Last night on Big Brother 12 we saw power change hands from Rachel to the once again, almost evicted surviving nominee, Matt. Now that Matt has gone from being in the hot seat to the HoH seat I think we’re going to see some drama-causing events ahead this week since this guy likes to cause trouble!
Matt hasn’t kept his plans for eviction this week secret, but those plans have been reported in various forms to different HGs. Read on to find out just who is Matt’s true target for next Thursday night.
Big Brother 12 Week 3 Nominations:
- Andrew
- Kathy
Jump on the live feeds right now to watch their reactions to being nominated.
Here’s what Matt has revealed to his Brigade: Andrew & Kathy might be the current nominees, but should the Veto be won by anyone other than Brendon or Rachel then it’ll be used and Brendon will be the replacement nominee (renom). Should all that play out as Matt hopes then I think you’ll definitely see Brendon’s eviction next week. What do you think of Matt’s nominations?
The Power of Veto competition will be held on Saturday, so stay close and keep checking in for those spoilers too. Friend us on Facebook and get our free email updates to find out as soon as the Veto results are in.
Money gets to come back just to punch Matt in the face if Brenchel gets POV!
I hope that his plan works.
Dont Like This plan it was bettee to have aleast rachel or branden up against Andrew. Lets Hope it works and Branden Goes next week
yes, Matt i hope this works because Rachel will be a wreck the following and they can finally get the idiot out the house!!!
Matt’s plan is BRILLIANT!
I think that would be a wonderful idea
Then again, this might be smart. If Brendon gets POV, he should save Andrew. Put Rachel up and get rid of her. Game on either way!
not gonna happen LOL that’s raychels MAN duh! They love each otherlol
WE MISS YOU RACHEL!!!! HURRY UP, WIN & COME HOME!! Love, your girls at Planet Beach UNLV <333
#7 Nic Oh thats Great that n ever crossed My Mind Oh its going,to be GOOD
What happen’s if Rachel or Brandon’s name get’s pulled to play for POV, & he or she don’t use it ? The nominations well stay the same so Kathy or Andrew will go out the door. Matt has to pull one for himself & the same for the other two to play. Maybe i,m lost on Matt’s plan. Or he’s just nut’s.
If it wasn’t clear, I mean to put Rachel as a replacement. If Brendon wins and does nothing, they are still a target for next week.
What is wrong with these people why do they play games and make up plans? Why don’t you just tell them that you are going put them up and be done with it. Plans always have a way of back firing if he wanted Rachel and Brendon out then he should have just put them up. Stupid
I’m hoping that things get more interesting, because if it goes according to Matt’s plan then the Brigade will rule the house and they’ll just begin picking people one by one until the end, which makes this season extremely boring.
@Manic inBloom Well they think they love each :PP The BB house does weird things to people! XD
the odds are in favor of them not being drawin.
Rachael ain’t gonna win….(obvi) rachael cut the crap with ur stripper ways….
i hope Rachel wins the whole game! Go Rach :)
It’s a smart plan. What if Brendan wins veto, he never has to know they were after him and they can send someone else home and Brechel is still cool with the brigade. Smart move for the brigade, even though in three weeks they all be mortal enemies.
@ ryan..thats takes guts to say that !! lol
@ nate matt already told brendon earlier that if someone wins pov then he will go up
the brigade is a joke!!! i give them until next week once mats out of power and they will begin to fall apart…look at how haydens been seperating to go to kristin. its gunna fall apart soon. Go Rachel! Win BB12!
If Brendan goes who will cook? lol I am sorry but I think if Rachel were gone he would play better and that man is eye candy. I don’t want him to go.
He is the perfect man. He is well educated, smart, he has goals, he is good looking ( lol) he cooks, he cleans after himself…..and he is sensitive. :)
@ trish…”eye candy” ?! lol shame on you !! lol
i wonder how many more times rachel will use the same goodbye message to the evicted houseguest every week lmao. love you rach without you the show will get boring and laugh-less lol
I, just like many others, am growing tired of watching the kiss fest with Brendon and Rachel, but I really like them, especially Brendon. I hope that they are able to stay long enough to get to the jury house, because I really beleive that they feel like they won by finding eachother anyway. Don’t like Matt’s wife’s illness lie. My child has a terrible illness and nothing is funny about it.
Sorry Dany1 but come on! LOL That is the man reason I want him to stay on there. If men can have their Brit or Kristen ( fans words not mine) as eye candy I want one too. I mean Hayden is ok but Brendan if he didn’t open up his mouth is one gorgeous man!
Um “main” reason not “man” reason……although that works too….lol ;)
@ trish lmfao
All us men seem perfect at some point. Brendon may be all that, but when chooses a quickie with the girl who stays in class after lab, then what?? I think the brigade is safe as long as Lane continues to play cool with everybody, and Enzo keeps his cool.
