Big Brother 12: Week 3 Power of Veto Episode Tonight

Power of Veto

Tonight on Big Brother 12 we’ll see what happened in the third PoV competition and have confirmed to us who won the Power of Veto. If you’ve been following the spoilers then you already know who won!

Things have been picking up again on the live feeds especially with the cracks appear between Brendon and Rachel. Big Brother’s Spoilers is even predicting she’ll be the one to push for Brendon’s eviction before too long. BB12 craziness ahead on the feeds!

Update: Kristen and Andrew are fighting it out on the live feeds right now! Jump on now to watch or dial your Flashback feeds to just before 10AM BBT to watch.

If you haven’t been watching the feeds then you’ve been missing the real game and there’s no way CBS is going to be able to show most of what’s been done and said in the house. You can catch it all on the live feeds new Flashback feature which lets you jump to any day and any time in the season. Yeah, it’s pretty awesome so go ahead and try it for free then keep it for just 50 cents a day.

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  1. i hope they bring sum1 bac from big brother 11,,or a new saboutour to bring bac the fun in the house again..either cbs reallii doesnt care bout bb no more or the contestant are plain boring!!!

  2. There comes a time when all shows run their course. BB may be coming up on it.

    I think BB needs a huge revamping.

    I would like to see a mix between BB and live action CLUE. Neo-gothic mansion set and all.
    Might be fun.

  3. What was the reference to $100/ day? Is that for all hgs regardless if they are in the bb-house or the jury-house?

  4. Well, something big should happen. So far, the evicted hg are being sequestered, so that should mean that someone is coming back…
    Hopefully that will stir up some commotion.

    I can’t wait to see the POV ceremony. Andrew gave a speech, but I haven’t seen it (don’t know how / where to see it as they block the feeds–but some people have seen it anyway).

  5. impossible laura,no one has seen the pov ceremony..who ever said they did are lying…

  6. i thnnk yhu can see it cause the pov ceremony is not live so they must hav done it before todayyy,,and people hav that live feeds so they can watch it,,,

  7. @Marigold (#10) – Yes, it’s possible to play the game without lying… Rather the question should be: is it possible to win the game without lying? Based on what I’ve seen in previous seasons of BB and even the current season, that answer seems to be no. We have a set of people in the house that are willing to say/do almost anything to get their hands on 500K. ::shrugs:: I guess that’s just the way it is.

  8. @ caisy
    I don’t KNOW that someone is coming back, but why else would they sequester the hg’s that are not otherwise slated to go into the jury house? Both Annie and Monet have had to do ‘interviews’ via a questionnaire that bb is editing….

  9. They need to have a BB fans vs faves….with a couple more players…like 8 faves and 8 fans and really shake up the house…bring back HOWIE, DR.WILL, COWBOY, RUSSELL…etc…

  10. @OZ – I completely agree on both points. I do not believe that anyone could play the game completely clean and win. Even ms. honesty kath is regretting that she told them she was a sheriff. It may be impossible to play life clean and totally honest as well. Some ppl just want to hear that you are doing fine when they ask, NOONE wants pure honesty. If you placed cameras on our every word we could find many lies throughout each day.

    I also agree that just about any one of these players look as if they would do just about anything to get the cash.

    Thanks for telling me how much they made Dany, I was wondering that. I don’t have live feeds but as far as I know it was shown bc I read the min/min details of the POV ceremony which did include a re-cap of Andrew’s speech. It also mentioned that Kathy was all pissy bc she would have said something different if she hadn’t gone first! lol

    I am looking forward to tonight’s show for sure!

  11. @OZ – I completely agree on both points. I do not believe that anyone could play the game completely clean and win. Even ms. honesty kath is regretting that she told them she was a sheriff. It may be impossible to play life clean and totally honest as well. Some ppl just want to hear that you are doing fine when they ask, NOONE wants pure honesty. If you placed cameras on our every word we could find many lies throughout each day.

    I also agree that just about any one of these players look as if they would do just about anything to get the cash.

