After another rather lackluster endurance comp, we have a new HoH in the Big Brother 12 house.ย With nominations scheduled for Friday night, we should see some major game talking going on but the noms shouldn’t be a surprise.
If you’re curious, find out who won the HoH endurance competition last night.
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Big Brother 12 Live Feed Highlights –ย August 5, 2010:
9:55 AM BBT – Matt and Hayden talk about having to beat Brendon in the comp tonight.ย HoH lockdown.
1:42 PM BBT – Enzo saying he wants Brenchel taken out first and then Ragan.ย Enzo says it sucks that Kristen is leaving before Kathy.
4:09 PM BBT – Brit tells Matt that Brendon doesn’t believe his wife is really sick.
6:30 PM BBT – Feeds are back and Kathy, Enzo and Brendon are out of the comp!
6:39 PM BBT – Only Ragan and Matt are left (again).
6:54 PM BBT – Ragan drops, making Matt the new HoH!
7:13 PM BBT – Rachel is crying and Brendon does his best to console, but this results in a fight between them. Brendon sulks and leaves the room.
12:36:AM BBT – Matt’s HoH room is ready.ย He reads a letter from his mom and dad.
1:00AM BBT – Rachel and Brendon try to corner Matt in the HoH room, but Britney and Ragan aren’t going to let that happen and they crash the conversation.
1:30AM BBT – Matt, Ragan, Britney, Brendon, and Rachel discussing girls kissing girls and all that. Brendon says he wouldn’t be surprised if Rachel had done certain things with other girls.
2:30AM BBT – Matt, Britney, and Lane agree that Rachel should be the one to go since Brendon does not do well with quiz competitions. Looks like we have our official target for the week!
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There was a lot of talk from the brigade last night about putting up Brenchel.ย It seems like the plan as of now is to put them up together and if one of them wins POV then put up Kathy as a replacement.ย Hopefully Matt can do it this time and not wuss out under the pressure.ย Check in later for the nomination spoilers.
You can catch all of these Big Brother 12 events using the DVR-like feature of this year’s and past seasons’ Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored!
Well she has lost that smug she wore so beautifully all week.
Rachel a great player my butt, a good player uses the temporary HOH power to try and make deals that will be beneficial in the coming weeks when the power is gone, but no not her, instead she went on a power trip not thinking about next week. Well she ask the other HGโs to bring it on, guess what biznatch Matt brought it last night.
Brendan , Brendan, eye candy and that is all he is , he is such a whiner and a cry baby(I swear to gawd he has a VJ), after all that game smack talk about no one can beat him at endurance, he sure didnโt last long. He is quite good at not lasting long. lol. J
I hope Ragan doesnโt accept the Sab deal, cuz it is sooo yesterday and will not bring excitement to the game just silly pranks.
Oh did I mention before that Pandoraโs Box is stupid. I didnโt get the point of it last season and now itโs back. Why?
Mensa Man you better not act the fool twice. Go Britney with your funny self, Go Brigade.
I will be SSSOOOOO happy if they terget her this week…. her voice and laugh grate on my last nerve!!!
I pretty much agree with everything you just said BG.
Unleashing the Sab at this point will NOT save this season. What a boring and predictable bunch of hg’s this year.
So long Brenchal (hopefully Rachel). If he has the cahones to pull it off (still yet to be seen), Matt will definitely be my hero for season (getting rid of Rachel will make up for his ridiculous lie).
Go team ABR!!!
CBS want to liven it up… bring Dr Will in to play… I know this can NEVER happen but can you see all the Hg’s cowering in the corner when Will comes in & says “I’m here to win this thing”. ‘Ring’, ‘Ring’… “Yeah, Boogie you’re right none of them have any game. Think I’m going to tell Brendon I was the one that did the sex change operation on Rachel, she’s the only one close to having or having had balls!!!”.
dr will was awesome LOL bring back ppl from season 6 and all stars these ppl are sheep lmao bring back ronnie the rat
there’s alot of smack talk about how boring these hg are so why dont any of u guys try out for the show??? LOL or have u and u got turned down?
please big brother get rachel off im begging you or you wil lose a lot of viewers
@BG you’re right about sab. It is so yesterday. I hope Matt doesn’t open pandora,s box. I think he will though, hoping it is money. If Ragen doesn’t accept sab, then maybe they will say opening the box brought Jeff and Jordan back for a night or two. Curious as to what they would be allowed to tell the hamsters.
