. That would be awesome!!
I don’t think chilltown will ever be back. They both already won and I think they’ve both moved on. IMO.
Unless maybe producers will offer them $$ (not just stipend) just for participating. That way they’ll earn $$ even if they’re the first 2 evicted.
Dr. Will surely doesn’t need the money, I would guess. It would probably take something special for him to go back to BB for 3 months.
that is so funny
It seems Adam played a different game than the one I watched. The HOH must have had magnets in their pockets because Adam was attracted to the power side. I guess he didn’t have anything else to do – like make a decision.
Well, Adam DID day something I agree with…He did not deserve to win…
I wonder how Adam will feel once he goes home and watch the entire sesason and see how wrong he is. I would like for BB to do a season of all the previous houeseguests that were “kicked out first” in each season. I was hoping Julie would’ve asked Lawon how stupid did he feel in front of the cast on finale night.
I agree with some of the vieweres Adam was annoying,obnoxious,cocky, definitely a “LIAR”! he didn’t deserve to be in final 3 or 2 and definitely not Win!…..
Wow that was hard to read what a friggin loser he is the worst bb strategist ever. Let’s just float back and forth to power players and never do anything to help push the game along “Wait what was I talking about BACON 90210 TORI SPELLING OMG”.
It’s not a totally different answer as to why he voted for Porsche if you look at the last line: “I knew my vote at that point didn’t really matter, Rachel was winning the game.” It doesn’t go into detail about seeing Shelly’s key but he’s still saying he knew what her vote was prior to making his.
Can you watch ED’s interviews online? (i couldnt get it to stream when it was airing)
and does anyone know where I can watch Rachel on The Talk??
Thanks!! :)
all that stuff is available through twitter…
Rachel was on The Talk on 9/15 so sez my wife so I dunno if you can see that. Maybe on or Hulu.
or you tube
Omg he’s so delusional. “I played the most well-rounded game” lmao YOU DIDN’T EVEN PLAY TH GAME ADAM! It was so annoying that he kept saying he would have won in F2, SLIGHT possibility against Porsche Definitely not against Rachel.
What is up with these newbies + bitter Dani? Super delusional. It’s amazing how out of touch from reality they are.
i like you thewitchisdead. i read all ur comments and they r great.
Rachel getting married this weekEnd just saw her on TMZ video .. getting married TWICE … this weekEnd and Real Station?
hope she insists on a prenup
why. brendon helped her to win.
yeah otherwise Bookie will be taking all the $ to pay for his student loans
I hope she cancels Brendon’s Skype account.
Did anyone else see & hear (or was I just imagining it lol) when Brendon came back the 2nd time & He & Rachael were arguing in the havenot room & Rachael wasn’t listening to him & was trying to convey her thoughts & feelings to him & he told her: “Is this how your going to act after we’re married ..being stubborn & not listening to me ..because if it is then its not going to work ” I wanted to punch him in the face! Why because she has a mind & opinion of her own & disagrees w/you ? Reminded me of a caveman thumping his chest saying me “ stupid b**ch wife or something on those lines
on TMZ…
View Video >>
‘Big Brother’ Winner Rachel — I’m Getting Married!!!
She JUST won $500k on ” Big Brother ” Wednesday … but Rachel Reilly says she’s already dropping some of her winnings on a wedding THIS WEEKEND!!!! Reilly and her fiance Brendon Villegas were out in L.A. last night — when Rachel told us she’s having TWO weddings … one in Vegas and one on something called “Real Station.”
While I did not care for Adam’s style of game play and he surprised me at the end when he tried to double cross both Porsche and Rachel so they would take him to F2 he played and fulfilled his dream to be on BB. He got to meet Tori Spelling which was his dream so while he may have walked away without any money he accomplished some of his lifelong dreams.
I know everyone gets caught up on who they like and do not like, but what I don’t understand is why people have to attack these people on a personal level and also attack other posters when they do not agree with them.
I agree with Dee when she commented on comment 2 and I just want to tell Dee how sorry I am for your loss. To lose a child because of people making rude nasty comments is something that I cannot imagine the pain you must feel.
I respect anyone who plays these games as I know it is something I could never do. So many posters have hated on people for one reason or another. Last night at the wrap party all the players from the past who at one time may have hated each other, but as they said it’s a game and people have to realize that and all the hate comments are so unnecessary. Even Shelly is all good with Jeff and Jordan and they are going to visit with her. She addressed what went on and what happened with her family which she did not know until the next day. Congratulations to all those that played and congratulation to Rachel and Porsche for 1st and 2nd place.
he got to win tori spelling because rachel did that for him.
