Big Brother 12: Week 7 Double Live Eviction and HoH Results

Prepare for a whirlwind tonight on Big Brother 12 as the results of two live evictions, a Veto comp, and two HoH comps will be revealed! While we wait for the results be sure to Fan us on Facebook and join in the fun we’re having there!

I’ll be updating this post here with the live eviction and HoH results. Have your live feeds ready to go as soon as the broadcast is over and the live feeds are back!

If you haven’t signed up for the Live Feeds Free Trial then what are you waiting for? You can grab a monthly pass for $9.99 $14.99 and watch the rest of BB12!

Big Brother 12 Week 7 Live Eviction voting:

  • Brendon: evict Matt
  • Hayden: evict Matt
  • Ragan: evict Matt
  • Lane: evict Matt

By a vote of 4 to 0, Matt has been evicted from Big Brother 12!

Big Brother 12 Week 7 Round 2 HoH Competition – ‘Delivering the Goods’:

  • Hayden wins! He named Matt and Rachel as the 2 HGs to be HoH twice.

Hayden is the new HoH and will make 2 quick nominations.

Big Brother 12 Week 7 Round 2 Nominations:

  • Nominee 1: Brendon
  • Nominee 2: Ragan

Everyone will compete in the Veto Comp. Let’s see who wins…

Big Brother 12 Week 7 Round 2 Veto Competition – ‘Before or After’:

  • Round 1 – Everyone is safe
  • Round 2 – Everyone is safe
  • Round 3 – Enzo is out
  • Round 4 – Brendon is out
  • Round 5 – Britney is out
  • Round 6 – Hayden and Lane are out. Ragan wins!

Ragan has the Veto and will use it to save himself. Who will Hayden renom?

Big Brother 12 Week 7 Round 2 Veto Ceremony:

  • Ragan uses the Veto
  • Hayden renoms Britney

Either Brendon or Britney will be evicted tonight.

Big Brother 12 Week 7 Round 2 Live Eviction:

  • Enzo: evict Brendon
  • Ragan: evict Brendon
  • Lane: evict Brendon

By a vote of 3 to 0, Brendon has been evicted from Big Brother 12!

Okay, so there won’t be another HoH comp on the show. That’ll happen between now and Sunday’s show so crank up your live feeds (free trial) and watch!

Update: The new HoH comp is going right now! Get on your live feeds and be ready when they’re back with the results.

Once the live show is over the live feeds turn back on and we’ll have a brand new HoH in the Big Brother house, unless it’s an endurance competition again this week and then we’ll be up all night! You won’t want to miss it and the only way to watch it uncut and unedited is with the Big Brother 24/7 uncensored feeds.

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  1. After the huge disappointment of the DPOV, it looks like this should be the most exciting night of the season!

  2. yeah, I can’t wait for ‘brad’ to whine here all night long about how enzo wasn’t punished ‘enough’ for all the outrageous rule breaking that enzo did to besmirch the fine upstanding reputation of BB LOL!

    • I’m not ‘brad’ and I don’t want to whine but what would it have changed if they did punish him. It would have made a lot of viewers happy and it would make things look fare. If I was a house guest now and was a have not I would eat and what could they do (when you let something happen once you have to all the time).

  3. julie looks good even covered up with all that black on. yum.

    i hope enzo needs to go home. he deserves more than any houseguest. well besides hayden. hayden needs to go too. $5,000 AND a Hawaiian vac-cay? HELL NO u need to bounce.

      • this is why ragan is the only one left, worthy to win… he’s the only one playing the game with any brains. britt – how can you not see that as soon as lane is done with you, you’re gone?

  4. unfortunately matt will be going…i was mad he threw the HOH on purpose cuz knew no one besides ragan was loyal to him. i hope if matt goes that the brigade besides lane is filtered next. matt won 2 HOH’s and got rid of 1 member of the showmance. he also got rid of 2 floaters (kathy and andrew) enzo hasnt done a thing, has not 1 a single HOH or POV and Hayden was the first to be prepared to backstab the brigade (for kristen).

    • How come everyone forgets Lame hasn’t won anything. Why does he deserve it over Enzo? I don’t care for either one of them so I guess I will go with Hayden winning and Enzo runner up. Nothing for Brat, little cry baby and Lane.

      If Enzo gets second place his wife could use the money to leave him. Just kidding. He has a young kid and could use the money the most.
      Does anyone know what Matt said to Julie about Brat?

  5. since matt is gonna go i want the winners to be in this order:
    1. Ragan
    2. Lane
    3. Britney
    4. Brendon
    5. Hayden
    6. Enzo

    • when brendon was eating slop out of the pan he cooked it in last nite on bbad, he reminded me of a P.O.W.

  6. I really hope Matt and Regan go. My opinion of HG’s change all the time but not on these 2….I’m so sick of them!! I hope Britney and Lane are quickly following their foot steps out the damn door.

  7. No punishment for Enzo’s cheating, tell me it’s not rigged. Can’t wait for Survivor.

    • well i dont know how THAT proves its not rigged. especially with the 4-0 vote.

      its slightly rigged in the comps.

  8. damn matt. loyal all the way to the end. got smacked in the face from the brigade 2 weeks in a row. and still, STILL didnt throw them out.

  9. heehee hee don’t care if its rigged anymore the Ratt is now amouse and gone from the house :) :) :) :)

  10. Juile=hot tonight!
    ANYWAYS…goodbye Matt! Shoulda left week 2, but alas, better late than never!

  11. this is the only reality show ill watch…and now with enzo getting away with every rule he broke all week im seriously considering not watching BB anymore

  12. matt was dumb with his comments.

    britney is terrible because she played u before u could play her?

    she’s an evil succubus? ya mamma hahaha

  13. To everyone watching….Can it get anymore predictable than that…If none of the remaining 3 go in the next 35 minutes this game is over…Not even worth watching anymore..

    • Game over guys….That was ridiculous…Have fun watching this BS for however much longer it runs..

  14. hayden finally did something!

    but more importantly, WTF WAS THAT? that was a cheap comp.

    but tis almost 5:30 so i guess.

    • spikesmom….For sure..Lets plan the party around NCAA Football…BB12 just ended…Worst season by far..

  15. There’s a POV competition?

    Either way, boo that Hayden won. Goodbye Ragan (unless he wins the POV, if there is one).

    I will not watch the brigade make it any further! My ears won’t be able to handle “WE WERE THE BEST ALLIANCE IN BB HISTORY!” uugghhhh

  16. Duh Boor-Gade’s got it made… Hayden needs Enzo to keep quiet about his prizes, so it looks like Brendon and Ragan will be going up… Just a guess…

  17. Damn Damn Damn!!! Why did Hayden have to get it? Brendon was so fvcking close that it didn’t make any sense. I hope he wins POV b/c if he doesn’t, he’s prob. going the fvck home well rather the jury house and then I won’t have a reason to watch anymore. (Sigh)

  18. brendon and ragan should go up here. if brit goes up and survives she will realize she is alone, and atleast will know hayden has always been a lying sack of shit in the game. but thats a good thing for hayden, nothing wrong with it, its bb.

    basically whoever hayden puts up next to ragan will be pissed and the lines will be clear. here we go!