I hope at least half of brachel is gone before jury house, you would never see them anymore (wait perhaps that would be a good idea not seeing them)
one again i agree with you torch
OMG, um Reagen is funny. He just said that he would um “do” a producer for a slop pass. LOL He said “I’m really good too”. Then Kathy said now Reagen won;t be called into the DR room for DAYS! LOL Matt said “or he will be called in right now” lol. OMG>………
and now ragan is sleeping !! lmfao !!
I REALLY don’t like the “brigade” What’s gonna happen when Hayden has to go against Kristen or the brigade? Talk about Kathy and Andrew being floaters, Enzo (who I happen to like) and Lane haven’t really done anything either.
LOL @ Dany1, so that is how you spell his name. Thanks………….:) Yeah that whole bed is asleep, like that was fast…..
Out of all the seasons of BB and survivor Ragan is the first gay guy I have liked he has the most awesome personality.
Brit is now buddy with Matt? Is Matt trying to come on to her? He has been following her around…….and Lane has too come to think of it……..
whatever u need trish !! im there for you lol
im not sure about matt and britney,but lane and britney,thats been “going on” for a while now…
Lane has been flirting with Brit for days now.
OMG, now Andrew is throwing Brendan under the bus. Ok I now hate him……I don’t get it, Brendan is NOT a threat.
@ torch !! what is it with me and you posting the same crap every time!!! damn !! lmfao !!
@Dany1: great minds think alike
I missed the Lane and Brit thing. Ok I know this is a “game” but Andrew, the way he just talked with Matt in the storage unit, he was kinda smiling when he said when Brendan goes I will be smiling and say that is life man. Andrew YOU suck!!!!!!!
i swear we are like twins!!! haha
get used to it trish,u will realise now that u have the feeds of how much things change from one day to the other…
Well everyone says they have a twin somewhere
Yes we are Dany1. LOL I still don’t see how Brendan or Rachel don’t see The Brigade thing. Someone get smart here.
They need Brit on their side, and she needs someone to keep her safe in exchange.
they are playing it really smart meeting only two at a time, and rarely three or all together but only in real quick meetings.
I think that some of The Brigade will go aganist each other sooner than we think. They are now thinking of getting rid of Enzo soon. But damn all this damn talk about Brendan, Brendan, Brendan. I love the man but tell me what the hell has he won to make him such a threat? He is a nice guy right now, he trust too easily, so anyone could make him an alliance with them, so use him people if you think he is such a threat!
yeah u right torch,not like brendon and rachel !!
Regan was right, keep Brendan in longer because that way the target is off your back. I think others are more of a threat than Brendan. I wonder if Brendan knows he is such a THREAT………lol
btw,anybody think that hayden threw the hoh comp yesterday ??? i really think he did
bb producers must be involved in nominations. the “showmance” surely boosts ratings, so there’s no way cbs wants to see brendon & rachel separated. they are the number one target in the house, yet matt nominates kathy & andrew with “hopes” of backdooring brendon when he could have clearly put them both on the block and insured getting rid of one of them by using andrew as a replacement if one of them won pov???
this “strategy” makes no sense – why would matt risk it a sure brendon/rachel eviction….
Awwww Dany1 my “twin”, Brendan (stupid head) and Rachel (hooker) just like each other. I don’t and wouldn’t consider them a threat. Hell Jeff and Jordan were more of a threat but damn if I didn’t love them two………sniff sniff.
CT I agree with you. Smart thinking….that is what I think they did with Jeff and Jordan last season till there was noway Jeff was staying……
all five that went that early threw the comp, they didn’t think they could last long so why take the chance on being on slop.
You are right Torch. Brendan should have dropped. Did you notice the last two were the “small” men in the house?
Ok even I am getting tired of my obessed talk with Brendan, so now I am stopping…….on that subject……for now! LOL :)
feeds are off again why?
good point torch forgot about the slop thing…
The feeds are off again….. I never did get to see the nomination thing….did they show it on the feeds?
Trish, the problem with Brendon is that he showed himself to not be genuine early. He actually was after Annie first and tried to chat her up. Wiping away her tears and such. She played strong and hard-to get/lesbian/sabatour card and Rachel bit the bait first. Annie was able to leave an impression to the house that he had to go. His game might not be as physical but social.
them women sure do hate slop.
If “my man” doesn’t win this thing I want Regan too, he is such a sweetie. Wait till he finds out the lies his good friend Matt has told. I think the jury house will be pissed when they hear about it if Matt makes it to the final two.
on another website they are saying maybe they will be a night time pov comp….yeah right !
no trish they dont show nominations on the feeds…
@Trish: scroll to the top of this thread it’s at the top.
Nic I missed that part. I did notice on an article that showed the group in a picture that Brendan had his arm around Annie. I didn’t have the live feeds then so I missed all of that. Well crap……..I gotta rethink my thinking now…….
Nic I missed that part. I did notice on an article that showed the group in a picture that Brendan had his arm around Annie. I didnโt have the feeds then so I missed all of that. I have to rethink my thinking now……..CRAP!
