Big Brother 12: Week 9 Sunday Live Feed Highlights

Is it Big Brother 12 finale night yet? After the Brigade broke the news of their alliance to Britney over the weekend there was little to do other than wait for the inevitable and enjoy extended shower scenes with Britney. It’s like she’s competing for the Veto in there but instead we’re all the winners out here!

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Big Brother 12 Live Feed Highlights – September 5, 2010:

10:30 AM BBT – Britney is stressing the weight she is putting on in the house. It happens every season. She adds that after winning all those competitions it came down to a simple game of hide and seek that netted her any prize at all ($10K). Britney knows she’s going home and just wants to leave right now.

11:30 AM BBTBritney tells Enzo that he may get her Jury vote because of what he gave up to come to the house (leaving his baby behind). Seriously? This is a competition, Britney. Your vote should be based on performance within the competition, NOT tugs at heart-strings. This nonsense is the same reason you evicted Matt over Enzo, who is now going to evict you, “ya big dummy!”

2:00 PM BBT – Remaining HGs are surprised that Rachel got on the show because she’s so trashy and Big Brother is very legit and clean. Missed Big Brother 9, did ya??

6:00 PM BBT – Hayden and Britney are rewriting basic US geography. Britney doesn’t consider North Carolina to be in the south, ya know, because it has “north” in its name. Sigh. It’s called the Mason-Dixon Line, kids. Look it up!

6:30 PM BBT – Britney and Hayden go over the Brigade alliance and how she was completely blindsided by it. She was very hurt by their reveal to her and felt they were mocking her about it. Hayden fears he’s become the villain out of the situation. Britney is glad she found out before Wednesday night.

8:00 PM BBT – The boys are playing some poker. Finally, they got some cards.

9:30 PM BBT – Britney is back in the HoH shower. Check it out on the Live Feeds with the Free Trial and see it for yourself!

10:15 PM BBT – Enzo reliving his glory days that are yet to pass. He thinks he’ll be famous for the rest of his life and no matter where he goes people will recognize him. Women will throw their panties at him. Men will want him to have their babies. Okay, not that last one, but he’s neck-deep in the pool of delusion.

12:00 AM BBT – The HGs class the joint up around the hot tub with a sex discussion and making a game out of bursting in on couples mid-act so they can see everything.

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So Britney is easing in to her upcoming role of evicted HG. It’s interesting that she only seems to blame Hayden, but that’s because she thought she had a F3 deal with Hayden. Wise of ol’ Lane to be in a position where he can’t help or hurt her in this eviction. Ah well, just get ready for the real action to hit the fan on Wednesday night with the live eviction and endurance HoH competition!

You can catch all of these Big Brother 12 events using the DVR-like feature of this year’s and past seasons’ Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored!



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    • Enzo needs to shut the hell up…The more he babbles on the greater the chance for Hayden to reconsider…In all honesty people are greatly exaggerating Enzos chances…He has not a chance in hell of beating Hayden in final 2 and probably not Lane either…Only through a fluke in final HOH does he have any chance whatsoever..

      • Hayden may believe he can win the finals but he has to get to the finals first.
        Brit is right to blame Hayden bc she and lane did not betray him last week, instead following through on the pledge to evict ragan.
        Hayden did not uphold his pledge to Brane to take these lovebirds to final 3. That’s because he knows Brane are indeed a couple who were committed to taking each other to final two.
        It’s immaterial bc the only two hg’s that the public will pay to watch are Britney and lane. If the two stick together they will do very very well. Brit could still crew up her career by deciding to go back home to the humiliated and feckless nick. NO ONE is going to see Brit and Nick. People will pay to see her and Lane.

      • O….M…..G!!!! Enzo is enjoyable to watch??? PUKE!! I dont even watch the show live because of him! I watch it on Comcast On Demand the next day so I can FAST FORWARD through EVERYTHING Enzo has to say!!!!!

      • Enjoyable??? k, now I have heard it all. His vocabulary consists of “Yo”, “f**k”, and his 2 favorites… “me” and “I”.

    • You know they may as well stop BB now. We know who is going home this week, Brit and we know who is going to win BB, it is Hayden. BB has made this possible. This year BB has been a flop!! I can not to even watch BB anymore, cann’t stand Hayden or Meow Meow. Hayden looks like a dushbag, his hair is terrible, needs a new doo, and he talks like he has a problem with is mouth, maybe something is wrong in there, he makes my stomach turn to look at him and listen to him. BB made a big mistake this year…hope they don’t do it again next year.

      • Enough of Enzo. He is so in love with himself, which is a good thing, because nobody else can stand him. I am for Hayden all the way, and feel he has a good chance of pulling it off.

    • Hey guys…this is part of Enzo’s schtick. He’s a loud, big personality kinda guy and that’s why the HG’s like him. Y’all seem to take Enzo way to seriously. He cracks up at himself.
      Looking back this has been a great season. The Brigade did a great job!!! GO ENZO.

      • I agree, if Enzo was not on bb this year, we would not have anything to complain about. He was funny I can not beleive you thought his entertainment was not as good as Brittney and Ragan,s. Yooooooooo whats a matter for you. Do you not understand his english? Love that Italian accent keep it up MEOW

      • I’m still laughing when Enzo asked Brit what type of actor she would be…a methodist! That is priceless, still laughing. You gotta love that guy. With regards to language – every person in that house swears up a storm.

      • not everyone is using the f word every other word or calling women b’s and c’s he is very rude…

      • Lol. I was so sick of listening to Enzo on BBAD last night I watched Zombieland (on demand) instead. BTW Zombieland is great if you haven’t seen it yet.

      • All its doing is feeding Enzo’s ego when you keep talking about him… I am sure given his personality that he will go back and read all of these things and it will only prove (in his feeble mind) that he was right… people are talking about him… Bad or good talk, is still talk…. and to people with personality disorders such as Enzo (Narcissistic sp?) it doesn’t matter… as long as he is center of attention… lets just not speak his fricken name again… Nor any of the others that are jacka$$’s as well… :-)

    • I don’t understand why anyone would keep Britney or Hayden and take them to final two. If you ask me, Enzo’s the smartest choice. No one will vote for him to win cause he pretty much sucks at everything..

    • Ok, so Bitchney is going home thank god, but why is anyone counting Enzo out? Now I agree I think the HGs are giving him way more credit in the Jury house than I would. If Hayden goes to the final 2 against Lane or Enzo, Hayden will win, but a Lane vs. Enzo final 2 isn’t a guaranteed victory for Lane. Both have only won 1 competition. Lane an HoH and Enzo a PoV. The PoV is obviously the more important of the 2 and don’t forget when Lane was HoH, he put up Enzo and Enzo won the PoV to veto Lane’s nomination. Even with Lane winning the final HoH I think their competition play pretty much cancels each other out. From there you have to look at social gameplay. Enzo’s was by far better than Lane’s. He never really did much to piss people off, he was 100% loyal to his alliance from the beginning, and even though I realize there are a lot of Enzo haters out there, he did bring entertainment to viewers and the other HGs. I am not saying he’ll definitely beat Lane but I think it’s a toss up and could end up being a 4-3 vote on way or another. And as far as the $25K viewers choice winner, I think it’ll be Brendon or Enzo. Brendon was an underdog for quite some time and we all know how everyone likes and underdog story. Also Enzo came in a close 2nd to Ragan for the 2nd Saboteur vote and in my opinion, Ragan was disappointing as the Sabo, and got worse and worse as the season went on, and the fact that Enzo will be around the whole time, could give him the edge to win. I am rooting for Enzo to win it all, but would be ok with Hayden winning as well he played a good game too. I am indifferent about Lane, but wouldn’t be mad if he won.

      • What do you think of his POTTY mouth? Doesn’t it bother you to hear that filth every time he says anything. He is disgusting. Period. End of story.

      • Enzo was 100% loyal to his alliance? Please tell Matt about that because if Enzo were loyal, what is Matt currently doing in the jury house? I am just amazed at one’s ability to make things up to suit one’s fantasy or selective belief.

      • If jury votes gameplay Hayden beats Enzo if they vote emotion Enzo wins.Hayden pissed off Brenden,Britney and Regan likes Enzo more than Hayden.Rachel and Clueless Kathy both like Enzo.

      • His potty mouth doesn’t bother me. As a matter of fact, everyone in the house curses. Ragan’s mouth was just as bad if not worse than Enzo. And yes Enzo was 100% loyal to his alliance. His alliance was the collective unit of the Brigade. When the brigade realized they were being played by one of their own they did what was best for the Brigade and got rid of Matt. And Enzo technically didn’t get rid of Matt because he was on the block with Matt and didn’t vote. Lane & Hayden were the only 2 Brigade members to vote Matt out of the house.

  1. Yeah, I don’t want any of the brigade members to win but looks like that is going to happen. Ahh well.

    It’s a shame none of the other house guests thought to make alliances.

    • It’s stupidity that none of the other house guests thought to make alliances. I thought this was Big Brother.. a game based on ALLIANCES!

      • They were all too obsessed in trying to get out Brendan and rachel. It’s like if they did that they would automatically win the game. VERY stupid houseguests this year.

      • You make a great point. It seems that instead of strategizing, all of the houseguests, with the exception of the brigade, were just trying to figure out how to get Brendon and Rachel out. Nobody thought to work on getting themselves farther.

      • If anything, the Brigade were smart by NOT pissing off Rachel and Brendan. They played the smartest game this year without a doubt, love em or hate em.

    • That’s why looking back the Brigade truly played a good game. You are right about everyone obsessing over Rach/Bren. But…think back who was doing all the back biting…Britney and Ragan. The two of them made the show boring as heck…glad to see Brit fillay leave the show. Wasn’t it nice not to have to listen to Ragan rant and rave…poor guy needs help.

    • Yes all the house guest including Rachel and Brendan with the exception of the Brigade were intent on personal attacks with each other therefore ignoring the game.

    • I know! I’m totally going to miss her uneducated comments and her incessant whining! She totally deserved to win for being the biggest bitch in the house! Give me a break, she rode Lane’s (The Brigade’s) coattails until the end and now her free ride is up. She should be happy she won 10k.

      • Alot of times she did the dirty work for the Brigade.I think Lane helped her once in the game .If she didn’t get rid of Matt he might have won the game.

      • That depends on one’s definition of “tramp”. She’s certainly no lady nor innocent. Many of her comments indicated a very active sex life, which is fine, but she certainly was critical of Rachel, implying Rachel’s character was “trampy”. Britney has flashed herself often with her short-shorts. Another example of the pot calling the kettle black. I know her family is so proud!

      • Brit may have spoken bad about everyone, sure….everyone did that. What she did NOT do however, was sit around and talk about her conquests and the mean things she did to the guys she dated, like those others. They spoke about the games they play at the bars, like seeing who could pick up the fattest/ugliest girl in the place, or the “8 second” game, or the way Enzo likes to call all his exes “pigs”.
        I highly doubt Brit deserves the label “tramp”.

      • Who said Brit was a tramp? That girl is anything but. I think those who call women names like that are just jealous and wish they looked like her. Brit is funny and fine and it is too bad she is leaving soon. The rest of the douches left will not be pretty to watch.

