The POV ceremony was held Monday so we now have a pretty good idea who is going out the door Thursday night and the first member of the jury for Big Brother 12. It doesn’t seem like we should be that far into the season but unfortunately we are now in the second half. Lots of drama ensued as the hg’s had another memorable speech to talk about for the rest of the day.
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Big Brother 12 Live Feed Highlights – August 9, 2010:
10:49 AM BBT – Matt and Ragan in HoH room talking about what he’s going to say when he evicts Rachel. “Julie, I wish what happened in Vegas stayed in Vegas.”
11:04 AM BBT – Matt asks Lane to pull Britney into a solid alliance to help get Brendon out.
11:50 AM BBT – Feeds back from POV ceremony and Rach is fake crying to Britney who did not use the veto. Brendon called Brit a spoiled brat. Rach is saying she didn’t understand why Brendon said what he did to Lane. I don’t have a clue what he said so we’ll have to wait until Wednesday for that one. Brit say from observing Brendon’s behavior he doesn’t like women.
12:05 PM BBT – Matt and Ragan in the HoH planning on how they could trick Rachel into believing they were keeping her. They are planning on being fake nice to her. Matt wants Ragan to apologize for their fight.
12:10 PM BBT – Rach joins Bren and he asks “did it work?” implying his big blowup was all planned to get everyone to vote him out over her. She says yes and tells him what Brit said to her. Too bad the hg’s are onto them lol. Of course it doesn’t help that they think Rach is the Sab.
12:21 PM BBT – Rachel thanks Hayden for what he did and they talk about her winning HoH Thursday and what she wants in her basket. WTH is wrong with Brendon? Did he not come on the show to play a game? Does he really think Rach is going to stick with him if she wins?
12:30 PM BBT – Enzo is in the backyard telling Hayden and Lane that Ragan is going home next week and that the word of the day is sabotation. I don’t get Enzo’s logic of not getting rid of Brendon next. Is he jealous of the friendship between Matt and Ragan?
2:51 PM BBT – Rachel tells Brendon she thinks Lane is the Sab. no one suspects ragan lol.
4:46 PM BBT – Brendon is in the shower and talking to Hayden. He tells Hayden that he is the only person Bren and Rach can trust and that he should NOT trust Lane and Enzo.
7:47 PM BBT – Lane, Enzo, Hayden and Brit are eating dinner, talking about the shocked look on Rachel’s face when she gets evicted Thursday night. I will admit that its kind of mean to trick her like that.
8:09 PM BBT – Hayden telling Enzo that Brendon told him he couldn’t trust him or Lane. Enzo is surprised by this because he thought he had Brendon in his back pocket. Enzo’s all upset about this and is now saying Brendon has to go next.
12:03 AM BBT – Matt, Ragan, Lane, Hayden, Kathy and Brit in HoH having another talk show. Brit and Ragan are still ripping apart Brendon and Rachel like they’ve done all day.
2:26 AM BBT – Brendon and Rachel in another argument. This time over what info Rach found out in the DR. Supposedly something good that will help them but she won’t tell Bren what it is.
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Today we heard a lot of mud slinging by Ragan and Britney towards Brenchel, especially after what was said at the POV Ceremony so I’d look for that to continue today. Sometimes it’s really funny to listen to but for me, it’s getting kind of old. What will they ever talk about once Rach is gone?
You can catch all of these Big Brother 12 events using the DVR-like feature of this year’s and past seasons’ Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored!
Boobzilla this week, Brendon next week.
I wonder how long it will take in the Jury House until they’re not speaking to each other at all.
I am I Hate Rachel and I approved this message.
Go Team ABR!
Houseguests should not be “finding stuff out” in the DR. Production needs to realize this is an insult to the audience.
of course something good will happen to rachel and brenden! I really dislike them and dont understand why they get all these breaks! people who play the game in there dont get as much breaks as them. Brenden hasn’t even won anything !!! CBS what the heck is going on !
@ dena # 3 Brenden won two POV’s
and I’m sick of Enzo sitting on his ass snapping his fingers and getting what he wants. His alliance is dumb he doesn’t even have to play the game to get far. He throws competitions, He tells his alliance to do his dirty work and He gets away with it.
@ Dena, do the Veto comps count? Brendon has won 2 of them.
Does anyone else think this has been the lamest BB yet? I mean 2 people have won HOH twice and 2 people have won POV twice. It really seems like everyone wants to stay below the radar and no body is trying to win. Just sad that this is the thought process of the few people who got this rare opportunity.
Lastly, I do not ever remember the production staff causing this much trouble, first Julie starts with Hayden about his attraction to Kristen before Andrew even blew up. Now they are being told about a secret male alliance, and lastly this new stuff with Racheal and Brendon?? Hey Production, stay out of the game. Do your job, change the lights and make sure the toilets are working. You are not playing!
CBS knows that a lot of viewers dislike Rachel and Brendon, and they are probably looking for anyway they can to save them. They are just looking for something to stir the pot. Interfering in the game, is not right if you ask me. Rachel shouldn’t find out anything from production. If something happens so that they are saved this week, I will seriously question watching anything else from CBS. All their integrity would be gone.
Let the game play out like it’s supposed to!
Can’t wait to see Rachel fake cry to Julie Chen on Thursday!! It’s gonna be the best day of season 12!
I also feel that production should let the game play out on its own with no help. Has there ever been a time in BB that a houseguest gets evicted and instead of that one going they reverse it and the other has to go? That’s the only thing I can think of as to why Rachel is so quiet about this. Maybe that’s why she was insistent that Brendon get the handbook and read it. Maybe she wants to tell Brendon and wants to know if there are rules against it. I want Rachel gone. People don’t think there will be any drama when they are gone. Come on. Only two will make it to final four. It’s down to you either play or go.
yes they count but Rachel needed him to make some real moves not t just play safe with the POV. everyone knows that the HOH is where to turn things and I agree about Enzo, he is another one sitting around while everyone is being attack or having to prove themselves! idk about this season, and I agree with kelsey! How the heck they have special attention!
Yes, the lamest season for sure. If production does pull something out of their hat to save Rachel this week, I’m done. I’ll send them a letter to let them know why I won’t watch again, and copy their Big Brother advertisers on it. What a waste.
I will as well. Production….STAY OUT OF IT. Will not watch if you meddle. Having said that I don’t think they are that stupid.