  19. Yea, that was kind of an iffy competition. Usually when they have “find hidden items” competition, house guests either share an area, or they have a lot of things to find, so as to balance it out. When it’s only two items, there’s greater variance in placement of the names, meaning some houseguests have a better chance of winning.

  20. I thought I was the only one who thought this show is super intense lol XD, anyway Matt is a dumbass, I wanted him to stay but w/e. And Hayden winning…ugh, he’s gonna put up Brenden and ragan, and Brendens goin home cuz ragan will win POV and Hayden will put britney up , I love this show i’ve seen every single stupid season, and TO ME, every season gets better!!

  21. If they have not figured out that Hayden Enzo and Lane are together by now they all deserve to lose.

  22. its rags and bren they say if rags wins pov brat goes up but we’ll see if bros stick to their word

  23. btw, lame ass HOH comp, really? I knew he would put them up, ragan will win veto, watch, it’s gonna be questions, and Brits goin up, I hate brigade, but Hayden is hot, but he’s boring, I miss uncle Jessie!!

    • One of the weakest HoH I ever watched on BB, if not the weakest.

      And I watched all the previous Double Evic days… that was pathetic.

  24. That was DEFINITELY a plan to backdoor Britney… there’s no doubt about it, just by the fact that they got Brendon on that conversation…

  25. If Brendon wins POV, Ragan is going. If Ragan wins, Brendon is going.

    I’m not sure who I want to win. Brendon is a better competitor so he will be able to make it further, but he thinks hes working with Enzo and Hayden.

    If Ragan stays, he will be a threat (if he finally wins) but he will definitely go after Enzo, Hayden and Lane. Making Brittany and Brendon somewhat safe.

    Final 4 Brendon, Ragan, and Brittany I hope!

  26. Yup, even though they we’re still pretending that Bren was part of the group. How can people not see how they’re being used? I repeat: I SEE STUPID PEOPLE!

    • Those SOBs will use you as long as you’re useful… but, if Brendon win this POV, and don’t see how Ragan will stay tonight.

  27. Brendon is definitely at the top of the list. If he isn’t sent home, I can see him winning the next HoH.

  28. damn this is so intense!!!

    brit should now realize like is aid earlier that there is a 4 man alliance betwwen lane, hayden, and enzo.

    hayden didnt speak or even consider putting up lane or enzo and promised the same thing to brendon about that i would keep u safe b.s.

    HAYDEN WON HOH BY KEEPING HIS WORD!! he upheld his word to brit which is surprising.

    if brendon does not win this POV, which better not be rigged (when i say rigged i mean favoring a certain houseguest). if brendon can win i will be fine with it, but it better not be rigged up.


  29. Ragans gonna win, bye brenden, hopefully Brit or regen wins hoh, I HATE Enzo, well not really lol, but I seriously dislike him, and lane..ironically enough lanes names rhymes with lame!

  30. Remember when Britney was ripping on Kristen for wearing high wasted skirts?

    Yea, she’s wearing one now.


    • Brendon. UNLESS, Enzo goes after Brittany for revenge like he said (but I feel that was just for camera show).

      Or maybe the brigade is actually working with Brendon. Lane votes for Brendon and Ragan/Enzo vote for Brit? Maybe, but doubtful.

  31. Brendon is gone. OMG…sniffle, sniffle. Ragan better win the next HOH or he is gone next week.

  32. I knew it, Regan wins, Brit goes up! Brit better win HOH!!! Or even regen, I don’t like regen but Id rather him around than the brigade, again Hayden can stay since I Need my eye candy fix!

  33. So the Brigade hold the votes here. Who should they worry more about:

    – Brendon, who doesn’t have a clue about them?
    – Or Briney, their own personal puppet?

    See yall at the JH, Bren…

  34. brendon is gone even if brit is on the block. well i should say when brit goes on the block. however, hayden might put up a brigade member (JUST MAYBE) to ensure brendon goes home.

    • You know, you can make posts longer than one sentence. That way you don’t need to spam the forum.

    • I am sick that Brendon didn’t win POV. I can’t believe that they voted him off over Brittany. Oh well, now they can back stab each other and Brendon can see Rachel. At least he lasted longer than Matt. Oh, the thought of seeing Ragan and Brittany longer really makes me sick. They all played Brendon and were mean to him, it was unfair but that is the way the game goes.

      • same with me……cannot stand Brat, Lame and little crybaby. feeds and BBAD very boring. But watch, Ragan and Brat will talk about Brendon and Rachel all night. Done watching I will just check the spoilers but I cannot handle the rest of them anymore. I really wanted Brendon to stay and break up the happy family.

      • Agreed…I didn’t like Brendon at first but at this point he was the only decent player left. Ragan and Brit play the game but their personalities are awful (albeit hilarious at times)…I don’t know who I want to win now…possibly Hayden but still…

  35. Did Brendon mess up on a question about Rachel?

    If that’s the case, that should be a sign…

  36. Ragan won POV, but except for saving himself, will it make any difference? If he puts up a Brigade member, the Brigade saves him and Bren goes home… If he puts up Brit, it could be a toss-up, but either way the Brigade keeps power… At least Hayden can’t be next HOH… The game will turn on who wins the HOH…

  37. Me too I want to go on this game
    Ill sit on my ass do nothing and win half a million dollars

  38. I think the only reason he is gone is becouse Brit lied and said that Brendon was working with Rag and ask brit to come with them.

  39. So, Brendon goes home. Ragan and Brittany need to team up, but Brittany is wrapped around the Brigade.

    Brittany is my last favorite left, but I hope Ragan wins HOH and does some brigade damage.

    • There’s not teaming up here – Britney is the official puppet of the Brigade. The Brigade will definitely target Ragan tomorrow, and, afterward, bye bye Brit.

  40. oh crap this is it. c’mon brigade damnitt! lol

    send home brendon. keep brit.

    brit has played a better game in all 3 phases. and plus brendon is balled lol.

    im so nervous. my heart is racing.

    ragan will have brit’s vote and i think enzo’s. she better have lane’s right?


  41. Please vote ragen out… can’t stand him
    ragen has 2 votes in the jury house and brendon only has rach. if hgs really can think for themselves, they will vote ragen out

  42. It sucks that Brit is going to get her way. I can’t wait to see her leave and I hope Lane has to do it.

  43. yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    brendon is gone!!!!!!!11

    somebody call his mamma!!!! its over. get his dumb bald ass OUT OF HERE!!


    • There won’t be any backstabbing. The targets are Ragan and Brittany, and they will be next to go.

      If only Brittany knew her place in the brigade, then it could get interesting.

      Bye Ragan, bye Brittany, bye Lane. Somehow these 2 idiots made it to the final 2.

      • Yawn, you got it, unless Lane can stop tripping over his feet and win something? Naaah…. Well, at least I can stop watching BBAD after this week… Need the sleep…

      • Oh yea lol…they usually at least start the comp on the show!!! I’m sorry I was so into the show I forgot :P

    • Britney was 1 of my favorites but she made a dumb move choosing Matt even tho i don’t agree about him lying about his wife having an illness or him turning his back on Ragan he still was the only 1 really playing the game. I’m rooting for Ragan because it would be a damn shame if 1 of the remaining brigade memebers win.

      • The two best players left, anyway. Rachel was this seasons best player. Now Brittany is the best player left.

