It was eviction day in the Big Brother 12 house so the tension was high, at least for one HG who was pretty sure of the pending doom. No surprises there when the vote was revealed, but the real excitement came later when the first HoH endurance competition took place. Read on to find out what happened and be sure to stay close today because we know who Matt is planning to nominate and that should be confirmed later on Friday afternoon with the Noms ceremony.
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Big Brother 12 Live Feed Highlights – July 22, 2010:
10:00 AM BBT – Rachel is clearing her stuff out of the HoH room. She’s discussing with Brendon what the HoH comp might be tonight. They’re relying on Andrew and Brendon to save their butts this week.
10:15 AM BBT – Kristen has her own “slip” moment in the shower and once again the shower doors are too low and reveal her top – NSFW.
12:00 PM BBT – HGs are on lockdown in the HoH room waiting for production to do their thing outside with the construction.
1:45 PM BBT – Monet and Britney try to squeeze in one more whining session before the show. They’re complaining about Enzo this time.
6:07 PM BBT – The live feeds return and we’re hot in to the endurance HoH competition. You can get that full play-by-play over here.
8:40 PM BBT – The competition is over and Matt is talking with Rachel in the cabana room. Oh look at that, he’s got the HoH key around his neck. Matt goes over what went wrong with Rachel’s HoH and how she screwed up their agreement by calling the House Meeting and exposing their plan.
9:30 PM BBT – Enzo gets a near penalty-nom but instead it’s a warning and scarfing down 1 piece of pizza despite being a Have-Not again this week due to when he dropped off the competition. Meanwhile, Brendon are Rachel are consoling each other over their loss. Rachel telling him they’ll be okay, but Brendon knows better.
12:45 AM BBT – Matt get his HoH room. Everyone comes upstairs to see his goodies. Matt’s wife sent a lot of things he wanted but left behind. There’s good food, snacks, and even some beer.
2:00 AM BBT – Rachel complaining that BB won’t let her get drunk tonight because she slurs her words too much and can’t keep it together. I guess they got sick of trying to add subtitles during her drunkery.
3:00 AM BBT – Matt, Enzo, Hayden, and Lane group up in the HoH and agree that Andrew and Kathy will be nominated but the backdoor plan is to eliminate Brendon. Drama ensues!
The house evicted Monet and once again the surviving nominee marched up the stairs to claim the Head of Household room. Craziness! Keep an eye out on Friday for the new nominations to be confirmed. Right now it definitely sounds like we should expect Andrew and Kathy noms, which are easy no-argue picks for the house to accept and then BAM!, Brendon will get backdoored if things go to plan.
You can catch all of these events using the DVR-like feature of this year’s and past seasons’ Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial and watch it all live and uncensored!
I am so happy about matt winning. See ya brendon. Can’t wait to watch rachel go crazy when he leaves.
I don’t agree with nominating Kathy and Andrew with the intention of backdooring Brendon. Matt needs to put up BRachel to guarantee that one of them go home.
Great Matt won HOH, see ya Brendon, aww Rachel had this coming to her, maybe she should have gotton power players out instead of getting Monet out just because she didnt talk to her
Wow, I missed alot yesterday & last night. Looks like things are finaly gaoin to get interesting. I’m pretty sure that will put Andrew & Kathy, but the gh will have p o v so matt better hope that Brendon & Rachel don’t win because they will not use p o v & moms will stay the same. Like I said, sounds like some good tv this week in the bb house.
Sorry guys still half a sleep, but u can figure it out. Lol
The brigade needs 4 votes, they have 3 for sure, Enzo,Hayden,Lane, the fourth vote they will use Brit, but in order for the backdooring of Brendon 1 of the 4 have to win POV. then if the other hg vote differently, Matt as HOH casts his vote bye bye Brendon
@blackgirl- I agree. Matt should definately put them both up together. Even if one of them wins the power of veto, the other will go home.
I am HAPPY Matt won HOH!!!!!!!!!
I laughed so hard after the HOH comp. I really liked Monet but since Rachel and Brendon did such a stupid move to get her out because of Rachel not liking Monet because she did kiss her butt now her or Brendon will go home this week. I find it interesting. What a waste her HOH was she should have targeted one of the guys but no she had to get a girl out. Now she will feel the pain that she put Monet through. And what was her so called big goodbye message. If she thinks that his parents will like her she is wrong. I wish my son would bring someone like her home for me to meet he would be toast and he knows it. I guess their little soft porn show is over. Thank goodness
oops i meant 1 of the 4 besides the Andrew & Kathy, if indeed they are nominated
I still say put them up together. That’s the only way to be sure that one of them will definately go home. I don’t even care which one.
Soooo the Brigade guys think that one of them will most assuredly win POV????? So the winner removes one of the nominees who is replaced by Brendon…Have I got it right??? BUT<<< what happens if one of them do not win POV??? What is the plan then???
Or does Matt think that “whoever” wins POV will use it to remove Kathy or Andrew so he can put up Brendon?? I CAN SEE THAT CAUSE ALL BUT 2 HAVE BEEN TREATED LIKE CRAP BY THE PAIR.
Britney’s bye bye comments to Money was soo funny. Money is truly a cry baby, she didnt belong in a game like BB maybe Top Model.
@BG: Unfortunately, putting both Brendon and Rachel up won’t secure their demise as a couple considering that was tried the very first week.
Nakomis’ Six-Finger Plan is pretty decent for backdooring and all Matt/Brigade has to hope for is that Brenchel doesn’t get to compete in the Veto Comp. If that happens, and the odds are in Brigade’s favor, then whoever wins it will use the Veto and clear the path for Matt to renom Brendon. From there it’s a cake walk to Brendon’s eviction on Thursday.
See everyone, I told you the season would pick up soon!
@ matt- That’s true. I hope it works out that way.
Matt, good point but it is a big gamble cuz there is a chance that one or both of them will get the chance to play for Veto.
My thing is if they are both up together and one does win the pov, it can only be used to save one of them. The other remains on the block. If matt would choose a good pawn to go up against the one left- that one will go home. (hopefully) But if Rachel is on the block and Brendon wins pov and saves her, they are both safe again this week. It’s a huge risk either way.