    • I know right. The whole Brigade alliance is trash I dont even care who wins because this season was lame

    • Same here. I hear Lane keep saying that he wanted to see him and Britney side by side for the F2. Well if Lane and Britney was smart they would have evicted Hayden and kept Reagan. Lane knew that Hayden and Enzo was gunning for Brit to go home. I guess they’ll not as smart as they think they are.

    • Wow I don’t think I’ve ever been so bored with a final 5 or final 4 group. Honestly at this point I really don’t even care who wins. BB better cast better people next year… I’m thinking a house full of women only. Now THERE’S some drama that would keep em entertained, lol!

      • OMG – who wants to see a houseful of ‘mean girls’ please that’s not Big Brother. If thats what you want to watch, go back to High school.

      • They have a show like that already…it’s called model latina on another network… same deal house full of mean girls one girl gets evicted each week

    • mee too can’t stand the the last three they really believe they will famous what a joke grow up and get real jobs

    • Dan I don’t know about that. I thought he was the smartest one in the bbh. He’s f3 for a reason. BB loves his entertainment especially when he smacks his lips together for the girls

  2. Don’t forget – Britney could win the POV on Wednesday night and put anyone of the Brigade up and vote their butt off! Would that not be a total hoot!!

  3. I honestly don’t think anybody deserves the money, in fact, one of the jurors should get the 500k instead of the winner.

    • Why doesn’t anyone deserve the money? How did past winners “earn” their spot more than these three? They played the game, that’s it. And they have now won by making it to the final 3. So stop complaining because you’re mad LOL

      • you are kidding me DICK? Hairden yelled to guido where the cd was ,to beat ragan.Guido broke all kind of house rules and never got a penalty.The only reason the boring-gade survived is Matts wins.I think Matt was getting wasted on pills after he got dpov,cuz he couldnt see the dopes around him.

  4. Enzo is such a disgusting dummy. Sad thing is someone out there will surely stroke his ego when he gets out. I wonder what type of home he grew up in where smacking his lips, scratching himself and cussing incesently was allowed! Obviously this guy was raised my chimps.

      • The day that BB ends, Enzo will be forgotten. There will be fame or fortune for this loser, and he will soon find that out. Nobody is going to recognize him, but everyone will remember his trashy mouth. Wonder if he will talk like that around his baby. Poor kid, feel sorry for him having Enzo as a father. What a rotten example of a human being he is.

  5. No GB for the BG again this week. :) The Final Three will be a win-win-win situation. With Brit leaving there’s nobody left in the house who is unworthy of the 500K.

    • Really? Enzo?

      He’s won one competition, created the Brigade to float as far as possible, cheated numerous times, and is on top of that he’s got money and he’s totally full of himself for some reason. Definitley does not deserve to win any money, or that 3-D TV he complained about.

      • Don’t be mad because Enzo’s in the final three and your favorite HG (probably Ragen LMAO) is out. The Brigade played this game better than anyone else, that’s why they are in the final 3. End of story.

      • Agree…Enzo has made the season funny. Lane has sat back – Hayden should win the 500K. The three deserve to win some $$$. Good job boys.

  6. Listening to Britney talk about disappointing her mother and how her mother would be upset seeing Brit eat pancakes and her mother would be upset about her gaining weight makes me think that Brit has to work very hard in “real life” to please her mother. Brit may not really be the Princess – her mother may be the Pampered Princess brow beating Brit to become a Princess too. Okay, just my opinion for what it’s worth.

  7. IN watching Live Feed I saw how Britt was caring on and saying how she didn’t want to be in the jury house with Rachel. Why? because everything she said about Rachel will be shown? Enzo said if he won the POV he would not put up Hayden. Right? At this point every man is for him or herself. Why do they keep saying that they are making History? If and this is a very Big If, Enzo make it to the finals and someone ask him why should he deserve to win. Because he formed the Brigrade and made History.

    • The Jury House is most likely one wild scene. With the addition of Ragan and now Brit entering this week it should be nukkin futs. To bad there are no live feeds from the JH.

      • yah, totally!!! Too bad enzo didnt have to go there.All his tough talk on what he woulda done there.U know what….he prob woulda kissed ass and not caused waves there either.CUZ HES A PUSSY AND A FAKE!!!!

    • Brits not afraid of Rachel just disgusted by her and doesn’t want to spend any more time with her.

  8. Really Brittney?

    I said I don’t know how many times that if you evicted Matt, you’d be certainly going home soon. Once Matt got evicted, another possible ally got evicted, Brendon. You would think this would make her cling to Lane and Ragan, but no she decided to evict another ally in Ragan over the next HOH and possible Big Brother 12 winner.

    So let me get this straight, you let 2 allies go and a possibly ally. You and Lane got rid of Ragan instead of Hayden and than Hayden won the HOH. You’re both up on the block and somewhat surprised for some reason.

    Really? You’re surprised you didn’t get to the final three? You kept Hayden over Ragan, while if anyone but Enzo won Enzo would go home. Enzo’s not going to win POV two straight weeks.

    It could’ve been Ragan, Brittney, and Lane final three but you and Lane just booked yourselves a ticket to the jury house.

    Hayden wins he’ll take Enzo
    Enzo wins he’ll take Hayden
    Lane wins he’ll take Enzo

    Lane even admitted that he couldn’t beat Hayden in the last episode, so why did you evict Ragan over Hayden! The only person left in this game that actually deserves to win the money is Hayden, no matter how I hate his lisp, underbite, and how he breaks everything he’s played the best game from the people left in the house.

    Not saying much between Enzo who is delusional, Brittney who voted almost all her allies out, and Lane who said while Ragan’s offer was tempting he wouldn’t accept it. Really Lane?

    • biggest mistake this season was matt not seeing the handwriting on the wall. Misused his dpov on kathy.Hairden needed to go up and out that week.Keep kathy to the end man.These pussies all played a personal game…..

      • Lol @ pussies. they are in the final three whether you like it or not lmao they outplayed everyone else and you are just mad cuz your favourite is gone home

      • Hey Dick lmao, nope,i didnt have a fav on this foolish cast.My angst stems from the fact that im a fan of all past years casts and smart gameplay.To which NONE was exemplified in 12.Thats all dude…

      • Go Enzo…now is your time!
        Poor Hayden is a wreck – he’s so nervous. Lane knows he blew it buy saying in the DR about wanting to be with Brit final 2. Wait till the guys see that. Oh well, knowing H & E they’ll laugh it off.

  9. If one of those three had to win I am going with Lane. Brit had a chance with Regan, he tried to tell her the boys had a deal but she would not listen.

    • Brad and Enzo go home: Brit did know and she tried to get lane to listen to ragan’s argument but Lane just did not feel right pulling a power move and betraying Hayden.
      He and Brit know realize this strategic miscalculation but it is too late.
      Again, it is all moot bc the only cast members people will pay to see and to interview after the show are lane and Brit (provided they appear together).

      • What have you been smoking? Ragan is the only professional entertainer, with his own successful radio show on Sirius. Your eye candy is as exciting as watching paint dry, outside of Big Brother.

      • Carol, we have a serious disagreement. My view is that the reason this season’s ratings are through the roof is because we have, exhibit A: engaged, blonde, sexy Britney Haynes getting into every deeper emotional relationship with Exhibit B: Texas good ol-boy Lane Elenburg. The big strapping brawler who becomes a cottony Teddy Bear when he so much as sets eyes on the dimutive object of his affection. She reduces him to mush, he is so in love with her. He even admitted it last night when he was comforting her after the Brigade outed itself and told her she is gone. He said “there are lots of feelings for you…”

        The only reason people will be watching this finale is to see if Nick shows up, and whether he and Lane get into a brawl on live television.

        If they play it right, Lane and Britney can get quite rich from joint appearances.

        Lets see if it does come to pass what I said in my “Busted” post yesterday That where Brit and Lane were discussing, in the open bathroom, attending the Super Bowl in Dallas together all the while telling Nick she is attending it with a “friend” (who is getting her and him the tickets to the game – Jeff).

        Now this, this is entertainment. Script or no script. Professional actors or reality show nobodies.

      • @Karzai, I am surprised that you had a post “Busted” too. Your posts, at least the ones that I read, seem always appropriate. I still think that your love and care and loyalty are very much misplaced and wasted on the Brit woman.

      • I could care less about Lane and Brit. Why would you think people would be interested in them after the show. All Lane proved is that if you put a lying trash mouth blond girl in the mix he not only couldn’t he win comps he could not think for himself either and did not intend to stay loyal to his brigade. Lane made himself look like a wimp with brit. and brit made herself look like a very mean trash mouth girl that only cared about making everyone but herself look bad.

    • That is precisely why this season is a let down!! Nobody had the guts to make a power move or take a chance. A predictable season makes for a boring season…

  10. “Seriously? This is a competition, Britney. Your vote should be based on performance within the competition, NOT tugs at heart-strings.”

    This quote makes no sense. Since when are there rules for Big Brother that state this nonsense. The game is what it is with many different mental and physical obstacles. Some don’t give a crap about the competitions while others think it is the most important thing. Others look at the social aspect as being more important so who are you to say why jurors should vote? You weren’t in the house so you have no idea LOL

    • I don’t actually think Britney was sincere. She was just trying to get on Enzo’s good side so that Enzo might vote Lane off instead.

  11. britney’s going home!!!! yayyyyyyyyyy!

    i think the brigade are a bunch of idiots, but i can’t stand britney’s nasty mouth. she’s a shitty person who cries when she doesn’t get her way. even last night, bitchney sat around the hot tub and couldn’t help herself from talking about rachel. she’s such a negative person and i’m happy to see her go!

    whoooopieeeee, bitchney’s going home!!!!!

  12. you guys are all insane … no one including me knows what it feels like to be inside that big brother house for as long as the houseguests are.. its not just a game where u win to save your self. you have to make friends and make the right alliances.. ENZO did just that .. he started the brigade . he is the one that secured his spot in final three because of what he did in this game and revealing that he started the alliance is the best move he couldve done because now people no he is smart and is a game player.. he will win hands down if he gets final 2.. i love enzo .. i love everyone in the house still left… but enzo has played the game the best hands down .. he stuck wit his alliance only broke off when he felt needed to like what he did to throw matty under the bus. and now look where he is final 3 comin up .. soo you guys need to learn its not just about winnin competitions only the last two hoh and veto are important whichenzo is now finally playin so there ya go … he is the man and he has my vote ! everyone stop hattin .. the guy is makin the show funny. all 4 of them make it interestin to watch cause there all comedians its awsome .. peaceeeeeeeee

    • on bbad sun enzo was running around screaming ,best season and cast ever!!! Brigade was genius on his part!!! Hahaha….and oh yah,we are all superstars and the real $$$ is out there waiting for us!!!! I’ll keep it civil and just say DILLUSIONAL TOOLBAG!!!!! Knuckle dis yo!!!!