I’m sorry. Only two will make it final two. If there are fighters left in the house it will happen soon.
How do we know they haven’t ever helped the game before?
other than BB12
@ kristen
I completely agree! It’s one thing to want to add a little spice to the game. But adjusting things along the way to go in the favor of what they want is so wrong.
Do we know for sure that production told Rachel anything??? I would not put it past her to lie about it just to try to make herself look better or more important.
The Dragon’s living in a fantasy world.
I’m guessing that on Thursday they’ll have paramedics on hand to give it an emergency botox injection.
I doubt very seriously that anything of any importance was said to Rachel in the DR…she’s grasping at straws. Just like I doubt anything said by either of the Sabs regarding relationships in the house is going to turn out to be true.
The tears will be real I’m sure. She’s just clueless. I’m 100% positive that she see’s herself as the victim in all this and has no idea how the audience views her. Many of her comments support this. This behavior is typical of spoiled brats.
Brendon should go. He’s already practically forfeiting the game this week. man up and grow a pair on your way out the door. And the bri”gay”de is such a joke.
production has always been involved,they pick the cast as characters,the gay guy,the blonde bimbo,the intelect,they have an agenda before it starts,this is a reality(not)show its how the game is always expect the unexpended to us not them
sorry that should have been unexpected not unexpended.
Ragan go after Matt* Become is best friend and alliance. Go after him what he wants to do to Rachel* Matt you keep becoming closer to Ragan* I care very much to Rachel and Brendon***
If Rachel was given some kind of handout by production she would have been told to keep her trap shut. Not worried at all and even if she stays, things are still not looking good for them next week. I guess it would be OK for the game to be unfair in order to keep her majesty in the game. Well if you cant win fairly why not cheat.
I don’t see how there’s any way production could give Rachel a free pass without the viewers voting on it or her winning it by competition.
Maybe somebody in Production told her bout a job opening for a “STRIPPER” or that the company that dispences “BOTOX” are looking to hire actual users. Heck maybe somebody told her that the folks who sell “PROACTIVE” needs her input..Maybe that RACHEL’s secret..Even tho she gets booted n’ loses $500,000 g’s all will not be lost there are other options..
Jeff did not get a free pass last season and nobody wanted him to leave..except men that were jealous of
The only one who i think is going under the radar is Kathy. I mean its ok to go under the radar, but sometimes you have to win. Hayden is the only one who won something and not twice. Its either all the other HG are going under the radar or they suck at comps.
I just read on another webcite that they are going to not let boobzilla out this week. The door will not open and then in two weeks they are going to have a double eviction. That will start a lot of drama in the house. Its one way to keep everyone watching
I can’t stand listening to Brat-ney.
All she does is talk a bunch of crap about everybody.After Rachel and Brendan are gone she’ll find somebody else to dump on. She just comes off as a miserable person.
I just wish the HG will make more alliance. It might be more entertaining. CBS probably helped rachel because of the viewers who said it would be boring without rachel.
Rachel and Brendon were looking in the BB handbook because they want to know if other houseguests or production is not allowed to go through anyone’s stuff. I think Rachel’s answer was, noone is allowed to go through anyone’s stuff. Rachel believes the dollar prize ticket from the first HOH comp that Matt got is the same dollar ticket he showed them that he got for opening pandora’s box. She knows now that Matt lied about it. I wouldn’t be surprised if she exposes it to everyone.
its sad that none of the other houseguests want to play the game the challenges are really pathetic with them dropping out not much excitement to look forward to this seasons gets more boring every week used to look forward to Thursdays whats going on this season????
I do agree about you rewarding rachel something, but all the other houseguest besides matt doesnt have any advantage. Its like picking their favorites to win.
I mean rachel have ing an advantage is unfair.
Mary@29…Matt already told the house that he figured it was the same dollar cause it had a hole in just like the first. So if Rachel thinks she got something on him she don’t..They both gonna give less than coherent speeches Thursday nite..we just have to wait..
Hey guys, let’s not forget that there were only 13 people that came into the house after the 14th dropped out.
Could this mean that whoever is eliminated this week will have a chance to come back into the house? i sure hope so.
A house without Rachel will be no fun at all.
Matt is a liar, everyone lies but he went to far plus he thinks he is better than everyone.
Matt and Regan are two tiny little men with tiny little feet that help them stay on a tiny ledge longer.
If there was a fairer endurance comp it would come down to Brendan and Hayden facing off.
The BriGAYed is stupid and Regan is Matt’s little puppy and he let’s Matt beat him at everything.
Even if Rachel leaves, I’m hoaping she’ll be back for revenge!
Hey guys, let’s not forget that there were only 13 people that came into the house after the 14th dropped out.
Could this mean that whoever is eliminated this week will have a chance to come back into the house? i sure hope so.
A house without Rachel will be no fun at all.
Matt is a liar, everyone lies but he went to far plus he thinks he is better than everyone.
Matt and Regan are two tiny little men with tiny little feet that help them stay on a tiny ledge longer.
If there was a fairer endurance comp it would come down to Brendan and Hayden facing off.
The BriGAYed is stupid and Regan is Matt’s little puppy and he let’s Matt beat him at everything.
Even if Rachel leaves, I’m hoping she’ll be back for revenge!
@Asparkman what is that website,and how do they get their info?
I don’t like this new schedule. It’s a long wait till Wednesday.
I think Rachel believes she’s safe and Brendon is going. Can’t wait for the look on her face when she is evicted.
Brendon and Rachel are telling Enzo and Hayden to watch out for the couples meaning Lane and Britney and Matt and Regan. The four of them have been in the HOH room all night bashing Rachel and Brendon. They are telling them that they are a four person alliance. Enzo is already suspicious of Matt. I think there will be alot of drama without Rachel. They are telling Enzo and Hayden how odd it is that Ragen is always throwing comps to Matt. Enzo and Hayden should band together with Brendon, I think, or they will be out soon.
@Connie I didn’t know that. So everyone pretty much knows that the dollar is the same as before. You are right. They are going to look like fools up there.
@38..Rachel&Brendon were not in the HOH room (I don’t think) when Matt was talking bout it..If she thinks he is not being honest about it then it is for certain that neither were there when he said it..
I heard Matt on feeds yesterday talking to Regan ( I think) about somebody going through his suitcase but he said there was nothing of importance in it. How did Matt know that Rachel went through his stuff?? And who put the idea in Rachel’s head (she ain’t that smart) to go snooping?? Production maybe???
