Big Brother 12: Week 6 PoV Ceremony Results – Spoilers

Power of Veto

The Power of Veto Ceremony is over in the Big Brother 12 house and arguments are sure to follow with the eviction just days away. Crank up your live feeds (New to the feeds? Free Trial is still available) and watch the HGs scramble to save themselves and secure votes. Keep reading to reveal Big Brother Spoilers for what happened today at the Veto Ceremony.

Ragan, the winner of this week’s PoV, obviously used the Veto. Brendon named Matt as his replacement nomination. The Diamond Power of Veto will definitely be used by Matt and we’re expecting it on Thursday’s live show.

If Matt discovers the Brigade’s betrayal before then will he use it to renom one of his former alliance members? Anything is possible, but don’t miss a minute of it!

What do you think? Which of these two will be evicted on Thursday’s live show: Matt or Lane? Now a different question: Who should Matt renom with the DPOV?

Off-topic side note: Anyone else excited for the return of Survivor 2010? Ashli Rae has posted some early spoilers being leaked on the new season.

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  1. I want Matt to use the Diamond Power of Veto and put up two brigade members. So Lane and Enzo. Enzo is a floater and he has been throwing Matt under the bus. I would love to see him go. However, Matt remains loyal to the Brigade and will put up Kathy in his place. See ya, Sheriff.

  2. Just wondering if he can use the DPOV on Brendon..I don’t remember in the rules of the DPOV that he couldn’t use it on the HOH because it’s the holder of the DPOV that gets to choose the replacement nom.

  3. I agree – I think he will use it on himself and then nominate Kathy – He needs Britney there for his alliance with her and Ragan

  4. Neither one will leave Matt will take himself off and he will put up either Britney or Kathy and Lane will stay safe. It would be the perfect back door suprise.

    • matt? how do you know that pov cant be used for brendon? just curiouse? do you have a rule book?
      i believe and someone corect me if im wrong julie said the diamond pov could be used on anyone in the house?
      including hoh and previous nominees? (ragan)
      we will see tommorow night what happens i guess..

  5. This totally stinks BUT Matt will def have to win HOH next week to ensure safety bc once the Brigade sees what he has, they will be done! I hope he replaces with a strong player and not weak Kathy, he needs to make it worth using! I still want to see Regan Lane Enzo or Hayden do more and make being this far worth it and not floaters!

  6. I am with you Mary he should put up enzo he is doing a lot of talk but not doing anything in the games.He will probably put up Kathy or Brit I wish it would be Kathy she is just floating her way in the game all the way.Brit is going to be doing some talk about Matt in the house and that may hurt her.

  7. He is using it on him self (unfortunately) I think there is a greater chance that he will put up Kathy than Brit because he can use Brit more than he can use Kathy plus Brit is more like him (will do anything to get the money). Kathy would only be useful for voting purposes. If this goes down, I hope Enzo or Hayden get HOH and get rid of him next week. But this is just my dream, I’m sure it won’t go down like that….lol.

  8. Yes! Step one is a success! Now Matt just has to replace himself with either Enzo or Hayden and then I’ll be happy.

  9. why does Matt get to say anything about “a power”,… that is using what he already knows as leverage to get the other house guest to stay with him,….. when he goes to use it, BB should play the conversation he had with Hayden and pull the DPOV from him.

  10. I wonder if matt will go against the brigades wishes and nominate kathy instead of britney. If he does then the brigade definitely won’t trust him and if he doesn’t then he risks the solid alliance he has with brittney and ragan. Either way this is wonderful!!!!

  11. I think matts going to put Kathy up. Shes the only logical person for him to be thinking right now. He wont nominate the brigade cuz he thinks there on his side, and i have a hard time seeing him nominating brit. Seriously though i was so angry last night with ragan and his sab announcement of ther still being 2 people that know eachother. I WAS WAITING FOR HIM TO SAY SECRET ALLIANCE!!! I want the brigade running scared already THEY ARENT DOIN ANYTHING

  12. It is really hard to judge Kathy, who does not like matt or enzo, who may have turned on Matt.
    Turncoats hang.
    The mafia kills traitors…honor and discipline demand it.

  13. Then again there are a couple of days before live eviction so I’m sure he will see where people stand with him. This is great! The most excitement yet, to me. I have a feeling the Brigade won’t be the same by the end of this week. Plus, I can’t say for sure who is going home. The game has been so predictable thus far.

  14. I say everybody suggest that he tell the house theres a secret alliance and that he is in it, then the brigade will tear each other apart simple

  15. I am not really sure who he will nominate. He has grown kind of close to Brittney and Ragan, not sure about Kathy though. I would like to have seen Matt leave this week, but that isn’t gonna happen unless there is a double eviction and gets put out that way. hmmm..I still haven’t chosen who I think should be in the final 2 yet of who I think should win, honestly I don’t think any of them should win. Enzo & Lane can’t win anything, which is why they jumped into an alliance so quickly. Brendon I think is underestimated and if Hayden, Enzo and Brendon would actually stick together they could easily make it to the final 3

  16. Well I assumed Matt would have to use the DPOV right at the Veto Ceremony. Guess I was wrong, it’s totally unfair to his replacement nominee to have no chance to pack their bags, campaign for themselves or create a speech.

    You guys underestimate what an unscrupulous backstabber Matt can be… Since the Brigade has turned om him, I’m pretty sure he’s ready to turn on them as well.

  17. I hope Matt noms either Enzo or Hayden. They keep stating Kathy is the weakest link, but they have done as much as she has NOTHING! Especially Enzo I mean meow meow, what a joke LOL

  18. As long as Matt doesn’t nominate Britney, I’ll be happy. I hope he realizes that the Brigade is gunning for him now.

  19. What if Matt thinks he is a safe bet and uses it to save Lane (to show loyalty to brigade) and then they would definitely vote his lying butt out!!!

    Or get rid of the tough players….Brit would need to go as she has proven she can win when she needs to!!

  20. Regardless if you like Matts style of play or not he appears to be smart. I can see him talking to Brendan about why he was nominated and Brendan telling him about all those who wanted him to be put on the block. That could hurt the Brigade.

  21. Its gonna be crazy to see eeveryone’s expression after dpov is used…

    i would LOVE for Matt to nominate britney, wipe that smirk off her face…that way we won’t have to hear her crying crying crying…

  22. So much for Brendan playing his own game. He did what Roachel wanted. I hope Matt realizes that his buds are idiots and put up Enzo or Hayden then align with Brit and Ragan. Wow Brendan all that work at the HOH comp just to take out Kathy.

  23. Even know Brendon is HOH can Matt put him up??? I hope so that would be the smart thing to do..

  24. @ Anna B, he can’t tell them about his power. They can’t tell him to put up anybody because they don’t know he can.

  25. i am sure rachel had a little to do with brendons choice to put up matt…

    but enzo and hayden had a hand in it, and i am sure production is in DR telling him to put matt up, so dpov could be used

  26. Matt still needs votes. He will replace himself with Kathy, no reason to get his hands dirtier.

    This way when he wins HOH, he still has 3 votes and maybe Ragan’s to evict Brit or Bren.

    The game is over for anyone but Matt and Ragan.

    BB clearly has its favorites and those 2 is who BB chose.

    PS…everyone knows that Matt was on Average Joe and made it to final 3 guys in that show.

  27. i think matt has a 0% chance of winning this game, if he stays with the brigade and makes to finals with any of them, he will lose. if he turns on the brigade and is in final 2 with brit or regan, the brigade will vote against matt

  28. Matt will definitely use the DPOV and I can’t wait to see 1st the look on Brendon’s face since his reign will have been for NOTHING and 2nd the look on everyone elses faces when they realize what is happening and they can’t scramble to tell him who to put up. And YES Matt will fight very hard for HOH next week since he can’t rely on the three stooges for anything. There will DEFINITELY be drama in the house and we don’t even need Roachal. Is it Thursday yet?!

  29. This is the do or die week for Matt. This will test his brains.

    Either he figures out that the Brigade has flipped on him and he makes the noms Lane/Hayden or he renoms Britney and eliminates one of his potential allies against the Brigade/Brendon. In the first scenario, I could see Ragan/Matt/Britney doing pretty well. In the second scenario, Ragan and Matt are the next to go.

  30. I would love for Matt to find out that he is being thrown under the bus by his so called brigade buddies, bunch of idiots, then put up loud mouthed Enzo, who along with Hayden, are floating through this game. But, I think Matt will put up Kathy, all of the sudden she is up Brendon’s butt. Should be interesting.

  31. Enzo is getting my nerves…Just getting to me a little bit more day by day. When Rachel was in the house for 24 hours, he made such a big deal about Brit saying he was the Sab…Why oh why? Then he proceded to call her a C***…I was pretty disgusted with him…
    Just wondering why these people dont see HIM as a floater???

  32. Why don’t we just fast-forward to Finals nite and vote Matt winner of BB12?

    How does BB give coup d etat to Jeff and follow that up with DPOV to Matt?

  33. I hope he put up Enzo whether he knows of the betrayal or not. Because he already thinks Enzo is self serving dead weight.

  34. matt needs to put up Enzo and let him go googly eyed… Enzo has won nothing and is a burden to everyone in the house

  35. I used to like the brigade and thought they were doing a great job of keeping their alliance a secret….now I just can’t stand Enzo and Hayden. And Brendon? What a moron!! It is sooo obvious that they are sucking up to him because he is HOH. Now that they are turning on Matt (???? really smart idiots, considering he has won 2 HOH’s and is loyal to the brigade). Enzo is a moron, he doesn’t win comps, he is two faced and he does not deserve the money. Brit, Regan and Matt are the only smart people on the show – one of them needs to win!! yay for brains (not foe brains like Brendon and Rachel)

  36. In order to save face with his “brigade,” Matt should use the DPOV to remove Lane from the block (leaving himself on) and nominate someone (Britney or Kathy) who he is mostly assured his brigade-members will vote out (as they will be grateful he has saved Lane for the moment; they do need to approach Brendon as a unit).

  37. Brendon will most likely have a chance to be HOH again next week. This happen to Chima last year, but she got a chance to play in the next HOH comp after the Coup D’Etat was used last year. So it could be Brendon two weeks in a row.

  38. Usually 2 things happen when you open pandora’s box, rachel coming back was one, was there another??

  39. Don’t assume Kathy is going home. Matt can’t tell them about his power and I’m sure they will show their true colors since they think its done deal. I love it too. I’m so sick of that Brigade crap. Brendon is going to tell him about the Brigade turning on him (hopefully) and the game will definitely change. Good choice Brendon putting Lane up there because now we will see the Brigade split. :)

  40. Kitty Kat paws, Average Joe was a short-lived reality show on NBC. I think it might have aired 2005 or 2006. It was where a beautiful girl would date geeky guys or in this case, an Average Joe.

    It must have been 2006, b/c Matt said he met his wife Stacy 18 months ago.

    Anyway the same theme as Bachelorette, where the girl would eliminate the guys.

  41. After Thursday, all alliances will most likely no longer exist. This will be mainly because Matt will be revealing what he actually got from Pandora’s box instaed of the lousy $1 he claims. The rest of the brigade will see that as him lying to them, even if he explains why he could not tell them about it. They were going to dump him and this will just add fuel to the fire in their eyes. Look for Brendan, Hayden and Enzo to team up. Matt, Ragan and Britney will team up, possibly with Kathy if she remains in house. Lane, if he stays, will be torn between loyalty to Haydon and Enzo and to Britney. Anybody’s guess as to where he ends up. Brendan could possibly be staying in the house a lot longer than anyone expects – carrying out his revenge…

  42. oh and yea Matt was on Average Joe, a bachelor type reality show, that is why i never liked him, thought he was on bb just bc he wants to be a reality star…

  43. once the brigade (and everyone else for that matter) finds out that one of their “alliance buddies” has been sitting on a secret for the past two weeks . . . . . um, you can go ahead and stick a fork in Matt, cause he’s done come Thursday.