    • Well, my day is ruined – I don’t think I even want to watch tonight. Who is left – the crossed eyed wench, who has a nasty mouth and her fuddy duddy friend, Regsn. Two people that I can’t stand watching – even more so than the so-called Brigade.
      Good bye Big Brother 12

  44. Brit and Ragen had a better chance of making it to the end with Brendon… Now their just screwed… Suakasss

  45. thats it i wont watch big brother anymore. Brendon was supposted be the winner. Britney doesnt deserve to win.

    • I agree i was starting 2 root 4 Brenden since Rachel left he really upped his game. Hate Enzo he does absolutely nothing neither does Lane but Enzo acts as if he is the ruler of the house.

  46. FINAL 5!!!!

    brendon…. GET THE FUGG OUT!

    and now rachel will dump u.

    ur a nice guy, but ur dumb socially and even with the first round of the votes u still were playing for rachel. idiota.

    and stop trying to be funny. ur not. ur just ….. bald hahaha never gets old.

    enzo, ur next fool

    • So what if he said something about Rachel when he voted. They were also an alliance and Matt targeted them and he got Rachel out. So Brendon wanted Matt out and he succeeded.

      So at least Matt is out!!!!!!!!!

    • Exactly, I didn’t like him until she was evicted, and then the real awesome Brendon came out.

  47. As much as I hate Hayden/Enzo and on the fence about Lane, I want them as final 3. Enzo runner-up, Lane winner. Bleh, poor Brendon. I want Ragan and Britney OUT NOW!

    • I would want Hayden to win of the three of them…as greedy as he is, he is the only one of the three who has won anything!

    • Matt – such a disappointment. Why didn’t he out the brigade? The guy has no B–L-. Glad that Ragan won POV so that Brendon could finally leave. Rotten season.

      • I agree this is the worst season ever, they need to hire a new staff next year, I say evict the entire buch of production bb sucked

      • If anyone in the game is smart, they would want to sit next to Lane or Enzo in the final two becuz they haven’t won anything…Big Dummies!…Can you imagine if they were final two???!!!! It will officially mark the worst bb season EVER!

  48. Finally rachel’s puppet is gone!!!! Who is bitch slapping others in the competitions now? NOT BRENDON!!!!

  49. as of right now. brit and ragan deserve to win in that order.

    they are the only ones who deserve to win. like them or not u cant make the case for anyone else.

    • It’s not going to happen, unless Ragan win the next HoH.

      If Britney becomes HoH again, SHE’LL PUT UP RAGAN, that’s a guarantee. Lane will make sure of it…

  50. DAM R and soon…REGAN AND bRITTNEY BETTER GET TOGETHER..dam shame to waste 500k on a do nothing slacker..dam shame..

    • It sucks brendon is out! I agree that I like nobody who is left, guess I will choose lesser of the evils and go with brittney!

    • Well this season has really been a big let down. I’m very disappointed that BB would let someone like Enzo go without any punishments. Guess I can start leaving the house now instead of making my plans around the show. No need to sit and watch the rest of this season.


      • WTF no punishment at all, I think BB was feeling the pressure to ge rid of Brendon, I’m so disappointed, I’ve watched every season, and I don’t think I can watch another one…SAAAAAAD Enzo gets away scott free and I do mean scott free, what a waste!!

    • Yes, Brendon did deserve to stay. I don’t understand why Ragan wanted Brendon out of the house so much. What did Brendon ever do to Ragan? I don’t remember Brendon ever being unkind to Ragan. I hope Ragan goes next or Britt. Lane will use Britt to get as far as he and Hayden can. They will dump Enzo if they have to. They lied to Brendon about being the pawn. Maybe they would have evicted Ragan over Brendon if Ragan hadn’t won the POV. I really dislike all of them that are left so it doesn’t quite matter to me anymore because I was voting for Brendon. I have to say though I hate to that Britt and Ragan are playing the game, the rest left are lazy. Hayden won HOH by luck finding that card not because he was trying more than anyone else. So sad Brendon is gone.

    • Awe, com’on. But, I sure didn’t like the way he left. He should have outed the Brigade, but Ragan knows about them cause he figured it out. Hope that Britney finds out about Lane, but I hate that the Brigade who rode Mattie’s coattails throughout the whole game are in the final 5.

    • Enzo and Lane couldn’t win a competition if the flying monkeys were carrying them accross the finish line… Here’s hoping none of the slacker alliance makes HOH, and that Brit and Ragan can get their act together and throw the rascals out… It would take the HOH, and possibly the POV… Oh, and a few more brain cells… Please put Enzo on slop for the remainder of his term…

      • They have to be the WORST BBHS ever. Enzo did nothing but bitch, ate loudly when he shouldn’t have, etc, way too many to list. Lane’s only win was choking his chicken in the shower.

  51. o god are they all stupid…brendon wudda been loyal to hayden lane and enzo…britney is sneaking and def not on haydens and enzos side…shes with ragan..stupid decision by the brigade..if i didnt hate ragan and brit so much id hope no brigade member wins

      • They were in good company cause all of them were dumb. Worst season ever. If there is a BB next year, I know the cast will be better, cause nothing could be worse than what we had to endure this season.

    • Brendon would be the perfect person to go to the Final 2 because he wouldn’t have the votes to win. The hg’s are stupid!

    • I agree with that. Bratney has those 3 guys wrapped around her little finger. I actually think their afraid of her. Do this Lane, yes Brat, do this Hayden, yes Brat, they didn’t have the balls to backdoor her. Matt said it to Julie, Brit’s a bratty(i think that’s the word he used) bitch.

  52. Hayden and Brit deserve to win now. My favourite now left is Hayden, I’m pretty sure he’s going to win. Just can’t see Ragan and Brit lasting til final 3.

  53. Damn…both my picks out in the same week…what do i do now? I guess Britney…I can’t believe I just sed that

  54. Ragan’s the big target next week for the Brigade.

    Seriously, though, at this point, EXPECT A BRIGADE MEMBER TO WIN THIS SEASON. So far, my money’s on Hayden, the only one of those slackers who actually show up for some of those comps.

  55. I think if everything goes Lane way it will be him and Hayden But he will bring Brit to the final 3 because he is going to use her to get enzo out.

    • Me too!!! What a crappy season. The one person I wanted to get to the final two didn’t. So goodbye everyone… what a waste of my summer watching this season was.

    • I couldn’t agree more. Waste of my summer, I literally didn’t make any plans for that whole hour for weeks. What a waste!!!!!!

  56. that wasnt a surprise.. brendon faught throughout this whole game of course he was gonna be evicted i respected brendons game oc course crybaby brit got her way little does she knows shes being used welp game is basically pointless now, smh wow, well GO ragan.

    • I am sad Brendon went, but I knew that his days were numbered by those back stabbers. The only enjoyment I will get now is watching them target and back stab each other because their biggest obsession, Brendon, is gone.

  57. Unless Ragan wins HOH, there’s like no reason to continue watching. I’m pretty disappointed :(

  58. all i’ve wanted from the get go was for the ratt to go none of the rest deserved anything as long as he’s gone let the chips fall where they may really don’t care

  59. WOW– now there is no one with a spine left in the show! Matt & Brendon gone tonight! That sucks — guess I can watch the rest of the season during commercials from other shows. No one of interest left. Good thing new shows are coming back!