If production “helps” Brenden & Rachel then cbs will definately loose viewers for future seasons. I think that they have alredy made comps specifically for Rachel, Brenden, Matt & Brittany & that should be enough.To all of the Rachel fans out there, if she is so smart & so great then she wouldn’t need any help, but she’s not. She is a narcissistic pyscho that REALLY needs help!!! BB should help her by sending her to therapy!!!! She must leave Thurs & Brenden will be right behind her!! At least, I hope so!!!!
connie and mary, everyone was in the backyard when Matt told them his prize was the dollar.
good am ash and bg! yall know how much i disliked jesse but i say bring him and nat back in the house and it will entertain me for a bit lol
Yeah Ashli but in the HOH room I think Lane picked it up from the table n’ ask him if it was the same bill? It’s not that he did not tell them he won the dollar it’s if it was the “same” dollar he previously won. Question would be how did Production return it to him if he had it in is possession…If ask Matt needs to come up with an explanation for thatt ..
matt is a fibber fibber, hes been the best liar in the house this yr
hey ash is it hot enough in your area? dry enough is your area? if not holla at me and i will send you down some hot, humid, nasty heat. poor jeff working on the rd in this heat. as we say in nc bless his heart
oh ash where are u
I just know from watching BBAD and the live feeds that Brendon is very very happy about something, outside talking and cutting up with all the guys. Something is going to happen on Thursday, I think Rachel is going to try to open the door to leave and it won’t let her out. Something fishy is going on and I don’t like it.
Going through someone things is wrong and may get u a lawsuit.I hope that is not what Rachel is gonna do.R they that desperate, and is production gonna sit back and let it happen for rating. Didn’t Big Brother have a run in with one of its games[ just asking]. Rachel mentioned about going out with dignity.They played the game, and they have up the rating at the time but Rachel said ” Bring it on”now accept it. And as for alliance [ the begrade] going down in history.The only one that wins is MATT.And he said himself.SOMEONE HAS WIN AND SOMEONE HAS TO LOOSE.
Matt is such an idiot, he thinks that he can’t win the game on his own so he needs to make up a lie about his wife, I can’t wait until finale night when Andrew will probably reveal the truth, everyone will hate him and the audience will boo and Julie will slap him.
shes the best.
nr. oh well, the hg’s will be up in a few and the drama will begin again
it will be no surprise if there is not an evintion this week. we all have been speculating since the beginning that they would have to do something because someone dropped out.
i don’t think production should help out by giving hg’s information. if this is so, maybe they should take note, none of us like it. win
start competing hg’s!! that’s the only true way to stay in the bb house.
on personl level and i could be wrong, but i dont think i have ever seen bb with this many people who are mean. not saying rach hasn’t brought it on herself, but realy, this is not the make fun of rach show or anyother hg. this is bb. i’m over the bashing. it was fun for a few day. it’s not now.
with all of that being said, they do have us all talkning and even tho this isn’t the bb season we are use to, like it or not, we are watching!!
Hey Nanny how r u, nooooo no Natalie, but Jessie OK with me.
Hi Nanny, I’m in and out. Yes it’s very hot here. Heat index of 110 everyday. It sucks! I’m ready for fall. :)
I don’t think we’ll be short on drama once Brenchel leaves. The brigade will turn on one another and things will get stirred back up especially when Enzo starts messing with Britney and Ragan.
Of course there will be drama A-Rae, just not loud mouth cocky Rachel. The BB game is not only about blow ups but laughing in your face while putting a knife in your back.
I can’t wait to find out what Rachel has. It doesn’t matter to me if she has something to save her a$$ & Brendon’s. The only HG I like is Ragan.
Can’t they do a double eviction . ? the only way that rachel would be able to stay in the game?
I agree BG! BB is all about the drama and the social experiment as a whole and part of the fun as a viewer is watching the back stabbing.
The could do a double eviction but they usually announce that on tv.
Has the SAB struck yet??
am i watching a different show? I love Rachel! I want her to stay.
Matt is a freaking dork! He just wants to get his wife to the dentist with the winning $$$.
This season is doing much better in ratings than last season. SO people are watching.
What happened to the good old days when they had an even mix of really attractive people and normal looking people?
I don’t mind if the producers throw clues in for the HG. They need to get these peoples minds working somehow.
These HG are so 2faced but i gut it’s how you play the game.
Hope Rachel finds the Diamond Veto and steals it!
@Abbylicious ♥ Why are we seemingly the only ones to see Rachel’s greatness
First time ever posting, but I love reading everyones thoughts. I am not a “fan” persay of Brenchel, but I think they have actually played the game, Rach has won 2 HOH’s and Bren has won 2 Veto’s…at least they are fighting…The other HG’s seem to have felt this as a “vacation” but one filled with drama. I’m hoping for an exciting Eviction night. Btw I agree with the prev poster about the schedule, Sun to WEDNESDAY?? Too much time in between..put it back to Tuesday!
@ Brenchel Supporter, I don’t have the live feeds, and I am not aware of the Diamnd veto out in the HG’s hands..Is it already in play?
I totally agree with comment 58 & 59!!! I would loveeee to see the Hg faces if Rachel and brendon stayed! I was thinking the same thing Robert, I thought I watching a diff show than everyone else! This is the first year i have been fan of (hated houseguest)
from what I have heard they are not allowed to go thru someones personnel belonings, and if someone was to do this I would hope for an automatic eviction, no packing of bags just pulled and sent,and i’m not playing favorites.
great episode/edition of Just the Tip.
they need a sponsor
Re the going thru bags etc..Who was the HG that broke all of Evil D’s cigs? That was going thru personal stuff adn they were not evicted…What about the fact that Bratney was going thru Rachels stuff in the HOH putting on her extensions etc…Come on guys, if ONE goes…then they all go for doing the exact same thing :)
Sooo if Rachel FOUND the diamond veto, told them in the DR, and production told her that maybe she “wins” it. Kinda like there has to be a prize if someone guesses who the sabatour is???
#65–I dont think anyone would get a prize for guessing the sab. They said the sabs identity WOULD NOT be told until finale night no matter what.
I hope BB let’s what is going to happen happen during the eviction. We are all just speculating that either B/R will not actually walk out the door. BB must know that that would be seen as very poor play….even if ratings are up and Rach is one of the reasons, the viewers will know that there was some tampering going on.