  44. I agree with Rory, if Matt uses DPOV, Brendon will be able to play in next HOH.

    However, just like Chima last year, Bren will be so upset that Matt stays, he will not be up to winning.

  45. Brenden did promise Brittany he would not put her up or back door her this eviction. I like Brenden without Rachel more than before. Is it me or does he seem happier with the other BB guests than when he was with Rachel? He’s not my favorite but he not the worst either.

  46. I don’t understand why the brigade is planning to get rid of the only member in their group that wins something. Enzo, never came close to winning a competition and talks too much. Hayden won because of a split second decision at the end of the first hoh competition. Lane didn’t really win anything either but he definitely is a good competitor and isn’t really gunning for matt. But those two, I just don’t understand them and I really don’t think they’d want matt as an enemy.

  47. @Keira. I doubt it since he will in the end be saving a Brigade member too. Unless he gets smart and puts up Enzo or Hayden.

  48. I’mmmmmmmmmmmm back. For awhile I couldn’t get into the site, but, thanks Matt, your suggestion, thru Ashley worked. I think the BB house is collapsing on itself, everybody turning against everybody, but it’s interesting. Too bad that Ragan won the veto, I can’t stand that guy. Don’t know why Lane was nominated. Should have been Britney, I think. What a bunch of A– kissing turncoats.

  49. MAtt will know her is toast with the brigsde by the eviction ceremony. If Matt toasts Kathy then it is
    Matt Ragan Lane Britney
    Bendon, enzo Hayden
    if he toasts Hayden, a strong player
    It is Enzo, weak, Kathy, weak and Brendon, aligned with floaster and slackers who he claims to despise, yet are the only ones who even pretend to like him

    Against Mat, Ragan Lane and Britney

    Hayden is the boldest choice as replacement nominee, he is well liked in the house and here
    BUT well liked does not win 1/2 million.
    Mac iavellian real politick does

  50. I sure wish Matt did not have the DPOV and was voted out but unfortunately that is not going to happen. I hope he replaces himself with that spoiled brat Britney. She needs to go. All she does is play with her nasty bleached hair and bite at her fingers. Oh and she never has a normal conversation…all she does is talk crap about Brendon and Rachel. It’s getting old!!!

  51. Anyone actually know, if Matt uses the DPoV to remove one or two of the people on the block, does the current HoH get to play in the upcoming HoH contest on Thursday or does Brendan have to sit out still?

  52. lf are boring right now…..Brendon is asleep in HOH, Kathy is asleep somewhere else in the house and the rest of the hg are sitting around sprewing words every once in awhile……and I paid for this!!!!!!!

    No drama after the POV cer. Matt is cool as a cucumber and that should be a clue to the rest of them….

  53. All his hard work wasn’t for nothing because a lot can happen in three days. Plus, the fact that The Brigade were willing to trade Matt in for Brendon shows that their alliance was weak from the beginning. The Brigade is done after this week. I hope Brit starts running her mouth, maybe give Matt a reason to send her packing.

  54. Brenden: Picks his nose
    Ragan: The fart master
    Matt: Can not keep his hands out of his pants
    Enzo: Hands in pants and picks his nose
    Hayden: Quit picking at your zit
    Kathy: So far up Brenden’s butt, I hope she can find her way out
    Lane: Great eye candy
    Brittany: Bites her nails and play’s with her hair
    I would rather see Brittany do what she does than most of what the others are doing.

  55. Matt needs to put Enzo up. He is just floating from one side to the other. No HOH or POV. Good Bye Enzo

  56. I don’t see why Brendon would be allowed to play for HOH because he can only nominate one not two like Jeff did.
    The second bad thing was bringing the sabo back in the game.
    Please put up Enzo. I’m so done with him.
    They shouldn’t blame Matt for the DPOV because he isn’t allowed to tell anyone. Would they give that up to be true to their alliance? No way.

  57. I don’t think its worth it to him to talk about it. Both, because he needs to see who really wants him in house plus if he does talk about it then he will go home. It would be dumb for him to lead anybody to believe that he has some special power.

  58. Enzo needs to go. All he does is run around saying “meow meow” and talking about who he wants evicted, but he never does anything to back it up (such as winning a competition).

  59. Britney and Ragan are in all seriousness the 2 most repulsive human beings I have ever viewed….And don’t think for 1 second they are not exactly as you see them in this house when they are outside this house….

  60. When Brendon puts up Matt the HG will be in for a surprise on Thurs when he stands up and takes himself off the block and putโ€™s up ?????
    During the next few days hopefully Matt will find’s out that all is not with the Brigade and himself. I believe that Matt is already starting to wonder as he just asked the “B” “How deep are you guys in with Brendon! Faces and response was PRICESSLESS. :)

  61. @Rory, let’s hope not, That would be tragic. the whole objective is to get Brendon out of the house and send his tacky classless behind to the jury house to rut with its stripper mate, vegas baby

  62. Come on Matt baby put up Enzo…I am trying to give him a mental suggestion come on Enzo bad Brittany good, Enzo bad Brittany good. Go home Enzo.

  63. Bottom line Enzo gone unlessthere is a very good reason, Matt is the next hoh and then brendon is gone.

  64. Finally made it back, well I am not surprised that Ragan took himself off the block. DUH! Nor am I surprised that Matt was the replacement. So IF he is privy to the Brigade tossing him under the bus then he would be smart to take himself off an put up another brigade (ENZO) so as to weaken that whole thing, ORRR if he isnt then he will replace himself with Kathy Im still not sure if he has the choice to remove 1 or both nominees, I guess if he wanted to insure his safety with the Brigade he would remove himself and Lane an replace with Kathy/Brit Im just tossing that out there as I said I am not sure if its just one or both. But busting them (brogade) up and forcing the house to re allign itself would be fun to watch. HMMMM

  65. I do not understand why anyone has not figured out the alliance with the brigade?!
    With Rachel gone they all seem more annoying to me now that she is not around driving everyone nuts.
    I think Matt unfortunately will win in the end. he is the only one who can win comps AND has a brain…kinda.
    Brendan has potential…lets see if he can ride out the storm of his loves drama trail she left behind.

  66. The day Brenden goes away, will be the best day in this season. Just an awful awful person. Has the emotional maturity of an 8 year old. I really feel for anyone that has to deal with him in real life. Pathetic really.

  67. @ aoyam… I agree. Espiecially Brit, she has proved herself to be a tacky, immature person since day one. Hope she goes to the jury house this week so Rachel can laugh in her face.

  68. Bottom line Enzo gone unlessthere is a very good reason, Matt is the next hoh and then brendon is gone.
    Cry havok and let slip the dogs of war

  69. Of course matt will take himself off the block. I soooooooooooooooooo hope he puts that little scank Britney up! Please! I can’t look at that witch anymore! What she says about both Rachel and Brendon are true about herself. Look in the mirror Britney, that’s if it holds up and doesn’t break! You and Ragan have got to go!!! Please go away! Talk about disgusting and vile! Thatโ€™s the two of you. Also, just so you’ll know, you looked like a total fool marking Brendon. The only reason you did was because you felt safe with lane there. You’re not cool Britney, the word is fool! Hey, the lip job really fit in for that marking incident, you do look like a damn monkey with those lips. So, if it canโ€™t be Matt that goes home, please let it be Britney!

  70. when will HG really TRY to win comps–only Brendon, Matt, & finally Ragan even try–oh forgot about Britten and POV–but she never uses it—too much talking and too little effort–should be some penalty for throwing comps

  71. With all these questions, the chenbot needs to be reprogrammed to bemore informative.
    While we are at it can we program some humor in it.
    This is meaningful because we follow the freaking show and these questions can easily be outlined in thescript or posted online.
    We do not have to waste time guessing.
    Les, please, we are a lot more intelligent than u give us credit for . This really surprised yo 3 times, this is insignificant, but soon you will have the fourth surprise

  72. Torch- Thanks I wasnt sure so we shall see if Matty is as smart as he beleives himself to be. I am anxious to see the look on the HG’s faces when he stands up and reveals the DPOV. Its that stage in the game where new alliances have to be made new deals struck and burying the hatchet in some cases who will be with who now. And ummm I know Lane and Brit are pretending they are just buddies but why do I see them as 2 grade school kids hitting and pulling hair cause they actually like one another and perhaps after they are out of the house will be hooking up LOL.. 3 showmances this year 4 counting the 4 way BRO mance happening but thats about to fizzle out too LOL..

  73. are there penalties for the HGs?? read something in previous updates about penalties–at one time Rachel and others, forgot who, were in stockades—never read why–any one know????

  74. I just hope when Matt was called to the DR that they don’t pull the DPOV from him. He was told not to talk about it and he was mentioning to Hayden that there might be a power out there that may save him. I wonder how the producer will handle this. I would like him to keep it and then throw Enzo on the block because Enzo is all talk and no action. He tied Kathy in the HOH rope competition-how pathetic.

  75. Can anyone tell me what Brendan got from Pandora’s Box? Im also curious if Matt uses the DPOV (which he will) does that mean Brendan will be alowed to compete in the next HOH competition, kinda like the Coup de tat or whatever it was when Chima was HOH?

  76. Hmm,

    I think Matt will put up Kathy–leaving her out of the house. I do like the Bridgade, yet Enzo is really annoying and a major slacker. I hope Lane doesn’t go home–I love him! Hopefully Matt doesn’t put up Britt–she will really go far in this game I think…she has won several POVs and is really funny to watch/listen to( I loved when she mocked Brendan’s walk, haha)

    PS.SOO glad Rachel is gone–she is an annoying gross betchhh!

  77. Wow!! That would have been a good move by Brendon had Matt not have the DPOV but none the less still a smart move…At this point I’m not sure who Matt will put up to replace him. My hope is that he WONT put up Kathy just cause that would be boring. I say save the weak link till the end.And get rid of Britney or Enzo.

  78. I hope he did lose it for his loose lips he should never have said anything about a power

  79. Forgot to mention….BB awarding the DPOV to Matt at that particular point of time in the game was ridiculously unfair…It is becoming far to clear that BB Production has they’re own agenda and are determined to make it happen…So much for an objective game…I’m pretty certain they’ve lost me after this season…It’s become just way too obvious…

  80. Purrfect, Rachel, Monet, Brendon, and someone else had to go to stockade following the POV which Brit won. They were trying to time being in the Stock Exchange for 1 hour. Brit dropped first and won, then Enzo. The last 4 HGs had to stay in stocks for the time they stayed past an hour….

  81. not winning competitions= strategy. look at those who have consistently won HOH: Rachel is gone and Matt would be gone if it weren’t for the DPOV. Enzo usually finishes middle of pack. you call it a floater but look at Jordan last year, she rode coat tails to the finals and really had no dirt on her hands so she got votes.

  82. I really think Matt should take the next three days to see who The Birgade is willing to fight harder to stay Lane or Matt and when Matt figures out that they are talking to Lane more than Matt he should put one of the other Birgade members up! I think Matt could really use this to see where he stands with his “final 4 crew”

  83. i cannot believe Brendon put Matt up. I really wish it had been Britney – Brendon winning the HOH was a total waste, no one he wanted gone will be gone this week. ..that’s if Matt puts up Kathy. If Matt does indeed put up Britney, then that’s a different story. Besides that , i really hate how two faced most of these players are. I don’t understand their game play with throwing others under the bus to please the others, i mean c’mon, I think it’d be better game play for the player just to suck up their feelings and keep their mouths shut, rather than spitting out every little thing to other houseguests. – But i guess that’s what makes “good tv”.