And they wouldn’t do it this close to BBaD
Ok Torch and Dany1 I missed that part too. Wow I miss alot……lol Yeah I am a blonde so………JK.
Ok….can someone tell me why the HG’s that are out, Annie and Monet are being “keeped” somewhere? Is that normal? Is someone coming back in to replace that 14th member that left?
@Trish… i, too, LOVED jeff/jordan – they were so freaking cute together!
but rachel and brendon make me sick…
“awwww brendon, you’re sooooo AWESOME”
“no rach, YOU’RE awesome – and beautiful and smart – i’m sooo proud of you”
now they are saying its a luxury competition
LOL @ Ct, I am starting to not like Brendan now. I didn’t know he first came on to Annie, who to me is way better looking than Rachel. Is Brendan that hard up? Jeff and Jordan were and still are cute. They are still together………yeah! Jeff is going to be on some channel for something, saw a commerical about him…..
Annie and Monet are in sequester, we believe one of the first three or four evicted will be brought back to replace the 14 one who dropped out this has been done before.
Dany1 were are you getting that info? My feeds are still off…….dammit!
If Matt puts them both up, Brachel, I mean, then they both get to play for POV automatically. That increases their chances dramatically for possibly winning the POV. If neither is nominated, their chances drop dramatically of their names being picked for the POV comp in the first place. Matt’s plan is smart, I just hope the numbers work in his favor…
i tried giving that info before but mod wont let me
OMG i cant stand matt or his stupid brigade alliance. id like to see hayden ruin it with this kryten showmance, and Brachel to win !
@Trish: in between the trivia are annoncments about what is going on when the feeds are off for a purpose.
dany1 I wish I could give you my email so I could get that info from you and maybe keep in touch.
Thank you Torch, I go away when that happens maybe that is why I don’t know anything….thank you though and Dany1 asnd everyone else who keeps us all informed…..
same here its just that with this website its impossible
feeds are back
I know……..kinda sucks! :(
and i don’t know why, but i ALWAYS choose the shomance to win, lol but i agree with the earlier comment that jeff/jordon were cute together, but sometimes brachel is freaking annoying. lmao at the “aww you’re so awesome.” “no, you’re so awesome” “no, YOU’RE awesome” and then their tongues are down each others throats and they’re dry humping until the cameras turn off
I believe they drew names for the veto comp
The brigade is a friggin’ joke. Enzo and his “meow, meow”. WTF? Someone has been watching too many wise guy movies. Matt is scum for lying about his wife having a form of cancer…that’s just low. Lane is just a simple good old boy and Hayden is just…an idiot.
Brendan and Rachel are annoying, but they are only 2 people how in the heck are 2 people a threat to the brigade of 4? I’d be going after the “wildcards” whose votes can hurt me like Kathy, Brittany, Andrew and Ragan. Brit already proved she can”t be trusted week one when she went to Annie and told her the brigade’s “secret” plan to put her on the block.
Damn I don’t care much for anyone in the house anymore but Regan…the Brendan news broke my heart………:(
@TRISH… i think it’s an “online” adventure – hasn’t started yet as far as i know – google it – it looks like fun!:
Jeff Schroeder, star of CBS’ Big Brother and The Amazing Race has agreed to take on the challenge of traveling around the world in 100 days with no money in his possession on the online reality adventure “Around the World for Free”. Traveling with only a backpack, Jeff will depart this summer on his newest adventure.
brendon and rachel are both playing in the pov comp !!!!!!
does anyone know who or when we will know, who the next person to win POV is?? (after matt wins hoh)??
there was no “hg choice” this time !! sounds like cbs had something to do with this…again !!!
i’d love to see matt’s plans foiled if brachel wins the pov!!! :) eeeeexcellent! *in mr. burns voice*
Trish…What Brendan News?
I agree with you Rob. I think they did pick for the Veto because they are talking about Enzo being the “host” and Rachel is upset again so I guess her and Brendan did not get picked………oh well bye bye Brendan….
anyways the hg know that that stupid bag is rigged !!
@trish, brendon and rachel are playing in the pov
i keep seeing the word “hope” in comments about matt backdooring brendon…
it’s a tricky word, ya know.
it got obama elected —- and how’s THAT workin’ out for everybody!!! :(
sorry guys… that was totally off topic. i shouldn’t have posted it.
oh booo this isn’t a political board for crying out loud
Now I am confused……Brendan is talking like Rachel is playing in the Veto, and he told Andrew he would help him, Andrew whispered you can’t pick me over your “girl”….
matt,andrew,kathy,brendon,rachel,and lane are playing the pov
i just find it so ‘odd’ that cbs elimited houseguest choice, and coincidently brachel are playing in the veto. maybe something about keeping the ratings for the showmance??!!??
Ty Dany1, my “twin”, damn what is wrong with my feeds? I didn’t get that at all……I just don’t know…..I BEEN sitting at my computer for over 2 hours and I am missing all of that……..who else is playing Dany1? I know Enzo is the host…..