If Rach does leave on Thurs. I can well imagine that Bren. will go nuts on the rest of the HG’s and just about lose it…caling everyone out. Hope so…but maybe that is what he secretly wants to happen to that he can start to play the game (who would come onto a reality show and give up that kind of money for “love” that happened within 48 hours).
On the BB live feeds right now, brit and ragean are talking about something to do with warnings her and rachel got about the DR. my feeds are cutting in and out, uugghh.. why does it do that!
If Rach stays and Bred leaves she will cry and make a huge fuss but I bet later on, when know one else is around, she smiles at the camera, winks, and thinks the game is a wrap for her to win it all. Bren will be forgotten as soon as the money is handed to her.
It would be the best if they did not go home. There better be a good explanation though. I agree with @Shysmama Brit and Matt went through Rachel’s things, so it’s only fair if Rachel went through his.
I hope she found the Diamond Veto and asked the producers about it.
When he got the Diamond Veto and Matt read the card he said
“You must keep this power a secret or you risk loosing it”
So i think it’s fair game if someone finds it and takes it.
this might be what Rachel did.
i’m praying it is!!!!! :-)
Annie T – She is doing that. I think that is why she dresses the way she does. She is trying to get good with the production crew by acting the way she does. sticking her butt out like a porn star every chance she gets, in the SR she doesnt talk about brenden the way he talks about her. she is using him, and he deserves to lose because of that.
she will have a “sugar daddy” lined up as soon as she walks out the door… or proactive! Looooved that comment! LOL!
I didn’t know that Matt found or has the Diamond Veto..that sucks! I don’t like Matts game, yes he’s a good liar, and thats basically what this game is about in a way, but ick..really? I will LOL on Thursday if somehow the door doesn’t open or B/R have the power to change the nom’s last minute, I’d put up Matt and Enzo!!!!
I laid a turd last night and it looked just like Britney.
I really doubt that the Powers that Be read this and if they do…they dont’ really care what we comment. The point of the game is to win, there are no “overt” rules that are stated..Its a show created to bring us into their drama, to care about people we normally wouldn’t…I loved watching Kristens bf’s reaction to her relationship with Hayden, last week- I actually felt bad for the guy. And Haydens mom was awesome. Its just a game so for people to get so emotionally involved cracks me up :) Just my two cents…
if Rachel looked through his bags and found the Diamond Veto and was like
What the F%^* and asked the producers they might have to tell her. It would be wrong not to. plus as i stated earlier
when Matt read that card it said if he did not keep it a secret there was a chance it would be gone.
It would be wild and i think Rachel is a type of girl who will do anything to win, including looking through someones bags. It’s all fair.
People are Hatting on Rachel the Hot Red Head BombShell cause they know she is the best player.
The BriGAYed needs to be outed! LOL
I think Matt is smart enough to check his bags to make sure the veto was still there. If it wasn’t, I think he’d be freaking out on the feeds.
Rachael needs to go her laugh is so annoying!! Brendon is an idiot for giving up. I really hope Matt keeps the Crystal POV. Once Rachael and Brenden are out, the game can start and back dooring can start! Production just needs to let what happens, happen!
I’m pretty sure that Rachel wipes the wrong way.
All of the houseguests are backstabbers and liars. There is not a one who is without flaw. I am not really sure why they all just targeted Rachel and Brendon to begin with. Seems like they were an easier target since they were friendly with each other. At this point ALL of them have at least one person whom they are closer with…so it is very hypocritcal to single out this one pair. It lets people who dont want to get any of the spotlight keep sliding under the radar. For $500K you need to do some of the “dirty” work to win.
After Rachel and Brendon go home, Ragan, Britney, and Kathy are next. (Most likely in that order) its kind of sad that none of them suspect there is an all guy 4-way alliance thats gonna pick them off. The brigade is a pathetic excuse for a power alliance that can’t win any challenges unless its thrown to them. All they’ve done is win HOH’s that were thrown to them. (Matt in particular) They all rely on Matt to do all the dirty work and get the blood on his hands as they ride him on to the final 4. It would crease me to see such undeserving posers in the final 4. T
Does anyone else think Matt is full of it with the whole MENSA thing? Anyone who is a genius surely wouldn’t act as dumb as he does. Truly obnoxious. I bet his balls wreak.
Well all I know is, if I can close my eyes at night and actually hear someones voice as clear as day …… They need to go, if not just for my sanity lol. I can straight tell u Rachel has no feelings for brendon you can tell. What his family must be thinking.
I hope his balls do wreak, then they will leave their smell on me for a while. He’s hot!
Ok, so I have sat back and read everyone’s comments for weeks now and I just HAVE to post something finally.
First, I am on team Brenchel. But with that being said, Rachel does get on my nerves with that whole “My Man” stuff. Shut up already… geeeezzeee. I do like other people in the house like Lane and even Britney at times. But Lane needs to use his brain and Britney is just about as annoying as Rachel. Brendon is probably my favorite. Well, he was until he is so whipped by Rachel that it is pathetic.
The “Brigade” needs to get over theirselves. The only reason none of them have been on the block or evicted yet is because they are all to scared to go against the majority vote of the alliance. Just because you have an alliance with someone, you should know by now that stirring the pot at some point is the only way you will get far in the game. Power moves people! And as for Hayden, I love seeing him get camera time… as long as it is from the neck down anyway… He won’t last long anyway. Not with “meow-meow” making all the decisions for him. Speaking of “meow-meow” I wish he would be a little more “in your face” on the show instead of sitting back like a weasel….
Matt just makes me sick. All the lies about his wife did it for me. I am all for lying your butt off to get ahead in Big Brother, but you should never lie about someone having an illness or what not. Karma Karma Karma Mattie…
Regan is playing an ok game, but throwing compitions all the time is lame. I liked the past seasons when people would down right fight to win an HOH or POV. They should make them all wear chicken costumes.
Did I forget someone???? Oh… That older lady… What was her name again?? Is she even still in the house???
And one final though, SOOOO glad Kristen is gone. Didn’t really care until I seen that she had a boyfriend at home the whole time. A hot boyfriend, way better than Hayden, I might add.
does anyone know what rachel was told in the diary room as i love her and really hope it means she can stay and get her revenge :) thanks
I’m pretty sure they told her that her butt stank like a rotten pumpkin.