    Anyway. GO LANE (:

  84. @Damage That is a good question, I doubt he will be able to Compete in the next HOH…When Jeff used his special pov did that hoh get to compete…I am guessing it would be the same rules as it was then.?

  85. Love that Brendon put up Matt. Hope he knows about the Brigade kicking him under the bus and puts up Enzo. I thought I liked him for a while but now he is really getting on my nerves. He’s up Brendon’s a** along with Hayden. I’m no prude but does every other word out of his mouth have to start with an “F”. He’s a disgrace to all my Italian relatives. PLEASE Matt find out about him and Hayden and put up ENZO.

  86. typical and expected,
    of course bb put matt up otherwise the drama wouldnt happen when he didnt use the diamond POV, can people not see the writting on the wall(its called a script)

  87. I’ve got the iphone app, but I’m not getting push notifications anymore. Can anyone tell me how to fix this? Thanks.

  88. @Granny forget about it, if Matt finds out he will send Enzo or Hayden on the block for sure.

  89. Uh-oh. Looks like Matt has to pick a side. I’d prefer him to side with Lane, Britney, and Ragan. Just because Brit and Ragan have played really well in the comps. Will make for better watching.

  90. Matt deserves to kick a Brigade member out since they are totally worthless. They are still taking about letting either Regan or Britney winning next week so either one of them would put Brendon up. They are so concerned about getting jury house votes that they be lucky to get one as a floater.

  91. god i hope land doesnt go home, hes soo freekin funny! i loved the minni fan bit. haha. i hope kathy finaly goes home, becuase i feel that she is just, well, there, not doing a darn thing. shes there to meet ppl, and eat. god GO HOME KATHY!

  92. Steve, I think that Matt can replace only one nominee. If he decides to use the DPOV on Lane then he is the one to nominate Lane’s replacement in which case Matt remains as the other nominee. Or, he can use the DPOV on himself and nominate his replacement and then the nominees are Lane and Matt’s replacement. Matt has to be as brainless as he is morally bankrupt to use the DPOV on anybody but himself. Personally, I wish he were as brainless…

  93. Looking at Enzon he seems to tell people what to do and at the same time keep his hands clean.He and Hayden lied to Rachel,[a rehearsed lie]. Why aren’t the weak people weeded out and sent home.? I know that this is a game and only one person can win. If I was asked who do I want to win I would vote for the person who won a game and not rode on someone coat-tail. If Kathy,Enzon and Lane are waiting to show us what they got[If they have anything] then they better hurry up. The game will be over soon.

  94. kayla….You are so right….Brendon has completely blown it….Unwittingly so..Which again makes me question BB Production and the DPOV….btw the saboteur is a complete bust..Incredibly lame

  95. I just want to say this, everyone whos complaining about the flaoters, every season their are floaters. Its a good strategy not winning comps and trying to fly under teh radar, if there were only a couple of people doing it this season people would be saying that it was a good move, teh issue is that strategy doesnt work when the majority of the house tries to do it. Alot of people classify flaoters as peole who dont win chalenges, by that definition you could call Doctor Will a floater, one of the best players Bb has ever had and he maybe won one hoh over 2 seasons? this season was more of a casting fault then anything getting too many people who were gonna use the exact same strategy. On a side note, can anyone come up with a scenario which lane goes home this week?

  96. wow! go matt!! i wish he could put brenda up and blindside her big toe!! matt was totally asking for it, to be put up on the block so that he could use the dpov for dramatic effect!! the biggest disappointment this season is seeing enzo and hayden’s true colors, sucking up to brenda and talking smack about everyone..i used to like both of them and always wished them well, but now they show how skeevy they are!! true ‘dat!

  97. WOW. I really hope Matt discovers the betrayal and nominates Enzo up. I really want to see the brigade blow up thanks to Enzo’s paranoia.

  98. The DPOV is a joke because of how Matt got it It was just really lucky and had no consequences due to the fact that the sab was pointless. It should have been amaericas choice…

  99. Once Matt uses his DPOV can he then say put Ragan back up? Is he able to select anyone or just Hay, Enzo, Kat, Brit, Ray. It would make it more interesting to be able to select anyone there, even the current HOH. Sometimes I wonder if BB has a show planned or makes it happen as each day passes, yep, the later.

  100. i dont want to see Lane to go home, and Matt we all know he is going to use the DPOV its the only thing that will save his little butt. so matt isnt going home just yet. i say Brendon puts up Kathy to take Matt’s place and that will keep Lane safe. I’m sure thats going to happen now that Brendon is trying to get some people on his side.

  101. They all know everything, the producers are just rigging it even more than usual from the diary room.
    The producers were shown to be even more stupid than they thought America was when the saboteur was evicted on week 1.
    Big brother really is an intense, socially concentrated game.
    I also despise dr. will, to win bb you have to be exceptionally good at being two faced.
    If Enzo survives this week he has a really good shot at being the winner, He stabbed a fellow brigade member in the back and is not evicted on principle.
    Enzo has the qualityknowing how to get along modulate, know the degree of emotion know when to be honest and when to lie, to perform. Got to make these type of people lose their cool.

  102. I hope Matt is tipped off about his back-stabbing “bros” and replaces himself with one of them…preferably Enzo!
    Matt, Britney, and Ragen are by far the smartest players in the house! But secrets can screw even the best of players!

  103. Oh, I know. I was hoping he wouldn’t have to use this stupid power, cause he’ll gain a huge target…

  104. hopefully matt would put kathy up and align with brit ragan lane that would be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! sick of enzo talks just too much the only comp he may win would be for talking too much in the house. lets go matt put kathy up would love for him to put enzo up there but i dont think he would do that.i can wish!!!!!!!!!!

  105. But I only want him around long enough for Britney to benefit. I think Matt’s smart, but he’s a cocky little weasel!

  106. i hope they do take his power away. he has been cocky for 2 weeks now and he need’s to be brought down a couple of notches.

    also have quite enjoyed reading the post’s today MATT. Seems like people are respcecting this wonderful outlet you have provided us with to debate the bb game.

  107. heck yeah he will, then people will stop focusing on Brendon and go after Matt because of the DPOV.

  108. thats it im done , the show is fixed production has a hand in on what happens who goes on the block and so on britney should be out because when she saw brendon one day cooking bacon on the stove she said โ€œ i hope the oil splashes up and hits him in the face and blinds him and disfigures himโ€ on another time britney said she wishes death on brendon, cbs if this is the kind of person you want on your show than bb should be taken off the air ,and if people like britney than that tells you about our society today and it also tells you its ok for this to go on and teaches our kids its ok…. well its not okay, if britney stays on the show than its an ebarrassment to eveyone.

  109. If Matt is as smart as he say’s he is, then he will put up britney, Britney is a bigger threat to him than kathy, If britney wins HOH, or Matt, then brendon is going up, with who ever is left. which is ragan, enzo, lane, hayden, or britney or matt, depending on who win’s HOH, The proble with putting up brendon is he just might win POV comp. If he does, then here’s the peoblem who do you put up? Brendon’s safe as the POV winner, So that would leave,

    1. Matt, ragan, enzo, lane, hayden – britney HOH

    2. britney, ragan, enzo, lane, hayden – matt HOH

    Matt needs to send britney out this week, and keep kathy, then you have someone to put up, and not have to worry about them winning POV, No the smart move is to put britney up, but I don’t think that Matt is as smart as he think’s he is.

  110. the HG’s are already noticing that Matt is not freaked out about being up on the block and he the see that he seems conflint that he isnt going home. he is already losing.

  111. I am really disappointed at how this season has gone! It has sucked royally! I dislike how Matt got such a strong power that will make a BIG change in the game, when Reagan hasn’t really done anything as saboteur. Reagan has been useless as saboteur!! I am sure Matt will use the DPOV and he will then put up Kathy and Britney! It will suck if either one of them goes home because they don’t deserve to be blindsided by Matt! I hope something happens so that Matt will not be able to use the DPOV.

  112. Okay, so someone please tell me… Does ANYONE know if Matt can use the DPOV on Brenda????? Now, THAT would make for great tv!

  113. I think brendon got to have rachel come back but the twist was he was in lock down while she was there and he could not see her.

  114. as i see it the house is split into pairs and this will be a major tell tell week for the hg’s. will matt conitue to play it safe and use the dpov (if he still can) put kathy up and keep both of his alliances together? if he replaces himself with anyone else the other aliance will know he played them this entire time and played them well.

  115. Someone raised a good point, what did Brendon get for opening the box? We will find out on Wed.

    Although I would like for Matt to put up Enzo or Hayden, right now he intends to put up Brit. Why else would he make a point of telling her to campaign to get him (Matt) on the block? So that he could later claim that the reason he put Brit up was she betrayed him.

    If Matt discovers that he has been betrayed by the Brigade (do your stuff production), then out goes Hayden, Enzo or Lane.

  116. @ 50
    No he can’t use it on Brendan because he is HOH, and he can’t use it Reagan because he won the regular POV. His choices are Enzo, Hayden, Kathy, and Britney.

  117. I hope Matt waits till after the votes to use the DPOV and the house has to do a last min re-vote would love to see every ones face if that happened…

  118. Soory A, but matt get to name who goes up in his place,

    Hi bb12cg, how you doing, still saying that the show is rigged, Just because thae show doesn’t go the way yuou think it should doesn’t mean it’s rigged, bet you still that BB changed sweet little britney’s goodbye speech to rachel, Any I like reading what you have to say, You make it fun to be on the site!! along with mightymad, CT and the rest.

  119. IF, and again i say IF, the HOH can be put up – matt will choose brendon.
    ( sorry Mighty Mad.. i’m still not convinced the HOH is safe) :)

    if not, i hope it’s enzo.

  120. Lane better stay in the house or I am going to freak out! I hope either Britney , Kathy or Enzo go home. Enzo use to be one of my faves but he’s a major floater in this game and he doesnt put enough effort to win any comps he is by far the weakest competitor in the BB house because he really showed it in the Hoh competiion so anyway Go Lane!!! you can win this whole thing! :)

  121. #s 34 & 46…..Very True…..Just try and imagine what the majority of this group would do if you were talking about really serious money..Say 5 or 10 million..My guess is..literally ANYTHING

  122. My hope is and has been that Britney goes!!!
    Matt will not have the balls to put up Enzo or Hayden Even after he finds out they back stabbed him…


  124. I think next season BB13 should be all Houseguests with BS degrees in Psychology. What a head game that would be.

  125. Matt is so confident about staying that I think he looks forward to using the DPOV for dramatic effect (and possibly reinforcing his loyalties to Brit-Ra & Brig if he names Kathy and, subsequently, sends her to JH).
    True: Brit is a threat to him but I don’t see him putting her up this week b/c that would alienate Lane (since Kathy is available) and would only leave him with Ragan’s & Kathy’s votes to count on IF he wins HoH next…His thinking might be that Enz/Hay/Lane will be all 3 be pissed if he sends home Kathy.
    Maybe conversations with Brig this week will assure him that Enz/Hay would support Brit leaving though?
    Unless he & Lane keep sweet-talking each other about how the other 2 Brigs “don’t understand” their closeness with Brit-Ra….Then maybe he/Lane bolt & take Brit-Ra to Final 4 and (if Matt gets a bad feeling about Enzo) Matt might put up Enzo. BUT he would (I think) have to really feel betrayed to do that this week. Lane would have Brit-Ra-Matt votes to stay regardless. Matt might cut the head off the SA of Enz/Hay/Bren before they can do same to his SA. I think it could happen.

  126. Yeah I agree. Britney is pretty slick to be able to escape the block this week. I for sure thought Brendan would put her up because of the fights last week. He had played the game so personal up until this point. When he finally made a strategic decision to put Matt up; it isn’t going to work because of the DPOV!!