How can everyone like Matt. The lie he told about his wife…just wrong. Sure rachel and Brendon are super annoying but Brendon is really smart about the game. I would like to see Rachel backed doored and hope when Matt puts Andrew up I hope he lets people know hes a doctor and Matt is nothing but a lier.
Whaaaat?! What was the lie he told about his wife ??
The brigade are boys I cannot root for….especially Matt….what an ego!
I hate it that matt won. That lying snake needs to go!!!
Has anyone’s plans worked for anyone’s favor??? Pretty cocky SOB’s…
I HIGHLY doubt that Brit, Ragan or Kristen would use the POV to save either one, if they won it…
If they want Brendon out, their odds are better putting both Bren and Rachel up.
PLUS…for people who are SO DISGUSTED AND SICK of hearing and seeing Rachel, why not get her out first???
Must not be all that bad if they are willing to put up with her for another week…
Brendon is not and I repeat NOT gonna save Rachel…lol..He has proven that his loyalites are with “him” IN THAT HE DID NOT USE THE POV THAT HE DID WIN ON HER..Now she is so dumb that if she won a POV it is possible that she would use it on him..but then again maybe not..When ask if she would chose Brendon over the money she was very undecided..
I don’t like what Matt said about his wife, that was a bit too much. But he is the player I hope wins this game. (think about the choices) I think he is a good talker, look at how he turned that crap around the other nite. He is PLAYING the game.
But I do agree with everyone about the things he said about his wife- that was wrong.
gahahahahaha karma braychel!!!! Shoulda coulda but didnt keep monet!!
i dont understand why if a couple is on the bloxk and one wins POV why not use it on the other and save both ppl for a wk???? Why dont ppl do that?! Its so stupid
I can’t stand Matt. You don’t lie about something as serious as your wife being that sick. That is just bad karma. I didn’t want him to win HOH. I am sick of the bergade. They are lame…….
I think that if u use POV on another person u are no longer safe…I believe that is right…
@BG: You’re right it’s still risky, but a much, much lower risk than the alternative. If Matt noms both/either Brendon & Rachel then there’s a 100% chance they’ll be able to compete for the POV. If he nominates neither of them then that % drops dramatically. 1/8 (12.5%) chance of being selected on the first ball-draw, 1/7 on the second, 1/6 on the third draw. Those percentages drop even more considering the chance for a “player’s choice” option since Matt/Andrew/Kathy would not pick Brenchel.
@Manic Bloom: The Veto doesn’t work like that. If you win the Veto but don’t save yourself with it and are already nominated then you can still be evicted. Just ask Marcellas… Now if you weren’t nominated already, win it, save someone from the block, THEN you’re safe from being nominated. It only prevents nomination of the Veto holder, not eviction.
thanks i didnt know that!
The brigade should get Rachael and Brendan elminated not Andrew and Kathy. To ensure 1 of them will go home. Rachel shouldnt have got Monet evicted because she wasnt tht much of a strong player as the others. Say goodbye to Brachel. If the brigade was strong, and smart as they think they are they should take out brendan.
Woohoo!!! Chalk one up for the “anyone but Rachel” team. I would have loved to see Britney win because I didn’t really think anyone else had the cahones to go after Brachel. But now, knowing Matt’s plan, I can certainly live with him as HOH.
Hopefully his reign will be less stomach turning than the last.
And my guess is that suddenly, Britney will become much less annoying (and thereby more likeable) without her buddy in the house.
I dislike Matt and wish Rachel had figured out what a threat he is. For that reason, I don’t feel sorry for Rachel if she were nominated this week and it is the same with Brendon. He is in this game for himself and just using her. The only person I like this season is Ragan. The Brigade should be exterminated. What a bunch of creeps.
Oh yeah- Who are the secret lifetime friends. My guess is Andrew and Rachel. I thought that even before he freaked out when she won HOH. They just seem like the least obvious friends. What do you think?
Matt, why did you have to mention that dumb azz Marcellous. That guy is the dumbest BB/reality player ever.
Why not just keep the game good get all the week players out and let this truly be a game. Let the strong one’s fight it out.Don’t be chicken because you have a great players in the game and want to get rid of them and let the weak win. How can you truly be a winner if you get all the competition out and then go up against weak players. Is that really how championships are won.
brenden and rachel never had a chance.. it was everyone against them from the beginning whether it was because brenden was the sabatour suspect or their showmance these kids have a hard game ahead which is exactly why i would LOVE to see them overcome week after week of Hoh’s vetos and evictions.. god im so glad to see that foul mouthed monet GONE! she was an IDIOT! and stop crying already like did you sign up to play the game or wha??? someone really needs to stumble on the brigade i mean did matt really expect to say “do i have an alliance with anyone?” and actually have people answer?? DUH! of course no one’s gonna own up to it haha what a joke! brenden and rachel will keep this show interesting, get rid of them and i could use this show as a sleep aid
what did Brit say in her goodbye message?
PS-can we say anger management MONET!everything that came outta this girls mouth was appalling… constantly threatenting to be ABUSIVE are you kidding me?? lol wow so glad i don’t have to listen to her anymore
I’m really happy Matt won. He’s one of my favorites even after the lie. I just hope they don’t screw up this week’s nominations. Andrew could uncover Matt’s lie if he gets nominated. Also, the P O V might not even be used if no brigade members win it. I don’t know why, but it just seems way less risky to just nominate them both straight up…
There are not many “R&B” fans in the house ..I can see the POV used by a non nominee to get someone else off the block inorder to put one of them up…I can see it clearly…lol..just hope it happens..
Matt needs to nominate rachel, and kathy. Not Brendon. If he IS nominated he gets a chancew to play for the veto, at least if he isn’t nominated, he may not be able to play for the veto. If he does and wins (nominated or not) then they’re screwed either way. If rachel wins the veto she may or may not take herself off knowing that brendon would be the replacement, but either way one of them will go. I like Brendon but he made a mistake by getting with rachel so early and making it so blatantly obvious. Rachel I couldn’t care less for, she’s fun to hate on so for that reason I want to see her stay. Plus she’ll be a basket case without brendon, helllooo drama. I wouldn’t be surprised if on eviction night brendon walks out the door and she gets on her hands and knees admiting her undying love and devotion for him and crawls out the door after him. Ugh Can’t wait till these kids get into the real world with this romance.