Adam If not for Rachel you would never have gotten to meet Tori Spelling. The end you vote for Porsche. You should be ashamed of yourself. Rachel had to suffer time with Jesse and missed a shopping spree just for you to meet Tori. I cannot understand why you did this.
Because he wanted a newbie to win.
That’s such a lame excuse.
Think of who he hung out with most of the year.
You took the words right out of my mouth. For something so meaningful to him, he sure forgot rather quickly who made it possible. Adam is delusional. These newbies and shok-errrr Dani seem to think they carried the entire game. I would have liked to see him sitting next to Rachel as he watched the votes all in her favor – but then he’d of won $$$$. OMG I could hear the interview now.
thank you janice u understand my frustration.
I was never an Adam fan, but I didn’t dislike or disrespect him either until his vote for Porsche over Rachel. Where was his so-called integrity on THAT after telling both women that the one who won the final HOH, if she didn’t take him, would have his vote in jury? Adam was definitely very delusional about his game play. All Star? Uh, no. Sorry.
I love the idea of bringing back those house guests who were voted out first or second through the 13 seasons. Would love to see more of Cassie. We never got to know much about those HGs, so it would be sorta new and sorta not.
AND, Adam, it was Rachel 2.0 who won the big prize, so, in effect, it WAS a newbie! I’m so glad Rachel won, and by Shelly’s vote, which takes some of the sting away from her manipulation and lying all season.
Very disappointed in Porsche’s response to being asked about the Benefiber she put in the muscle milk. She just laughed it off. Wonder if Jordan or Jeff will ever confront her about it.
Can’t wait for Season 14!
IMO, Adam’s comments on his results for the whole season was just right. For a person who could not win much physical(he was not the only one who couldn’t win for all the past seasons), his way of getting himself to F3 was smart. However, he had done the dummest thing that sealed his own fate, i.e. telling Rachel he would vote for anyone who win the last comps, that might be one of the main reasons why Rachel didn’t take him to F2.
@Pearl ..Rachael never trusted or believed anything Adam had to say, she knew he never liked her & knew he was just blowing smoke up her butt
every time he gives an interview he says something new, please read the following and then go hit ur head into a wall, can’t believe this guy, REALLY Adam REALLY???
Why did you vote for Porsche to win the money?
“Frankly, there was two main reasons. The first one – I really wanted to see a new person win the game. The new person I wanted to win the game was me, but obviously it was not to be. Porsche was the other newbie in the house. Second of all, I lost a little respect for Rachel’s game when we had a talk a couple days before and I made a comment that the Veterans this year all they had to do to get in the house was answer a phone call. Rachel told me everything she gave up to be in the house this summer, making it sound like she gave up just as much as me. I left a girlfriend at home, she went into the house with her fiancee. I had a job where there’s been a lot of layoffs, so I was running a risk of not having a job when I got out. Having an apartment that I was still paying for. I really felt insulted by that and for her to try and tell me she gave up just as much as me made me lose respect for her, especially because I worked with her, I pumped her up when she was down, I had her back. I voted based on my relationship with Porsche. I thought Porsche played a great game. I thought Rachel was not … she was making herself seem like the victim when she was making herself the victim. She would never own up to the fact that she was the victim she made herself out to be.”
omg this is the third different answer that he is giving. so sad. rachel a victim? rachel is not just crying and floating on sympathy she is a competitor and won more than half the comps and was put on the block more than anyone and got out of it. adam u r the floater and u r a liar.
He pumped Rachael up??? when??? I must have missed that one. If anyone pumped her up it was JJ after Brendan left. Adam never really spoke much to her @all until F3 after Jordan left. He’s just bitter because he left w/no $ & should be thankful since because of Rachael he got to meet his dream Tori Spelling.
Adam truly is a legend in his own mind.
What a douche bag!
I watched the feeds the last few days of the season. The real reason Adam voted for Porsche was because she told him that she would make it worth his while to do so.
Yeah well that was only if she won last part of HOH 3-part comp. & got to pick him for F2 & I doubt even if she had she’d give him anything.
Adam, you claimed to be Big Brothers biggest fan, and that you would always vote for the person that deserved to win, not just a cute girl or newbie. I noticed that Rachel was very upset right after you hugged her and Porche, when you left the house. That is when I think Adam told Rachel that he was voting for Porche. If you watch the show again, you will see from that point Rachel was very upset, and Porche was all smiles. This continued during the jury questions and voting. It wasn’t until Julie said that Shelly had voted for Rachel, that Rachel appearing very shocked, finaly smiled. So Adam, enough with the lies. You knew you were voting for Porche the minute Rachel voted you out, and you didn’t know or care if she had enough votes to win. That is when you lost me as a fan.