Big Brother 12: Week 9 Friday Live Feed Highlights

After a slow start to the day the Big Brother 12 HGs took part in a luxury comp that lasted almost four hours and the best part was us live feeders got to catch some of it.  I thought it was a fun competition.  I mean they got to trash the house and someone won 10 grand so you can’t get much better than that.  Of course they had to clean up the mess afterwards lol and none of them were real enthused about it. All of that built up to the not-so-surprising Nomination ceremony.

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Big Brother 12 Live Feed Highlights – September 3, 2010:

10:25 AM BBT –  BB calls outside lockdown so Brit grabs some cereal, Lane is working out, Enzo is jogging and Hayden is stacking dominos.  What fun it is to watch our final four. 

11:13 AM BBT –  Lockdown over and the hg’s walk in to find the smaller table and four chairs.

12:00 PM BBT – Now we have an inside lockdown and all the feeds go to trivia.

1:50 PM BBT –  The feeds are back and we see Lane, Enzo and Brit looking through the house for something.  Hayden is no where to be seen.  The house is trashed big time.  Stuff is turned over and all over the floor.  They are asking BB if it can be in certain places like the bathroom.

2:23 PM BBT – Enzo said he found Hayden’s and all three are still frantically searching through the kitchen, pulling things off the shelves and out of the cabinets.  Enzo then clues us in that they are searching for 10g’s. 

3:15 PM BBT – Brit finds Enzo’s coin and he is eliminated.  So the hg’s were each given a coin they got to hide from the others and the last one found wins 10 grand.  Pretty cool little luxury comp.

3:27 PM BBT – Brit is digging through the trash in the backyard and is asking Lane to tell where his is at because she hasn’t won anything yet and he had 91.00.  Yeah Brit good try.  Big difference in 10,000 and 91.00.  Get a life!

3:37 PM BBT – Brit finds Lane’s coin and wins the money!  Lane is mad and is calling BB cheaters.  Apparently when Brit opened the recycle bin again BB either said uh oh or up up letting her know she was in the right spot.

4:29 PM BBT –  Brigade is talking about the upcoming nominations.  Enzo wants Brit put up and Lane volunteers to go up since Enzo was up last week.  Enzo says he has to win the pov cause if Brit wins, he’s gone. 

7:05 PM BBT – Feeds back and Brit has seen a medic about the cut she got in the luxury comp.  Her and Lane are on the block.  No big surprise with that.

8:45 PM BBT – Lane and Hayden questioning Brit if any 4 person alliance ever made it to the final 4 and she’s saying no.  They’re giving each other side looks and making comments about how its funny the alliances were always named.  This goes straight over Brit’s head and she does not catch on at all.

9:36 PM BBT – The guys are going to reveal to Brit after the PoV ceremony about the Brigade alliance if she doesn’t win the veto.  She’s not going to take this news very well.  I expect her to be pretty pissed off.

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The HGs had an early night and went to bed before midnight.  They were talking about the PoV comp being today so I’m hoping that’s the case and we don’t have to wait until Wednesday to see who wins.  I personally hope Brit can pull it off because it will definitely stir up some drama and make the final HoH comps more interesting.  Who do you want to see win the final Power of Veto?

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  1. After seeing my favourites go in three straight weeks, please get rid of Brit, the only person I wanna see winning this game now is Hayden

    • I agree. Get rid of Britney and lane. Send Hayden and Enzo to final with Hayden getting first and “potty mouth” coming in second.

    • I agree, just get rid of brit, anyone else can win. Dont like the way she goes around saying things about people, brit, ragan and monet were extremely awful towards others

  2. last night lane hint to britt about the alliance in the house stupid didnt catch on. he ask her if there was ever a four person alliance that made it to the finals. daaaaaaaaaa she says no lol

    • Britney knows about the alliance because Ragan told her about it the week he was evicted. She is probably smart not to let on that she knows, but unless she wins POV, she is definitely out of there.

      • How is Brit stupid? She was completely right. They got rid of Matt, meaning no 4 person alliance in the final 4.

    • It’s kind of annoying how those three talk so highly of the Brigade when it was Matt that supported those bums for a few weeks.

      • I have to agree, they broke the brigade when they got Matt out and if it wasnt for him, they may not be where there at now.

        I am hoping Brit wins POV, just becasue it will cause a scramble with the others figuring out who she wants out

    • Wouldn’t that be nice…and then change the game plan just a tad to allow “us” the viewers the ability to evict, not the houseguests…wouldn’t that be SWEET!

  3. Do you think that they will put VETO, evection, and start of HOH all on same night LIVE ? I think we may have VETO comp before Wed live show.

    I want BRIT to win VETO because most posters don’t.

    • If I heard correctly, on Thursday Julie said the veto competition, the veto ceremony and eviction would all be held live on Wednesday, and there will be no veto competition today (as usual), but the houseguests didn’t know that. At least that’s what I think I heard …. Sunday night we’re supposed to see the end of the Christmas tree HOH competition and the nomination ceremony.