I thnk too that Matt would (should) let his plans be known to the 2 nominees..which is risky but smart as by telling them he stays on their good side..I HOPE HE GETS RID OF RACHEL FIRST… because I have a picture in my mind of a big boobed almost naked red head running through the back yard yelling “THIS ONE IS FOR U BRENDON” If that happens is Pepto n’ Gas -x time for sure…
Matt needs to put up Rachel and Andrew, or Rachel and Britney, so no matter what, he can backdoor Brendon. Rachel gets POV and takes herself off, Brendon goes up. Britney or Andrew wins POV, Brendon goes up. And even if someone outside of the nominees gets the POV and leave things as they are, at least Rachel will go home, one member out of that “showmance”, although I think they’re literally head over heels in love so I don’t want to call it showmance anymore.
I havent read all the thread so forgive me if I an repeating BUT.. In order for them to make sure one of them go home Matt has to put them up together, then one of them HAS to win POV to say otherwise it doesnt matter no one else will use the POV to save them. The back door option is a bad idea an TO EARLY in the game for the simple fact if they put Kathy/Andrew then have to draw the names to play in POV, this puts the pressure on Kathy, Andrew Matt To WIN and what happens if they pull Brenden/Rachel to play I dont think they would use the POV to pull anyone off the block KNOWING it would put one of them at risk. Just My 2 cents.. If Matts smart he will nominate them together. We shall see
In one of Brendon’s interviews his plan (when asked) was to get involved with a female on the show causing chaos with other female HG’S so that they will turn on each other..He said he was not above using other people to get ahead..He also said that his plans for the next 5 years was to get his PhD..YEP..sounds like true love to me…love of himself..lmao
And how does Brendon actually get along with females outside the house??? He is 30 yrs old,,He told Rachel that she was his first girlfriend…Good looking dude like that ..never had a girlfriend?? HMMMMMM something wrong with that picture…
Brendon is not a good player, cuz he made himself a target from day one when he made is alliance with Rachel so obvious. So of course everyone in the house will be gunning for them unless they are all stupid.
dammit my peeps are in trouble…i hope one of them wins the POV… we shall see- and i wonder what Rachel will think of Kristen and Hayden’s showmance
Rachel knows her & Brendon’s asses are on the thinnest line possible…She jumped Matt last nite n’ his hair was still wet from the comp. Everybody in the house knew what she was doing…U don’t treat people like dirt n expect favors in return…
I don’t think Matt’s plan is to evict Rachel right now. He’s after Brendon, so he can’t put them both up. He wants to backdoor Brendon. The only way he can do this is to put up two other people and hopefully the veto will save one and he can put up Brendon.
@Melissa # 42 You just made me rethink my whole concept as well. HMMMM Then the only way Rachel would come off is to WIN it herself, or IF Brenden was selected to play in POV and did win then took her off but those chances are the better odds of any nominating them both insures one of them stays an gets taken out. Bren is the stronger player I think and if Rachel were to leave I think Bren would be a better player, if Bren goes Rachel is going to be worse then Brit was HAHAHA OH LORD
What happened to two of the houseguests not being strangers?
Ihave totally lost interest in what 2 ( if any) are friends or related in the house. The guessing game has gotten boring ..I no longer
I really don’t want Rachael or Brendon to go.
Isn’t anyone curious about which houseguests have been close for a good part of their lives? Does anyone else see a very strong resemblance between Kathy & Britney (even down to their dimples)? Why isn’t anyone talking about this or trying to figure out who it is?
I agree with you nancy. i used to think it was hayden and kristen that were brother and sister till they were smooching. how about brendon and andrew being close friends?
I just started watching this but I sure do want Brenden to go home and see what Rachel can do on her own. I hope the other seasons were better.
IM ROOTING FOR TEAM BRACHEL!!! KICK SOME ASS… Im pretty sure Matt is going to nominate Andrew and Kathy and then for POV Brendon or Rachel are going to be chosse to compete. They are going to win POV and leave nominations the same and my guess is that Andrew will be leaving if Kathy doesnt dig her own grave… TEAM BRACHEL!!!
Monet and Britney were coming closer to winning challenges than the brigade. Matt is creepy for the sick wife story. Floaters=Brigade. Brit was the last girl standing. Talk about cocky~Matt always has a smirk on his face. He is smart and he acts like he is. Needs knocked down a peg or two.
The other seasons have been better than this one. Although its now week 3 so it should start to get real good from here on in.
As for the “life long friends” I think it was a bullcrap message from the sab. If it were true, I think julie chen would have addressed it at least once in this weeks live show.
I think this is a good season. Of course nothing can beat evil Dick. but this has been interesting for week 3. Thanks to Brendon and Rachael
Wasn’t it Julie Chen who first announced 2 people were life long friends? think so
I don’t remember her saying anything like that, but my husband does… I’m very doubtfull that anyone in the house knows anyone else. I think that was something Annie cooked up as saboteur, and nothing more.
I could be wrong. We’ll have to wait and see…
ok, I know there are others in the house!! Do we have to watch rachel workout… please can we see other guests!!! Really all 4 camaras???
He most definitely needs to put up
Rachel VS another house guest (not Brendon)
*This way they can still guaranteed backdoor Brendon.
If they put up Rachel, that leaves either her or Brendon to win POV, knowing that if Rachel wins it she may or may not remove herself, while keeping Brendon in mind. If Brendon wins the POV, he may save Rachel from elimination–which then gives Matt his opportunity to backdoor Brendon. (that is if Brendon gets to compete in the competition with the chance his name may or may not be drawn).
This way, it gives them a broader chance with the fact that the other houseguest up can win, Matt can win, and then if he fills in and ensures the other houseguests that his main strategy is to get Brendon out, they may use the POV to get off the other houseguest(especially a brigade member) which leaves the slot open for Brendon.
No Julie Chen hasn’t said anything about the 2 “friends”. It’s all BS. I wonder if Monet got sequestered with Annie. Something must be happening with that.
–Regardless, if Brendon wins or the other houseguest who wins or person who wins POV decides to leave the nominations, at least youg get rid of Rachel.