      • Does Enzo know what a genuis is… EINSTIN was, Pasture’ was…they are genuis’ …he is just and idiot from NJ. I am grossed out by him. God Bless “wifey”. Just because he came up with a word, does not make him a 500,000 winner. “Brigade”.. there I said it, now give me money $$$$ and let me ride on everyone elses victories. (Hayden) I love Lane :) & Britney :) … she is dumber than a doornob, but she is funny. Now all BBAD is going to be about stroking their egos, and Enzo stroking his balls…keep your hands out of your pants, eat with your mouth closed and stop degrading women. :( JACKASS… Just my opinion…..

      • It is about comps Hayden’s sitting pretty because he won comps.Enzo deserves to go home empty handed because he was the second worst competitor next to Kathy.

  13. I am thrilled to see bratney go. She is a self-centered, scank. All she worries about is herself. I doubt like hell if her mother has any kind of hold on her.(what a rotten mother, taking her on trips all over the world. Paying for her bills whenever she calls for money)! When she won that ten grand didn’t you hear what she planned to do with the money! Me, me, me, that’s all you heard. Take a vaca, get a massage on the beach, get lots of drinks, and then do something special for herself! She does love herself! Boy, this broad is unreal selfish. At least the guys are talking about sharing. Paying for the other guys airfare and stay so they can snowboard and party together. In my opinion she is the worst of the worst of this season on BB. Rachel has a heart. She was in tears in one of the early episodes because she thought she hurt Bratney’s feelings. I wanted to scream through my TV set to Rachel not to waist her tears on such a undeserving bitch! Bratney never had a kind word for anyone. And poor Hayden, he feels so bad about sending her home. She was just glad it was Hayden on the block and not her! Better Hayden than me, was her exact words with a snotty attitude. Heartless, uncaring, scank. I know it’s a game and your there to win but she showed just what she was made of stating that. She could of said, I hate to see Hayden on the block and left it at that. I don’t care what life style Rachel lives, she seems to be a good person. It’s no body’s business what she does in life as long as she isn’t hurting anyone else in living that way. I think people make fun of her because of jealousy! Also, I know I didn’t have any say in how my laugh sounded when I was born, I guess Rachel didn’t either. Come on! Her laugh is irritating so let’s hate her. WTF! I will say I’m glad this season is coming to a close. It has been an irritating season to watch. I just hope that Nick person doesn’t show up to the finale. That he runs as fast as he can away from bratney. Otherwise, he’ll have to spend all his time tell her how pretty she is and sending her flowers every day. WTF again! Hey Bratney, look in the mirror girl. You’re not all that! Any female that will sit around talking dirty sex ( and being the one who started the conversations) with three guys she hardly knows is definitely NOT marring material! Run Nick, run!

    • @ GOlden Misty: At least the guys are talking about sharing? Did you hear what Lane said about winning the $10K? “I could buy a whole lot of beer with that money.” Made me cringe.

    • Comments Matt made about Britney after his eviction showed that he sensed Britney’s real self. Too bad he didn’t wise up while he was in the house and get her out sooner. All of these HGs have flaws like everyone else, it’s just that some of their flaws are so hideous and there are no excuses for some of the things they said about other HGs. Some posters felt sorry for Britney when she cried after learning Hayden wasn’t planning to use the POV. I don’t at all. Last night she made fun of Rachel crying so much one night. Britney is a horrible person. It’s all about her,yet she thinks she has every right to be as mean as she wants to anyone else. Sad little girl! Nick needs to wise up. Hope his parents talk some sense into him before it’s too late.

      • Brittney, I so hope your boyfriend dumps your sorry behind. Nick I’ll be here for you when the show is over. My address is All Saints Cemetary you can hit this hole anytime. LMAO Bye Britt

      • Brendon could have gotten her out. But nooooooooooooo he believed the biotech and though she would keep her word. Brendon you are great to look at but man where are your brains? With your balls in Rachels hands? Damnnnnnnnnn. (Vulgar yes, truthful, yes, wrong, no.

    • Oh Good Lord Misty. Get a grip. Don’t you realize she’s just joking? Geez!! Look who she’s in the house with now. She has to play along to get along. don’t you get it? Most of the stuff she says is tongue in cheek.
      Who said Brit’s mother was a rotten mother anyway? Don’t you think that maybe the boys are saying all the great things they’re going to do with the money is a bunch of crap? They just want votes. So to be the great charity givers they think they’ll look great.
      And all the boys are talking aobut doing with their money is going to Steamboat.
      You have got to be kidding about Rach having a heart. Didn’t you see that cold heart when Brendon got to the jury house? It was all she coudl do to hug him. She’d seen they’d lost the money. A heart of pure rock and sand I say. Rachael can be accused of a lot of things, but having a heart is the last thing I’d accuse her of. LOL
      A good heart? Don’t you remember the snarky comments Rach made. “Grab a life jacket floaters” The backyard scene she STARTED with Ragan? She’s just a mean spirited person. She wanted Kathy to apologize for beating her??? And the reason she picked her is because she thought she could beat Kathy. What an idiot!!!!! Don’t you remember her reaction every time she won HOH? She screamed and hollered and jumped up and straddled Brendon. What show were you watching anyway? You say that Brit isn’t marriage material but I guess you think some redheaded girl that was bragging to the house that she woke up with tequilla vomit all over her and $100 bills spread all over her is? Get a clue GoldenMisty

      • LOL you’re delusional. Britney is a selfish bitch who loves to see others in bad times but cries when its her in that situation. She deserves nothing but heartache in her life because thats the kind of person she is.

      • Making excuses for Britney? Why? What is she to you? You know she will gladly backstab you after you helped her, right?

    • RACHEL’S TEARS???? PUHLEEEZE!! They were as fake as she is…9 out of 10 times she would TALK like she was crying but no tears…and that time she was in the diary room “fake crying” and said she was so upset she’s gonna need another Botox injection…GAAAAAG! Im not a huge fan of Britney but come on…Who knows WHAT u would say or do if you were 24 y.o. and had been in the BB house for 2 months with no forms of communication and a couple of drinks under your belt..not that I approve of the sex talk but who are we to judge her…or any of the HG’s for that matter…

      • love rachel, shes a winner in my eyes, and the only one who played the game! and thats why shes not there ,they were scared of her!!!!!!!!!! good game rachel

      • Rachel played more of a game than “Yo YO” did. He let everyone else do the hard work, make the decisions and face their consequences. I have no doubt he conducts his personal life the same…soaking his wife for all she has.

    • Yes, Britney IS a mean girl. But every person in that house talked mean about someone else there…Everyone!! And as far as Rachel is concerned, I could care less what she does for a living, who her man is. Yet she certainly doesnt rate any better than Britney. If you want to believe that Rachels tears for a moment were geniune obviously your choice. Also I guess going around goading Ragan til he goes off makes her such a good person as well.

      • O my she must have picked on you at school, stop being a hater and be a hippie its much more fun

      • I liked the way Ragan put Rachel in her place. He could probably tell someone to go to hell in a way that would make them look forward to going…

  14. In all honesty just makes me sick to think it will come down to those 3 morons in the end. Hayden, Lane and Enzo didn’t even play the game. This has been the worst BB to date. I can’t stand Brendon or Rach but they played the game, hell even Matt and his stupid lie played the game. You are going to come down to 3 people that did not play the game. Enzo is nothing but an ass, he think’s he’s god and Hayden he just thinks everyone loves him, he makes me sick. I just hope the next season of BB brings us people that are better than this years!

    • No doubt Renee,casting will do better.One off year does not make or break a show.But ratings were up? All the talk of all-stars is jumping the gun here.They have a preconcieved notion on the player in that format.That to me isnt exciting.

    • It is funny people complaining about the casting, but apparently there are more viewers for Big Brother than ever before. When you select people for a show like this, you just never know how they are going to react once the cameras come on. If the show was lacking anything it might have been the lack of alliances other than the brigade. People complain about the Brigade not doing much, but they never had to do much to succeed. If things are working in your favor, you aren’t going to stir the pot. I have enjoyed the season,it is the best cast ever? nope, but I have enjoyed it.

  15. I’m not sure why I even know this song… it is a little before my time. But, here’s the scene – Enzo is in his final DR session, expressing himself to the tune of “Poor Little Fool” by Ricky Nelson:

    I used to float around the house
    Don’t know how I got this far
    Now I’ve gone delusional
    Thinking I’m a star

    Poor little fool
    Oh, yeah, I’m such a fool, uh huh
    (oh oh, poor little fool, Enzo’s a fool oh yeah)

    I eat so loud, I’ll make you sick
    My manners are so bad
    I don’t show “wifey” no respect
    I hope that she’s not mad

    Poor little fool
    Oh, yeah, I’m such a fool, uh huh
    (oh oh, poor little fool, Enzo’s a fool oh yeah)

    My hands are always down my pants
    I love to scratch my balls
    I’ll say the words “yo, yo” so much
    You’ll climb right up the walls

    Poor little fool
    Oh, yeah, I’m such a fool, uh huh
    (oh oh, poor little fool, Enzo’s a fool oh yeah)

    I brag so much, you’d not believe
    I can’t compete or win
    I’ll talk the smack incessantly
    Then fail and fail again

    Poor little fool
    Oh, yeah, I’m such a fool, uh huh
    (oh oh, poor little fool, Enzo’s a fool oh yeah)

    I think I’m so damn popular
    I know you love me too
    When I get out I’ll be depressed
    These things I think aren’t true

    Poor little fool
    Oh, yeah, I’m such a fool, uh huh
    (oh oh, poor little fool, Enzo’s a fool oh yeah)

  16. Kill me already! I am so tired of “trying” to watch BBAD. Thank goodness I tape it. This morning I was able to fast forward through the majority of it and not waste my time. If they aren’t going to fill it with something interesting, I am not watching it. I am glad I didn’t pay for the live feeds. Who do I want to win? I don’t know and I simply don’t care. I thought it was Lane but he keeps losing brain cells. Enzo never had any and Hayden acts like a teenager and not a man. Who do I think was the best player — without a doubt Brandon. Who do I think was the most entertaining — without a doubt Rachel. Both of these people player as hard as they could despite everyone being against them from day one. I sure hope Brandon gets Am’s vote.

    • @Disgusted-Lol! You chould not have said it better!! I agree with you 100%. I will vote for Brendon to win America’s choice. Maybe the prize will be $100.000.00. Also, BB needs to change the game. These players already knew what games would be played & what prizes to expect. They changed it a little but not much. Pandora’s box has been over used in this season.

  17. Enzo going out last when Hayden and Lane go to F2 would be a blast to watch! OOOOOOOH, so close Enzo…..too bad. Now THAT would be great TV!

  18. Geeze I just love Enzo he has a spark in his eye that can set me on fire. And when he eats, I love the sounds that come out of his mouth, they are so crunchy. It makes me tingle all over, and I think he is so funny especially when he talks in his kitty mode. I just want to purr for him all night long. And when the game is over I will have my producer put him in my next movie in the lead role as my yo man. BB thanks for the entertainment, it made me roll over in my grave laughing and wishing he was lying next to me. Keep up the good acting enzo and you will be famous. Especially for your jerzy accent it so classy. Hey maybe we can do a t.v. show together we can call it Marilyn and Enzo’s Last Performance. poop-poopie-do

  19. What do you guys mean that Enzo has no future in show business? There in a chain of restaurants in Indiana called Penguin Point, he might have a future as their mascot. ;-)

  20. Dan i agree with you about alliances but i do believe Brendon tried to make a 3 way alliance with Brittney and Reagan .If Brittney and Reagan were not so full of themselves they could be sitting in final 3 right now.

