Big Brother 12: Week 3 Tuesday Live Feed Highlights

What a boring day in the Big Brother 12 house.  We got to see a lot of sleeping and eating.  The game talk didn’t pick up until much later and everyone’s favorite showmance almost came to a halt with a discussion on prenups.

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Big Brother 12 Live Feed Highlights – July 27, 2010:

9:37 AM BBT – Rachel is making french toast for everyone this morning.  The hg’s complain about how cold it is in the house today.

10:50 AM BBT – Brit, Rach and Bren discuss the twilight movies and the difference between them and the books.  There is almost zero talking in the house so far.

12:24 PM BBT – Most hg’s have been napping.  Rach is talking about her implants. 

1:25 PM BBT – A discussion between Brentchel about Andrew.  Rach doesn’t understand why Bren trusts him so much and asks if they are dating.

1:35 PM BBT –  Hmmmm Rach is blasting on Kristen for drinking a beer in the middle of the day. (Don’t see where she needs to talk about anyone having a beer.)

2:42 PM BBT – The guys except Andrew and Enzo are hanging in or around the pool.  Not much talking.

4:21 PM BBT – The guys have put a lime in a pan and are burning it with a magnifying glass.  BB shouts at them to stop.  They are really bored today.

4:31 PM BBT – Enzo punches an apple over and over saying, I can’t believe you put me on the block.  Hayden made a football out of aluminum foil and the guys are tossing it around the backyard.

5:07 PM BBT – Kathy and Matt in hoh talking game.  Kathy telling him that Andrew is telling lies about her.  He told Brit that Kathy said she would nominate her if she won hoh. 

7:28 PM BBT -Andrew and Matt talking in hoh.  Andrew tells him that he knows of a 3 person alliance that Matt could break up if he wanted to.  Andrew’s not going to tell him who it is until Matt can guarantee he is staying in the house. (Sounds like bs to me)

7:28 PM BBT – Big discussion about prenups between Rach, Brit, Bren and Kris.  Bren and Kris are for them and Rach and Brit against.  Rach gets pissed.  Bren raises his voice to Brit because she disagrees with him.

8:34 PM BBT – Bren and Rach still having an argument.  She calls him selfish and says he told her he loved her but then says he doesn’t think love is real. 

9:50 PM BBT – Rach and Brit are sharing a bubble bath in the HoH room and trash talking the other HGs. At least they try to look good when they’re being so ugly.

11:52 PM BBT – Rach wants Kris gone.  She thinks Kris is coming after all the girls so she can float her way to the end with the guys.

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It’s still looking like Andrew is leaving the house Thursday night. He may still have Brendon’s vote but as for now, that’s all. Can he flip things around today and secure another week or will he be taken down by the brigade?

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  1. uh oh our first sign of a breakdown between brendon and rachel…its gonna get good:)

  2. BORING. Casting did a crap job this year. The alpha males made last year fun to watch. This year is all about the oversensitive males and unattractive ladies.

  3. I hope this week either that door doesn’t open (cause I’m worried Andrew is getting evicted)


    One of the 3 evicted HG’s get’s voted back in…and America gets a vote (like when James was voted back in).

    Totally rooting for Andrew!!!

  4. I love how Brit is getting buddy buddy with Rach (pure hypocrosity) That may keep her around.
    I rather see Kristen leave first.
    I would like to see brendon out before Rach, he is more of a threat- would be sooo funny to see how Rach would react! haha

    Andrew stirs up all kinds of crap would like to see him leave before Kathy, although they are both boring!

  5. These people need something to do! Where is the chess set and where are the cards?

  6. I on the otherhand LOVE this season! The best yet!
    There doesn’t ALWAYS have to be something going on. If there was ppl would start complaining saying how BB is fake, set up, etc!!!!
    Things can be just ‘dull and normal’ sometimes!
    Common ppl give it a chance!!!!!!
    Do think the cast is very young this season!

  7. awww man… there’s a thin line between love and hate… lol those are my ppl but i gotta love the drama up ahead!!!!!

  8. Jamie I totally agree with you….the cast is too young (except Kathy of course), why don’t they put a mix of people from all ages, and walks of life…it seems like a lot of them went to university (with science/medicine in their background) maybe that is how some know each other…but realistically, how many people go to that educational level and agree to be on a show like BB (was Dr. Will really a Doctor, who knows…but he was my fav BBHG).