Matt cannot backdoor Brendon if he wins POV and uses it to save Rachel. He will be safe. That is the worst case scenario if he goes up or not. But thanks for echoing my comment, lol.
Yep. It came back to bite them in the butt. This is what Rachel gets for playing the game with a personal vendetta. I’m %99 sure that Brenden will go home.
This season has been a toss-up so far. There’s no one I love yet, but there are quite a few people I hate. Unlike past seasons, it’s not so much the macho guys who try to rule the house that ire me, but instead the annoying girls who claim they’re smart but end up doing the stupidest things. Hopefully we’ll find someone worth liking this week.
Monet was not “LIVE’ on the Early was taped conversation from last nite…
ahhh I forgot about that little part….
and sorry i didn’t see your comment, but i did just scroll up and read it.
Well then nevermind that wouldn’t work.
Then his best option is to use the plan he has now…
or still put one up, and hope that the other doesn’t get to compete in the competition (B&R)
Last night during the live voting Julie said something about Kristen voting like her longtime friend just as she was entering the dr. Or did I misunderstand her?
I am happy Matt won the HOH. Now, Rachel and Brendon will realize that they should have kept Monet in the house. By that time they will be out and sitting right next to Monet at the finale.
I think Brenden and Rachel knew each other before…..I think they were the friends…..It is a plan….hmmmmmm
I am totally wanting Rachel out. Brendan might play a better game with her gone. There is something absolutely weird about their relationship.. not sure what it is. Its just not sitting right with me.
@ Rachaeel
I agree. I want Rachel out too. I’m sick of her voice, fake laugh and constant peep shows.
I would really like to see how Brendon plays this game without her stuck to his face all day.
By the way, didn’t BB tell Rachel that she couldn’t get drunk last night? So how did she manage to do that? Did the other HG give her their share of ‘libations?’
I hope that Matt does go after the Rachel and Brendon. Rachel play as a vendetta against Monet. Everyone says that Monet and Britney were bitches but when you are raised in a small town you are raised different. I am not a prude but my Grandmother always told me to leave somehthing for the imagination. I am an older woman and my mother told me that if I acted like she did her and all of my aunts and uncle would be waiting on me to get off of the plane and kick my ass for my behavior. Rachel was acting like a slut and that is the bottom line and Brandon got suckered into it. If she was so smart she would have gone after one of the guys and not target the women out of just being just jelouse becuase she did not talk to her for 13 days. Monet has a lot going for her and I wish her all of the luck in the world. Rachel was just petty and now she will pay for what she did. So bye bye Rachel or Brendon. I really don’t care which one as long as one of them are gone.
She will be crying all week and now she will feel what she did to Monet. Karma is a bitch and she will get it back . If she would have thought about it it would have made the brigade break ranks. But she was so green with envy that she could not see the forest for the trees.
Monet was all of that. And yes if I was on the show I would have probably said the same things that Britney and Monet was saying she just acted so badly with the drinking and draping herself all over Brendon. They are going to pick them off one by one now. And I am going to sit back and laugh.
Come on BB!!! There are enough other people in the house that all four feeds don’t have to show R&B. Frankly THIS viewer is sick to death of them….
Has there been any mention of whether or not Monet has also been sequestered?
@Dchyrisse: I agree with what you said #79 about Rachel the way she has been dressing reminds me of a common street walker,the other women in the house sure do dress a lot better. I personnaly like a lady who only shows a little teaser here and there.
live feeds are a little boring w/o brtiney AND monet.
its gunna be hard for her to stay in the game (britney)
i love how matt is so dang honest. this would not be good strategy unless u have something like a 4 MANlliance. haha. screw “the brigade” i call them the MANlliance. MEN RULE THE WORLD.
thats their slogan.
iam going to love watching brendon and rachel scerm this week. rachel made a big mistake playing personal with her game last week. not she realizes, a week of no return. her fate is already decided basically. either her or “HER MAN” is leaving.
she needs to stop saying that two. i mean i know BB prolly coaches her up and tells her to egg on her relationship WE AS FANS NEED TO REALIZE THAT ASPECT but she really comes off now that she is here to play the game
she is clearly only hear to see where here relationship goes.
she completely messed up last week with her power.
i call it the 3 P’s. here it what she did wrong
Power trip
Personal gameplay
Pretty awful gameplay
3 of those P’s equal
Piece,….when u get evicted. its simple math
Glad to see you go, Monet…hope you’ll be seeing Britney again before too long! Why is Kristen not shown more on BB? Is she that boring or is it some other plan? I think Matt and Andrew are the “old friends.” But I change my mind every episode, so who knows?
I neither like nor dislike Brachel. I could care less if they stay or go. In fact, at this point I don’t even have a favorite. Probably Enzo if I had to name one. I just can’t understand the huge Brachel attraction – Rachel is NOT as attractive as almost every other girl in the house. Must be her “science” smarts.
OK yeah he fibbed about his wife. However it is an actual condition…so if Andrew does try to out Matt he is just going to make himself look like a fool.
Brendon and Rachel are more in it for themself as a couple then for the game… (Rachel more than Brendon I think) but either way they both need to go home!
Rachel totally outed their “plan” with Matt..really nice!
It is getting interesting!
You guys wanna hear something hilarious from the feeds just now? Britney has SOLVED the pair… wait for it…. Kristen & Hayden are twins! They have the same skin tone, mouth, & birthmark. She’s convincing Matt & Lane of this.
Obviously we know that’s not true since they’re a showmance, but apparently none of those three know about it.
Please don’t mess this up Matt. He’s overthinking. 5 people will defend putting Brenchel up, and there is a better chance one of the brigade or Brit can secure POV and do nothing. Brenchel knows this is payback time. Brendon should have voted Matt out! Too late. Put them both up. Only Kathy will defend Rachel. Really you have 6 if Andrew is on Matts side anyway. Get it done.
im a “brachel” fan but im also a fan of the “brigade” so its hard for me to chose which side i want to win but this has been another good year for big brother they kept it very interesting and dramatic, im glade matt has hoh if they want andrew out they have 4 votes enzo,lane, hayden, and im sure hayden will tell kristen to vote out andrew haha
I can read something just as well if they are in normal font. No need to CAPS everything.