      • they want us to wait until wednesday so noone nows who walks out the door until it happens LIVE so all we all will know is Britt or Enzo will be going home……so all those spoilers and live feeds isnt fun anymore cuz i cant see first hand before watching the show

  4. Hayden or Enzo (just put Enzo in there to get a laugh) – so the nominations stay the same and Brit-n-Brat does the walk of shame out the door on Thursday night!

  5. SEND BRITNEY HOME pleeeeeease! she was such a nasty biatch!

    too bad lane is gonna flip and send enzo home if he wins the pov.

    if britney wins in the end, this season will oficially be the suckiest season ever!!! ugghhh!

    • In your opinion it seems. I’m sorry if Britney is too much for you, but she played the game and won competitions. She also didn’t have a four person alliance (or Matt to pull that alliance until they get him good.)

      I’m glad that the final four is Britt + those three. Now the whiners who call Britney a backstabber (for stabbing dearly beloved Brendon) have no option. Brit backstabbed Brendon and H/E/L backstabbed Matt.

      • In most seasons winning competitions would mean something, but this season with most the brigade throwing competitions, it makes it harder to put much value in winning competitions.

      • I hope Enzo sees the door this week. He has a trash mouth and he has ridden everyone else in the “brigade” thus far. He talks about his daughter and how proud he is of her. I suspect she will not be so proud of him if she ever gets to watch the Live After Dark feeds with this season. I’m sick of listening to his foul language and watching him with his hand (constantly) down his pants.

  6. I think of the four left, Hayden is probably the least well-off financially, so I guess I want him to win even though I hate the way he yells while giving his diary room tirades. Does he think we’re all deaf?

    • I don’t really care about his financial situation. When he won the 5k he said “Thats more than I made in the past two years.” That probably means he doesn’t have a job. If he wont even try to work outside of BB, he definitely doesn’t deserve the prize.

      I do think if Britney went out, I would want Hayden to win- just for winning more comps than the other two.

      • Exactly ! My son goes to college and also works(part-time) and there is no way he comes close to making 5K in 2 years.

      • Hayden was also a student athlete playing baseball, the NCAA severely limits how much athletes can work and earn. Otherwise they have the problem of rich alumni giving athlete high paying, do nothing jobs.

      • Whatever. I worked 20-25 hours a week when I was in collge & made about $8K a year. So 5K in 2 years is like not even trying.

  7. i want brit to win pov (even tho i don;t like her) take herself off up goes enzo and brit kick him off…that would be awesome
    I want lane to win

  8. I want Enzo to win and keep noms the same then Brit leaves Thurs guaranteed. Then I want Hayden to take it home with Enzo in the final 2. I can’t wait to see the finale with everyone looking stupid because they got played. The guys used everyone in the house to do their dirty work meanwhile they got rid of each other when they could have beat any of these guys easily had they teamed up. I didn’t like Ragan but at least Brit knew she could trust him and now she won’t win unless she (hopefully not) wins pov. I’m looking at the next show just to see Ragan’s reaction to Matt’s lie…hee hee :)

    • I’ve wanted to see Ragan’s reaction for weeks now. Even when Julie was playing it up with his departure interview, I was saying to my television “Just shut up! You’ll look really dumb for falling for him!”

    • Go Enzo! Now is your time. Enzo is sooooooo funny. He asks Brit what type of actress she would be, “methodist.” My goodness, I laughed so hard. Enzo is hilarious. He’s a great guy. I’m on the Enzo team hoping he survives this week.

  9. who will win the power of veto ,and will it be used to save either lane or britney from eviction,find out wensday live 8 7central on big brother. do do do dun dun dun nah

  10. Brit may be safer than people think
    Is keeping the bro-gade together worth losing 500k ?

    The boys have said and may still think that they will win if they take
    Brit to the F2. They think most of JH would NOT vote for her.

    But we know JH usually vote on game play, when the bro-gade
    is out in the open, it will be a strong case to vote for Brit.

    Because she made it to F2 all odds with bro-gade against her.

    • Normally I would agree that the jh votes in favor of game play however this year may be different because they have spent all season voting on a personal level….not once have you seen it be game play even with Rachel and Brendon…Rachel went after whoever she thought was trying to get between her and her man. Then when she was gone Brendon voted and made decisions based on revenge. When Matt had the chance with the DPOV he wasted it on Kathy. Last week Britnay and Lane wasted a chance and sent Reagan out….crazy people

      • Well said Christy609 – I agree 100%. Most of the decisions made this season were made from hearts instead of heads. The worst of which was Britney voting to evict Ragan instead of forcing Lane to make a decision. A lot of times though it seems that many decisions were made because they were the path of least resistance as well as coming from the heart – whatever was easiest to do without making waves.