    • The producers suck. They gave Matt the best Pandora’s Box prize – the diamond POV while the others got basically nothing. That power changed the game and then Enzo isn’t penalized for eating!

  60. So, basically Brendon wining the POV this week didn’t mean a thing. He had to shave his head, chum baths and being handcuffed to the little snipe was for nothing. Doesn’t seem fair that lazy a** Enzo is still around!!

      • Yeah, he doesn’t have to be a Have Not for 3 more weeks. I really enjoyed watching Brendon and will miss him. I think they all had this fear of Brendon which was not justified. They should have been fearing Hayden, Lane, and Enzo. Enzo. Goes to show you how far being lazy can get you.

  61. DUMB MOVE for the Brigade!! Only Lane and Enzo can play for HOH, they have NO CHANCE against Ragan and Brittney. Stupid, stupid, stupid.


    • Actually, if you watched BBAD they gave a sneak peek at the HOH thing, Brit is just terrible, and Ragan was practicing so much and fails. Lane was ok Enzo was doing really well.

  62. What would be nice now is if Regan wins HOH nomin Hayden and Enzo (of course neither will win pov)but if they do Id say britt u win u go up lane u win u go up in place…..I mean come on Floaters have been winning this game for the past 2 yrs now it owuld be nice to walk into the hosue and not win a single competetion and win the whole game Enzo you need to go……Regan I hope you or Britt wins!!!!

  63. YES Brendon is gone! bubye!

    ….but I lost one of my favs also which was matt…oh well but I still got Britney!

    she sure looked mighty fine I must say ;)

    Britney deserves to win period.

  64. This season sucks really bad. No one is left that really deserves to win. All the other house guests that were evicted were the only ones that played the game. The bergade is so lame its a shame they got this far. Brit is a royal pain and Regan I just dont get it. Well that said Big Brother I am done for the season I do hope next season you pick people that play the game and that are worth watching. THIS SEASON REALLY WAS NOT ALL THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  65. Here’s to hoping they bring someone back since they started with one less. Maybe in a new Pandora’s box. I hate to see Brendon go.

    • Oh– That would be neat – the return of Brendon or Matt who now know who their team mates are and with a special power — they cannot be voted out that week. Sounds good to me– are there any special powers left???

  66. Easily the worst episode in a long time.

    The best houseguest that could’ve gone went: Matt

    The housesguest I hate the most that could’ve gone went: Brendon

    It’s like a double edged sword. Why isn’t Enzo punished? WTF Big Brother.

    • I agree Brad D. I thought for sure some mention of Enzo and the eating as a have-not would be brought up…..bummer. Enzo is a slug.

  67. I don’t really care anymore, I’m with the others, my last night watching! Back to doing other things and watching movies!

    • I don’t care anymore either…if I had to pick right now I would have to throw my vote with Brit and then Ragan…the rest are a bunch of idiots…and BB production…you have failed all of us on here and the viewers who don’t have a clue…by not penalizing Enzo you have shown us all that this “reality game” is full of s**t, why bother??? just another TV show, oops season is almost over…on to the next big thing….sooooooooooo disappointed and I have watched from season 1…….ewwwwwww as Rachell would say…..something stinks in realityland.

  68. The HGs are idiots because Brenden is the perfect person to be with in the final two – there is no way he would have the votes to win.

    • Exactly, Brendon would have brought them far, I bet you any money Lane threatned them to keep Brit.

    • I don’t know, maybe some of the jury members would have voted for Brendon because of his hard-fought game play after Rachel left.

      Some vote for friends, others vote for who played the best game between the final two.

      I couldn’t stand Brendon when Rachel was there, but I began to respect his effort and game play. It would have been fun to see if he could take down the Brigade.

      It wouldn’t surprise me to see them bring back Matt or Brendon to add some drama and interest to the final weeks.

  69. Well, Brendon is gone. He was a gentleman and I’m not surprised. So was Matt for that matter. He knew he was going. Not surprised.

    Unless Ragan wins HOH he’ll be gone next and the boys will again use Britney for the dirty work. Hope she can see through all that and play her own game.

  70. Britney has to be gone, I hate everything about her but her looks, my favourites were Matt, Brendon and Ragan. It would have been so helpful if Brendon stayed for Ragan, they could have teemed up. I feel Britney is gonna win the next comp. FML

  71. How effing stupid are these people? well the game is completely ruined now. Unless he wins HOH, Ragan will be the next to go followed by the queen bi**h herself with her tail wagging between her legs and then the brigade will have to fight it out. I say hayden will come out of nowhere and win it all. This HOH will probally only add fuel to his fire.

    • Lets cross our fingers and hope Regan wins HOH cuz I dont think the others besdies Britt is smart enuff to win the HoH I mean Really Enzo hasnt won anything except the race and he had 3 helpers

      • exactly. none of these ppl deserve to win the only pppl worth keeping around and the only ones who actuallly fought got evicted for no reason other then the house were being whimps. hopefully brendon gets to come back :) he deserves it.

  72. You know, I really do not want to live in a world where a slacker like Hayden, who didn’t have a job for the last two years, win $500k solely because he’s not that bad of a guy… Then again, if Enzo or Lane win, that would bother me too.

    So… dare I say it… dare I say that I’m now MAYBE backing REFORMED CRY-BABY Ragan?! Like I said, maybe…

    Know one thing, though: there’s ZERO chance I’m backing a known SUCUBITCH, regardless of how hot she is (she suppose to be hot, ALL SUCUBITCHES ARE HOT!!!)

  73. And for those who watch the live feeds Enzo doesnt deserve to be there, he snuck food and took his suit off several times unlike all the other have nots who abided by the rules oh well enzo gets special treatment

    • He was instrumental in forming the brigade … for a reason … he needed tons of help to get this far … he certainly cannot do anything himself (except cheat, complain, and stick his hands down his pants).

      • Its might be a game but I was always told the ones who try their hardest are the ones who win in the end so far the past few years I have seen the ones who float and drift are the winners, what ever happened to the liars cheaters backstabbers and strong players winning….

  74. I am soooooo upset that Brendon is gone. I have no interest in watching the rest of the show. Brendon was the best player and deserved to stay. The rest of them are all lying snakes, cry-babies and simply pathetic!

  75. so over bb not watching anymore, the best theres no one in the house worth watching. time to move on to a better show all the rest in the bbh arent worth the money. Especially when they didnt work as hard as brendon and matt

    • they wont have one tonight it will prob be tm or sat early they will let hayden have at least 1 day as hoh

  76. @16 & 17 – Agree. Matt & B both gone. I just can’t stand the rest. Poor lil Ragan is next to go. HoH comp is the catapult, right? Rachel – some love to hate her but with “enemies” in the house, it was exciting. The (probable) Final 4: Brit/Lan/Enz/Hay – will be on vacay for the last few weeks and I just can’t watch it. I’ll def ask who won when the time comes, just for closure, but I can’t watch the rest of this now. Lane & Britney flirting. It would be great to see her leave if she knew about the BG but she scoffed at Ragan when he told her so her to be cut out of F4 won’t sting her as badly. (Bet Lane will try not to be the one.)