Many people have been saying that Britney and Monet are immature. The same can be said about Rachel. I am so sick of the goodbye messages she has recorded. “You tried to break me and my man up, blah, blah, etc.” Kristen has the personality of a rock. I wonder how long she is going to last in this game.
I do not mind if anyone types in Caps Lock or not. This is just a chat room, not a professional environment. Type how you want, free country, let’s just enjoy each other’s points of views and have fun!!!
I think precisely because she has the personality of a rock and doesn’t/won’t make waves is presicely why she’ll probably make it to the Final Four without winning anything.
Erm… Precisely, I mean. I’m tired…..
Matt just made a deal with braychel that he won’t pit them up but if someone wins pov they go up.
In fact, I would bet money on Ragan/Kristen in the Final Four because of my reasons mentioned above for Kristen, and because Ragan is every females best friend and the ignorant gorilla alpha males in the house will underestimate him for being gay, he’ll make it far, but he’d be smarter to throw some comps… He’ll start being a target if he keeps kicking ass in all the comps.
these hg’s play so wrong. they all are so scared to be the bad guy. come on. its getting so hard to make myself watch.
thanks torch @82 for your compliment I just think that she should dress better and not be such a fluzzy. I think that Brendon is getting tired of her. I heard him say that he did want to see her get wasted last night. And I really thinks that he know deep in his heart that his family would not approve of her. And he needs his family and not someone like that in his life. I really think that he could be a good person. He is a teacher for goodness sakes. Is he not thinking about what the school is going to think about him as a teacher. Regan is a teacher and he conducts himself a lot better.
In my profession I have a moral clause and I would not let anything ruin my job. They could have conducted themselves in a better way. She was whinning last night that all of the people that she thought was her friends were dropping off of the boards. They can say what they want about Britney but she was the last woman off and not the first one.
Thanks so much for that link to the “nudie” shots ha ha ha that was awesome! There’s some great shots of last season’s as well.
Rachel reminds me of “Sam the Eagle” from the Muppet Show. I swear that them two were separated at birth.
I think that Rachel would do 100% better at playing this game if she only had to worry about herself and not Brendan!! just sayin…
@Laura: Monet’s interview was performed by email only just like Annie’s so I think it’s safe to say that Monet has been sequestered as well. Our interview with Monet will be up soon thanks to Ashli Rae’s hard work!
@All: Yes, please avoid ALL CAPS. It comes across as yelling and is commonly considered rude. Much thanks.
@Matt: do they sequester them together or seperate.
That is funny because I am so a Brendan fan and I think he would do better if Rachel goes home. Sorry but I hope Brendan plays POV and he wins and he keeps it like it is. Hey Matt of this site, if Brendan was to play for POV and win and he used it to take Andrew down, would still mean they couldn’t put him up there?
I think the POV who was not an original nominee cannot be put up.
@Torch: I believe they are kept separate to avoid “sharing notes”, but I could be wrong.
@Trish: If Brendon wins the Veto comp he is immune from nomination. So he could save Andrew and then Matt would have to put up anyone but Brendon or Matt (or his other remaining nominee, of course). So the Veto makes the winner safe from nomination, but not from eviction if they’re already nominated and choose not to use it.
I just think that Matt is making a mistake if he doesnt put Brachel up together. Matt is smart he is playing for himself not the brigade. He better be careful though.
I don’t get who Matt is afraid of offending if he puts them both up! Brenchel has gotten their way for two weeks. They were smart enough to put both Brit and Monet up knowing at least one would go. Unless Matt, Brendon, Rachel are on CBS payroll now and have to keep each other in the game.
You go Matt!! We are glued to the T.V. this season. Tell Rachel she looks like Wynona Judd and that is not a compliment:)
When Monet left the house last night, I watched Kathy and Britney interact. Kathy went immediately over to Brit, hugged her, stroked her face and this very knowing look passed between them. My money is on Brit and Kathy being connected. My money is also on Brit being engaged to Kathy’s son. Just sayin’.
Bok choy contains glucosinolates. These compounds have been reported to prevent cancer in small doses, but are toxic to humans in large doses. In 2009, an elderly woman who had been consuming 1 to 1.5 kg of raw bok choy per day developed hypothyroidism, resulting in myxedema coma
Why does everyone keep going back to this connection thing? Annie threw it out there just like she threw out the whole “you missed me this week”, which was obviously a lie since she went home the same day. You guys really don’t think it was just another way of her trying to screw with the HG’s heads? Apparently it’s screwing with many of you guys, but I absolutely don’t believe it.
LOL I love Brandon’s reaction to the havenot food,the little crybaby “I should have F***ing thrown it” it was funny though when he tried to eat the rest of the fish sticks and I guess BB told him no afterwards Enzo was like ketchup it is LOL Enzo is hilarious!!!!
lol yeah i thought brendon was being a little b** also !!
what is the food of the week???
baby food and bok choy !!
WELL NEVER HAD BOK CHOY..but baby food sometimes don’t taste too bad
lol connie
I hope that if Brendon does get to play for the POV that all of the wierd food will have him not play as good, I want him gone!!!!!
Has Matt decided on his nonminees….cause Im sure Rachel has attached herself to him with a short cord..
Bok choy contains glucosinolates. These compounds have been reported to prevent cancer in small doses, but are toxic to humans in large doses. In 2009, an elderly woman who had been consuming 1 to 1.5 kg of raw bok choy per day developed hypothyroidism, resulting in myxedema coma. I googled this….scary !!
or she could use one of those “hair extentions” to tie herself to him…Dam MATT is not gonna get a break from her this week..just watch n’ see…lol
Why is it funny? I think Brendan should have been able to eat the rest of the fishsticks. Some of you are too mean about Brendan. Come on. He has been on Slop for coming on 2 weeks, see HOW any of you would last and not cry about it. LOL Just saying…….
Thank you Matt for the info. Ok put up Andrew and Kathy, hopefully Brendan gets to play POV and wins it and the nominees stay the same. I don’t get some of you who say yeah for Matt for winning HOH. I guess it is entertaining to watch him play everyone and listen to his lies. I liked him till he told the lie about his wife dying. Sorry, that went way over the line for me. It is not funny….