    Thanks for telling me how much they made Dany, I was wondering that. I don’t have li_ve fe_eds but as far as I know it was shown bc I read the min/min details of the POV ceremony which did include a re-cap of Andrew’s speech. It also mentioned that Kathy was all pissy bc she would have said something different if she hadn’t gone first! lol

    I am looking forward to tonight’s show for sure!

  12. @ Melissa – I think that would be great!! They would have to add Evil Dick to the mix also!!

  13. @Laura – I think you have to be right, not only does the sequestern’ give it away, but they were suppose to have another player that pulled out the last min – they have to put it back on track with the amt of weeks they have to play.

  14. the minutes to minutes recaps(jokers),is just what the hg were talking about it after the pov ended,the feeds came back,so thats how we knew what happend at the pov ceremony,not because we saw it,but we were listening to the hg talk about when the feeds came back after the pov ceremony

  15. i want dick to come back,lol..he was funnie n cool,,and yeah dat will rallii turn up the house if annie comes backk,,she will probably be everyones targt again!!!!

  16. Wow, Kristen and Andrew in a huge fight. Finally some loudness in the house!
    I didn’t see the whole thing, but it appears that he is mad that if ‘she has his back’ why is she spending all her time with Kathy. She says he should have come to her, not the ohter way around.
    He may have lost the only vote he probably would have had…

  17. From what I have read, there was supposed to be 14 in the house and at the last minute the 14th one backed out, so they are sequestering all evicted houseguests. I think they will bring one back, but one that hasn’t heard any good bye messages. So that might be something to look for. I don’t like the schedule change. Waiting till Wednesday is a long stretch to wait and it isn’t as interesting. I agree that these people so far are very boring.

  18. I really think that Rachel needs to shut up before she gets put up on the block next week. Who is she anyway but a big problem. Take Rachel key and kick her out of the Big Brother house before this season Big Brother go to a new low.

  19. I have never seen on eviction night when they lock the door and the evicted gets to stay. I have only seen the last couple of seasons. Does that really happen sometimes? Maybe that will be their way of making up for the 14th houseguest.

  20. That Kristin is growing on me. The true phily in her is coming out!!

    I don’t believe Rachel will throw Brendan. She may agree to pull back a bit, but she’ll go after Kris first. Make sure no other girls can go after him in her stead.

  21. Ok Andrew and Brendan are the life long friends. They are talking right now! Andrew told Brendan that if I go YOU have to win this! Andrew is willing to sacrifice himself now for his friend Brendan. OMG, can’t wait till tonight!

  22. That doesn’t mean their life long friends. Could just mean that they have an allience and have become friends in the house. I think Annie was lying when she said that there were life long friends in the house.

  23. @ trish… i agree. it was like brendon almost slipped up and said it… he said sopmething like “you didnt tell him that we are….” i have thought all along that IF there was lifelong friends it is these two!!!

  24. It is going to be sad to see Andrew go, because he deserves to be there A LOT more then Kathy.
    The only reason I want either Brendon or Rachel to win HOH is so the other HGs can see Kathy run back to them and realize the liar she is.
    And its true, we all know practically the whole house is against Brendon and Rachel, what is it going to matter if Andrew stays. Number wise, the odds are still against them…

  25. So if Brendan and Andrew are the lifelong friends why didnt Brendan take him off the block when he won the veto. I wouldnt keep my friend on the block to protect some guy i met in the house like days ago. If this is the case Brendan is not a true friend.

  26. because brendon thought the votes were there to save him and kathy would go. plus if he pulled andrew off rachel would have gone up… and well we all know what most guys think with!

  27. Brendon and Rachel have to stay for another week for the season to be any good bc then everyone with continue to act like a floaters. Love them (and I do) or hate them, they are true competitors. Its not fun if the house does not split. Andrew needs to stay but if he goes and drops the bomb about the other showmance then Brigade will be done. Ragen need to wake up. He is too nice and like and no one we keep him around until the end bc he will get all the jury votes. Kathy should go because she help nor hurts no one thus has no place in the game. Thrusday night will be intereseting because I think several people will throw the HOH comp…Ragen, Britany, Kathy, Lane and Enzo(maybe because he only cares about eating). Everyone may want Brendon out but who will take the bullet for nominating him because they will be the mayor taget the following week. Rachel is strong and she will be gunning for that person. I do not see her crumbing and quitting. Let’s play!