      • I think the real problem is that they think differently- which sounds weird.

        Like in the beginning when they said “Let’s keep the strong people and kick out the weak ones.” What’s with that. It seems this season talks the most about power moves and making BB history when they underplay at every possible chance. :|

      • What BB needs to do is bring up certain points on how this game is played to the houseguests before the start of season. It must be made clear that emotions do not count in this game…and if a diary room judge believes the hg’s are using emotions during game-talk…it’s a trip to the Diary room for a (new twist) demerit do to not following the regulations of the game. The demerit is a fine of money subtracted away from what’s offered to them during the course of the game weeks. Actually a demerit must be offered when the voice states not to say this or that to the other houseguests. Also, if they are caught sleeping during Showtime2 viewing…more demerits. The Diary room people should inform the hg’s not to go to bed within those 3 hours we are watching. If you like the new twist in the game…speak out…maybe Administration actually reads. these comments

  11. i would like to see brit win as well. i know she’s already taken and nick is one lucky man but i cna lookand not touch all i want. when brit wins pov hayden will put enzo up obviously because there’s no one else it’s enzo that will go to jury house and will be suprised to learn of matt’s lie should be good.

  12. oh and also since enzo is in jury house he will be casting a vote not having anyone get a vote for him.

  13. i would really like to see brit win pov so enzo will go to jh.he doesn’t deserve to win at all and hopefully america won’t vote for him. he has done nothing but float his way through big deal he won one pov that surely doesn’t make him a good player,he has to be the stupidest player in bb history.

    • I TOTALLY agree! While Im ot a huge fan of Britt…Enzo gripes my grits! LOL! Besides it would be much more interesting to watch! POOF! BE GONE ENZO!

    • i dont know. all you guys think that by floating he wasnt playing the game,but as far as im concerned hes gotten this far by sitting on his ass and manipulating people to do his dirty work. he was also the brains behind the brigade. in my opinion if he wins he deserves it. it was a good strategy and nobody figured him out.

      • He never did manipulating, all he did was sitting. Most of the evictions were a consensus among the house. Enzo’s strategy was stay with the numbers. Just for the sake of it, I’ll copy and paste a comment I made earlier:

        Annie vs. Rachel: Annie freaked out the HGs (self inflicted)
        Monet vs. Matt: Matt came up with the whole idea, Rachel outed Matt and Monet is out because the house knew it was her time for some reason. Matt had the Brigade, but Enzo was not a vital part to that.
        Andrew vs. Kathy: Andrew was just crazy and definitely kicked himself out.
        Kristen vs. Hayden: Once again, Hayden had the Brigade to back him up. Enzo had no hand in deciding it was Kristen who was going to be out, that was mostly Rachel.
        Rachel vs. Brendon: Rachel played more and fought more. It was a no-brainer for the whole house.
        Kathy vs. Lane: Being last-minute, and only anticipated by Matt, Enzo was not an important aspect of Kathy’s elimination.
        Matt vs. Enzo: Throwing Ragan under the bus, straying from H/E/L and winning more than Enzo is what got Matt out.
        Brendon vs. Britney: Ragan has a silly hate for Brendon and Lane wants Brit in final two. It seems Enzo just went with the flow.
        Ragan vs. Hayden: Ragan was more of a threat to Lane, so Britney went with the group.
        None of my points looked at what happened during that whole week, so perhaps Enzo did some things I am not aware of or that I forget. If there are some left out parts, feel free to reply.

    • Disagree…go Enzo. He has played a great social game and the hg’s love the guy. Brit is a brat, mean and nasty. Go home Brit.

  14. You guys are so confused and some mistakes on the site are making it even more confusing.

    VETO COMPETITION is NOT live on Wednesday, it will take place sometime on the weekend. The Veto Ceremony is live on Wednesday because the veto holder chooses who to evict unless the HOH wins the Veto. So there will be an eviction on Wednesday, it will be LIVE, and then part 1 of the final HOH will happen, on Thursday, part 2 of the final HOH will happened, and it will be like last year so Wed. Sept. 15 will be the FINAL HOH Comp (on the finale) and the winner will evict someone, leave the final 3, jury votes, and then its done.

      • Abby I guess Matt/Ashli Rae (BBN) can confirm, I thought the actual veto comp won’t take place untli Wed and that it would be LIVE period. meaning we would have no spoilers for the next few days since we already know the nominations.
        BBN ppls can u confirm/deny? Thanks :)

      • On Wednesday’s episode we’ll have a live Veto competition, the Veto ceremony, and a special live eviction where on the Veto holder will be voting. So everything that normally happens over three days will be squeezed in to a one-hour episode.

    • ok. so i have a question. lets say hayden wins the veto and kepps the noms as they are. would he be the one to cast the evicting vote or would that be up to enzo? after reading these comments i dont even remeber how the f4 works anymore.