  9. Poor Brit, had to spend 3 hours in the tub with Rachel in order to collect info on her game play and endear herself to her. Hopefully BB provided her some antibiotics!
    Afterwards, Brit told Matt everything she learned. They both feel they’re safe with B/R, and convinced Rachel she’s safe with them…BUT, Rachel shouldn’t feel too good yet. She’ll still be considered for the block.

    Why do the hg’s sit in the tub instead of the hot tub outside? At least the HT has chlorine to kill whatever germs hg’s are sharing…

  10. I always find Monday to Wednesday in the house to be very boring… between the POV ceremony and waiting for Thursday’s live eviction.

  11. Rachel also had the audacity to ask Brit to throw the hoh comp for her and Bren if she could…
    Unfortunately, Brit doesn’t want hoh this week, but is afraid Kristen will win and send her home.
    Matt made a good point last night when he told her that a lot of folks wont want hoh this week, instead waiting for next week, which means too many people may not play very hard and B/R may win it in default. THAT would be a shame.
    Ragan even told the cameras last night that if he is throwing the game, he will wear a long sleeve navy shirt tomorrow night.

    CRAZY–too many people aren’t playing to win.

  12. Laura, I agree. It seems like the goal for this season is to make the jury house with the exception of Ragan, but then why throw the hoh comp? Makes no sense to me.

  13. I thought everyone was in the game to win…no one shuld be trying to throw a comp. everyone is going to have a target on their back at some point, it is a given! Therefore, play hard and maybe this show would get some life back into it.

  14. Matt & Brit were talking about throwing the hoh comp because they’d rather be hoh next week.
    Some folks want to throw the comp because they don’t want to be responsible for getting rid of B/R, even though they all want them to go. They don’t want to make themselves a target. But really, if you get rid of one, there’s only one left to come after you, and that doesn’t mean much if they can’t get anybody else on their side…
    I say, if you’re not there to play, then go home. (Kathy)

  15. I agree with Laura… Thats why their has not been any serious arguments, because everyone doesn’t want to piss anyone off. But it is a game and needs some exciting people who messes everyone up like Russell from last season

  16. I loved Russell. It was right to get him out when they did, but I wish he would have stayed.

    I would be really cool to see Russell from BB11 play with Russell from the last two Survivors. They are both so willing to do what they can to stir things up, and play to win.

  17. I hope the door doesn’t open either. I want Andrew to stay. There is no more “break” between Brendan and Rachel. I don’t know why up there on the blog part it was made such a big deal about, they have talked it out and they are fine.

  18. I’m on right now and it seems as if Andrew did something and he has a lot of the other H.G.’s mad at him, even ones that did like him.

  19. I don’t know if it has been discussed yet, but the other night I was watching the after dark and saw enzo refering to his desert “thing” and he had to take care of it and came out with a stain on the front of his shirt in that area and then just laughed and left it on……eeeewwwwwweee!!!! I like the Kristin and Hayden showmance better at least they don’t flaunt it. I would like to see Kristen stay!

  20. Laura totally agree, none of them ever wanna win anything except POV (only if THEY are on the block)

    Everyone is scared here!!! Its as if they are scared to take charge because then they will be attacked!!
    They all wanna stay safe with no action!

  21. Laura, the person who tries to evict BR will have them on their back because if one wins veto or something and they both end up safe that other person is screwed!!!!!!

  22. Ok, I am done with most in the house. It is ok, it is MORE than ok to target strong players like Brachel, but damn do it to their face. Be a bully if you have too. Stop this sneaking around and telling everyone what everyone said. Now Ragan is doing that. He makes YOU think he is all logic and crap but now he is no better than anyone in there. He told Brachel to their face that he loves them and doesn’t want them to leave. YET he is up there in the HOH room with Matt and dreadful Kristen and telling them what was said. FINE. That doesn’t get me riled up, it is the other HG’s getting mad about Brachel targeting them, or if Andrew is in an alliance with them. Who the F cares? The rest of the house is in a kinda alliance but that is ok? WTF?

  23. I love the game but I hate double talk by anyone,as much as I hate to say it the only ones not doing a lot of double talk is Lane and Enzo this group is so annoying.