    • I agree Dee Dee. They should have looked over their dislike of him and thought more on the game. They would have stayed longer for sure if not win it all.

  21. Wow I don’t think I’ve ever been so bored with a final 5 or final 4 group. Honestly at this point I really don’t even care who wins. BB better cast better people next year… I’m thinking a house full of women only. Now THERE’S some drama that would keep em entertained, lol!

    • I agree casting did a poor job this year. To me – Hayden,Brendon, & Lane (whom I really don’t dislike at all) are pretty boring personality wise. They are almost the same guy. Strong, physical and eye candy (well Lane is iffy in that dept). Monique was a waste of a spot. Kathy I wonder if they thought they were actually getting a trained police officer that could do something. Andrew was also a wasted spot – if he wasn’t going to adhere to all the rules he shouldn’t play. He had no chance to win.

      I also think BB was “blindsided” by the sab (annie) being voted off first. Its almost like they didn’t forsee this possibility and scrambled for a few weeks.

      • Ya got it Goat, I think they were re-think their casting, ratings hit none the less b/c THIS season has the highest ratings EVER for BB Franchise, which is insane considering the caliber/quality of the cast, but just goes to show, lol, fact is stranger than fiction!

        I couldn’t stand how almost all the voting boards were sweeps! Everyone was scared to make a BOLD POWER move, they just kept letting the chips fall where they may! Just wayyyyy too many loafers, I mean all those thrown comps were aggravating to watch! :S

  22. It’s true, while it might be soo exciting to have the brigade make it to the F3, it also makes for a very boring couple of weeks, they’re all going to compete friendly, no harsh words, no backstabbing, nothing, b/c they all like each other, so where’s da drama? Gotta give brit the twit chit props for makin’ it this far, but even she knows Hay would be stupid to keep her, b/c if she then won the final HOH comp she would ONLY take Lane!

    The only way to at least somewhat guarantee his 1/2 mil is Hay gets rid of Britt, then makes sure he/Enzo wins HOH, b/c Enzo will NOT take Lane, b/c he’s still p*od about how Lane botched up getting rid of Britt the twit chit last week, saving her arse not once but TWICE! (by putting up his brigade members on da block!)

    Course to be safe, Hay should just ensure he wins that final HOH. I mean he’s at 3 HOH’s & 1 POV?
    That’s really good! One more comp and it’s as good as over! Plus he smartly didn’t make any enemies of Brenchel so he will have their votes, b/c they will appreciate how hard he played esp. in the end! (classy play as well!) :) Props Hay*

    Now go win your game already! It’s yours to lose!

    • Hey Jadelle there might be some backstabbing, I think Enzo has it in him to badmouth whoever he thinks won’t take him to the F2. I think he is more in the way of Lane over Hayden.

  23. Since we all know Britney is leaving the BB house it was confirmed that it will actually happen tomorrow and the taped version will be seen on Wednesday episode.

    I’m glad she’s finally gone!!!

    • Me too Gabe. No more watching her talk about B & R yet again. No more watching her trying to cry her poor me story to Lane who BTW isn’t buying into it. I have to admit she is a cute girl and much better looking than that Vegas Big Red Swamp thang. Actually I think I could have liked Brit if she would have been more like she was when she was handcuffed to Brendon. She was nice yet funny. THAT is the Brit I would have liked.

  24. it’s sad that brit’s gonna go to jh but hopfully she can win pov and take herself off. but i think that’s not going to happen because they had pov comp and i think that hayden won please write back if i’m wrong anyone thanks. and for the brigade who do i think will win is….hayden.

    • What show you been watching? Wait….maybe you don’t have the Live Feed or watch BBAD so then you wouldn’t know that Hayden won POV. Wait……yeah you should if you are on a site about spoilers and therefore should have read it. DUHHHHHHHHHHHH. :)

    • I am so glad she is going to be gone!!!!! Yet there she is, still talking trash about Rachel and Brendon. They all were. I have never seen a group so obsessed with two people. get over them!!!!

  25. The Mason Dixon line has nothing to do with the north and south. Look it up! The MD line is nothing more than a survey dispute between Pennsylvania and Maryland.

    Parallel 36°30′ north is what separates the north and south.

    • Actually, I believe both could be considered correct….

      Parallel 36°30′ north was the rough divider of the “slave and free states”, and could therefore be considered to divide north an south. However, that would eliminate much of Virgina which, of course, was south.

      The Mason-Dixon line, although originally used for the survey dispute mentioned, was and is widely considered CULTURALLY to be a symbolic dividing line.

    • Nothing to do w/ the north and south? You’ve got to be kidding. Wait, did Lane break out of the house?

      At least Rico gets it. East of the Mississippi and south of the Mason-Dixon. Welcome to the south, says the man from Virginia.

      • Say what Lane broke outta da house? That’s such a random comment BBN Matt DO explain! And why are we talkin’ about GEOGRAPHY lol, mylanta divine, is the BB house that boring?! Well, duh, I guess so yes! lol. Dios, go google it peoples!

    • I’m laughing all ready, ragan is probably talking shit on brittney, now that he’s not hanging out with her. He has a new bff his girl( Kathy) after all someone has to tickle the tears away.

      • You think!!! Hope bb is listening to the viewer’s out there. Maybe they will give us an extra full night just at the jh. They owe us somthing for hanging in this season.

  26. Britney and Regan are the rudest and most vile people ever on big brother.

    Enzo is a funny guy, and if he is one of the final two he’ll win.

    If Hayden and Lane are final two Hayden will win.

    I can’t wait to see Regan’s reaction to Matt after he tell’s Regan about how he lied about his wife.

    Sure Rachell was so so rude but that was her gameplay in the house, unlike Britney and Regan.

    I’ve never seen anyone drink so much..Regan! Two bottles of wine, and a can of beer. He said he drinks outside of the house also.

    • No way he can NOT beat Hayden even if he wins the final HOH, there’s no way that jury will give Enzo the $ for wining 2 comps and Hay wins 5! Hay is just as well liked if not MORE so, b/c he didn’t loaf his a** the whole way thru!

    • “Britney and Regan are the rudest and most vile people ever on big brother.”

      “Sure Rachell was so so rude but that was her gameplay in the house, unlike Britney and Regan.”

      I watch BB on CBS, I’m not sure what show you have been watching?

      You really think that was “gameplay” on the part of the RECH? I think that is the way she really is, and THAT would make HER “he rudest and most vile [person] ever on big brother.

  27. I hope Nick goes up to Enzo and says “Hey Enzo, where is that Bitch Joella?” Since Enzo thinks it’s okay call Brit bitches all the time. He’s a loser!!

    • Well if Brit acts like a bitch then why not call her that? She sure has said that and worst about others in the house. What your precious Brit can say all the hateful things she wants but noone dare say anything back? WTF…yeah whatever.

      • just love you, Trish go get them!!!! brittney was and probably always will be a two face bitch

      • Brit must be touching some nerves with you all…what she says is funny as hell!! Haters are good thing though LOL

      • Yeah I have to admit she has touched a nerve with me. Like I said earlier I could have liked Brit if she would lay off trashing everyone. It gets old real quick. There are other things to talk about, game for one. Why is that people who don’t care for Brit are haters? I am sure there are things you don’t like, am I right? So get over the fact that there are those who don’t care for Brit, like the world won’t end because of it.

      • Wow Trish you sure are one angry woman. Take a chill pill, drink a wiskey sour and relax. This is just reality Tv hon.

    • I agree Mike….I’m not on here to talk bad about the people I don’t care for…a waste of energy!! I talk about the person I like…but whenever Brit fans speak, we get called out!?!

  28. I hope they (BB) are listening to our input here too! After all we are DA best DA bomb DA wickedest BB fans period! Nuff said it’s OVA! lol :) You’re awesome everyone, thanks for making this season (so far) bearable (when we were bored outta our ears & arses! lol) and fun as heck! Poetry was hot yo, should be published on the official site! :)

  29. If Hay is smart he uses that veto to evict Britt and then hopefully wins the next HOH to take Enzo, b/c in doing so he can tell the jury that he took Enzo so that he’d be guaranteed some $ and as a new father, with a lil baby at home, that $50K can go a long way! That ‘consideration’ and ‘generosity’ will go a LONGGG way with da jury house (thus sealing his 1/2 mil victory) and even LANE can’t be p*od at Hay for that b/c let’s face it helLO, Lane is from a freakin’ oil family, why the hell does he need ANY funds of ANY kind?

  30. I just decided who I’ll vote for as favorite HG.

    Since none of these losers gets my vote based on gameplay,

    I vote for Monet for two reasons.

    1. She had the best smile; and,

    2. She made the ugliest face when she cried.

  31. I honestly do not know how the JH votes will go after the Brigade info comes out..Enzo is mouthing off that it was all his idea and he ran the show…Which may hurt him in the long run..H/L/E all seem to think that the Jury is gonna look at them as brillant game players but that is not necessairly if I were those 3 guys I would not count my votes till I saw the Jury’s reaction..Matt is already in the house so he will get the worst of it..but in my opinion none of the jury members are gonna feel kindly toward any of the 4..

  32. I hope Hayden wins it all. He is the only one to not bad mouth others. Brit picks at her fingers way too much and was never loyal to anyone but Lane. Jordan won last year and she was nice to everyone–here’s hoping Hayden “nice guy” wins this year.

    • I do not understand what Brittney picking her fingers has to do with her winning the money. That does not make sense..Right HAYDEN is a nice ur face..but he is just as good at backstabbing as the rest..He is still making fun of and laughing at Brittney behind her back..Yeah hayden is a real nice guy..Keep that thought..

      • Well Well that is like calling the Kettle Black now isn’t it? Hayden made fun of Brit? OMG, lets put him in handcuffs. That girl deserves that and much more. With all the vile and hateful things she has said about others BEHIND THEIR BACK she gets what she has coming. Karma is a bitch ain’t it Brit!

  33. Speaking of HAYDEN his facebook page indicates he is a Christian.. wonder if he learned all those 4 letter words going to church..wonder if he learned to beliittle, lie and make fun of people in that same church….just wondering..

    • Graves Hayden is HUMAN! How can you say Hayden belittled people? I don’t see him doing anymore then Ragina and Brit has done. Hell that is ALL those two have done since they came on the show. They really need to get over Rachel and Brendon. Instead of focusing on others they should have focused more on themselves or maybe making a better alliance with the very people they have talked about. Maybe then they all would still be there instead of just The Brigade who did stick together. Besides Matt of course.