  127. The DPOV gives the holder the power to take anyone off the block, and name the replacement.

    It does not override the rules of replacement. It it not “all powerful – do anything you want”.

    Therefore, Brendon and Ragan are safe.

    Unless someone tells Matt that the Brigade (especially Enzo) is out to get him, then Matt would never use it on one of them and give up an alliance and have to hope he can form one with the remaining houseguests.

    So, his choices are Kathy and Brit.

    He will have no time to talk to people after he uses it to ensure votes or explain himself, so he will not use it on Britney. If he did, he risks alienating Lane and causing a rift in the Brigade (which, he still thinks is solid).

    That leaves Kathy as his only choice.

    She will leave this week. No question. (unless BB production steps in)

  128. Im still praying that there’s a possibility that Matt can use the DPOV and use it on Brendon. (they said he can replace anyone>>> Just like the Coupe de tat)

  129. i personally think matt will take himself off and put up kathy, because she is sure to go home, and that leaves everyone in the house still after brendon. maybe he’ll put britney up, but i don’t know. and regardless of what the rest of the brigade thinks i know matt will do whatever he wants to do.

  130. Question ; i see a lot of posts saying that the brigade would be upset with Matt for keeping the DPOV from them. But if it helps with the brigades game, then why be upset about it?

  131. Oh and btw I don’t think Matt’s so called friends/brigade or going to be impressed that he didn’t share that he had the DPOV with them and let them in on his power…Matt’s day r numbered.

  132. I have to admit I do like this season but you can’t compare this one to season 10 and 11. they brought the best ppl in seasons 10 and 11 but this season i dont know. its just not the same

  133. #58 Chris

    as sad as it is, i too believe BB is interferring with the way this game is going. and from what i’ve seen, the hgs are also suspicious.

    with the exception of brendon & kathy, all of them have been talking on bbad about how they think production is “rigging” this game.

    matt, britney, ragan, hayden and enzo ALL made references to this on last night’s show – mostly pertaining to the comps, rachel’s return and ratings.

    the cameras move away from them when they realize what the conversation is about, followed by the “you’re not allowed to talk about production” announcement.

    i’ve often wondered in the past if this stuff was going on behind the scenes.. but this season it’s just too “obvi” for me to ignore. i hate it.

  134. Can’t use DPOV on HOH (brendon) or Regan. He will put up Kathy. He always does the safest move. He won’t put up Britney sinceKathy will go home, and nothing will be accomplished with that.

  135. Abby 2 # 71…Abby, you’re exactly right..which is why the constant intervention by Production is getting very old

  136. Matt won’t put up Britney since she is friends with Lane and Regan. He won’t risk pissing them off. Cathy is going home. I’m 99% sure.

  137. @75 kayla: I agree. I don’t see them being upset with him having the DPOV, especially if he saves “the Brig”. If he hadn’t been in the block, theoretically, he could have used it to save another Brig member and if he told he had it, it would have been useless. I think they will understand. I’m sure Lane wishes he had it himself right now! :)

  138. @Memphis (#73)…. it is not like the coup d’etat… it only allows him to remove someone and name the replacement. He cannot name both people on the block, and he cannot override other rules of replacement. Brendon is safe.

    @Erin (#76)…. I don’t think the Brigade members will be upset when Matt tells them that if he shared the information with them, he would have lost it. If they do get upset, what would they prefer? Him losing the power to “protect the Brigade” just so they could know he had it??? Doesn’t make sense.

  139. @CT, you don’t have to be sure, but believe me the HOH and the POV winner are safe from the DPOV. It is in the manual of the DPOV. Matt can take himself off and only name one replacement. How many times does this question have to be answered? LOL MightyMad put the manual up there earlier…..:)

  140. Heck yeah!!!!!!

    I want Matt to put up Britney though – she needs to go. She’s a beeotch. But seriously…it’d be great if he put up Enzo. Enzo needs to leave…he is just a jerk.

    Man, those houseguests have no idea what they are in for on Thursday. If the bridage wasn’t sure they wanted to kick him out now, they will be CERTAIN of it when he whips out the DPOV!

    I just want Lane to stay! Lane is my main squeeze! :)

  141. I hope he sees the betrayal and uses the DPOV to get Lane or Enzo out of the house. I don’t like the thought of him putting up Britney or Kathy as a replacement instead of one of the “Brogade” idiots.

  142. Enzo is annoying and he a floater, he and kathy need to go. Lately floaters have won , and I hate that

  143. Rico- valid points but Matt has said many times that he is tired of being the one with the blood on his hands and the Brigade has talked about getting rid of Matt ASAP so with the he very POSSIBLY may decide to blow this whole thing out of the water an replace himself with one of them. Matt has said in many DR sessions he is playing this game for HIM so we shall see if he TRUELY is.

  144. Brendon you just sent yourself home for sure next week. YOU should have put up Brit. YOU really think that Brit will stand by you and her agreement that if you don’t put her up or backdoor her that she won’t put you up next week if she wins HOH? The only thing I can see happening if she lets Matt or Ragan win for her and then her word was true, it wasn’t her that put you up. YOU are an idiot!

  145. @CT if you are right and the HOH isn’t safe then ragan isn’t safe, I hope that BB isn’t that stupid to do that, then winning POV or HOH would worth no-thing, why win?? Also I for one would stop watching BB, Because in my mind that would be stepping over the line.

  146. @87 SummerToo: I believe hgs cannot sing because of permission (to use the songs, royalties to be paid for use of songs, etc).

  147. @Summer (#87)…. I think CBS claims that they do not want to risk having to pay royalties on the songs. (copyright infringement or something… I’m not a lawyer)

  148. I love Enzo but what is up with him lately with his mouth? Ever since he heard that Brit did what she did about him and being the sab he has gone crazy. He has won nothing yet he thinks he can dictate what The Brigade does? And why are they listening to him? Brendon would be a better partner, atleast he wins things.

  149. i hope it is Enzo, Hayden, or Kathy. All three of them have made my stomach turn with their “sucking up.”

  150. i knew ragan would use it i just knew it now matt will use the dpov to take himself off if he doesn’t the brigade will stab him in the back and it’ll come down to a tie and brendan will break the tie and send matt home if that happens i’ll be very upset.

  151. @Kristy281… True. It is possible. I just think it is highly unlikely unless he knows about the Brigade’s talk behind his back. Otherwise, he will look at it as in his own best interest to keep what he thinks is a steady alliance rather than blow it up and allign with the likes of Kathy (of course, Ragan and Brit too).

  152. Trish – EXACTLY I was thinking the same thing. There has never been a season where any “SUPER POWER” over rode the HOH or the POV holder they are safe period.

    Personally I am ready to see the brigade exposed and if Matt plays it right it will be. Well it should be if the other players will take a look around and see I dont think Enzo would be able to keep his mouth shut if he were nominated LOL. I am waiting to see that I have to agree if this is used just to get rid of Kathy it will be Matt’s second falied use of Power.

  153. OK CT, then please how the HOH comp. was rigged and just how was the POV comp. rigged, just asking.

  154. LeAnn everyone sucks up to the HOH. Except maybe Ragan or lately Matt. Kathy is the worse though. She sucks up to any power. Hayden I think actually likes Brendon. I have heard on the feeds that he thinks Brendon was like he was because of Rachel. Notice no drama without her there? Yeah I have, but I notice how boring it is too. LOL

  155. @98 Josh: I don’t see how it can be a tie this week. Eg: Matt puts up Brit. Voting are: Kathy, Ragan, Matt, Enzo, Hayden. Noms are: Lane & Britney. HoH is: Brendon. :)

  156. #4 Comment regarding “tie” is hypothetical example just to respond to a “tie breaker” comment.

  157. How do we even know there will be a double eviction? Since the 14 HG didn’t come in at the last moment there might not be a DE this season. NO rules says there has to be. What fun would that be if we knew about it?

  158. Sweeet, can’t wait for the Matt to find out the Brigade wants him out and he turns around and puts up Enzo or Hayden :)

  159. I am hoping that Matt is understanding that none of the Brigade are doing anything in this came. Haydan is just a pretty boy who needs a haircut, Enzo is a lazy bum and Lane only started to actually play in the last HOH. Get rid of one of the boys who backstabbed Matt anyway.

    Double elimination should be next week if the timing stays the same.

  160. @trish, Shame on you, I can’t bleave that you said BB was BORING, Not after all last week people were saying how much drama thier would be after rachel was gone, fur shame fur shame useing the word BORING about BB, hahahaha, you know I love ya

  161. Trish – You dont think Bren did it on purpose do ya maybe he is just missing Rach so much he cant wait to get to the JH? Im kidding Im kidding I had to get ya feathers up :P He needs to keep in mind at this point in the game he still has a target an no one is going to keep thier word to him. If he wants to really win it he better anyways.

  162. I don’t know either Trish, I was thinking, not all seasons have done the double elimination..

  163. I agree Sara that would be Sweeeeet! Drama will follow for sure. This time it will just be the he-man and not the women for once! Woot Woot want some action, Production make it happen! LOL

  164. I’m wondering once Matt uses the DPOV will the game change again…could it be that Brendon as HOH will actually win a power by default?

  165. matt needs to understand that the brigade may be leaning more towards lane only because matt has been acting so fishy lately,once matt exposes the dpov things should be back to normal
    with the brigade! If Matt puts up Brit i think the brigade will believe in him again

  166. Chris: I didn’t say that um B (boring) word, really! LOL

    Kristy281: YOU know better to give me grief on my man, NOONE comes between me and my man! LOL

    Sara: I agree, not all seasons have done this. Julie always says “expect the unexpect” and knowing and waiting on a double eviction is not the unexpected to me! LOL Just saying…

  167. #4


    ok thanks but i think matt will still use the dpov he’ll take off lane and put up kathy i did know who the noms were and hoh

  168. I will say it again… the girls are the next to go. There is so much male ego in the house, misplaced ego I might add. What a group of wimps.

  169. to everyone that thinks Matt is a genius …he just used the word undefensible twice! Check such word

  170. #92 Chris

    trust me – i don’t like the idea of this anymore than u do.

    when i say i’m not convinced the HOH is safe, it’s because BB seems to be making up the rules as they go along this season. i’m sure somewhere in all ‘the fine print’ of their contract with the hgs, there’s a clause that allows production to do WHATEVER they want – WHENEVER they want.

    TWO pandora boxes back to back?? – see what i mean.

    i wouldn’t put anything past this production team.

  171. I heard Ragan on the swing or what you call that thing outside when he was talking to himself and saying he needs to get Kathy in an alliance that he didn’t think anyone else has and he would take her to the F2. Hell that sissy is lucky he is here this week. He should be gone. I use to adore Ragan but since he hangs around that Brit the bitch backstabber he is just like her. Hell they are so use to doing it that they do it without much fun, just do it to do it. I have noticed that Brit has not done as much since talking to Brendon but Ragan keeps on. I notice they haven’t done The Tip thing recently……..why? Because maybe people are getting tired of it? Or since their main target is gone? I wonder…..