      • Whoever wins Veto will vote, unless it’s Hayden. If Hayden wins and does not use it, Enzo votes.

    • Here’s what Matt (BBN) wrote in his blog dated Sept. 3: On Wednesday’s episode we’ll have a live Veto competition, the Veto ceremony, and a special live eviction where on the Veto holder will be voting. So everything that normally happens over three days will be squeezed in to a one-hour episode.

  15. Every year the HGs say that they want the best player to win. The track record is that they vote against the best player out of spite. Voting for Lisa so Danielle wouldn’t win. Voting for Jun so Alison wouldn’t win, etc.

    Despite her mean spirit, Britney has played a good social game so far. If she made it to the F2 would they vote for her? I doubt it. Just like they wouldn’t vote for Matt because of his good strategic game.

    It looks like all signs are pointing to Hayden to win this time.

    • There was Dick/Danielle where they voted based on who played best.

      The problem with this jury is Rachel and Brendon, who are probably going to vote:

      a)the same way and

      b) based on emotions.

      I agree, Britney has played well, and without DA BOORGADE backing her up like the other three.

    • Dan won against Memphis in BB10 because he played a much better strategic game and won a lot of competitions, while Memphis just floated through doing nothing.

  16. Hayden’s nominations were “Spot-on!” I feel Hayden and Enzo should go to F2. Let’s Hope the POV goes to Hayden or Enzo!!

    By the way…
    Has anyone heard any more about the Jury House? I would love to know Ragan’s reaction to Matt’s terrible lie about his “wifey’s illness?”

  17. I would keep Britney, just think about it.
    No one in the jury house will vote for her if she makes it to the final 2. Although if the final two would be Brit and Enzo we might have a situation. :P

  18. Britney has a 50-50 chance, I think. If she wins the POV, she’s safe, and if Lane wins the POV, he’ll vote to keep her. He’s already said he wants to be up against her in the final 2. I think the other boys could wise up and think the same thing because she would be easiest to beat at this point (well, if the jury votes based on personal reasons).

    • If that’s the case…I believe Britney would receive the same hirrid treatment beginning with Rachel the way Erika did during the last All-Star Grand finale. I remember that poor girl got mangled and embarrassed by everyone in the house with the excoption of Marcellus having them display their discontent right in front of a LIVE audience. Her $50K must have felt like 50 cents.

      • Britney deserves to be treated horribly after the way she treated many of the houseguests behind their backs! She is the most evil person that has ever been on BB….

      • Just look at the way everyone talks about HG on BBN.
        Why should Brit be any different then the posters here.

  19. from now on in my comments i will be talking like enzo, when speaking of enzo. hopefully i give him bad luck.

    he needs to leave ASAP.

  20. usually im never for BB ever sabotaging the game, or putting their hands into the game to make a certain outcome. it happened last year with jeff and jordan, and this year with brendon and rachel. even against brendon at one point. so its pretty obvi that it goes on. i hate it when its in HOH’s or POV’s because that matters.

    when in this situation of everyone else in the house has a prize, or got a prize i understand. i would be pissed if BB didnt help me win something. lol real talk. yo enzo got a tv bro, lane got 91 bucks (had his chance for more money) and lets not forget a phone call that we still havent seen, & hayden got 5K and a damn Hawaiian vacay. and if im brit, with the most wins, but not 1 prize, i’d be pissed.

    • yeah..Lane told her that Hayden won the trip & cash but ask her not to tell him that she date she has not..but she did tell him yesterday that she now had the money to take her own trip to managed to get in a snide remark

      • Copied from above so you don’t have to search LOL: Here’s what Matt (BBN) wrote in his blog dated Sept. 3: On Wednesday’s episode we’ll have a live Veto competition, the Veto ceremony, and a special live eviction where on the Veto holder will be voting. So everything that normally happens over three days will be squeezed in to a one-hour episode.

  21. Can someone answer this please? If Brit wins POV, and removes herself, the only person that can go up in her place is Enzo. With Enzo and Lane then on the block, the voters are Brit and Hayden. If they vote for different people, who votes the tie-breaker?

  22. and finally, if the POV comp is today (i hope its wednesday) i rele hope brit wins. i wanna see this brigade flop a little bit.

    they keep talking shet how they did this and that, and got rid of ppl, and like they dominated the house. matt carried them, they got nervous, got him out, and they didnt rele GO DO anything, it just fell in their lap.

    i would love to see brit win POV, enzo is gone, then next week’s HOH lane or brit win hayden is gone, and final 2 is brit and lane.

    ofcourse lane is 100% guaranteed to win at the point.

    again gameplay will not be a big targeting point with this year’s jury. it wasnt with michelle, lydia, and jessie last year.

    u got rachel who thinks her and brendon are the only ones who ever played the game and from week 2 with the eviction of monet have played the game personally.

    u got kathy who will listen to anyone, and is simple minded. plus she hates brit ever since brit became a target in the house. and she is THE floater. pathetic piece of trash she is. dont even get me started on her.

    u have matt who claims brit is the pure center of “evil” all because she lied to him, and backdoored him out. because matt never lied or ever tried or did backdoor someone.

    u will ragan who will end up voting for brit, just because he will see the spiteful-ness in the jury, but its a sympathy vote at that time because of the way the votes will fall.