  28. Matt told Andrew a few days ago that he was going to put Andrew on the block…along with Cathy so that Brendan can be backdoored on eviction day. Unless a member of the Brigade wins PoV…Brendan is going nowhere. But should it stay Andrew & Cathy on the block…I’m sorry to say…Andrew will lose out and be voted off.

  29. I think the life long friends was a lie, because Julie Chinn would say stuff on the show

  30. finally a fight in the house! I hope andrew stays, im starting to like him, and also he came in third in the hoh comp, kathy should go home!

  31. @ DD yhur rigt,,julie chan wud hav said sumthng ..erythng is so fake,,i dont want andrew to go and shud be kathyy,,i wud be so mad if monet came bac,i want annie to come bac

  32. Just to think after Kathy or Andrew leave the Big Brother house who will be next to leave the house?

  33. I hate to see Andrew go. I’m hoping against hope that it will be Kathy instead.

  34. @ prettypink,,,i thnk its either britney n whoever is not goin home between andrew n kathy

  35. If Annie were to come back, this would be the week! After Andrews eviction, before POV comp!

  36. Andrew does deserve to stay. Kathy’s whinning is starting to get on everyone’s nerves. She acts now like she is the queen bee. Kristen is stupid to align sheself with such a weak player. I think The Brigade will be find out or they will be pissed about Hayden’s deal with alot of people. Just watch out for Thursday.

  37. Thanks for the info Dany.

    I’m thinking that if there is a relationship (and I hope there is) it must be between Andrew and Brendon. Brendon keeps acting like he cares too much. Then again, he is a little to whimpy lol, it might just be another disappointing personality flaw!

  38. I kinda want Andrew to stay too. He at least shakes it up a little and is fun to watch with his quirkey self. Kathy just bugs me and is a bad example in comps.

  39. BTW – being female I think I have a pretty open mind to the hot factor with chicks.. and that being said. I DO NOT THINK KRISTIN IS HOT AT ALL.

    What is the big deal with that??? Am I missing something guys?? Clue me in here if you would….

  40. @Nadine7601: If you don’t think Kristen is hot then you are clueless, overall the women in this season is one of the best looking groups of women on the show.

  41. clueless?? thanks torch, I guess I am more of a face person and she just doesn’t do it for me. Those eyes,,, nope. I think the same about rachael too some weird mouth thing with her. I do however think Britney is adorable! Maybe it’s just taste.

    As far as the guys. I’m luvn on Lane, especially when he wears hats. YUM YUM!!

  42. Well, CBS ned to do something quick, fast and in a hurry because this cast of of nondiversified snoozes is losing their audiences. I mean, before they were playing the POV, their so-called banter was uneventful and totally boring! I had to change the channel just until they started playing the game and to keep being entertained! Also, does it seem strange that no one in the house has figured out that there’s a secret alliance already? I mean are they that unaware and clueless on top of being boring?! Come on CBS, where has the excitement and passion gone and what’s up with the lack of racial diversity?!!! You need to do a whole lot better BB and CBS before this sleepytime season is over!!!

  43. @nic Just logged in, it would be exactly what this show needs, to bring Annie back! Monet also! Not too sure which one would actually get me to watch the show again. I work while the show is on, I gave up on taping it cuz it is pretty sad. I actually enjoy reading all the comments more than watching the show!!!

  44. @ Calvin375 It’s diverse, we have dumb and dumber! Wait, even better yet, have you ever seen the T-shirt logo that says “I’m with stupid” and the other T-shirt says I’m stupid”?

  45. I am going to get kicked off or banned, whatever they do do people who give mean comments. OOPS, am I bad. Please tell me I am not the only one out there who is totally disappointed with the show. You are right, BBN has lost its edge. Thank you, tho to all the comments from ya all. They need to hire ya all to help with their show!!!!!

  46. Well, have to sleep, thank ya all for catching me up. P.S. Rachael is not a chemist, she is an unemployed chemist”””’ Oh, and also, why would a Jewish man submit himself to this????? 99.9% .kosher food is a priority. Just curious.

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