Love to Rachel go. Don’t let the door hit you in the you know what on your way out.
Would LOVE LOVE LOVE if Jeff and Jordan told houseguests about Matts lie…
I can just imagine him squirming around after he finds out they are coming :D
D*** needs to be served!!
GOOD MORNING Posters ! well I see nothing to surprising has taken place yet. Well cept the part a read about Kathy Pinning Lane with a pressure point move LMAO.. where is that fire when you NEED it Kathy?
all I can do is shake my head at B/R right now.
looks like rachel is the one that is poised to leave this week. she’s not so smiley and cocky now is she?! her only chance of staying in the house is winning pov
Rachel may be annoying, but at least it’s entertaining. Where will all the drama be without her?
her cockiness has now been passed on to MATT…
cockiness tends to come with power…
OK OK Im confused ppl I thought it was stated Jeff would be spending time in the house I dont recall Jordan being mentioned? Any one know for sure?
Rachel IS a good BB player- obviously. She hasn’t fell for anybody’s bs- she’s been smart enough for that. She picks a target and gets them out- she has basically been running this game up until now. And my bets are on her winning the POV…
And as far as Pandora’s Box goes- cant wait to see whats inside!!! And I wish Ragen would be the new sab- the point is the more twists there are the less boring the game is- i actually LIKE entertainment-
At least we are not likely to have to listen to Rachel’s fake laugh all week. Gawd, I am so sick of hearing her ‘laugh’ everytime she talks to the camera, like everything she says is funny.
But, what the heck is Enzo thinking, trying to get Brenchel in a 3 person alliance with Hayden? He’ll just run to Rachel and tell her everything and get cr*p stirred up that will not likely help his game.
to blackgirl
Matt brougth waht??? on all i saw was ragan give matt the hoh bc he thinks that matts wife is sick, an as for endurance what endurance IO haven’t seen any yet!!!!
omfg I hope Rachel is put up (no backdooring) and she wins the Veto xxx I love Brenchel I know CBS likes them a lot too and they wont let them go that early the saboteur twist will probably change the noms or something because Julie kept saying stuff about how pandoras box will change the game.
Put a โฅ beside your name if you want Rachel to stay and in you support Brenchel!
Totally agree w/Black girl on all comments! Especially rach not being a good player. Bren is just pitiful. Maybe book smart, but has no common sense nor street smarts.
Julie said last night that Jeff and Jordan were going to go to the house. This should be fun. Pandora’s Box is the release of the sabo. If it’s not opened, there will be no sabo.
Enzo said that if Matt wins and he doesn’t put up Brendon and Rachel then he’s out of the brigade. I can’t see how that would happen. If Matt is out and decides to align with Brendon and Rachel, wouldn’t he tell them about the brigade alliance? Come on Matt. Put them up. I want Rachel gone.
Heck, all I can do is concur with BG and Kristi. They’ve said it all already!
I am I Hate Rachel and I approved this message.
(wondering if i should change my name after boobzilla is booted? maybe to “the poster formerly known as i hate rachel…)
Go Team ABR!
@I hate Rachel
If Matt gets her out of the house Team ABR becomes Team Matt in my book. Everyone else seems to be scared *bleep*less of her.
I don’t think Pandora’s Box is going to “change” anything. Julie’s statement is just marketing.
I would never try out for the show…I’d blow my brains out by week 3 (or hang myself since I doubt I could sneak a gun into the house) as annoying as the hg’s have been lately. Too much fakeness, I avoid ppl like that in rl like the plague, I can’t imagine being stuck in close quarters with a house full of them for 2 months.
Oh yeah and I can’t wait to see J&J again. I’ve always loved them.
And for all you J&J haters(all 2 or 3 of you) yes they are still together, soo nyaaaaah (/sticks tongue out).
Let’s see if the “true love” of Brenchel lasts a month outside of the house.
I have not posted this season as I have found it to be pretty boring compared to seasons past.
I love, love the fact that Jeff and Jordan are returning if only for a few days or hours.
While Rachel is not my favorite player – that laugh and stupid way she talks – I have to give her props for her game play. I just don’t get why if she is so intelligent she would dumb her self down for the game. It seems to have made her a bigger target not only for the other hg but America as well. Hopefully she will see this and realize just how stupid she looked.