    AND THEN u got hayden and enzo. yo im tellin u, enzo is not votin for brit yo. she fuckin doesnt deserve it. she 23, she haha, bro she didnt align wit the brigade! then u have hayden who would still vote for the brigade no-matter what.

    its 6-1 vote. 5-2 at best.

  23. CBS should devote more time to the jury house for Thursday’s show. That’s all I care to watch anymore. I cannot wait to see how Ragan reacts to Matt’s lie and how Rachel treats him!

    • RECHel made me sick
      Who does she think she is, telling Matt he needed to leave the room.

      Good for you Matt telling her you weren’t going anywhere.

      • Don’t condone Matt’s lie goes without being said, but you kind of have to give him points for saying “I’m not going anywhere…” (And I’m one of the minority that liked Rachel. The girl’s got problems, obviously. Hopefully the next twenty years will smooth out the rough edges… I cringe when I think of myself when I was her age…)

      • I think both of them were right.

        You can’t blame Rachel. She went the whole game thinking Matt’s wife was sick, and then he reveals it. She’s no doubt in shock and wont be rational.

        That being said, Matt did get it pretty hard. Rachel should not be the person to decide where somebody stands on the moral scale.

        Lastly, I have respect for Kathy, being a cancer survivor and suffering for a decade. I’ve lost family to that, and it’s not something to take lightly. The thing is that she smokes like her blood runs on nicotine. If someone has such strong feelings, they should be able to stop, or at least slow down the smoking.

        Now go ahead and call me the devil and say hurtful things. :) I’ve never even liked Matt.

      • @ Dylan (Canada)

        Nope, not gonna call you the devil, and not gonna say hurtful things. You put things quite nicely.

        Not defending Matt at all, just don’t think that the RECH is the one to be making moral judgments about anyone.

        @MATT [BBN] I received this response when trying to post this:

        “You are posting too fast, slow down”
        What’s that all about ?
        I’m only replying to comments and not very much, at least I don’t think?

    • I completly agree I was like GO MATT when she said to leave the room bc if that were me I would say excuse me hunny but your not my boss I can go wherever I want and YOU are the last person I will listen too on this earth!!!

      Prime example of why sooo many people DO NOT like Rachel I know Matt was wrong in lieing and i def dont agree with that but she is not above anybody to be telling people where to go and what to do!!

  24. Right after the veto ceremony which is live there is an eviction!!! Thursday there is no eviction! Julie explained this very clearly at the end of the episode.

    • It is the part about WHEN the Veto _COMPETITION_ will take place where there seems to be a disagreement

      • Again … Here’s what Matt (BBN) wrote in his blog dated Sept. 3: On Wednesday’s episode we’ll have a live Veto competition, the Veto ceremony, and a special live eviction where on the Veto holder will be voting. So everything that normally happens over three days will be squeezed in to a one-hour episode.

  25. The FINAL veto competition is not on Saturday but it’s not live because it is LONG and RIGOROUS, I remember last year (the one where Kevin won) it was Sunday but I remember previous ones that were on Monday. Usually the live episode for Veto was Tuesday but this year it is Wednesday so maybe they pushed it down to Monday instead.

    • I was reminded that the weekend’s normal play out of events will not be so normal after all. The next Veto comp, ceremony, and eviction will be held on Wednesday’s live show.While Sunday’s episode of Big Brother will present the HoH competition that we were all blocked from seeing *shakes angry fist in the air* and the nominations, which will take place by Friday night and revealed on the live feeds, the real action this week will all take place in a jam-packed live episode next Wednesday.

      On Wednesday’s episode we’ll have a live Veto competition, the Veto ceremony, and a special live eviction where on the Veto holder will be voting. So everything that normally happens over three days will be squeezed in to a one-hour episode

      • This is the crux of the disagreement with Abby.
        First she said we were all wrong, and the Veto COMPETITION would be this weekend, now she seems to think it might be as late as Monday, but in no case does she think it will be LIVE on Wednesday.

        We have to wait and see who is right

      • Don’t lose any sleep over it. Abby is known for her inaccurate posts, whether intentional or not.

    • what I get out of it is that on the wed show they will show the veto comp, cermony an eviction live that doesnt mean that the veto comp isnt previously taped they are just saying its going to air wed along with the cermony and eviction the only reason she stated that was so we know they are going to evict wed too so it will be a normal wed show just with eviction too!! Im pretty sure im right!!! I guess we will wait an see!!