@connie looks like andrew and kathy will go up
nom are later today…
@ Connie
I don’t know he may change his mind but, last I heard he is going to nominate Andrew and Kathy. Let Kathy think that she is the target but his main goal is to backdoor Brendon. Good plan but it will not work if Brendon wins POV so I hope that the plan works but it would be better if he just nominated Brendon and Rachel together so at least one was guaranteed to go home but I guess he is worried about a repeat of the first week so he wants to backdoor him. I don’t care how it is done just get one of them out of there Matt!!! LOL
I was not laughing about the HG’s not being able to eat…I just made a comment about the 2 foods..I figured ENZO would be the big baby about it..Has he not been a have not for 2 weeks as well??
Thanks guys appreciate the info….Have the 2 possible nominees been told that they are both pawns..?? OR IS HE WAITING TILL THE LAST MINUTE TO DO THAT?? I had to work earlier today so I am trying to catch up..
@ Trish
I don’t care how long he has been on slop, that is the chance he took when he got on the wrong team and when he lost the HOH competition, his fault. His reaction to the food was funny to me……….
and I hope that he goes home next.
matt told andrew about putting him up on the block,andrew was fine with it,knowing of the plan to backdoor possibly brendon…
@ Connie,
Andrew knows the whole plan but I don’t think that Matt cares to tell Kathy.
@kaye..even bb dosent give a f**k about kathy !! have u notice they never call her to the diary room !! lmfao
@ Dany
LOL we tend to think the same things at the same time and just write it in a different way and at slightly different time LOL!
lmfao we just did that again !! hahaha
@ Dany
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! So TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
may be good not to tell Kathy cause if she leaks it to Kristen she will tell Rachel…I HONESTLY think that Brittney would not blow the the plan..She wants revenge for Monet’s leaving n’ she does not like Rachel..
Hopefully Haden and Enzo will talk some sense into Matt. Matt is going for the dramatic event of backdooring Brendan instead of doing the obvious. Rachel is going bonkers though. Meltdown time.
I do not trust that Kristen at alll..she is one more sneaky acting person…Using the norm Matt would put them both up…but he trying to play coy..I think however that at least one of them should be up there just as a back up plan..You never know in this game as the best laid plans have a way of falling through big time..
Matt’s using his head doing it that way. Backdooring is always best to get out a strong competitor. I like how he was being evasive with Rachel on possible replacement nominations.
Ok CBS cut the R&B interest in what those 2 are doing..
i agree with torch on this,i think matt is doing it the right way..
if theres no possibility of backdooring,then kathy goes home,no one is pissed,and his hands are clean…
Let’s go brigade alliance
that’s what I was thinking Dany.
I like Brit’s patriotic bikini.
All I care about is Rachel going home. Her laugh, her voice, her looks all make me sick. If they evict Brenden first I will have to watch it with the mute button on. Rachel will whine, cry and *itch non-stop.
@Summer: You might have to wait a little longer as it appears Matt’s true target is Brendon this week.
I leave for 24 hours & all he!! Breaks out. Has matt nominated anyone yet?
@Matt: Your probably right I just can’t figure out why he would want Brenden over Rachel gone. I think she is more of a threat than she is however my distaste for her might be clouding my game thinking cap. : )
not yet Miss Kristi glad to have ya back.
Thank you torch. Hope you’ve had a good day!
From one of Kathy’s bios<<<Favorite activities: My favorite activities include canoeing, riding 4-wheelers, mudding, street racing (at work in my patrol car… Shhhh!), gardening, exercising, target shooting and riding horses. The woman claims to be somewhat athletic but could not get out of a chocolate carmel pool or jump on a plastic tube. She is suopposed to be a cop…she is supposed to agile and able to move swiftly…what does she do for the PD …housekeeping??? This woman ain't for real…
Oops “He is” not “she is”
not bad 90degree heat,thunderstorms, real exiting day. Brit. looks like she is enjoying her male audience, good conversation thou.
Connie, I haven’t been able to find out much about Kathy before bb. Researched alot of police departments around her, but can’t find her name, but they could just be helping a fellow officer by taking her off of sites. I did howerver found an article that states she’s a cancer survivor. That would explain her lack of performance but wouldn’t you quit smoking if you had cancer? Just an opinion & if it is true, I wish her the best in her recovery but highly recommend her to quit smoking.
@Kaye, well to each their own. I DON’T want Brendan to go home. That is ok too. He is just my choice. No biggie. Enzo hasn’t whined much because he took a slice of pizza and he has alos snuck in some cheese. He got “talked too”. Brendan hasn’t done that. Just saying…..
Funny on the l i v e f e e d s Brit is outdoors with five men, Andrew, Enzo, Hayden, Brendan and Lane. Her and Enzo are talking about her beauty pagent experience…..the others seem bored or asleep…..very funny!
Yea I’m going to be rewinding the LF’s to catch up. Bbad will probly be on by then. From everyones comments tho it’s like the action “might” start to begin but I’m not holding my breath with these hg’s.
@ Kristi….Found that posted info out on Facebook..There are some comments on there from people in her home town as well..She simply does not strike me as a street cop..A Dispatcher …Cell Matron or Corrections Staffer is where I would place her from watching her on BB..go figure
I’m out, check in later. Hope you have a good day!
Kathy is not playing at all. When will they get tired of that? I am sorry but I would want the biggest players or ones that are playing the game in there. That is what Rachel said. I might not like Rachel but she is atleast upfront. People keep saying that her and Brendan have treated others bad in the house. I didn’t see that. Atleast they told you what they thought of you in your face. Unlike Monet and Brit who talked about others behind their back. I guess neither is that good. But Big Red stop accusing others of “taking your man”. :(
Welll what would u have Brittney do..go hang with RACHEL OR KRISTEN ?? Or seldom seen Kathy?? She was the only female in comp last nite with 5 or 6 men…There are more men in the house than women …Just because Monet is gone she should not go cower in a corner..And Britney can hold her own in a conversation with the guys..She is very knowledgeable on several subjects..
It is right to target Brendon. Rachel will probably opt out, or be too lost to find her back into the game.