      • Trish I ask u a couple of weeks ago to ignor anything I post and I would appreciate it if u would do that. U HAVE MADE IT PLAIN THAT U DO NOT LIKE ME AND U HAVE INTURN MADE ME NOT LIKE YOU..It seems that ur opinion on this site is the final word or so u seem to think…If ur opinion is sooo right on why don’t u start ur own Big Brother site?? Again I simply want u to ignor anything I post as I am ignoring urs as well..Should I answer someone with a reply from u I try to make sure that u know I am not responding to anything u might have said. Please just ignor me as I plan to do u the same favor..

      • Um Graves or whoever you are I never thought my opinion was the only one nor do I think I am always right. I could say the same about you. You go around saying things against anyone that has an opinion different from yours. I do think I do the same thing but hey that is life. I never said I didn’t like you. I don’t care if you don’t like me. I am not on here to make you like me, I am on here to state my opinion and talk BB. I am sure I am not the only one who disgrees with you nor do I think you are the only one who disagrees with me. If everyone on this site agreed we would be as boring as the HG’s in the BB house. Again I never said I didn’t like you. If that is what you think and it made you dislike me then fine. But I will respond to any discussion I care too. I don’t think I have ever personally attacked you so why would anything I say to you matter? It is just a comment and that is all. Shhhesshhh move on already.

      • Well.. NOW I’VE SAID IT (again) AND U READ IT…That should be all there is to say…but I have no doubt that u will come up with something to keep trouble going..

      • Graves let me get this straight, I only commented on your opinion. Yet you come back with something nasty and YOU say I am the one causing trouble? REALLY? Do you even read what you write on here? You are all over the place stating your opinion and downgrading others in the process. Nothing different than what you say I am doing. Well get over yourself already. I really don’t care if you say it 3 thousands times, I will reply to what I want. Atleast I won’t call others names like you do while I do it. Look over your comments and THEN you tell me why you think you are not causing trouble. It sure ain’t me.

      • Case in point, here you are calling someone a name, surprise surprise it is because they don’t like your precious Brit……

        “graves says:
        September 6, 2010 at 5:33 pm
        UR STUPID POST DID NOT SAY WHY BRITTNEY COULD NOT WIN THE MONEY..WHAT DOES ALL THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THE MONEY?? Did the propane fumes from the grill mess up ur ability to put together a clear and understandable sentence??? Or are u just a patient from the nearest rehab out on a holiday pass??”

        You don’t see me doing that. You should take a long look at yourself before you say anything about what someone else writes on here.

      • Good thing I did not bet with myself as to u honoring my request..LMAO..I knew that was a waste of…

      • Can I request that trish and graves be the first to peeps selected for BB13?? (just playing…)

      • Hey Graves, don’t know if you are a man or woman but in my opinion I would just ignore anyone that you don’t care for. Let them reply to you all they want. Be the bigger person and ignore. Just think to yourself that what this Trish or anyone says on here, does it really matter in your world? Go from there. It is what I do. I think Trish is just an angry person who takes reality Tv to heart. Help, good help is what she and anyone like her needs. Just laugh at her and people like her and just know it doesn’t matter what they say on here.

    • I have to say that I have not heard Hayden swear much. I could be wrong. All I really see him doing is agreeing with what Enzo and Lane are saying and laughing along. (unless he brings up Steamboat). I would like to see him show a little emotion, though. He almost seems like a puppet…

      • He does. But I like Hayden and Lane. I like Brit too but more for her looks and how witty she is. I wish she had played a more social game. She could have used Brendon to get far. Her and Ragan and Matt should have aligned with him and then used him as far as they could. So sad she has to go. I know I called the rest of the guys douches but it was in jest. They are boring as hell to watch and as I guy I sure don’t want to watch them for a week. LOL

  34. There is something really wrong with Britney….if you want to see what she never would want to watch…FFWD thru BBAD…with her picking, chewing and biting on her self…in FFWD. It’s hilarious!! I noticed it a long time ago. I thought GEESE, how can she win anything…buy the time they do the comps, she will have gnawed her arms all the way up to little stumps! WAA WAA call me a WAMBULANCE…Rottsaruck ITCHNEY!

    • UR STUPID POST DID NOT SAY WHY BRITTNEY COULD NOT WIN THE MONEY..WHAT DOES ALL THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THE MONEY?? Did the propane fumes from the grill mess up ur ability to put together a clear and understandable sentence??? Or are u just a patient from the nearest rehab out on a holiday pass??

      • I have to admit, if I were sitting in a room, knowing that there were cameras filming my every move and feeding it out to thousands of viewers, I would likely have a nervous habit like maybe playing with my nails…

      • Really? There are plenty of others on the show with the same cameras on them and I don’t see them picking at themselves. BUT I do see them put their hands in their pants. So I guess one evil versus another.

      • I still do not see what in the hell that that has to do with Brittney winning the money…Enzo plays with himself at every opportunity.. Hayden picks his nose constantly…Lane gets his jollies off in the shower…SO DO THEIR QUIRKS DISQUIALIFY THEM FROM WINNING MONEY??..NONE OF THE ABOVE WOULD BE A REASON AS TO WHY THEY CAN’T WIN…

      • So Brit picks at herself, how is that any more gross than Matt and Enzo with hands in pants, Brendon picking his nose, Lane jacking off?

  35. The more haters Brit has the more she is talked about!! So keep it coming. Brit is the best!! Nick has done a few interviews and said he is not upset at anything she’s done…in fact he said they agreed that flirting would help!! Get over it! Brit does have fans that not related to her haha! I enjoy her personality…to each his own. No one in that house has been a saint so Brit is no different. She did her thing by herself and for herself. She accepts that’s she’s leaving and she will do it with pride. Brit will be around after the show!! If you don’t like Brit okay…keep it to yourself. I’d like to meet one person who does NOT talk about people…give her a break she’s leaving.

    • I will post as much as I would like on how I dislike Brit for as long as I like. You can be a fan of hers, that is all and good, but please don’t dictate on how others who don’t care for who on about keeping it to themselves. Ain’t going to happen!!! You tell me anyone on there that hasn’t played for themselves (besides Brendon). Everyone in that house is playing for the money not just Brit the biotech! So get over already.

      • Sure I am a hater, so??? Don’t care for Brit and never will. I am not alone so get over it already. HAHAHA….

      • Trish you just seem to be another version of Brit…I’m sure her feelings for you would be mutual but then again she would never care what you thought anyway!! Kick Rocks Kid

      • Monique you are so mature. LOL What a lame comment. I really don’t care if Brit would care what I thought, but seeing I am not the only one who thinks that way about her well woohoo! Are you going to take on all the Brit haters??? You will be here forever if that is the case.

      • No Monique, don’t compare Trish to Brit. Brit is funny and hot, Trish sounds like an angry old lady.

      • LOL why are getting so personal….these are people we don’t know. Remember Trish? It’s game my friend!

      • That is right Monique. We don’t know these people so why do any of us get personal? Trish, you listening? LOL

    • Well I just want to know if Nick got an interview on Sesame Street. cause only a 2 year old would not care if his girlfriend was flirting.

    • Of course Nick is going to say he is ok with the way she is acting! What else is he gonna say at this point? As far as liking or not liking her, that’s everybody’s choice. She is not my type of person and I would never have anything to do with a person like her! She is bad, inside and out! Yes everyone talked about somebody but she and Ragan went way beyond that and they don’t know when to quit.

      • Sue how is Brit the best at being the worst? She has done nothing worse than anyone that has been in that house. If you think Brit is the best of the worst then you have one strange imagination.

  36. I dont want Enzo to win a penny I hate the final 4 except for Brit, if anyone else could win it would be Lane, I hope Lane wins the final HOH and evicts Enzo and takes Hayden and hopefully wins.


    ANYBODY BUT ENZO! That dirty pig.

    • I miss Rachel TOO !!!!!!!! :( :( :( Britney You keep talkin about my mans Girlfriend! It is giving her a CELEBRITY STATUS in this game! :) She seemed to be the most Feared PLAYER out of all the HG! I miss all the fun & DRAMA she put in to this Season and She didn’t call other HG nasty VILE NAMES!!

  37. the brigade will be so shocked when they go home and finds out the world hates them and I hope that Stacey leaves Matt and obviously Rachel or Brendon are going to win the favorite player prize (whether it is favorite player or favorite juror)

  38. @Monique, You mean you are saying this is the type of friends you have, or would want to have? I don’t think that is where I am in my life now, nor ever have been…but what the hell, I’m as old as dirt!

  39. It will be a problem for any of the F3 to play or win any more competitions because they have broken their arms patting themselves on the back. I don’t know if I will even watch next year because this yr. has been such a dissapointment. They have thrown comps and bitched all the way from beginning to end. The house guest this yr. have been the laziest, lamest, most ungrateful,and the whinest S%*Ts I have ever watched. I did not know until this yr. just how much they have been coached in what to say. None of them should win any money because of the disrepect. I guess we couldn’t have seen it without live feeds and bbad but it ruined the show for me. I though last yr. was bad but proven it was this yr. it can get worse.

  40. This season of BB is a total flop. No surprises. All the guests except for Kathy voted the same way for all evictions.

  41. We all seem to have forgotten what happened last year, we wrote Jordan off as a loser, and Jeff’s puppet, much like we are doing with Enzo here. We all what the bold power move to play out here, maybe the best will be saved for last. Perhaps Enzo will wake up, win this thing and shock many of us the way Jordan did last season. Let’s see how this all plays out

  42. This is my first season of Big Brother on a forum to leave a comment on a houseguest. All of my favorite are at the jury house so there is no houseguest i really like now. I will still watch this season Big Brother to the end, no matter who the last two are. This has been the worst season of Big Brother that i have ever watch. This season cast is so bad that i feel so ill just to watch this last houseguest left in the Big Brother house. Last season i watch Big Brother Afterdark and still enjoy all of the houseguest left in the house at the same time last season. So why do i feel this way this season?

  43. I have been out of the loop for a couple of weeks, and would like to know why they are showing live eviction and HOH on Wednesday. Are they going to have a show on Thursday too?


    • Yes, there will be an live episode Thursday, as to why one on Wednesday, to add excitement I would guess.

  44. The best player rarely wins, I dont recall to many people bitching when jordan won and she was useless, last years final 4 was more of a joke then this seasons final 4

    I don’t like the final 4 but but if I had to choose who I would want to win, it be enzo he was way more entertaining then the other 3.

    Ok so what enzo only won 1 comp so has lane and haydon has won 3, neither one of them could win sh!t when the house was full, and haydons 1st hoh was a joke so I won’t even count that one.

    I hope enzo wins, its not because I like him, its because lane and haydon are useless, yes enzo is too but atleast enzo brings comedy.

    Enzo- Winner
    Lane- runner up
    Bren- americas winner he has my vote.he is best competitor big brother has seen

    • And besides enzo had to go to the bathroom to dump something as big as his fist. tell me you can do that. He just won the first comp for the biggest poop

    • not much jadelle.

      hgs have been on lock down all day – can hear construction going on in backyard. no idea what that’s about..?
      ANOTHER pandora’s box?
      practice for beginning of hoh on wednesady?
      who knows!

      there has been no pov meeting yet today, either – hgs are wondering why. maybe the ceremony WILL be live on wednesday after all?? – not my understanding that it would be, but again..
      who knows!!