      • You would think that Big Brother could have went out to the store and buy Enzo new clothes after he gave his old clothes away.

    • Are you sure he got more clothes from home bc from what I have seen hayden and lane gave him some and thats all hes been wearing!! I think your wrong he doesnt have any clothes besides what he got to keep and what the other 2 hg gave him!!

      • He got clothes from Lane and Hayden and a couple of shirts that Brendon left behind in the half-not room.

  26. thanks for the info abby,soo if this long pov is played sometime before Wed. we will know because of the people with live feeds,correct?

    • Not sure, but Abby might be referring not to the final POV but to the final HOH competition which is 3 parts … it is long … and I believe starts on Thursday’s episode.


    If you saw bbad after dark Friday night, you saw Brit blowdrying hair while lane was showering.
    Lane asked what would brit do if he were able -through a contact named jeff- to get Dallas super bowl txts only for the two of them. Brit giggles, says “nick doesn’t have to go” and she would tell nick she is going to super bowl with her ‘friend’ named jeff'”
    Lane asks how she would explain who jeff is. Feed cuts off (probably to spare nick further pain.)
    Definitions of cheating always include conspiring to deceive the significant other. This exchange meets that definition and I consider them to be BUSTED.
    For those who have upbraided me the past week for saying the two (lane and brit) have a real relationship going on – I will forgive you.

    • Think of how hard it would be for 2 people to be locked inside a house without contact from the man or woman they love dearly that shows if it is true love or lust love Oh well Britt and Lane would make a cute couple

      • Knowing that Nick would see that little activity between Britney and Lane…that’s their way of telling her man…it’s over and to TAKE THE TRAIN

      • Kristy Jean you hit a bullseye. Brit was willing and anxious to cut nick out of the event. And of course if they go, they will be together in dallas and probably some paparazzi will photog them together.
        I believe this constitutes irrefutable evidence that Brit is fully on board with conducted a romantic relationship with lane post show.
        She will have no credible way to deny this to nick.
        I concur with you that Brit intended this as a signal to nick that she has fallen for lane and to get lost.
        Nick is really in a tough spot. Half of america is laughing at him bc she has humiliated him. The other half of America hates him as an obstacle to a relationship between Brit and lane.
        I am also no longer ruling out that some type of physicality has taken place between them undetected by the cameras – but I can’t be sure of that.

      • I want Brittney to win or at least make it to the final 2 with hayden or lane idc!! But watching bbad last night when brit was talking to hayden about them being dumb if they get rid of her.. They would be dumb almost every single person in the jh hates her accecpt ragan the should keep her and they would pretty much be guarnteeing that whoever she was next to would win over her why wouldnt you want to take her to the end even if she is a stronger player that doesnt matter at the final 2!!

        Also Lane an Brit would be a very cute couple.. I think Nick should have appeared on the show when the rest of her family did I thought that was kind of wierd that your fiancee wouldnt be your #1 fan maybe he didnt want to be on tv but he should have been like here i am im nick i mean her mom and lanes mom both said things about brit and lane liking eachother if nick was at her moms house i doubt she would have said that!!

    • You are assuming that Britney was telling Lane the truth. In this game you can never assume anything said is the truth. The last thing Britney wants to do now it get on Lane’s wrong side, she might have just been saying what she thought he wanted to hear.

      • She could have just said she would go to the event. But it was her idea as to what the deception to nick should be. Any guy in nick’s position would by now be so embarrassed that they would assume their relationship is defunct.

  28. The final show I think the pov winner will pick who is evicted… then the jh picks from the final 2 and the person evicted joins the jh live in the audience

    • Wednesday is the last POV competition…

      When it gets down to the final 3, the HOH winner gets to pick who goes to the final 2.

  29. Oh Enzo, if Brit wins Veto she gets to be the only vote. I have a feeling she’ll save Lane, so buh-bye.

  30. AND, if Lane won veto, I think he might also save Britney. I think he’s clueing in to the fact Brit has no jury votes except potentially Kathy and Ragan.

  31. hayden seemed very sad last nite on bbad. at this stage of the game, he would have probably been better off if he had not received an hoh letter from his dad and the photo of the two of them together. the pressure of verification that his ENTIRE family (from arizonia to florida to pennsylvania to wyoming!) is watching him seems to have him REALLLLLY stressed.
    i got the impression that he hadn’t wrapped his brain around how big a deal bb really is until he read his dad’s letter…

    he looked mentally exhausted – i felt bad for him.

  32. This may help clear things up for what is happening on Wednesday and Thursday:

    Julie’s exact words regarding Wednesday were:
    “I’ll be back for a special EVICTION episode. That’s when we’ll hold the final veto COMPETITION and veto MEETING, plus we’ll begin the final 3-part HOH competition…”

    About Thursday she said, “…the battle for the final and most powerful HOH continues…”

    • Thank you Rico, that Should make it clear to All, straight from the horse’s mouth, ahh, umm, the Chen’s mouth I mean.