I’m looking forward to thursday to see the look on Rachels face when she is told by a vote of 6 to 0 rachel you are evicted, and we can all toast with a bottle of Patron.
I heard Rachel is going to start up her own clothing line called skanky wear.
well put GeorgiaGurl, except for the Brittany part, I can’t stand her, thought she was kinda pretty at first but she just keeps getting uglier the more she talks
hahahahahahaha no. you wouldnt like that if you were being called that by people that dont even know her, why dont yous just calm down k. and i do what to know cause hopefully she can stay in and get her own back.
do something cbs.
i love rachel ;)
and another thinh, why pick on her when matt is such a bigger threat and a liar about his wife, thats shocking so really he should be called names cause he is fault and she isnt so hopefully everyone will find out and he gets eliminated or for taking the dveto, the house will be told about his wife and its all lies putting a really big target on him :)
SCGirl… She does get uglier the more she opens her mouth… But that is true for most people, not just in the big brother house. lol
I’m just hoping for Rachel’s sake the jury house has an open bar, otherwise she will definitely make BB history by being the first ever, house guest to suffer Delirium Tremens.
Wow you guys are idiots. There will be an eviction this week. They are not just going to say “Oh well you know that HOH from last week? And that Veto comp? Yeah well guess what none of that mattered. Ok time for a new HOH competition.” That just simply is not going to happen, and if you think it is you are a completee moron. Rachel or Brendon will go home this week. Fact. Also, production did not tell Rachel anything. Like somebody else has said, if production did tell her anything they would have told her she was not permitted to tell anyone that she was told anything significant. She would not have said anything to Brendon. She is just trying to make it seem to Brendon that she is favored by production. She is just feeding her own ego. Also you people hating on people throwing competitions act like they owe it to us to put on a good show. They are in that house to win 500 grand, not to entertain us. I agree this season is not up there with the great seasons like 6, 7, 11, etc. But to blame that on the fact that the HG’s are not giving 100 percent effort in every challenge is simply stupid. Smarten up.
If production is involved, it will prove that this whole exercise is a farce to begin with, as in possibly the HG’s are really actors (a/la The Bachelor/ette?). It would be like releasing a shark into a televised swim meet to garner ratings and affect the match outcome to generate as much buzz as possible (no pun intended buzz/swimming/Phelps).
Face it…the networks hurt for ad revenue during the summer and this show has how many people force fed sponsors ads for at least 3 hours a week and not to mention what revenue is generated by the live feeds?
So if production meddles….it will only be to up the viewership and generate more money as opposed to the spirit of competition.
I vote they bring back Evil Dick..a “real” person, not a “pretty boy jock” or a surgically enhanced “bimbo”…that would stir things up a bit. Then again…it would be a production meddling thing and that puts us back at the start of the arguement.
You can’t win….real people or not….it is like a car wreck….hard to turn away.
Oh, also. There is NOTHING wrong with Matt saying that about his wife. You people that are bashing him for need to get down off of your high horses. Shit, if I went on the show i’d bring in pictures of my cousins children and say that they were my children, my wife passed away from cancer a couple years ago, I am a single father currently out of work and my mother is watching my children for me while I am on the show. (I don’t have children. Never been married. Have a full time job.)
Its call strategy, to get people to feel bad for you.
Why haven’t the HG’s wonderd why Matt doesn’t talk about his poor sick wife…he hardly even mentions her…I could see Matt and Ragan being friends outside the house (before BB) because Ragan has given in on the HOH twice now, without much of a fight, seems to me that often happens in a friendship…one is dominant and the other submissive. Just a thought…
They need to do something to spice the house up a little bit. I don’t know what, but this has been the most boring season to date!
I really don’t care if Brendon or Rachel stay or go, personally I want to see Matt gone. But as I watch this show, CBS is giving me the impression that every other HOH competition is being designed for a specific type of person to win and if this trend continues we will have to continue watching this obnoxious dork in his skull and crossbones pj’s for the rest of the summer. Giving him the “crystal veto” is just like CBS telling me they want him to win. They should have done what they did last year and let America vote on who gets that kind of power, not just give it to him.
@95 while I might agree with somethings you said…I am not an idiot nor a moron…and others on this site are not either. We, like you, voice opinions……..since there isn’t much to watch on BBAD…we come on here to speculate and talk about the game. You sounded just a bit like some of the players, trashing others…that you don’t even know.
Lol, the name is a joke. I don’t think you are an idiot, just trying to get my point across. To honestly think that they would not evict somebody this week is laughable. That would make the entire game of Big Brother a mockery. That will never (Read: EVER) happen.
# 98– They didnt GIVE Matt that Veto, he won it by becoming HOH… Also CBS told us that whoever won that HOH would hold more power than the others…. looks like some of the others should have tried a little harder to win!!! If it was GIVEN to him it was only bu the other HGs because they didnt fight to win, and thats not Matts fault!! He won FAIR and SQUARE!
Reagon, do something!! Anything!!
That sounds better than what you wrote. People are entitled to their opinions without you putting them down.
That being said, Rachel is no fool and she knows Matt is lying about the one dollar crap.
I would not put it past her to snoop and find the diamond power of veto.
Matt was warned in that note that if it was found it would risk him loosing it.
It would be so wonderful if that happens>
It’s a long shot but i can hope for what i want.
No..he was warned “You must keep this power a secret or you might lose it”…I guess technically some skank digging through his suitcase doesn’t count as “keeping it secret” but if production allowed that…wow.
Did any of you guys see the feeds early this morning after they were talking about whether
anyone could through a HG’s stuff? Brenchel
had been arguing about whether Rachel was really told anything important in the DR. So
finally they decide to get out “The Manual” of
BB house rules. They’ve been locked in a house
with nothing to do and nothing to read for over a month and no one has even thought about
reading the rules. Are you kidding me?? After
they have had flipped through this big book
Rachel says “We really suck at all these rules.”
Also, have you noticed that when Matt wears his
stupid zip-up pajamas he can’t put his hand down his pants. He hardly knows what to do with himself!
which mood swing mentally unstable Rachel is awake today?