  172. Matts so ready to turn on Hayden and Enzo and Lane is totally egging him on saying he doesn’t think Enzo or Hayden would put up Brendan…Think Lane is starting to protect himself and may have an idea that Matt has some power they are both on the block logic dictates that one is gonna go so what woould he hope to gain unless he suspected something

  173. Watching LF Matt/Lane are talking. Lane tells matt that the brigade is usless. Matt is starting to talk trash about Enzo!!!! Yes Matt is saying to Lane come with me to the other side.
    But Lane might be testing Mattโ€™s faith in the Brigade.
    Game is onโ€ฆโ€ฆ

  174. Leave Hayden alone!

    LOL. I like Hayden…he makes for great TV. One of these days, I swear a little drop of drool with trickle down his chin as he stares in wonder with his sunglasses on out into oblivion…I think he has a banjo playing in his head instead of reality LOL.[


  175. Watching the LF…. Matt/Lane are talking. Lane tells matt that the brigade is usless. Matt is starting to talk trash about Enzo!!!! Yes Matt is saying to Lane come with me to the other side.
    But Lane might be testing Mattโ€™s faith in the Brigade.
    Game is onโ€ฆโ€ฆ

  176. I see what you are saying Ct, I do think it is weird that they did have two back to back Pandora’s box. Next season they need to revamp this show or else I think it is slowing dying a quick death. This season while not that bad is worse than any I can remember. Atleast last season Russel or even Jesse were open about who they were on a team with and who they didn’t like. This season is filled with so much backstabbing but to one’s face nice that it is pathetic.

  177. Bye, bye Kathy. Thank God. Now the most worthless player in BB history can finally leave. Putting up Kathy inplace of Matt(DPOV) is a no harm, no foul. No one will be pissed, except Brendon. Brendon’s week of revenge was for nothing LOL.

  178. #100…Trish, and if HOH & POV are not safe then the entire program has become a farce…

  179. they were all making a pact earlier in the cabana that if anyone took Kathy to the f2 that they would not vote for that person

  180. if matt takes off anyone, i believe it will be himself. he’s not in the position of thinking he has all the numbers to say when he’s on the block, he’s only sure that he knows he’s coming off. Trying to plant a seed in the brigade’s head that there’s a ‘power’ out there and anyone can have it in this house is funny. I don’t think that’ll work, i think once he uses it, everyone’s going to know for sure what he got in Pandora’s Box. I don’t think he’s in a great position just because he has the DPOV, kind of like, he’s dammned if he does, dammned if he doesn’t. Don’t use (which would be absurd for him) and he’s going home, Use it, and the Brigade will be pissed that he used it on himself and wasn’t loyal to the Brigade. (He could use it on Lane and put up Brit or Kathy. I think that’s the only way he could use it and still be in good with the Brigade).

    Whatever happens, I hope Matt goes home soon!

  181. You all know, I couldn’t sleep last night and I heard Matt talking to Brendon. They talked like they were buddies. Do you think Matt is just doing this to look like he hates Brendon? I don’t understand why they were talking like they were unless they were real friends…..

  182. Did anyone else hear the door bell at the end of the show whats up with that i wonder?

  183. Come to the other side matt follow the light you want a four person alliance Matt, Ragan, Brittany and Lane I love it!!!!

  184. I hope HoH isn’t safe that way it’s who Matt has done all the dirty work to get Rachel and Brendon out

  185. Lane/Matt convo..Matt asks if H/E would put Brendon up, Lane said he did’ t know..Matt was pissed

  186. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA< Matt lost his DPOV for talking about it in code, see ya Loser Matt!!!

  187. matt asking if E/H would put up brendon. lane says he thinks they are trying to find a way out of nomming him, or they wouldnt win altogether. matt says that pisses him off (gets a bit mad) and says that if he is in jury and sees that they win HOH and dont put up brendon that they will not get his vote in the finals. he thinks that THEY are in too deep, and isnt the point of side alliances to get rid of them at some point? (lane is just agreeing and not saying much).

  188. Just in case someone out there won’t be able to see the show, the “live feeds”, or this page over the next week and a half….. here is the bottom line:

    Kathy will leave this week.
    Brendon will leave next week.

    After that, the game will get a little less predictable as people start to turn on eachother.

    *all predictions assume production doesn’t rig something

  189. Wait till Matt pulls out his PDOV on Thursday…….Lane will be so pissed at him….it doesn’t matter if he couldn’t tell them, The Brigade run on emotions and they won’t care……I think Ragan and Matt will be targets next week and not Brendon….

  190. People, Brit is not a nice person. She sya very mean things, or wishes bad things to happen to people. She needs to go. She should have never been invited to the show. Regan, my, he needs intel conversation,(big cry baby). If he or his own are not in a good position he crys, crys, crys. Lane, goodness, he is not southern boy I have ever met. Matt(ie), bad bda bad. I think his game is in bad taste. My wife has ?????? and she is going to die if I don’t get the money to heal her. House guests, wake up,money doesn’t heal anyone. If my spouse was about to die, I would be at home not on some game show. I am sick of his onesie (baby), I am sick of his hand in his pants, playing with little Matt. He should never had the chance @ Pandora’s box. Good luck CBS. This is the worst cast yet / ever.

  191. I am not sure why no one can see it,..but Britney is the most dangerous person,..she is the one winning the POV comps and if they do not get rid of her this week, she is going to win the game,….

  192. Yep, the Brigade is self destructing and I don’t think Bren will be the target next week. Matt and Reagen vs. Enzo and Hayden… wonder where brit and lane will lie… Brit with Regen… But Lane? I think he’ll stick with Enzo and Hay

  193. Please let Matt put up Kathy. She is soooo boring! I fast forward through anything she is doing on After Dark. Unfortunately, I think he’s going to put up Britney. I know there’s a lot of Britney bashers out there, but at least she’s good for a chuckle or two with her one liners…Oh well, at least I’ll get through After Dark more quickly with Kathy still around.

  194. Didn’t BB have two “P” boxes last season, one were kevin couldn’t get his hand out, and nat ran around picking up money instead of getting the key, and then Nat got to see her BF, and tried to lie to rest of the house.

  195. @Trish (#44)…. I must respectfully disagree. I think the Brigade will be happy he was able to keep the group intact and will totally understand that it had to keep it a secret or lose it.

  196. #1 Chris

    here’s just one example of the hgs thoughts on the last hoh comp. kinda hard for me to ignore when they were actually there and saw the whole thing:

    (this was today)

    1:32 PM Britney & Hayden outside talking about rope comp. Britney said Brendon had only one knot in each of his last few squares, and Lane had big knots. She thinks Brendon checked the lanes before he picked one or something fishy went on.


    i get that rachel & brendon are the “stars” this season – and i understand the ratings game that CBS has to play.
    but i don’t appreciate being duped!

  197. this is what i have read about the DPOV–
    the winner of the DPOV could choose (with exception of the HOH)who to evict if a nominee
    uses it on himself, he would become the only hg
    able to vote for eviction, if matt was not up on the block and used it 4 someone that was on the block, the other person left on the block would be the only person up for eviction and therefore would be going home…

  198. In all reality, it is a smart move by all to want to keep Brendon in the game and be in the final two with him. He cannot win the Jury Vote. They have to be thinking about the end game now and sitting beside him in the final two or three is a guaranteed win! At least I hope they are smart enough to think about this aspect. The really good players start playing htis way about now. Let’s see if they are really as stupid as we think they are.

  199. I vote to nominate Bratney or Sheriff Worthless. Still want the guys to be the only ones left and watch them pick each other off!

  200. Matt WAS called to the D.R. while he was talking about someone in the house possibly having some kind of power.

    I don’t think they took his DPOV away, based on how he is talking right now. But, they probably did give him a warning.

  201. No, matt didn’t get his dpov taken away, but i’m sure production has told him to quit talking in code about it

  202. @50 aoyam Yep! Matt is thinking and his eyes look really intense. Right now Matt/Lane are still chatting but nothing really said about the Brigade.

  203. @CT, you can respectfully disagree about that and I understand.

    But I also disagree about your statement on Brendon getting an unfair advantage, ie. the rope knots being smaller? That is like when I tried to “bitch” about how the surfboard comp was made for small feet people (Ragan and Matt who were the final two on there) and the paint comp where the board holding their feet underneath was not that wide and made for yet again small feet and who were the final two up there? I mean come on, we both can’t be saying this for our favs, it is what it is.

  204. BRIT please stop picking at yourself! That is as annoying as Enzo’s smacking in his mic while eating. Or Brendon and his nose picking. (Yeah I love the guy but that is gross)

  205. I feel a little sorry for Kathy…

    She is leaving this week, and has absolutely no idea it is coming.

  206. Be careful my mensa man cuz if you lose this power you are gone. Best player by far this week is Bitchney, this girl is a convincing liar and is a very very dangerous playa in the game.

  207. Sooo…. are you guys still blind to the fact hayden and lane are brothers, or are you going to crucify me again??

    • sabII said on Sunday that it was a female involved so unless one of them is a girl dressed as a guy, it can’t be them. but then it could be a lie about it being a girl or it could be a lie all together.

  208. I hope Matt realizes he is being backstabbed before Thursday and puts up Hayden or Enzo. The Brigade will be down to 2 members. They have been riding Matt’s coat tales since the start. None of them can win a competition. I don’t like Matt but he’s at least playing. I love when Enzo makes fun of Kathy. Dude what have you won? KING FLOATER!!!!

  209. HURRAH !!! HURRAH!!!! so glad that Regan got the P.O.V. I really want him to win it all. He is the BEST PLAYER that B.B has ever had. Brendon has a BIG surprise waiting for him when Matt plays his D.P.O.V.THIS SHOW HAS ALL THE DRAMA !!!! I think that Britney and Lane makes this a show stopper—they are so cute together.Britney does not let anyone shove her around. Matt needs to find out about Enzo and Hayden. Enzo should be out !!! Regan is a great saboteur—America got it right…

  210. personally I would not give a dam what the other HG’s thought of me if I had DV power..I am still in the house for another week..BRING IT ON!!!! LMAO..

  211. does anyone think matt will go against brigade and only use the diamond veto on himself and not on lane???
    or hes prob gonna use it on both and put up kathy and britny… wat do u fans think???

  212. @63 Rico I wouldn’t take any bets on Kathy leaving. Read #26 that wrote earlier. Matt is pissed at both Haytan/Enzo. Around 1 PM PT he asked the entire Brigade how deep are you guys in with Brendon? Now # 26 occurred.

  213. Nikki – Both Lane and Hayden are both 24… so that means they are either twin brothers or one of them is adopted.

    I find this highly unlikely.

  214. Nikki – Both Lane and Hayden are both 24… so that means they are either twin brothers or one of them is adopted.

    I find this highly unlikely.

  215. @Nikki….. c’mon now. No one wants to crucify you.

    But, facts are facts.

    Hayden has a younger sister named Terryn, and a half-brother that is 4 years old.

    That’s it. No other siblings.

  216. lol no one will crucify you, but why do you believe something that the saboteur says when everything they’ve said was a lie that America voted that saboteur to say??? There is no llf or relationship on the show.. it doesn’t make sense to believe that in imo.

  217. When will we get to know if Matt use the DPOV on himself? Did Ragan use his POV yet, if he did then why is nobody has said anything yet that Matt has use it? Who will be put up on the block next to Lane?

  218. @Trish you are so right about Brat’s picking it drives me crazy she never stops today she even lifted us her shirt and was repeatedly picking at her belly button it was so gross!!!

  219. and btw I do think production has warned Matt if he gave it away even inadvertently there go a lot of the viewers for thursday live show

  220. @LEB… yeah, I was watching that too. But he will not have time to lobby for votes or sway anyone to his desires to get rid of Enzo or Hayden over Lane and therefore he is taking multiple risks:

    1) The person he wants to stay may not have the votes
    2) He would be giving up a current, proven alliance for an unknown one
    3) He doesn’t know what the reaction of the house will be, wheras if he gets rid of Kathy there would be little chaos

    Matt will go with the sure thing.

  221. Does Matt know right now that Enzo and Hayden set him up, Brendon can tie matt up in knots and disrespect because Brendon thinks Matt is going home. Matt trying to code the power is not good. it is amazing how quickly these hg’s sniff out your position, especially when you are about to go.
    if he keeps Enzo or Hayden, they both play the mind game well.
    Kathy justs floats on by.
    Better to expose the rats, then it is one side against the other side.
    Hoh wins all.