Evidently Brendan and Rachel are both in the POV competition. Evidently Brendan’s name was picked first. What do you bet that the chits in the bag had a lot of Brendan and Rachel names on them as compared to all the other HG names – that the producers stacked the odds so that Brachel would be playing?
OF COURSE brendon and rachel are playing in the pov! – and one of them will win!
so much for matt’s “plan”…
what an idiot.
@Trish…sounds like Andrew knows (or at least surmises) the back door plan.
His way of saying if you save me one of you is going….
steph like i said that stupid bag is rigged,im not even joking about that,hg are not aloud to see how many of each names there is in the bag,there could be like 10 rachel,10 brendon,and then 1 of each hg !! seriously !!
There can’t be more than 1 of each name because then 1 person could be picked several times for the pov
I heard that to Trish. maybe brenden wants to get Rachel out so he can really play the game, and I just heard Brit is the last name pulled.
can’t wait for rachel to get evicted.
Rob Andrew does know. He is part of the plan. I heard him and Matt in the storage unit saying that stuff….that is why I am mad at Andrew, Brendan is talking nice about him, wanting to help him and Andrew is stabbing him in the back…….
@trish check my comment #108
dany1…. what would happen in brendon or rachel are pulled like 10 times each. wouldnt that tip something off. so i wouldn’t say its rigged.
no lane,its britney,sorry my bad
@ dany1 i totally believe it now… i had heard of cbs messing with the games in other seasons, but never really put much faith in it. this is the first year i have gotten the live feed and i now my eyes are open to cbs lol. and since im here and mentioned that i havent had live feed before… do they always cut the feeds so dang much? its really kinda annoying, i thought it was supposed to ‘uncensored’!
good point # 119 !!
LOL @Dany1 comment #108 is my comment. LOL But yours is 109 and I read it. Thank you. I am giving up on the feeds, I am missing out on stuff and so I will just read it here…….:)
@Trish…WOW! Why on earth is Andrew trusting Matt? Geez, every person in that house this season is stupid! Not one of them can read any of the others. At least in the past seasons you had contestants who could look and say “That person is playing both sides” and be right. These weenies walk around fat dumb and happy like everyone is their friend! NO ONE DESERVES TO WIN!
steph,every year it gets worse,they keep cutting the feeds more and more,it wasent this bad the first few years….(bb1 the feeds were free!!)
Here”s your sign !!!!!
lol judy
Yeah Rob I know. Andrew and everyone really are stupid. The Brigade are NOT much hiding it, noone knows anything in there! Brendan is starting to know or realize that everyone is after him and wanting to backdoor him……..he is confused to why though?
@rob.. you are completly right. i think these house gets are not right for Big Brother.
Judy this is my first year to have the live feeds and I am getting fed up…….
guests*** my bad
This is my first year to have the feeds and they are not what they cracked up to be….damn.
dani does make a good point! but i still stick by my original post. its just odd that the houseguest choice was taken out, when there was so much talk about who they would choose if they drew houseguest choice,(suddenly they dont have the option!)
maybe the feeds arer bad because the hg’s are boring and stupid and cbs doesn’t even care about this season.
There were no houseguest choice? THAT is weird. Ok Big Brother, I love or ok, I like Brendan but don’t fix this. Not fair.
I think that what Matt is doing is a good idea, but very risk at the same time.
Ok the choices picked were Brit, Rachel and Brendan? Really? mmmmmmmmmmmmm something is fishy!
I think it’s like watching a live comedy,and their all trying to guess what pov going to be.
can someone explain why it is so weird that brit rachel and brendon were picked to play in the pov
nvm i figured it out
Ok Dani my thinking is because Rachel and Brendan really I mean REALLY need to play in the POV for a chance at not going home. Brit well she is not that strong a player. There were no Houseguest choice for the first time. That is why I think it is weird……
When will we know who won the POV???
Well they play it tomorrow so maybe tomorrow night? Ok I AM OFF this for now. Good night all.
niiiice. Thank you!
@dani… im saying its weird that they didnt have houseguest choice so brachel had better odds of getting chosen to play… its my theory that cbs wants to keep the showmance alive as long as possible for the ratings. this season is one of the most boring (just my opinion) and the showmance is about the only thing going for it. love it or hate it (im in the latter category lol)
bye trish
late tomorrow Sara, they will probably lock down after BBaD and build the game during the night and have it sometime in the morning or early afternoon.
I strongly dislike Matt, with so many people suffering in this country in pain. He pretends wife is ill? And he smiles, he’s a MD? Karma …
i agree i think matt screwed the pooch by making up that horrible lie, he didnt endear himself to anyone that will be in the jury house and see that, let alone america. but he thinks hes playing a good game……
@blonday you’re right but see my last post to dani
Matt isn’t a MD is he? Ok I couldn’t go to sleep yet……lol I know Andrew is…..
lol hi again Trish ;)
Hiya again Steph………lol :)
@ Trish Matt is a web designer
If Brenchel is called into DR a lot tonight, you know something is up.
what was Kathy telling rachel in the bathroom just now? i missed it, i just saw them hug and say bffs (gag)
Seems like the moment BBAD comes on, everything comes to a stop for an hour and half.