As for Matt being HOH this week. I really don’t see him having the balls to get Brendon or Rachel out. Sure he may put one or both of them up and let the POV tell the rest of the story – dreaming and hoping…lol But don’t really see that happening. I think there is a secret alliance between those 3 that has been yet to be discovered.
This is the worst thing that could ever happen. Matt is a horrible player! He had his chance when he was HOH and wussed out. What with Regan giving him both HOH challenges? I think the life long friends are Regan and Matt because when Matt was on the block, Regan was so behind him it was fishy.
Brenchel might be the life long friends as well. They hooked up rather quick! Maybe they were dating before the show, meet during chemistry class;-)
Hopefully if one of my fav HG’s have to go this week let it be Brenden.
Go Rachel!!!!
LOL TEXEX – Ive tried out 2 times. I think it would be a blast. But your right in that its going to be a challenge.
KAYSAR – I can tell you the application process consist of 13 pages plus pictures and a video, they receive THOUSANDS and then have LIVE casting calls that are close to what you see when they show you American Idol contestants sitting around for DAYS, so before you assume because some one may not have been chosen because they were boring please understand its a feat in itself to even put yourself through the process THANKS.
I personally do not feel that it was a lost cause or that I wasnt chosen because I wasnt good enough or because I am boring, it happens and when they announce there is a season 13 I WILL again apply. At least I can say I TRIED.
MARY – Ty I guess I missed Julie saying Jordo too hhaha I get airheaded when I hear Jeff’s name LMAO (JK)
I wasn’t dissing anyone just asking a simple question to ppl who hate this seasons cast if it doesn’t pertain to u obviously I wasn’t talking to or about u tHANKS
@i hate rachel, when she goes i would definately change it to that. your are so funny!!
checking out next thread. nothing to interesting here. everything has already been said.
im so embarrassed for the HG. when they show the HOH comp on sunday, its gunna be like 2 minutes worth of tape.
i know britney, lane atleast through the comp. britney should have thrown it, but the HG all together worked together on that one. as soon as brendon goes, who cares.
im sure next season BB will cast hardcore ppl. like ppl who wanna go for hours.
TEXEX – HAHA No Kidding I have become a bit of a fan of following Jeff’s new venture and he and Jordan’s phone messages back n forth YES they are still very much together and hilarious.
They will be the BB “showmance” that goes in the history books… HEY
Here is an idea CBS could set up and BB SHOWMANCE season Bring in past HG’s that had ‘hooked up” LMAO.
Diane and Drew
Jase and Holly
Eric and Jessica (BB8)
Lisa and Eric (BB3)
Nick and Danielle ( AHAH AGAIN)
Just tossing stuff out there
Agree with Marcus–this group of hampsters just don’t have the stamina as prior BB participants. They only last seconds for the endurance rounds. I remember in past tuning in at 11 pm CT to watch them still fighting for the HoH. This season they’re already done, showered, cooked & eaten a whole meal by 11 pm. Sooooooo boring. I hope this picks up but the double Rachel and Matt wins don’t leave me much hope for any improvement
The unitarded one goes home! This season has been kind of painful to sit through, and now that it’s 2:1 guys, it’s even harder I think . I need Hayden to go home ASAP before he screams my ears off in another confession. And Ragan as the saboteur? Hmm could be interesting.
Ruh roh. Looks like after next eviction Matt & the rest of the house will be getting in between Raunchel and “her MAN”! Haha…like someone said before…it’s not allways about winning comps(oh…and looks like Matt has won as many as Raunchel)…it’s how you use your power to furthur your game and not piss off the rest of the house.
Good riddance Raunchel or Brenda.
Oh jeeze, not Holly. ANYBODY but Holly. If I hear that whiny voice again I’ll think my ears will burn out.
I think Rachel deserves to stay in this game, She’s doing two things: keeping this game going by putting up an effort to win (aka actually playing this game) and making you guys watch every episode to see when she is going to get eliminated. So basically she is giving cbs the ratings and keeping the game interesting. Brenden on the other hand, needs to realize winning POV is not going to work everytime and he needs to put up more of an effort for HOH as rachel is. personally if they do get nominated I would like to see Brenden go. If rachel leaves it will destroy brenden but if brenden leaves the wrath of rachel will be upon this house lol
I HATE RACHEL – you know I knew that one was coming from some one. Anf the night they showed Kathy feeding Andrew the baby food reminded me of Holly sitting in Jase’s lap with that baby talk feeding him.. I died laughing. Sadly I can honestly say Id rather listen to Holly’s whining over Rach right now. But that is just me
Well, Holly is about a thousand times better to look at than Boobzilla.