  222. @ Rico

    How can you feel sorry for someone that has done nothing in this game? She does the laundry and picks up after everyone. Annie played more game than she did in 5 days. Kathy has been there for over a month. I believe BB hates her too. Unless you have the live feeds, you hardly ever see her in the shows or BBAD. Get her out.

  223. Im sorry but some of u need to think more rationally about this DPOV.. Matt will take himself off the block, not himself and lane, because then people would believe he has an alliance with Lane.. so he takes himself off, puts up probably Kathy, or maybe Brit (if he truly is still aligned with the BG)and then he tells everyone that he wanted to tell them about the DPOV but he couldnt and that will explain why his actions were the way they were all week, and everyone will understand, including the brigade duh….

  224. So their faces aren’t damn near identical, they have an unspoken bond since they don’t talk about each other, they keep low profiles, their teeth look like they have been going to the same dentist for years, both are pretty hot{LOL) and did you see lane’s face when the saboteur said there were still secret friends in the house? Open your minds people!

  225. Do we have to wate to Thursday to see if Matt will use his DPOV…or today POV meeting?

  226. #51 Trish

    here’s the thing… i absolutely didn’t believe it at the time, but in light of everything that’s happened in the last two weeks, now i think U WERE RIGHT about the surfboard comp.

    i love BB – but i hate cheaters..
    and in this case, the cheaters are not the ones who are playing the game – it’s their boss!

  227. @Phyllis, boy do you got it wrong! I can tell you really like Ragan but to say he is the best player BB has ever had? And to say he is a great sab? Are you for real? YOU can’t be serious, but if you are man I want what YOU are taking……lol

  228. I do not think he’ll put a brigade member simply b/c he uses his alliance with them as a cover up to play his own game.

    If he did put another one of them up it would put a huge target on his back, bigger than he already has. Everyone would realize how hard he’s been playing the game & would definately vote him out. He doesn’t want that.

    Matt may good at the game, but he definately needs the HG’s on his side to further himself in the game, he would lose 3 of those hg’s if he picks a brigade member. If he wants to stay longer his best bet is to put Kathy or Brittany up.

    1. Kathy b/c everyone thinks she’s useless anyway.
    2. brittany b/c she’s been caught in lies, she annoys people & she’s won lots of comps

    Bottom line if he picks a brigade member his butt will be walking out the door in at least 2 weeks.

  229. Oh well…If I am right, it will come out. And it is possible they could be fraternal twins. All I’m saying is there is a bigger picture to it than the tool, brendon, the succubus rachel, and the lame drama.

  230. Nikki, I still believe that there was a life long friend in the house. I think its Brendan and Andrew but I am a sucker so I might be wrong.

  231. Nikki, Nikki, Nikki…. I know you want to believe. But there are a lot of places outside of Big Brother where you can get this information. The easiest one may be the Arizona State baseball site which will list a bio of their players (Hayden).

    I’m sorry. It is a nice dream, but it just isn’t true.

  232. @79 Rico I see I am addressing a chess game thinker! :)
    My thoughts based from Matt’s game play = he is playing just for Matt! He has stated that many times.

    So why not put up another brigade member cause the drama and see how the house splits?

    Re: your position with item 2. Matt is smart enough and is getting the alert that the Brigade does not trust him.
    Did you notice during the conversation with Lane at the pool how fast he was tapping the water bottle? He was internally exploding!

  233. Thanks a lot everyone..i ask a question about the POV meeting. Do any of you have time to tell me what i have ask or do i need to go somewhere else?

  234. Ragan, stop your damn blubbering! You made fun of Rachel about her crying, guess what? she’s a girl and girls do that, especially when it is that time of the month, what’s your excuse! the only reason your blubbering is because you took yourself off the block and didn’t save Matt. It is just guilt so stop blaming Brendon for your cowardly actions! talk about vile and sickening! Mattโ€™s wife is not sick you stupid moron! And another thing, Brendon knew Rachel for as long as you have known Matt! Your sitting there crying because of matt, so what is the difference, Hugh? You disgust me.

  235. but if matt put up hayden and he went that would leave only the two worthless members of the brigade, ya know the hayseed and the meow meow who can’t win anything like Kathy who everyone condemns

  236. @prettyinpink….. he has to use it on the live broadcast Thursday, right before they vote.

  237. omg seriously, regen needs to stop bitching about rachel so much, she’s gone. get over it

  238. @nikki did you see lastnights show? when Ragan pretty much said that thellf thing was a lie made up by annie…not that you can believe anything that rags says either. He was just commenting on what a juxtaposition between bren playing for Rach and Matt who’s wife has a terrible illness….please pppl there are no good guys this year just a bunch of losers.

  239. Wow you guys are cyber stalking people now? This voyeurism is really getting out of control! Ok, there’s no hidden agendas, no relatives, you’re right, I’m wrong. Why would cbs want a nice juicy scandal on their show?? Jeez what WAS I thinking??

  240. I think it would be a hoot if Matt thinks he is so solid with the brigade he doesn’t use the DPOV thinking that Lane would go. Talk about a backdoor! Anybody else think he is so egotistical that is a possibility?

  241. Matt has already figured out that Enzo & Hayden are not on his side..Not sure how he found out but he has made reference today that the 2 will not vote for him..I don’t know if Lane (unknowingly)let something out or Brittney caught wind of it and told him. But he does know they working against him. And if the “other” HG’s start a conversation in front of Matt as to “a secret power” it’s kinda of hard for him not say “something”.

  242. @LEB… good points.

    1) I agree. Yes, Matt IS playing for himself (as are all the players, except Brenda)
    2) “So why not put up another brigade member cause the drama and see how the house splits?”
    Answer: Simply to avoid the uncertainty and riskiness of it.
    3) Yes, I agree. I think he is on to at least some of the betrayal.

    But for this week, he will think the best thing for his game is to do the safe thing. Kathy out this week, Brendon out next.

    • We will see!
      Have you noticed that Kathy is already playing the “feel sad for me game” She’s smart and believes, LIKE YOU” :) that she might be going home because of the SAB message. What a cunning FOX!!!!

  243. @LEB… Matt will definitely turn on the Brigade (if they don’t turn on him first). Just not this week!

  244. Matt and Lane in the Backyard pool….Matt asks Lane what he feels the relationship between Hay, bren and Enzo. Would H/E put up Brendon. Lane says he doesn’t know. Matt gets upset because he realizes that the brigade not as strong as he thought. Matt suggests that Lane and he team up with Brit and Ragan but Lane ignores it.

    convo took place an hour ago

  245. this is probably the conversation that got matt in trouble!

    but he’s also learning alot about enzo…

    i honestly think enzo is going on the block!!

    2:46 PM Lane/Matt convo..Matt asks if H/E would put Brendon up, Lane said he did’ t know..Matt was pissed

    2:50 PM Matt and Lane game talkMatt calls Brendon a pussy for wanting to put on Kathy. Matt talking as though he is going to the Jury house. Matt wants to know who Lane would stick with. Asks about Enzo. Lane not sure about him. Feels that Enzo should have stayed on the pain can longer. Laughing at Enzo for getting pissed about being called the Sab.

    2:50 PM Matt and Lane in the Backyard pool….Matt asks Lane what he feels the relationship between Hay, bren and Enzo. Would H/E put up Brendon. Lane says he doesn’t know. Matt gets upset because he realizes that the brigade not as strong as he thought. Matt suggests that Lane and he team up with Brit and Ragan but Lane ignores it.

    Conversation turns to possibility of a secret power. Matt doesn’t even hint that he knows there is or that he has it.

    matt asking if E/H would put up brendon. lane says he thinks they are trying to find a way out of nomming him, or they wouldnt win altogether. matt says that pisses him off (gets a bit mad) and says that if he is in jury and sees that they win HOH and dont put up brendon that they will not get his vote in the finals. he thinks that THEY are in too deep, and isnt the point of side alliances to get rid of them at some point? (lane is just agreeing and not saying much).

    2:50 PM matt and lane in pool talking game….matt asking if matt stayed in the house he woldntknow who to align with. he asks lane what he would do if he stayed andlane says he would probably stick with the statusquo.

    matt thinks there is a power and that both could be safe. he thinks most people in the house woulduse it. says its probably more wishful thinking than anything.

    Lane is hoping there is a power in the house. Asking Matt if it’s been handed out. Matt not sure, says it’s America’s vote. Matt thinks that Enzo might have it, would be awesome if someone has it, perhaps Brit. Matt doubts that it exists.

    2:51 PM Lane and Matt in BY talking game. Matt is saying he ‘hopes’ there is a special power out there to save one of them. Lane agrees. Matt keeps saying he hopes there’s another power. Lane asks if he really thinks there is… Matt says he does. Asking Lane if he was to stay next week if he would stick with the Bergade… Lane says he thinks so. Matt is saying it would be soo easy for him or Lane to switch sides next week. To join forces with Brit and Ragan.

    2:52 PM Lane says the Brigade has the worst luck. Matt agrees and says they also suck

    2:53 PM Lane saying he hopes that Kathy doesn’t have the special power because she wouldn’t use it.Matt saying the Bergade needs to catch a break because they suck and need it.

    2:53 PM Lane says if he goes this week that he better see Brendon right after him. Matt agrees

    2:55 PM Lane says he bets Ragan is mad because he used POV and Matt went up. Matt agrees and says Ragan is mad at Brendon. Matt says he hopes if he goes that Brendon is right after him. But ideally he’ll just win HOH next week.

    2:57 PM All four feeds now on Lane eating nuts…nothing else can be heard except chomping NT

    3:01 PM Lane says Bren is playing this game as if Rachel is still here so we have to evict Rachel twice.Matt says Brendon should get over it. It’s some broad he met over a month and a half ago.

    3:02 PM Lane is saying Bren said he’s playing the game as if Rachel was here.Matt saying he isn’t sure this is the way that Rachel would want it. Making fun of Bren and the way he’s playing.

    3:04 PM Lane just asked if HOH would be a quiz. Matt thinks it has to be, esp if a double eviction.

  246. @79 Rico: I’m not so sure it is all that risky for Matt to nom someone other than Kathy. With his SA, he has the votes, especially with Lane being the alternative. Brit-Ra-Matt will vote together to keep Lane against whoever Matt puts up, I think (Kat-Enz-Hay). Brit & Ra don’t have an alliance with any of them; only Matt & Lane (who can’t vote).

  247. Take it easy, Nikki… no one is judging you for thinking they are brothers. We are just pointing out the facts. You weren’t the only one duped.

  248. @96 Torch My thoughts = I believe Matt would put up Enzo has everyone believes that Bozo is popular with the AV.
    Without Bozo what would Hayden/Lane do?
    Kathy is a follower to whoever is HOH or a decision maker.
    Britney will side with were Lane goes.
    Ragan, well we know that answer.
    Brendon will just be freaking out and try to mend fences.

  249. 7… isn’t lane and matt up on the block? matt pretty much just told him that they’ll both be here next week? I need to watch the feeds apparently

  250. @Angie… it is true that whoever he puts up will most likely go. It’s just that there is a miniscule risk in the others (Hay & Enzo) and absolutely no risk in Kathy.

    But it’s more than just the risk of the votes. He’s also risking his future alliances and trustworthiness.

    Putting up Kathy is absolutely no-risk all the way around, and that’s got to be too attractive of an option for him to pass up.

  251. @3:50 PM PT Enzo/Matt/Haydan in the storge room. Watch how intense Matt’s eyes are. With a smirk like smile. He is sooo pissed. :)

  252. **** is going down in the storage room. Enzo, Matt and Hayden. Hayden just asked Matt if he has a power… He laughed and said no.

  253. Does anyone out there like the new format of this board? With the “older comments/newer comments” stuff?

    Personally, I can’t stand it.