I think it’s a smart move for matt to tell the brigade he’s backdooring brendan, & then keep on B&R’s good side (save himself if they’re HOH) by acting like he’s doing his best to save them under the circumstances. Worst case for matt would probably be if he won the POV & had to go against B&R by using it.
I think this was a smart move. He is thinking of keeping his secret brigade safe and not making enemies in the long run. If his true target is Brendan, which I beleive it is, the only thing I question is what if Rachael or Kristin win the pov? They are not going to take anyone off or will Kristen go on Hayden’s side and how long can they be intimate without her knowing the brigade alliance???
kristen isnt playing in the veto comp. and if bren or rach win then they just wont use it and then andrew will go home.
Ragan only giving advice to Brenchel???…
Really hope BRachel goes home soon. That way, the game can actually start. I’m tired of watching The Love Boat. BOO BRachel!!!!!!!
Ok up there someone thought he was an MD…..
Who is on the block?
right now andrew and kathy are on the block.
What do they mean when they tell the to stop talking about production?
When they talk about anything the production folks talked to them about in private.
Okay one more questions, do they have to stay up? They all seem like they want to go to bed or something.
Nic, thanks.
I think they can go to sleep in the evening but they can still be called into the diary room at any point.
So is everyones favorite?
I can’t pick a favorite. Everyone is so tricky. I find Britney entertaining.
i miss monet… her and brit were the best part of the show
Maybe Ragan screwed Brenchel over. Now they are counting stuff and are all obsessed about the POV challange the producers/network set them up to be in.
Someone please answer me this, Hayden and Kristen are a pair too, why is EVERYONE wanting Brendan out? Why is he such a target?
no one knows about kristen and hayden
they are keeping it on the dl. smart move since they see how everyone treats brachel
I think what Brachel is doing might be smart. I think it is funny that Regan told them to concentrate on past POV’s. I remember Nat the rat and Kevin last season doing this same thing…it might work for Brachel. Ok, I can’t stay mad at Brendan, I hope he wins POV, and the HOH.
They DO KNOW about Hayden and Kristen, but those two are not as obvious…..
WTF is up with Rachel and her short shirts and her showing off her panties? I don’t care to see her pink panties…….ewwwwwwwwww.
well brit thinks hayden and kristen are twins lol, and ppl have suspicions but hayden and kristen dont even hardly acknowledge each other in front of everyone else.
Ok, well I do know that some know about Hayden and Kristen. Brachel knows. Of course The Brigade knows, Kathy knows. Who is left?
i guess just brit :) but i think most ppl just think of it as a crush and not a showmance. i mean they are not constantly sticking their tounges down each others throats and constanly on top of each other lol
I think the POV has to be mental because they want to keep Brenchel in. Just like they made an HOH geared toward Brit and Matt. And a POV geared toward Brenchel. It’s not them playing favorites. It’s them trying to keep the ratings up.
Personally, I hate the Brigade. I feel like Hayden has a way better chance if he goes with Kristen and they team up with Brenchel. Brenchel’s the only team that will actually take him to the end because Brenda’s the only one who has a shot at beating him in physical challenges. The Brigade will turn on him way before final four.
I don’t know what Matt was thinking wither, but I feel like there had to be some agreement there because Brendan and Rachel weren’t nearly as worried as the should have been. Like Rachel said something about just pretending to be worried.
I hope Brenchel stays. They may be disgustingly cute sometimes but at least they’re genuine. I feel like Rachel is a genuinnely nice person unlike Brit and Monet. I can’t believe how catty they’ve been.
I’m not sure about Brendan because he doesn’t say as much, but I like him anyway. I like them better than Jeff and Jordan. At least Rachel’s a good game player and Brendan’s good at challenges
Plus, I like that Reagan is in with them. He’s my fave.
Shannon. There is nothing at all cute about Brenchel. They are a target for everyone – period. There will be no teaming up with them. Maybe Kristen might flee, but not Hayden. Kristen has been around the brigade enough not to be so stupid. The network and producers only care that Brenchel is trending on the blogs. They seem not get that its fake and gross. I guarantee they get told in DR to play it up.
right on nic! and do we really have to have 2 camera views on the make-out session!
This is kinda too late, but I read somewhere that a houseguest was brought back in the 3rd, 6th, and 9th season. So this, the 12th season, the evicted houseguests are being kept because someone will return. Who knows is that’s true.
I’m becoming attached to Brendon and Rachel. I always root for the underdogs, and it seems everyone hates them…even if their showmance is kinda repulsive. I hate meowmeow and the brigade, brittany reminds me of jordan so we can’t have 2 of those win in a row, and the rest haven’t even been on the show. Kathy…what? Kristen…where has she been? I’m still iffy with who my favorite is…it’s too early to say.