    Would have been cool to see some of the GB messages to Matt & B though. I’ll try to catch The Early Show just to see if Matt has clued B in on the BG. Thought they might keep B to get Ragan or Britney out (so BG doesn’t have her blood on their hands) plus Brit & Ra were close; B & Ragan were enemies and would have focused on each other. Matt kinda screwed Ra on that by telling the BG he was onto them, but Brit had already told them, too.

  77. sooo they need to do something to make this season different than the other ones, like bring a houseguest back or something, I love this show and wish I could watch the livefeeds, but it’s the same old thing every year, bring back a hg and maybe someone new…do something CBS!

    • My idea for any bringing houseguests back:

      Have an competition between all the houseguests in the jury. Whoever wins gets back into the house.

      Though, it’d probably be rigged for Brendon so not a fantastic idea to bring someone back. Even with America’s Vote.

      • Oh c’mon, buddy! Are you seriously on that pathetic ‘the comps are rigged’ nonsense! You are as sad as the people who still believe there’s lifelong friends in the house!
        Obviously, the game ain’t rigged, never was, and, if it was the case, both Brendon AND Matt would still be in the house!
        Move on already…

      • That would be awesome. Brendon could come back in the house IF he gets rid of Rachel. What an awesome twist to pandora!

      • yeah Brendon’s gone and it’s still rigged if he could have a chance to come back….let it go, obsess about something else!!!!!!!!!

  78. Enzo has got to go this week. Broke the rules, plain and simple. He if gets farther than this or next week than this entire season’s credibility went out the window.

    Enzo: Go home already you BUM. Lazy and cheating? Welcome to the jury house.

  79. … Who’s going to broke the news of Brendon’s eviction to Erin? Poor girl gonna cry all night! :(

    Anyway, weirdly enough, I’m pretty sure that America’s Player this year will be Matt against Brendon… and, I don’t know why, but I’m pretty sure Brendon’s gonna win.

    Did you see the reaction of the audience when Brendon came out? It was WAY BIGGER than when Matt came out, and they reated to his interview with Julie way better too.

    People’s reactions to this guy is uber-bizarre – they either hate his guts or love him to death. There’s like no gray area, except for people like me, who don’t like him, yet respect his gameplay… but I’m in a very small minority on this one!

  80. NOOOOOOOOO! Not Brendon!!!!!!! Bring him back BB! He was the only one left that even deserved to be there!

      • Not Matt…..he needs to wait around for Karma to knock at his door. Ragan kept himself under the radar for a long time, so I guess so, but Brendon minus Rachel was my favorite.

    • I agree with you. Brendon the most deserving to win without a doubt. People like Rag/Enzo/Lane who never one HOH made it this far is a joke. At this point I hope neither win it.
      We all need to vote for Brendon to at least win the $25K

  81. Matt told the Lane and them that Ragan has figured them out,and Lane and Hayden started saying he got to go.What happened with Enzo penalties it wouldn’t make a difference. But at least we would know when you break the rules you pay. When they were in the room they made Brandon think he was in their alliance, then you hear Britt yelling Lane’s name.

  82. This season really sucked. They made a dumb move sending Brendon home instead of the Bitchney. No one left deserves to win at all. I am glad that Matt is gone though.

    • I totally agree with you Sis. If I wasn’t such a big fan I would not watch the rest of the season. I don’t want any of them to win!!!

  83. lol I agree MM but the HG were just talking about how much bigger Ratts response was than brens and I am sitting here thinking as delusional as always

  84. This has to be the worst Big Brother season I have
    ever seen! Not only all the best players eliminated by the brigade floaters who have done nothng but, ride the coat tails of Matt—-now they get to coast to final three unless Britney or Ragan win HOH and finally nominate 2 of the 3 brigade floaters. If one of the 3 brigade floaters wins HOH then, it is over! Either Britney or Ragan next goes and whoever is left is thrown under the bus next week out. Who really wants to watch an event where you already know the results? Imagine Lane, Hayden and Enzo in the
    final 3? Ugh. That really makes me throw up! Sorry Big Brother, this is the way to destroy Big Brother the show. Here is a clue. If you add more variables where alliances result in consequences for instance, then, that would make the show more interesting! Get rid of alliances made just to vote out the rest of the competition—-that is outright stupid! Those who do not win HOH after several weeks should be automatically nominated for eviction. If we had that rule in place then, Lane, Enzo and Hayden would probably be gone!

  85. Now all the existing idiots think they’re home free. All the brawn and brains have left the building. To reward one of the remaining “contestants?” is shameful. I will not watch a non deserving body win this fool game. They may as well ended the season tonight, too

      • Agreed…to me the season 12 just ended. Floaters are all left except for 1 and the chances are he is going so Big brother really screwed this season over. I thought that last season was bad but this one was terrible.The last two ppl left who actually fought in this game were evicted in one night…

  86. one observation re the brat (can’t stand her) but for all of you that said she was just Lane’s pawn look who’s still standing. maybe not for long but she damn well wouldn’t have made it this far without him

    • What? If anything it’s the opposite. Lane is still here from the competition wins of Brit and Matt both. He’s done literally nothing for her game.

    • Maybe you are distracted by his looks and body ???? Brit is the brain and player of this duo.

  87. In on the fence about canceling the live feeds. If Rags doesn’t win HOH, I’m done with this season, because the outcome of the season is completely predictable.

    • They are on inside lock down. So they are probably cleaning up and maybe setting up for the next HOH. I hope they at least give Hayden one day to enjoy his room and letter. I would think so.

    • Seriously, I can’t believe that most of you LF wariors still are on it, especially after the way CBS treated you this season!

      Seriously, Andrew, cancel your feed if Ragan don’t win, ‘cuz it’s gonna be about a week full of Enzo bragging about the Brigade being the best, 24/7… who wants to suffer that?

  88. Well, two people that actually deserved to go final 2 are gone…smh. If the three stooges are left in final 3, I think I will puke. Can’t stand losers. Even though I don’t like Brit and Rag, I would rather them when then those scumbags. They used everyone in the house but I knew this would happen.

    • What is galling is the floaters of the brigade end up winning because just of sheer numbers. Where is the game play? I liked Big Brother because of Evil Dick, Will and Boogie to name a few. That is probably why Survivor is way better, players used their heads and there are more variables with the hidden immunity idols which can throw the game on its head. Allowing the players to form a large alliance the brigade and have them just vote everyone out they wish is pretty dumb!
      There is no game play at all. If so, just divide the prize among the three stooges and get it over with!

    • Agree with you. They should do double or triple eviction each week and end it as soon as possible it’s going to suck from now on.

    • One last thing. Viewership still counts with
      all shows on TV. Shows have been cancelled because not enough people watch it. I will definitely not watch tonight’s episode as well as the succeeding episodes. We, viewers can get a better run show if we boycott the sham competitions as we have now on Big Brother. Believe me, those in charge of the show will pay more attention if their advertising revenues drop because less people are watching their show! Money still talks in the business world and that
      includes Big Brother and CBS!

  89. Truly hope Ragan doesn’t win HOH. Hopefully a BG member will win and get rid if the 2 trash Brit and Ragan, then I want Hayden to win.

    • Oh you mean the trash that have won numerous comps while the fake Brigade sat on their asses. They are a bunch of leeches. I hope Ragan wins just so one of the losers are gone. It won’t be hard to beat them either because they are dumb, dumb, and dumber. Sorry…lol. I had to vent.