  254. Matt just asked if they will tell him how the two will vote. Hayan/Enzo did a soft dance and said they will spilt the vote. Matt is pushing hard with questions and listening to those two’s answers.

  255. @LEB how can they not tell the change in Matt’s demeanor….okok I know they aren’t very smart but matt is hardly hiding his disgust

  256. @18 Rico hate it. It makes for reading all the previous comments choppy and time consuming. I would rather scholl down from top to bottom.

  257. ok, we’re on track to bust-up the Brigade…

    Matt just needs to keep his mouth shut until he stands up Thurs and says “I’m taking myself off the block, Brendon you are safe, would any of you Hg’s not on the block like to say why I shouldn’t put you on the block and yes, that includes you too, Ragan?”.

    Oh yeah, there will be some jaws dropped, can’t wait to see everyone faces. hopefully the camera pans all the Hg’s… there will be some freaking out.

    Did we hear a pin drop? Well, get ready for the fireworks.

    Then we need to hear Matt say either Enzo or Hayden’s name, would you please take the seat I just vacated.

    Jersey might be vocal “meow-meow”, poor Hayden will be speechless.

    The game just got turned on it’s head.

  258. @Rico I HATE HATE it makes me want to find another fan site its toostupid to arbitrarily just go to the next 100 and expect the ppl that have been posting for awhile tofollow …the only way i can even tell is to look for familiar names

    • First time posting just to say that this site now sucks. It is impossible to follow. I guess I have to find another site.

      • Since Roni is your hero we totally understand GOOD goodbye… maybe you should ask your spouse what to do he/she will know better than you.

        And btw… the site is awesome.

  259. and my computer if I have posted anything on the site it goes to the bottom of the page almost automaticaly

  260. I’m not sure how safe it would be for Matt to put up Kathy. His safest option may be to put up another brigade member. Since he is now aware that Hayden and Enzo are shifting their alliance, there is a chance that Matt would be put up again soon if he doesn’t breakup new Enzo/Hayden/Brendan alliance. While putting Kathy up causes little drama, not putting up another Brigade member will screw him over in the long-run (and Matt doesn’t seem to be quite that short-sighted).

  261. Related to #25 Even Lane see the two idiots play is going to back fire. If not now he will on Thursday.

  262. Matt (Big Brother Network Matt)….. is the “older/newer comment” thing really necessary?
    It doesn’t seem too popular!

  263. QUESTION:

    the saboteur announced last night that there would be a “game changing competition” sometime today. hgs all went to bed early last night to prepare for it….


    has anything else been said about it?

  264. @ L(#27) and LEB… that very well may be the best thing for him to do. I just don’t think HE will think it is the best thing for him to do.

  265. @Rico I will wait a few mins for MattBBN to comment as I really enjoy you,torch LEB and trish and tons of others but this new format kinda makes it hard to even see what being said..when we get going 100 goes by way to fast and i miss some of the posts i want to see the most. No wonder I watch BB I must be as lazy as they are oh well vote me out then

  266. This must be how Christopher Columbus felt when no one believed the world was round! They have GOT to be related somehow….

  267. IF any one reading our comments about the dislike to older/newer comment format PLEASE GO BACK TO THE OLD FORMAT. BB12 is bad enough this season to now have to put up with you messing with OUR blog!!!! :(

  268. Funny Anom, if I were employed by CBS I would know so many things. But come on that is basic common sense, or in this instant my opinion. Why does it make me an CBS employee because I don’t agree with someone on who they think is the best BB player? Or a great sab? I am sure there are others who agree with me.

  269. Matt is not as smart as here thinks, Matt think next week not this week, If matt puts up enzo, hayden is going over to brendon, and I really think that lane will come along, now that’s britney, matt, ragan on one side and hayden, brendon, lane on the other side, Now kathy isn’t stupid like she acts, or maybe not, but lets go with smart, she has to know if she goes over to britney’s side, he come the bus, her only chance is to go on brendon’s side. Now if he puts up kathy, then the samething will happen, because enzo and co. will know that matt is with britney and ragan, because lane will tell them, also there is a VERY good chance that brendon will win POV, if that happens then the war is on!!

  270. Why in the world do they keep Enzo, in this game, he’s worthless, my 88 year old mother could play better than him..I hope Britt goes this week, she’s a spoiled brat..And Kathy a SHERIFF..I mean wow she is so weird..Lane is a Goober..I do like Ragen at time’s..let’s face it these houseguest’s are about the worst there boring..Rach was a Drama Queen but at least good for some fun..the feed’s well got rid of them BORing..

  271. @LEB #36 i couldn’t agree more talk about insult to injury this blogwas the only thing keeping me interested but now they have screwed with that….is nothing sacred

  272. but the new system might be helping the server run better so it don’t crash again

    You nailed it. The server load of generating a new page with 1,000+ comments for every person was way too much. Especially when most people just want the post and don’t scroll down for the comments. Tonight I’ll be rolling out threaded comments to allow direct replying to comments (say goodbye to the number counts as a result). – Matt

  273. it was the whole Rachels back incident that lit up the boards….kinda closing the barn door after the horse got out

  274. Trish….I totally agree with you….I mis-typed….I was trying to respond to Phyllis as you did

  275. give them time Rico which would ya rather have this site up and running with the new or crashing with the old come wed. and thurs. nights

  276. well bye all I’m sure I’ll pop back on now and then …sorry leave but this is giving me a massive headache

  277. @Aoyam, I spelled your nic wrong so we are all good, it is ok. Thanks for saying that though…:)

  278. You’re right, Torch… I’ll be patient. I’m not a pediatrician! (they have the littlest patients! – ha!… I crack myself up!)

  279. @38 Chris my thought and am recapping a previous statement based on your words: :)

    Without Bozo what would Hayden/Lane do? I don’t think they would go to Brendon because the house hates and wants Brendon out. I think they will run to Matt because he wins events! The trust will never be the same but we are approach the cut throat part of the game and the teaming will only last until they get down to 4 or 5 HG.
    Kathy is a follower to whoever is HOH or a decision maker. I also agree she is cunning like a fox. I have notice that she says what each HG wants to hear.
    No added words for:
    Britney will side with were Lane goes.
    Ragan, well we know that answer.
    Brendon will just be freaking out and try to mend fences.

  280. MATT thanks for the update but still do not care for the format.. But :the server over rides my dislike! :(

  281. @60 Matt your right I am used to change at I contract at Micro…. But it does take a little mor key strokes if you want to review other comments on a popular blog like this one. I can’t wait to see the new threaded comments. Thanks again! :)

  282. the new board format was a surprise, work with it for awhile to get use to it, I like the 100 max/page, just need the comment# to continue from the prev page so we can refer to that #.

  283. Enzo is out on the patio making fun of Matt in front of the others saying how Matt thinks there is a power out there

    lol oooh the irony…

  284. @Rico: This “new” format is very counter productive to the site. Someone was meddling too much and ruined a great comment section :(

    Actually, listing hundreds of comments at once was counter productive to a smooth operating site and manageable reading of comments. You call it meddling, I call it correcting a long-standing issue. – Matt

    • good for you Matt… and if you apologize I’m going slap you right in the face.

      I agree it’s so nice being able to reply right to poster directed or to just post your own thought… great job.

  285. enzo and hayden say they want to lett matt know on thursday they are voting him out, lol. then matt will say “Guess what b!atches! you ain’t gettin rid of me yet!” lol too bad, would love to see matt gone!

  286. @63 Greg did you notice how deep in thought Lane was… The brigade is spliting as is the game/house. Thursday eviction/HOH results and/or double eviction will bring a whole new game in the BB house. :)

    • no, but he’s got to be confused. new beginning and eventually the Hg’s can get rid of that useless (not totally useless) Kathy.

      who would want and alliance with her, oh yeah, someone that can’t get one with anyone else.

  287. Since Matt is suspicious of Enz/Hay and frustrated with Brigade’s performances…it is possible that Kathy won’t be the slam dunk replacement Nom we might have first thought…Especially with several days before he gets to use the DPOV (Thurs)…plenty of time to observe and strategize…Especially since Enz/Hay think they have to vote out Matt versus Lane. With Noms being what they are, Matt has to expect Brit to vote to keep Lane. With Enz/Hay “splitting” their votes btwn Matt/Lane, Kathy would be the swing vote (if he believes Enz/Hay). He has time to convince Lane to reassess their loyalties and launch the biggest grenade yet.

  288. @Cool Hand Luke….. It will all be better tonight. Our man “Matt, The Big Brother Network Guru” is on it. Hang in there…

  289. Enzo is getting too cocky too. Atleast Matt has something to back him up, what does Enzo (who I love) have but his mouth? LOL

  290. @ angie, I totally agree with that. He’s not going to waste a dpov on someone like Kathy, he knows it’s too late to save the brigade, he’s done with their poor performances and now, lack of loyalty since lane already matt that the others aren’t going to put up bren if they win HOH.

  291. Hey have you guys notice not only the new 100 comments per page with the format but the letters and numbers seem bigger? Kinda cool!

  292. I am loving all this brewing stuff between The Brigade. They can’t get mad at Brendon, he doesn’t know they are part of The Brigade, hell they should have let him in on it. I love how Brendon is staying up in his room and the rest are restless natives down there. Even Ragan seems MIA tonight. Enzo gotta stop with that big mouth of his (bless his heart) because he doesn’t know what is coming……

  293. question for everyone, if matt say’s something or hints that he has the DPOV doesn’t he lose it?

  294. MATT, your doing a great job. you provide us with this site and for whatever reason, after everything you have done to explain how your site works, people still are not getting it.

  295. @75 Trish also if you write on more than one blog and try and do a cut and past to another blog but have already done that action. An error message will appear informing that this is a duplicate comment and will not post. JUST an FYI. :)

  296. Acrazy1 – Early today he called called into the DR & we think was warned to stop talking about a mystery power.

  297. kathy is too much! now that brendon has put up the replacement nom and he can’t put her up on the block, she’s hanging with the other house guests, laughing hard while they talk bad about brendon. before then, she was kissing brendon’s ass big time. (nobody kisses ass more than kathy.)

    but kathy needs to watch out because hayden told matt that kathy locked the hoh room after rachel left brendon a message to put up matt. (rachel wrote out matt’s name with pretzels.) then rachel asked kathy to lock the hoh door so no one disturbs the pretzel message.

    hayden told matt not to say anything. but i’m sure it’s in the back of matt’s mind that brendon put him up because that’s what rachel asked him to do. and kathy helped get the message to brendon. she didn’t let matt know what was up.

    floater kathy beware!

  298. Thanks LEB, I have gotten that error message, so I need to “remind” myself not to duplicate. I type so fast I forget what I type sometimes…….and yeah I am a blonde…lol

  299. k thanks I was a little confused don’t have live feeds only after dark and someones earlier message said that he mentioned something to enzo about a power

  300. OK I just finished reading the whole thing, and I have to ask who do you think are brothers?

  301. @La Poeta, yeah I noticed that too. She was so up Brendon’s butt you couldn’t see her head. LOL She was taking a bath in his tub, cleaning his bathroom like they were married. That woman is one screw loose of a full set. I would be happy with her or Brit as a replacement. I can’t wait till thurs.

  302. in spite of what matt heard about kathy (#87.), i want matt to put up britney.

    i hope, i hope, i hope!

    if not, another one of his wackade members.

  303. Awww #92, you are a sweetie…..and thanks. You don’t have to type slow though, I may be a blonde but I have like you know one brain cell left you know? LOL OMG Kathy is mocking me……LOL

  304. i dont have the feeds but doesnt seem like alot of updates on whats going on…so is there like no action today?