If Brit was really a good friend to Monet she would have used the POV on Monet since she knew that nobody would vote herself out.
Who here was a Monet fan?
Shawn, Brenchel are not underdogs. They have had their way with evicitions for two weeks, and were just essentially co-HOHs. – Now Andrew is gonna expose Matt again like earlier this week!!
@Maci…that’s a risky move to make. She wouldn’t know who would be put up in her place. If it was a brigade member, she would of went home instantly. I think Britney would of went home against anyone who would be on the block with her, but that’s my own opinion.
I kinda like Britney. She is a typical stuck up cheerleader…but she does make me laugh. Whenever Monet called Rachel a stripper Britney would always say “Monet she’s a scientist” in that sarcastic voice. I always laughed at that
@Nic…you don’t think their underdogs!? Sure they had their way, but that’s because they won. They had the option to vote out Rachel but they thought Annie was the bigger threat, even though they knew Rachel and Brendon are a team
Then Brendon won POV to save himself. Then Rachel won HOH. How many confessionals happened that stated “If I survive this week, I’m going after Rachel and Brendon”?
As much as I hate to say it, the brigade is running the show. Brendan and Rachel are their biggest threat, which in my eyes, makes them an underdog. From what I seen, nobody else has a good enough alliance. 4 versus 2, I consider them the underdog right now.
p.s.- I’m not using the term Brenchel because it sounds funky.
It might just be semantics here. They are “targets” but they have a big influence. Brendan believes he can sway Lane and Andrew. Andrew is gonna expose the plan though. I wish I knew the POV was a selection. They production fixed it. I might be done with this show untill Annie comes back.
Ok I am watching BBAD and Matt and Brit are such freaking liar sack of shitheads! Brit is lying about what Brendan talked about with her in earlier, she is putting him down big time, the Bit**! She whines more than anyone I know. Brendan has not whined that much. OMG. And Matt, the liar, talking about Brendan lying? Really now? I can’t stand those two and I am tired of hearing them bitch………I have to go to bed now…….I am so freaking tired of this BS!
That is true to some degree. Brendon does “believe” he can sway votes…but he doesn’t know if he’s right or not. I believe I would be a better president, but does that make me right?
It’s such a weird season. I hated the whole saboteur idea. It was so unoriginal…reminded me of America’s player but the houseguests knew about it. I was so happy when Annie was voted out. I’d rather see Monet come back then deal with Annie again. Just because when she flipped out about her being nominate, and took advantage of her “saboteur” and told a lie to make people think it wasn’t her. I don’t like that game play at all.
We obviously just think opposite…maybe were just mortal BB enemies.
Matt needs to be exposed…….I wish I knew why liars talk about other people? I hope either Andrew or Kathy exposes Matt for the lying piece of crap he is!
HELP! Why are they not allowed to sing??
@Trish I agree! I didn’t know Kathy knows about his lie though (I don’t have live feeds so I’m assuming it happened then). Hopefully Andrew has the balls to speak up about it, but then it’ll expose him of being a doctor. There’s nooo way he could try to expose it without him saying he’s a doctor, otherwise people would just think he’s rude for trying to call Matt our because he nominated him.
I thought I liked Matt but I’m not sure now. I liked his game play up until he lied about his wife. You don’t need to do that to win BB. If he confessed the truth himself I think it would benefit him
Are Kathy and Britney the life long friends because they are both from Arkansas?
I also remember watching when Annie was reveled to the houseguests as the sab Britney was the first one to say that she Annie could have been lying about everything meaning the long friend thing.
Do you think Kathy and Britney could be mother and daughter?? Or Matt and Ragan are lovers? Or brothers?? Who are you picking for longtime friends??
Rachel needs to leave she and her laugh are so annoying. And the kissing her and Brendon do on After Dark is so so disturbing!!!! HER man and her just need to leave and be done with it. This is not the dating game it’s Big Brother. Now long lost friends. Kathy and Britney are both from Arkansas, Matt and Monet are from IL and Andrew and Annie are from FL. But just because people are from the same state doesn’t mean other’s can’t be friends from other states. So who really knows. Britney and Kathy can pass for Mother and Daughter but they haven’t even brought it up again since the Sabatouer.
So Ragan is so much more on Brenchel’s side. I think he is uncomfortable being left with the brigade. If Brendon gets up after the POV he will not have the votes. Will be fun to see Rachel freak. BTW two DRs for Rachel tonight already.
PLEASE BB!!!!!! Throw some cold water on Brendan and Rachel or put them in separate cages. I am so sick of seeing those two always in the bed and kissing. It is really starting to work my last nerve. BB12 is not as good as the years past and BB after dark is basically watching B/R. So no more BBAD for me.