Yeah like she told Monet in her bye message You had to go cause u was trying to split me up with my man…DUH!! Where did Rachel get an ignorant idea like that..Monet never once tried to interfer with R&B..
@Connie: your Brit can hold her own in a lot of situations and she is far smarter then some thought she was. and listening to Kristen just now on l i v e f e e d s she has it figured out pretty good this game involves a lot of luck and paying attention and flying under the radar.
@Nick>>>And what game would that be “BB’ or “The World is All About Rachel” game
good comment Connie she does think this all about herself.
I for one never said or thought Brit wasn’t smart. I was commenting on how it looked on the l i v e f e e d s with Brit talking and what the subject was at that time. I think Brit is very pretty and I like her much more without Monet. Kristen is flying under the radar, how lucky for her.
@Torch and Connie I agree with your last two comments. Big Red does think just about her. I am tired of “hearing” and “seeing” those quick kisses from her and Brendan. It is like hearing someone smack all the time. Ughhhh.
@TORCH…yes she is…I watch BBAD n’ she holds her own in conversations..She pays attention without the others knowing..And right now she feels like an outsider ..I said before it’s not good be alone in that house…Look @ Michelle from last season…
Have they said who Matt nominates?
Your right on both accounts Trish, I’m sorry if I came off wrong but I liked your comment about Brit. and the guys.
I’m still missing where Rachel had the opportunity to drink. Did she drink when she went to the HOH room? She must have a higher tolerance than she puts on.
Oh no Torch it wasn’t you at all. It wasn’t about anyone. I just wanted to put that out there incase someone took my comment wrong. No worries at all.
I felt sorry for Michelle last season at times she seamed so lost but by the end of the game she started to finally get some street smarts.
Nic your right. I tried to stay up this morning to see that but I just couldn’t. It had to happen after 3 am central time. So she got so drunk she didn’t remember any of what she said? Ummmmmmmm. This morning about 11 am she was the only one up and she tried to go outside but they had a wall up against the sliding door. She then went back to doing jumping jacks and freaking out and crying. Shhhhesh she should know it is Brendan they are after not her. In my opinion it should be her, she is a better game player than Brendan I think.
Is that what yall call kissing??? LOL…Those 2 do not even know how to kiss each other in a real passionate heartfelt way…They smooch..they aint kissing…Watch closer..even the guys will see what I am talking about…Maybe if they did actually kiss each other I could tolerate them better n’ put away my vomit medication….
their about to go on lock down right before the nominations. Matt was just called to the diary room
@Connie, ok it is not kissing, I agree. lol It is annoying and it gets on my last nerves! I put the mute button on when I see them do that. Or if the feeds stay on them two I just walk away until someone else is on there. I might like Brendan but some of his actions are starting to make him seem like a wimp to me.
l i v e f e e d s are off so we know what is about to happen don’t we all.
I’m a guy and I do notice how he mostly kisses her nose and mustache area.
I use headphones so when they go at it headphones come off.
I don’t like Matt’s actions. Sorry. The Brigade need to take a second look at him. Andrew was talking to Kathy. I guess he would throw anyone under the bus as long as he wasn’t out. I don’t think he is behind Brendan at all now. Matt is just acting so damn cocky. WTF is up with that? I think it is funny nooone goes up there much to his HOH room to “hang” but it has only been a day. But Rachel (although I don’t care for her) did have an open door to her HOH room and plenty went up there. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Time for a break, feeds are off…..nominations are coming up I guess…..dinner anyone? LOL
@Trish: I said last night he is a cocky little s.o.b. I bet given a chance he would stab his best friend in the back.
sorry about the “vomit medication” term but @ the time I could not remember how to spell nausea…But yall do see it too ..they wanna bees ..they ain’t seriously involved..
The Brigade can’t hang together right now..or else somebody would get wise…They have to figure out a way to keep communications open without giving their alliance away
Of the four brigade members which one will the others throw under the bus first, I’m thinkin’ Matt the rat.
Thinking maybe Enzo will be the first to go…
i think matt’s plan to nominate andrew & kathy and then back door brendon is going to be a huge FAILURE. has the brigade already forgotten how things have NOT gone their way in this game?!?
i’m going to lmao when BOTH brendon & rachel are chosen at random draw to play in the pov – one of them WILL WIN & NOT use the pov – and kathy will be evicted. then brendon will WIN the next HOH – and all hell will break loose!
matt is a total idiot if he doesn’t put the “showmance” on the block. who cares if one of them wins pov…. all matt has to do is put andrew up as the replacement – he has redeemed himself and is now well liked in the house. hgs would not vote andrew out over brendon or rachel.
come on matty… for pete’s sake – don’t screw this up!!
I think the brigade will have to consider Hayden/Kristen in a couple of weeks. But no one should plan too far because BB still has a week to make up for the drop-out HG plus whomever may come back.
Am hearing u CT…I still think at least one of em should be put up..but Matt has his own game going..
so right Nic i keep forgetting that.
I honestly think Matt is all about himself and once the jury house comes into work he would throw anyone under the bus, including brigade members.
Right Torch…He won’t have a choice..I mean if the Brigade holds together 2 of them will have to go..
I wonder how the ratings are for this season, I so love this show I’ve watched all 12 seasons and all unique in their own way because it’s about how all these different personalities blend.
i agree with both of you about matt – i actually think he has a good chance of winning this thing down the road! but FOR NOW, he needs the brigade to stay strong, and breaking up brendon & rachel should be a top priority for them… don’t you think??
It would be in his best interest but they should bring Kristen & Brit. in with them that might just be the push they need.
Matt must be concerned with Ragen coming after him. If Matt is too strong on the Brenchel thing (which is why he is soft about it) and kicks one Ragen can sway the other, plus Andrew, Kathy, maybe even Kristen and split the house. Ragen is playing good game, and is alone mainly.
in some peoples eyes he will be “THE MAN” if he can get one or both of those 2 out..but then again he does not want to come on “too strong” or his Brigade Buddies will get antsy having him around..
i don’t know torch… kristen is sneaky! i can’t put my finger on what it is – but SOMETHING about her rubs me the wrong way! i hate to hear/watch her talk… she does “funny” things with her lips when she speaks! lol
i like britney, though.