  45. Wow, come on guys YOU have to see all those dishes in the sink. It doesn’t take much to wash them. The more you leave there the more there will be and the more ants you get. Some college boys you are all. :(

    • Hi my friends, Last nite the HG dogged all the JURY HG ! THEY really P*SSED me OFF!! I’m so sick of that IDOIT ENZO! WHO in PRODUCTION IS telling these DUMMIES THEY are FAMOUS & STARS! NOT ! YUCK!!!

      • i’ve heard these guys on bbad talking a lot about what production tells them about their show’s ratings and who is most popular, etc. i think it’s a ploy on production’s part to keep the hgs pumped up so the show doesn’t bottom out.

        just goes to show ya how little production knows about what bb fans want – and how little they care about the aftermath of the contestants on this show. the brigade is in for a HUGE awakening when they hit public life again.. ESPECIALLY enzo! lol

      • Enzo should be sent packing ASAP. He is NOT the “star” he has dreamed up. Here’s hoping he doesn’t make it to the finally!

    • Well, Brit knows she’s next one out, so SHE’S not going to wash those dishes! (Neither would I, under those circumstances!) BB Crew is going to have to hire “Sunshine Cleaning” to get this place ready for BB13, if there is one!

      • Enzo could be the spokesman for the new Italian tire company. When it gets flat it goes…wop wop wop.


  46. hmmm.. this is interesting:

    hayden just came out the DR and told the others he had to do his ‘goodbye messages’. he said he had to one to ALL 3 of them – wasn’t told why.
    made comments about wondering what’s going on – why is the schedule off.

    i’m wondering TOO what’s going on!
    why aren’t they having the usual monday pov meeting?
    if hayden isn’t using the pov – then brit will be evicted – so why did he have to do goodbyes to all 3 of them?
    WHAT is being built in the backyard?

    i hate not knowing stuff!!

      • BB wants Us to think Haydon is using the POV ! NOT!! He is afraid the Guys will fight with Him!

    • Didn’t Julie say that Wednesday was going to be live POV ceremony and eviction ? I don’t think the HG’s know this though.

    • just read that YES – POV CEREMONY & EVICTION are BOTH LIVE on WEDNESDAY. plus part 1 of final HOH comp.

      still don’t know what’s being built in backyard though :(

    • oh that’s odd! as if somehow there is a way thtat someone OTHER than britt will go home? what on earth?

  47. So here’s to hoping that Britt will just give up the ghost and make her last days in the house NOT like Raggity’s, drunk and wasted!

  48. Trish, Do you really think the HG would do the Dishes or clean? They were ADmitting that they threw alot of the COMPS! Enzo has been wearing his clothes for 3 DAYS!! They are DIRT-BALLS ! THose four need to WALK out the DOOR NOW!!!

  49. Enzo told Production he wants T-Shirts with the words BRO-GADE on it! I wish I was there when they walk out with those Shirts on cause I would THROW TOMATOES at them JERKS !!! LMAO HA HA !!

    • i doubt they will get the shirts, b/c cbs & bb did NOT want it to be the final 3 of them (hello? boring ratings) they REALLY wanted Britt to stay! shake things up a bit ya know?

  50. I suspect they told Hayden to say all of his goodbyes because it is a given that he is not leaving the house this week. Orrrr…its just a ploy to make people watching the LF that there could be a power move in the making. I’m sure they are scrambling to save their ratings at this point..

  51. when brit tells enzo how much he gave up to be on the show, I ask you all to think about and pray for our soldiers I am the mother of one and think they have no idea

    • The same thing kind of crossed my mind when the “what we have given up” comment came up. Being an ex soldier, I know how that feels. I agree, pray for our troops everywhere. The situations are different, but being separated from our families and loved ones is painful whether it be by 300 or 3000 miles…

      • thank you it is really hard on our male and female soldiers and i thnk nobody has an idea what it is like

      • Wow Heather you have my sincere thank you for serving. My son is in the military and he is soon to be sent to Iraq. I am proud of him or anyone who risk their life for those of us here to have the freedom we do. God bless our soldiers.

      • Denis & Heather > When I read your comments MY EYES welled with TEARS! I pray everyday for our SOLDIERS & ALLIES to bring PEACE & LIBERTY to ALL & to bring them home SAFE to be with their FAMILIES! I THANK YOU for PROTECTING OUR COUNTRIES! :)

      • All the best to your family members. Keeping this is BB context, the Armed Forces is an “alliance” in and of itself…

    • omg denis… your son deserves better than to even be MENTIONED in the same sentence with the likes of enzo!

      personally, i think it goes without saying that britney’s ‘sacrifices’ pale in comparison to those of your son and i’m sure she would say the same thing.
      don’t be offended – she’s on a reality game show – not living in the “real world” right now.

    • Mike T ..How do u think the Brigade final 2 will end up being??? I don’t get it cause they have to know that only 2 of them are gonna be final 2..So why not call it a wrap on the Brigade and say “It’s every man for himself from here on out”. Are they all functioning on one brain cell?? It’s like Regan ask Lane..Are u playing for u to win or are u playing for the guy next to u to win??? Are they so insecure that they can’t make a rational decision or major power move on their on?? For all intense and purposes the Brigade is no more but why can’t they see that?? I don’t see the jury looking at the BG as some great alliance I think it’s gonna piss em off..and Matt will get the brunt of the slamss cause he is with the jury..Enzo is bragging that the BG was his idea and all the evictions were his doing..I do believe that will hurt him in the long run..I just don’t understand it..

      • Graves I think the F2 could go either way. I would have liked it to be Brit and Lane but THAT ain’t happening. So maybe Lane and Hayden? I love the guy but Enzo has done nothing but won one POV yet he acts like it is his right to go all the way. Why does he think that? You can only hangon off the backs of the others for so long. Time to cut him lose.

  52. Does anyone know why the producers hid Bratney during the Sunday nights AD airing when the boys finally told her she was leaving and she started crying and left never to be seen the rest of the nite. Lane even went looking for her and seen flashing lights and thought the lights were pointing in her direction but couldn’t find her. Were the producers hiding her in the diary room. We wanted to see her cry like Ragen did!!!

  53. meow meow and the brigade 4-Life, you guys are a bunch of haters out there! These 3 have done a great job making it to this point and probably to the end, as you know in the past alliances like these usually don’t work out so…

    • Sure they did a great job at controlling the house and making it to the final 3. But now we see what that does to the show and the season….expect the expected…..*YAWWWWWN!*

    • mark… you better hope ‘meow-meow’ has 9 LIVES, cuz the brigade 4-Life is gonna be DEAD in less than 6 months – and i’m probably being generous in giving it THAT long.

      then hayden’s gonna be kicking himself in the ass for sticking with these two clowns when it ends up costing him the win and $500,000!

      MATT got them where they are today – you’re giving these 3 idiots waaaayyyyy more credit than they deserve.

      • Matt was given 2 HOHs and a Diamond POV..Please get off if Matt had not taken them this far stuff….

        Hayden and Lane have shown that they could have won most of the comps…But why should they..they had Matt.

        If the whole house had not gone after Brenchel every week, the BG might have been exposed….Very dangerous continuing to go after same HGs every comp.

      • You have it so right! They lied and back stabbed as much as anyone else. They did not complain when Matt kept them safe only to thow him under the bus. Meowass has done nothing but lay around and tell them how great he is. The two stupidos are giving meowface money for what? He is a loudmouth nothing.

  54. Hopefully there’s one more power move made this season.Something really unexpected.I’d like to see BB go out with a bang this year.

  55. Enzo can’t stop running his mouth, Enzo is great
    On a scale of one to ten, I give him a minus eight
    Enzo is delusional, Say’s I’m the best this season
    The rating are up, And I’m the reason

    Enzo is god, a man’s man, And a women’s desire
    He just has to look at them, To set thier hearts a fire
    A touch, A smile, Will cause a women to start screaming
    Thier be breaking down his door, Yo Enzo wake up, Your dreaming

    Posts say, the whole town voted for him, Enzo we love ya honey
    Yes it’s all true, I’ve been there, Population is twenty
    Enzo say’s that he will go down in, Big brother history
    Why Enzo thought that, Will Always remain a mystery

    Question’s will go unanswered, And it makes me sore
    Like what was in his pants, That he kept looking for
    So when you get home, Everything we be just great
    But you better hurry, New jersey is moving the state

      • Chris the great BB Fan
        We are out here lovin you man
        Keep up your daily posts
        Better than any celebrity roasts
        For if not for all the loyal folks
        BB sucks so we need ur lyrical polks!

  56. The Bro-gade consisted of Matt winning all of the challenges. Either they didn’t try or they couldn’t see them self’s outside of a grocery bag. I don’t think I want another season were no one is trying to win comps or were everyone is timid and votes with the house ….After Brit leaves I won’t be watching any more …actually after she found out that is leaving it has been so boring…and I can’t listen to Enzo’s greatness another minute… Hello wake up Enzo… Matty did all of the work! I keep waiting for some sort of upset … but I am let down time and time again …. <>
    Everyone is voting for Branden to be America’s vote …. Cuz he tried so hard … I kind of don’t want him to get it cause he is such a sap for Rach … America you will be giving the money to her LMAO.
    I Vote Brit for Americas vote! ….. Well America a Bro-grade member will win BB12 ugh ….

    • Well you don’t know how that RELATIONSHIP is going to work out! You say Brendon DESERVES the money but you choose to give it to BRITTNEY Who got where she is with the help of Brendon, who she back-stabbed! The B*TCH has been DEGRADING other HG REPUTATIONS STILL, even up to last nites BBAD! The game is over for her, she don’t need to do anymore GAMEPLAY! SHE got 10G”S thats plenty! She ADMITTED to throwing COMPS BUT never once did she say she was SORRY for ACTING NASTY towards Rachael ( behind her back),who thought BRITT was her FRIEND!!! Brittney will show us again tonite on BBAD the TRUE BITCH she is cause the APPLE don’t fall far from the TREE> HER MOTHER!!! My VOTE for AMERICA’s PLAYER will go to BRENDON because HE WORKED the HARDEST to PLAY the Game, HE DESERVES IT the most! May I add, once BRENDON was evicted by his TRUSTY A$$HOLES the show has been SO BORING and ANNOYING!! Every year I look forward to BB and I’m not HAPPY about any of the COMPS, cause THE HG weren’t really trying to COMPETE! JUST A FEW DID!! SO I say NONE of the BROGADE choose any of those ROTTON things to do to their BODIES like BRENDON DID! They CHOSE the LUXURIES!! When it’s all over, THE BRO_GADE will be big STARS, that statment is the FUNNIEST laugh I got out of this whole SEASON BB12! I am so glad I didn’t get the live feeds this year!! Well, Brendon you DESERVE that 25G’s not that Enzo the BOZO :)

  57. @ mark: And just what did the ber-egg control, Of the four only matt won anything, Starting from week one, Britney, ragan, kathy, monet, and kisten all were after B/R, It wasn’t until week 7, after the ber-egg had turned on Matt and finally got brendon, That the three stooges started to win anything, By then they were playing against Ragan and britney, So please tell just how the ber-egg is this great and powerful alliance, Because I just don’t see it

  58. People like britney, Lane, Hayden etc; Have no ideal what it takes to be in the military, I joined the Marines in 1967-1973, Worked law enforcement for 3 years and then went back in the military until 2001.