I don’t like the “show” Brachel put up but I hate even more the lies coming from Matt and Brit about Brachel. Those two are the biggest backstabbing and liars I have ever seen on BBAD. Hell I liked Nat the Rat more than those two. I really hope Brendan wins the POV and then HOH and somehow Andrew or Kathy lets him know what was said about them……
Brendan would do better if he spent more time with the other guys playing pool and such. You can’t on him having much more success. Even if he survives this week and makes HOH next week he will not have the support – no one other than Kathy or Andrew will need to suck up to him. Sinking ship.
I think Brittney is the s… stirrer and needs to get out. Then Kristen who isn’t even playing the game. The cop just kisses everybody’s butt. Matt’s plan will probably backfire because he already said he isn’t playing on any side but his own
to finish, I then think they should give Rachel a big bottle of Patron and when she is drunk enough she will get with the Ragen!, Hayden’s head will blow up, Gonzo will get stomach poisoning from his Patini and Lane will win the whole darn thing!
BBAD!! Grrr!! So much happens in the day as far as game talk. Four the first 2 hours we have to go through Brenchel make-outs, and people working out. It was just finally getting good as Ragan was revealing Brendan’s plan if he survives and gets HOH. I can’t blame Matt for this plan getting jacked because production fixed the POV selection. We shall see…
oh yeah really happy Annie was the first to go. Now Brittany, Kathy, Kristen, Gonzo gotta go and I think Gonzo and Kathy could be ex’s and have you ever seen such an out of shape cop? Ahahahahaha, I’m from the country and I don’t sound like that! it’s called laziness and pronounce!
I’m sure Kathy does not have to do too much. But in her town she knows all the bums and drunks. She doesn’t have a cop attitude. If she were a big city cop she would have knocked somebody out by now.
I do believe if Brendan had not clicked so quickly with Rachel and she had been voted out before Annie, well Brendan would be sitting pretty right now……..oh well.
just woke up…who are the noms?
matt is a real back-stabbing creep. I want rachel and Brendon to stay. The show will be soo boring
and not worth watching with the rest of them. Also reagan is fun.
This brigade thing is ridiculous! Their names should be, Poindexter (that’s mat,he thinks he’s smart), moron (that fits Lane), conceited (Hayden), and just plain stupid (enzo). I think those names fit a lot better. I mean Lane didn’t even know what the word brigade meant! I can’t wait for all this garbage to blow up in their faces. And for meow meow, go cough up a fur ball and go home, please!.I hope Brendon or Rachel gets picked to play for and wins the POV. Either that or someone with a brain and a spine wins it and does not use it.
I read Andrew and Brendon are friends outside of house. Anyone else see that?
HELP! why are they not allowed to sing
matt,andrew,kathy,brendon,rachel,and Brittany are playing the pov
This is not correct. Lane, not Brittany will be competing in the Veto Comp.
REMEMBER!!! KATHY is really really strong trust me she was even on tv one time for a drug rink and she was chasing people down and bust them she is obviously acting fake and bombing all the comps. She knew if she dropped first people would think she is weak and also she would be a HAVE so she jumped off!!! she is gonna float through and then win HOH and the VETOS and stuff and rape the game.
if the POV bag had more than one name for each player….their name might be pulled twice,
i could see them leaving out some of the names,but not stacking the deck
@Ray: HGs are not allowed to sing songs because those are licensed and copyrighted which means CBS would be responsible for paying royalties and fees on the “performance” of these songs no matter how poorly sung.
Ugh I hate Matt, someone needs to wipe that slimy little smirk off his ugly face, I hope all the members of the brigade go home and also kristen, I’d rather even see brachel win before any of them! Never thought I’d say that.
I think that Kathy will go home because the brigade will want to try to keep all the boys,even if andrew is a weirdo( what was up with those little shorts he was wearing lol)
This season is so BORING!! I can not stand the Brigade. There is only about 4 house guest I like and it is not the Brigade dummies, they are seriously brainless. I hope things start to pick upo in the game or I won’t be wasting my time watching this season. Worse season ever so far.
that’s what all of them get for the crazy eviction last week . they allowed to let matt in the house , even after everything was said and done. so THEIR BAD LOL. i hope it goes according to plan and even though i don’t like the brigade, the house , especially Rachel and Brenden , did it to themselves. May the best MEN win as always LOL.
I understand Andrew and Kathy both got nominated for eviction by Matt last nite and the Power Of Veto Competition will take place this afternoon and the Veto Meeting will take place tomorrow afternoon.
Kevin Silvestris
Worcester, MA
@Kevin: The Veto Ceremony will be held on Monday afternoon.
Matt’s gonna break the brigade up when he sides w Reagan.Matt has nothing in common w enzo,lane and pussy heyden.I see brigade taking on britt and andrew and canning matt.For now its cool,but fires in the oven…..
They already picked who is playing for Veto and it’s Brendon, Rachel and Lane with Meow Meow (Enzo) hosting. So if Brendon or Rachel win Kathy is going home.
I can hardly wait to see when someone discover the brigade bull…..
I wonder when Andrew is going to tell the other houseguests about Kristen and Hayden kissing in the bed.