Speaking of the Brigade, I love how they have been able to keep their alliance under wraps.
last night comp. sure was ideal for someone with small feet like Matt. I think those that fell first last night just plain did not want to be on slop.
I said the same about Kristen..that girl is a total “SNEAK”….need to watch her..
any news yet on the nominations?? I gotta enter some work online n’ have to outta here for awhile..
nothing yet I check in between posts.
agree ASHTADI… but i think hayden is walking a thin line w/ kristen. enzo isn’t liking it.
yes torch – perfect comp for ragan, too. i felt bad for him last night on “after dark”.. he kind of “lost it”. :(
what does enzo like besides himself.
lol torch :) enzo is definitely 100% italian! but i kinda like him… he’s very funny at times.
so torch – any predictions for final 2?
If brigade holds up Lane & Hayden they seem a little more flexible. If not brigade, and If she plays her cards right Brit and Ragan
to many variables to get a real good feel yet. the next two weeks are real important.
these noms are taking for ever…
if the testosterone stays in check, lane/hayden might just make it! i’d like to see ragan/andrew there, but i have a feeling matt will make it to final 2.
if i could choose the winner, it would be ragan.
wayyyyy to early for predictions right now….
anyone else kinds bored with this seasons hg personalities or game play???
im with you on that manic
your right Dany1, shoot we don’t even know if anyone is coming back in the game yet or not.
Wow I come back after an hour it seems and the feeds are not on yet? I agree with most of you. The best bet would be to put up both Brendan (Sorry I love him, lol) and Rachel (who can go home anytime). Matt is so sneaky. He needs to not let this HOH thing make his head any bigger than it already is. Why are Rachel and Kristen so buddy buddy? Would Rachel actually knock Brendan under the bus? I don’t know but Kristen was sure talking her about something like that. Ummmmmmmmmm.
just passin’ time dany1.. waiting for noms. do you have a favorite player?
last year i must say,i had a few hg that i really liked,jeff, the one i loved hating,nathalie,kevin,jessie…..this year so far i dont “love” anybody or “hate” anybody…could not care less who goes home really….
feeds are back
feeds are back
They have both Monet and Annie underwraps somewhere. That is not normal, is it? I want Russell to come back. YEAH THE FEEDS ARE BACK UP!
@ ct,i know ,same here bored out of my mind ! lol so far no favorites of mines,but lane is growing on me !! lol
andrew and kathy are up….
kathy and andrew are the nominations
brendon “everyone is out for himself in this game” no kidding genius !!!!
kathy & andrew? dam it matt!..
geez… he’s officially an IDIOT.
@CT: the plan is to actually backdoor Brenden.
Well if Brendon thinks that he’s gotta lose his extra baggage…
at first i was defending rachel,but im off that train!! cant stand rachel and brendon since that stupid useless house meeting !!
Andrew is mad at Rachel for putting peaches in the icedtea.
rachel will be more nauseating than ever to watch now! she’s gonna be bragging about how her talk with matt WORKED and kept her and “her man” safe…
@ torch u were actually listening to that ?!?! (took 3 secs,before switching back) lol im listening to ragan and matt in the hoh !
@Torch… the “plan” will backfire when brendon and rachel BOTH get chosen to play in the pov and one of them WINS, choosing NOT to use the pov. then what??
kathy goes home and they’re both safe again.
matt is an IDIOT.
I had a feeling he was upset with her when they where in the kitchen that why i stayed on that feed.
@torch…gotcha !
i must say,right now ragan is sitting pretty…
Brendan is NOT that big of a threat. He has won no hoh and only one POV. Floaters like Kathy and Kristen are the ones you have to look out for. I think Regan is the only smart one in this. Matt listen to him. You don’t need to get Brendan out yet……there is always tomorrow.
i dont get whats with all the final 3 talk between ragan and matt???theres no point talking about this crap right now…..
ya he is playing all the angles, Kathy is playing this real cool while Andrew is flipping.
i agree trish,brendon aint that big deal really..they give him way more credit then he deserves really…
yeah just saw andrew a little,i think rachel has no idea that andrew is pissed at her….
Rachel sure can be clueless.
@Dany1 I agree. He is flipping out that he is nominated plus he is furious at Rachel. Brendan needs to go in there and calmly talk to Andrew, poor guy.
rachel’s not clueless, torch…
did you forget she’s a SCIENTIST!! :)
god i love enzo !! i dont care what people think of him !! i love listening to him ramble and talk about stupid sh**t !! hes so random !!!
If Andrew is mad at Rachel will he then take it out on Brendan too? I hope Big Red doesn’t come in between Andrew and Brendan’s friendship.
lmfao !! enzo is the greatest !! haha
enzo “andrew is pissed off because the people that touch the food are not kosher !!! lmfao !!!
I missed that about Enzo, I am listening to Andrew being a “baby” and Brendan trying to make the food they get to eat taste good. Brendan cooks for everyone, if he is gone who will cook? Noone else knows how like he does.
enzo “i would rather eat recycled toilet paper,then to eat baby food” lmfao !! haha
LOL Enzo is so freaking funny. I don’t know if this is an act but Brendan and Enzo have gotten closer since they are the only two with 2 weeks going in the half-nots. They are talking and alot of that is in the storage area. MMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
guys theres a new thread,see you there !!
@CT. Just because Rachel is a scientist does not mean she has common sense or the smarts to play the game strategically. She is too consumed with her “man” SMH at her
@ASHTADI. Well said!!! I’m so sick of Clown Tits and her “maaan.” She’s got to go! I have said it from week one and I’ll keep saying it until Tits McGee is gone!!!
@Juules….Matt said that his wife has some rare illness and that he is playing for the money for her to have an operation….
Ok, I don’t agree with alot of you, but then we each have our view and favorites. I can’t stand Matt for many of the reasons stated from some of you. He’s a snake and I hate that he won HOH. I’m not happy that Kathy & Andrew are up, and I do like Brendon & Rachelle, even though she can become annoying at times. I really hope that Brendon wins the POV, & doesn’t use it & wins HOH next week. I hope the Brigade gets found out and they slowly all turn against them & get them out!