I am a big BB fan and I like to see when the HGs are really competing and trying to make the game interesting. What happens when Brenchel are evicted…………a bunch of boring people left that are too afraid to win any competition with the exception of Matt. I do enjoy watching, however this season has tested my patience with such weak players. Matt should keep Brenchel because they are the only ones that are playing hard and not sitting around waiting to get picked off.
@ Matt – Is there a way to leave a message for Alison G (producer)? I would much rather see the coup de taut (maybe misspelled) than Pandora’s box. I know it can possibly undermine the HOH, however we know it can flip the house upside down and that is what this season needs right about now.
I would also like to see somehow someway where the HGs are not allowed to talk about who they are going to vote for. It is so boring when every votes the way the HOH wants them to instead of doing what they want to do. Lying is part of the game and their votes are not revealed so this could add a twist to the house if it was done like a couple of times per season.
Jeff is dreammmmyyyy!!!! I <3 Jeff & Jordan!
I want Rachel to stay in. She has been the only reason to watch, everyone else STINKS!! They aren't there to play the game at all. Who the heck throws this many comps!! You can seriously count the chumps who aren't really playing this game on 2 hands – and it's not just Kathy. Rachel is out there but she's def playing. We're gonna be bored to tears relying on Brits random questions for entertainment.
I kind of like the showmance season, I'd watch that. At least those were competitors – not all of them good, but they tried!
Brendon’s whining last night “After Dark” just got to be too much for me. “None of the comps are on a level playing field,” he says, “Not for someone of my size and build.” What is he, 9 years old?
And his constant groveling to Rachel about their future relationship, is just too pathetic. He says he’s been through breakups and bad romances so many times before. Well, for a “PhD” he’s certainly a slow learner.
Rachel has got to go this week. I almost can’t stand to watch it because of her.
Good Day F-B Post-ers! :)
@x-tina – I hope J&J break open a pandoras box of their own! (i.e matts lie; brigade alliance!) it would be most excellent! these HGs need a fire under their butt, they float & coast WAY too much!
@mary – oh u dun noe matt will use it! (unless he thinks he will not be benefiting from it!)
@kristi with #s – i thought so too never heard jordans name until recently like this week, before it was only jeff but now it seems to be both! (although perhaps they are doing that only to generate hype & ratings!)
@chris – oh my gosh ragan did it again didnt he….wait til he finds out its a LIE! he will be vex! that is TWO HOHs now! (sigh)
@mary – oh did enzo say that… hee* well we shall see, matt doesnt care about the brigade anyways, he thinks he is his OWN alliance! lol. so i wouldnt be surprised if he left them!
(i mean what have THEY done for HIM….thats right NADA!)
@brenchelsupp – i am asking myself the very same thing – hand to head *scratch scratch – slap slap!)
***its weird about Kris b-c she was a cheerleader in both H.S & college and is usually very loud & perky, but in da house she shut down completely to quiet! her site has her friends saying she shoulda been her super social self!
@pete rose – i heartily concur the endurance comps just put these HGs to shame! previous seasons they would be up there ALL night!
@jalen – yes she IS driving the ratings, she is loved & hated so much that even CBS knows if there is ANY to save that pickney they will do it! Saboteur usage or not!
@hellbell – i have been touting that Coup Detat Like CRAZy THE PAST WEEK, and I wrote to the producers on the website too!
@tilly – LOL – did bren really say not for my size & build…that is hilarious…and perplexing!
Someone let me know as soon as Matt makes his nominations. If Rachel goes home this week, it will be 6-2, in favor of the men. The men in the house sre boring. The women are hot looking an full of personality and just plain hate each other!!
why does rachel think every woman in the house want SAPPY -ASS BRENDON. SHE IS TRULY MENTAL.
@ mamabear, Yep Yup the woman is really mental. I know there is a chance of her gettin her ass kicked out, but, will we miss her? Umm, nope, but haven’t decided who to target after rake leaves. It is a toss up between kathy and Dork for brains matt.! Your thoughts?