@104 I agree with that…now the rule book comes out, never seen before, and does anyone think Matt would be so careless/foolish to put the Dveto in his way, not something that important…he would have found a really good hiding spot (I know some of you will think…down his pants…)
Nice to hear that Ragan and Enzo don’t want to be so devious anymore…
They want things to be comfortable…
I’m surprised…I thought Ragan was never going to get off his soapbox…now if they can just tear down Bitchney…
believe me, there will be plenty of drama in the next couple of days i am sure!
I think that CBS can change up the game whenever they want. We as the viewers have no idea what they are going to do,thanks to their “Expect the Unexpected” clause.How are we to know that what ever happens in the game wasn’t already planned,or just thrown in to save whoever or just twist things up a bit? We don’t. We just have to hope that whoever our favorite player is gets called to the diary room and told of a new twist that will further them along in the game.
Matt has auditioned every year for BB since season 2. He was rejected every year until this year. I can’t imagine getting the Diamond veto was CBS handing him the win. I don’t think they like him that much. LOL
I am concerned about why Brenchel was reading the handbook last night about BB going through their stuff. Someone speculated that she would go through Matt’s things. Can anyone who watches live feeds tell me if that happened??
I am so looking forward to Rachel and then Brendon going. The house will become laugh out loud funny with them gone. I think everyone will liven up, and their antics will be really hilarious. There are some bright moments already, and there’s more to come once the overshadowing of the showmance is gone.
Britney and Ragan will continue with one liners, maybe more positive going forward. Also, the Brigade turning on itself should provide some good watching!!!
As always, Go Hayden!! GO DEVILS!!!
Alison Garner, will realize the rates of the whoe goes down by alot and decides to rig or find a way for rachel to come back into the house for sure. its all about the ratings who cares who wins the who makes millions and millions off of text voters.
I am so glad Rachael is gone ..BUT it doesn’t really matter because someone comes back and they could just bring Rachael back ..I have said in the past few seasons that production interferes and I firmly believe that ..just little things that happen ..I don’t think we have heard the last from her ..I am anxious to see how Brendan does without her though ..who’s puppet he will be now …hahaha
I also agree with you Jac..this season does not keep me interested in the least yet …VERY BORING so far ..jmo
@YouPeopleAreIdiots, what crawled up your ass and died? Yeah those people are on there to win 500 thou and to entertain us. If that wasn’t an issue there would be no feeds on the computer or BBAD. So get off your high horse and stop being such an ignorant bully. I am surprised Matt even allowed your comments.
YouPeopleAreIdiots is quite a bit over the top, but a dose of reality is what some posters need.
And no, it wasn’t me. I would never spell complete with three e’s.
Hey guys, I saw a post that was NOT posted by me?!?!?! It was about Rach and her butt? Sorry was NOT me!!!!
ILOVERACHEL, that wasn’t me that posted that about Rachel before…I don’t know how or why it was posted, but I’m pretty sure the moderator can go back and see (hopefully) the email associated with it! I’m not a “big” fan of Rachel, but I don’t talk about people like that.
Production Will allow Rachel to stay.
you will see!!!!!!
In the end it is a gameshow and there are rules/laws against fixing them. The only way they could have saved Rachel is by putting a vote out where America could have granted her the Coup De Tat(and she wouldn’t have come close to winning the vote, unless the Skankster Union of America is a lot stronger then we think) If somehow they find a loophole and keep her in, well, they would lose a lot more viewers then they think.
Does anyone know if it has been confirmed that Rachel found/has the Diamond Veto?
@ annie t #96 talking about Matt/Ragan being “friends”, wouldn’t friends split winning? here’s my take Ragan’s a big WUSS, doesn’t want to get any size target on his back, feels safe doesn’t want HoH. SURPRISED he even shows he can win an endurance and more surprised he accepted sab, think the $20T plus the fact he could still win $.5M might have had something to do with it. he’s a likable little guy and even stood up against Rachel when she came in on him and Matt and implied they had an alliance… wait a minute she’s on the way out; never-mind.
@ shysmama #115 & 117 here i thought you got off one of the best lines this season in #87… sure you don’t want credit for that one? also #120 is verrrry interesting wouldn’t that be something. that would change things wouldn’t it and then she wins HoH… could we ever stop laughing. maybe Matt should put that thing down his pants.
thank you Rachel is going home! abd we all know it, BACKFIRE SUCKS!! loll
Rachel and Brendon are so dumb to think that if Brendon yells at everyone that its going to send him home not Rachel, everyone hates Rachel in the house. Brendon’s head is not in the game AT ALL!! but oh well to bad for him, his going to regret it when they break up.
did Matt miss a GREAT chance to backdoor someone? he could have put Brendon up with someone other than Rachel then if someone (Britney in this case) takes a hg off he puts Rachel up; or if Brit doesn’t he takes 1 off and puts Rachel up. either way he back-doors bOObzilla; if he doesn’t use it he’s got it for the next POV ceremony. Never-mind it’s too confusing… oh wait, Matt’s “the brain” just ask him.
GregH, I don’t mind gettin credit for it, when I do it. Thats all :) I personally could care less about the HG’s this season…they are all pretty boring. I just think its lame that someone would post using my SN and not take credit for it..unless I had a moment of “black out” haha…
What if Matt does have the DV and uses it to put up Enzo and Hayden…won’t happen but wouldn’t it be interesting?!?!
@annie t matt would just have to keep the diamond vito in his hand if he wanted to hide it in his pants… lol
I hope ragan wins it all. both the sab and the show. i don’t necessarily agree with his game but he’s a good guy… i hope matt will keep him around if enzo puts him up. the brigade is 4 and there is only 3 in the final so… i also hope someone new wins hoh this week! so i guess by that i mean, i hope hayden doesn’t win… lol can’t wait to not have to hear that annoying laugh anymore, but i kinda feel bad for rach cuz once she reads all the posts about people hating her she’s gonna regret the show… oh well, the price of fame i guess… :)
You know what I don’t get… the house seems to hate both Brendon and Rachel, and wants to obviously kick them out. But wouldn’t it make more sense to get rid of one of them this week (which I suppose will be Rachel) and keep the other for the duration of the game? Why not suck it up and keep Brendon until the very end? Its not like he wins a whole lot and definetly isn’t too great at HoH competitions. So to take Brendon to the final two would probably guarantee that the other person with him wins. These people this season are soooooooo stupid. They would rather kick out who is most annoying that think logically about the future of the game.