    Maybe to the HG’s they gave up a lot, In thier way of thinking, Which is all about them, But the one thing that the HG’s have that the military doesn’t is the ability to leave anytime they want, The man or women in the military doesn’t have that we have to stay, So I take my hat off to all of you, Semper Fi!!!!

  59. CTG-you are dead on! (As usual)…the “boys”did not win a darn thing until Matt,Brenden and Rachel were gone. EXCEPT for Hayden.And that,sadly,is why I hope that he and his Justin Bieber hair win.Maybe he’ll get a big boy haircut.Oh,how I wish there were cameras in the jury house.Matt may be in seclusion for his own safety by now!

  60. Didn’t want to say this when I was talking about the Military, Be has anyone noticed how the BB house looks, I mean what a bunch of pigs

      • GO back and read some of my post, they are DIRT-BALLS! I do believe BB makes them clean before LIVE TV ! FYI > I think the BRO-GADE took BB as a PRISONER LOL!! The BB RULE BOOK has also been STOLEN by them LOL

  61. I have a 20yr old son & I raised him to RESPECT Women, He wants to go into the BB house and he even said it was horrible how the BRO-GADE was degrading women! They were not just talkin GAME-PLAY in the BB, it was things they did on the OUT-SIDE of BB house!! I wonder how their families feel about their BEHAVIOR!

  62. A nice power nap always helps! I feel a bit betta!
    So what’s goin’ on night crew? Anything on da feeds?

    • Good Evening, Awesome reading as always!! I hope all are doing ok!!
      It sounds like our britches is one bummed out little girl??

    • nope – nothing jadelle.

      hgs still on lock down – have been since 8 this morning.

      laying around.. sleeping.. brit & enzo talking about the celebrities they have met.


  63. @Clare Ann: I add to take a course in “Reading people” I’m at a loss when it comes to kathy, If she is in law enforcement, She should have been able to see alot in the BB house, but didn’t, I was in law enforcement 34 years ago and I still catch myself watching people when thay talk, I guess that people skills aren’t taught anymore.

    Kathy talked alot about integrity, But then gave it away when she joined in trashing B/R with the others, Like the time she was telling them about how she had to force brendon be give up the cork screw, BS all she did was ask were it was and brendon gave it to her. Kathy what integrity.

  64. if CBS offered Enzo 1 million bucks to not say BRO or YO for 1 fn day,he couldnt do it !!!! Loser!!!!

  65. can somebody help me out here?…

    i’ve always thought that hgs USE each other in an alliance to get further in the game – with the general GOAL being final 4. then, if they’re lucky enough to make it that far, from that point on – it’s every ‘man’ for himself.

    if i’m WRONG, please correct me :)

    but if i’m RIGHT, can someone PLEASE explain to me why hayden is sticking with the brigade?
    what the hell is he doing??

    • what do you mean? what has he done or plan to do? i dont’ have da feeds see! i dont’ know either, it’s every guy for himself like enzo meow mad man mix said, win or go home, no excuses, no hard feelings, it is what it is!

      • as of right now, hayden’s plan is to NOT use the veto = enzo will evict britney.

        hayden is making no sense to me because he keeps saying over and over again that he KNOWS neither lane or enzo will take him to final 2 if they win hoh.

        at the same time, he also KNOWS if he saves britney and she evicts LANE, brit WILL take him if she wins hoh – and he will win against her in final 2.

        i think it’s reasonable to assume that hayden & britney vs. enzo for final hoh is a win for hayden.. the two of them SHOULD be able to beat enzo with no problem.

        i don’t get why he is so stuck on a brigade final 3 when brit is a MUCH SAFER BET for him!

        any thoughts?

      • @CT: Hayden and Lane want to use the money to start a business, They think Enzo is with them, What they can’t see is Enzo is for himself, If he wins they will never see him again.

        And I asked the same question, When is it going to be every man for himself?

      • u think britt is a SAFE bet? i don’t! i think the jury will be impressed by her wins (2 HOH’s, 3 POV’s) and likely she’ll another by the time she gets to jury, i mean plus she’s the only girl left, so yeah she can beat him! he’s better to stay w/da loafers! 1 pov & 1 hoh does not a winner make for bb of ANY season!

      • I am guessing that he is afraid to keep Brit and cross the Brigade, because if he does, he will lose 2 votes from the Jury House…

      • @jadelle… britney has NUMEROUS enemies in the jury house! hayden has 3 hohs & the most powerful pov of the season alreday under his belt – PLUS everybody likes him… brendon even gave him kudos.

        so yes, i definitely think he would win against britney in a final 2 situation.

        and besides… there has NEVER been a female winner on this show in a male/ female final 2. :(

      • true CT, britt does have a lot of enemies, including kath, bren & rach…but to have a girl win would be soo good! course if she manages to stay by some miracle tis CBS & BB is invo

    • hey chris… if lane wins hoh, do you think he will take hayden to final 2?

      will enzo?

      i say no to both.

      • I think Lane will, Because for some reason they all think that Enzo is going to be americas vote, and that everyone in the JH likes him

      • nope hayden needs to win that final hoh! after the bonding enzo & lane did this weekend, i think they’ll take each other! which sucks for us b/c loafers make the final 2!

    • @heather… SOMETHING has him spooked! – or he’s just STUPID!

      against britney, i believe hayden would have:

      brendon – likes hayden – would do what rachel does

      rachel – hates britney – vote for hayden

      kathy – loves hayden (reminds her of her own son)

      matt – would vote brigade member

      enzo – would vote brigade member

      lane – mad at brit for evicting him – would vote brigade member

      ragan – ?? – probably britney

      hayden wins

  66. FYI, Hayden and the BG do not trust Bratteney.

    Can people realize she is the biggest liar in the house. How can Hayden keep her in the house. She would only win in Final 2.

    Remember what she did to Brendon…..I promise not to put you up on my engagement to Nick.

    Who do you think Brendon told this to: HAYDEN.

    • steve.. the reasons you just gave are EXACTLY why hayden SHOULD TAKE BRITNEY!!

      this is an EMOTIONAL bunch of hgs in the jury house who DON’T LIKE BRITNEY = ZERO VOTES! (except maybe ragan)

      any one of the 3 would WIN against her… going up against another brigade member is far more risky.

      • Nice try…But Hayden is not on Bratteney’s Final 2 list…She will take either Enzo or Lane but not Hayden….So if Hayden wants to win, he will battle the BG and not Bratteney (aka LIAR)

  67. how funny, BB is saving the POV ceremony till wednesday, yet the most obvi out come will take place. like there’s no point. there will be no drama or anything.

  68. I only did the first two verses of this song, because to do the whole thing would be way too long of a post…
    To the tune of “Viva, Las Vegas!” by Elvis Presley:

    Bright light city sure produced a ho
    And released her on Big Brother
    Yes, it’s true, she’s in the Jury House now
    But still annoys me like no other
    She’ll give a real snide remark and an evil stare
    Ragan sure loves her extensions of hair
    But she’s got her loyal fans and they don’t care
    Cuz, Rachel…. is Vegas!
    Rachel…. is Vegas!

    Some wish that she was back in the house
    To give the season some spice
    Others say that they can’t stand the witch
    Never seeing her would be nice
    She’d say “don’t get between me and my man”
    She’s latched on to Brendon, and here is her plan:
    “Brendon – bring home the bacon, fry it up in the pan”
    Cuz, Rachel…. is Vegas!
    Rachel…. is Vegas!
    Rachel…. Rachel…. IS VEGAS!!

    • and another one hits the top!!!!!!
      Rico, awesome!! O, I couldn’t find any more on all the songs you and everyone did. Looks like you right!! There was SO much to read thru!! Stoker still is the one I think we missed! Couldn’t find it tho, I may have missed it! Only Stoker can help us on that one!!

  69. i think no i know that this is the last bb for me i still can not believe enzo went unpunished for all he did and hayden got away with guiding enzo against regan. the only thing that would save me and i would watch bb again would be if there was a big twist and none of the final four would i really think you blew it big time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • AMEN! My thoughts. Enzo has beeen cheating and will take the $ when the others deserve it. He is giving it to “wifey”. so he can lay around and have her wait on him hand and foot.

  70. there might be! b/c they made hayden give bye msgs to ALL of them, not only Lane & Britt which i find highly odd, dont’ you?

  71. One power twist would be for the person who is taken OFF the block to be the one to EVICT the HG! (as opposed to the veto holder! lol) that would be pure jokes! I know not likely to happen, but hey ya never know!!!!!

    • Jadelle…. I may be missing what you’re saying, but I believe the one who is taken off the block DOES decide who to evict.
      For example, if Hayden takes Britney off the block, Britney will decide between Enzo and Lane.

    • Now that the BG has won, you want to make up a bunch of new power twists…Cmon people the show is at an end.

      Let the BG battle it out,,,it should be fun!

  72. Well I can’t speak for fellow Law Officer, Kathy,I don’t know if she was DESK DUTY COP or what? LOL She certainly didn’t do us FEMALE COPS any Justice! :( lol! but I will tell you that by the 2nd time the Sabatour pop-up on the BB TV, I had FOCUSED on the picture,the outline of the BODY & PINNED it on ANNIE right away! My Son was shocked when it came out it was her! Hey, Chris the great I got a good IDEA for the next BB season ; PUT a Mix of MILITARY & LAW ENFORCEMENT in the House that would be a FAN-TASTIC show But the TWIST is : THEY ARE RETIREES! We would be the best show, besides we have better so called WAR STORIES, than these SNOT NOSES! LOL Do you AGREE? :)

  73. RICO I’m A LOVER OF ELVIS!!! YOU have TOPPED IT! That was so funny! :) PS. And I still like RACHEL!lol OH MY!! :)

  74. Any other poker players out there watching BBAD right now and getting annoyed by the way Britney shuffles cards backwards?

  75. The outsider 1966 “Time won’t let me” For ENZO

    I can’t wait forever
    to get out of this house
    I can’t wait forever
    The world wants to see me

    Time won’t let me
    YO YO
    Time won’t let me
    YO YO
    Time won”t let me
    worlds been waiting for me to long

    Can’t you see
    The world wants me
    To love me
    To hold me in thier arms

    Time won’t let me
    Yo Yo
    time won’t let me
    Yo Yo
    Time won’t let me
    I’m loved by crowds

    I’ll be a star forever
    The movies are after me
    They won’t wait forever
    All my fans love me too

    The great Enzo can’t wait that long
    Wait, Wait, Wait, I’m da bomb
    I haven’t won no-thing, It’s been so long
    Wait, Wait, Wait, I’m da bomb

    It was fate, I’m da bomb
    It was fate, I’m da bomb
    It was fate, I’m da bomb

  76. Hey everyone,

    Anyone know what time it was in BBT on Sunday that Hayden revealed the Brigade to Britney? The listed time of 6:30 is off, I’m watching the flashback at 6:00 PM now and Britney already knows.