      • It’s ok I’m just saying hopefully they start to win now. Ragan kept low and started winning near the end, wonder why people don’t give the BG a chance. Anyway, I’m thinking a BG member will win now. Anyway Hayden is probably taking this thing down.

      • Lane and Enzo’s chances of winning HOH against Ragan and Brit are slim. They haven’t been throwing comps, they just suck. I hate when people skate through the hard part and reap the benefits of someone else’s work (Brendon, Brit, Matt). The only thing I give them credit for is being able to manipulate the entire house. But I don’t think its worthy of winning 500k.

    • So you’re backing the Brigade then?

      You’re rooting for those sad floaters… Man, I don’t know if I should pity you or give you props for your balls!

      • I think you should give me props!!! I got my own opinions, fact is if you were half the people were in this house and their complaing we would probably just get out before jury house time. Anyway yea I’m bakcing up the brigade cause we all know all know one of them are going to win. Like I said it’s a joke that Ragans a professor and Brit is going to get used. Just because winning isn’t a part of their strat it doesn’t mean it’s a bad strat.

      • !!!!! Can’t type today killed from work anyway, meant to say if half of the people in this house(including me were playing BB) we would probably get out. Reading most of these comments I’ll be surprized if any of us will even make it that far if it was not for floating.

    • I didn’t want any brigade member to win. But if you consider strategy and alliance’s in the game I will give them credit for that. They all voted together. They all stuck together until this week, none of them told anyone. So for that Enzo did choose three loyal guys. When they made the alliance so fast I never thought it would last. So having the numbers this long they could really get out who they wanted.

      I just can’t stand Brat or Ragan or Lane for that matter. He is as lazy as Enzo.

      Who’s gonna clean up the kitchen now?

  90. I agree with everyone…rest of the season will suck but I’m still gonna watch til survivor comes on…Matt an Brendon were easily the best of the season but neither will win…just like last year really

  91. np to cancel just don’t watch…betcha can’t do it heehee..I haven’t liked the whole season still watching….what a dummy am I? did call to cancel lastweekend but some guy in india talked me out of it had been giving me free LF all season I didn’t know

    • Big brother producers will laugh at us viewers if we cannot even avoid watching their shows even if it is so bad. No rule says you have to watch every episode if the show turns bad. It is all about advertising revenues and if enough viewers stop watching the rest of the episodes, the number of viewers drop and the advertising revenues drop too. Why would the sponsors pay say $1,000,000 for a 30 second spot for 20 million viewers continue to pay the same amount if the number of viewers drop to 10 million? They would want a 50% discount at the very least. This is not such a big sacrifice if the next big brother show next season is made much, much better. The more people that don’t watch this episode and the rest of the episodes including the finals—-the better it is for us viewers. JMHO

  92. I think Britney is safe this week because Regan is the Brigade target and if Regan wins HOH he’s probably going after the Brigade.So all Brit has to worry about is next weeks HOH …Go Britney!!!

    • I thought today’s eviction couldn’t have gone better. I couldn’t stand Matt & Brendon! GO BRITNEY!

  93. I said for over a week, Lane will win. Especially if he can win HOH next week. I’m not going to watch. Matt deserved to win. Bren was a good player, his “This is for Rachel” was old and not good game play. I probably will not watch until the finale now. BORING! PS I though Matt looked bad. I wonder if he is ill? He didn’t look too good. He looked better talking to Julie, but in the BB House, he looked bad. He looked kinda yellowish to me.

  94. CBS!!!! Do something!!!! Bring back a house guest to shake things up or you’re going to lose a lot of viewers….

    Just saying….

    • I’m just wondering why there was no punishment for Enzo. Clearly breaking the rules multiple times.

      Can’t wait till Hayden breaks something else. They will probably just say “well this is your last warning” even though they told him if he did it again he is ejected.

      • They showed Enzo in the kitchen eating a pickle while the others were outside. I thought have-nots had slop and bean dip & broccoli.

      • Brad…you’re probably right..but I would not be very concerned about Enzo..He has about as much of a chance of winning this game as I do..

      • @ Jerome. No they are not…Lol! They can only, I repeat only eat slop or america’s choice of food. Is this your first time watching? People have gotten in trouble for eating one grape in past seasons.

      • @Rose Is it your first time watching? O__O, if your right then Matt should have gotten penalty votes along with Brit not sure about Matt. Trust me pickles are for anyone.

      • Condiments are allowed(always have been)i.e, ketchup, mustard,salsa spices ect…AND PICKLES have always been allowed….

      • I have been watching since the beginning and MANY house guests have eaten pickles and things like salsa right out of the jar…

      • Thank you Jill for backing me up. People need to stop riding Matt and if your going to watch the rest of the season then do so, if not no one cares quit crying. Honestly, Ragan dropped both HOH’s to Matt don’t feel all might.

  95. Have they ever ended like this without the 2nd HOH, can’t remember it ever ending like this. All double evictions I ever saw had both, with the first only getting a basket not the room…I think this is really weird. And don’t they usually show us the evicted house guest going to the jury house??? SOme one please explain if they know…. Also Enzo has blatently cheated with no penalties WTF…

    • Yup. They are afraid they’ll lose viewers if Enzo goes. Except according to all the popularity polls everybody hates this bum. If he screws up again and is not sent home or punished I’ll be extremely pissed. Especially if he wins the whole thing.

    • I missed something, what did Enzo eat?
      I know he was allowed to eat the food from the luau…but don’t have feeds to see everything.

      • Enzo ate a piece of pizza, ate supposedly peanuts thrown on the ground (he yelled let’s have a food fight and shoved some food in his mouth), stuck his head in the fridge and used the fridge door to block cameras, and took off his penguin suit acting like he would get into the pool but instead walk around the house.

        He’s such a scumbag and doesn’t deserve a cent of any money from BB.

      • Thanks Brad D.

        And yea there should be a punishment for him. CBS is wrong if they don’t.

  96. NO NOT BRENDON. WHY BRENDON? He was the show for me. And I loved to hate Matt. And he’s gone too. There’s no one to make this show interesting anymore.

  97. that was dumb of them to send brandon home it should have been britany because now britany or Ragan will win hoh watch i just have a feeling ragan will win and put up Hayden and enzo because he knows about the secret and we all know that enzo and lane are as dumb as can be so they are not going to win hoh

  98. UGH. Frustration. Disgust. Disappointment– this season is ridiculous!! Floater. Floater. Floater. Floater. and Ragan!! I am done watching people who have added nothing to the competitive nature of this game somehow avoid being put out week after week!! Why even have competitions?? It’s not like the people who win them have lasted!! As much as I don’t like Rachel or Brendon they don’t deserve to be on jury nor does Matt! It’s sickening that people who don’t win a damn thing are gonna win this game! Sickening! No longer a fan!

    • 1. You’re no longer a fan because of a possible bad season? The only way this season can be fixed IMO is if Ragan or Hayden wins. Otherwise not.

      2. How does Matt not deserve to be on the jury? He made it this far by outsmarting the rest of the house. He would’ve made it probably to the end if he didn’t show his cards as much. He had the entire house in his hand and let some of it slip, which is the reason he wen’t home. He really is one or two of the only competitors in the entire season.

      3. If Ragan wins, he definitley deserves it. If he does win HOH some time in the season that is. Hayden only sort of deserves it because at least he is the honest one in the brigade. He sounds at least like a nice person outside of the house.