I don’t care what anybody says the ragan & Britney mean girls routine on bbad is the best part of the show!! I would much rather watch them & laugh at them talking abt Brechal thn watch Brechal complain, kiss, whine, kiss, Brendon climb on top of her, continue to whine, kiss alittle more, Rachel continue to lick her gross inflated lips, fake cry, kiss alittle more. Like I am over their whole thing– o dnt want to watch it anymore….so please “mean girls” continue to bash on them!! I love it
I am over this season. I don’t know how much more of this gang bully I can stand. If The Brigade are so smart, how can they NOT figure out what Brendan is doing? And that it is not personal? Unlike what Brit and Ragan keep doing. This is the worst season in the history of BB. Everyone talks behind your back, noone has balls to say it to your face, unlike Brendan, and he is doing it for Rachel. I don’t think it is working.
& i love how Lane, Hayden, & Enzo get soooo excited about the brigade pulling through…blah blah blah yet everything tht has went in their favor was bc of Matts doing! If Matt were smart he would ditch the 3 dead weights & hook up with Britney & Ragan seeing as they’re the only other 2 besides Rachel who are actually competing & playing this game! These losers do nothing but sit back, play pool, & watch as everyone else does what they need to do to make sure they stay in this house.
I agree Dom.
Dom you think the “mean girl” thing is great? Well ok. I don’t but then again I never did like mean girls. It wouldn’t bother me so much if they did it if someone did something, not to have something to do.
@Trish its funny to me. after 4 weeks of seeing Brechal & all their lovey dovey crap its refreshing to actually watch something & laugh rather thn want to throw up. i mean she is kinda sloppy with her exposed vagina & boobs…nothing they say isnt something i’m not thinking in my head whn i’m watching at home. But i also think that at the end of this all of them will be friends; i really dont think they dislike her as a person but in a house 24/7 with no entertainment but themselves what else are they going to do???
& y’all are idiots if you think once Rachel leaves Brendon is gonna play better! #1 he is a moron whn it comes to strategics. #2 the one thing he will fight for in tht house is Rachel….he can’t even win whn it’s necessary for him to step up & save her so you KNOW he won’t be able to win whn she’s not there!! #3 He knows the whole house is against them….they have not made that a secret yet whn someone shows him an ounce of kindness & blows smoke up his ass he believes them!! “I trust him, I don’t think they’re coming after me!” NEWSFLASH: everyone is coming after you. HOW can these people be so smart in the real world yet enter the BB house & lose all sense of common sense??????
I don’t think that Dom but I sure am hoping. Dang…..
Has anyone noticed Matt and Ragan have the same star tatoo?
Buenos Noches FB-Post-ers & Nifty 9 Crew! :)
@ IHR – why am i not surprised you got 1st dibbs on teh postboard?! :P.
at least your’e consistent with your msg’s I’ll give you that! :)
@will z – did anyone figure out on the online cams today what rachel found out?
or is she still freezin’ out bren? (sigh, only production would pull this kind of stunt!)
@kelsey (6) that’s what I think too, that someHOW someWAY the dropped jaws will not be brenchel’s but da BB HG’s when Rachel is SAVED! it’ll warrant the bets ratings EVER if CBS pulls it off, b/c EVERYone’s waiting for this epic thurs epi to see what her face will be when she finds out the HG’s tricked her into thinkin Bren was goin’ home when in fact it’s her!
***@Matt (BBN) the ONLY person who can save them now is Matt! remember he can use his D-POV at any ceremony not just pov but eviction too! right Matt?
@asparkman – say what? I read that too as well! K good I’m not the ONLy one!
Course that’s just gossip CBS online ppls likely planted to make more ppls watch this epi! I’m tellin’ you this week there are MORE rumours online about this weeks eviction than EVER b4! B/C everyone knows how huge & game-changing it will/MAY be!
@mary – i certainly hope so! oh why does the evictee always realize some secret and has to leave w/it! (kristen about the brigade, now rachel about the $ ticket! lol)
@brenchel sup- i just hope the door does NOT open! lol, and then next week a double eviction to make up for it! and then the HG’s can spend another week gunning to get BOTH of them out!
either way it’s a ratings win for CBS, b/c dun noe we’ll ALL be watching the next 2 weeks of BB epi’s…so the HG’s and viewers get pissed off? OH WELL ya still gonna watch!
@kathleen – dat’s a bit much rachel DID win that quiz ones fairly, she knows her stuff, the HG’s just dont’ care about the details, course NOW they do b/c they know this wk’s HOH one is going to require oh what’s it called? BRAINS! and MEMORY!
@connie (44) i don’t think it was returned the ticket, he just took it out of his suitcase and pretended he received it from production remem? Matt said it was all he could think of to ward off the q’s about what was really in the p-box!
@georgia girl – agree with all you said #89! nuff said! :) kudos* welcom to bbn boards! :)
@torch – if it sells in LV, i’m sure they’ll buy it! she’s a CELEB now thanks to all the haters! lol
@#99 – i dislike the fact you are calling us all idiots! remember the rules of the board do not attack poste-rs, we can post what we like when we like within reason, we’re all BB fans NOT idiots! Whether we said production is interfering with Rachel or that the HG’s are not pulling their weight! we are ALL entitled to our own opinions and to express them! I’m surprised your post wasn’t moderated! ;)
@kembrad – so true, if ONLY they know what he won, i swear not only would they have fought harder but Ragan too! Brendon maybe lol. Kathy um i doubt it!
@dom – i concur! Matt should be using his MENSA brain to figure out logically that the odds of the brogade doing ANYthing is ZERO%!
I completely get why so many Brenchel haters. But seriously, if they go, so goes the ratings on the show.
Also, are the HGs actually the game? All I see and read is gripe on Brenchel every day.
Production should interfere. Hey they gave Matt (the wife disease liar) 2 easy HOHs.
Lock the door and do double eviction next week.
At least everyone would continue to watch.
Redeyed from watching the worst pool games ever.
Not best season, however, Rachel helps keep me
awake. If Rach goes thru Matts stuff and finds
super veto what difference could that make?
she will just know she cannot win and will be
an early arrival in the jury house. In closing
Brendon is totally clueless…..the two of them
will never last outside the bb house. Enjoying
this season anyways….pardon me while i put
in some eyedrops…keep it up hgs.