      Ok, now lets wait 5 minutes and see who disagrees …

      • I am not disagreeing but just would like to mention that the live feeds right now show the trivia messages. Says they are playing a game that is secret until the next TV episode. Just saying…

  33. This is my first comment this season, but I couldn’t stand it any longer.

    This is the worst season of BB, ever. Since Rachael and Brendon left,it is so boring.

    I cannot stand Lane. He thinks it is so cool to go out at night, in Texas and shoot animals. Creep. Then, when he was talking about the “8” second whatever, where when they go to a party and they know a friend is making love to a girl, they go into the bedroom, count to eight, just to embarass the girl. Then reading the assult charges against he and his brother, and how, he never even tried to win the competition where the last people standing had to go on slop. You can listen to him and tell he has disdain for women. Also, he is as dumb as a rock.

    Enzo: What a slob. An out and out slob. When he is eating, he makes me sick, smacking his lips and sounding like a pig. I have had it with him after last night on After Dark. Sitting there with his hands down his pants scratching himself. he is disgusting. I can’t decide who is the dumbest, Lane or Enzo.

    Hayden: What a conceited,sneaky jerk. Instead of playing the game, “who me, cut this hair, no way” like he is gorgeous or something. Sure, maybe if his hair was styled it would look OK, but not as good as he thinks it does. Instead of playing the game like Brendon did, took slop for three weeks, had to take the stupid bath, have his hair shaved off, he opts for all the good prizes.

    I didn’t much like Matt either, but if it wasn’t for Matt,those three wouldn’t be where they are right now.

    I want to like Britany, but I get so sick of her bashing of Rachael, every single time I watch AD. She is a mean little witch. I think she is truly obsessed with Rachel.

    I cannot for the life of me, figure out how Enzo ever made it on the show. Their arrogance, all of them, is amazing. Yeah Enzo, you need to run home so you can read all of the movie scripts waiting for you and sign with one of the managers just waiting to have you as a client.

    Lane had an opportunity to make a big play, vote Hayden off and keep Ragan, but, heck, he doesn’t have a clue.

    So, I guess I will say, half heartedly, go Britany, beat that stupid, irritating brigade.

    • @Tameka. I totally agree with everything you have said. Even the last part…. Go Brit…ugh go! Bet those Brigade brats

      • Finally the voice of reason. Thankyou Tameka. I want to vomit when i see Hayden’s duh look or hear his voice. Enzo should be carrying a club and dragging his knuckles on the ground. Lane, what could I possibly say to top the vile self destructive i’m so cool crap that comes out of his mouth on a daily basis. Which leaves Brit. Yea go Brit. Those words comming out of my mouth may be followed by my dinner. Oh well mercifully its almost over.

    • Lane is the exact carbin copy of Ryan Quicksall from BB9…a brainless guerilla…who won $50K

    • @Tameka…I hear you completely. I think everyone left is either an idiot or conceited.

      I wanted Ragan or Matt to win. At this point, I would even vote to see Rachel or Brendon win.

      Nevertheless, from what’s left, I would probably prefer Enzo or Hayden to win. Man…it’s just a hard decision. I definitely do not want Brit or Lane to win. Brit is so critical of everyone – like she’s just fantastic – no…not! And Lane…ugh…there’s nothing great to say.

      I too would be more excited to see what’s going on in the jury house than the BB house.

  34. if brit wins pov im prob done…I want her gone even though it means the three idiots make final 3

  35. The finale for BB is scheduled for September 15th…right? Is that not the same night as the first Survivor episode? Yikes

    • Yup, the “excitement” of watching the beginning of the Old Farts vs the Young Punks on Survivor…

      Followed by the … uhh, “excrement” of watching the Young Punks, by us Old Farts, on BB :p

      • billy d… the hgs are on indoor lock down right now and can hear construction of the veto setup going on in the back yard.

        they should be playing the competition some time tonight – it will be taped.

        the veto CEREMONY will be live on wednesday – along with a live eviction and the beginning of the final hoh comp.

      • Okay, here we go again…
        @ CT
        Do you have reason to disagree with both MATT [BBN] AND Rico, quoting Connie, above ?

      • tim… didn’t know i was disagreeing with anyone. what i DO know is that something is being built in the backyard at the bbh RIGHT NOW.

        i also know there’s no way the hgs are going to be kept on lock down until wednesday for a live veto comp, and they certainly aren’t going to be let outside to SEE what it is and not play until wednesday.

        not likely it’s a luxury comp that’s being built – there was a $10,000 one just yesterday.

        i just rewatched the end of last thursday show. actually.. (and i will correct myself here as well)..
        what julie SAYS is, and i quote, “then wednesday, 8 – 7 central, i’ll be back for a special eviction episode. that’s when we’ll hold the final veto competition and veto meeting, plus we’ll begin the final 3 part hoh competition.”

        we of course know the eviction will be live, but she didn’t say anything about the veto comp/meeting being live as well.
        according to my dvr guide, it’s only an hour show – not a lot of time for a live veto comp; live veto meeting; live eviction; and the beginning of the final hoh comp.

        anyway… if i’m wrong about all of this, maybe you can explain why the hgs are locked down – and what’s going on in the backyard if it’s NOT the props for the veto comp… ??