  24. Hey Torch I was until what I just wrote was done. I love if the house would divide publically, stop this behind your back crap. Everyone doesn’t like Brendan and Rachel, well stop talking to them then! Stop getting mad at them for wanting to target the house because they know the house is targeting them. Stop getting mad if Andrew may be in an alliance with them when the rest of the house is in a secret alliance. YOU can’t get mad at someone for what YOU are doing yourself. I don’t mind the lying to get further in the game, but Kathy saying she is always honest now that is wrong! I am over Matt lying about his sick wife, matter of fact he hasn’t brought it up again. I am starting to like him even if he is after Brachel. Kathy using her sickness to want to stay, well that is wrong. Everyone is there to win the money, it doesn’t matter the reason. Her reason is no better than anyone else. Her saying crap like “I am not here to blow money like some, I am here to win because I need it for health reasons”, ok so now they should just HAND YOU THE 500THOU? I would feel sorry for her if she would play the freaking game. She says she throws comps? REALLY? I don’t think so. That woman wants to float bye, win the money on sympathy but not work for it. NO WAY IN HELL!!! Ok off my soap box………..sorry. :)

  25. “UM, LIKE YA KNOW, huh, JUST, I’m, UH, Like…” guess who that is? say and repeat over and over and over and you got deputy “tammy faye” teehee. poor heavy eyelashes…she needs a makeover….not like I dont but..she is the one who put herself on tv. still like her..but she makes me seasick listening to her.

  26. I think it’s funny when the hg’s say “you can’t trust them!” and “they lied, I hate them.” etc, etc. Duh! If you’ve watched the 8 millions seasons you’d know that people lie and back stab instead of being forthright and honest. This isn’t something new people jeesh. I’d love for once to see an intelligent and nice person go far in BB.

  27. I guess there is always a few bad apples in the Big Brother house this season, maybe Big Brother should buy some new fresh apples, and throw the bad ones away before they all go bad.

  28. @Trish: I like a lady who says it like it really is. No beating around the bush like some.

  29. Brendan is soooooooooooo stupid! He is not even hiding that he and Andrew are friends. WTF? Well that is ok, atleast he is standing his ground and still there for Andrew no matter what others say. Good for you gorgeous Brendan.

  30. Brenden’s ok but Andrew looks like a crossed eye weasel to me, he is such a dork.

  31. cant believe rach and brit are such good friends now! brit talked about her so much! im glad rach and bren got into it(kinda)they are getting so lame!! i think it is so fake on both of their parts, theyre just trying to win the 50000 for americas favorite.

  32. so far bbad has been waaaaaay too boring! LOL this cast needs something to spice it up! Does anyone think that Andrew will try to call out Kristen & Hayden as being the ones with the secret alliance? Remember when he said that he was not sleeping & he saw & heard them making out? When the guys were all playing pool last night & Matt mentioned that ANdrew told him of a secret alliance, Hayden was looking a bit uncomfortable! I think it will be more interesting if Andrew stays & Kathy goes home

  33. I know Nic doesn’t think Andrew knows anything but he knows alot. And The Brigade does not know about Kristen and Hayden’s alliance I don’t think. Hayden had made a deal with Brendan too but I don’t think he meant it. But if that just gets out The Brigade will be fired up! I am really really tired of the back talk. Lane you are so lame. I am embarrassed you are from my state.

  34. Poor Enzo, he’s telling everyone who will listen about how constipated he is, and desparate he is to go #2, and the one who can give him the best advice about what to do is hiding out in the have-not room.

  35. So? Why is that Andrew’s problem? LOL JK. I feel for Enzo. This 2 weeks of half-not has driven him crazy!

  36. I would like to say that I agree that the cast is unlike other seasons, however I don’t see it as a bad thing. Why is it not ok for ppl to play the game, the lying, backstabbing, and alliances, those are somethings that have to be done to advance to the final winner. However I do not think that constant drama, ppl calling others names, fights and all together ingnorance has to come into play. I like this cast. I like even though the HG’s know they are playing a game, they are taking other ppl’s well being into account. Such as making sure if possible those on slop for the last few weeks are not next week.. I think a good game can be played while still remembering the home training that ur mom’s taught you…

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