@steve. Funny how you say the ratings will go if rachel leaves…. Considering for the most part people want her gone. As a matter of fact…if she stays people are saying they will stop watching. If narcisisstic, screeching voiced, annoying chicks is your thing then watch Bad Girls Club.
And mark my words…if production does interfere you will see more people stop watching just on principle.
Good riddance Brenchal. Maybe the other HG can get on with the game.
Not everyone wants Brachel to leave Chris. Alot of watchers who do not get on these boards I am sure want them to stay for the only reason they are entertaining.
@Trisha. I agree that she has some followers. But the consensus here would/should be an accurrate picture percentage wise. When you see those polls in USA today they don’t interview millions, they interview enough to get a good picture of how people land(not trying to lecture if it comes off that way lol). Brenchal are just too distracting…IMO. She said “Bring it on” and Matt broughten it. Now the Rachel fans want the game fixed so Rachel stays in? Not saying you feel that way but give me a break people.
No I don’t feel that way. I don’t want Rachel to stay. I just want the bitching to stop. So Rachel is not perfect, nor Brendan, but neither are the other HG’s. Just leave it on th game field, that is where I want to see it.
@YPAI’s #101 sorry but liars have a hard time keeping their lies straight and were your lies believed why would anyone keep you in the game knowing they’d lose to you in the Final? bad strategy as far as i see. remember how good natalie did with her lies but of course you’d be a much better liar, right? You can fool some people sometimes, But you can’t fool all the people all the time.
Since they started the season with only 13 houseguest it is possible that noone will leave this week in order to keep the game on schedule. Why would BB announce this ahead of time? By keeping it secret they know it will shock not only houseguest but viewers as well. If I remember correctly most seasons have a double eviction week. The houseguest were given short notice of this. If Rachel does leave this week maybe someone will clue her in about the Brigade and she can out them as she is walking out the door. Those who are saying if Brenchal stays this week they will stop watching know that will never happen. We all know you will watch and then complain on message boards
You r a douche, an idiot and a moron. Making up a story and saying bad things about a wife and kids you don’t have is not the same as saying it about ur real wife. You’re a complete douche
What’s up Nanny, blackgirl, Ashli and the rest of the peeps?
I can’t wait to see Brenchel evicted. They talk like it is their game and their game only. Rachel told someone “We have more to loose”…really!. They have completely shunned what would be considered socially acceptable behavior. They think they can do certain things, but it is out of line for any one else to do the same.(ie.- celebrate after winning) Rachel has been the executioner through winning HOHs and has made nothing but bad choices based on personal reasons and jealousy, when choosing who to put on the block. She now hates Matt because she thinks her and Brendon are entitled to special consideration, when they were indeed the natural choice to go on the block because of her winning HOH twice and Brendon winning POV twice. Poor Brendon’s big mistake was getting played by Racheal. He has apparently never had a girlfriend so Racheal was able to lure him in hook,line and sinker. He is one of those book smart people who has no common sense to survive in the real world.I do not doubt that he is smitten by Racheal. He tells her (much too often) that he loves her but she has never mentioned the word. That must come from her…”professional” training. You never tell the John that you love them.
Once they are out of the house, I think the real game will begin and we won’t be stuck watching hours of footage of their sickening relationship. I read the line somewhere that I really liked “What happens in Vegas should just stay in Vegas”
If there is going to be a double eviction CBS will announce it. They would not miss a chance to attract viewers with something that important. Look at all the hype about the new saboteur who has done practically nothing and all the advertising they used to promote it.
Did “Matt the Moderator take the night off? Once again, off work and catching up on all the comments! WOW! To all who say that the ratings will go down if rake leaves, NOT! I do not know about any one else out there, but,,,,, there is a lot of other gamers in this lame duck season to bitch about!
tishe, we’re on the other board (the new one) see ya over there! :) and yeah you are right! lots of other gamers to bash!
brit has got to go!!! she is the worst ever
Why are they planning on playing with Rachel? I don’t get what the point is after POV, especially since Rachel is going to be in the jury house. It’s just mean. I say this not being a big fan of Rachel’s, but it’s still pointless and shows the maturity levels (or lack there of) of some house guests. Seriously.
Ragan and Brittany the “mean girls” of BB,hate them and they need to just shut up already. Talk about a two faced alliance,they need to go.
@ Kelsey #6 I agree with you 100%.
This is def the worst BB ever! I’m glad somebody finally mentioned Brittanys lazy eye! She is the worst type of person….she talks behind everybodys back and hides behind the guys hoping they carry her thru the game. As bad as Rachel and Brendon are, they are up front about everything. Ragan is a disgrace to the gay community. His superiority complex disgusts me. And Matt is such a little coward, he sits back and thinks hes playing puppetmaster which of course he’s not. At this point I cannot come up with one person that should win this game. If push comes to shove I would have to say Enzo and only because he talks to everyone in the house and tries to stay out of the drama. Brittany should try doing that sometime. I cant wait till the guys are done with her and toss her out! And Kathy who preaches to everyone about how she has to do the right thing and be Christian like has become the first one to chime right in with Ragan and Brittany when theyre bashing Rachel and Brendon. If things keep going like this I dont think BB will have an audience next year, never mind a live feed!!!!
I have a few questions and hope someone knows the answers.
1. If someone goes in to the HOH room and takes the POV from matt’s suitcase,can they use it? I sure hope so!
2.If someone would find out about Ragan being the saboteur,can they boot him out ASAP?
3.Do you think Lane and Brittany are the couple? I do for too many reasons,but we’ll see.
Rachael and Brendan entertaining?????? I’d rather watch paint dry …OMG!!! I am so sick of their so called game play ..I am sooooo sick of watching them suck face and having sex all the time ..If you like to watch this,then yes,I guess it would be entertaining to some.Not to me ..
Mama: I agree with you! Brittany and Ragan are the worst, especially Brittany! She is disgusting. They spend every moment ragging on R&B. Get over it! And now, Kathy who they were also ragging on a few weeks ago is in on it with them! She is useless and she tries to act like she is neutral but then she runs straight out to Brittany and Ragan so they can all talk trash. I have never seen such horrible trash talking people before. I can’t wait for them to be evicted! I’m not really a R&B fan either but enough is enough! And I can’t stand any of the others enough to want them to win. I think when Brittany and Ragan go home, they will be very embarrassed and I’m sure their families are not too proud of them either! I hope they all remember that R&B are going to be part of the jury. They should be kissing butt about now!