  77. To all Our BB GUY- FRIENDS that write for us BB GAL-Friends, Did you know that you can become a Staff Writer for BB? Matt is the EDITOR! Well, Chris the great, RICO, And Q should apply. You fellas kept us coming back & we LOVED your WRITINGs!!! :)

  78. Britney: Who’s sorry now, Connie Franics

    Who’s sorry now
    Had her head in the clouds
    Who’s heart is Achin, Fron being used
    Who’s sad and blue, You just got screwed
    Just like we all wanted you too

    You played to the end
    But they won’t your friends
    Ragan tried to warn you somehow

    You wanted to be bad
    But your just pathetic and sad
    were glad that your sorry now

    The told you that they lied
    It made you cry
    Ragan tried to warn you somehow

    It had to be all your way
    So now your have to apy
    Were glad that your sorry now
    Were glad that your sorry now

      • yup das rite, britt now knows how it feels to be UNpopular! serves her bloody right for being soooo self-righteoous & entitled! hope enzo sends her arse home!

  79. BBAD is showin the SHARK again! DO you think they are giving us FANs a HINT or something? You know Expect the Unexpected ! Like a : Big bite on the BRO-GADE LOL

    • I think they just use the shark and the flamingos to “censor” the houseguests. The show is on about a 20 second delay, so when they hear or see something they don’t want to show, they cut to the shark or flamingos.
      (like, if they were to start talking about the production assistants by name, etc.)

  80. I can’t believe that Enzo went up stairs and Bitched about how the BB house looked, Her’s an thought, get off your lazy a$$ and clean it up you pig.

    • Enzo ..YO YO Yo can’t do the dishes, want my hands in my pants to do MY WISHES!! LMFAO !! Oh my, theres the SHARK,again!

      • Can you imagine? He’s been touching himself the whole time in the house. I wouldn’t WANT him touching the damn dishes!!

      • YO, YO, Heather If I was in there I’d ask for PAPER PLATES & PLASTIC CUTLERY in my HOH BASKET! LOL

  81. On the live feeds right now Britney is telling Enzo that he needs to be prepared not to have anyone remember him after 6 months at the most when BB is over. He just sat and stared at her and finally started arguing with her about it. She says that no other HG has been a star and he needs to be prepared for people to forget about him. He says he is different than any previou HG and it won’t happen to him. He WILL be successful etc, etc, etc… This convo is Hilarious!!! LMAO

    • Enzo is totally all about really does think that he is gonna be a star… GOTTA FEELING HE’S IN FOR A BIG LET DOWN..

    • Enzo will be famous…he will be on Trivial Pursuit (the “No One Gives A Sh!t” edition)

  82. BIG BROTHER, Please tell me the BRO-GADE has RELEASED you ! You are not their PRISONER anymore! Is that why you keep showing me the SHARK?????? Are you gonna BITE them in the A$$??? :) LOL

  83. BBAD I’m observing Haydon, > He is acting NERVOUS about something! Do you agree? Camera Just switched to Enzo down in LR, he said YO this place looks like the PROJECT’S! BAD real BAD!! :) Clean it up you Lazy A$$!!

    • yup and that includes brendon! lol, that place is filth personified! ugh! worse than a frat house i tell ya! how many times have they had rodent killers in that house……ugh!

      • BBAD – so boring. Singing songs, (Sweet Caroline) etc. Get rid of Enzo the pig. He is repulsive, Get him back in the real life where he is a nobody and will remain so. Hope his wife has a huge bar of soap to wash out his Filthy mouth. He is beyond repulsive.

      • No No, wasn’t insulting Gonzo, Just the way Enzo acts and talks, about being a star, Remember everything Gonzo tried went up in flames. I loved the muppet show.

      • well they have insulted pretty much every other hg on this bbn site i dont see why enzo should be exempt, besides it was a question not a statement of fact….we are all entitled to post queries or comparisons..i have seen much worse…

      • Yes!!! I was thinking the same thing. I bet if someone did a background check we would find out that he did. Lol.

  84. GODFATHER just told BRITT we’ll clean up tomorrow. I bet BRO’s all go take a nap and Cinderella will do it All!

    • indeedy! she was cleaning before , i dont see why not this time, at least thats what they are hoping, after she leaves tho, its going to be a sty of the worse kind! and they wont care either, theyll be belching, passing gas, and walkin around in their boxesrs or briefs! if not less! sniffing their armpits, drinking out of jugs, leavin the milk out, the whole 9 yards yo! ughhhh!
      THAT my lovely bb fan friends is what WE have to look forward to! yikes!

      • That is Happening NOW in the house! Food has gone Bad left out on the counter, Rottoning FOOD in both Refrig’s It’s makin Enzo sick, he said it’s like the PROJECT”S in here! lol


  85. Rico: Maybe HOH comp will be they have to ride the Shark, with ICE COLD water pouring on them!! lol

    • Maybe the HOH comp can be who can clean one of the rooms in the house the fastest…. that would definitely be an ENDURANCE comp!

  86. I have another question , Can Matt use the DPOV on the HOH?

    Just kidding: What is with the HOH room being used like it a day room, I mean unless you are a women and have very little on, you don’t get into my bed, Sorry but no way do want someone like Lan, Hayden, ENZO, and yes britney, Well britney maybe if she took a bath first, I can trash my own roon don’t need any help, And Enzo eats everything he gets his hads on,

    • Not to mention that Enzo has been under them covers…and we ALL know he cannot keep his hand out of his pants!!

      • At least he is under the covers and not on the lawn in front of people like before. Kathy even called him out before she left about if. I can’t imagine what his wife thinks. He is a pig in everyway, please send him home. I thought evil Dick was bad but I miss his good manners now(joke).

    • Chris… you just made my head spin around and my eyes roll back in my head with that DPOV/HOH question!!

      • JULIE said IT”S the MOST POWERFUL DPOV EVER!! It got us THINKING! Maybe Matt can use it TWICE ? Maybe the CAPTAIN of the BRO-GADE has RISEN?

    • I’ve seen other HOH winners let the other Hg use the room sometimes, but this Crew acts as though its their room PEROID! I don’t like all those BODIES sleepin under my covers. Enzo wears his clothes for days!! YUCK :(

      • What a scuz! Enzo must stink and his hands are foul. He is always lying in the hoh bed and never won it once. I have to vomit!!!!!

      • enzo doesnt have any more clothes. he had to give them up. but i agree he could shower and shave. I dont think he has ever has very much. He acts like a kid in a candy store. He nuts if he think people will remember him 6 months from now.

    • lol, omg you are too jokes chris, remem that board, the postings were INSANEly repetitive! poor matt (bbn) i think he wanted to shut it down b/c it was bordering on ridiculous! lol.

  87. I don’t know if I ever want to see BB again after this. Enzo has ruined it all. I am sick to death of his foul mouth and acting like he is all that! He really thinks he’s going to be a star. No other hg has ever become stars and this one won’t be any different. If Enzo wins I will have finished with BB. Why did they let this bastard get by with so much? All other hg has gotten in trouble for doing the things he’s done! It’s not right!

    • Ann if it would make you feel better stay with us in here you will have alot of fun & laughs! Make Friends too! :)

      • This has been a bad season to say the least, but past seasons have been great. So let’s just hope bb takes the hint that they bombed this year & they redeem themselves next year. The fans deserve it. We have hung in there through this entire disaster faithfully.

  88. Rico > MATT kept that DPOV, right? I’m thinking like an INVESTGATOR, Do you think that Matt can EXCHANGE his DPOV for a PLACE back into the house, which that would mean he evicts one of the BRO-GADE to take his spot in the JURY !!! OMG, THAT would blow up the house, YO YO Yo BRO-GADE BOMBS !!

    • I think he kept it, but just so he can sell it on “eBay” or as a souvenier. Although we are all hoping for a twist in the game, I think our only hope is if Hayden shocks us all and decides at the last minute to take Britney off the block…

      • I don’t think BB would let any HG sell a MAJOR PIECE of the BB GAME! The 1st MOST POWERFUL DPOV!!!!!! No WAY for E-BAY! That’s like selling the BOARDWALK from MONOPLY ! Don’t you think?

  89. If I were Enzo’s wife I would have divorce papers served on him the final night of BB. I would pay to see that!

  90. There’s your favorite scene again, Clare Ann…. The Shark!!

    I’m convinced that they cut away to the shark when the houseguests start talking about products, brands, and companies that are competitors of their sponsors.

    • RICO, I’ve heard these nitwits talk about Famous people, other Products,etc and they have continued the conversation. BB usually will say STOP THAT, CUT IT OUT etc. LAST Nite on BBAD they went to the birds & shark and I still heard the HG talking!

      • I don’t know… I think there are certain rules about what is OK to show and what is not. Like, it may be ok to talk about Fruit Loops and Mini Wheats, etc. until they get to cereals that are not Kellog’s brands, like Cinnamon Toast Crunch, because General Mills is a not a sponsor.

        Also, I think it’s ok for them to talk about famous people because their image is in the public domain. But if they start to talk about on of their friends at home that did not sign a release, and mention their last name, they will cut away.

        We don’t always hear them say “Stop that”, because the show is on a slight delay and they have already cut away.

        Just a theory….

  91. Hey, my head is spinning :”JAWS the Movie” Well, GET OUT OF THE WATER Or THE SHARK will BITE YOU!!!! Kill your game-plan!

    • If we were actuall playing in the game, it would probably seem more special…
      1) It keeps you in the house for up to TWO weeks (20% of the whole season)
      2) You get to control the replacement, so you know none of your allies will go up if you use it

      • Yes I know all that, I thought maybe it came with a HURRICANE! It would take the roof off! lol Like a Double WAMMY on the other HG!

  92. @Rico, sorry bro, din’t mean to start anything, I was away finishing up some work. So I’m back now,

    I agree with everyone, I’m sorry I won HOH not you and I sleep in my bed thank you, unless like I said you are female, then thats different, But not just anyone, I’m pickly, always have been always will be.

  93. Enzo knows all about, Black Jack
    Plays for hours at 5 bucks a wack
    Playing Black Jack is for the lame
    Now texas hold’em, Now thats a game

    I don’t want to talk bad, About Enzo the great
    But I have been posting away, And it’s getting late
    So good night to all my friends, and all you BB fans
    Because watching BBAD, Was all I could stand!

  94. If I was Brittany, the last thing I’d be doing in that house is cleaning up after the 3 Little Pigs. Let them live in their own filth.

  95. Britt hasn’t cleaned for 2 months, since the last MAID was evicted, she now is mad cause she has been doing the cleaning. The house is a pig sty again so I guess Britt don’t care! She is goin to JH.

  96. Rico.. I’m watchin BBAD on Showtime 2 Its repeat of reg showtime. I just heard the Hg talk about LA Fitness & I didn’t see the shark ???

  97. Goodnight everyone…. c ya 2moro!

    (Clare Ann – I’m still waiting for that “Cry me a River”, or even Roy Orbison’s “Cryin'”)

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