Kathy is a glowing reason of why I wonder how some cops get and keep their jobs and how they might perform on the job. She’s scared of heights, has bleached blonde 70’s hair and says, “UM” and “LIke” and “ya Know” until I’m blue in the face. She smokes like a train so I can’t imagine her “running down” a perp. They need to do a montage of her saying those words over and over again. Seems everyone else is dumb too cause they never seem to catch that she rarely finishes a sentence and if she does she repeats it until someone leaves. Other than that I’m sure she’s a nice person and her colleagues probably enjoy her but jeesh. What is it with cops? They’re always either fat or women that I’d be frightened if they pointed a gun at me. (ps..I have many cop friends and aquaintances and some of them think as I do).
just sayin.
Due to the fact that I do not care for Matt……Anything he does in my book is underhanded and he needs to get off the power-trip. I do understand that this is a game but unfortunatly, Matt crossed the line when he gave the story (Lie) about his wife being sick. Lie’s in this game are certainly fair game but that is LOW!!!!! I’ve learned thru my yrs. that you just don’t do that. (Did you ever tell a lie either about yourself to get out of work or even about your kids to get out of school because of sickness and then it bit you in the butt because it came true?) Shame on you Matt!!!!!!! I just hope this one doesn’t bite you in the end!
Matt is a worm… would loe for Rachel and Brendon to turn this around a second time!
@ KnilJa from the W.C, I married into the family of police officer’s. No my husband is not but we do have a Chief of Police in the family & very proud of him. It’s really kind of funny when thing’s go wrong & one need’s help, say a child has been taken, wife beaten up, or someone has a gun. WHO IN THE HELL DO YOU CALL ?
I would pick Brenchel over that pussy (meow meow) Enzo and his brigade any day. And well Matt is going to hard to fast and we all know from last season how that destroyed the so called geek in that season. I heard that two guests are best friends or closely linked…Hayden & Kristen? Not sure if its true but those two fit the description perfectly. Andrew knows Matts lying about his wife and he is going to use it when then time is right….to save him.
I can’t let this go ! There was a 7 y/o little girl who died yesterday in Lansing Michigan asleep in her oun bed that her Mommy & Daddy tucked in with hug’s & kisses, & see you in the morning, a drive by shooter shot into houses hit this sleeping baby in the head. Now you tell me K, from the west coast, who would you call.? A BUDDY !!! or 911 ???? She { KATHY } is playing the dumb game } she is a hell of a lot brighter then you, even if she goes this week. Now I’ll take a breath & start my dinner. What the menu ?????
Sorry, I,m so pissed, I hit a lot of the wrong key’s. Here’s your sign. K from the west coast. I lived on California years ago . I know what the W C,is like,
When are they playing for pov
Rachel and Brendon are using each other to get through the game the furthest by making a stupid fake showmance that is not even in the slightest genuine. They think that others will perceive it as cute and feel some sort of sympathy for them. Not going to happen Jordan/Jeff wannabes! It’s sad to see someone from the same place as I am be such a stupid moron and bring out stereotypes in Vegas girls. UGH
I think Kathy and Brittney is related
maybe Brittney is a twin she’s 22 same as Kathy’s son.
I have not seen the feeds maybe Andrew is playing the game and he is not telling anyone,
he is on his own.
I can tell Brendon is going to help Rachel and carry her throughout the season, just as Jeff and Jordan (What Annie said). Matt’s plan is pretty good.
Brendon won the POV so the Noms are going to stay the same and I am sure Kathy is going to go home.
Going to my Grandson’s open house, ! See-ya .
This is the problem with “super genius'” — they have absolutely no common sense. Does Matt seriously think Rachel and Brendan are on his side? Oh, Please. If he’s going to play like that Matt doesn’t deserve to win. How utterly, utterly crazy. Adding excitement to the competition is one thing, but, when there’s that chance of backfiring — you just don’t do it.
I think Andrew & Britney would have been better. Hopefully it would Britney out. She is so annoying! I love Rachel & Brendon so I am glad it isn’t them…at least for one more week!
@ Nic you would have to be a moron to think the POV was rigged. First of all Einstein, putting multiple names in the bag would result in the same person being picked twice, which would instantly out the show as a sham. Also, how do you know the HG choice chip wasn’t in the bag just because it didn’t get picked? Enough with your insane conspiracy theories.
Seriously, smarten up. Don’t let your obsessions and hatreds for certain guests compromise your intelligence.
@Matt: Thank You for the nominees. Please post the POV game results… I’m hoping Andrew doesn’t go home. Pretty shakey move to back door someone when he could have just put up Britney and Kathy, Why use Andrew as a pawn? smh…. The Brigade didn’t seem pleased with this…
don’t they have to pick hg choice out of the bag, no one picked it, doesn’t mean it wasn’t in there.
Also, according to last nights show it looked as if Andrew was starting to believe Matt’s lie, hopefully he’s not for real.
I think Matt should have nominated Brendon and Rachael. That would have guaranteed that one of them would go home.