      • It’s a sad day when I root for Bitchney or Raggs to win. The other three block heads are pathetic. What happened to the days when the hgs actually competed and there were more intelligent people than idiots?

    • Britney is not a floater. She was the only girl left for a while and she’s won tons of the veto comps and HOH. AND she doesnt have any alliances to rely on. Give her more credit.

      • Brad D I’m still a fan of BB, not a fan of this season.

        Care- pah-lease Britney can’t even make a single decision on her own. You’re right, AMAZING player, what was I thinking!!

  99. tonight was the LAST episode I watch of BB this season was a huge disappointment. I am really shocked that Enzo and Lane are still in the house. What a horrible season this was.

  100. nevermind rags still is awful instead of enjoying the moment he is still making fun of Rach…they truly do all suck

  101. Poster after poster in here has claim BB12 was fixed, now the most popular player (per the last poll in here) Brendon was just voted out, and the next most active player Matt went just before him. If BB12 is controlling the outcome they are doing a bad job of it. Can we now put it to rest the this game if fixed. Or does anyone still think it is fixed?

  102. at least Matt went before Brendon. The brigade has made a very stupid move. Brit has already shown her true colors, Ragan is not loyal to any of them and the two have won many many times. Enzo and Lane can kiss their butts goodbye and chances are Hayden can too. Comes down to Brit and Ragan, my vote is for Ragan

  103. just cant beleive what happen tonight. hayden is so going home cause enzos gonna out him for the prizes he won this week lmao when he goes home. will read the the text but not watch the show bb is gonna loose lots of viewers this season cause who wants to watch someone earn half a million when all they do is float through the game. Should have had more people fighting like brendon bring him back the show will be so boring watching them play pool and complain this not a game, anymore this is pathetic. booringggggggggggg

    • Hope Enzo goes this week, than Brittney.

      So at least it would be some form of competitors.

  104. I liked tonight because Brendon showed great sportsmanship twice – once when Matt went and second when he left.

    matt was a jerk last week and proved he has no sportmanship

    Tonight ragan and Brit contiuued to show they have no use for sportsmanship

    Ragan has to know to stay in the game he has to win HOH – he will put up hayden and Lane

    I know people do not like Enzo but he is the sure fire one person who guarantees the other final two wins – I definately would want to go to the final two with Enzo – he will get not one vote

  105. rags said if he had got evicted he was gonna walk into JH and say “WOW we got a mansion!!! and a waitress too” nice on a par with a racist comment if you ask me as a former bartender I find it so offensive how he always uses someone being a waiperson as such a put down…drives me crazy I take it all back MM anyone but him..wait anyone but him and the brat..wait anyone but him,the brat and tickle me enzo…wait anyone but him the brat tickle me enzo, and lying about prizes hairden….wait anyone but rags ,the brat, tickle me enzo,hairden and that no win anything Lane…oh wait anyone but….oops no one left

  106. They think Matt was the sab, wow, we have the bright ones left…blaaah….hahaha…..gotta complain, cause i do not like the guests left, none deserve to win

    • truly you are right! but unfortunately someone will……… one left really deserves to..but there has to be a winner…my take at this point…who the f**k cares. just my opinion, and who the f**k cares about that too.

  107. Don’t worry everyone. Matt will have the last laugh. While the boooorgade is Hoping they actually can make it to the finally. Matt will be the only one invited back to allstars. Lame, bozo, and haydumb are the 3 most boring people ever. They have no personality at all. Well Enzo was funny at first but the fact that he cant put together a sentence without using a curse word will be his down fall. I mean really just because someone hangs out with Matt, to Enzo they are a b**ch or a c**t or in regans case he has to say something about him being gay. So this is how I look at it. Only 1 person can win BB. So if Regan or Brit can get up against lane then the 3 loosers have blown it because atleast Matt will be asked to come back and they won’t.

    • The only two from this season who should be in all-stars are Matt and Rachel. Matt plays dirty and Rachel, you just love to hate her.

      • NOBODY FROM THIS SEASON SHOULD BE IN ALL STARS.. that would be using space in the house for an actual player that won’t make it a personal game..This season has been totally bad and lame..I have continued watching with the hope that “it will get better” cause it sure as hell can’t get any worse..but it did get worse tonite..sooo I will be cancelling my feeds next week before payment is due..and just stick with BBAD and Nancy Grace..

  108. Interesting look on Brit’s face when Ragan said Matt told him he didn’t win any of the prizes … maybe she’ll finally get it! Then again, most liekly not …

  109. Whoot Whoot Brandon is OUT…For Rachel I nominate Matt…Give it up, well @ least you will have her now in the JH…

  110. I find Ragan to be one of the most offensive players in the history of the game. As a g-man myself I can say that – to prove it – ladies did you see why rachel is so happy with Brendon – he showed enough wood tonight to build a house. (LOL)

    anyway no matter how I feel about Ragan if he wins HOH it will send the brigade into melt down and ad new excitement to the game

  111. Thanks for such a good play by play. I love a good spoiler. The show hasn’t even aired here in Tucson, AZ. I just can’t wait! :)

  112. Four great things about this season:

    1. I was not sleep deprived all summer because, unlike prior seasons, there was no reason to stay up all night watching BBAD.

    2. I resisted the urge to pay for live feeds.

    3. We learned from all of the unanimous votes that BB can be played as a team sport (though not well).

    4. It will be over soon.

    • Thank you for finding somethings positive about what was a HUMONGOUS negative!

      Gotta find that silver lining! ;)

  113. Wow!! I can not believe that matt did not call out the bg!!! I would. What u got to loose??? Dumb.

    • Yep, definitely the dumbest move of the night – hell, of the whole week!

      Is he going to keep his mouth shut even in the JH? Not if he’s truly a super genius, which he hasn’t show us yet…

  114. This is just sick. I don’t understand this years game @ all. It has been way different then any year I have watched. I don’t think I,ll be watching next year. I have lost my interest in it. This year has made no sence. Enzo cheating like he has & it’s just not worth my time. Guess I.ll watch Nancy Grace @ least she has breaking news every night & Bomb Shells every night. LOL. All done with bb. Not watching the rest of the season threw the end. It suck’s big time. Ya,ll have a great fall & winter. Bye Bye.

  115. I think I’m giving this up too. Even to watch the last two episodes of Big Brother has been a struggle. I wasn’t a big Brendon fan but I wanted him to make it farther and he has been growing on me as a player for the last few weeks. I was all for Matt except his failure to do anything really game-changing (i.e. like out the floater-brigade!) made me lose respect for him as a player. The DPOV was a real waste.

    No penalty against Enzo? Although it wouldn’t have made a difference, production should have done something about it. Yes, it’s tough being forced to only eat certain foods for a week but he even got time off during the Luau and thus had it easier than any other have-not week. C’mon, production! Force players to follow the rules of the game!

    I’m not sure what I think of the rest. If neither Brit or Ragan get HOH and out the Brigade, I can assure you I won’t be tuning in until the finale (I’d love to see how the vote goes if the final 2 are something like Lane and Enzo).

    • Same, i didnt like Brendon but atleast he played the game. Him and Matt were the only two HG who really did.