      • graves.. i think ur right. when ragan was pouring his heart out on bbad the other night, he was telling viewers some of the things that “might surprise you”. one of those was all the editing that goes into the veto competition show on wednesday nights… he said some the comps ACTUALLY take two and half hours to complete.

  36. I don’t understand why so many people don’t want to see Brittany take this home. She’s a pretty good competitor if you ask me. And she even made a little power move of her own by getting Brendon back up on the block when Hayden, Lane, nor Enzo could do the same. I look at it like this: Brittany, Matt, Racheal, Ragan, and Brendon (sometimes) were the strongest competitors. Everyone out of that list have been evicted already except Brittany. If I were on that jury, Brittany would definitely get my vote based on gameplay/power-moves alone.

    But if that doesn’t pan out, I want to see Hayden take this home simply because I don’t feel Lane needs the money and I think Enzo is one of the worst bb competitors I’ve seen to date.

    • Britney didn’t play a very good social game, which is part of it. I feel the Brigade players did. Some juries vote more on personality, and some more on game play. So it should be interesting IF Brit gets to the final 2.

  37. Not sure who i want to win Big Brother now that all of my favorite houseguest is in the jury house. Lane is a rich person, Enzo only won a POV once. Britney is a spoil rich girl, Hayden should be the winner of Big Brother this season. I think that maybe Britney and Enzo will go to the jury house and Hayden[500.000] and Lane [250.000]will win Big Brother and Ragan or Kathy will win the 25.000.

    • Hayden is the most deserving of the Brigade members IMO.. at least he won multiple comps. I find him bland, but I think my vote would be with him.

    • I got feeds but do not know what game they might be playing…(without backlash) It almost has to be the POV comp..

      • it’s gotta be the pov.
        construction’s been going on all day in the backyard.
        what else is there??

    • YAY for Britney!!! Time for Enzo to take his trash mouth and go to the JH, where we will not have to watch him with his hand contsantly down his pants!!!!

      • You know I was just kidding, right? They are still playing the game. It is just what I wish would happen.

  38. has bb asked for america to vote to win the 25k. the most deserving person in the house or the most popular.

  39. Awwww….got me all excited for nothing! Well, now you know what I wish will happen…

  40. britney days in the huse has come to an end she made a mistake and went with the house in evicting reagan so her ass wil be out of the house real soon! BYE Bye britney! hahahahahha

    • ur wrong – it wasn’t britney’s call.

      enzo voted to evict ragan.
      if britney had voted to evict hayden, it would have been a tie.

      lane, as hoh, would have had the tie breaking vote, and there’s NO WAY he would have evicted hayden – he wanted ragan out.

      • Britney told Ragan in her good bye message to her “good friend” Ragan it wouldn’t have mattered if she voted Hayden out because Lane had the deciding vote in a tie. Yeah, good one Brit (she lies to everyone)just to ensure a vote IF she goes to final 2 :-(

      • ragan KNEW britney was voting to evict him.

        when ragan wasn’t able to convince lane to keep him in the house, he didn’t want brit to create more problems for herself by going against what lane wanted.

        ragan fully understands how this game goes sometimes – just like when he voted matt out.

  41. enzo makes me want to vomit. he has to go!!!!! what a floater. if he is talking i have to fast forward. go britt and lane.

  42. If they are doing the face can take 1 HG an hour or longer (sometimes 2) to get it right..

  43. Anybody out there know what’s happening? Haven’t got LF… Depend on this site and BBAD for updates…

    • wish it was brit – but at least it’s not enzo.

      maybe hayden will make a bold move and take britney off! then enzo goes up and brit can be the one that sends him packing..

      i would LOVE that :)

  44. Hayden had it made in the shade
    Flying under the radar with the Brigade.
    Now he wins the POV,
    Enzo votes out Britney–
    Looks like Lame and Blondie got played!

  45. Enzo is so stupid, Why don’t he shut his mouth. He can’t win nothing, but he brags about everything. I want Hayden to win, and Lane second. As far social, Enzo is nothing…..All he can do is talk nasty and makes awful noise.

  46. No Britney and Regan put this season to the shunner..Both are the rudest and vile people ever on the show!

    Britney will go to the jury house, i can’t wait to learn what Regan does when he learns about Matt having to lied about his wife.

    If Enzo is final two, he’ll win…If Hayden and Lane, Hayden will win.


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