  305. Who else here besides Phyllis who adores her Ragan is tired of his bitching and complaining? So he is on half-not this week, so he was on the block, hell Brendon has had the whole house after him from day one so he has plenty to “being a wuss” about, but damn Ragan grow a pair (even if you are a gay man) and stop acting like the bitch you are! I went from loving this idiot to now disliking him so much! What a whinner!

  306. #94 just a lot of talk Kathy has dumped brenden now that his dutys are done as HOH, so now she is sucking up to everyone else now

  307. @ 4:52 Enzo is in the have not room talking with Matt.. Enzo is starting to get ansy. Matt is so playing him like a fiddle. Love it. Spider playing with the fly in his have not web!!!!!:)

  308. MATT – ADMIN

    will we need a username & password to use the threads? will there be a limit on the number of threads (topics) each of us can start?

    personally, i’ve participated in threaded sytems before and think it will be a far better system. it’s much easier to reply to other’s posts (feels more like “a conversation”) and much, MUCH easier to follow a specific topic of interest.

    GOOD MOVE :)

  309. OMG! Matt is still using the ” my wife’s dying” this is all I got left crap on Enzo! How anyone can back this little maggot is beyond me!

    • and that’s why Enzo/Hayden want to dump him because they think if Matt makes F2 no one would vote against him. Bad strategy by Matt could actually win the $500T in the end.

      It’s despicable unless he gives ALL (emphasize ‘all’) the money for the cure for the disease his wife doesn’t have.

  310. @CT: Nope, no account/username required. It’ll look just like this but there will be a “Reply” link below each comment so you can add your thoughts directly below the previous comment instead of having to reference back to old numbers.

    There will be no limit to comments at all anymore (I used to have to close comments when there were too many on the old way).

    I think folks will enjoy the benefits once it’s finished and everyone gets a chance to use it.

      • Great, glad you like it. I think it’ll be nice and easier for everyone to discuss.

        The numbers were swapped out because they were no longer necessary to reference for replies and they were restarting at every page so each post could have multiple #10 comments (for example).

      • great job matt. this closely resembles the app for the phone. i hope this makes your job much easier.

      • looks like matt has been working on it all day or maybe for several but it started with in the last hour.

      • Ok thanks girl…Im surprised that Brendon put up Matt and not Britney it makes me mad.!!

      • Mad is not the point, the point is winning, Brendon did it because Enzo and Hayden put pressure, prove you are worthy of our trust. Brendon has no choice for at least two rounds he carries Hayden’s and Enzo’s water, especially if they seel Matton DPOV’ing Kathy

      • Erin25…Brendon probably was trying to appease Hayden & Enzo…but was probably unwise decision being that all alliances will be in question after Thurs. night…Britney would have been a far better choice…Matt could have remained totally hidden(regarding DPOV)and no one other than Ragan(who has accomplihed literally nothing..1 pathetic POV) and maybe Lane who would be over her in I would guess less than 30 minutes

      • @8:19 PM PT Ragan is discussing with Haydan his thoughts.
        Haydan asked Ragan “does Matt have the power. Ragan said he did not believe so.

        Haydan is searching for a picture on the house because he is freaking. He will share that info with Enzo later. Not sure if Haydan will share with Lane. Tonight is a night to watch the Brigade discuss and figure another game play. Until Thurs. this house is under a pressure cooker.

      • hay LEB I told bill #87, that he might be right about a double eviction, then BB would have to bring back 2 HG’s, If BB did that, thry could bring back brendon and rachel if brendon get voted out next, that would be great, right?!!!

      • Chris you are kidding, right? :) RUNNING to take a double dose of IB because that vision is causing tooooooo much pain. Sat was enough for me.

      • I think LEB meant that Hayden is searching for a general idea of what the house is up to, like who’s going to vote for who and stuff like that. An overall picture of the state of the house right now, if that makes sense.

      • @112 Alex thanks for putting my thoughts in a better wording format. :) Have you notced that this page is beyond 100 items and that reply feature is not working. When you hit reply the box pops up to respond but than just goes to a new line item I wish I had a general email address so we all could let Matt BBN the issues we are seeing.

      • I’m really not that surprised. I think Brendon is personally attacking matt. Also cbs needs the ratings. What good would a DPOV being brought into the game be if it is never played.

  311. This BB this year isnt bad but I personally dont think this season is as entertaining as the other seasons. this season is just kind of boring and blah. Theres something missing

    • yeah thats more that one alliance. Seasons 6, 7, 8, and 10 were great because the house was split in half basically toward the end. if the other HG can realized that the brigade is there then Brittany, Ragan, and Kathy and maybe Braden could team up to get the others out. i so dont want to see hayden or enzo in the final 2

      • It would be perfect if this week Matt finds out about the brigaid giving him the boot an puts up Enzo or Hayden and knocks them down a few pegs. Thursday will be interesting. Does anyone know what Brendan received for opening pandoras box?

    • Over 4 days matt will see the light.
      The others will not be able to keep it hidden.
      They will have to talk about who to vote for on evection night.
      Then the Dveto will come in to play.
      When hayden or enzo go up the shock on their faces will be fun to watch.

  312. each cast brings a diffrent element to the game, that is what makes big brother such a great show and admit it we are all BB junkies

  313. @100 Sadly that is the one element of Matt’s game play that I do not care for. But his winning events and other game plays over ride that short coming on my BB12 matrix.

  314. @Matt great I now see this new feature:
    Read more comments: ยซ Previous 1 … 3 4 5


    • I think Matt should have his DPOV taken away from him. He was not suppose to tell people anything about it, and yet he keeps stating that he knows there’s a power out there.

      • Actually, what BB told him was that if he revealed he had the power that he would “risk losing it.” They don’t want to gamble on making an ultimatum like that, but yeah, I’m sure they’d rather him not make those hints so the HGs are shocked.

      • But Matt is saying it in a generic manner as other HG have stated. Unless I missed something on the LF. Have I?

  315. Leb you are so right! Enzo is digging his grave so deep. He just doesn’t know it. So is Matt. He needs to stop this talk about leaving and crap when he knows he has that power and will use it. The Brigade will be so pissed at him.

    • Tish I totally agree. Also Matt is getting as cockie as the other BOZO’s. Can’t wait till Thurs!!!!!! :)

      • Wow I got a reply! LOL The house is a mess, isn’t it LEB? I don’t think Brendon will be the target next week I think it will be Matt.

  316. TO Nikki–If I am not mistaken the original saboteur said there are two life long friends in the house, nothing was said about anyone being related to anyone else. To me there is a big difference between a relation and life long friend but if you believe Hayden and Lane are brothers, well you go girl. More power to you, but I believe it is all a lie, no relatives not friends, time will tell.

    • last night we were told it was a female and someone else. so it can’t be lane and hayden.
      i personally think it is bs and there are no life long relationships in the house. unless it was Kathy and Kristen.

      • I agree no relationships, but what the saboteur told the house guests last night was a facebook suggestion from a viewer, so that part we know isn’t true, for sure.

      • Are y’all idiots??? THERE IS NO PAIR!!! Julie would have already made mention of it & given us the back story if that were true. C’mon people act like this isn’t your first season watching.

    • No problem. Glad you like it. It was definitely rough earlier, but I had to do a quick fix due to the server load from that Rachel Returns post alone. I wasn’t able to implement it fully until just now.

      The page navigation is much better now and the threaded comments will go a long way over how the old way worked.

      • Matt the Reply feature is nice. I wondered at times if my comments are ever read. Now I will actually know. Enough of the compliments, you know your great at your job! :)

      • This is great, if two or three people get on a thread you are not into, you can just move onto another and let them have their fun. So Cool !!

  317. Wow Kathy, the useless waste of BB space, you are back with the backstabbing bunch, how sweet of you. Now that you are not nominated you are turning your back on Brendon? He has been nothing but nice to you. You are tellign Ragan that after the show your true colors will come out? That you can say what you want? Tell me Sheriff, who the F cares? You are one of the worst players BB has ever had in my opinion. Even Jerry from BB10 did more than you! Please………

    • come on useless, that’s pretty strong? she can tell you what the best donut stores are. LOL.

      and most importantly she can relay a msg from rachel to bren… “put Matt on the block”. Ha, ha. what a joke she is.

    • i don’t know she was pretty amazing at sleeping in a vat of caramel….. i mean i dont see that as a life skill either but if it was she would be a winner fo’ sho’

  318. cool… Matt (BBN) is changing the board on the fly… now we have “reply” right on the comment and we can go to a page: prev – page# – next.

    here’s hoping i like it.

  319. This bunch right now is boring…….get Brendon back on camera, why isn’t he on? This smack talking idiots bore me.

    • The numbers were repeating from page to page, but if everyone really wants to see the same numbers cycle on each page then I can toggle those back on.

      • Yeah you can put the numbers back on, works for me! LOL I am a blonde and that helps this poor tired brain cell I have left.

      • i’m not sure we even need’em… i’m liking this reply setup. great job, Matt (BBN).

  320. What happened to all of Kathy’s get Brit out talk go? OMG…..sorry I need to get off that topic but she is so aggravating me! I was just getting to like her and now……..uggghhhh!

    • I heard her takling to BRENDON last nite as to Brittney’s status..but evidenly Brendon ignored her..I am not sure what the deal was with that..thought it was supposed to be Matt that Rachel told her to message about

  321. OMG! Ragan irritates the hell outta me!!!!

    he’s back on his high horse… dogging rachel and brendon. talking shit with his holier-than-thou freakin’ attitude. saying one should treat people how they expect to be treated.

    i think this BB house does something to these house guests where they treat and talk about people like shit… and then when people do it to them, they forget all they’ve done and are so shocked and insulted.

    wow! can’t wait ’til ragan is off the show!! his freakin’ whinny voice drives me insane!!

    • LaPoeta you have to be my twin, I so agree with you! I have been saying this from day one! Thanks for someone else seeing it too.

    • They are all going bonkers with only each other to talk about.
      No outside input. Like being locked by yourself in a room of mirrors.

  322. I want brendan to win..he has outbursts but he playing the game..I want matt to be exposed about lying about his wife and if the friend thing is real i was believing that lane and britney are together. she never talks about her fiance but what do i this is my first season watching and I am ADDICTED

    • i’m sooo addicted too, i know most people will hate me for liking “the power couple” but they’re the real players of the house (too bad Rachel is out!) and admit it or not without them season 12 is BORING – lane, kathy and enzo? waste of slot.

  323. @Everyone: Give the new Comments layout a full day’s try and then feel free to provide all the feedback you’ve got. I’m sure there is still plenty I can do to get it working better (ie. constructive criticism is always welcome) and I’ll keep polishing until we get it right.

      • since you put up the numbers each page change the color on the side to match page # on the bottom, like this is page 5 have side numbers the same as it’s page # on the bottom

      • I’m not sure how to match colors to numbers, but for getting page 5 to have comment #’s 501-600, now that’s something I haven’t figured out how to do yet. That’s actually why I took away the numbers since they were just repeating. The numbers use basic HTML functionality to appear and have no knowledge of the previous comment # count. It’ll be a longer term fix to implement.

    • The layout is alittle left-handed. The numbers after 9 don’t show up the whole number. You see part of 2 of the 12 and so forth.

    • When reply using the “Notify me of followup comments via email” might be a good way to keep track of who has replied to my comments. I am testing that feature with this reply. Just sharing my idea with you Matt(BBN). :)

    • Edward, they all lie. Some are worst than others though. Matt lying about his wife being sick, Kathy going to whatever HOH has the power…..the list go on.

    • i’m actually lovin’ matt right now. he’s learning all he can before thursday, and my prediction is that he turns this house upside down by nominating enzo as his replacement. i’ve waited all season for a POWER MOVE in this game – and i think thursday will finally be the day!!

  324. I like the reply function that is great, but the numbers helped me to keep track of where I was at when I refreshed.