  116. Matts gone .. well im done watching big brother now. Everyone else just floated by in this competition.

    • they are here the others are not.
      make it to the end THAT is the goal.
      their game play worked !

      • There is no game play. It is a sheer numbers game when the brigade was allowed to float and vote anyone out.
        Hayden, Enzo and Lane practically floated the entire time they are in this game! Only Matt, Rachel, Brendon
        played at all yet, all three of them are out. Big brother should make mandatory nominations for anyone who has not won HOH or the POV. If there are more than 2 people then, they should draw lots and those unlucky to get drawn get nominated. That way, the alliances cannot be the strategy
        by themselves. Play the game or leave by forced eviction.

  117. the problem with the game is simple – the show has been on too long – people have learned the value in throwing challenges an ovting in block

    BB needs to mix it up next season – they need to allow two eviction votes based on the people voting by phone – this changes things

    they need to allow a vote by the people at least one for POV by a nominee

    They need to ban the nom of the same person 3 weeks in a row

    If they do not change the rules the safe play will continue and strong playes will be knocked out in favor of the weak

    • I like the proposal for having America vote. I think it would be more interesting if people vote for who should be nominated each week (excluding the winner of HOH). Then let the HGs play for POV (maybe using the third highest vote as a potential replacement) and keep eviction votes made by HGs so that there is still a social element to the game. Then hopefully floaters won’t make it as far!

      Or any other combination of voting, lol. Voting works for American Idol and other shows like that since people keep tuning in because their favorites remain in the game. Why won’t BB do it?

  118. YES Brendon bye bye bye enjoy waking up to Tranny everyday …Matt you could of had this, even though you were conniving and vindictive you played the’s not about having friends or who you hurt it’s about winning, and yes I am sure when it is all said and done they will be tweeting FBing and even standing in Brendon and Rachel’s wedding..Britney get your head in the game and win it these clowns don’t deserve a dime!!

    • Ew Matt is a liar and not that smart cuz he didn’t out realize that the 3 stooges were after him he couldve used that to his advantage and out the brigayd they shouldve voted Britney cuz if she wins hoh she will put up 1 of the brigayd but if they kept Brendon and he won hoh he wouldve put up raggy ragan and bitch-a-lot Britney

  119. after care consideration haha I think tickle me enzo should win

    a. he’s too stupid to make an honest living hence needs the money the most which leads to ..

    b. poor Joella no longer has to support the family

    c. he still is hoping for a “luxurious” prize

    • Enzo makes over 100k per year rofl he’s a independent insurance adjuster….., most people in America make around 40K, nice going on making yourself look smart!!!

      • Wow Spikesmom did you miss BBAD whn he said his house was 3 stories, pool, jacuzzi, hardwood floors throughout the whole thing. Whn he won his tv he said he hope it was more thn 54″ bc he already has a 54″ so he wanted bigger!! $2,000 in shoes alone is what he brought to the BB house! Do you seriously think he needs this money??? Same thing with Lane…his family owns oil rigs. he has a brand new truck. & his parents paid for his 4 bedroom, 3 bath house…those 2 DEF dnt need this money!

    • Hope your joking spikesmom. He’s probably one of the worst competitors this season if not the worst out of all of the competitors.

      Looking back at this season, the people that are the least competitive so far:

      1. Enzo
      2. Kathy, evicted
      3. Andrew, evicted
      4. Monet, evicted
      5. Annie, evicted
      6. Lane
      7. Kristen, evicted
      8. Ragan
      9. Britney
      10. Hayden
      11. Brendon, evicted
      12. Rachel (I hate her, but 2 HOHS), evicted
      13. Matt, evicted

      Top 3 competitors evicted?


      Are still left in the game. 9 and 8 have slim chances of one making it or more the less both making it to the finals. Hayden could very well go to the end, but he’ll likely be facing 1 or 6.

      That’s alot being said figuring 5/13 house guests have won HOH. Out of that 5, 3 have been eliminated. Four people have won 2 HOHs, the only person left in the house who has is Hayden. If Matt hadn’t have thrown the HOH it would have more than likely been him having the third HOH and still being in the house, meaning 4 houseguests would’ve won HOH this season.


    • Enzo should win the next hoh and open pandoras box realease him clothed and then it releases Brendon back in the house to play without being allowed to go on the block that week! That would be great!! I remember one season they brought someone back into the game!

  120. wow… can’t stand hayden. please big brother tell britt and regan and every jury member hayden won 5gs and a vacation! please let every jury member kno enzo, hayden and lane were in a alliance with matt and tell them they put all the blame on matt. please out those losers so they wont win.

    • Enzo is the most likely candidate to spill the beans about Hayden’s prizes. If he feels at all threatened by Hayden he will be meow-meowing in Brit’s and Ragan’s ears… If he feels Lane is a threat, he will enlighten Brit as to Lane’s true nature… The biggest threat to the Floater Alliance now is the scairdy cat in the penguin suit… Whether I continue to watch or not depends on how disgusting the carnage gets… Can’t stomach much more of this…

      • Remember that Regan told Matt that he aware of a possible alliance between M/E/H/L..which Matt did not admit to be a member of..he skirted the issue..Matt told Hayden who told Enzo..(None of these peeps know how to keep their mouth shut)..But Regan does know and if he wants to or needs Brittney on his side he will tell her..

  121. Do you think the people left in the house have a clue on how much the general public out there DESPISE them?

    I doubt they do…

  122. tickle me enzo was demanding a standing O if/when he gets evicted…does that answer your question MM

  123. all of you who say you won’t watch again, get real, we will all be back. lol. there is something about watching possibly normal adults show their dark side. It makes all of us feel better.

    • That’s why I watcht the whole season. From almost the get-go, I didn’t like anybody this season – I was actually shocked when people around here kept saying they had favorites in the game! But the sociological aspect of the game always intrigued me, and this season was no exception.

      So, although I made no secret about my general disdain over anything directly related to BB12, I had no problem making fun of its sad excuse for HGs, that’s for damn sure! :)

      • MM right you are and \judy didn’t you say earlier on a post you were done with this and not watching anymore…or am I confusing you with sooooo many others…if so sorry about that.

    • @Judy – in this case, how LAZY these people are, but more so at least the Bore-Gade!!

      -Joey* Ơ̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴͡

  124. in haydens denfense he has won hoh twice now regan 2 povs, britt 2 povs and 1 hoh… 2 real floaters left in the house meow meow and the beast

  125. Let’s make some suggestions to BB so that we do not have a repeat of this season.

    My first suggestion is to treat BB like NASA and have a back-up team. That way when you realize half way through the season that the cast sucks, you give them a couple of grand each and send them all home. Then, bring in team B and have double evictions for the rest of the season.

    Your turn.

    • my suggestion to CBS/production is to STAY THE HELL OUT OF THE GAME & let the hgs fight it out.

      no more rigging comps & no more telling hgs what the others are planning.

      thank u very much.

  126. Enzo was released from being a have-not and no mention of any penalty…I guess the rules didn’t apply to him. That’s just wrong.

    • OK, seriously, he must have sent his ‘Jersey’s friends’ to have a ‘discussion’ with the producers… I mean, this is truly ridiculous!

    • Did Enzo cheat and eat something? I heard he did, That is wrong if they did nothing about that and a good player left tonight (Brendon). Brittany should have left, she is a selfish person,